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PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner


Official Training Materials

Unlocking your
potential to Contents
achieve more
About this material 10


1. Introduction 20

2. Introduction to PRINCE2 Agile 38

3. The 5 targets 52
Welcome to the Learner The Official Training Materials for our 4. Starting up a project and initiating a 66
Workbook for the PRINCE2 Agile® courses enhance the learning experience project
Practitioner Official Training for both trainers and learners, enabling 5. Business case 76
Materials. high quality and effective delivery of 6. Change 86
PeopleCert develops global best practice training. PeopleCert products combine
the knowledge and experience of 7. Organization 96
frameworks and certifications, manages
exams, and delivers certifications. experts from around the world. 8. Principles and behaviours 104
Its product portfolio of more than Our courses use that knowledge to 9. Managing product delivery 112
700 certifications in IT & Digital transform learners from beginner
Transformation, Project Management, 10. Plans and progress 124
to practitioner, utilizing real-world
Business, and Languages includes experience, product expertise, and years 11. Quality 134
ITIL® and PRINCE2 Agile®, two of the of training knowledge to bring the topic 12. Controlling a stage and managing
most globally recognized IP-protected 142
alive. a stage boundary
frameworks, developed and evolved
Consequently, learners will develop a 13. Directing a project 152
by the UK Government over a 30-year
solid foundation on which to develop 14. Closing a project
period. 158
their businesses and improve their
careers. 15. Rich communication 164

16 Kanban and the Kanban Method 172

17. Lean startup 182

18. Further guidance 188

What’s Next? 196

Circumstances may dictate that your trainer decides to deliver the
modules or topics in a different order. These modules relate to the
Copyright © 2023 PeopleCert International Ltd.
PRINCE2 Agile Practitioner syllabus, the PRINCE2 Agile Practitioner
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form and by any means (electronic, photocopying, recording or otherwise) Sample Paper 1, and the content of the Official Book.
except as permitted in writing by PeopleCert International Ltd. Enquiries for permission to reproduce, transmit or use for any purpose this material should be directed
to the publisher. The PRINCE2 Agile Practitioner certification builds upon
This publication is designed to provide helpful information to the reader. Although every care has been taken by PeopleCert International Ltd in the preparation of this
information taught during PRINCE2 Agile Foundation. You should
publication, no representation or warranty (express or implied) is given by PeopleCert International Ltd as publisher with respect as to the completeness, accuracy,
reliability, suitability or availability of the information contained within it and neither shall PeopleCert International Ltd be responsible or liable for any loss or damage review the Official Book and other relevant resources during the
whatsoever (indicatively but not limited to, special, indirect, consequential) arising or resulting of virtue of information, instructions or advice contained within this
publication. training course and as you prepare for the examination.
Appendix – Resources 208

Candidate syllabus 210

Sample papers with answers and rationales 216

Glossary 312

Index 322
this material
The Learner Workbook has been To help you identify what is core
designed to help you prepare for content and what is extended content,
the PRINCE2 Agile Practitioner the module slide decks feature colour-
examination. It provides guidance and coded borders. The slides that
an overview of the course’s examinable feature a teal border are core
content. This Learner Workbook also content and those with a grey
includes questions, quizzes, activities, border are optional extended
and sample papers with answers and content such as activities and
rationales. The Workbook is designed quizzes that will allow you
to reinforce learning and add value to test your knowledge.
your course experience. The Workbook
also includes valuable resources,
which will enhance your learning and
understanding of the material.

Do not forget to use the Official Book

during the course, as it provides
further information on the modules
explored in the Learner Workbook. The
Syllabus Index provided at the end of
the Workbook will help you identify the
sections of the Οfficial Βook referenced
throughout the material.
This course is for anyone who is preparing to sit the PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner Information icons
PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner certificate examination.
The goal is to provide you with a practical
understanding of the format of the exam, build up
The PRINCE2 Agile Practitioner examination is
your confidence and understanding, and ensure
designed to assess whether you can demonstrate Objectives
that you are able to analyse and apply PRINCE2 best
sufficient application and analysis of the PRINCE2
practice in context.
method. The PRINCE2 Agile Foundation certification
is a prerequisite for the Practitioner course.
Aims of the course Timed activity

The examination is designed to assess whether you

Upon completion of the course, you will be able to: can demonstrate sufficient recall and understanding
of the PRINCE2 Agile service management Discuss/reflect/activity
• demonstrate a wider appreciation of PRINCE2 framework, as described in the syllabus.
Agile skills and know-how, and apply this in a
realistic context Two sample Foundation papers are available for Think about/question and answer
• tailor best practice in response to different project you to practice during the course. These will help
circumstances you to become confident in your understanding of
• efficiently navigate the PRINCE2 Agile Official Book PRINCE2 Agile, and familiarize you with the style and
Key learning points
• analyse information and reason whether a course structure of the exams.
of action is effective/appropriate in accordance
with PRINCE2 Agile best practice Take advantage of the mock exams and set yourself
• begin to apply PRINCE2 Agile methodology to your up for success! Mock exams are one of the best Detailed PRINCE2 practice
own projects ways to engage in practice and tackle exam anxiety.
• explain the requirements of the PRINCE2 Agile You will sit a one-hour examination. All questions
Practitioner exam. are multiple-choice and there is only one correct Review multiple-choice question
answer per question.

Remember, this is a closed book exam, so you must

not have any notes or resources available.
The slides that feature a teal border are core content
You will need to answer 30 out of 50
questions correctly to pass.

You can always use the Take2 resit option, which is

available at a fraction of the original exam price, if The slides that feature a grey border are optional extended
you require another attempt. content

8 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd.
Module 1

Module 1

Module 1

The contents of the Official Training Materials are listed on this slide. The use of the PRINCE2 Agile Official Book is vital for both the learning and the examination
process, so please do not forget to reference it and read the respective sections for
more details on the subjects presented.
The use of the PRINCE2 Agile Official Book is vital for both the learning and the examination
process, so please do not forget to reference it and read the respective sections for
more details on the subjects presented.

Notes Notes

12 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 13

Module 1

Module 1
PRINCE2 Agile® is a widely used project management methodology that helps to improve Apart from the Introduction, this course includes the following modules:
project and business processes. PRINCE2 Agile® training covers current Agile and
PRINCE2® methodologies to enhance professionals’ skills in improving productivity and 1. Overview of Agile
delivering value. This 3-day course provides learners an extensive introduction to the
2. Introduction to PRINCE2® Agile
core PRINCE2 Agile concepts.
3. The 5 targets
4. Starting up a project and initiating a project
5. Agile and the PRINCE2 themes
6. Change
7. Organisation
8. Principles and behaviours
9. Managing product delivery
10. Plans and progress
11. Quality
12. Controlling a stage and managing a stage boundary
13. Directing a project
14. Closing a project
15. Rich communication
16. Kanban and the Kanban method
17. Lean startup
18. Further guidance

Notes Notes

14 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 15

Module 1

Module 1
Overview of PRINCE2 Agile Practitioner

This slide outlines the key syllabus topics that will be covered in this session. A project is a temporary situation where a team is assembled to address a specific
problem, opportunity or change that is sufficiently difficult that it cannot be handled
as BAU. It may even be a collection of BAU items handled collectively. An example of
a project would be the creation of a new product or service; there may be a need to
engage many stakeholders and a significant amount of uncertainty exists. The project
team may be based in different locations, the team personnel may change, the project
may last a long time and it may bepart of a wider programme of work. Importantly, it
needs to be managed by a project manager.
A project has defined stages for upfront work before any delivery activity commences.
It also has layers of project management and project direction to ensure the correct
output is ultimately reached. By the end of a project, at which point the project team
disbands (or moves to other work), the product created will have gone into operational
use.From then on it may be maintained and enhanced in a BAU environment.
In a BAU environment, the list of work is prioritized in some form and may be batched
into timeboxes. As the work is completed the existing product evolves, continually, over

This slide outlines the key learning points that will be covered in this topic.

Notes Notes

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Module 1

Module 1
This diagram can be drawn whilst talking to the learners on a flipchart, if desired. This works The Agile Manifesto is not about choosing one activity or the other. It is about favoring
best if the BAU side of the diagram, so the right-hand side, is drawn first. It is important to which activity is deemed more valuable towards realizing the end product than the other.
emphasize that this is routine on-going work and does not need a project manager. Once For example, it is not the case that no documentation should ever be written. It is about,
the right-hand diagram is complete and BAU is explained it may be worth mentioning that if you can choose, you should choose a working software over documentation. One of
Scrum is particularly good in this area. When drawing the left-hand side of the diagram try to the other examples is to respond to new facts you come across rather than rigorously
create the effect of a project management framework wrapping a product delivery approach. following a plan, which might have become invalid over the time.
One of the most popular frameworks to implement an Agile process is Scrum. It is a
framework which defines a process that helps teams to work on complex and adaptive
problems, such as software development. In this framework, the Development teams
work in short iterations to produce high-quality, value-driven results.
Reference Reading:
Agile Manifesto
The Agile Manifesto was written in February 2001 by seventeen independent-minded
software practitioners.

The term ‘agile’ was created in 2001 ( when a group of

‘independent thinkers around software development’ came together to talk about an
alternative to the heavyweight, document-driven processes that existed at the time. Known
as the ‘waterfall method’ (see Figure 2.2), these old-fashioned processes comprised
a sequence of technical phases that were slow and struggled to respond to changing
requirements, particularly when they were mired in too much detail from the start.

Notes Notes

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Module 1

Module 1
Do you know any Agile methods and approaches? This slide explains the Agile methods To summarize, it is better to use PRINCE2 Agile if there are lots of unknowns, where
and approaches. the projects are more complex, difficult to define detailed requirements upfront and
therefore to define estimates at the beginning of the project
It is better to use the traditional approaches when there are few unknowns, project is
less complex, easy to define exact requirements upfront and therefore easy to estimate
and plan the project from the very beginning.
Care should also be taken not to try to apply PRINCE2 Agile if the organisation is not
ready for it, e.g. if they have not been trained, if their existing way of working hinders the
Scrum roles and responsibilities and people are not open to learn.
Many times the Scrum Team gets training in PRINCE2 Agile but the project owners
miss out. It is strongly advised not to start using Scrum until every role has received the
necessary training and understands the roles and responsibilities.

This slide explains the Agile methods and approaches.

Notes Notes

20 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 21

Module 1

Module 1
1. Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery Example of how Agile principles evolved to number of frameworks, methods, practices,
of valuable software. techniques etc.
2. Welcome changing requirements, even late in development. Agile processes harness
change for the customer’s competitive advantage.
3. Deliver working software frequently, from a couple of weeks to a couple of months,
with a preference to the shorter timescale.
4. Business people and developers must work together daily throughout the project.
5. Build projects around motivated individuals. Give them the environment and support
they need, and trust them to get the job done.
6. The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and within a
development team is face-to-face conversation.
7. Working software is the primary measure of progress.
8. Agile processes promote sustainable development. The sponsors, developers, and
users should be able to maintain a constant pace indefinitely.
9. Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design enhances agility.
10. Simplicity, the art of maximising the amount of work not done, is essential.
11. The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organising
12. At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective, then tunes
and adjusts its behaviour accordingly.
Example of how there are similarities and differences between each Agile practice.

Notes Notes

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Module 1

Module 1
• Kanban
It is a method for developing software products & processes with an emphasis on
just-in-time delivery while not overloading the software developers. It emphasises that
developers pull work from a queue, and the process, from definition of a task to its
delivery to the customer, is displayed for Learners to see.
Kanban can be divided into two parts:
• Kanban A visual Process Management system that tells what to produce, when to
produce it, and how much to produce.
• The Kanban Method An approach to incremental, evolutionary process change for
• Feature-driven development (FDD)
It is an iterative and incremental software development process. It is one of a number of
Agile methods for developing software and forms part of the Agile alliance. FDD blends a
number of industry-recognised best practices into a cohesive whole. These practices are
all driven from a client-valued functionality (Feature) perspective. Its main purpose is to
There are a number of specific Agile approaches, as well as a generic Agile style of working.
deliver tangible, working software repeatedly in a timely manner.
Of the defined Agile approaches. Those on the left-hand side are seen as lightweight,
with minimal structure and guidance, those on the right are stronger but are still Agile. • Crystal Clear

Lightweight Approaches It is a member of the Crystal family of methodologies as described by Alistair Cockburn
and is considered an example of an Agile or lightweight methodology
• Scrum
Crystal Clear can be applied to teams of up to 6 or 8 co-located developers working on
Is a very simple Agile process, designed for delivering software in small chunks, taken
systems that are not life-critical. The Crystal family of methodologies focus on efficiency
from a backlog of work to be done. The strength of Scrum is it is very simple. But this is
and habitability as components of project safety. Crystal Clear focuses on people, not
also a weakness, as within Scrum (as within the other lightweight Agile processes), there
processes or artifacts.
is no concept of a “project”, managing delivery of a finite piece of work, with a process
containing a beginning, middle and end. This is where the strength of DSDM Atern lies, Crystal Clear requires the following properties:
being designed to deliver projects in an Agile way. • frequent delivery of usable code to users
Scrum: A framework within which people can address complex problems, and • reflective improvement
productively and creatively deliver products of the highest possible value. • osmotic communication preferably by being co-located.
• Lightweight
• Extremely simple to understand Crystal Clear additionally includes these optional properties:
• Extremely difficult to master • personal safety
• focus
• Lean software development • easy access to expert users
• automated tests, Configuration Management, and frequent integration.
Which came from the manufacturing environment, is all about efficient processes. Lean
Fuller Approaches (but still Agile)
software development is a translation of lean manufacturing and lean IT principles and
practices to the software development domain. Adapted from the Toyota Production • Dynamic systems development method (DSDM)
System, a pro-lean subculture is emerging from within the Agile community. It is an Agile project delivery framework, primarily used as a software development
• XP method. DSDM was originally based upon the Rapid Application Development (RAD)
method. In 2007 DSDM became a generic approach to project management and solution
Contains mainly programming practices such as Test Driven Development, Pair
delivery. DSDM is an iterative and incremental approach that embraces principles of
programming, Continuous Integration, but little management.
Agile development, including continuous user/customer involvement.
DSDM fixes cost, quality and time at the outset and uses the MoSCow prioritisation of

Notes Notes

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Module 1

Module 1
scope into musts, shoulds, coulds and won’t have to adjust the project deliverable to meet
the stated time constraint. DSDM is one of a number of Agile Methods for developing
software and non-IT solutions, and it forms a part of the Agile Alliance.
The most recent version of DSDM, launched in 2007, is called DSDM Atern. The name
Atern is a shortening of Arctic Tern - a collaborative bird that can travel vast distances
and epitomises many facets of the method which are natural ways of working e.g.
prioritisation and collaboration.
The previous version of DSDM (released in May 2003) which is still widely used and is still
valid is DSDM 4.2 which is a slightly extended version of DSDM version 4. The extended
version contains guidance on how to use DSDM with XP.
• Agile Unified Process (AUP)
(AUP) is a simplified version of the IBM Rational Unified Process (RUP) developed by
Scott Ambler. It describes a simple, easy to understand approach to developing business
application software using Agile techniques and concepts yet still remaining true to the
RUP. The AUP applies Agile techniques including test driven development (TDD), Agile
Modeling, Agile change management, and database Refactoring to improve productivity. This figure explains the positioning of the Agile approaches.

• The Open Unified Process (OpenUP)

It is a part of the Eclipse Process Framework (EPF), an open source process framework
developed within the Eclipse Foundation. Its goals are to make it easy to adopt the core
of the RUP / Unified Process.
OpenUP preserves the essential characteristics of RUP / Unified Process , which
includes incremental development, use case and scenarios driving development, risk
Management, and architecture-centric approach.
The most Agile and lightweight form of OpenUP, OpenUP/Basic, targets smaller and co-
located teams interested in Agile and incremental development. Small projects constitute
teams of three to six people and involve three to six months of development effort.

Agile has come a long way since 2001 and is no longer just ‘an IT thing’. It now includes
situations that are large scale, complex in nature and happening in a wide array of
contexts far beyond software development. Nowadays, most organizations are aware of
the term agile, and every organization should have a strategy in place to adopt it to some
degree. For many years it was seen as a niche area; it is now mainstream and is used
by organizations that are large and small, old and new, public sector and private sector.

Notes Notes

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Module 1

Module 1

1. How is timeboxing typically described?
A. As a behaviour.
B. As a framework.
C. As a technique.
D. As a concept.

2. Which characteristic is MOST likely to apply to a project using PRINCE2 Agile?

A. Operational teams are stable and work well together.
Along with the agile frameworks there are a variety of behaviours, concepts and
B. Teams already have accurate metrics for business as usual (BAU) work.
techniques that are seen as being part of the agile way of working. The table only provides
a few illustrative examples of what is seen as agile. It is not a complete list and it is not C. Teams remain in place after completing work.
necessary to be strict on the exact terms used (for example, whether or not something
D. Teams are created as the environment is temporary
is a technique or a behaviour).

3. Which describes an agile approach which can be integrated with PRINCE2 Agile?
A. TA framework of principles, values, and methods to manage project delivery.
B. The processes and tools that may be applied to a sequence of technical phases.
C. A technique to determine favourable and unfavourable factors for a given situation.
D. The improvement of processes to maximize value by removing wasted time and effort.

This slide outlines the key learning points that were covered in this topic.

Notes Notes

28 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 29
Module 1


1. How is timeboxing typically described?

A. As a behaviour.
B. As a framework.
C. As a technique.
D. As a concept.
Correct. Burn charts, user stories,
retrospectives, timeboxing, and measuring
flow are generally seen as techniques. Ref tab

2. Which characteristic is MOST likely to apply to a project using PRINCE2 Agile?

A. Operational teams are stable and work well together.
B. Teams already have accurate metrics for business as usual (BAU) work.
C. Teams remain in place after completing work.
D. Teams are created as the environment is temporary

Correct. A temporary team is put together

for a project. Ref tab 1.1

3. Which describes an agile approach which can be integrated with PRINCE2 Agile?
A. TA framework of principles, values, and methods to manage project delivery.
B. The processes and tools that may be applied to a sequence of technical phases.
C. A technique to determine favourable and unfavourable factors for a given situation.
D. The improvement of processes to maximize value by removing wasted time and

Correct. Lean is an agile approach that focuses

on improving processes by maximizing value
by eliminating waste (such as wasted time and
wasted effort). Ref tab 2.1


30 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd.

Module 2
Introduction to
Introduction to PRINCE2 Agile
Introduction to PRINCE2 Agile

Introduction to PRINCE2 Agile

Module 2

Module 2
This slide outlines the key syllabus topics that will be covered in this module. PRINCE2 and agile each have their own strengths and when combined they complement
each other and create a holistic approach to managing projects in an agile way. The strength
of PRINCE2 lies in the areas of project direction and project management. However, it
provides little focus on the field of product delivery. Conversely, agile has a very strong
focus on product delivery but relatively little on project direction and project management.

This slide outlines the key learning points that will be covered in this topic.

Notes Notes

34 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 35
Introduction to PRINCE2 Agile

Introduction to PRINCE2 Agile

Module 2

Module 2
The figure on this slide depicts tailoring PRINCE2 by blending in the Agile elements. This slides lists the important eight guidance points about PRINCE2 Agile and the Official
PRINCE2 Agile provides guidance on tailoring PRINCE2 in an Agile context and covers:
1. PRINCE2 (2017 version) is already enabled for use with Agile.
• How to apply the principles?
2. PRINCE2 is suitable for any style of project and is not a ‘traditional’ project management
• How to tailor the themes and processes?
approach as is typically contrasted to Agile.
• How to produce management products?
3. PRINCE2 Agile is for any project and not just for IT projects.
• How to map Agile and PRINCE2 roles?
4. ‘IT only’ frameworks and techniques are mentioned in PRINCE2 Agile but not
• How to incorporate the fundamental Agile: extensively.
• behaviours 5. There is much more to Agile than the Scrum framework. Agile is not Scrum.
• concepts
6. The most ‘commonly used’ Agile approaches are Scrum and Kanban, but they are not
• techniques.
suitable for managing a project in isolation. However, they can be effectively used in
a project context.
To work in an Agile context, the PRINCE2 project manager and the project board will
need to monitor special behaviours from the delivery teams. These need to function 7. The term ‘Agile’ refers to a family of behaviours, concepts, frameworks, and techniques.
smoothly for Agile to operate effectively.
8. Using Agile on a project is not a question of ‘yes or no’: it is about ‘how much’.
MoSCoW is a technique to prioritize requirements and quality criteria. For example, my
new computer Must have a keyboard that Should have an online connection and Could
be installed with a cable but Won’t have specific windows keys.
Example of WIP is imagine you are composing a difficult report on your system. You also
installed e-mail alert. So during preparing your report, several times you are disturbed by
incoming mail. Switching off the email alert leads to faster production and better focus
on your report.

Notes Notes

36 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 37
Introduction to PRINCE2 Agile

Introduction to PRINCE2 Agile

Module 2

Module 2
It would be understandable to think that bringing more control and governance into PRINCE2 provides a process model for managing a project. The processes can easily be
the agile domain could prove counter-productive. However, PRINCE2 Agile represents a scaled and tailored to suit the requirements of all types of project. They consist of a set
marriage that is based on the opposite view: that control and governance allow agile to be of activities that are required to direct, manage and deliver a project.
used in more situations such as those involving multiple teams orcomplex environments.A
fighter aircraft is built with a deliberately unstable airframe. This instability gives it agility
and allows it to change direction easily and adapt quickly to situations. However, to do
this still requires control and governance! This personifies PRINCE2 Agile.

Notes Notes

38 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 39
Introduction to PRINCE2 Agile

Introduction to PRINCE2 Agile

Module 2

Module 2
This is a good time to recap the structure of PRINCE2. PRINCE2 can be applied to any type In PRINCE2, tolerance is the permissible deviation above and below what has been
of project, no matter its size, environment, complexity, importance, capability, or risk. A planned, with respect to the six aspects of a project (for example, time, cost, quality,
PRINCE2 project follows seven principles that provide a framework of good practice. scope, benefits and risk). Whenever any of these tolerances are forecast to be exceeded
The seven themes describe aspects of project management that must be addressed an exception will occur. It is not that fixed aspects can never flex, but they have tolerances
throughout a project. The seven processes describe the stages of a project lifecycle. The set to zero and would be subject to management by exception if these were expected
PRINCE2 method can be tailored to the project environment to suit the situation in to be exceeded.
which it will be used.

Notes Notes

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1. Which aspect of a traditional project management approach is necessary when PRINCE2 Agile
Introduction to PRINCE2 Agile

is applied?

Introduction to Prince2 Agile

A. Detailed control of a project’s management and outputs.
Module 2

Module 2
B. Appropriate control over the versions of products.
C. Formal planning of all of the project’s outputs.
D. A lifecycle approach to the technical stages of delivery.

2. Which statement accurately reflects one of the eight guidance points?

This tables covers the tolerance guidance for each aspect. A. Scrum and Kanban can be used to manage both projects and BAU.
B. Agile focusses on the use of the Scrum or Kanban frameworks.
C. The use of PRINCE2 Agile relies on teams using either Scrum or Kanban.
D. Scrum and Kanban can be used in both a project and BAU context.

3. Which aspect of PRINCE2 benefits MOST from blending with Agile?

A. Project support.
B. Project management.
C. Project direction.
D. Product delivery.

This slide outlines the key learning points that were covered in this topic.


42 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 43

1. Which aspect of a traditional project management approach is necessary when PRINCE2 Agile
is applied?
A. Detailed control of a project’s management and outputs.
Introduction to Prince2 Agile

B. Appropriate control over the versions of products.

C. Formal planning of all of the project’s outputs.
Module 2

D. A lifecycle approach to the technical stages of delivery.

Correct. In order to be more proactive about

change in an agile setting, as well as controlled
and consistent after responding to change,
a good change control approach and good
configuration management will be necessary.
Ref 14.3.2

2. Which statement accurately reflects one of the eight guidance points?

A. Scrum and Kanban can be used to manage both projects and BAU.
B. Agile focusses on the use of the Scrum or Kanban frameworks.
C. The use of PRINCE2 Agile relies on teams using either Scrum or Kanban.
D. Scrum and Kanban can be used in both a project and BAU context.

Correct. Scrum and Kanban can be used on a

project as part of an approach to delivering
products (as well as for BAU), as long as
they are contained within a wider project
management framework such as PRINCE2. Ref
3.7, tab 3.4

3. Which aspect of PRINCE2 benefits MOST from blending with Agile?

A. Project support.
B. Project management.
C. Project direction.
D. Product delivery.

Correct. The strength of PRINCE2 lies in

the areas of project direction and project
management. However, it provides little focus
on the field of product delivery whereas agile
does. Ref 3

44 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd.

Module 3
The 5 targets
The 5 targets
The 5 targets

The 5 targets
Module 3

Module 3
This slide outlines the key syllabus topics that will be covered in this session. This slide explains the 5 targets by referring to the Hexagon. Tell your learners that you
will give a more detailed explanation for each of the points in this module.

This slide outlines the key learning points that will be covered in this topic.

Notes Notes

48 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 49
Some of these advantages can include: The ultimate resting place for compromises to the level of quality is in the total cost of
ownership (TCO).
• delivering early realization of benefits, and these can be planned around
• helping with planning (for example, dependencies within a project or between
The 5 targets

The 5 targets
Module 3

Module 3
projects, capacity and resources at the portfolio and programme level)
• giving confidence (for example, with progress)
• there may be no choice (for example, external market forces or regulatory
• reducing the likelihood of cost overruns (assuming that resources are fixed)
• improving reputation (for example, with the customer.

Minor change can be handled by flexing what is being delivered through prioritization and
trading (or swapping), whereas major change would usually require more formal change
control processes and may even necessitate going into exception and/or stopping the
project if the business case is no longer viable.

Notes Notes

50 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 51
The traditional response if a project falls behind schedule would be to consider the In order for a customer to understand that this is for their benefit, they need to see the
option of increasing the number of people involved in order to speed up progress. If holistic view that is supported by flexing what is being delivered. If this is not achieved
the work being undertaken is reasonably straightforward, this can solve the problem. then the customer may feel that flexing will not deliver everything they want. It would be
The 5 targets

The 5 targets
Module 3

Module 3
However, when the work is more challenging it probably will not, particularly in the short unlikely that this will be seen as an attractive proposition.
term. This is the primary reason why the tolerance for cost is set to zero.

Accepting the premise that not everything defined in the initial stages of a project must
be delivered is wise. It inevitably turns out that many things do not add enough value to
warrant delaying the project because of them.

Notes Notes

52 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 53
Must have This slide outlines the key learning points that were covered in this topic.
• Must be satisfied because without it, either the output from the timebox will not work
or it is not worth delivering the output.
The 5 targets

The 5 targets
Module 3

Module 3
Should have
• Should be satisfied because it is highly desirable or very important, but it is not a
must have.
Could have
• Could be satisfied because it is still desirable or important, but not as much as a
should have.
Won’t have for now
• Won’t be satisfied before the deadline.

Notes Notes

54 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 55

1. The Marketing Team Manager has confirmed that it will not be possible to complete all of the 3. The Marketing Team has identified the following issue:
work involved in the three campaigns planned for Stage 3, where all three campaigns are
‘The newspaper advertisements during Stage 3 have not been as successful as we had
Must Haves’. The Marketing Director has offered to hire a contractor to assist with the radio
hoped. The sales targets for the end of Stage 3 have not been achieved. Therefore,
the forecast for the increased sales that must be achieved as a result of the project will
no longer be achieved within the planned timescales.’
The radio campaign has the following quality criterion:
‘Each advertisement must be at least one minute long, but should be two minutes long.’
Which of the ‘six PRINCE2 aspects of a project’ should be immediately assessed as a
How should the Marketing Team apply the ‘protect the level of quality’ target? result of this issue?
A. By hiring a contractor to join the Marketing Team. A. Cost.
B. By delivering a two minute radio advertisement in Stage 4. B. Time.
C. By delivering a one minute radio advertisement in Stage 3. C. Risk.
The 5 targets

The 5 targets
Module 3

Module 3
D. By de-scoping the radio advertisement from Stage 3. D. Benefit.

2. During Stage 4, the Marketing Team is due to start work on a series of videos to put on a video
sharing website.
The release backlog for Stage 4 includes three separate videos as follows:
• ‘Life is all about cheese!’
• ‘Chestertons’ Blue - How about you?’
• Viral video - title and theme to be defined.
How should the ‘accept that the customer doesn’t need everything’ target be applied when
planning the work of Stage 4?
A. By planning to deliver at least two of the three videos during the stage.
B. By identifying the relative priority of each video and planning to deliver them all.
C. By identifying the quality criteria for each video and delivering them within quality
D. By recognizing that changes to the viral video will be agreed as they emerge.

56 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 57

1. The Marketing Team Manager has confirmed that it will not be possible to complete all of the 3. The Marketing Team has identified the following issue:
work involved in the three campaigns planned for Stage 3, where all three campaigns are
‘The newspaper advertisements during Stage 3 have not been as successful as we had hoped.
Must Haves’. The Marketing Director has offered to hire a contractor to assist with the radio
The sales targets for the end of Stage 3 have not been achieved. Therefore, the forecast for
the increased sales that must be achieved as a result of the project will no longer be achieved
within the planned timescales.’
The radio campaign has the following quality criterion:
Which of the ‘six PRINCE2 aspects of a project’ should be immediately assessed as a
‘Each advertisement must be at least one minute long, but should be two minutes long.’ result of this issue?
How should the Marketing Team apply the ‘protect the level of quality’ target?
A. By hiring a contractor to join the Marketing Team. A. Cost.
B. By delivering a two minute radio advertisement in Stage 4. B. Time.
C. By delivering a one minute radio advertisement in Stage 3. C. Risk. Correct. Benefit tolerance can be fixed or flexed. Zero tolerance is set
for the level defined as ‘minimum viability’ in terms of the benefits that
D. By de-scoping the radio advertisement from Stage 3. D. Benefit. ‘must’ be delivered as part of the business case. The project manager will
need to identify whether the ‘minimum viability’ of the project is still
The 5 targets

The 5 targets
Module 3

Module 3
going to be delivered and whether the project is therefore within benefit
Correct. The concept of flexing what is being delivered, ensures
tolerance or needs to go in to exception. Ref tab 6.1
that the emphasis is on delivering less scope or using lower-priority
quality criterion as opposed to compromising the overall quality
level of the final product. The quality tolerance of delivering
advertisements of at least one minute can be used to maintain the
quality level. Ref 6.4.2

2. During Stage 4, the Marketing Team is due to start work on a series of videos to put on a
video sharing website.

The release backlog for Stage 4 includes three separate videos as follows:
• ‘Life is all about cheese!’
• ‘Chestertons’ Blue - How about you?’
• Viral video - title and theme to be defined.
How should the ‘accept that the customer doesn’t need everything’ target be applied when
planning the work of Stage 4?
A. By planning to deliver at least two of the three videos during the stage.
B. By identifying the relative priority of each video and planning to deliver them all.
C. By identifying the quality criteria for each video and delivering them within quality
D. By recognizing that changes to the viral video will be agreed as they emerge.

Correct. PRINCE2 Agile believes that the features of the product

are the safest and most sensible area to compromise on. A
PRINCE2 Agile project does not set out with the intention of not
delivering everything but it does aim to hit deadlines and protect
the level of quality by reducing what is delivered accordingly. In
order to do this each video needs to be prioritized. Ref 6.4.5

58 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 59
Module 4
Starting up a project
and initiating a project
Starting up a project and initiating a project

This slide outlines the key syllabus topics that will be covered in this session. Agile needs to be incorporated into all seven processes. The amount of Agile that is
appropriate to each process does vary.
Starting up a project and

Starting up a project and

initiating a project

initiating a project
Module 4

Module 4
This slide outlines the key learning points that will be covered in this topic. This slide shows the incorporation of Agile processes to PRINCE2 processes in the figures.

Notes Notes

62 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 63
The purpose of the starting up a project process is to ensure that the prerequisites The Cynefin framework (pronounced kuh-nev-in) was created by David Snowden. It is a
for initiating a project are in place by answering the question: Do we have a viable and decision-making framework that has been designed to help understand and determine
worthwhile project? The decision to start the project must be explicit; the activities from the level of complexity in a given situation or environment.In the context of PRINCE2
starting up a project happen before this decision. Nothing should be done until certain Agile this can be used to help understand and determine the level of complexity facing a
base information needed to make rational decisions about the commissioning of the project or potential project.
project is defined, key roles and responsibilities are resourced and allocated, and a
foundation for detailed planning is available. The purpose of the starting up a project
process is as much about preventing poorly conceived projects from ever being initiated
as it is about approving the initiation of viable projects. As such, starting up a project is a
lighter process compared to the more detailed and thorough initiating a project process.
The aim is to do the minimum necessary in order to decide whether it is worthwhile to
even initiate the project.
Starting up a project and

Starting up a project and

initiating a project

initiating a project
Module 4

Module 4
Notes Notes

64 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 65
The five relationships are identified as: This slide outlines the key learning points that were covered in this topic.
• Obvious Where the relationship is obvious and is usually addressed by ‘best practice.’
• Complicated Where some form of analysis or expertise is required to understand
the relationship, which is usually addressed by ‘good practice’ where there may be
several different options available.
• Complex Where the relationship can only be understood in retrospect and is
addressed by ‘emergent practice’ which may evolve to a new way of working.
• Chaotic Where there is no apparent relationship, and any way of working is described
as novel.
• Disorder Where the relationship is unknown.
Starting up a project and

Starting up a project and

initiating a project

initiating a project
Module 4

Module 4
Notes Notes

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Questions: Answers:
1. During the ‘starting up a project’ process, the following statement is captured: 1. During the ‘starting up a project’ process, the following statement is captured:
It is expected that Brand-u-Like will act in a more agile way than they have in the past with the It is expected that Brand-u-Like will act in a more agile way than they have in the past with the
use of MoSCoW prioritization and with a greater focus on collaboration.’ use of MoSCoW prioritization and with a greater focus on collaboration.’
Where should this statement be recorded as part of the ‘starting up a project’ process? Where should this statement be recorded as part of the ‘starting up a project’ process?
A. In the project product description as a customer quality expectation. A. In the project product description as a customer quality expectation.
B. In the initiation stage plan as a pre-requisite. B. In the initiation stage plan as a pre-requisite.
C. In the project brief as part of the project approach. C. In the project brief as part of the project approach.
D. In the daily log as an informal record of the agreed frameworks to be used. D. In the daily log as an informal record of the agreed frameworks to be used.

2. During the project kick-off it was agreed how the project management team should work Correct. The project approach will contain an agile element
together. describing the use of agile, which techniques and approaches have
been selected, and how the agile element will benefit the project. Ref
The project manager made the following note during the meeting: tab 23.1

It is all of our responsibilities to look out for risks. We will raise them as soon as we see them.’
In which management product should this be recorded to formally communicate this 2. During the project kick-off it was agreed how the project management team should work
agreement? together.

A. Lessons log The project manager made the following note during the meeting:

B. Daily log. It is all of our responsibilities to look out for risks. We will raise them as soon as we see them.’
Starting up a project and

Starting up a project and

C. Risk register. In which management product should this be recorded to formally communicate this
initiating a project

initiating a project
Module 4

Module 4
D. Risk management approach.
A. Lessons log
B. Daily log.
C. Risk register.
D. Risk management approach.

Correct. In terms of roles and responsibilities, the agile way

of working relies on everyone looking out for risks and raising
them quickly. This responsibility would be recorded in the risk
management approach. Ref tab 23.1

68 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 69
Module 5
Business case
Business case

This slide outlines the key syllabus topics that will be covered in this session. In PRINCE2 the business case is developed at the beginning of the project. Throughout
the life of the project the business case is reviewed and updated as it develops and
evolves (refer to the figure in the slide). It is formally verified by the project board at each
key decision point, such as at stage boundaries, and confirmed throughout the period
that benefits accrue.
Business case

Business case
Module 5

Module 5
This slide outlines the key learning points that will be covered in this topic. A user story is a tool used to write a requirement in the form of who, what, and why.

Notes Notes

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The INVEST mnemonic (created by Bill Wake) is used by many as a simple checklist to This slide explains the importance of requirement prioritization.
create a well-writtenuser story in that it should be:
• I independent
• N negotiable
• V valuable
• E estimable
• S small
• T testable.
The figure on this slide shows an example of a good user story and a poor one.
Business case

Business case
Module 5

Module 5
Notes Notes

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1. During the initiation stage, the business case is being refined and the project plan is being
produced. The following risk cause is identified:
‘The marketing campaign and website delivery are both dependent on the timely delivery of
the corporate logo to the defined level of quality.’
How should the business case theme be tailored as a result of this risk cause?
A. Include a time and cost estimate to deliver the corporate logo to the required quality level
in the business case.
B. Record the risk cause in the Agilometer assessment when deciding on how much agile
should be used.
C. ‘Take a leap of faith’ on the assumption that the corporate logo will be delivered on time to
the required quality.
D. Document how late delivery of the corporate logo will impact on the increased sales
This slide outlines the key learning points that were covered in this topic. expected in the business case.

2. The project manager has decided that the benefits management approach should only be
checked in the ‘closing a project’ process during Stage 4. It will then be used to measure the
increase in sales following the International Cheese Festival.
What BEST explains how this tailors the benefits management approach?
A. It tailors the benefits management approach well because the International Cheese
Festival takes place during Stage 4.
B. It tailors the benefits management approach well because it defines how and when the
increased sales will be measured.
C. It tailors the benefits management approach poorly because increased sales should be
measured during the end of Stage 3.
D. It tailors the benefits management approach poorly because increased sales should be
measured at the end of Stage 2.

3. The following requirement has been specified as part of the move premises work stream:
Business case

Business case
Module 5

Module 5
As a: stock controller
I want: to be able to move stock into a stock room
Which is the BEST entry for the ‘benefit’ in this user story?
A. So that stock control can be implemented effectively.
B. So that stock control can be seamlessly integrated.
C. So that response times can be improved by having stock in one location.
D. So that an automatic stacker crane can be used to improve efficiency.

76 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 77
1. During the initiation stage, the business case is being refined and the project plan is being 3. The following requirement has been specified as part of the move premises work stream:
produced. The following risk cause is identified:
As a: stock controller
‘The marketing campaign and website delivery are both dependent on the timely delivery of
I want:to be able to move stock into a stock room
the corporate logo to the defined level of quality.’
Which is the BEST entry for the ‘benefit’ in this user story?
How should the business case theme be tailored as a result of this risk cause?
A. So that stock control can be implemented effectively.
A. Include a time and cost estimate to deliver the corporate logo to the required quality level
in the business case. B. So that stock control can be seamlessly integrated.

B. Record the risk cause in the Agilometer assessment when deciding on how much agile C. So that response times can be improved by having stock in one location.
should be used. D. So that an automatic stacker crane can be used to improve efficiency.
C. ‘Take a leap of faith’ on the assumption that the corporate logo will be delivered on time to
the required quality.
D. Document how late delivery of the corporate logo will impact on the increased
sales expected in the business case. Correct. In order for a user story to be considered ‘ready’, it must
have a benefit that is measurable. This entry is measurable. Ref
Correct. When creating a business case, understanding is required of
how the incremental delivery of a product and the value associated
with it could impact project viability (positively or negatively) and
also the ability to achieve the early delivery of some benefits. Ref tab

2. The project manager has decided that the benefits management approach should only be
checked in the ‘closing a project’ process during Stage 4. It will then be used to measure the
increase in sales following the International Cheese Festival.
What BEST explains how this tailors the benefits management approach?
A. It tailors the benefits management approach well because the International Cheese
Festival takes place during Stage 4.
B. It tailors the benefits management approach well because it defines how and when the
increased sales will be measured.
C. It tailors the benefits management approach poorly because increased sales
should be measured during the end of Stage 3.
Business case

Business case
Module 5

Module 5
D. It tailors the benefits management approach poorly because increased sales should be
measured at the end of Stage 2.

Correct. Frequent releases are planned in order to enable benefits

during the course of the project. A significant amount of benefits are
being delivered before the end of the project. The earliest delivery of
benefits in the Golden Clog Project is during Stage 3. Ref tab 23.1

78 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 79
Module 6

This slide outlines the key syllabus topics that will be covered in this session. Agile embraces change. One of the four values of the Agile Manifesto is about ‘responding
to change’ and one of its principles is ‘welcoming changing requirements, even late in
Agile sees change as inevitable and a normal situation. The understanding of a project
will change as the project proceeds: ‘unknowns’ will surface and unexpected events will
happen. Responding positively to change when it happens results in a more accurate
product being delivered, and because agile puts a lot of emphasis on flexing what is
being delivered, this is where most of the change is managed and is the focus of PRINCE2

This slide outlines the key learning points that will be covered in this topic.

Notes Notes
Module 6

Module 6

82 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 83
Some guidance examples on the change theme within the context of PRINCE2 Agile: It is important to gather feedback as quickly as possible from the end customer, who is
considered the source of ‘true’ feedback. The feedback loop figure shows the significance
• PRINCE2 could be said to be more cautious
of planning for the future, taking action in the present and reviewing post project. Many
• blending with Agile controls significant change forms of feedback loop exist, such as:
• allows responsive change at the detail level • OODA (Observe Orient(ate), Decide, Act)
• this typifies the marriage of the two • PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Act)
• it is important that baselines use the correct level of detail • PDSA (Plan, Do, Study, Act)
• starting-up a project and initiating a project can create the correct environment for • Build, Measure, Learn (Lean Start-up).

Notes Notes
Module 6

Module 6

84 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 85

1. During Stage 3, the ‘Payment’ work package is being delivered. It includes the requirement to
deliver ‘secure payment’.
Several user stories have been developed to identify the requirement in more detail. A
Web&Go developer has identified that one of the user stories conflicts with one of the
acceptance criterion specified in the project product description.
The project manager has advised that this change to the project product description can be
agreed dynamically with the customer subject matter expert.
What BEST explains how this approach tailors the change theme?
A. It tailors the theme well because the customer subject matter expert is using user stories
to define the detailed requirements.
B. It tailors the theme well because the team should handle changes to the detailed
requirements dynamically.
This slide outlines the key learning points that were covered in this topic. C. It tailors the theme poorly because changes to the project product description affect a
baseline product.
D. It tailors the theme poorly because the team should self-organize without consulting with
the CSME.

2. During the P1 timebox, a requirement is identified for the post room dispatcher to know
the weight of parcels to calculate the correct postage. During the timebox, an additional
requirement was identified for a warning label to be fixed to heavy parcels needing more than
one person to lift them safely.
Which action is the BEST way of addressing this change to the requirements?
A. Include the additional requirement in the timebox because it is a non-functional
B. Ignore the additional requirement for this release because it will require a change to the
agreed baseline.
C. Prioritize the new requirement in order to allow for the swapping of requirements between
D. Add the new requirement to the end of the product backlog to deliver it in the timebox, if
time permits.

Module 6

Module 6

86 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 87
1. During Stage 3, the ‘Payment’ work package is being delivered. It includes the requirement to
deliver ‘secure payment’.
Several user stories have been developed to identify the requirement in more detail. A
Web&Go developer has identified that one of the user stories conflicts with one of the
acceptance criterion specified in the project product description.
The project manager has advised that this change to the project product description can be
agreed dynamically with the customer subject matter expert.
What BEST explains how this approach tailors the change theme?
A. It tailors the theme well because the customer subject matter expert is using user stories
to define the detailed requirements.
B. It tailors the theme well because the team should handle changes to the detailed
requirements dynamically.
C. It tailors the theme poorly because changes to the project product description
affect a baseline product.
D. It tailors the theme poorly because the team should self-organize without consulting with
the CSME.
Correct. If changes to the baseline upon which the work was justified
is being compromised, then this may not be seen in a positive light.
Changes to baseline products like the project product description are
high level changes that will affect the baseline and should be handled
through change control. Ref 14.2.1, fig 14.1, tab 23.1

2. During the P1 timebox, a requirement is identified for the post room dispatcher to know
the weight of parcels to calculate the correct postage. During the timebox, an additional
requirement was identified for a warning label to be fixed to heavy parcels needing more than
one person to lift them safely.
Which action is the BEST way of addressing this change to the requirements?
A. Include the additional requirement in the timebox because it is a non-functional
B. Ignore the additional requirement for this release because it will require a change to the
agreed baseline.
C. Prioritize the new requirement in order to allow for the swapping of
requirements between timeboxes.
D. Add the new requirement to the end of the product backlog to deliver it in the timebox, if
time permits.

Correct. If new requirements are coming in, then some of the existing
ones may need to make way. This will be carried out by removing
requirements or tasks that are of a similar level of effort after
defining the priority of the new requirement. Ref 25.5.9
Module 6

88 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd.

Module 7

Module 7

Module 7

This slide outlines the key syllabus topics that will be covered in this session. The Scrum master: A common role in agile is that of the Scrum master, who provides
servant leadership. The Scrum master facilitates and coaches the Scrum process
while removing impediments identified by the team working at the delivery level.
The product owner: Another common and perhaps pivotal role in agile is that of the
product owner, and this role is often regarded as the key stakeholder.

This slide outlines the key learning points that will be covered in this topic. Mapping Agile roles to PRINCE2 is easier if there is only one team. On more complex
projects using more than one team it is not straightforward. For example, the role of
product owner.

Notes Notes

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Module 7

Module 7
This table explains the areas of responsibility covered by the Scrum master, product How can organization be applied to the delivery team?
owner and by the delivery team.
• Someone to lead the team
• Someone from the customer (or at least someone to represent the customer)
• A team to create the product
• Someone to assure the quality of the product
• Someone to coach the team (which includes coaching them in Agile)
• Multi-skilled ‘generalizing specialists’

This table explains how the project manager can be integrated with the delivery team.

Notes Notes

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Module 7

Module 7

1. Brand-u-Like has been given the following quality criteria for the new letterheads they are
working on:
• Must adhere to the corporate image;
• No spelling or grammatical errors;
• Should be printable in black and white as well as colour to enable cheaper printing, if
Which PRINCE2 principle is being applied?
A. Tailor to suit the project environment.

When it comes to project structures, all roles need to be conversant with working in an B. Focus on products.
Agile way. C. Protect the level of quality.
D. Transparency.

1. Brand-u-Like has been given the following quality criteria for the new letterheads they are
working on:
• Must adhere to the corporate image;
• No spelling or grammatical errors;
• Should be printable in black and white as well as colour to enable cheaper printing, if
Which PRINCE2 principle is being applied?
A. Tailor to suit the project environment.
B. Focus on products.
C. Protect the level of quality.
D. Transparency.
This slide outlines the key learning points that were covered in this topic. Correct. Product descriptions, quality criteria and quality tolerances
can be prioritized and decomposed in order to make flexing what is
delivered possible. Ref tab 7.1


96 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 97
Module 8
Principles and
Principles and behaviours
Principles and behaviours

Principles and behaviours

Module 8

Module 8
This slide outlines the key syllabus topics that will be covered in this session. PRINCE2 is principles-based and all seven of the principles are applicable when combining
PRINCE2 with agile. Table 7.1 provides an overview of the guidance when applying the
principles and some further considerations to bear in mind.

This slide outlines the key learning points that will be covered in this topic. PRINCE2 is principles-based and all seven of the principles are applicable when combining
PRINCE2 with agile. Table 7.1 provides an overview of the guidance when applying the
principles and some further considerations to bear in mind.

Notes Notes

100 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 101
Principles and behaviours

Principles and behaviours

Module 8

Module 8
When tailoring PRINCE2 to work in an agile context a PRINCE2 project manager and the This slide outlines the key learning points that were covered in this topic.
project board will need to monitor specific behaviours from the project management
team and the delivery teams. These behaviours need to function smoothly for agile to
operate in the most effective way.

The purpose of this focus area is to describe how to assess the agile environment in
order to tailor PRINCE2 in the most effective way. Every project situation is different
in some form due to factors such as the level of trust between the customer and the
supplier, the technology being used or the level of uncertainty. Therefore it is important
to decide in advance how to address these advantages and disadvantages in order to
run a project in the most effective way from an agile perspective.

Notes Notes

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Questions: Answers:
1. Web&Go is working on the ‘payment’ timebox which includes: 1. Web&Go is working on the ‘payment’ timebox which includes:
• Allow payment by credit card - Must Have • Allow payment by credit card - Must Have
Principles and behaviours

Principles and behaviours

• Allow payment by debit card - Should Have • Allow payment by debit card - Should Have
Module 8

Module 8
• Allow payment through an online payment system - Should Have • Allow payment through an online payment system - Should Have
How should the principle of ‘learn from experience’ by applied to this work? How should the principle of ‘learn from experience’ by applied to this work?
A. Deliver credit card payment as soon as possible in order to receive early feedback from A. Deliver credit card payment as soon as possible in order to receive early feedback
customers. from customers.
B. Deliver all three requirements within the work in progress limit with a time tolerance of B. Deliver all three requirements within the work in progress limit with a time tolerance of
zero. zero.
C. Escalate to the project manager if Web&Go can only deliver credit card payment in the C. Escalate to the project manager if Web&Go can only deliver credit card payment in the
timebox. timebox.
D. Deliver the online payment system as a minimum because it should be included within this D. Deliver the online payment system as a minimum because it should be included within this
timebox. timebox.

Correct. Shortening the feedback loop to the customer supports the

2. The project manager used the Agilometer to assess the agile environment in order to tailor principle ‘learn from experience’. Ref tab 7.1
PRINCE2 in the most effective way.
Each production line is similar but not exactly the same. Due to an initial plan that moved the
2. The project manager used the Agilometer to assess the agile environment in order to tailor
current production lines in a specified order, it was observed that the ‘Flexibility on what is
PRINCE2 in the most effective way.
being delivered’ slider is low.
Each production line is similar but not exactly the same. Due to an initial plan that moved the
Which is the MOST appropriate response to this observation?
current production lines in a specified order, it was observed that the ‘Flexibility on what is
A. Ensure that everyone understands the differences involved with the agile way of working. being delivered’ slider is low.
B. Challenge the team to identify parts of the production lines from which early delivery Which is the MOST appropriate response to this observation?
would be useful. .
A. Ensure that everyone understands the differences involved with the agile way of working.
C. Monitor customer demand in case it affects the sequence in which the lines are moved.
B. Challenge the team to identify parts of the production lines from which early delivery
D. No action is needed in response to the low value on this slider. would be useful. .
C. Monitor customer demand in case it affects the sequence in which the lines are
D. No action is needed in response to the low value on this slider.

Correct. De-scoping and prioritization as a team exercise is customer

driven and is an example of behaviour for increasing the ‘flexibility
on what is delivered’ slider. On this occasion descoping a line is not
an option but the order (priority) in which they are delivered could be
changed. Ref 24.7.1

104 PRINCE2® Foundation | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2® Foundation | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 105
Module 9
Managing product
Managing product delivery
Managing product delivery

Managing product delivery

Module 9

Module 9
This slide outlines the key syllabus topics that will be covered in this session. Approaches such as Scrum focus solely on managing product delivery. However, with
Scrum, it is easy to confuse ‘managing product delivery’ with just ‘product delivery’.
According to the Scrum Guide, Scrum does not contain any engineering or delivery
practices so it could be said to ‘manage’ product delivery as opposed to ‘do’ product
delivery. Equally some agile approaches could be said to be solely delivery practices
(such as XP in the software/IT domain) as they have very little that could be described as
management practices. Care needs to be taken to identify agile concepts, behaviours and
techniques correctly in terms of what function they perform. Are they delivery practices
(sometimes referred to as development or engineering practices) that create products
and sub-products, or do they exist at a level above this where they help to organize and
control the delivery work? It is possible that they could be doing both.

This slide outlines the key learning points that will be covered in this topic.

Notes Notes

108 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 109
It could be said that this process is more to do with ‘managing the interface’ between Scrum is founded on empiricism and lean thinking. Empiricism asserts that knowledge
Managing product delivery

Managing product delivery

project management and product delivery, as opposed to ‘managing product delivery’. comes from experience and making decisions based on what is observed. Lean thinking
The management of one specific work package (and the product or products contained reduces waste and focuses on the essentials. Scrum employs an iterative, incremental
Module 9

Module 9
within it) still needs to be carried out, but this is the responsibility of the team manager approach to optimize predictability and to control risk. Scrum engages groups of people
from within the agile team. who collectively have all the skills and expertise to do the work and share or acquire
such skills as needed. Scrum combines four formal events for inspection and adaptation
within a containing event, the Sprint. These events work because they implement the
empirical Scrum pillars of transparency, inspection, and adaptation.

The Scrum Guide contains the definition of Scrum. Each element of the framework serves
a specific purpose that is essential to the overall value and results realized with Scrum.
Changing the core design or ideas of Scrum, leaving out elements, or not following the
rules of Scrum, covers up problems and limits the benefits of Scrum, potentially even
rendering it useless.

Notes Notes

110 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 111
Developers are always accountable for: The Sprint is a container for all other events. Each event in Scrum is a formal opportunity
Managing product delivery

Managing product delivery

to inspect and adapt Scrum artifacts. These events are specifically designed to enable
• creating a plan for the Sprint, the Sprint Backlog;
the transparency required. Failure to operate any events as prescribed results in lost
• instilling quality by adhering to a Definition of Done;
Module 9

Module 9
opportunities to inspect and adapt. Events are used in Scrum to create regularity and to
• adapting their plan each day toward the Sprint Goal
minimize the need for meetings not defined in Scrum. Optimally, all events are held at
• holding each other accountable as professionals.
the same time and place to reduce complexity.

Product Owner is also accountable for effective Product Backlog management, which
• developing and explicitly communicating the Product Goal
• creating and clearly communicating Product Backlog items
• ordering Product Backlog items
• ensuring that the Product Backlog is transparent, visible, and understood.

Scrum Master serves the Scrum Team in several ways, including:

• coaching the team members in self-management and cross-functionality
• helping the Scrum Team focus on creating high-value Increments that meet the
Definition of Done
• causing the removal of impediments to the Scrum Team’s progress
• ensuring that all Scrum events take place and are positive, productive, and kept
within the timebox.

Notes Notes

112 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 113
Artifacts provide the key information that the Scrum Team and the stakeholders need to This slide outlines the key learning points that were covered in this topic.
Managing product delivery

Managing product delivery

know for understanding the product being developed and the activities related to it. The
three main artifacts in Scrum are:
Module 9

Module 9
• Product Backlog Product Backlog is a continuously evolving, ordered list of items
to be done in a project. It is a single source of truth for any modifications to be made
to the product.
• Sprint Backlog Sprint backlog specifies the changes to be carried out in one sprint.
It also contains the plan for Development team that specifies how they are going to
deliver the product increment at the end of a Sprint.
• Potentially Shippable Product As per Scrum Inc, “a Potentially Shippable Product
is the outcome of the Product Backlog Items delivered at each Sprint. Delivering
Potentially Shippable Product at each Sprint is essential to the Scrum because
when work is divided into simple pieces, it can be finished in a short iterations.” It is
important to note that the artifacts are not limited to these.

Notes Notes

114 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 115

Questions: Answer
1. The project manager is using Brand-u-Like’s burn-up chart to track progress. 1. The project manager is using Brand-u-Like’s burn-up chart to track progress.
How effectively does this apply the PRINCE2 Agile guidance when tailoring the ‘managing How effectively does this apply the PRINCE2 Agile guidance when tailoring the ‘managing
product delivery’ process? product delivery’ process?
A. It applies the process well because the project manager can access information
A. It applies the process well because the project manager can access information about
about progress at any time.
progress at any time.
B. It applies the process well because burn-up charts show the ideal rate of progress which
B. It applies the process well because burn-up charts show the ideal rate of progress which can be used to forecast forward.
can be used to forecast forward.
C. It applies the process poorly because the project manager should be focusing on creating
C. It applies the process poorly because the project manager should be focusing on creating guiding boundaries that empower the teams.
guiding boundaries that empower the teams. D. It applies the process poorly because the project manager should be focusing on progress
information at a higher level.
D. It applies the process poorly because the project manager should be focusing on progress
Managing product delivery

Managing product delivery

information at a higher level.
Correct. The formality of reporting arrangements should be agreed –
e.g. low-tech burn charts. Checkpoint reports may be done by pulling
Module 9

Module 9
from information on display. Ref 20.3.1
2. There are two work packages within the Rebranding work stream. Each work package will be
managed as a separate timebox. The ‘Rebranding’ work packages will form a release. 2. There are two work packages within the Rebranding work stream. Each work package will be
managed as a separate timebox. The ‘Rebranding’ work packages will form a release.
Which statement explains how this approach to planning tailors a work package?
Which statement explains how this approach to planning tailors a work package?
A. Planning should focus on the immediate future and this should relate to timeboxes of two
A. Planning should focus on the immediate future and this should relate to
to four weeks.
timeboxes of two to four weeks.
B. Releases allow the management of timeboxes across more than one management stage. B. Releases allow the management of timeboxes across more than one management stage.
C. Timeboxes that make up a release may not deliver something into operational use. C. Timeboxes that make up a release may not deliver something into operational use.
D. Each of the work packages should be managed as a higher level timebox within a separate D. Each of the work packages should be managed as a higher level timebox within a separate
stage. stage.
Correct. When working at the delivery level with agile, planning
centres around the immediate future and this often relates to a
3. In Stage 4, work on the ‘Stock Control’ work package is underway. The CSME is unsure of timebox of two to four weeks. Ref 12.3.3
exactly how the notification of low stock should work. Having gathered views from the 3. In Stage 4, work on the ‘Stock Control’ work package is underway. The CSME is unsure of
customer representative and several stock control staff members, the requirement is still exactly how the notification of low stock should work. Having gathered views from the
unclear. customer representative and several stock control staff members, the requirement is still
How should the Web&Go make sure that they are delivering what the customer wants?
How should the Web&Go make sure that they are delivering what the customer wants?
A. By creating a spike as early as possible and inviting feedback from the stock control staff.
A. By creating a spike as early as possible and inviting feedback from the stock
B. By using lessons identified during the payment timebox in order to understand the control staff.
requirements in more detail. B. By using lessons identified during the payment timebox in order to understand the
C. By handing over the delivered functionality to the stock control staff at the end of the requirements in more detail.
timebox. C. By handing over the delivered functionality to the stock control staff at the end of the
D. By developing a detailed product description of the low stock control processes.
D. By developing a detailed product description of the low stock control processes.

Correct. Spiking is a temporary piece of work used to understand more

about a given situation. It may take the form of a prototype or some
research and is often used to reduce uncertainty from a technical or
customer viewpoint. Ref glossary

116 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 117
Module 10
Plans and progress
Plans and progress

This slide outlines the key syllabus topics that will be covered in this session. The purpose of the plans theme is to facilitate communication and control by defining
the means of delivering the products (the where and how, by whom, and estimating the
when and how much).
Plans and progress

Plans and progress

Module 10

Module 10
This slide outlines the key learning points that will be covered in this topic. A lots of Agile planning is carried out in a BAU environment where there is no end date
this will not be the case on a project. Product-based planning goes nicely with Agile as
Agile is product focused.

Notes Notes

120 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 121
One of the most popular techniques used in agile environments is to estimate the work Both PRINCE2 and agile provide an abundance of guidance on tracking progress. There is
to be done using a points system. This technique can be used for any type of plan in nothing contradictory between the two. However, there are different areas of emphasis
PRINCE2. Although the technique is reasonably straightforward and commonly used, and when combining PRINCE2 with agile it is important to draw on the strengths of both
many of its advantages are not that obvious and sometimes overlooked. to create a strong blend that provides comprehensive coverage in all areas and at all
levels of a project.
Plans and progress

Plans and progress

Module 10

Module 10
The purpose of the progress theme is to:
• establish mechanisms to monitor and compare actual achievements against those
• provide a forecast for the project’s objectives and continued viability
• control any unacceptable deviations.

Notes Notes

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In its most simple form the burn-down chart has two lines a straight line that shows Information radiators include or are similar to information displays, big visible charts
where the ‘ideal’ rate of progress should be (in black on the figure), and a line that is (BVCs), team boards, Kanban boards.
updated on a regular basis (usually daily) that shows the amount of work done (in purple
on the figure). The work remaining is shown by the end of the purple line. When the
purple line is above the black line this means that work is behind schedule. If the purple
line is below the black line this means that work is ahead of schedule.
One limitation with burn-down charts is that they assume the amount of work does not
change. This is not a significant limitation in most situations (for example, where a 2-week
sprint has been agreed and locked-in/baselined) but if the amount of work is likely to
change, or does change, then this will not be picked up by a burn-down chart easily, and
therefore a burn-up chart should be used . The purple line shows work completed, which
can now be used in tandem with the red line showing the total amount of work. The work
Plans and progress

Plans and progress

remaining is therefore the difference between the red and purple lines. Any work that
Module 10

Module 10
has been added or removed during the time period can now be seen by the red line.

This slide outlines the key learning points that were covered in this topic.

Notes Notes

124 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 125

Questions: Answers:
1. Brand-u-Like is working on the ‘Collateral’ work package in Stage 2 and has agreed the 1. Brand-u-Like is working on the ‘Collateral’ work package in Stage 2 and has agreed the
priorities for each of the requirements. Brand-u-Like believes that it is unlikely that all of priorities for each of the requirements. Brand-u-Like believes that it is unlikely that all of
the requirements will be delivered during the timebox as some of them are still being the requirements will be delivered during the timebox as some of them are still being
explored. explored.
Brand-u-Like is keen to become more agile and responsive in the way they work with Brand-u-Like is keen to become more agile and responsive in the way they work with
Chesterstons. Chesterstons.
How should Brand-u-Like monitor progress to tailor the progress theme? How should Brand-u-Like monitor progress to tailor the progress theme?
A. On a burn-down chart. A. On a burn-down chart.
B. On a burn-up chart. B. On a burn-up chart.
C. With a checkpoint report. C. With a checkpoint report.
D. By limiting work in progress. D. By limiting work in progress.

Correct. One limitation of burn-down charts is that they assume the

2. During the ‘initiating a project’ process, the project office recommended that the project amount of work does not change. If the amount of work is likely to
management team should further improve their agile behaviours. The improved behaviours change, or does change, then this will not be picked up by a burn-
and their value were discussed with the project management team during a workshop. down chart easily and therefore a burn-up chart should be used. Ref
They will be documented in the project initiation documentation (PID).
How should the project manager communicate the agreed behaviours to the team?
2. During the ‘initiating a project’ process, the project office recommended that the project
A. By emailing the PID to the delivery teams and asking them for confirmation of compliance.
management team should further improve their agile behaviours. The improved behaviours
Plans and progress

Plans and progress

B. By updating the existing behaviours listed under the ‘team rules’ on the information and their value were discussed with the project management team during a workshop.
Module 10

Module 10
They will be documented in the project initiation documentation (PID).
C. By posting the possible advantages of agile behaviours discussed at the workshop on the
How should the project manager communicate the agreed behaviours to the team?
information radiator.
A. By emailing the PID to the delivery teams and asking them for confirmation of compliance.
D. By requesting the executive to present the agreed behaviours to the delivery teams.
B. By updating the existing behaviours listed under the ‘team rules’ on the
information radiator.
C. By posting the possible advantages of agile behaviours discussed at the workshop on the
information radiator.
D. By requesting the executive to present the agreed behaviours to the delivery teams. .

Correct. The PID (or parts of it) may exist on an information radiator
in the form of ‘team rules’ to enable it to be constantly visible to
the team. In this question the ‘team rules’ refers to the project
management team. The delivery teams may have their own ‘team
rules’. Ref tab 23.1, fig 15.2

126 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 127
Module 11

This slide outlines the key syllabus topics that will be covered in this session. The general view of Agile is that this most of what you read and hear appears lower down
the PRINCE2 hierarchy regarding quality. In the PRINCE2 quality audit trail there are such
concepts as a quality management strategy but this is not so prevalent in Agile - whereas
lower down on the diagram concepts like quality checking and quality criteria are very
much represented by Agile techniques and concepts where Agile acceptance criteria is
similar to (if not the same thing as) quality criteria.
A prominent technique surrounds the evolution of the definition of done which is if you
like an evolutionary definition of a wider quality level for a project.
Module 11

Module 11

This slide outlines the key learning points that will be covered in this topic.

Notes Notes

130 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 131
The purpose of the quality theme is to define and implement the means by which the It is important when using agile to distinguish between the quality of a product (defined
project will verify products that are fit for purpose. by quality criteria) and the scope (defined by the products themselves). Some project
management philosophies see a reduction in scope as a reduction in quality. PRINCE2
Quality is concerned with ensuring that the project product meets business
does not see it this way. From the beginning of a project the customer’s quality
expectations and enables the desired benefits to be realized.
expectations (and associated acceptance criteria) are set, and this level of quality needs
to be maintained. At the end of a project if 10 per cent of the scope is not delivered but
the remaining 90 per cent that has been delivered has achieved the desired quality level,
then this is seen by PRINCE2 as a reduction in scope, not a reduction in the quality level.
Module 11

Module 11

Notes Notes

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1. Web&Go is delivering the ‘Payment’ work package in Stage 3. A Web&Go developer has
written the tests for the payment functionality at the beginning of the timebox. These tests will
be used by the team to check that it works correctly.
What BEST explains why this ‘test-driven approach’ tailors the Quality theme well?
A. Web&Go should independently test that the delivered payment functionality is working
B. The quality management approach should specify the use of ‘check first’ when delivering t
he payment functionality
C. The Web&Go developer should initially quality check the correct working of the payment
This slide outlines the key learning points that were covered in this topic. functionality.
D. The quality management approach should define the definition of ‘ready’ for the payment

1. Web&Go is delivering the ‘Payment’ work package in Stage 3. A Web&Go developer has
written the tests for the payment functionality at the beginning of the timebox. These tests will
be used by the team to check that it works correctly.
What BEST explains why this ‘test-driven approach’ tailors the Quality theme well?
A. Web&Go should independently test that the delivered payment functionality is working
B. The quality management approach should specify the use of ‘check first’ when
delivering the payment functionality
C. The Web&Go developer should initially quality check the correct working of the payment
D. The quality management approach should define the definition of ‘ready’ for the payment

Correct. When using PRINCE2 with Agile, a decision has to be made

Module 11

Module 11
early on, as part of the quality management approach, as to how

much of the testing and quality checking can be carried out in the
preferred Agile manner of ‘test/check first’. Ref 11.3.4


134 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 135
Module 12
Controlling a stage
and managing a stage
Controlling a stage and managing a stage

This slide outlines the key syllabus topics that will be covered in this session. The purpose of the controlling a stage process is to assign work to be done, monitor
such work, deal with issues, report progress to the project board, and take corrective
actions to ensure that the management stage remains within tolerance.

This slide outlines the key learning points that will be covered in this topic.
managing a stage boundary

managing a stage boundary

Controlling a stage and

Controlling a stage and

Notes Notes
Module 12

Module 12
138 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 139
The purpose of this focus area is to describe the importance of frequent releases when The purpose of the managing a stage boundary process is to enable the project
using agile. It also describes what considerations to take into account when planning manager to provide the project board with sufficient information to be able to:
releases and planning the project as a whole. This focus area also addresses what to do
• review the success of the current management stage
when a release cannot go directly into the operational environment.
• approve the next stage plan
• review the updated project plan
• confirm continued business justification and acceptability of the risks.
managing a stage boundary

managing a stage boundary

Controlling a stage and

Controlling a stage and

Notes Notes
Module 12

Module 12
140 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 141
The retrospective is a very common technique and is used regularly when working in
an agile way. It involves looking back and reflecting on how things went in terms of how
a team worked, in order to make improvements to how they work going forward. A
retrospective is a type of review that specifically looks at the way of working as opposed
to looking at what was produced (for example, sprint review).

This slide outlines the key learning points that were covered in this topic.
managing a stage boundary

managing a stage boundary

Controlling a stage and

Controlling a stage and

Notes Notes
Module 12

Module 12
142 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 143

1. According to the frequent releases focus area, which requirement would be MOST useful to
deliver early to ensure that the project is viable?
A. The refrigeration room for both raw produce and manufactured cheeses.
B. Access to a delivery bay and improved car parking for the new site.
C. The offices located in the new premises for the administration staff.
D. An evaluation of the forecast demand resulting from the Cheese Festival.

1. According to the frequent releases focus area, which requirement would be MOST useful to
deliver early to ensure that the project is viable?
A. The refrigeration room for both raw produce and manufactured cheeses.
B. Access to a delivery bay and improved car parking for the new site.
C. The offices located in the new premises for the administration staff.
D. An evaluation of the forecast demand resulting from the Cheese Festival.

Correct. One of the purposes of the frequent releases focus area is to

reduce risk of delivering the wrong product. It would be essential to
identify the issue that delivery lorries are unable to fully access the
site as this was a concern at the start. Ref 27.1
managing a stage boundary

managing a stage boundary

Controlling a stage and

Controlling a stage and

Module 12

Module 12
144 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 145
Module 13
Directing a project
Directing a project

Directing a project
Module 13

Module 13
Directing a project

This slide outlines the key syllabus topics that will be covered in this session. Agile usually sees steering and direction as part of the role of a product owner, although
this depends on the number of teams involved and whether or not there is an ‘overall’
product owner. Alternatively this role could be carried out by the role of sponsor.

This slide outlines the key learning points that will be covered in this topic.

Notes Notes

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Directing a project

Directing a project
Module 13

Module 13
Although it is essential to use this process, it is vital to ensure that management by This slide explains how to structure a contract in an agile way.
exception is operating effectively for the whole project management team as this creates
an environment conducive to the agile way of working where people are empowered
and self-organize. In terms of progress reporting the project board should expect more
emphasis to be placed on the amount being delivered, and the information flows may be
regular, rich and informal. The project board may even attend reviews.

This slide outlines the key learning points that were covered in this topic.

Notes Notes

150 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 151
Module 14
Closing a project
Closing a project
Closing a project

Closing a project
Module 14

Module 14
This slide outlines the key syllabus topics that will be covered in this session. Tailoring guidance that may be appropriate is as follows:
• Project closure may take the form of a workshop where the original baseline is
checked in relation to the final outputs and outcomes of the project, and preparation
for closure authorization can takeplace. This may include a review of the final release.
• Benefits may have already been enabled and be delivering value.
• End-of-project activities should already be in an advanced state of completeness due
to frequent releases gradually improving how project closure is done and populating
information. For example:
- Project/process evaluation should be ongoing through the frequent use of
- Continual use of ‘inspect and adapt’ would mean that the lessons report has
been created as the project has gone along, and many of the lessons would have
already been actioned and evaluated from retrospectives at both the project and
delivery levels.
- User acceptance would be happening regularly, although care should be taken to
ensure that user acceptance is not too informal when closing the project in order
to ensure that the customer’s qualityexpectations and acceptance criteria have
been met.
- Operational handovers (and acceptance) are likely to have happened many times
due to the incremental delivery of products, so the final handover should be a
routine event.
- Training and technical documentation would be finalized, as it would have been
This slide outlines the key learning points that will be covered in this topic. created iteratively and incrementally throughout the project.

Notes Notes

154 PRINCE2® Foundation | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2® Foundation | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 155
Closing a project
Module 14

This slide outlines the key learning points that were covered in this topic.


156 PRINCE2® Foundation | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd.

Module 15
Rich communication
Rich communication
Rich communication

Rich communication
Module 15

Module 15
This slide outlines the key syllabus topics that will be covered in this session. In order to achieve the most effective and productive communication possible on a
project, it is vital to interact in the most appropriate way, at the most appropriate time
and using the most appropriate method.
Communication is everywhere on a project. It could be said to be the oxygen that a
project needs to survive.

This slide outlines the key learning points that will be covered in this topic.

Notes Notes

160 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 161

1. The Marketing Team wants to issue some publicity about each type of cheese as that
particular production line is moved over to the new premises.
Which is the MOST appropriate way for the Premises Team to communicate timings and
progress to the Marketing Team?
A. Request that the Marketing Team members look at the Premises Team’s burn charts.
B. Discuss in frequent meetings involving the customer subject matter experts from both
C. Hold regular workshops involving the customer subject matter experts where decisions
can be made.
Typically, a workshop would last from 2 or 3 hours to a whole day, but the principles behind the
D. Circulate the Premises Team’s weekly checkpoint report to the Marketing Team.
technique can be applied to any timescale (e.g. running a 15-minute retrospective). The ideal
Rich communication

Rich communication
way to run a workshop is by using a neutral facilitator who has no stake in the outcome. Without
Module 15

Module 15
a facilitator the group will need to police itself, which will be difficult because participants will 2. During the premises move it has been difficult to hold the daily stand-ups. Some
be concentrating on creating the content to achieve the objective of the workshop. teleconferences have been held but attendance at these has been varied. The team is now
experimenting with a webcam showing the team’s information radiator and sending out an
alert to everyone’s mobile telephone. As well as a reminder to call in, the alert also asks ‘Is
there anything blocking or potentially blocking your progress?’
Which statement BEST explains how this approach applies the rich communication focus
A. It applies the focus area well because daily stand-ups ensure that issues are uncovered
and recorded quickly.
B. It applies the focus area well because a multi-faceted approach to communication makes it
easier and more effective.
C. It applies the focus area poorly because daily stand-ups should always be used for face-to-
face communication.
D. It applies the focus area poorly because an environment which is too complex can damage
communications. .

This slide outlines the key learning points that were covered in this topic.


162 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 163
1. The Marketing Team wants to issue some publicity about each type of cheese as that
particular production line is moved over to the new premises.
Which is the MOST appropriate way for the Premises Team to communicate timings and
progress to the Marketing Team?
A. Request that the Marketing Team members look at the Premises Team’s burn charts.
B. Discuss in frequent meetings involving the customer subject matter experts from
both teams.
C. Hold regular workshops involving the customer subject matter experts where decisions
can be made.
D. Circulate the Premises Team’s weekly checkpoint report to the Marketing Team.

Correct. One of the best ways to communicate effectively is to use

as much face-to-face communication as possible. The team should
operate in a way that is self-organized and empowered to make
decisions. Ref 26.3.1, 10.2
Rich communication
Module 15

2. During the premises move it has been difficult to hold the daily stand-ups. Some
teleconferences have been held but attendance at these has been varied. The team is now
experimenting with a webcam showing the team’s information radiator and sending out an
alert to everyone’s mobile telephone. As well as a reminder to call in, the alert also asks ‘Is
there anything blocking or potentially blocking your progress?’
Which statement BEST explains how this approach applies the rich communication focus
A. It applies the focus area well because daily stand-ups ensure that issues are uncovered
and recorded quickly.
B. It applies the focus area well because a multi-faceted approach to
communication makes it easier and more effective.
C. It applies the focus area poorly because daily stand-ups should always be used for face-to-
face communication.
D. It applies the focus area poorly because an environment which is too complex can damage
communications. .

Correct. Technology should be assessed with respect to making

communication easier and more effective. Webcams and
collaboration tools can help build a multi-faceted approach to
communication. Ref 26.3.1

164 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd.

Module 16
Kanban and the
Kanban Method
Kanban and the Kanban Method

This slide outlines the key syllabus topics that will be covered in this session. What do you already know about Kanban and/or the Kanban Method?
Kanban Method

Kanban Method
Kanban and the

Kanban and the

Module 16

Module 16
This slide outlines the key learning points that will be covered in this topic. By making work visible, teams can easily see how work is progressing, what has been
done, what is still to do and what problems exist that are hindering progress.

Notes Notes

168 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 169
It is important to understand the reasoning behind limiting WIP as it triggers many events A Kanban system aims to achieve the highest level of performance from the existing way
and solves several problems, as illustrated by the following two analogies: of working in order to deliver something of value as quickly as possible. Therefore the
team is constantly looking at ways to maximize flow efficiency and minimize delays (for
• Reducing the pressure Introducing reduced speed limits on motorways and
example, by removing obstacles). Kanban highlights problems that the team needs to
highways speeds up the flow of traffic at busy times.
solve. This is a constant team exercise where the objective is to remove waste as quickly
• Reducing task-switching Writing a document takes much longer (in terms of
as possible. The Kanban board visualizes the work moving through the system and acts
actual writing time) if the author is receiving email notifications through a desktop
like a dashboard which enables the team to see blockers and areas where the flow is not
alert, or similar, at the same time. Each emailnotification breaks the concentration
smooth. They can then take immediate remedial action.
and the current thought processes which then have to be ‘reloaded’ and restarted.
Making policies explicit even though empowerment, self-organization and trust play
a significant role in agile, there still need to be clearly defined boundaries that teams
operate within. In the same way as management by exception enables empowerment
and autonomy, a team needs to clearly define how it works and make these policies
Kanban Method

Kanban Method
Kanban and the

Kanban and the

Module 16

Module 16
Notes Notes

170 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 171
Implement Feedback Loop: Ultimately, the value being delivered by any process (for Scrum and Kanban are two of the most popular agile approaches and yet many people
example, a project or a timebox) is judged by the final consumer such as the end get confused regarding the differences between them. They are similar in that they
customer. Being able to quantitatively assess this is very advantageous as it will directly both focus strongly on process improvement, transparency and empiricism. Yet they
affect what will subsequently be delivered. Typically there is a long time between a team are different in that Scrum has specific roles, the work is timeboxed and it relates to a
adding a feature to the to-dolist and the team receiving quantitative feedback from the specific product; whereas there are no defined roles in Kanban, work is pulled to create
feature being used. Constantly aiming to shorten this feedback loop so that the most a flow and the work may relate to anything. The very simple structure of Kanban and the
valuable work is in the Kanban system is essential in order to deliver the most value. fact that it can be applied to any process means that you can apply Kanban to a Scrum
Improve collaboratively, evolve experimentally: the Kanban method embraces the idea environment, although the opposite is not the case. This has led to the creation of a
that improvement is a collaborative exercise. Its transparency and the ease by which concept known as ‘Scrumban’, which is the application of Kanban where the underlying
the Kanban system (and thereby the underlying process) can be modified creates the process (the ‘what you do now’) is based on Scrum. In its most limited form this may
natural conditions for collaborative improvement to occur. The method builds on these simply involve the use of Kanban systems to manage the work of the sprint. It is more
advantages in its promotion ofexperimental improvement. From observation of the powerful (and increasingly typical) to apply Kanban to a broader workflow that starts
system in action and the capture of key metrics such as lead times and delivery rates, the upstream of the build process and ends with customer delivery or even post-deployment
Kanban Method

Kanban Method
Kanban and the

Kanban and the

Module 16

Module 16
team is able to form hypotheses of what may be holding the system back and then agree validation (e.g. using Kanban at a programme or portfolio level).
to changes that can be tested experimentally in a safe-to-fail manner.

Notes Notes

172 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 173
A common technique used in Kanban is to track work items on a cumulative flow diagram.
Kanban Method
Kanban and the
Module 16

This slide outlines the key learning points that were covered in this topic.


174 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd.

Module 17
Lean startup
Lean startup

This slide outlines the key syllabus topics that will be covered in this session. Lean start-up is a method to grow new businesses, and develop existing ones, through
product innovation in uncertain markets. There are many ideas and concepts that can
be taken from it that add value when combining PRINCE2 with agile. The core concepts
of Lean Startup that apply to PRINCE2 are:
• build, measure, learn
• create a minimum viable product (MVP)
• fail fast (in PRINCE2 this is coupled with ‘learn fast’
• validated learning.

Drawing on an approach to developing businesses may not seem to be an obvious

parallel to running a project, or even a timebox, but the way that Lean startup works
is to create a simple approach that can be applied to any situation where uncertainty
exists, such as a project.
Module 17

Module 17
Lean startup

Lean startup
This slide outlines the key learning points that will be covered in this topic.

Notes Notes

178 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 179
Lean startup can be used in part or in whole as a source of techniques because it is like This slide outlines the key learning points that were covered in this topic.
PRINCE2 and agile in that it is product-focused and responsive to change. Time is of the
essence nowadays and the customer wants ‘as much as they can get in as short a time
as possible’. They do not want it ‘all in the fullness of time’. A lot of start-up companies
are using new technologies, and the pace of change in this area is so fast that they have
to use a different management approach, and that approach needs to be an agile one
based on the early delivery of value (sometimes this being in the form of ‘learnings’).
Module 17

Module 17
Lean startup

Lean startup
Notes Notes

180 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 181
Module 18
Further guidance
Further guidance

This slide outlines the key syllabus topics that will be covered in this session. This appendix contains checklists that can be used at any time during a project to assess
how well the project is going from an agile perspective. This is not a replacement for the
PRINCE2 health check, which should be used as well.
A positive response to any of the following statements would usually indicate that agile is
working well in that respect. Each answer in isolation means relatively little but, in totality,
the health check will give a general indication of the health of the project in agile terms. A
simple rating system of ‘yes or no’ should be sufficient, but this can be elaborated further
if desired.

This slide outlines the key learning points that will be covered in this topic.

Notes Notes
Further guidance

Further guidance
Module 18

Module 18
184 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 185
A common mistake made by many organizations is to see working in a more agile way as PRINCE2 Agile has been created by a large team of contributors who all share a passion
the goal to be achieved, as opposed to seeing it as an enabler to help the organization for project management in an agile context. Just for fun, the whole team were asked the
achieve its goals. Agile should be seen as a means to an end and not an end in itself. following question:
What would you say to a relatively inexperienced project manager running a project in
an agile context? What advice would you give them?
They were asked to express this as a user story in the form:
As <a project manager responsible for managing a project using agile>
I would <something you would do>
So that <some kind of benefit>

Notes Notes
Further guidance

Further guidance
Module 18

Module 18
186 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 187
This slide outlines the key learning points that were covered in this topic.

Notes Notes
Further guidance

Further guidance
Module 18

Module 18
188 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 189
What’s Next?
What’s Next?

What’s Next?
What’s Next?

General information on the sample papers to be used with this module. If you want more practice and would like to bolster your confidence before you take
the live exam, PeopleCert’s Official Mock Exams offer you the opportunity to test your
readiness for the Official Exam with full, timed and marked mock exams and a chance for
you to familiarise yourself with the exam interface.
Ask your training provider for more information or visit:
help-and-support/FAQ#28C88E91C5E64BD59D3D0DE4EEBE5768 for more details.

Exam information about the PRINCE2 Agile Practitioner exam.

Notes Notes

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What’s Next?

What’s Next?
For greater peace of mind, PeopleCert offers a an exam re-sit option. This course won’t be of value to you unless you put a plan action to use what you’ve
learned. You’re probably, and rightly so, concerned with passing the exam right now if
Take2 offers you:
you’ve signed up for it. But do take a moment to reflect and plan some quick wins for
• Gives you the chance to retake a demanding exam, futureproofing your chances when you take this back to work. Ask yourself what you’ve learned that you would like
against any unexpected setbacks to share with others in your organization. Take the time to write down your personal
• Gives you up to 6 months from the date of the initial exam, ensuring that you have all commitments as to how you will apply what you have learned when you go back to work.
the time you need to get ready You’ll be glad you did.
• Allows you to retake an unsuccessful exam at a fixed, attractive rate, at a fraction of
the cost, without having to purchase it again at full price
• Allows you to schedule the re-sit exam when it best suits your schedule and take it
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Ask your training provider for more information or log in to your PeopleCert account to

Notes Notes

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What’s Next?

What’s Next?
Register for your exam if you haven’t already. Once you have successfully passed your PRINCE2 Practitioner PRINCE2 Practitioner certification is for anyone who is
exam, don’t forget to claim your digital badge from MyAxelos. Just log in to your PeopleCert managing projects as part of their role. This could be as part of a formal project
account to claim your free MyAxelos subscription. Your digital badge is your way of management function or a role in which project management is an inherent part of
demonstrating achievement and certification in the digital age. You can use your digital day to-day work. The purpose of the practitioner certification is to confirm you have a
badge across online platforms including your social media and your email signature to sufficient understanding of how to apply and tailor the method in a range of different
showcase your qualifications. project environments and scenarios.
Also, this training qualifies for MyAxelos Continuing Professional Development points, PRINCE2 Agile Foundation PRINCE2 Agile Foundation is designed to give you an
which are needed to maintain your digital badge. Be sure to log in to claim your points overview of PRINCE2 and Agile concepts as well as the techniques and knowledge
as you progress through your ITIL® journey. needed to apply the two together.
Finally, thanks for spending time learning with us! PRINCE2 Agile Practitioner PRINCE2 Agile Practitioner is designed to help you to
apply the PRINCE2 Agile method in practice through real-world project management

Notes Notes

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What’s Next?

What’s Next?
If you are considering diversifying your skill set, PeopleCert’s portfolio of highly sought- Because of your enrolment on the PRINCE2 Agile course, you now have three months of
after certifications may be of interest to you. Listed above are certifications that are free access to MyAxelos.
perfect for the PRINCE2 practitioner. On MyAxelos, it is possible to:
• access a wide range of PRINCE2 and ProPath content
To view PeopleCert’s entire portfolio of certifications, please visit: https://www.peoplecert.
• explore content from the wider Axelos best practice portfolio, including ITIL 4®
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• continuing professional development to boost your future career.

Notes Notes

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Candidate syllabus

Sample papers and

answers and rationales

Candidate syllabus 2.2 Question Types
All questions are Objective Test Questions (OTQs), which present four options from which one
option is selected. Distractors (wrong answers) are options that candidates with incomplete
1. Introduction
knowledge or skill would be likely to choose. These are generally plausible responses relating to
The purpose of this document is to outline the learning outcomes and assessment criteria of the the assessment criteria being examined. Question styles used within this type are: ‘standard’, ‘list’
PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner qualification and the assessment criteria that a candidate is expected
(2 correct items), and, as an exception, ‘negative’ standard OTQ.
to meet for each learning outcome (with reference to the PRINCE2 Agile® Official Book, 2018
edition, 5th impression).
The target audience for this document is: Example ‘standard’ OTQs:
Ÿ Candidates and members of the public
Which BEST describes XXX in PRINCE2 Agile? The project manager has decided to YYY
The purpose of the PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner Examination is:
Ÿ to assess whether the candidate can demonstrate sufficient understanding, application A. A vvv Was this an appropriate action for the
and tailoring of the PRINCE2 Agile® project management method, as described in the B. A yyy project manager to take, and why?
syllabus below, to be awarded the PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner qualification. (The PRINCE2 C. A zzz
Agile® Foundation qualification is a prerequisite for the PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner D. A www A. Yes, because XXX
Examination.) B. Yes, because YYY
C. No, because XXX
The target audience for this qualification is: D. No, because YYY
Ÿ Agile professionals, project managers and aspiring project managers who want to be able
to combine PRINCE2® and Agile in the most effective way when using PRINCE2®, Agile Please see the sample paper for an example of the exam format and content.
behaviours, concepts, frameworks and techniques.
Ÿ Other key delivery team staff, including: product owners, Scrum Masters and developers.


Ÿ Business professionals with an interest in iterative and incremental project delivery
2.3 Scoring
through collaborative working.
Number of questions: 50
To take the PRINCE2 Agile Practitioner examination one must hold PRINCE2 Agile Foundation or
any PRINCE2 certification. Marks: Each question is worth 1 mark. There are 50 marks available. (There are no ‘trial’
2. PRINCE2 Agile Practitioner Examination Design
There is no negative marking.
2.1 Examination Administration
Pass mark: 60% or higher – a raw score of 30 marks or above
Duration: 2 hour 30 minutes

NOTE: Candidates taking the exam in a language that is not their native or working language may
3. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner Syllabus
be awarded 25% extra time, i.e. 187.5 minutes in total.
The tables below give a summary of the concepts that are tested in the exam, and the main parts
Materials permitted: The examination is ‘open book’, i.e. the PRINCE2 Agile Official Book is
of the Official Book in which these are described. The book references refer to the section stated,
allowed for reference during the examination.
but not the subsections within that section, unless stated.

The verb for each assessment criterion indicates the Bloom’s level (BL): ‘Describe’, ‘Explain’,
‘Distinguish’, indicates Level 2 understanding/ comprehension, ‘Use’, ‘Apply’, ‘Make adjustments’
indicates Level 3 (Application - Carry out or use a procedure in a given situation), ‘Evaluate’,
‘Assess’, ‘Analyze’ indicates Level 4 (Analysis - Break material into its constituent parts and
determine how the parts relate to one another and to an overall structure or purpose).

204 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 205
Learning Assessment Book Bloom’ Exam LWB Learning Assessment Book Bloom’ Exam LWB
Outcome Criteria Ref. s Level Sections pg. no Outcome Criteria Ref. s Level Sections pg. no
1. 1.1 Describe the 2.2.1, tab BL2 6 x Multiple 20-37 3. Be able to 3.1 Use focus areas 24.3, BL3 12 x MCQs 76-85
Understand fundamental 2.1 Choice apply and (the Agilometer, 25.5.1, on one
the basic frameworks (Scrum, Questions evaluate the requirements, rich 26.3.1, scenario
concepts of Kanban, Lean (MCQs) focus areas communication, 27.2.1
common Startup), behaviours, to a project frequent releases and
agile ways of concepts and in an agile contracts) and their
working techniques of context key techniques to
common agile ways of tailor PRINCE2
working effectively
1.2 Explain how Ch1, 3.3, BL2 • Agilometer
PRINCE2 Agile is used tab 3.2, 4 • Requirements
only in a project • Communication
context, including the and contracts
difference between • Frequent
projects and business releases
as usual
3.2 Evaluate the 24.7.6, BL4
1.3 Explain which 3.3, tab BL2 application of focus 25.6,
agile ways of working 3.2 areas (the Agilometer, 26.4,
are suitable for use requirements, rich
with PRINCE2 Agile 27.2.2,
2. 2.1 Recognize 2.1.1, 3.6 BL2 38-51 frequent releases and
Understand common perceptions contracts) and their


the purpose of traditional key techniques to a
and context methodology (e.g. project in an agile
for waterfall, command context
combining and control, • Agilometer
PRINCE2 bureaucracy, detail • Requirements
and the up-front)
• Communication
agile way of 2.2 Recognize the 3.6, tab BL2 and contracts
working eight guidance points 3.4 • Frequent
regarding PRINCE2 releases
4. Be able to 4.1 Set the tolerances 6, tab 6.1, BL3 8 x MCQs 38-51
2.3 Explain benefits 3.2, tab BL2 fix and flex for the six PRINCE2 6.4 on one
(to organization, to 3.1 the six aspects of a project in scenario
projects, to aspects of a an agile context,
programmes, to project in an taking into account
people, etc.) of agile context the rationale behind
combining PRINCE2 the five targets
with agile • Quality
2.4 Describe the need 3, fig 3.1, BL2 • Scope
to ‘blend and weave’ 3.1, 3.5, • Time/cost/benefit
PRINCE2 with agile at 3.6, fig /risk
all levels of a project 3.2, tab
(project direction, 3.4, 4.1.3,
project management 4.2.1,
and product delivery) 4.3.1

206 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 207
Learning Assessment Book Bloom’ Exam LWB Learning Assessment Book Bloom’ Exam LWB
Outcome Criteria Ref. s Level Sections pg. no Outcome Criteria Ref. s Level Sections pg. no
4.2 Evaluate the 6.3, tab BL4 52-65 5.5 Evaluate how 8, tab 8.1, BL4
impact of the 6.2, 6.4 PRINCE2 themes can 8.3, 9 ,10,
tolerances set for the be tailored to meet 11, 12, 13,
six PRINCE2 aspects the needs of a project, 14, 15
of a project in an agile using a range of agile
context, taking into frameworks,
account the rationale behaviours, concepts
for the five targets and techniques
• Be on time and 5.6 Tailor PRINCE2 5.4, 16.1, BL3
hit deadlines processes to meet the 16.2
• Protect the level needs of a project,
of quality (including the PRINCE2
• Embrace change journey when using
• Keep teams agile) using a range of
stable agile frameworks,
behaviours, concepts
• Accept that the
and techniques
customer does
not need 5.7 Evaluate how 5.4, 16.1, BL4
everything PRINCE2 processes 16.2,
can be tailored to
meet the needs of a
5. Be able to 5.1 Assess the level of 3.3, tab BL4 12 x MCQs 66-75
project (including the
apply or maturity of a specific 3.2, 3.4, on each of

PRINCE2 journey when

tailor the project environment tab 3.3 two
using agile)
PRINCE2 with respect to agile scenarios
principles, 5.8 Tailor PRINCE2 Tab 16.2, BL3
5.2 Apply PRINCE2 7.1, tab BL3
themes, management products 23, tab
principles to meet the 7.3, 7.4,
processes to meet the needs of a 23.1, 23.2,
needs of a project, 7.5
and project using a range 23.3
using a range of agile
managemen of agile frameworks,
t products behaviours, concepts
behaviours, concepts
to a project and techniques
and techniques
in an agile 5.9 Evaluate how Tab 16.2, BL4
context 5.3 Evaluate how 7.1, tab BL4
PRINCE2 23, tab
PRINCE2 principles 7.3, 7.4,
management 23.1, 23.2,
can be applied to meet 7.5
products can be 23.3
the needs of a project,
tailored to meet the
including the use of a
needs of a project
range of agile
5.4 Tailor PRINCE2 8, tab 8.1, BL3
themes to meet the 8.3, 9 ,10,
needs of a project 11, 12, 13,
using a range of agile 14, 15
behaviours, concepts
and techniques

208 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 209
1. Which describes lean startup?
Sample Paper 1:
A. An approach to system improvement which controls how much work is underway at any
one time.
B. An approach that creates IT services through enhanced collaboration between
Question Booklet development and operations.
Multiple Choice C. An approach to applying agile across an entire organization for large scale and complex
Examination Duration: 2 hours and 30 minutes work.
D. An approach to delivering new products quickly, initially based on setting up new

Instructions companies.

1. You should attempt all 50 questions. Each question is worth one mark.
2. There is only one correct answer per question. 2. Which type of change should PRINCE2 Agile be used for?
A. Prioritizing ideas in order to enhance or continuously improve a product.
3. You need to answer 30 questions correctly to pass the exam.
B. Developing a new service which is not yet understood or fully defined.
4. Mark your answers on the answer sheet provided. Use a pencil (NOT pen).
C. Responding to simple requests for change received from sales staff.
5. You have 2 hours and 30 minutes to complete this exam.
D. Resolving a long list of minor upgrades that is regularly added to.
6. This is an ‘open book’ exam. You can use the PRINCE2 Agile guidance.
7. No other material is allowed.
3. Which describes an agile approach which can be integrated with PRINCE2 Agile?
8. Read the ‘Project Scenario’ in the Scenario Booklet.
A. Limiting the amount of work under way and using visualization to show progress.
9. You will also need the ‘Additional Information’ in the Scenario Booklet to answer some


questions. This is indicated before the question. B. Comprising a sequence of phases such as design, build and test.

10. Each question is separate. Do not use information from one question to answer another C. Prioritizing and delivering frequent requests to improve existing operational products.
question. D. Representing the intended long-term product functionality in a diagram and making it
visible to the project team.

4. Which describes the PRINCE2 method of project management according to the eight
guidance points?
A. It follows the traditional need for detailed design before development starts.
B. It requires completion of work in a linear, sequential manner phase-by-phase.
C. It recommends a flexible, delegated approach to project management.
D. It works effectively with agile approaches when some areas of guidance are removed.

5. How might a PRINCE2 organization gain by using PRINCE2 Agile?

A. It benefits from understanding what agile is and how it works.
B. It benefits from the advantages of integrating agile into their existing PRINCE2 practices.
C. It benefits from adopting an industry standard approach to project management.
D. It benefits from understanding PRINCE2 Agile and how to add it to their existing ways of

210 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 211
6. How does a delivery team ‘blend and weave’ PRINCE2 with agile ways of working? 9. A marketing campaign to promote Chesterton Blue will target a non-English speaking
A. By self-organizing within authority limits set by the project manager. country in order to determine whether the proposed new corporate logo is sufficiently
B. By using rich communication more effectively on team projects. unique and recognizable. The senior user will approve the chosen logo. During Brand-u-
C. By prioritizing requirements using MoSCoW. Like’s most recent daily stand-up meeting, a number of observations were made.
D. By using stages in place of timeboxes in order to manage projects.
Which observation should be recorded as an item that that may potentially block the team’s
Using the Project Scenario and Rebranding Additional Information, answer the following progress?
A. Targeting the Netherlands could increase awareness, resulting in a favourable outcome at
7. The ‘Chesterton’s Cheese? Yes please!’ project retrospective concluded that despite the the International Cheese Festival.
campaign being successful, the company has a recognition problem in its non-English B. The chosen logo may not be sufficiently unique and recognizable, having a negative
speaking markets. It was recommended that future campaigns make use of uniquely impact at the International Cheese Festival.
distinguishable branding. C. The Chesterton Blue marketing campaign will require an increase in the marketing
Which PRINCE2 principle being applied? D. The senior user has reported that they may have limited availability over the next three
A. Focus on products.
B. Learn from experience. 10. During Stage 4, the Cheese Marketing Association informed Brand-u-Like that Chesterton’s


C. Continued business justification. Cheese is allowed to use its quality accreditation logo as part of its branding on all of their
D. Manage by stages. marketing materials and products.

8. The project manager has authorized the ‘Collateral’ work package which must be delivered How should this be managed by Brand-u-Like?
by the end of Week 5. It includes the following requirements:
A. Adopt a dynamic approach to this branding change.
• Corporate signage - Should Have; B. Redesign corporate brand standards, implement them, and seek feedback.
• Website look and feel - Must Have; C. Produce an exception report to inform the project board.
• Letterheads - Must Have. D. Raise an issue to inform the project manager.

The corporate signage is not thought to add as much value as the other products.

Why does this represent a good application of the 'manage by exception' principle?

A. Prioritized requirements enable Brand-u-Like to plan their delivery within the limits
agreed with the project manager.
B. Setting zero time tolerance empowers Brand-u-Like to deliver by the end of Week 5.
C. Combining the corporate image/logo and the collateral into one stage forms a single
D. After Week 5 the value delivered by the ‘Collateral’ work package can be assessed.

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11. It was recommended that a marketing campaign to promote Chesterton Blue is used to 13. The collateral work package is dependent upon the redesign of the corporate logo. In
determine whether the proposed new corporate logo is sufficiently unique and recognizable. addition, the marketing campaign and ‘Story of Cheese’ are both dependent upon the
The customer subject matter expert (CSME) in the Brand-u-Like team has added this new outputs of the rebranding work.
marketing campaign to the Marketing Team’s product backlog.
How should the Brand-u-Like team respond to this during the ‘accepting a work package’
How effectively does this apply the change theme? stage?

A. It applies it well because empowered self-organizing teams should be free to handle A. Record each of the dependencies as a risk ‘cause’ in the project risk register.
change dynamically. B. Ensure that the dependencies are specified as development interfaces in the work
B. It applies it well because work should be prioritized in a product backlog on an ongoing packages.
manner, based on value. C. Document the purpose of each of the products in the appropriate product description.
C. It applies it poorly because the change needs to be managed at the appropriate level. D. Prioritize the work that needs to be undertaken using Brand-u-Like’s product backlog.
D. It applies it poorly because a burn-up chart should be used where the amount of work
changes. 14. The products produced by Brand-u-Like will be delivered in stage 2 only. The project board
has agreed to visit the board room to review the burn charts each week.
12. During Brand-u-Like’s most recent daily stand-up meeting, a rumour that one of their
suppliers may become insolvent was reported. As a result, it was agreed that a safe-to-fail Which reason BEST explains whether this is a suitable approach for the ’directing a project’
experiment should be conducted to determine the likelihood of this occurring. process?


How effectively does this apply the risk theme? A. It is a good approach because decision-making may be informed by information pulled
from the project.
A. It applies it well because a safe-to-fail experiment can be used to assess the impact of B. It is a good approach because the executive will be able to provide direction to the project
major changes to scope. manager and the teams.
B. It applies it well because the person who is managing the team is responsible for C. It is a poor approach because the project manager should be reviewing the burn charts
managing risk at the delivery level. and escalating any exceptions.
C. It applies it poorly because it should be managed as an impediment, rather than as a risk. D. It is a poor approach because the project board should only review information at the
D. It applies it poorly because a safe-to-fail experiment is NOT designed for determining risk end of a stage.

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15. The project manager has worked with Brand-u-Like to create a work package which releases 17. When contributing to the development of the change control approach, Brand-u-Like wish to
the collateral items in weeks 4 and 5. The stage plan shows the collateral items as a list in the specify how changes to the detailed brief they have produced will be managed. They can
form of a backlog. Brand-u-Like has produced a release backlog which covers two sprints then charge for changes made to it.
each of one week duration.
Which reason BEST explains whether the change control approach should be used in this
Which statement BEST explains why this approach is appropriate for the ‘managing product way?
delivery’ process?
A. It is suitable because the rebranding brief will require a formal configuration item record.
A. All the rebranding work is contained within one stage so sprint planning is not necessary. B. It is suitable because the development of the change control approach should be
B. Within an agile project a team plan should always be in the same format as a stage plan. collaborative and include the views of stakeholders.
C. Release and sprint backlogs can be used effectively to plan the work required in a work C. It is unsuitable because change should be allowed for at the product delivery level by
package. trading requirements.
D. The work package definition should include the preferred size of the timeboxes. D. It is unsuitable because a change control approach is redundant if Brand-u-Like wishes to
become more agile.
16. At the start of the project the Agilometer was used and the ‘advantageous environmental
conditions’ slider was set at a high level across all sliders and all work streams. When 18. The acceptance criteria relating to the new logo have been set at a high level in the project
reviewing the project’s performance at the end of week 14, this was felt to have been too product description (PPD). The introduction section of the quality management approach
optimistic. Throughout the project it was found that Brand-u-Like was not willing to change contains the objective of ensuring that this standard is achieved.


their approach and would not commit to their work until it was fully documented and
authorized. Which BEST explains why this statement should be included in the introduction section of
the quality management approach?
In which report should this information be included?
A. Brand-u-Like need to ensure that the agile ways of working documented in the quality
A. Checkpoint report. management approach will achieve the appropriate level of quality.
B. Exception report. B. This objective corresponds to the reputation Brand-u-Like has for producing work to a
C. End project report. high level of quality.
D. Product status account. C. All of Chesterton’s requirements are driven by the high standards needed by food
production regulations.
D. When working in basic agile environments a lot of emphasis should be placed on quality
planning during the initiation stage.

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Using the Project Scenario and Marketing Campaign Additional Information, answer the 21. The business case identifies that the marketing campaign must achieve a minimum of a 10%
following questions: increase in sales within three months to be viable, and it would also like to achieve a wider
awareness of Chesterton’s to improve their long-term sales.
19. The Marketing Team believes that the most successful viral marketing videos are normally
uploaded to YouTube® and shared by people using Twitter®. Videos on Facebook® have Two television advertisements should achieve the highest increase in awareness but the
much less impact. Adding pictures from the video onto Instagram® could also improve the sales increase is forecast to be approximately 5%. A promotion in magazines is forecast to
take-up rate. The acceptance criteria need to be set for where the video is made available. increase the overall sales by 12% in the short term but is not expected to improve
awareness. The Marketing Team is assessing the compromise between the numbers of
Which tolerance level is MOST suitable for the acceptance criteria, in order to comply with television advertisements to run against the promotion in magazines.
the ‘protect the level of quality’ target?
How should the team respond taking into account the ‘five targets’?
A. A tolerance range set for the video and/or photos to be available on as many social media
platforms as possible. A. Make the long-term benefits gained from television advertisements a higher priority than
B. Zero tolerance on the need for Twitter to be able to share with all social media the magazine promotion benefits.
applications. B. Fix the benefits from both campaign approaches and escalate to the project board the
C. Zero tolerance on the need for the video to be available on YouTube®, Facebook® and need to provide more funding.
Instagram®. C. Adjust the benefits from both campaign approaches and adjust the risk that the sales
D. Zero tolerance on the need for the video to be on YouTube with a tolerance range of 1-5 forecasts may be inaccurate.


photos on Instagram®. D. Ensure the magazine promotion achieves a 10% sales increase and reduce the television
20. The Marketing Team is working on the advertisements in the first timebox but there is not advertisement benefits.
enough time to complete them all. The remaining requirements to be completed for this
timebox are:

• Must have advertisements in the 'Good Food' and 'Great International Food' magazines;
• Should have advertisements in 'Cook Organic' and 'The Vegetarian' magazines.

How should the team respond, taking into account the 'five targets'?

A. Deliver the ‘must have’ advertisements as required and as many ‘should have’
advertisements as possible.
B. Deliver as many advertisements as possible on both ‘must and should have’
advertisements equally.
C. Deliver only the ‘must have’ advertisements and remove all of the ‘should have’
advertisements from project scope.
D. Deliver one ‘must have’ and one ‘should have’ advertisement in the first timebox and the
remainder in the second.

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22. The Marketing Team is planning the work for the first timebox in Stage 3. At the end of this 23. The project product description for the Golden Clog project includes the following
two-week timebox, the following campaigns are planned to be released: acceptance criterion in relation to the marketing campaign:

• Social media - it is thought that this campaign will generate the greatest response from ‘The marketing campaign must accurately describe the ingredients and characteristics of the
potential customers and is critical; 5 most popular cheeses to generate enquiries about these cheeses at the International
• Newspaper - the target market for Chesterton's cheeses is thought to be strongly Cheese Festival.’
influenced by newspaper advertisements; Which reason explains why the team manager should ‘protect the level of quality’ of the
• Radio - this is seen as less critical as radio advertisements are on local stations and reach marketing campaign?
a more restricted audience.
A. The impact of each marketing campaign needs to be established early in the project to
The Marketing Team manager has identified that it will not be possible to deliver all of the generate enquiries.
above campaigns in the current timebox. As a result, the team manager has consulted the B. The marketing campaign must be delivered before the International Cheese Festival to
CSME and they have agreed that the radio campaign should be delayed until timebox 2 in generate enquiries.
the current stage. C. There will be confusion from customers at the International Cheese Festival if the
campaign does not advertise the cheeses accurately.
D. The acceptance criterion represents the Minimum Viable Product to be delivered by the
Which reason explains why the team manager should 'be on time and hit deadlines' rather Golden Clog project.
than deliver the entire scope?


24. One purpose of the marketing campaign is to promote awareness of the Chesterton’s Blue
A. Publishing of the social media and newspaper advertisements allows rich communication cheese, using advertisements based on the smell of the cheese. There is a negative reaction
with potential customers. from the public to the first advertisement. Further research identified that this is because
B. Generating increased cheese sales will give the project board early confidence in the the public dislikes the photographs of noses on the advertisement.
ongoing business case viability.
C. Delivering all three campaigns would have reduced testing and increased the risk of The Marketing Team decide to immediately change from using photographs of noses to new
errors in the advertisements. ones based on smiling faces in the next timebox.
D. Focusing on the critical requirements allows the Marketing Team to collaborate more
effectively during the timebox. Which BEST describes why this change complies with the ‘embrace change’ target?

A. The team made the decision to change and take action collaboratively.
B. The cost of ownership of the marketing campaign will be reduced.
C. Revision to the advertisement removes features that the customer did not want.
D. Making changes according to feedback should result in a more successful product.

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25. The CSME on the Marketing Team who is responsible each day for updating social media for 26. The project is now in stage 4 and the marketing campaign has led to a significant increase in
the Golden Clog project is on holiday during weeks 8-9. Brand-u-Like, who is rebranding demand for a wider range of cheeses. However, the radio campaign was not delivered
Chesterton’s Cheese, has several trainees and has offered to transfer these trainees at a during stage 3 and at the current rate of progress it is unlikely that all of the following
reduced rate to the Marketing Team to assist in this work. remaining campaigns will be delivered during the stage:

Why should the project manager resist this request in accordance with the ‘keep teams • Radio;
stable’ target? • Television;
• Video sharing using social media.
A. It should be possible for other people in the team to do this work in order to maintain
effective working relationships. The CSME has confirmed that the video sharing is now seen as equally important to the
B. The additional cost of employing temporary staff for two weeks should be avoided by the other remaining campaigns and the Marketing Team should deliver everything from all three
team. campaigns in the current timebox.
C. Team members should remain unchanged throughout all stages of a PRINCE2 Agile
project. Which reason explains how this applies the 'accept that the customer doesn't need
D. Brand-u-Like will benefit from the trainee being able to learn about Chesterton’s business everything' target?
and the agile way of working.
A. It applies the target well because the CSME has confirmed that the customer needs all
three campaigns to be delivered.


B. It applies the target well because the level of quality should be reduced to deliver the
campaigns before the International Cheese Festival.
C. It applies the target poorly because requirements should be broken down and prioritized
in order to deliver on time to quality.
D. It applies the target poorly because the decision to deliver all three campaigns should
have been taken collaboratively with the team.

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Using the Project Scenario and website Additional information, answer the following 28. Web&Go is using a Kanban approach to delivery. The following three requirements have
questions: been specified on a backlog:

27. Web&Go are working on the ordering timebox which includes: 1. Change customer details - Effort: Large
2. Incorporate new branding - Effort: Large
• Incorporating the new branding; 3. Cheese catalogue download - Effort: Medium
• A cheese search and filter function;
• A downloadable catalogue of cheeses. Note: Large effort - relates to a lead time of 10 days or more. Medium effort - relates to a
lead time of 5 - 10 days.
The most important deliverable for this timebox is to demonstrate how the new branding
will be used on the website. Web&Go has started work on all three requirements simultaneously.

How should the 'manage by exception' principle be applied to this work? Why is this is a poor application of the 'focus on products' principle?

A. Ensure that an initial forecast to exceed the time tolerance in this timebox is escalated to A. Work within stage 3 should be divided into timeboxes with requirements prioritized as
the project manager. must/should/could have.
B. Ensure that a prototype is delivered in the first timebox, integrating the new branding B. Work within stage 3 should be broken down to enable prioritization and the amount of
with zero time tolerance. work in progress to be controlled.


C. Ensure that if Web&Go can only deliver the rebranding in the timebox then this is C. The internal IT Team is not using Kanban; therefore Web&Go should adopt the same agile
escalated to the project manager. approaches.
D. Ensure that this timebox only includes the rebranding with the other requirements D. Retrospectives should be held after each product is delivered to focus the learning on the
included in later timeboxes. products.

29. Web&Go is using Kanban to deliver the ordering work package in stage 3.

How should the organization theme be tailored for this team?

A. No change is required to the roles defined in PRINCE2.

B. By appointing the Scrum Master of the Web&Go Team to act as team manager for the
ordering work package.
C. By showing the Golden Clog Project organization chart on the Web&Go team’s Kanban
D. By ensuring that the Web&Go team works closely with the project manager of the Golden
Clog project.

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30. The Web&Go team are delivering the ordering work package stage using a Kanban 32. The IT team is using a burn-down chart for the Story of Cheese work package. The line
approach. The work package includes the following requirements: showing the amount of work done is above the line showing the ideal rate of progress and is
relatively flat.
• Create an order for some cheese - Must have;
• Change an existing open order that has been submitted - Should have; The IT team manager concluded that the focus should now be on incorporating the new
• Create a customer account/login - Must have. branding onto the website and the history of Chesterton’s for the remainder of the timebox.
Other, lower priority, requirements are not going to be delivered as a result.
How should Web&Go estimate the delivery of this work package so that the plans theme is
tailored appropriately? What BEST explains why this response to the burn-down chart tailors the progress theme
A. Use rationalism to estimate how long the ‘must haves’ and ‘should haves’ will take to
deliver. A. The IT team velocity is too slow to deliver all products at the current rate of progress.
B. Use the previous lead times from similar work items for other customers to estimate the B. The burn-down chart is displayed so that progress is visible to the IT Team members.
three requirements. C. The burn-down chart shows how much work is left to be done during this timebox.
C. Use empiricism to estimate the effort to deliver the three requirements based on what D. The burn-down chart assumes that the amount of work stays the same during this
happened in stage 2. timebox.
D. Estimate the effort needed to design each of the three requirements in the first timebox.
33. A business analyst has been collecting ideas from sales staff on ways to improve the sales


31. When preparing the business case, the project manager asked Web&Go to estimate the process. These ideas have been collated onto a backlog. This list of possible changes is being
effort required for the customer account/login function. Web&Go has been asked to provide discussed during the ‘starting up a project’ process along with other ideas to be included in
estimates based on a best-case scenario for each of the following: the project.

• Customer name, title and gender; The value of each of these ideas needs to be understood by the members of the project
• Delivery address and delivery preferences e.g. time of day; board.
• Billing address;
• Contact details including email, home telephone, work telephone and mobile/cell phone; How should the project management team BEST present the project brief to the project
• Password and 'forgot my password'. board in order to achieve this?

What BEST explains how this approach tailors the business case theme? A. By issuing it to the project board along with the backlog showing the risks, benefits and
costs of each idea.
A. It tailors the theme well because a best-case and worst-case scenario business case B. By issuing it to the project board with an invitation to call the project manager if
should be produced. information on risks, costs and benefits is needed.
B. It tailors the theme well because the best-case scenario includes the delivery of all of the C. By discussing it along with the risks, costs and benefits of each idea displayed in the
specified requirements. board room with the project board.
C. It tailors the theme poorly because the project board should focus on the expected-case D. By discussing it with the executive, enabling the executive to present the findings to the
most likely to be delivered. project board.
D. It tailors the theme poorly because a high level requirement to create a customer
account/login should have been used.

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34. At the end of week 14, the project manager is getting ready to complete the ‘closing a 36. Web&Go are working on the payment timebox. The timebox includes the following
project’ process. The rebranding, marketing and premises move have all been completed. requirements:
The website is now fully operational and the project manager wants to review how well the
project has delivered the website in order to pass on lessons to future projects. • Secure payment - Must have;
• Allow payment by credit card/debit card - Must have;
How should the project manager complete the ‘closing a project’ process? • Allow payment by PayPal - Should have.

A. By completing a full review of each release of the website to obtain user acceptance. How should Web&Go start delivering the team plan where the work in progress (WIP) limit
B. By checking that lessons from website retrospectives, have been actioned in later on the build column of the Kanban board is 2?
C. By handing over the website to operations staff in a formal handover ceremony. A. By identifying at the beginning of the timebox that requirement 3 is unlikely to be
D. By writing the handover documentation for the operations staff who maintain the delivered.
website. B. By measuring the number of customer requests for secure payments that are successful.
C. By pulling requirements 1 and 2 onto the Kanban board first, ready to start work on
35. At the end of week 7, the first timebox relating to the ordering on the website has been them.
completed. The Web&Go team manager has been planning a retrospective with an D. By starting work on all three requirements at the same time to ensure that at least 2 are
independent facilitator. They have spent two hours planning with the following conclusions: delivered within the timebox.


• All team members working on the ordering work package stage (including staff from 37. During stage 4, work on the Story of Cheese is due to commence. The IT team are delivering
Web&Go) should attend as well as the project manager; this work package which includes the following requirements:
• At the retrospective, the focus should be on establishing how rich communication has
contributed to a successful delivery of the timebox and how it should be used going • Incorporation of the new branding;
forward. • History of cheese;
• History of Chesterton’s.
Which BEST explains how well this tailors the ‘controlling a stage’ process?
How should the work package for this timebox be authorized?
A. It tailors the process well because the retrospective workshop should be planned using
an independent facilitator. A. The team manager should estimate the lead times for each requirement in order to limit
B. It tailors the process well because the retrospective should focus on understanding how the amount of work in the timebox.
team behaviors can be improved. B. The project manager should agree the content of the work package with the IT Team at a
C. It tailors the process poorly because the retrospective should involve internal staff rather timebox planning meeting.
than external suppliers. C. The team manager should produce three separate work packages for the requirements,
D. It tailors the process poorly because the retrospective should focus on the quality of the issuing them to the project manager for authorization.
delivered website. D. The project manager should specify the order in which each requirement included in the
work package should be delivered.

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38. The following risk has been identified during the assessment of the Agilometer and entered 40. The premises team is made up of both operations and maintenance staff, assigned full-time
into the risk register. The risk register is displayed on the information radiator in the board to the team. The operations process must comply with hygiene regulations and therefore
room. the operations staff is focused on delivering the required level of quality. The operations
staff members feel that only they have the authority and knowledge to make the key
‘As Web&Go are using a Kanban approach and the IT Team are using a basic agile approach decisions with respect to how the lines are set-up. They are unhappy that the maintenance
using different terminology, there is a risk that it may result in poor communication, leading staff members have, in the past, not appropriately implemented some minor operational
to the failure to integrate the products effectively into a single, coherent website.’ requirements.

What BEST explains how this tailors the risk register? Which slider on the Agilometer would be MOST appropriate to give a low setting as a result
of this behaviour?
A. It tailors the risk register well because it assesses the estimated impact that the risk might
have on the project. A. Level of collaboration.
B. It tailors the risk register well because it records the results of the agile risk assessment. B. Ease of communication.
C. It tailors the risk register poorly because the risk register should be maintained in a more C. Ability to work iteratively and deliver incrementally.
formal manner. D. Advantageous environmental conditions.
D. It tailors the risk register poorly because risks are avoided due to the use of agile
approaches in a project. 41. The following requirement has been specified for the moving of premises:
As the operations manager responsible for all of the production lines;


Using the Project Scenario and Move Premises Additional Information, answer the • I want to have the production lines for all cheeses sold by Chesterton’s to be located on
following questions: one site, alongside the office functions;
• So that efficiencies can be achieved by managing staff and deliveries from a single
39. The project manager used the Agilometer to assess the prevailing agile environment in order location.
to tailor PRINCE2 in the most effective way.
What is the MOST appropriate way to record this wording?
Due to the current production processes being located over several sites and the landlord of
the new premises being in a time zone of over ten hours difference, it was observed that the A. As the project product description.
‘Ease of Communication’ slider is low. B. As a product description.
C. As a user story.
Which action is an appropriate response to this observation? D. As an epic.

A. To have a work stream launch party to build a ‘one-team’ culture with the staff to be
B. To create an email distribution list to ensure the team is kept up-to-date on decisions and
C. To ensure that the updated backlog is distributed weekly to the team and the landlord.
D. To use web-cams on calls to the team and landlord to enable face-to-face

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42. The high-level requirement for the main store for the cheese is that it MUST be kept at a 45. The project manager used the Agilometer to assess the ‘move premises’ work stream. The
constant temperature of at least 10 °C. The cooling unit to achieve this temperature is much Agilometer scored low for all sliders.
more expensive than expected so the requirement was revisited. Not all the cheeses need to The project manager then discussed the results of the Agilometer further with the team
be stored at the same temperature. moving premises and discovered that the team is cautious in its approach. They want to
obtain sign-off of the technical design for all production lines before moving any of them.
Which approach should be taken to deal with this issue? The design needs to include many mandatory hygiene, health and safety requirements. The
team then wants to move and test each production line, one by one.
A. Escalate to the project board so the requirement is formally reassessed.
B. Change the expected range of the temperature to identify cheaper units. Which slider should the project manager set higher as a result of this discussion?
C. Decompose the requirement to identify separate ranges for each cheese type.
D. Use project cost tolerance to pay for a more expensive cooling unit. A. ‘Flexibility on what is delivered’ because there are many requirements that need to be
met when moving premises allowing flexibility in what is delivered first.
43. The choice and order of which production line to move to the new premises may be affected B. ‘Flexibility on what is delivered’ because each production line will be tested to make sure
by which cheeses Chesterton’s decide to promote at the International Cheese Festival. it meets the requirements as soon as it has been moved.
C. ‘Ability to work iteratively and deliver incrementally’ because the team is being cautious in
Which is the MOST appropriate way to convey the impact that this decision has on the its approach by signing off the technical design first.
premises team? D. ‘Ability to work iteratively and deliver incrementally’ because moving each production line
individually will enable learnings to be applied to other lines.


A. Document the options and impact in the impact analysis section in an issue report.
B. Record the options and choices in a visual decision tree and distribute this to all of the
46. The premises team has just been appointed and is made up of operations and facilities staff.
teams involved.
C. Discuss at a workshop attended by the project board members where decisions can be
Which characteristic justifies a high-level setting for the ‘ease of communication’ slider on the
Agilometer for this part of the project?
D. Discuss in a meeting of the CSMEs from the premises and Marketing Teams.

A. The operations manager walks around the production plant to manage the staff while the
44. The move of the first production line to the new premises has been completed.
production lines are running.
B. The operations staff monitors their performance and level of production achieved
Which feedback would be MOST useful according to the frequent releases focus area?
through a visible dashboard.
C. The premises team has been trained in PRINCE2 Agile and is willing to be guided by
A. The project board was pleased with the visible progress.
others who have more experience.
B. The staff really liked the atmosphere of the new premises.
D. When the production lines are running, the operations staff happily helps each other out
C. The delivery lorries were unable to gain access to the site.
and step-in for others when needed.
D. Dispatching cheese was more complicated across both old and new sites.

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47. As a: production line worker;
I want to: be able to transport the cheese into the refrigeration room located at the end of
each production line;
So that: the time needed to move the cheese into the refrigeration room is as short as

Which explains whether any part of this user story is appropriate?

A. The ‘who’ is not appropriate because the role should be a manager rather than a staff
B. The ‘what’ is not appropriate because it should contain quality criteria to assess the
output against.
C. The ‘why’ is not appropriate because the target should be defined in measurable terms.
D. All parts are appropriate because a user story should be the starting point for

48. Twenty-two requirements have been identified for the cheese dispatch process, broken
down by number as follows:


• Weighing cheeses - 2
• Wrapping cheeses - 2
• Labelling cheeses - 2
• Packing dispatch box - 4
• Weighing dispatch box - 2
• Addressing the dispatch box - 7
• Applying postage to dispatch box - 3

Which stage would the premises team MOST likely be in if they were applying the
requirements focus area correctly?

A. Pre-project stage because there are less than nine areas in the dispatch process.
B. Initiation stage because there are between 10 and 100 requirements in the dispatch
C. Delivery stages because the requirements have been decomposed with additional details.
D. No specific stage because the whole scope of the work package needs to be addressed.

234 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 235
Q A Syllabus Ref Rationale
Sample Paper 1: Answers and Rationales 4 C 2.2 A. Incorrect. PRINCE2 should not be thought of as a
Q A Syllabus Ref Rationale ‘traditional project management approach’ being
1 D 1.1 A. Incorrect. Kanban is a way to improve flow and provide predominantly ‘big design up front’. Ref tab 3.4
system improvement through controlling work in progress. B. Incorrect. PRINCE2 should not be thought of as a
Ref tab 2.1 ‘traditional project management approach’ being
B. Incorrect. DevOps is for IT work only. It is a collaborative predominantly ‘waterfall’. The waterfall method is linear and
approach between development and operations to creating a sequential with distinct goals for each phase of development.
product or service where the two types of work and even the Ref tab 3.4, glossary
teams merge as much as possible. Ref tab 2.1 C. Correct. PRINCE2 should not be thought of as a
C. Incorrect. SAFe (Scaled Agile Framework) is a large scale ‘traditional project management approach’ being
application of agile across an organization. Ref tab 2.1 predominantly ‘bureaucratic’ and ‘command and control’.
D. Correct. Lean Startup was originally an approach to Ref tab 3.4
creating and managing start-up companies, but is now D. Incorrect. PRINCE2 is already enabled to work with agile
applied to any business, so that they can deliver products and nothing needs to be removed or significantly changed.
quickly to the customer. Ref tab 2.1 Ref tab 3.4
2 B 1.2 A. Incorrect. In a business as usual environment, the list of 5 B 2.3 A. Incorrect. This is a benefit to those PRINCE2 organizations
work is prioritized in some form and may be batched into encountering agile – they understand it but do not integrate
timeboxes. As the work is completed the existing product it. Ref tab 3.1
evolves over time. Ref 1.2.2 B. Correct. A primary focus of PRINCE2 Agile is for those
B. Correct. An example of a project would be where a new in the PRINCE2 community wanting to go agile. They wish
product or service is being created and there may be a to integrate agile into their existing PRINCE2 working
need to engage many stakeholders and a significant practices in order to benefit from this way of working.
amount of uncertainty. PRINCE2 Agile is only suitable for Ref tab 3.1
use on projects. Ref 1.2, 1.2.2 C. Incorrect. This is a benefit to those who are already agile


C. Incorrect. In a business as usual environment, the list of and want to adopt PRINCE2. Ref tab 3.1
work is prioritized in some form and may be batched into D. Incorrect. A mature agile organization might wish to
timeboxes. As the work is completed the existing product become familiar with PRINCE2 Agile in order to add to their
evolves over time. Ref 1.2.2 existing body of knowledge. Ref tab 3.1
D. Incorrect. For business as usual there would usually be a 6 A 2.4 A. Correct. Those using agile to deliver need to integrate
long list of tasks that would arrive regularly throughout the seamlessly with the PRINCE2 ethos of staying in control
lifespan of the product. PRINCE2 Agile is only suitable for use by empowering people and ensuring that the project
on projects. Ref 1.2, 1.2.1 remains viable. Ref 3.1
3 A 1.3 A. Correct. Kanban is a way to improve flow and provoke B. Incorrect. Those directing and managing a project, in an
system improvement through visualization and agile context, need to adopt agile disciplines and behaviours.
controlling work in progress. Ref tab 2.1 A team using agile approaches should already be using these
B. Incorrect. A traditional waterfall lifecycle is broken down behaviours. Ref 3.1, tab 2.2
into ‘technical’ phases such as analysis, design, build, test and C. Incorrect. Those directing and managing a project, in an
implement. Ref 6.4.2 agile context, need to adopt agile disciplines and behaviours.
C. Incorrect. In a business as usual environment, the list of A team using agile approaches should already be using these
work is prioritized in some form and may be batched into behaviours. Ref 3.1, tab 2.2
timeboxes. As the work is completed the existing product D. Incorrect. PRINCE2 Agile is designed to be combined with
evolves over time. Ref 1.2.2 the typical agile behaviours such as timeboxing. A team using
D. Incorrect. The product roadmap is a diagram or document agile approaches should already be using these behaviours.
that shows the intended development path for a product. Ref 2.2, tab 2.2
This would typically be a long-range plan that may cover
several months or years. Ref glossary

236 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 237
Q A Syllabus Ref Rationale Q A Syllabus Ref Rationale
7 B 5.2 A. Incorrect. The ‘focus on products’ principle is related to 10 D 5.4 A. Incorrect. While it is true that empowered self-organizing
product descriptions, quality criteria and quality tolerances. teams should be free to handle change dynamically at the
These can be flexed to focus on the delivery of value. Ref tab detailed level, this change would affect more than one work
7.1 package and team. As a result, it is not at the detailed level.
B. Correct. The team learned that the company has a Ref 14.3
recognition problem in its non-English speaking markets. B. Incorrect. This is in keeping with the PRINCE2 Agile
In response, a recommendation has been made. Ref tab behaviour of ‘exploration’. However, it is not appropriate,
7.1 because this change would affect more than one work
C. Incorrect. The team learned that the company has a package and team. As a result, it is not at the detailed level.
recognition problem in its non-English speaking markets. In Ref 13.3, 14.4.1
response, a recommendation has been made. Ref tab 7.1 C. Incorrect. Exception reports to the project board would, if
D. Incorrect. A project retrospective takes place as part of the necessary, be raised by the project manager in the
‘closing a project’ process rather than at the end of a stage. ‘controlling a stage’ process. Ref 19.5, fig 10.2, tab 19.1
Ref tab 22.1 D. Correct. This change would affect more than one work
8 A 5.3 A. Correct. The ‘manage by exception’ principle is at the package and team. As a result, it is not at the detailed
heart of empowering people to self-organize and stay in level. The resulting issue needs to be escalated quickly to
control with the appropriate level of governance. ensure that sprint and release goals are not
Working in an agile way places greater emphasis on compromised. Ref 13.3, 14.4.1, 19.3, tab 20.1
allowing tolerance on what is delivering and restricting 11 C 5.5 A. Incorrect. While it is true that empowered self-organizing
the tolerance on time and cost. Ref tab 7.1 teams should be free to handle change dynamically at the
B. Incorrect. Time tolerance should be set to zero on all levels detailed level, this is a change of scope and needs to be
of a plan. Working in an agile way places greater emphasis on handled formally; decisions need to be made by the
allowing tolerance on what is delivering and restricting the appropriate level of management. Ref 14.3
tolerance on time and cost. Ref tab 7.1, tab 6.1 B. Incorrect. While it is true that work should be prioritized in


C. Incorrect. According to the ‘manage by stages’ principle, a product backlog by a product owner, in an ongoing manner,
releases should be carefully planned to integrate with and fit based on value and maximizing that value, this is a change of
into stages. Ref tab 7.1 scope and needs to be handled formally. Ref 9.2, 14.3
D. Incorrect. Assessing value delivered at the end of a stage is C. Correct. Empowered self-organizing teams should be
applying the ‘continued business justification’ principle rather free to handle change dynamically at the detailed level.
than the ‘manage by exception’ principle. Ref tab 7.1 However, is a change of scope and needs to be handled
9 D 5.4 A. Incorrect. The outcome at the Cheese Festival is outside formally and it is very important to deal with change at
the scope of rebranding. This is a project ‘opportunity’ and is the appropriate level of management. Ref 14.3
unlikely to block the rebranding team’s progress. It should be D. Incorrect. While it is true that if the amount of work is likely
escalated to the project manager. Ref 13.3 to change, or does change, then this will not be picked up by
B. Incorrect. The outcome at the Cheese Festival is outside a burn-down chart easily and hence, a burn-up chart should
the scope of rebranding. This is a project ‘threat’ and is be used. This is a change of scope and needs to be handled
unlikely to block the rebranding team’s progress. It should be formally; decisions need to be made by the appropriate level
escalated to the project manager. Ref 13.3 of management. Ref 14.3, 15.4.1
C. Incorrect. The marketing campaign is outside the scope of
rebranding. This is a project issue and is unlikely to block the
rebranding team’s progress. The project manager should
already be aware of this. Ref 13.3
D. Correct. In stand-up meetings it is good practice to also
ask if they are aware of anything that ‘may potentially’
block their progress. Ref 13.3

238 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 239
Q A Syllabus Ref Rationale Q A Syllabus Ref Rationale
12 D 5.5 A. Incorrect. A safe-to-fail experiment is one that is designed 14 A 5.7 A. Correct. Decision making may be based more on
to have only limited impact on a system or the plan in the information pulled from the project as opposed to
event of failure. Ref tab 13.1, glossary formally reported. The review of information on the burn
B. Incorrect. While it is true that it is the responsibility of the charts in the project room enables regular, rich and
role that is managing the team (i.e. the team manager) to informal information flows. Ref 18.3
manage risk at the delivery level, a safe-to-fail experiment is B. Incorrect. It is vital to ensure that management by
one that is designed to study impacts (i.e. limited impacts) on exception is operating effectively for the whole project
a system or plan in the event of failure, not probabilities of an management team as this creates an environment conducive
uncertain event occurring. Ref 13.3, tab 13.1, glossary to the agile way of working where people are empowered
C. Incorrect. This is a ‘cause’ or source of a risk to the and self-organize. The project manager should only seek
successful completion of the teams work. As a result, it guidance from the executive when the project board does not
should be managed as a risk. Ref 13.3 provide unified direction and guidance to the project
D. Correct. A safe-to-fail experiment is one that is manager. Ref 18.4, 18.1
designed to study impacts (i.e. limited impacts) on a C. Incorrect. The project manager will inform the board of any
system or plan in the event of failure, not the probability exception situation. This is still a correct approach even if the
of an uncertain event occurring. Ref 13.3, tab 13.1, project board is pulling information from the project burn
glossary charts. Ref 18.1
13 B 5.6 A. Incorrect. Dependencies may be the cause of risks. D. Incorrect. The project board manages by exception. It
However, risks between work streams are project risks and, if monitors via reports and controls through a small number of
necessary, recorded by the project manager. Ref 13.3, A.25.1 decision points. There should be no need for other ‘progress
B. Correct. Interfaces that must be maintained while meetings’ for the project board. However, in PRINCE2 Agile
developing the products should be documented in the decision-making may be based more on information pulled
work package documentation which should be from the project as opposed to formally reported. Ref 18.1,
collaboratively defined by the project manager and the 18.3


team manager (and the team). Ref 20.3.1, A.26.2 15 C 5.8 A. Incorrect. Even though the work is contained within one
C. Incorrect. While the purpose of a product, who will use it stage there would still be a need for some form of planning.
and whether it is a means to an end or an end in itself should Ref 12.3.5
be documented in the product description. A.17.2 B. Incorrect. PRINCE2 supports any type of planning style
D. Incorrect. A product backlog is used to prioritize work (by a from a conventional Gantt chart to a simple backlog list. Both
product owner), based on value and maximizing that value. It styles are in keeping with the Plan product description. It may
does not document interdependencies. Ref 9.2 be the case that more than one planning style is used on a
single project. Ref 12.3
C. Correct. When accepting a work package, release and
sprint backlogs can be used. Empirical and emergent
planning is more likely to occur in the lower levels of plan
such as with product delivery within the ‘managing
product delivery’ process (i.e. where agile is
predominantly used) because the timescales (and
therefore the planning horizons) will be short, perhaps in
the order of two to four weeks. Ref tab 20.1, 12.3.3
D. Incorrect. Agreement on what the work package may
release (if anything) and the preferred size of the timeboxes
involved – if there might be more than one. However, this
does not explain the use of backlogs within the ‘managing
product delivery’ process. Ref 20.3.1

240 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 241
Q A Syllabus Ref Rationale Q A Syllabus Ref Rationale
16 C 5.8 A. Incorrect. A checkpoint report is used to report, at a 18 A 5.9 A. Correct. The agile way of working needs to be
frequency defined in the work package, the status of the work incorporated into the quality management approach for
package. This is throughout the project and not at the end of ensuring that the quality level is achieved. Ref tab 23.1
the project. Also Brand-u-Like would not document this B. Incorrect. The quality management approach is used to
information in a checkpoint report about themselves. Ref define the quality techniques and standards to be applied.
A.4.1.1 The reputation of a supplier has no bearing on the
B. Incorrect. An exception report is most likely to occur due to requirements. Ref A.22.1
the expected amount to be delivered being forecast to C. Incorrect. The quality management approach is used to
exceed tolerance. The information given will not cause an define the quality techniques and standards to be applied,
exception. Ref tab 23.3 and the various responsibilities for achieving the required
C. Correct. An assessment of agile should be included in quality levels, during the project. Ref A.22.1
an end project report and should reference the D. Incorrect. Although in some agile environments there may
judgements made when using the Agilometer. Ref tab not be a lot of emphasis given to quality planning and quality
23.3 management during the start of a project, the quality
D. Incorrect. The product status account may need to cater management approach will define how the standard specified
for high degrees of change due to the regular iteration of will be achieved using quality control during product
products under configuration management. The information development. Ref 11.2
given is not related to products. Ref tab 23.3 19 D 4.1 a) A. Incorrect. The need for the video to be on YouTube® is
17 C 5.9 A. Incorrect. The composition of a configuration item record missing from this statement. Ref 11.2
(CIR) will be defined in the project’s change control approach. B. Incorrect. This statement does not relate to where the
The need for a CIR is irrelevant to managing changes to a video is available. Ref tab 6.1
product. Ref A.3.2 C. Incorrect. Not all of the items in this statement are
B. Incorrect. Although the approach to development of the essential so zero tolerance on all items is not appropriate. Ref
change control approach should be collaborative, the tab 6.1


requirements should be defined at a high or intermediate D. Correct. Zero tolerance is used for customer quality
level, but not in detail. Ref tab 23.1 expectations that are essential (available on YouTube®).
C. Correct. The level at which change control takes place Tolerance may be used where they are desirable but not
needs to take into account that project-level or stage- essential (available on Instagram®). Ref tab 6.1
level change may affect the agreed baseline, whereas 20 A 4.1 b) A. Correct. It is essential that the revised scope of work
detailed change is likely not to. Change should be allowed provides sufficient features to be worth delivering. It is
at the product delivery level in order to harness the likely that flexing the scope on the Should Have
benefits of positive change. Ref 14.3, tab 23.1 advertisements is viable. Ref 9.2, tab 6.1
D. Incorrect. A change control approach in some form will be B. Incorrect. There should be zero tolerance on the scope of
essential to the project. The iterative and incremental nature products that are essential. Flexing the scope may be done
of agile means that there will naturally be several versions of for products that are desirable but not essential. The Must
products and that change is inevitable; therefore this should Have advertisements should not be flexed. Ref tab 6.1
be embraced and supported accordingly. In environments C. Incorrect. Flexing the scope may be done for products that
where automation and frequent releases into operational use are desirable but not essential. A typical agile response is to
occur, specific tools may exist and their use should be clearly re-prioritize and aim to include in the next timebox if all the
defined. Ref tab 23.1 requirements cannot be addressed. Ref 14.2, tab 6.1
D. Incorrect. There should be zero tolerance on the scope of
products that are essential so all Must Have requirements
have to be delivered in the timebox. Ref tab 6.1

242 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 243
Q A Syllabus Ref Rationale Q A Syllabus Ref Rationale
21 D 4.1 c) A. Incorrect. There must be zero tolerance for the level that is 23 C 4.2 b) A. Incorrect. Frequent releases allow for feedback and reduce
defined as ‘minimum viability’ in the business case – in this the risk of delivering the wrong product. However, this does
case a 10% increase in sales. The long term benefits of the not explain the need to protect the level of quality which
television advertisements do not represent minimum viability impacts on the final product. Ref 27.1, 6.4.1
in this case. Ref tab 6.1 B. Incorrect. Delivering the campaign before the International
B. Incorrect. Benefits may be fixed (at ‘minimum viability’) or Cheese Festival is about meeting a deadline over which there
flexed. There must be zero tolerance for extra cost on all is no choice – the ‘be on time and hit deadlines’ target. Ref
levels of plan. Ref tab 6.1 6.4.1
C. Incorrect. Although benefits and risk my both be flexed, the C. Correct. Compromising the quality level of anything
‘minimum viability’ in the business case must be fixed. Ref tab delivered during a project can take many forms but
6.1 results from incomplete documentation, sub-optimal
D. Correct. There must be zero tolerance for the level design and non-compliance with standards. This sort of
that is defined as ‘minimum viability’ in the business case compromise should be avoided as it can lead to degraded
– in this case a 10% increase in sales. Tolerance may be performance, lack of engagement with the user
used above the level that is defined as ‘minimum community. Therefore, it is essential that the level of
viability’ in the business case – in this case flexing the quality is protected to avoid confusion from customers.
television advertisements. Ref tab 6.1 Ref 6.4.2
22 B 4.2 a) A. Incorrect. ‘Rich communication’ is a PRINCE2 Agile D. Incorrect. The minimum viable product (MVP) broadly
behaviour to be exhibited by teams during a project. These aligns with the lean startup view that it is a version of the final
campaigns do provide opportunities for communication with product which allows the maximum amount of validated
potential customers. However, this does not explain why the learning with the least effort. The acceptance criterion
Marketing Team should be on time and hit deadlines. Ref specified is outcome focused to be delivered before the end
6.4.1, 7.4.3 of the project - not as an early deliverable to obtain feedback.
B. Correct. The benefits of the ‘be on time and hit Ref tab 23.1, glossary


deadlines’ target include: early realization of benefits, 24 D 4.2 c) A. Incorrect. Just because the team was acting collaboratively
giving confidence with progress and reducing likelihood does not explain why the ‘embrace change’ target is
of cost overruns. These benefits will all give the project addressed. Ref 7.4.2
board confidence in the viability of the project. Ref 6.4.1 B. Incorrect. The cost of ownership of the final product is
C. Incorrect. Reduced testing is an effect of failing to ‘protect related to compromises in the level of quality resulting in
the level of quality’ rather than a failure to ‘be on time and hit such things as reduced usability, increased support
deadlines’. Ref 6.4.1, 6.4.2 requirements, degraded performance and lack of
D. Incorrect. ‘Collaboration’ is a PRINCE2 Agile behaviour to be engagement with the user community. Ref 6.1.3
exhibited by teams during a project. Focusing on critical C. Incorrect. This is related to the target that a project using
requirements does not enable collaboration – collaboration PRINCE2 Agile ‘accepts that the customer does not need
requires a motivated and respectful team. Ref 7.4.2 everything’. Ref 6.4.5, tab 6.2
D. Correct. Change should be seen as positive because a
more accurate final product is likely to be produced. Ref
6.4.3, tab 6.2

244 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 245
Q A Syllabus Ref Rationale Q A Syllabus Ref Rationale
25 A 4.2 d) A. Correct. According to the ‘keep teams stable’ target, 27 B 5.2 A. Incorrect. Working in an agile way places a greater
introducing new team members can have a significantly emphasis on allowing tolerance on what is delivered and
detrimental effect on team dynamics and the agile way restricting the tolerance on time and cost. Therefore, time
of working. In addition, how many of each role in a team would not be exceeded; it would be the scope that is
will vary according to the needs of the delivery team. One adjusted. Ref tab 7.1
person could do more than one role (e.g. lead the team B. Correct. Working in an agile way places a greater
and coach it). Several people could carry out one role (e.g. emphasis on allowing tolerance on what is delivered and
create the product) therefore team members should be restricting the tolerance on time and cost. Ref tab 7.1
able to take on the duties of other team members. Ref C. Incorrect. Not only is it essential to use the ‘manage by
6.4.4, 10.3.3 exception’ principle and to ensure that it is implemented
B. Incorrect. Fixing cost is not one of the five targets, it is one correctly but it is vital to see that this as at the heart of
of the six aspects of project performance. Costs may need to empowering people to self-organize and stay in control with
be considered but, in order to meet the target of ‘keep teams the appropriate level of governance, when using PRINCE2 and
stable’, it is more important to consider the impact on the agile together. Working in an agile way places a greater
agile way of working of introducing new team members. This emphasis on allowing tolerance on what is delivered and
relates to time spent training, communication increases, and restricting the tolerance on time and cost. Ref tab 7.1
especially the impact of changing a team’s dynamics. Ref 6.4.4 D. Incorrect. Working in an agile way places a greater
C. Incorrect. Team members may need to change throughout emphasis on allowing tolerance on what is delivered and
the life of a project as the needs of a project change, restricting the tolerance on time and cost. By including only
particularly as the project moves from stage to stage. The one feature in timebox one there is no ‘flexibility on what is
concept of avoiding the use of extra people to improve delivered’ and therefore there is a greater risk of time being
progress applies primarily to the short term – for example exceeded. Ref tab 7.1
four weeks or less, such as within a sprint. Ref 6.4.4 28 B 5.3 A. Incorrect. As agile has evolved over the years many people
D. Incorrect. It is likely that Chesterton’s would benefit from have moved from controlling their work with a timeboxing


Brand-u-like knowing more about their operations and the approach (e.g. Scrum) to using flow-based systems through
agile way of working. However, the impact of adding team the use of Kanban. Scrum and Kanban have different
members on the agile way of working is much more approaches to planning. Ref 12.2
important to consider with any team member change. Ref B. Correct. Product descriptions, quality criteria and
6.4.4 quality tolerances can be prioritized and decomposed in
26 C 4.2 e) A. Incorrect. A project using PRINCE2 Agile does not set out order to make flexing what is being delivered possible
with the intention of not delivering everything, but it does aim and therefore make it easier to stay in control and focus
to hit deadlines and protect the level of quality by reducing on the delivery of value. Ref tab 7.1
what is delivered accordingly. Ref 6.4.5 C. Incorrect. PRINCE2 and PRINCE2 Agile do not favour one
B. Incorrect. A project using PRINCE2 Agile does not set out agile approach over any other (this is sometimes referred to
with the intention of not delivering everything, but it does aim as being are ‘agile agnostic’) and with due care and
to hit deadlines and protect the level of quality by reducing consideration, they can be combined with agile in all of its
what is delivered accordingly. Ref 6.4.5 many forms to provide a holistic project management
C. Correct. A project using PRINCE2 Agile does not set out approach that can be tailored to suit a wide variety of
with the intention of not delivering everything, but it conditions and working environments. Work items that are
does aim to hit deadlines and protect the level of quality smaller are more likely to pass through a system more
by reducing what is delivered accordingly. During the quickly than larger work items 10 days is too large for a two-
delivery stage, detailed requirements should be defined week timebox. Ref 2.1,
using decomposition. Ref fig 25.1, tab 25.2 D. Incorrect. The purpose of a retrospective is to improve the
D. Incorrect. ‘Collaboration’ is one of the PRINCE2 Agile effectiveness of the team by reducing mistakes and
behaviours that should be exhibited during a project. promoting successful behaviours and practices not to focus
However, it does not explain why the customer does not need on products. Ref 19.4
everything and that it is more important to delivery on time
and to quality. Ref 7.4.2, 6.4.5

246 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 247
Q A Syllabus Ref Rationale Q A Syllabus Ref Rationale
29 D 5.4 A. Incorrect. There may need to be a change to the team 32 A 5.5 A. Correct. The current rate of progress can be
manager role - there will need to be clarity over the determined by the trend of the line (i.e. its gradient)
relationship between the project manager and Web&Go, as showing effort remaining. This is commonly referred to
Kanban does not have a team manager role. Ref 10.4 as ‘velocity’ by the agile community. Assuming that there
B. Incorrect. The Scrum Master is a role in Scrum not Kanban. is stability and consistency in the team, this can then be
While the Scrum Master can become a team manager, the used to project forward and forecast when the work will
Web&Go Team is operating a Kanban approach and be complete and importantly determine if the deadline is
therefore would not be led by a Scrum Master. Ref 10.2 likely to be met. Ref 15.4.1
C. Incorrect. A Kanban Board should be used to show ‘Work in B. Incorrect. One of the most popular techniques used in
Progress’ not organization charts. Ref fig 20.2 agile environments is to display progress using lines plotted
D. Correct. There will need to be clarity over the on a graph with an x and y axis. These graphs are known as
relationship between the project manager and Web&Go. burn charts. However, this does not explain why all the work
Kanban does not have specific role names, so who will be within the timebox cannot be completed. Ref 15.4.1
the point of contact or team manager? Ref 10.4 C. Incorrect. Burn-down charts are used to show how much
30 B 5.4 A. Incorrect. Agile approaches typically use empiricism work remains. However, this does not explain why all the
(yesterday’s weather) to estimate work rather than work within the timebox cannot be completed. Ref 15.4.1
rationalism where logic is used to make predictions. Ref D. Incorrect. One limitation with burn-down charts is that
12.2.1 they assume the amount of work does not change. However,
B. Correct. Kanban uses lead times to estimate. Lead this does not explain why all the work within the timebox
times are how long it will take a work item to go through cannot be completed. Ref 15.4.1
the system. Ref fig 12.2, glossary
C. Incorrect. All agile approaches prefer planning to be done
at the last responsible moment (also known as JIT or Just in
time planning). There is no data from Stage 2 to use as the


basis for estimating. Ref 12.2
D. Incorrect. The focus of any agile plan is on what features
are being delivered as opposed to focusing on technical
phases such as design, build and test. Ref 12.2
31 D 5.5 A. Incorrect. One way to present a business case is to
describe best-case and worse-case scenarios that relate to
the amount of features that are planned to be delivered. Too
much detail should be avoided at this stage however. Ref 9.3
B. Incorrect. The best-case scenario could represent
everything being delivered as planned. These scenarios can
only be calculated when using high-level or (perhaps)
intermediate-level requirements. It is unlikely that detailed
requirements can be mapped directly to the business case.
Ref 9.3
C. Incorrect. What would be useful to the project board
assessing the business case in an agile context, is to be given
clear information on what is expected to be delivered and
therefore create an expected-case that is between the two
extremes although this will not necessarily be the mid-point.
Ref 9.3
D. Correct. These scenarios can only be calculated when
using high-level or (perhaps) intermediate-level
requirements. It is unlikely that detailed requirements
can be mapped directly to the business case. Ref 9.3

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Q A Syllabus Ref Rationale Q A Syllabus Ref Rationale
33 C 5.6 A. Incorrect. Collecting enough information means that a lot 34 B 5.6 A. Incorrect. User acceptance should have been happening
of areas need to be looked at because they can all impact on regularly so a full review of each release will have happened
the business case. Typically, this may be in a document, but at that time, not during the ‘closing a project’ process.
this could be delivered along with a face-to-face presentation. However, it is true that care should be taken to ensure that
Most, if not all, of this information could be visible on the wall user acceptance is not too informal when closing the project
of a team room using lots of visualization, therefore the best in order to ensure the customer quality expectations and
way to present this would be by discussion and presentation acceptance criteria have been met. Ref 22.3
if possible. Ref 17.3 B. Correct. Continual use of ‘inspect and adapt’ should
B. Incorrect. Collecting enough information means that a lot mean that the lessons report has been created as the
of areas need to be looked at because they can all impact on project has gone along and many of the lessons would
the business case. Typically, this may be in a document, but have already been actioned and evaluated from
this could be delivered along with a face-to-face presentation. retrospectives at both the project and delivery levels.
Most, if not all, of this information could be visible on the wall Therefore, as part of the ‘closing a project’ process it will
of a team room using lots of visualization, therefore the best be important to review that these lessons have caused
way to present this would be by discussion and presentation the project to adapt. Ref 22.3
if possible. Ref 17.3 C. Incorrect. Operational handovers are likely to have
C. Correct. Collecting enough information means that a happened many times due to the incremental delivery of
lot of areas need to be looked at because they can all products, so that the final handover should be a routine
impact on the business case. Typically, this may be in a event. Ref 22.3
document, but this could be delivered along with a face- D. Incorrect. Training and technical documentation would be
to-face presentation. Most, if not all, of this information finalized (not written), as it would have been created
could be visible on the wall of a team room using lots of iteratively and incrementally throughout the project. Ref 22.3
visualization, therefore the best way to present this 35 B 5.7 A. Incorrect. Preparation is essential for a successful
would be by discussion and presentation if possible. Ref workshop and this can take as long as the workshop itself


17.3 and should cover workshop objectives, attendees and the
D. Incorrect. Collecting enough information means that a lot agenda. A retrospective should be run using the same steps
of areas need to be looked at because they can all impact on as a workshop. However, this does not explain why the focus
the business case. Typically, this may be in a document, but of the retrospective should be on applying key learnings. Ref
this could be delivered along with a face-to-face presentation. 26.4.1, 19.4.1
Most, if not all, of this information could be visible on the wall B. Correct. Retrospectives involve looking back and
of a team room using lots of visualization, therefore the best reflecting on how things went in terms of how a team
way to present this would be by discussion and presentation worked, in order to make improvements to how they
if possible. Ref 17.3 work going forward. Ref 19.4.1
C. Incorrect. Retrospectives involve looking back and
reflecting on how things went in terms of how a team
worked, in order to make improvements to how they work
going forward. This would include both internal and external
teams. Ref 19.4.1
D. Incorrect. Retrospectives involve looking back and
reflecting on how things went in terms of how a team
worked, in order to make improvements to how they work
going forward. This would include both internal and external
teams. Ref 19.4.1

250 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 251
Q A Syllabus Ref Rationale Q A Syllabus Ref Rationale
36 C 5.8 A. Incorrect. The use of work in progress (WIP) limits 38 B 5.9 A. Incorrect. Although there is a degree of impact assessment
underpins the ‘pull’ system which characterizes the way this is not tailoring the risk register. Ref tab 23.2
Kanban avoids scheduling work at specific times. A project B. Correct. Risks identified by the agile risk assessment
using PRINCE2 Agile does not set out with the intention of not (Agilometer) may be included in the risk register. Ref tab
delivering everything, but it does aim to hit deadlines and 23.2
protect the level of quality by reducing what is delivered C. Incorrect. The risk register may be informal or low-
accordingly. Web&Go should not start by de-scoping a Should tech. However, it can also be maintained in a more
Have. Ref, 6.4.5 formal manner. Ref tab 23.2
B. Incorrect. Lean Startup is about delivering products where D. Incorrect. Agile by its very nature mitigates many risks
there is uncertainty. To be successful there is a need to focus associated with other approaches. However, not all risks are
on learning. The learning must be measurable. Measuring the mitigated by the use of agile and some new risks may be
number of successful payment requests would occur at the introduced – this is why agile suitability needs to be
end of the timebox, not at the beginning. Ref, reassessed throughout the project. Risks should be recorded in the risk register, which may be informal or low-tech. Ref
C. Correct. Agile plans tend to be informal or low-tech at 13.2, 24.2, tab 23.2
the delivery level. The use of WIP limits underpins the 39 D 3.1 a) A. Incorrect. Actions to break down barriers and create a ‘one-
‘pull’ system which characterizes the way Kanban avoids team’ culture will affect the ‘level of collaboration’ slider. Ref
scheduling work at specific times. Ref, tab 23.1 24.4
D. Incorrect. Kanban is flow-based and limits WIP, therefore B. Incorrect. Copying on emails will reduce the level of
work on the third requirement should not have been started. collaboration and is not an approach that would improve
Ref fig 12.2 ease of communication. Informal and low-tech
37 B 5.8 A. Incorrect. The authorization of a work package should be communication which is face-to-face or over the phone
carried out collaboratively and negotiated by the project should be encouraged. Ref 24.4, 24.7
manager and team manager and perhaps the delivery team. C. Incorrect. New features for a product could be held in a


Although Kanban uses lead times and limits the Work in prioritized list called the Product Backlog. However,
Progress (WIP) to deliver work in a timebox, this does not distributing each week has no engagement with the team and
relate to authorization. Ref tab 23.1 informal and low-tech communication which is face-to-face or
B. Correct. The authorization of a work package should over the phone should be encouraged. Ref 2.2, 24.4, 24.7
be carried out collaboratively and negotiated by the D. Correct. Using video-conferencing and planning around
project manager and team manager and perhaps the differing time zones is a way of improving the situation
delivery team. Ref tab 23.1 with the ‘ease of communication’ slider. Ref 24.7, 24.4
C. Incorrect. The authorization of a work package should be 40 A 3.1 a) A. Correct. This slider is concerned with behaviours that
carried out collaboratively and negotiated by the project create a one-team culture and excellent working
manager and team manager and perhaps the delivery team. relationships both internally and externally. High levels
The team manager should not ‘issue’ plans to the project of trust exist and a desire to be helpful is prevalent.
manager. Ref tab 23.1 Where there is a lack of partnership and ‘baggage’
D. Incorrect. The authorization of a work package should be associated with events from the past, this would indicate
carried out collaboratively and negotiated by the project a low setting on this slider. Ref 22.7.2
manager and team manager and perhaps the delivery team. B. Incorrect. This slider is concerned with whether the
The project manager should not be ‘specifying the order’. Ref communication is very easy amongst all parties involved. The
tab 23.1 environment is communication rich where there is a lot of
face-to-face interaction, and visual information is readily
available in such forms as prototypes and models. Ref 24.7.3
C. Incorrect. This slider is related to the ease with which the
project is able to deliver benefit to the customer by regular
partial deliveries of the final product. Ref 24.7.4
D. Incorrect. This slider is related to the overall working
environment being very supportive of working in an agile
way. Personnel are assigned full-time to their work, they are
appropriately skilled and they have very efficient platforms to
work from. Ref 24.7.5

252 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 253
Q A Syllabus Ref Rationale Q A Syllabus Ref Rationale
41 D 3.1 b) A. Incorrect. The project product description should be 43 D 3.1 c) A. Incorrect. When communication involves opinions or
defined with a focus on how the project output can be emotions, the written word is not as effective as a phone call
defined so that the outcomes and benefits can be adjusted or a face-to-face conversation. Ref 26.3.2
during the project. The equivalent agile product is the vision. B. Incorrect. Visualization is ideal to accompany face-to-face
Ref 17.3, tab 25.1 communication, but would not necessarily be used in its own
B. Incorrect. Product descriptions provide an right. Ref 26.3.1
intermediate/low level of detail and are created during the C. Incorrect. A workshop is quite a significant event that takes
initiation stage at the correct level of detail (and then allowed a lot of time and resources to set up and run. Therefore, it is
to evolve). The overall requirements for the Operations always advisable to question whether a workshop is really
Manager of the production line are too high level for a necessary or if there could be another way of achieving the
product description. Ref 25.3, tab 25.2, tab 25.1 objective (e.g. a small meeting). Ref
C. Incorrect. A user story is a tool used to write a requirement D. Correct. One of the best ways to communicate
in the form of who, what and why. User stories should be effectively is to use as much face-to-face communication
seen as summarizing key information about a requirement. as possible. The team should operate in a way that is self-
The overall requirements for the Operations Manager of the organized and empowered to make decisions. Ref 26.3.1,
production line are too high level for a user story. Ref 25.6.1 10.2
D. Correct. An epic is a high level or ‘super-user’ story that 44 C 3.1 d) A. Incorrect. One of the purposes of the frequent releases
will over time be broken down into user stories that are focus area is to give confidence about how the project is
at a level of granularity that the delivery teams can work proceeding through visibility and evidence. However, this
on. The overall requirements for the Operations Manager would be of less use than identifying an issue with the final
of the production line are high level and would form an product. Ref 27.1
epic. Ref 25.6.1 B. Incorrect. One of the purposes of the frequent releases
42 C 3.1 b) A. Incorrect. Any significant change that may impact baselines focus area is to allow for feedback. However, this would be of
set at the stage or project level may need to be escalated to less use than identifying an issue with the final product. Ref


the project board or to a change authority if one has been set 27.1
up. However, the team should explore ways to handle the C. Correct. One of the purposes of the frequent releases
change dynamically at the detailed level within defined focus area is to reduce risk of delivering the wrong
tolerances first. Ref 14.3 product. It would be essential to identify the issue that
B. Incorrect. Changing requirements without ‘trading’ or delivery lorries are unable to fully access the site. Ref
‘swapping’ requirements would not happen in an agile 27.1
project. The team should identify which requirement(s), will D. Incorrect. One of the purposes of the frequent releases
be de-scoped to make way for the new requirement. Ref 25.5 focus area is to allow for feedback. However, this would be of
C. Correct. Another technique which can be used to less use than identifying an issue with the final product. Ref
reduce the amount of effort needed for the Musts is to 27.1
break the requirement down into more detail. It is 45 D 3.2 a) A. Incorrect. Where there are many requirements (especially
normal for a high-level requirement that has been if they are mandatory) this would indicate a low setting on the
prioritized as a Must to be broken down into sub- ‘flexibility on what is delivered’ slider, not a high setting. Ref
requirements that comprises several Musts, Shoulds and 24.7
Coulds, thereby creating contingency in the form of B. Incorrect. ‘Test as you go’ or ‘test first’ occurs when there is
Shoulds and Coulds. Ref 25.5 an iterative and incremental approach to delivery and does
D. Incorrect. After the project initiation documentation (PID) not result from ‘flexibility on what is delivered’ which results
has been approved, time and cost tolerances, with respect to from prioritization of requirements. Ref 24.7
overruns, may be set to zero in order to focus solely on C. Incorrect. The team’s desire to work in a waterfall type
managing the amount of what is delivered. Ref 9.3 approach, by signing off the design of all production lines first
before moving any of the lines would indicate a low setting on
the ‘ability to work iteratively and incrementally’ slider. Ref
D. Correct. The desire to deliver frequently and starting
small is an aspect of the ‘ability to work iteratively and
deliver incrementally’ slider as well as ‘inspect and
adapt’. Ref 24.7

254 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 255
Q A Syllabus Ref Rationale Q A Syllabus Ref Rationale
46 B 3.2 a) A. Incorrect. The ‘level of collaboration’ slider relates to a ‘one- 49 B 3.2 c) A. Incorrect. Enabling benefits to the customer is an
team’ culture in the project team, with a partnership advantage to delivering frequently. Having a marked out
approach between the customer and the supplier. Ref 24.7.2, layout will aid delivery but will not realize benefits to the customer. Ref 27.1
B. Correct. The ‘ease of communication’ slider relates to B. Correct. Agile teams need to work at much quicker
high levels of visibility and transparency: e.g. plans on speeds due to the iterative and responsive nature of
walls. A lot of information is managed in a ‘low-tech’ agile. This is why agile makes extensive use of
and/or tactile way. Ref 24.7.3 workshops, face-to-face meetings, visualizations in the
C. Incorrect. The ‘acceptance of agile’ slider relates to form of models and prototypes, and video. Ref 26.3.3
everyone accepting the agile philosophy and understands the C. Incorrect. Requirements for a complex item such as a
difference from a traditional way of working. People have production line will need supporting information, such as
been trained to an appropriate level. Ref 24.7.6 user stories, a more detailed written specification, figures or
D. Incorrect. The ‘level of collaboration’ slider relates to models. A model will not be used to document detailed
people who work quickly, are helpful and look out for each requirements. Ref 25.6.1, 24.7
other. Ref 24.7.2 D. Incorrect. Test-driven development is the concept of
47 D 3.2 b) A. Incorrect. The role should describe the person fulfilling the writing tests or quality checks before building the product or
function and does not need to be a manager. Ref sub-product as opposed to after. Marking out will test
B. Incorrect. Quality criteria would be added as supporting whether the lines will fit but is more an example of refining
documentation. The user story given does not contain quality the requirements. Ref 11.3.3
criteria as it should be the starting point for discussions. 50 B 3.2 d) A. Incorrect. There are still many advantages to delivering
Acceptance criteria often appear on the reverse of the card. frequently, such as enabling benefits to the customer,
Ref allowing for feedback, reducing risk and encouraging
C. Incorrect. A benefit needs to be measurable. Targets are confidence and engagement. Helping to define requirements
not a feature of user stories. Ref is not a good reason why you would deliver frequently. Ref


D. Correct. There are three fields describing who, what 27.1
and why. The information is deliberately insufficient to B. Correct. Frequently delivering something of use will
necessitate a conversation with the customer which allow feedback and reduce risk, as well as generating
enables requirements to be better understood and to benefits. Ref 27.1
evolve. Ref C. Incorrect. The strategy for delivering frequently and how to
48 C 3.2 b) A. Incorrect. The pre-project stage should have the key plan for this needs careful consideration as there are many
objectives of the whole project in bullet form – possibly less trade-offs that have to be taken into account. Resolution of
than 10 in total. Ref tab 25.2 problems will need to be planned for whichever delivery
B. Incorrect. The initiation stage should have the approach is used. Ref 27.1
requirements at an intermediate level – possibly more than D. Incorrect. The ultimate goal is to release continuously if
10 but less than 100. Ref tab 25.2 conditions allow and the benefits of doing so are realized.
C. Correct. The delivery stages should have the The strategy for delivering frequently and how to plan for this
requirements at a detailed level – possibly more than needs careful consideration, as there are many trade-offs
100. The dispatch process is part of the overall project. that have to be taken into account. Ref 27.3, 27.1
Ref tab 25.2
D. Incorrect. The level given is detail-level, even if it is only for
part of the project. Ref tab 25.2

256 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 257
1. How is timeboxing typically described?
Sample Paper 2:
A. As a behaviour.
B. As a framework.
C. As a technique.
Question Booklet D. As a concept.
Multiple Choice
Examination Duration: 2 hours and 30 minutes 2. Which characteristic is MOST likely to apply to a project using PRINCE2 Agile?
A. Operational teams are stable and work well together.

Instructions B. Teams already have accurate metrics for business as usual (BAU) work.

1. You should attempt all 50 questions. Each question is worth one mark. C. Teams remain in place after completing work.

2. There is only one correct answer per question. D. Teams are created as the environment is temporary.

3. You need to answer 30 questions correctly to pass the exam.

3. Which describes an agile approach which can be integrated with PRINCE2 Agile?
4. Mark your answers on the answer sheet provided. Use a pencil (NOT pen).
A. A framework of principles, values, and methods to manage project delivery.
5. You have 2 hours and 30 minutes to complete this exam.
B. The processes and tools that may be applied to a sequence of technical phases.
6. This is an ‘open book’ exam. You can use the PRINCE2 Agile guidance.
C. A technique to determine favourable and unfavourable factors for a given situation.
7. No other material is allowed.
D. The improvement of processes to maximize value by removing wasted time and effort.
8. Read the ‘Project Scenario’ in the Scenario Booklet.
9. You will also need the ‘Additional Information’ in the Scenario Booklet to answer some


questions. This is indicated before the question. 4. Which aspect of a traditional project management approach is necessary when

10. Each question is separate. Do not use information from one question to answer another. PRINCE2 Agile is applied?
A. Detailed control of a project’s management and outputs.
B. Appropriate control over the versions of products.
C. Formal planning of all of the project’s outputs.
D. A lifecycle approach to the technical stages of delivery.

5. Which statement accurately reflects one of the eight guidance points?

A. Scrum and Kanban can be used to manage both projects and BAU.
B. Agile focusses on the use of the Scrum or Kanban frameworks.
C. The use of PRINCE2 Agile relies on teams using either Scrum or Kanban.
D. Scrum and Kanban can be used in both a project and BAU context.

6. Which aspect of PRINCE2 benefits MOST from blending with Agile?

A. Project support.
B. Project management.
C. Project direction.
D. Product delivery.

258 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 259
Using the Project Scenario and Rebranding Additional information, answer the following 9. During the initiation stage, the business case is being refined and the project plan is being
questions: produced. The following risk cause is identified:
7. Brand-u-Like has been given the following quality criteria for the new letterheads they are
working on: ‘The marketing campaign and website delivery are both dependent on the timely delivery of
the corporate logo to the defined level of quality.’
• Must adhere to the corporate image;
• No spelling or grammatical errors; How should the business case theme be tailored as a result of this risk cause?
• Should be printable in black and white as well as colour to enable cheaper printing, if
required. A. Include a time and cost estimate to deliver the corporate logo to the required quality level
in the business case.
Which PRINCE2 principle is being applied? B. Record the risk cause in the Agilometer assessment when deciding on how much agile
should be used.
A. Tailor to suit the project environment. C. ‘Take a leap of faith’ on the assumption that the corporate logo will be delivered on time
B. Focus on products. to the required quality.
C. Protect the level of quality. D. Document how late delivery of the corporate logo will impact on the increased sales
D. Transparency. expected in the business case.

8. It has been recommended that a marketing campaign be used to determine whether the 10. Brand-u-Like is working on the ‘Collateral’ work package in Stage 2 and has agreed the


proposed new corporate logo is sufficiently unique and recognizable. This campaign will priorities for each of the requirements. Brand-u-Like believes that it is unlikely that all of the
target a non-English speaking country. requirements will be delivered during the timebox as some of them are still being explored.

How effectively does this apply the ‘continued business justification’ principle? Brand-u-Like is keen to become more agile and responsive in the way they work with
A. This applies the principle well because it will help identify the minimum viable product for
the new corporate logo. How should Brand-u-Like monitor progress to tailor the progress theme?
B. This applies the principle well because it will have a favourable impact on the prevailing
agile environment. A. On a burn-down chart.
C. This applies the principle poorly because the minimum viable product is concerned with B. On a burn-up chart.
the viability of the project as a whole. C. With a checkpoint report.
D. This applies the principle poorly because the proposed new corporate logo may not be D. By limiting work in progress.
sufficiently unique and recognizable.

260 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 261
11. Brand-u-Like has created a risk register on its team board. It is updated during daily stand- 13. During the ‘starting up a project’ process, the following statement is captured:
ups as the risks associated with delivering the corporate logo are discussed. Brand-u-Like is
finding this agile way of working to be very effective in monitoring risks associated with the ‘It is expected that Brand-u-Like will act in a more agile way than they have in the past with
work package. the use of MoSCoW prioritization and with a greater focus on collaboration.’

The team manager sends photographs of the team board to the project manager daily. The Where should this statement be recorded as part of the ‘starting up a project’ process?
project manager uses this information in order to review the work package status.
A. In the project product description as a customer quality expectation.
What BEST explains how this approach to risk management tailors the risk theme? B. In the initiation stage plan as a pre-requisite.
C. In the project brief as part of the project approach.
A. It applies the theme well because the Brand-u-like team manager should manage risks to D. In the daily log as an informal record of the agreed frameworks to be used.
delivery of the work package.
B. It applies the theme well because the team’s risks are being reported effectively to the 14. Brand-u-Like is delivering the corporate clothing designs as part of the ‘Collateral’ work
project manager. package. The current plan is for the actual clothing to be delivered (by an external supplier)
C. It applies the theme poorly because there should be a single risk register for the whole at the end of week 14.
D. It applies the theme poorly because the project manager needs a single point of visibility Brand-u-Like has been advised by the executive that a set of rebranded corporate clothing is
for all project risks. required before week 14, so that it can be worn by the staff attending the International


Cheese Festival.
12. During Brand-u-Like’s daily stand-up, a rumour that the supplier of the banners may be
about to become insolvent was reported. As a result, it was agreed that a safe-to-fail Which is the BEST way for the project manager to respond in order to tailor the ‘controlling a
experiment should be conducted. This will determine whether Brand-u-Like could complete stage’ process?
the work of adding an extra logo to the banners themselves if necessary.
A. Ensure that the product owner has prioritized the relevant user stories appropriately in
How effectively does the use of the safe-to-fail experiment apply the risk theme? the product backlog.
B. Review the Brand-u-Like team plan and collaboratively define the additional work
A. It applies the theme well because a trial can be used to explore the impact on the package information.
timebox plan. C. Take corrective action by updating and reissuing the product description for the
B. It applies the theme well because the team is responsible for managing risk at delivery rebranded corporate clothing.
level. D. Enter it as an issue in the issue register so that the impact can be evaluated and escalated
C. It applies the theme poorly because it should be managed as an impediment, NOT a risk. if appropriate.
D. It applies the theme poorly because a trial is NOT a good method for exploring risk

262 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 263
15. The project manager is using Brand-u-Like’s burn-up chart to track progress. 17. There are two work packages within the Rebranding work stream. Each work package will be
managed as a separate timebox. The ‘Rebranding’ work packages will form a release.
How effectively does this apply the PRINCE2 Agile guidance when tailoring the ‘managing
product delivery’ process? Which statement explains how this approach to planning tailors a work package?

A. It applies the process well because the project manager can access information about A. Planning should focus on the immediate future and this should relate to timeboxes of
progress at any time. two to four weeks.
B. It applies the process well because burn-up charts show the ideal rate of progress which B. Releases allow the management of timeboxes across more than one management stage.
can be used to forecast forward. C. Timeboxes that make up a release may not deliver something into operational use.
C. It applies the process poorly because the project manager should be focusing on creating D. Each of the work packages should be managed as a higher level timebox within a
guiding boundaries that empower the teams. separate stage.
D. It applies the process poorly because the project manager should be focusing on
progress information at a higher level. 18. In an attempt to adopt a more agile way of working, Brand-u-Like has proposed replacing
formal checkpoint reports with daily stand-ups, where team members will take turns to
16. It is reported during Brand-u-Like’s daily stand-up that the executive is insisting that ‘report’ the team’s progress to the project manager.
rebranded corporate clothing is worn by staff attending the International Cheese Festival.
The team believes that the new logo cannot be made available to the clothing manufacturer How effectively does this tailor the use of a checkpoint report?
in time. Therefore, the branded clothing will not be available for the festival.


A. It applies it well because checkpoint reports could be replaced by daily stand-ups.
Which is the BEST way for Brand-u-Like to respond? B. It applies it well because collaborative behaviours are an important aspect of the agile
way of working.
A. Ask the project manager to attend the next daily stand-up to discuss the problem. C. It applies it poorly because checkpoint reports should be replaced by a burn-down chart.
B. Call the project manager at the end of the meeting to escalate the problem and raise it as D. It applies it poorly because the daily stand-up meetings should NOT act as a ‘reporting to’
an issue. mechanism.
C. Record the problem on the team’s information radiator so it can be ‘pulled’ by the project
manager when required.
D. Raise a new issue in the issue register and raise an exception report.

264 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 265
Using the Project Scenario and Marketing Campaign Additional information, answer the 21. The Marketing Team has identified the following issue:
following questions:
19. The Marketing Team Manager has confirmed that it will not be possible to complete all of ‘The newspaper advertisements during Stage 3 have not been as successful as we had
the work involved in the three campaigns planned for Stage 3, where all three campaigns are hoped. The sales targets for the end of Stage 3 have not been achieved. Therefore, the
‘Must Haves’. The Marketing Director has offered to hire a contractor to assist with the radio forecast for the increased sales that must be achieved as a result of the project will no longer
campaign. be achieved within the planned timescales.’

The radio campaign has the following quality criterion: Which of the ‘six PRINCE2 aspects of a project’ should be immediately assessed as a result of
this issue?
‘Each advertisement must be at least one minute long, but should be two minutes long.’
A. Cost.
How should the Marketing Team apply the ‘protect the level of quality’ target? B. Time.
C. Risk.
A. By hiring a contractor to join the Marketing Team. D. Benefit.
B. By delivering a two minute radio advertisement in Stage 4.
C. By delivering a one minute radio advertisement in Stage 3. 22. The Stage 3 ‘Marketing’ work package includes the following newspaper requirements:
D. By de-scoping the radio advertisement from Stage 3.
• Full-page advertisement - Should Have


20. During Stage 4, the Marketing Team is due to start work on a series of videos to put on a • Half-page advertisement - Must Have
video sharing website.
The Marketing Team is running behind schedule and has asked for advice from the project
The release backlog for Stage 4 includes three separate videos as follows: manager. The project manager has requested that the Marketing Team keeps to the time
allocated and delivers only the half-page advertisement during the stage.
• 'Life is all about cheese!'
• 'Chestertons' Blue - How about you?' How does this apply the 'being on time and hitting deadlines' target?
• Viral video - title and theme to be defined.
A. It applies the target well because the half-page advertisement contributes to increased
How should the 'accept that the customer doesn't need everything' target be applied when sales following Stage 3.
planning the work of Stage 4? B. It applies the target well because a sub-standard advertisement could damage
Chesterton’s image before the Cheese Festival.
A. By planning to deliver at least two of the three videos during the stage. C. It applies the target poorly because the customer needs the newspaper campaign in
B. By identifying the relative priority of each video and planning to deliver them all. order to generate sales.
C. By identifying the quality criteria for each video and delivering them within quality D. It applies the target poorly because this change to scope should be traded with another
tolerance. requirement.
D. By recognizing that changes to the viral video will be agreed as they emerge.

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23. The following user story has been defined by the project manager for delivery during Stage 25. There are four people working on the Marketing campaigns. These people have been
4: working in the Marketing Team since the work started.

‘As a Chestertons’ sales assistant, I want to see a high quality, successful TV campaign, so With the recent success of the social media advertising, the Marketing Director has
that I will receive a bonus for achieving my sales targets.’ suggested that a social media expert be recruited to work in Stage 4 on additional
No other information has been provided to support this user story.
Which statement BEST describes why the Marketing Team should appoint this expert in
Which reason explains why this is a poor application of the ‘protect the level of quality’ accordance with the ‘five targets’?
A. The additional social media advertising should be delivered on time by flexing some of
A. The Marketing Team should define the user stories as part of a self-organizing team. the desirable quality criteria.
B. The user story should include an appropriate function and flexible acceptance criteria. B. If new team members are required to deliver the extra advertising they should be added
C. User stories should NOT be used to define the level of quality to be delivered. to a later low-level timebox.
D. The sales assistant should get most of the sales bonus that was wanted, on time. C. Teams should respond by self-organizing so they should decide whether team dynamics
will be affected by an additional person.
24. The results of the advertisements carried out during Stage 3 have been analyzed. The social D. Adding this expert to the Marketing Team will not exceed the maximum number of
media advertisements were found to be far more effective than expected. The customer people who can work collaboratively.


subject matter expert (CSME) has recommended that additional social media advertising
should replace the planned TV advertising in Stage 4. 26. During Stage 3, the first social media advertising is due to be delivered. It was decided that a
simple, single-page social media site must be delivered in the first timebox. Information
Which statement BEST describes why the Marketing Team should agree this change in gathered will be used to develop the later campaigns to the defined level of quality.
accordance with the ‘five targets’?
Which statement BEST describes why the Marketing Team should deliver the simple site in
A. The Marketing Team should deliver the social media advertising to the appropriate level accordance with the ‘five targets’?
of quality.
B. The Marketing Team needs to deliver the advertising within the time and cost tolerances A. Later timeboxes should be used to deliver the remainder of the required advertising.
for Stage 4. B. The Marketing Team should deliver a quality campaign to meet customer needs.
C. The Marketing Team can swap the social media advertising with TV advertising if both C. PRINCE2 Agile should only be used where there is flexibility on what is being delivered.
require similar effort. D. The Marketing Team should deliver a minimum viable product on time to enable
D. The CSME represents the project’s stakeholders and they must ensure that their learning.
advertising needs are met.

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Using the Project Scenario and Website Additional information, answer the following 29. The IT Team is delivering the ‘Story of Cheese’ work package.
27. Web&Go is working on the 'payment' timebox which includes: This timebox will require some information and advice from the Marketing Team to help
with the history of Chesterton’s and the history of cheese. This work will typically take about
• Allow payment by credit card - Must Have 2-3 hours daily.
• Allow payment by debit card - Should Have
• Allow payment through an online payment system - Should Have. How should the Organization theme be tailored to ensure sufficient customer involvement
in the IT Team?
How should the principle of 'learn from experience' by applied to this work?
A. Appoint a customer representative because the customer needs to advise the supplier
A. Deliver credit card payment as soon as possible in order to receive early feedback from subject matter expert.
customers. B. Appoint a customer representative because the customer needs to advise the supplier
B. Deliver all three requirements within the work in progress limit with a time tolerance of representative on specialist areas.
zero. C. Appoint a CSME because a CSME should be available full-time to work with a full time
C. Escalate to the project manager if Web&Go can only deliver credit card payment in the Supplier Subject Matter Expert.
timebox. D. Appoint a CSME because a part-time CSME should be able to provide the required
D. Deliver the online payment system as a minimum because it should be included within customer view.
this timebox.


30. The IT Team is delivering the ‘Story of Cheese’ work package.
28. Web&Go is delivering the ‘Stock Control’ work package within Stage 4 using a Kanban
approach. Chesterton’s IT Team is working on the ‘Story of Cheese’ work package later in the How should the IT Team plan the delivery of this work package to tailor the plans theme?
same stage. All requirements have been prioritized using MoSCoW prioritization.
A. Plan the timebox at the same time as planning the ‘Stock Control’ work package.
A release has been planned at the end of Stage 4 incorporating the outputs of both work B. Use the lead times from the ‘Payment’ work package completed during Stage 3 to plan
packages. the timebox.
C. Create a team plan at the end of Stage 3 ready for delivery of the timebox in Stage 4.
Why is this a good application of the ‘manage by stages’ principle? D. Create a plan using the prioritized backlog just before work is about to start on the
A. Requirements should be divided into timeboxes and prioritized.
B. The two timeboxes are combined to form a release within Stage 4.
C. A release represents a Minimum Viable Product that the customer can use.
D. Retrospective should be held at stage end to enable continuous learning.

270 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 271
31. During Stage 3, the ‘Payment’ work package is being delivered. It includes the requirement to 33. During the ‘initiating a project’ process, the project office recommended that the project
deliver ‘secure payment’. management team should further improve their agile behaviours. The improved behaviours
and their value were discussed with the project management team during a workshop.
Several user stories have been developed to identify the requirement in more detail. A
Web&Go developer has identified that one of the user stories conflicts with one of the They will be documented in the project initiation documentation (PID).
acceptance criterion specified in the project product description.
How should the project manager communicate the agreed behaviours to the team?
The project manager has advised that this change to the project product description can be
agreed dynamically with the customer subject matter expert. A. By emailing the PID to the delivery teams and asking them for confirmation of
What BEST explains how this approach tailors the change theme? B. By updating the existing behaviours listed under the ‘team rules’ on the information
A. It tailors the theme well because the customer subject matter expert is using user stories C. By posting the possible advantages of agile behaviours discussed at the workshop on the
to define the detailed requirements. information radiator.
B. It tailors the theme well because the team should handle changes to the detailed D. By requesting the executive to present the agreed behaviours to the delivery teams.
requirements dynamically.
C. It tailors the theme poorly because changes to the project product description affect a 34. In Stage 4, work on the ‘Stock Control’ work package is underway. The CSME is unsure of
baseline product. exactly how the notification of low stock should work. Having gathered views from the


D. It tailors the theme poorly because the team should self-organize without consulting with customer representative and several stock control staff members, the requirement is still
the CSME. unclear.

32. Web&Go is delivering the ‘Payment’ work package in Stage 3. A Web&Go developer has How should the Web&Go make sure that they are delivering what the customer wants?
written the tests for the payment functionality at the beginning of the timebox. These tests
will be used by the team to check that it works correctly. A. By creating a spike as early as possible and inviting feedback from the stock control staff.
B. By using lessons identified during the payment timebox in order to understand the
What BEST explains why this ‘test-driven approach’ tailors the Quality theme well? requirements in more detail.
C. By handing over the delivered functionality to the stock control staff at the end of the
A. Web&Go should independently test that the delivered payment functionality is working timebox.
correctly. D. By developing a detailed product description of the low stock control processes.
B. The quality management approach should specify the use of ‘check first’ when delivering
the payment functionality.
C. The Web&Go developer should initially quality check the correct working of the payment
D. The quality management approach should define the definition of ‘ready’ for the payment

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35. At the end of Stage 3, the payment timebox is just coming to an end. The project manager is 37. The project manager was asked to attend a daily stand-up involving the IT Team during
planning to demonstrate the ordering and payment functionality that is being delivered. Stage 4.
Several staff from the sales department are attending the demonstration.
The ‘Story of Cheese’ work package was discussed and the project manager wanted to
What BEST explains how this tailors the ‘managing a stage boundary’ process? record the agreements reached for future reference.

A. It tailors the process well because release reviews can demonstrate what has been Where should this information be recorded?
delivered to a range of stakeholders.
B. It tailors the process well because retrospectives can be used to demonstrate the value of A. On a burn-up chart.
what has been delivered. B. In the daily log.
C. It tailors the process poorly because release reviews should demonstrate to the project C. In the product description.
management team what has been delivered. D. In the product status account.
D. It tailors the process poorly because the purpose of the ‘managing a stage boundary’
process is to plan the next stage. 38. The project manager has decided that the benefits management approach should only be
checked in the ‘closing a project’ process during Stage 4. It will then be used to measure the
increase in sales following the International Cheese Festival.
36. During the project kick-off it was agreed how the project management team should work
together. The project manager made the following note during the meeting: What BEST explains how this tailors the benefits management approach?


‘It is all of our responsibilities to look out for risks. We will raise them as soon as we see A. It tailors the benefits management approach well because the International Cheese
them.’ Festival takes place during Stage 4.
B. It tailors the benefits management approach well because it defines how and when the
In which management product should this be recorded to formally communicate this increased sales will be measured.
agreement? C. It tailors the benefits management approach poorly because increased sales should be
measured during the end of Stage 3.
A. Lessons log. D. It tailors the benefits management approach poorly because increased sales should be
B. Daily log. measured at the end of Stage 2.
C. Risk register.
D. Risk management approach.

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Using the Project Scenario and Move Premises Additional information, answer the 41. The following requirement has been specified as part of the move premises work stream:
following questions:
39. The project manager used the Agilometer to assess the agile environment in order to tailor As a: stock controller
PRINCE2 in the most effective way. I want: to be able to move stock into a stock room

Each production line is similar but not exactly the same. Due to an initial plan that moved Which is the BEST entry for the ‘benefit’ in this user story?
the current production lines in a specified order, it was observed that the ‘Flexibility on what
is being delivered’ slider is low. A. So that stock control can be implemented effectively.
B. So that stock control can be seamlessly integrated.
Which is the MOST appropriate response to this observation? C. So that response times can be improved by having stock in one location.
D. So that an automatic stacker crane can be used to improve efficiency.
A. Ensure that everyone understands the differences involved with the agile way of working.
B. Challenge the team to identify parts of the production lines from which early delivery 42. Entrance to the new site is via a narrow access road. There are parking restrictions linked to
would be useful. lorries using this access road.
C. Monitor customer demand in case it affects the sequence in which the lines are moved.
D. No action is needed in response to the low value on this slider. Which requirement is MOST likely to have the lowest priority?

40. Moving the production lines one-by-one over a series of timeboxes means that the deliveries A. Access for delivery lorries is not to be affected by parked cars.


of ingredients, packaging and the dispatching of the cheeses will be difficult to coordinate B. Delays due to the narrow access road of no more than two minutes.
across more than one site. C. Parking for disabled staff to be close to the new building.
D. Parking to be available for all staff at the new site.
Against which Agilometer slider would it be MOST appropriate to assess the risks as a result
of this situation? 43. The Marketing Team wants to issue some publicity about each type of cheese as that
particular production line is moved over to the new premises.
A. Flexibility on what is being delivered.
B. Ease of communication. Which is the MOST appropriate way for the Premises Team to communicate timings and
C. Ability to work iteratively and deliver incrementally. progress to the Marketing Team?
D. Advantageous environmental conditions.
A. Request that the Marketing Team members look at the Premises Team’s burn charts.
B. Discuss in frequent meetings involving the customer subject matter experts from both
C. Hold regular workshops involving the customer subject matter experts where decisions
can be made.
D. Circulate the Premises Team’s weekly checkpoint report to the Marketing Team.

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44. According to the frequent releases focus area, which requirement would be MOST useful to 47. During Stage 2, the following user story has been developed as part of the P1 work package:
deliver early to ensure that the project is viable?
As a: delivery van loader
A. The refrigeration room for both raw produce and manufactured cheeses. I want to: know the weight of any box
B. Access to a delivery bay and improved car parking for the new site. So that: I can avoid injury.
C. The offices located in the new premises for the administration staff.
D. An evaluation of the forecast demand resulting from the Cheese Festival. Which explains how this user story could be improved?

45. The project manager is using the Agilometer to assess the prevailing agile environment in A. The role could name an appropriate person who is actually performing this particular
order to tailor PRINCE2 in the most effective way. function.
B. The function could contain more detailed information on what a warning label should
Some of the Move Premises Team are positive about agile but are unsure how it can be used display.
for the production lines. They are dedicated to the project and are constructive in team C. The benefit could include the name of the Health and Safety regulations being complied
meetings when expressing their opinions, but they are insisting that a ‘specify, design, build with.
and test’ approach is adhered to. D. All parts of this user story should remain unchanged because it documents the high-level
Which slider should be set lower for the reason given?
48. During the P1 timebox, a requirement is identified for the post room dispatcher to know the


A. Level of collaboration weight of parcels to calculate the correct postage. During the timebox, an additional
Reason: Delivery of individual production lines does not suit the use of an agile approach. requirement was identified for a warning label to be fixed to heavy parcels needing more
B. Ease of communication than one person to lift them safely.
Reason: The differing backgrounds of the facilities and operations staff will hinder making
decisions. Which action is the BEST way of addressing this change to the requirements?
C. Advantageous environmental conditions
Reason: Only some of the team are keen on using agile methods. A. Include the additional requirement in the timebox because it is a non-functional
D. Acceptance of Agile requirement.
Reason: Behaving in a traditional way is preventing a change to a new philosophy. B. Ignore the additional requirement for this release because it will require a change to the
agreed baseline.
46. Which characteristic justifies a low-level setting for the ‘Ability to work iteratively and deliver C. Prioritize the new requirement in order to allow for the swapping of requirements
incrementally’ slider on the Agilometer for this part of the project? between timeboxes.
D. Add the new requirement to the end of the product backlog to deliver it in the timebox, if
A. Little benefit will be achieved from delivering parts of each production line into time permits.
operational use.
B. The team is familiar with validating operational changes and learning from mistakes.
C. The staff operating the production lines are dispersed across different lines and locations.
D. There is a difficult relationship between the facilities staff and the operations staff.

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49. During the premises move it has been difficult to hold the daily stand-ups. Some
teleconferences have been held but attendance at these has been varied. The team is now
experimenting with a webcam showing the team’s information radiator and sending out an
alert to everyone’s mobile telephone. As well as a reminder to call in, the alert also asks ‘Is
there anything blocking or potentially blocking your progress?’

Which statement BEST explains how this approach applies the rich communication focus

A. It applies the focus area well because daily stand-ups ensure that issues are uncovered
and recorded quickly.
B. It applies the focus area well because a multi-faceted approach to communication makes
it easier and more effective.
C. It applies the focus area poorly because daily stand-ups should always be used for face-
to-face communication.
D. It applies the focus area poorly because an environment which is too complex can
damage communications.


50. Production line releases have been planned and the floor layout has been assigned to the
four lines. At the end of Stage 3 the project board suggested that space is provided for a fifth
production line because the project is turning out to be as successful as they had hoped. The
project manager has suggested that release plans should complement the planning at the
stage plan level in the future.

Which BEST explains why this observation shows a good understanding of the frequent
releases focus area?

A. The different levels of plan need to be synchronized across the project.

B. The benefits from early release can be used to fund later parts of the project.
C. The disruption from releases to operations can be made visible to all.
D. Decision makers can be made aware of the significance of release planning.

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Q A Syllabus Ref Rationale
Sample Paper 2: Answers and Rationales 4 B 2.1 A. Incorrect. Along with the agile frameworks there are a
Q A Syllabus Ref Rationale variety of behaviours, concepts and techniques that are seen
1 C 1.1 A. Incorrect. Agile behaviours are often seen as such things as as being part of the agile way of working. Command and
being collaborative, self-organizing, customer-focused, control culture and controlling change at the detailed level is
empowered and trusting not blaming. Ref tab 2.2 thought of as a traditional project management approach.
B. Incorrect. Scrum, Kanban and Lean are examples of Ref 2.2.2, 3.7
frameworks (also referred to as methods or approaches) that B. Correct. In order to be more proactive about change in
are generally recognized as being agile. Ref 2.2.1 an agile setting, as well as controlled and consistent after
C. Correct. Burn charts, user stories, retrospectives, responding to change, a good change control approach
timeboxing, and measuring flow are generally seen as and good configuration management will be necessary.
techniques. Ref tab 2.2 Ref 14.3.2
D. Incorrect. Prioritizing what is delivered, working iteratively C. Incorrect. PRINCE2 allows for any style of working, such as
and incrementally, not delivering everything, time-focused, with environments that involve high levels of informality,
‘inspect and adapt’. Kaizen and limiting work in progress (WIP) collaboration and trust. Being ‘bureaucratic’ is thought of as a
are illustrative examples of concepts. Ref tab 2.2 traditional project management approach. Ref 3.7
2 D 1.2 A. Incorrect. Business as usual (BAU) requires a stable team. A D. Incorrect. In contrast to the ‘Waterfall’ way of working, agile
team is created in a project environment. Ref tab 1.1 phases are smaller, more iterative and incremental and are
B. Incorrect. A project has difficult and uncertain work so the unlikely to focus on technical stages. Ref 2.1.1, 3.7
work is unlikely to be similar to that completed before. Ref 5 D 2.2 A. Incorrect. The most ‘commonly used’ agile approaches are
tab 1.1 Scrum and Kanban, but they are not suitable for managing a
C. Incorrect. BAU requires a stable, ongoing team. Ref tab 1.1 project in isolation. Ref 3.7, tab 3.4
D. Correct. A temporary team is put together for a B. Incorrect. There is much more to agile than the Scrum
project. Ref tab 1.1 framework. Agile is not Scrum. Other frameworks exist
3 D 1.3 A. Incorrect. Scrum and Kanban are not project management (including Kanban) and the Scrum framework is only part of


frameworks, and a project manager role is not defined in the agile way of working. Ref 3.7, tab 3.4
either. On their own, and in isolation, they cannot be used to C. Incorrect. There is much more to agile than the Scrum
manage a project. Ref 3.7-6 framework. Agile is not Scrum. Other frameworks exist
B. Incorrect. A traditional waterfall lifecycle is broken down (including Kanban) and the Scrum framework is only part of
into ‘technical’ phases such as Analysis, Design, Build, Test the agile way of working. Ref 3.7, tab 3.4
and Implement. Ref 6.4.2 D. Correct. Scrum and Kanban can be used on a project as
C. Incorrect. SWOT analysis is a technique that can be used in part of an approach to delivering products (as well as for
a workshop to identify the four areas of strengths, BAU), as long as they are contained within a wider project
weaknesses, opportunities and threats in relation to business management framework such as PRINCE2. Ref 3.7, tab 3.4
change or current state. Ref glossary, tab 26.1 6 D 2.4 A. Incorrect. Agile has a very strong focus on product delivery,
D. Correct. Lean is an agile approach that focuses on but relatively little on project direction and project
improving processes by maximizing value by eliminating management. Project support is the responsibility of the
waste (such as wasted time and wasted effort). Ref tab project manager. Ref 3
2.1 B. Incorrect. Agile has a very strong focus on product delivery,
but relatively little on project direction and project
management. Ref 3
C. Incorrect. Agile has a very strong focus on product delivery,
but relatively little on project direction and project
management. Ref 3
D. Correct. The strength of PRINCE2 lies in the areas of
project direction and project management. However, it
provides little focus on the field of product delivery
whereas agile does. Ref 3

282 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 283
Q A Syllabus Ref Rationale Q A Syllabus Ref Rationale
7 B 5.2 A. Incorrect. Tailoring in PRINCE2 Agile incorporates the use 10 B 5.4 A. Incorrect. One limitation of burn-down charts is that they
of the Agilometer. The use of prioritized quality criteria is assume the amount of work does not change. If the amount
applying the ‘focus on products’ principle. Ref tab 7.1 of work is likely to change, or does change, then this will not
B. Correct. Product descriptions, quality criteria and be picked up by a burn-down chart easily and therefore a
quality tolerances can be prioritized and decomposed in burn-up chart should be used. Ref
order to make flexing what is delivered possible. Ref tab B. Correct. One limitation of burn-down charts is that
7.1 they assume the amount of work does not change. If the
C. Incorrect. ‘Protect the level of quality’ is not a PRINCE2 amount of work is likely to change, or does change, then
principle; it is one of the ‘five targets’. Ref tab 7.1, tab 6.2 this will not be picked up by a burn-down chart easily and
D. Incorrect. ‘Transparency’ is not a PRINCE2 principle; it is a therefore a burn-up chart should be used. Ref
PRINCE2 Agile behaviour. Ref 7.4.1 tab 7.1 C. Incorrect. A checkpoint report is used to report, at a
8 A 5.3 A. Correct. This is an example of a ‘feasibility study’ or frequency defined in the work package, the status of a work
experiment, which will help determine the “version of package. It is not used to monitor progress. Ref A.3.1
the final product which allows the maximum amount of D. Incorrect. Kanban controls (as opposed to monitors) work
validated learning with the least effort”, i.e. the in progress (WIP) through WIP limits. Brand-u-Like is not using
minimum viable product (MVP) for the new corporate log. Kanban. They are just starting to use more agile approaches.
Ref tab 7.1, glossary Ref
B. Incorrect. This may have a favourable impact on the 11 B 5.5 A. Incorrect. An agile team is ‘self-organizing’ so the Team
prevailing agile environment. However, it is a form of Manager is not alone in being responsible for managing risks
‘feasibility study’ or experiment to learn and determine the to the work package which would be discussed as part of
MVP for the new corporate log. Ref 24.3, tab 7.1, glossary daily stand-up meetings. This should be a responsibility of the
C. Incorrect. The MVP is a “version of the final product which whole team and, in particular, the appointed risk owner. Ref
allows the maximum amount of validated learning with the 7.4, 13.3.2
least effort”, and it should not be confused with the viability B. Correct. The level of formality for recording and


of the project as a whole. Ref glossary reporting on risks should be appropriate to the needs of
D. Incorrect. While it is true that the proposed new corporate a project. On some projects, a risk register of a few
logo may not be sufficiently unique and recognizable, this is columns manually updated on a team board may suffice.
an example of a ‘feasibility study’ or experiment, which will These can be reported to the project manager by any
help determine the “version of the final product which allows appropriate means. Ref 13.3.1, 20.5, tab 23.3
the maximum amount of validated learning with the least C. Incorrect. There may be a single risk register for the project
effort”, i.e. the MVP for the new corporate log. Ref tab 7.1, as a whole, but each team may also have its own risk register
glossary in order to manage risks at a level that is appropriate for the
9 D 5.4 A. Incorrect. A business case always includes the cost and situation. Ref 13.3
time required to deliver the project’s products. Therefore, this D. Incorrect. Displaying risks on a team board makes them
is not tailoring the business case theme. Ref A.2.2 highly visible and can be easily accessed by the project
B. Incorrect. Risks are recorded in the risk register not in the manager. There is a need to produce a single risk register but
Agilometer. The risk register may also include risks identified the information may be pulled from team boards. Ref fig 13.2
when completing the Agilometer suitability test. Ref tab 23.2, 12 A 5.5 A. Correct. A safe-to-fail experiment is one that is
A.25.1 designed to have only limited impact on a system or a
C. Incorrect. Where there is a high level of uncertainty, the plan in the event of failure. Ref tab 13.1, glossary
business case should be developed very quickly and the B. Incorrect. While it is true that it is the responsibility of the
assumptions tested rapidly. The approach could be described role that is managing the team (i.e. the team manager) to
as ‘taking a leap of faith’. However, this describes the manage risk at the delivery level, this does not explain why a
assumptions which underpin the business case whereas a safe-to-fail experiment should be conducted. Ref 13.3, tab
dependency between project outputs would be subject to risk 13.1, glossary
management rather than needing to ‘take a leap of faith’. Ref C. Incorrect. This is an issue that is a ‘cause’ or source of a risk
tab 8.1, A.16.2, 13.1.1 to the successful completion of the teams work. As a result, it
D. Correct. When creating a business case, understanding should be managed as a risk. Ref 13.3
is required of how the incremental delivery of a product D. Incorrect. A safe-to-fail experiment may be designed to
and the value associated with it could impact project study impacts (i.e. limited impacts) on a system or plan in the
viability (positively or negatively) and also the ability to event of failure. Ref 13.3, tab 13.1, glossary
achieve the early delivery of some benefits. Ref tab 8.1

284 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 285
Q A Syllabus Ref Rationale Q A Syllabus Ref Rationale
13 C 5.6 A. Incorrect. A customer quality expectation is a description of 15 A 5.7 A. Correct. The formality of reporting arrangements
the quality expected of the project’s products and the should be agreed – e.g. low-tech burn charts. Checkpoint
standards and processes that will need to be applied to reports may be done by pulling from information on
achieve that quality. The statement describes the project display. Ref 20.3.1
approach and how agile will be used which should be B. Incorrect. It is the burn-down chart that shows the ideal
recorded in the project brief. Ref A.21.2, tab 23.1 rate of progress as a diagonal straight line. It is the ‘actual’
B. Incorrect. A pre-requisite contains any fundamental line that is used to forecast forward. A burn-up chart has the
aspects that must be in place, and remain in place, for the planned work as a straight horizontal line unless work has
plan to succeed. A pre-requisite would have to be in place been added. Ref fig 15.1
before the initiation stage plan could be implemented. The C. Incorrect. PRINCE2 and agile provide an abundance of
statement describes the project approach and how agile will guidance on tracking progress, therefore the project manager
be used which should be recorded in the project brief. Ref tab should be focused on creating guiding boundaries that
23.1, A.16.2 empower people to carry out their work by self-organizing.
C. Correct. The project approach will contain an agile What is delivered is the primary aspect of performance that is
element describing the use of agile, which techniques of most interest to the whole project management team
and approaches have been selected, and how the agile therefore, the use of burn charts is quite natural irrespective
element will benefit the project. Ref tab 23.1 of the project level. Ref 15.3
D. Incorrect. The project manager may use the daily log to D. Incorrect. While there may be different areas of emphasis
store informal communications able. However, the statement at project and team levels, what is delivered is the primary
describes the project approach and how agile will be used aspect of performance that is of most interest to the whole
which should be recorded in the project brief. Ref tab 23.1, project management team therefore, the use of burn charts
tab 23.2 is quite natural irrespective of the project level. Ref 15.3
14 A 5.7 A. Correct. Corporate clothing design is within the scope 16 B 5.8 A. Incorrect. A checkpoint report could be replaced by a daily
of the Collateral work package. This is a prioritization stand-up with the agreement of the delivery team. However,


change at the product delivery level (as the work needs this is an issue that needs reporting promptly. Ref tab 23.3
to be started sooner); therefore, as work should be B. Correct. This is an issue that needs reporting promptly
prioritized in some form of product backlog by the and must be entered onto the issue register. Ref tab 23.2
product owner, in an ongoing manner, this is the most C. Incorrect. A checkpoint report could be replaced by an
appropriate response. Ref 9.2 information radiator where information can be extracted (or
B. Incorrect. Corporate clothing design is within the scope of ‘pulled’) by the project manager when required. However, as
the Collateral work package. This is a prioritization change at this is an issue it needs reporting promptly to the project
the product delivery level where an empowered self- manager. Ref tab 23.3
organizing team should be free to handle such changes D. Incorrect. An exception report would be raised by the
dynamically as long as that change is at the detailed level and project manager during the ‘controlling a stage’ process. Ref
is within defined tolerances. Ref 14.3, 25.5 tab 19.1
C. Incorrect. Corporate clothing design is within the scope of 17 A 5.9 A. Correct. When working at the delivery level with agile,
the Collateral work package. This is a prioritization change planning centres around the immediate future and this
not a change to the product – the product description does often relates to a timebox of two to four weeks. Ref
not need to change. Ref 25.5, A.17 12.3.3
D. Incorrect. Corporate clothing design is within the scope of B. Incorrect. Significant timeboxes such as releases should be
the Collateral work package. This is a prioritization change carefully planned to integrate with, and fit into, management
not a change to the product. An empowered self-organizing stages. A work package may include one or more releases
team should be free to handle such changes dynamically as and one or more timeboxes. Ref tab 7.1, tab 23.1
long as that change is at the detailed level and is within C. Incorrect. A release is a set of products in handover. The
defined tolerances. Ref 14.3, 25.5 contents of a release are managed, tested and deployed as a
single entity. Ref glossary
D. Incorrect. Within agile, the nearest equivalent to a stage is
‘a higher level timebox that acts as a container for a set of
lower level timeboxes’. A stage is likely to deliver multiple
work packages managed as a timebox, comprising a series of
sprints. Ref 19.2

286 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 287
Q A Syllabus Ref Rationale Q A Syllabus Ref Rationale
18 D 5.9 A. Incorrect. A checkpoint report could be replaced by a daily 20 B 4.1 A. Incorrect. PRINCE2 Agile believes that the features of the
stand-up or Scrum meeting with the agreement of the product are the safest and most sensible area to compromise
delivery team. However, the team needs to avoid seeing the on. A PRINCE2 Agile project does not set out with the
daily stand-ups as a ‘reporting to’ mechanism. Ref tab 23.3 intention of not delivering everything but it does aim to hit
B. Incorrect. Collaborative behaviours are an important deadlines and protect the level of quality by reducing what is
aspect of the agile way of working. However, this applies the delivered accordingly. The ability to reduce scope if necessary
PRINCE2 Agile guidance poorly because the team needs to acts as a contingency. Ref 6.4.5
avoid seeing the daily stand-ups as a ‘reporting to’ B. Correct. PRINCE2 Agile believes that the features of the
mechanism. Ref 23.3, tab 2.2 product are the safest and most sensible area to
C. Incorrect. Checkpoint reports could be replaced by using compromise on. A PRINCE2 Agile project does not set out
both an information radiator and a burn-down chart. with the intention of not delivering everything but it does
Alternatively, they could be replaced by a daily stand-up or aim to hit deadlines and protect the level of quality by
Scrum meeting. However, the team needs to avoid seeing reducing what is delivered accordingly. In order to do this
the daily stand-ups as a ‘reporting to’ mechanism. Ref tab each video needs to be prioritized. Ref 6.4.5
23.3 C. Incorrect. The concept of flexing what is being delivered
D. Correct. A checkpoint report could be replaced by a ensures that the emphasis is on delivering less scope or using
daily stand-up or Scrum meeting with the agreement of lower-priority quality criteria as opposed to compromising
the delivery team. However, the team needs to avoid the overall quality level of the final product. This is part of the
seeing the daily stand-ups as a ‘reporting to’ mechanism. ‘protect the level of quality’ target. Ref 6.4.2
Ref tab 23.3 D. Incorrect. The target of ‘embrace change’ recognizes that
19 C 4.1 A. Incorrect. If a project falls behind schedule, a traditional change is inevitable at the detail level and should be handled
response would be to consider the option of increasing the dynamically. Ref 6.4.3
number of people involved to speed up progress. Changing 21 D 4.1 A. Incorrect. Zero tolerance is set for extra cost on all levels of
team members in the short term can have a detrimental a plan and therefore this would not be directly affected by


effect, because time is spent bringing new team members up this issue. Ref tab 6.1
to speed. Ref 6.4.4 B. Incorrect. Zero tolerance is set for extra time on all levels of
B. Incorrect. The concept of flexing what is being delivered, a plan and therefore this would not be directly affected by
ensures that the emphasis is on delivering less scope or using this issue. Ref tab 6.1
lower-priority quality criterion as opposed to compromising C. Incorrect. Risk tolerance can be fixed or flexed. However,
the overall quality level of the final product. The quality this is not a risk it is an issue so there could be an indirect
tolerance of delivering advertisements of at least one minute impact on risks rather than a direct effect. Ref tab 6.1
can be used to maintain the quality level in Stage 3. The D. Correct. Benefit tolerance can be fixed or flexed. Zero
longer advertisements could be added to Stage 4 but the tolerance is set for the level defined as ‘minimum
product is within its quality tolerances. Ref 6.4.2 viability’ in terms of the benefits that ‘must’ be delivered
C. Correct. The concept of flexing what is being delivered, as part of the business case. The project manager will
ensures that the emphasis is on delivering less scope or need to identify whether the ‘minimum viability’ of the
using lower-priority quality criterion as opposed to project is still going to be delivered and whether the
compromising the overall quality level of the final project is therefore within benefit tolerance or needs to
product. The quality tolerance of delivering go into exception. Ref tab 6.1
advertisements of at least one minute can be used to
maintain the quality level. Ref 6.4.2
D. Incorrect. The concept of flexing what is being delivered,
ensures that the emphasis is on delivering less scope or using
lower-priority quality criterion as opposed to compromising
the overall quality level of the final product. However, the
radio advertising campaign is a Must Have and therefore
cannot be de-scoped during the stage. Ref 6.4.2

288 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 289
Q A Syllabus Ref Rationale Q A Syllabus Ref Rationale
22 A 4.2 a) A. Correct. The ‘be on time and hit deadlines’ target 24 C 4.2 c) A. Incorrect. It is true that the Marketing Team needs to
enables the early realization of benefits which can be protect the quality of the product being delivered. However,
planned around. Ref 6.4.1 the change requested is a change in scope, not quality and
B. Incorrect. The ‘protect the level of quality’ target seeks to change should be embraced. Ref 6.1.3, 6.1.2
ensure that the right level of quality is delivered to stop a B. Incorrect. It is true that the advertisement should be
product going into operational use containing errors. It is not delivered on time and to cost – these are elements which
about being on time and hitting deadlines. Ref 6.4.1, 6.4.2 should be fixed. However, this does not explain why the
C. Incorrect. The full page advertisement is a Should Have. Marketing Team should embrace the proposed change to
The ‘accept that the customer does not need everything’ scope. Ref 6.1, 6.1.3
target recognizes that features should be de-scoped if C. Correct. Trading or swapping is the act of handling
required, in order to deliver on time. Ref 6.4.5 change by replacing one or more requirements with
D. Incorrect. Trading (or swapping) is the act of handling others of a similar size in terms of effort. It allows change
change by replacing one or more requirements (or features) to be embraced without affecting time, cost or quality.
with others of a similar size in terms of effort. This is part of Ref 6.4.3
the ‘embrace change’ target. Ref 6.4.3 D. Incorrect. The customer subject matter expert (CSME) acts
23 B 4.3 b) A. Incorrect. While it is true that development teams should as a representative of all of the customer stakeholders with a
be self-organizing within PRINCE2 Agile, it is a fundamental responsibility for ensuring that the project’s products are
part of PRINCE2 Agile that time should be fixed while scope understood. However, this does not relate to complying with
should be flexed and the quality level should be protected. the ‘five targets’. Ref tab B.2
Ref 6.1, 6.1.4 25 B 4.3 d) A. Incorrect. The concept of flexing what is being delivered
B. Correct. The ‘protect the level of quality’ target ensures that the emphasis is on delivering less scope or using
identifies the concept of flexing the lower-priority quality lower priority quality criteria, as opposed to compromising
criteria as opposed to compromising the overall quality the overall quality level of the final product. Ref 6.12
level of the final product. However, ‘high quality, B. Correct. Although adding new team members has an


successful TV campaign’ is a poor quality criterion and impact in any situation, the agile way of working is
does not define appropriately the overall level of quality particularly impacted by the changing of personnel
required. Also the function is not defined correctly. Ref because agile utilizes such things as informal
6.4.2 communication and self-organizing whilst scheduling
C. Incorrect. A user story is a tool used to write a requirement work into short timeframes. It is important to
in the form of who, what and why. Acceptance criteria is a understand that team members may need to change
term that is commonly used in agile to assess whether a user throughout the life of a project as the needs of a project
story has been completed. It is the equivalent to quality change. Therefore, as the work is entering a new stage
criteria in PRINCE2. Each user story needs to align to the and delivering additional campaigns, adding a new team
overall customer quality expectations and acceptance criteria member is possible. Ref 6.1.5
as defined in the project product description. Ref A.21.1, C. Incorrect. While it is true that teams should be self-
6.4.2, glossary organizing, this is in relation to the work rather than the
D. Incorrect. The customer should get most of the features resources doing that work. The impact of changing a team’s
that were wanted but at the right level of quality and on time dynamics is usually under-estimated. However, that impact is
delivery. The sales bonus is a benefit not a feature – as a more felt in the short-term. Ref 6.4.4, 6.1.4
<role>, I want to <function>, so that <benefit>. Ref, fig D. Incorrect. There are five generic roles which can be used, if
6.2, tab 6.1 desired. How many of each role will vary according to the
needs of the delivery team. One person could do more than
one role (e.g. lead the team and coach it). Several people
could carry out one role (e.g. create the product). Ref 10.3.3

290 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 291
Q A Syllabus Ref Rationale Q A Syllabus Ref Rationale
26 D 4.2 e) A. Incorrect. According to the scenario, the newspaper and 28 B 5.3 A. Incorrect. Requirements within a timebox should be
radio campaigns can also be delivered in the later timebox in prioritized using MoSCoW prioritization. A timebox does not
Stage 3. However, this does not explain the need to deliver a necessarily relate to a stage. A stage can include several
minimum viable product (MVP) early to find out what the timeboxes. Ref 25.5.1, fig 16.3
customer really wants. Ref 6.1.5 B. Correct. According to the principle ‘manage by stages’,
B. Incorrect. It is true that the quality should be protected. releases should be carefully planned to integrate with
However, this does not explain the need to deliver a MVP and fit into stages. Ref tab 7.1
early to find out what the customer really wants. Ref 6.1.5, C. Incorrect. The MVP is a version of the final product which
6.1.2 allows the maximum amount of validated learning with the
C. Incorrect. It is true that PRINCE2 Agile should only be used least effort. The MVP for the website could have been
on projects where there is flexibility on what is delivered. delivered during Stage 3 rather than Stage 4 to learn fast/fail
However, this does not explain the need to deliver a MVP fast to support the principle ‘continued business justification’.
early to find out what the customer really wants. Ref 6.1.5, fig Ref tab 7.1, glossary
24.1 D. Incorrect. The purpose of a retrospective is to improve the
D. Correct. Asking the question whether the customer effectiveness of the team by reducing mistakes and
really needs everything they asked for is one of the five promoting successful behaviours and therefore supports the
targets. This information can be found out early through principle ‘learn from experience’ rather than the ‘manage by
the delivery of a MVP. Ref 6.1.5 stages’ principle. Ref 10.4.3, tab 7.1
27 A 5.2 A. Correct. Shortening the feedback loop to the customer 29 D 5.4 A. Incorrect. A customer representative may contribute to
supports the principle ‘learn from experience’. Ref tab 7.1 more than one team at the detailed level rather than being
B. Incorrect. Working in an agile way places a greater appointed to a single team. Their involvement is typically in
emphasis on allowing tolerance on what is delivered and specialist areas and they are less involved than CSMEs. Ref
restricting the tolerance on time and cost. This applies the 10.4.5
principle ‘manage by exception’ rather than the ‘learn from B. Incorrect. A customer representative may contribute to


experience’ principle. Ref tab 7.1 more than one team at the detailed level rather than being
C. Incorrect. Not only is it essential to use the ‘manage by appointed to a single team. Their involvement is typically in
exception’ principle and to ensure that it is implemented specialist areas and they are less involved than CSMEs. A
correctly but it is vital to see that this as at the heart of supplier representative is partially assigned and canvassed
empowering people to self-organize and stay in control with about specific technical information. A customer
the appropriate level of governance, when using PRINCE2 and representative would be unable to provide the daily support
agile together. Working in an agile way places a greater required from the Marketing Team and the supplier
emphasis on allowing tolerance on what is delivered and representative would not be doing the product delivery. Ref
restricting the tolerance on time and cost. This applies the 10.4.5, tab B.2
principle ‘manage by exception’ rather than the ‘learn from C. Incorrect. CSMEs may be either full-time or part-time,
experience’ principle. Ref tab 7.1 depending on their role within the organization as a whole. As
D. Incorrect. Working in an agile way places a greater only ‘some daily’ information and advice is required, the role
emphasis on allowing tolerance on what is delivered and does not need to be full-time. The supplier subject matter
restricting the tolerance on time and cost. By including only expert (SSME) would typically be full-time. Ref 10.4.4
one feature in timebox one there is no flexibility on what is D. Correct. CSMEs may be either full-time or part-time
delivered and therefore there is a greater risk of time being depending on their role within the organization as a
exceeded. This applies the principle ‘manage by exception’ whole. As only ‘some daily’ information and advice is
rather than the ‘learn from experience’ principle. Ref tab 7.1 required, the role would be unlikely to be full-time. The
SSME would typically be full-time. Ref 10.4.4

292 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 293
Q A Syllabus Ref Rationale Q A Syllabus Ref Rationale
30 D 5.4 A. Incorrect. Agile focuses on Just-In-Time planning and often 32 B 5.5 A. Incorrect. Although it is appropriate to independently
uses backlogs to plan timeboxes. Team planning would check that the project’s products are fit for purpose at the
therefore take place as work on the Story of Cheese timebox delivery level this does not explain the need to ‘check first’.
is about to commence. Ref 12.3.3, fig 12.3 Ref 11.3.4, tab B.2
B. Incorrect. Kanban uses lead times to estimate. Lead times B. Correct. When using PRINCE2 with Agile, a decision has
are how long it will take a work item to go through the to be made early on, as part of the quality management
system. Web&Go are using Kanban whereas the IT Team is approach, as to how much of the testing and quality
not, so the lead times would not be applicable. Ref fig 12.2, checking can be carried out in the preferred Agile
glossary manner of ‘test/check first’. Ref 11.3.4
C. Incorrect. Agile focuses on Just-In-Time planning (and uses C. Incorrect. A developer, like a SSME, provides the
backlogs to plan timeboxes. Team planning would therefore appropriate technical skills to build and initially quality check
take place as the work on the Story of Cheese timebox is the project’s products. However, this does not explain the
about to commence. Ref 12.3.3, fig 12.3 need to ‘check first’. Ref 11.3.4, tab B.2
D. Correct. Agile focuses on Just-In-Time planning and D. Incorrect. Definition of ‘ready’ is a set of criteria used to
often uses backlogs to plan timeboxes. Team planning determine if a piece of work is ready to be started. Testing
would therefore take place as work on the Story of would be built around the definition of ‘done’ not the
Cheese timebox is about to commence. Ref 12.3.3, fig 12.3 definition of ‘ready’. Ref glossary
31 C 5.5 A. Incorrect. If changes to the baseline upon which the work 33 B 5.6 A. Incorrect. Emailing the project initiation documentation
was justified is being compromised, then this may not be (PID) and asking for confirmation of compliance would not be
seen in a positive light. Changes to baseline products like the an agile way of working, which promotes the ‘collaboration’
project product description are high level changes that will and ‘self-organization’ behaviours. Ref 7.4.2, 7.4.4
affect the baseline and should be handled through change B. Correct. The PID (or parts of it) may exist on an
control to the user stories. The use of user stories does not information radiator in the form of ‘team rules’ to enable
explain why change control should be applied. Ref 14.2.1, tab it to be constantly visible to the team. In this question


23.1, fig 14.1 the ‘team rules’ refers to the project management team.
B. Incorrect. If changes to the baseline upon which the work The delivery teams may have their own ‘team rules’. Ref
was justified is being compromised, then this may not be tab 23.1, fig 15.2
seen in a positive light. Changes to baseline products like the C. Incorrect. Workshops are a form of rich communication
project product description are high level changes that will which would assist in understanding and agreeing which
affect the baseline and should be handled through change behaviours to implement. The PID (or parts of it) may exist on
control rather than being handled dynamically as a change to an Information Radiator to enable it to be constantly visible to
detailed requirements. Ref 14.2.1, fig 14.1, tab 23.1 the team. However, the possible advantages of agile
C. Correct. If changes to the baseline upon which the behaviours would not be documented in the PID or shown on
work was justified is being compromised, then this may the Information Radiator. Ref 26.4.1, tab 23.1, fig 15.2
not be seen in a positive light. Changes to baseline D. Incorrect. The executive presenting the findings to the
products like the project product description are high delivery teams is not a collaborative (agile) behaviour. The PID
level changes that will affect the baseline and should be (or parts of it) may exist on an information radiator to enable
handled through change control. Ref 14.2.1, fig 14.1, tab it to be constantly visible to the team. Ref 7.4.2, tab 23.1, fig
23.1 15.2
D. Incorrect. If changes to the baseline upon which the work
was justified is being compromised, then this may not be
seen in a positive light. Changes to baseline products like the
project product description are high level changes that will
affect the baseline and should be handled through change
control. The CSME is part of a self-organizing delivery team
and should be consulted. Ref 14.2.1, fig 14.1, tab 23.1, fig 10.4

294 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 295
Q A Syllabus Ref Rationale Q A Syllabus Ref Rationale
34 A 5.6 A. Correct. Spiking is a temporary piece of work used to 36 D 5.8 A. Incorrect. Continual process improvement is a prominent
understand more about a given situation. It may take the concept in Agile. However, this is not a lesson incorporated; it
form of a prototype or some research and is often used is an agreed way of working. In order to communicate and
to reduce uncertainty from a technical or customer record this agreement, it would be recorded in the risk
viewpoint. Ref glossary management approach. Ref tab 23.1, 23.2
B. Incorrect. The payment timebox is delivering different B. Incorrect. The daily log can be used by the project manager
requirements and is unlikely to provide lessons for delivery of to store information gathered as part of informal face-to-face
the stock control timebox. Lean Startup refers to shortening communications. In order to communicate and record this
the feedback loop in keeping with the PRINCE2 Agile agreement, it would be recorded in the risk management
behaviour ‘exploration’. Ref approach. Ref tab 23.1, 23.2
C. Incorrect. Operational handovers are likely to occur at a C. Incorrect. In terms of roles and responsibilities, the agile
release or even at the end of a timebox. However, waiting way of working relies on everyone looking out for risks and
until the end of the timebox will not allow the feedback loop raising them quickly. This responsibility would be recorded in
to be accelerated in order to understand what the customer the risk management approach. Individual risks would be
wants. Ref 2.2, recorded in the risk register. Ref tab 23.1, 23.2
D. Incorrect. The product descriptions contained in the work D. Correct. In terms of roles and responsibilities, the agile
package may be defined at a level that clearly describes what way of working relies on everyone looking out for risks
the team needs to deliver, whilst at the same time not being and raising them quickly. This responsibility would be
too detailed to restrict the team. Developing a detailed recorded in the risk management approach. Ref tab 23.1
product description will not accelerate the feedback loop and 37 B 5.8 A. Incorrect. A burn-up chart shows the work completed
enable learning. Ref, 20.3.1 compared to the total amount of work to be completed in a
35 A 5.7 A. Correct. A formal workshop can be held to review the timebox. It is not used to record face-to-face
stage as part of a release review or at least a large-scale communications. Ref
demo can be given to as many stakeholders as B. Correct. The project manager can use the daily log to


appropriate. Ref 21.3 store information, as there may be a lot of informal
B. Incorrect. Retrospectives involve looking back and communications such as those taking place face-to-face.
reflecting on how things went in terms of how a team Ref tab 23.2
worked, in order to make improvements to how they C. Incorrect. The purpose of a product description is to
work going forward. A release review focuses on products understand the detailed nature, purpose, function and
rather than processes. Ref 21.3, 19.4.1 appearance of the product. It is not used to record informal
C. Incorrect. A formal workshop can be held to review the discussions. Ref A.17.1
stage as part of a release review or at least a large-scale D. Incorrect. The purpose of the product status account is to
demo can be given to as many stakeholders as appropriate provide information about the state of products within a
and not just to the team. Ref 21.3 stage or timebox. It is not used to record informal
D. Incorrect. A formal workshop can be held to review the discussions. Ref A.18.1
stage and then plan the next stage as part of a release review
or at least a large-scale demo can be given to as many
stakeholders as appropriate but the demonstration of the
functionality is about signing off the current stage products
rather than planning for the next stage. Ref 21.3

296 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 297
Q A Syllabus Ref Rationale Q A Syllabus Ref Rationale
38 C 5.9 A. Incorrect. Frequent releases are planned in order to enable 40 B 3.1 A. Incorrect. This slider is concerned with stakeholders being
benefits during the course of the project. A significant very comfortable with the fact that change is inevitable and
amount of benefits are being delivered before the end of the needs to happen in order to converge on an accurate
project. The earliest delivery of benefits in the Golden Clog product. The issue described is about resolving a situation
Project is during Stage 3. Ref tab 23.1 where the teams are separate and activities need to be
B. Incorrect. The benefits management approach is used to coordinated. Ref 24.7.1
define how and when a measurement of the achievement of B. Correct. This slider is concerned with whether the
the project’s benefits can be made. Frequent releases are communication is very easy amongst all parties involved.
planned in order to enable benefits during the course of the To address any risks due to the separate locations, the
project. A significant amount of benefits are being delivered environment needs to be made ‘communication rich’
before the end of the project. The earliest delivery of benefits where there is a lot of face-to-face interaction, and visual
in the Golden Clog Project is during Stage 3. Ref A.1.1, tab information is readily available in such forms as
23.1 prototypes and models. Ref 24.7.3
C. Correct. Frequent releases are planned in order to C. Incorrect. This slider is related to addressing the ease with
enable benefits during the course of the project. A which the project is able to deliver benefit to the customer by
significant amount of benefits are being delivered before regular partial deliveries of the final product. The issue
the end of the project. The earliest delivery of benefits in described is about resolving a situation where the teams are
the Golden Clog Project is during Stage 3. Ref tab 23.1 separate and activities need to be coordinated. Ref 24.7.4
D. Incorrect. Frequent releases are planned in order to enable D. Incorrect. This slider is related to the overall working
benefits during the course of the project. A significant environment being very supportive of working in an agile
amount of benefits are being delivered before the end of the way. Personnel are assigned full-time to their work, they are
project. The earliest delivery of benefits in the Golden Clog appropriately skilled and they have very efficient platforms to
Project is during Stage 3. Stage 2 simply enables the work of work from. The issue described is about resolving a situation
Stage 3 rather than actual benefits. Ref tab 23.1 where the teams are separate and activities need to be


39 C 3.1 A. Incorrect. Actions to ensure that everyone accepts the agile coordinated. Ref 24.7.5
philosophy and understands the difference from a traditional 41 C 3.1 A. Incorrect. In order for a user story to be considered ‘ready’,
way of working will affect the ‘acceptance of Agile’ slider. Ref it must have a benefit that is measurable. This entry is not
24.7.6 measurable or to do with why the boxes are wanted in a
B. Incorrect. Actions that challenge the team to think of stock room either. Ref
partial deliveries that will be of use in some form or another B. Incorrect. In order for a user story to be considered ‘ready’,
will affect the ‘ability to work iteratively and deliver it must have a benefit that is measurable. This entry is not
incrementally’ slider. Ref 24.4.3 measurable or to do with why the boxes are wanted in a
C. Correct. De-scoping and prioritization as a team stock room either. Ref
exercise is customer driven and is an example of C. Correct. In order for a user story to be considered
behaviour for increasing the ‘flexibility on what is ‘ready’, it must have a benefit that is measurable. This
delivered’ slider. On this occasion descoping a line is not entry is measurable. Ref
an option but the order (priority) in which they are D. Incorrect. In order for a user story to be considered ‘ready’,
delivered could be changed. Ref 24.7.1 it must have a benefit that is measurable. This entry is not
D. Incorrect. After using the Agilometer to create an measurable and is actually a function, which should also not
assessment, the next step is to see what can be done to contain a solution. Ref
improve the sliders and shift them further to the left. Ref 24.4

298 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 299
Q A Syllabus Ref Rationale Q A Syllabus Ref Rationale
42 D 3.1 A. Incorrect. No delays is likely to be a Must Have. Must Have 44 B 3.1 A. Incorrect. One of the purposes of the frequent releases
is defined as the following: “Must be satisfied because focus area is to give confidence about how the project is
without it, either the output from the timebox won’t work or it proceeding through visibility and evidence. However, this
is not worth delivering the output”. Ref tab 25.3 would be of less use than identifying an issue with the final
B. Incorrect. Delays of no more than two minutes is likely to product. Ref 27.1
be a Should Have. Should Have is defined as the following: B. Correct. One of the purposes of the frequent releases
“should be satisfied because it is highly desirable or very focus area is to reduce risk of delivering the wrong
important, but it is not a Must Have”. Ref tab 25.3 product. It would be essential to identify the issue that
C. Incorrect. This is likely to be a Must Have or a Should Have delivery lorries are unable to fully access the site as this
as a site of employment is likely to need to meet disability was a concern at the start. Ref 27.1
requirements. Must Have is defined as the following: “Must C. Incorrect. One of the purposes of the frequent releases
be satisfied because without it, either the output from the focus area is to allow for feedback. However, this would be of
timebox won’t work or it is not worth delivering the output”. less use than identifying an issue with the final product. Ref
Ref tab 25.3 27.1
D. Correct. Alternative parking is available so this is likely D. Incorrect. This is not a requirement that is related to the
to be a Could or Won’t Have. Could Have is defined as the delivery of the final product so it is not relevant to the
following: “Could be satisfied because it is still desirable frequent releases focus area. Ref 27.1
or important, but not as much as a Should Have’. Won’t 45 D 3.2 a) A. Incorrect. The ‘level of collaboration’ slider is about the
Have is defined as ‘won’t be satisfied before the working relationships of the parties involved, not the
deadline”. Ref tab 25.3 production lines. The fact that the delivery of the production
43 B 3.1 A. Incorrect. Using visualizations is ideal to accompany face- lines does not suit an agile approach is more indicative of a
to-face communication, but would not necessarily be used in problem with the ‘advantageous environmental conditions’
its own right. Burn charts will be at a detail level and will not slider. Ref 24.7.2, 24.7.5
be sufficient to be used alone. Ref 26.3.1 B. Incorrect. The ‘ease of communication’ slider is about


B. Correct. One of the best ways to communicate making communication very easy amongst all parties
effectively is to use as much face-to-face communication involved. The backgrounds of the staff members is not
as possible. The team should operate in a way that is self- relevant to how communication is set up. Ref 24.7.3
organized and empowered to make decisions. Ref 26.3.1, C. Incorrect. The ‘advantageous environmental conditions’
10.2 slider is about the overall working environment being very
C. Incorrect. A workshop is quite a significant event that takes supportive of working in an agile way. Only two or three in a
a lot of time and resources to set up and run. Therefore, it is team wanting to use agile methods is more indicative of a
always advisable to question whether a workshop is really problem with the ‘acceptance of Agile’ slider. Ref 24.7.5,
necessary or if there could be another way of achieving the 24.7.6
objective (e.g. a small meeting). Ref D. Correct. For the ‘acceptance of Agile’ slider everyone
D. Incorrect. When communication involves opinions or needs to accept the agile philosophy and understand the
emotions, the written word is not as effective as a phone call difference from a traditional way of working. Ref 24.7.6
or a face-to-face conversation. Weekly information would also
not provide quick enough information on decisions if for
example, one line was swapped for another. Ref 26.3.2

300 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 301
Q A Syllabus Ref Rationale Q A Syllabus Ref Rationale
46 A 3.3 a) A. Correct. The ‘ability to work iteratively and deliver 48 C 3.3 b) A. Incorrect. If new requirements are coming in, then some of
incrementally’ slider relates to delivering benefit to the the existing ones may need to make way, even if they refer to
customer by regular partial deliveries of the final non-functional requirements. This will be carried out by
product. As this is not a reasonable approach to a removing requirements or tasks that are of a similar level of
production line this would indicate a low-level setting. effort. Ref 25.5.9
Ref 24.7.4 B. Incorrect. If the customer changes their mind on a
B. Incorrect. Learning and validation are seen as an ongoing requirement or comes up with a new requirement, but this
process for the ‘ability to work iteratively and deliver does not affect the project product description, then this
incrementally’ slider. This would be seen as a positive would be seen as creating a more accurate final product and
characteristic and indicate a high-level setting. Ref 24.7.4 therefore likely to be seen as something positive. This new
C. Incorrect. The ‘ease of communication’ slider requires that requirement does not change the baseline. Ref
there are high levels of co-location. This characteristic is not C. Correct. If new requirements are coming in, then some
relevant to the ‘ability to work iteratively and deliver of the existing ones may need to make way. This will be
incrementally’ slider. Ref 24.7.3 carried out by removing requirements or tasks that are
D. Incorrect. The ‘level of collaboration’ slider relates to of a similar level of effort after defining the priority of
people who achieve a partnership approach between the the new requirement. Ref 25.5.9
customer and the supplier. This characteristic is not relevant D. Incorrect. Prioritizing requirements is a regular and
to the ‘ability to work iteratively and deliver incrementally’ fundamental activity when using agile, so that the team can
slider. Ref 24.7.2 ‘maximizing the amount of work they are not doing’ and are
47 C 3.2 b) A. Incorrect. A good user story defines the user as a role, not therefore able to hit deadlines, protect the quality of the
as a named person. Ref products being delivered and respond to changes which
B. Incorrect. A good user story should not contain a solution, provide a more accurate final product. The new requirement
such as a warning label. Ref may be more urgent than others so it needs to prioritized to
C. Correct. The benefit needs to be measurable and could ensure that it is scheduled appropriately e.g. all of the


be evolved to include the name of a regulation. Ref functionality relating to weight can be delivered at the same time. Ref 25.5.10
D. Incorrect. There are three fields describing who, what and 49 B 3.2 c) A. Incorrect. The daily stand-up provides the delivery team
why. The information is deliberately insufficient to necessitate with the opportunity to identify issues. This approach ensures
a conversation with the customer. Additional information is that issues are uncovered and escalated quickly to ensure
needed to evolve the user story. Ref that sprint and release goals are not compromised. However,
this does not explain how the use of a webcam and texting
applies to the rich communication focus area. Ref 19.3.4
B. Correct. Technology should be assessed with respect to
making communication easier and more effective.
Webcams and collaboration tools can help build a multi-
faceted approach to communication. Ref 26.3.1
C. Incorrect. Face-to-face should be favoured over the phone
but it is not always possible to have everyone co-located.
Alternative methods need to be used where co-location is not
possible. Ref 26.3.1
D. Incorrect. In order to succeed with PRINCE2 in an agile
environment, effective communication is essential. When
communication breaks down in an agile context, it can be
very damaging. Technical solutions are sought to move
communication traffic to faster, clearer channels when
communication is not working. Ref 26.3, 26.3.1

302 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 303
Q A Syllabus Ref Rationale
50 D 3.3 d) A. Incorrect. The different levels of a plan would need to be
synchronized with respect to release planning. This is a good
application of the plans theme, not the frequent releases
focus area. Ref 27.2.1
B. Incorrect. It is possible that a project needs to realize early
benefits in order to fund later parts of the project. However,
this is not a reason why release plans should complement the
stage plans. Ref 27.2.1
C. Incorrect. Disruption should only occur when products and
sub-products can be delivered too quickly for the customer to
absorb them efficiently. A well-crafted release plan can prove
to be significantly beneficial to an organization. It can create
feedback that can be responded to at the earliest
opportunity. Ref 27.2.1
D. Correct. Release planning needs to be incorporated
into the PRINCE2 plans. Release planning would typically
be reviewed in the ‘managing a stage boundary’ process.
The project board needs to be fully aware of the
significance of release planning. It is not something that
just concerns the people working at the delivery level.
Ref 27.2.1, 21.3


304 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 305
baseline change authority constraints
Glossary Reference levels against which an entity is A person or group to which the project The restrictions or limitations by which a
monitored and controlled. board may delegate responsibility for the project is bound.
consideration of requests for change or off-
acceptance criteria benefit specifications. The change authority may contingency
A prioritized list of criteria that the project The measurable improvement resulting from be given a change budget and can approve Something that is held in reserve, typically
product must meet before the customer will an outcome perceived as an advantage by one changes within that budget. to handle time and cost variances, or risks.
accept it (i.e. measurable definitions of the or more stakeholders, and which contributes PRINCE2 does not advocate the use of
attributes required for the set of products to towards one or more organizational change control approach contingency because estimating variances is
be acceptable to key stakeholders) (PRINCE2 objective(s). A description of how and by whom the project’s managed by setting tolerances, and risks are
definition). Acceptance criteria are commonly products will be controlled and protected. managed through appropriate risk responses
used in agile for assessing whether a user story benefits management approach (including the fallback response that is
has been completed. An approach that defines the benefits checkpoint report contingent on the risk occurring).
management actions and benefits reviews that A progress report of the information gathered
agile behaviours will be put in place to ensure that the project’s at a checkpoint, which is given by a team to the customer subject matter expert
Those behaviours that are seen as typifying outcomes are achieved and to confirm that the project manager and which provides reporting The role assigned to the delivery team, to act as
working in an agile way (e.g. being collaborative, project’s benefits are realized. data as defined in the work package. a representative of all customer stakeholders,
self-organizing, customer-focused, empowered, with a responsibility for ensuring that the
trusting not blaming). brainstorming class of service project product (and its components) is
A technique that helps a team to generate Broadly defined category for different types of understood and is correct at the detailed level.
agile plans ideas. Ideas are not reviewed during the work. The classes influence selection decisions Also referred to as customer SME.
Agile plans may show features (or sets of brainstorming session, but at a later stage. because different classes of service are typically
features) in their order and dependencies, and Brainstorming is often used by problem associated with qualitatively different risk definition of ‘done’
are likely to have been created collaboratively management to identify possible causes. profiles, especially with regard to schedule risk A set of criteria that is used to determine if a
and the cost of delay. Four generic classes of piece of work or a collection of work items is

by those who will carry out the planned work.

Agile plans tend to be informal or low-tech burn chart service are widely recognized: ‘standard’, ‘fixed completed. Something is either ‘done’ or it is
at the delivery-team level and this can be highly A technique for showing progress (e.g. such as date’, ‘expedite’ and ‘intangible’. ‘not done’.
effective even though they may be no more with a timebox), where work that is completed
than to-do lists or backlogs. Product-based and work still to do are shown with one or communication management approach definition of ‘ready’
planning can still be used at all levels of the more lines that are updated regularly or daily. A description of the means and frequency of A set of criteria that is used to determine if a
project (including product delivery). communication between the project and its piece of work is ready to be started.
burn-down chart stakeholders.
Agilometer A burn-down chart is a run chart of outstanding demo
The Agilometer is a tool that assesses the work. See also burn chart. configuration item Short for ‘demonstration’, this is an event where
level of risk associated with using agile in An entity that is subject to configuration a product or interim product, in whatever state
combination with PRINCE2. This allows PRINCE2 burn-up chart management. The entity may be a component of readiness, is shown to a person or group
to be tailored in such a way that best mitigates A burn-up chart is a run chart of completed of a product, a product or a set of products in a (e.g. to a customer) in order to get feedback
the level of risk. The Agilometer should evolve work. See also burn chart. release. and show progress. The product being
to suit the needs of each organization. ‘demoed’ could be static (e.g. a paper design) or
business ambassador configuration item record dynamic (e.g. a working prototype).
backlog A role in DSDM that is the pivotal role (but not A record that describes the status, version and
A list of new features for a product. The list the only role) in understanding the business variant of a configuration item, and any details DevOps
may be made up of user stories which are view of a project. Sometimes known as a of important relationships between them. See A collaborative approach between development
structured in a way that describes who wants requirements engineer or business analyst. also configuration item. and operations aimed at creating a product or
the feature and why. It is also a generic term service where the two types of work and even
that can be defined in terms of releases, sprints business case configuration management the teams merge as much as possible.
and products. The justification for an organizational activity Technical and administrative activities
(project) which typically contains timescales, concerned with the controlled change of a discovery (phase)
backlog item costs, benefits and risks, and against which product. See sprint zero.
An entry in a backlog. This may be in the form of a user continuing viability is tested.
story or task and may be held in many forms such as
in a spreadsheet or displayed on a whiteboard.

306 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 307
disruptive project board (or between the project board gap analysis (singular or plural). In technical presentations
A widely used term that has more than one and corporate, programme management or the An activity that compares two sets of data of the mechanics of Kanban systems it usually
definition but in general terms refers to customer). and identifies the differences. Gap analysis means the latter. Used informally, it refers to
situations where there are high degrees of is commonly used to compare a set of the use of Kanban systems (visual or otherwise)
uncertainty (e.g. with product innovation) and executive requirements with actual delivery. and the Kanban method.
the product being developed will significantly The individual with overall responsibility for
disrupt (intentionally or accidentally) the ensuring that a project meets its objectives Glad! Sad! Mad! Kanban board
existing environment or marketplace (e.g. 3D and delivers the projected benefits. This This is a feedback technique that can be A tool used in Kanban to visually display the
printing). individual should ensure that the project used by a team in a retrospective. Each team work in the system (or timebox). It is usually
maintains its business focus, that it has clear member writes one or more sticky notes and made up of a series of columns and possibly
Dynamic Systems Development Method authority, and that the work, including risks, is puts them into the appropriate column. This rows where work items move from left to right
(DSDM) actively managed. The executive is the chair of lets everyone else know what made them ‘glad’ as they move through various states in order to
An agile project delivery framework developed the project board. He or she represents the during the last timebox, what made them ‘sad’ be completed.
and owned by the DSDM consortium. customer and is responsible for the business and what even made them ‘mad’.
case. Kanban method
early adopter highlight report An evolutionary approach to change described
A term given to a customer who is one of the experiment A time-driven report from the project manager by David J. Anderson in Six Core Practices and
first to buy or use a product. They typically An investigation into something that is carried to the project board on management stage Four Foundational Principles.
may like innovative products and therefore out in a series of specific steps (which may progress.
may expect to pay more for them although involve research) in order to prove or disprove Kanban system
these products may not be to a level of quality a theory or idea. This can be used to validate an information radiator A ‘pull system’ implemented by limiting the
that later customers will receive. This type of idea or to try to improve something such as the A general term used to describe the use of number of Kanban (cards) in circulation.
customer is very useful for early feedback on way a team is working. walls or boards containing information that
the product. can be readily accessed by people working enhance (risk response)
feature on the project. It can contain any information,

A risk response to an opportunity where

emergent A generic term that is widely used to describe although it would typically show such things proactive actions are taken to enhance both
A concept in agile that refers to creating something a product does, or the way in which as work to do and how work is progressing. the probability of the event occurring and the
solutions and making decisions in a way that a product does something. A feature can be at impact of the event should it occur.
gradually converges on an accurate solution any level of detail (e.g. it is waterproof, it makes issue
and does not involve a lot of upfront work. The a tone when switched off) and can be related A relevant event that has happened, was not Kano
opposite would be to spend time and try to to a specific requirement, user story or epic. planned, and requires management action. It A model, developed by Professor Noriaki Kano,
predict how things will happen. An example Another similar term is ‘function’. can be any concern, query, request for change, which is used to help understand customer
would be ‘emergent architecture’ whereby work suggestion or off-specification raised during a preferences. The Kano model considers
could be done in advance to decide how the flow-based project. Project issues can be about anything to attributes of a product or service grouped into
product will be built, or work could be started This avoids the use of partitioning work into do with the project. areas such as basic factors, excitement factors
on the product and then the best architecture timeboxes and manages work by using a and performance factors.
would emerge as the product develops. queue. Work is then continually pulled into Kaizen
the system (which may itself be a high-level A Japanese philosophy that literally means lead time/cycle time
empirical/empiricism timebox) and moves through various work ‘good change’ but is widely understood to refer These two terms are interpreted differently
Evidence-based decision-making instead of states until it is done. to continual improvement. It involves everyone by many in the Kanban community (some
reasoning or intuition. contributing on a regular basis to make many see them as representing different things)
Gantt chart small beneficial changes that build up over time but in simple terms they refer to how long a
epic A commonly used technique for planning work to improve the efficiency of the way a team or work item takes to go through the system or
A high-level definition of a requirement that has activities against time in the form of horizontal organization works. timebox. So although they are often interpreted
not been sufficiently refined or understood yet. lines or bars showing when the activities start differently, they are, in effect, the same thing.
Eventually, an epic will be refined and broken and end. This can then be used to schedule Kanban
down into several user stories or requirements. dependencies between the activities. It is Lean
A way to improve flow and provoke system
more applicable in the context of project An approach that focuses on improving
improvement through visualization and
exception management than agile delivery. processes by maximizing value through
controlling work in progress. Written in
A situation where it can be forecast that there eliminating waste (such as wasted time and
kanji (Chinese characters), it means ‘sign’
will be a deviation beyond the tolerance levels wasted effort).
or ‘large visual board’. Written in hiragana
agreed between the project manager and the
(Japanesecharacters) it means ‘signal cards’

308 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 309
Lean Startup • Must have objectives. A programme is likely to have a life project manager
Originally an approach to creating and • Should have that spans several years. The person given the authority and
managing start-up companies, but now applied • Could have responsibility to manage the project on a day-
to any business, to help them deliver products • Won’t have for now. project to-day basis to deliver the required products
to customers quickly. A temporary organization that is created for within the constraints agreed with the project
Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) the purpose of delivering one or more business board..
lessons report A four-stage cycle for process management, products according to an agreed business case.
A report that documents any lessons that attributed to W. Edwards Deming. Plan-Do- project plan
can be usefully applied to other projects. The Check-Act is also called the Deming Cycle. Plan: project assurance A high-level plan showing the major products
purpose of the report is to provoke action so design or revise processes that support the IT The project board’s responsibilities to assure of the project, when they will be delivered and
that the positive lessons from a project become services; Do: implement the plan and manage itself that the project is being conducted at what cost. An initial project plan is presented
embedded in the organization’s way of working the processes; Check: measure the processes correctly. The project board members each as part of the PID. This is revised as information
and the organization is able to avoid the and IT services, compare with objectives and have a specific area of focus for project on actual progress appears. It is a major control
negative lessons on future projects. produce reports; Act: plan and implement assurance, namely business assurance for the document for the project board to measure
changes to improve the processes. executive, user assurance for the senior actual progress against expectations.
level of quality user(s), and supplier assurance for the senior
The overall quality level of a product as defined planning horizon supplier(s). project product description
by the project product description (customer’s The period of time for which it is possible to A special type of product description used
quality expectations and acceptance criteria). plan accurately project brief to gain agreement from the user on the
A statement that describes the purpose, cost, project’s scope and requirements, to define
Little’s Law product description time and performance requirements, and the customer’s quality expectations and the
L = λW. In simple terms, it is the average A description of a product’s purpose, constraints for a project. It is created before the acceptance criteria for the project.
number of items in a system. L is equal to composition, derivation and quality criteria. It is project begins, during the starting up a project
the average arrival rate, λ, multiplied by the produced at planning time, as soon as possible process, and is used during the initiating project support
average time an item spends in the system, W after the need for the product is identified. a project process to create the PID and its An administrative role in the project


(assuming that this is over a long enough components. It is superseded by the PID and management team. Project support can be
period of time and the system is stable). product owner not maintained. in the form of advice and help with project
The role assigned to managing the product management tools, guidance, administrative
manage by exception backlog in order to get the most value from it project initiation documentation (PID) services such as filing, and the collection of
A technique by which variances from plan that by ordering and prioritizing it. A logical set of documents that brings together actual data..
exceed a pre-set control limit are escalated for the key information needed to start the
action (e.g. where spends exceed budget by 10 product roadmap project on a sound basis and that conveys the prototype
per cent). A diagram or document that shows the information to all concerned with the project. Something created to help prove or disprove
intended development path for a product. an idea, or to help to improve the general
minimum viable product (MVP) This would typically be a long-range plan that project kick-off understanding of a situation (e.g. the
In a PRINCE2 Agile context the term MVP may cover several months if not years. It exists Usually, a single event where visioning activities customer’s needs). It could be something that
broadly aligns with the Lean Startup view that outside a project context but could be used to may take place and the team comes together evolves into a real product or is thrown away.
it is a ‘version of the final product which allows trigger project work. for the first time. The event can be run as one
the maximum amount of validated learning or more workshops and requires preparation pull system
with the least effort’. This should not be product-based planning to ensure that time is used as effectively as A way of working in which work is started or
confused with the viability of the project as a An approach for developing a comprehensive possible. See also visioning. ‘pulled’ from upstream, but only as capacity
whole. Typically, an MVP would be delivered plan based on the creation and delivery of becomes available. Kanban systems are pull
as early as possible during the project. It required outputs. The approach considers project management systems. The availability of capacity and the
is important to note that an MVP is about prerequisite products, quality requirements The planning, delegating, monitoring and ability to pull work is indicated by the gap
learning and may not go into operational use; and the dependencies between products. control of all aspects of the project, and between current work in progress and the
it may be in the form of a simple experiment or the motivation of those involved, to achieve corresponding limit. See also push system.
prototype. programme the project objectives within the expected
A temporary, flexible organization structure performance targets for time, cost, quality, push system
MoSCoW created to coordinate, direct and oversee the scope, benefits and risks. The act of placing work into a system or activity
This technique is used to categorize items such implementation of a set of related projects without due regard to its available capacity. See
as requirements or tasks into one of the four and activities in order to deliver outcomes and also pull system..
following levels of how they relate to a deadline: benefits related to the organization’s strategic

310 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 311
quality assurance requirement Scrum master and will usually contain one or more lower-level
A planned and systematic process that A term to describe what a product does and/or The Scrum master is accountable for timeboxes such as releases or sprints.
provides confidence that outputs will match how it will do it. A requirement can be written in establishing Scrum as defined in The Scrum The concept of a PRINCE2 stage does not have
their defined quality criteria when tested under the form of a user story if desired and will exist Guide. They do this by helping everyone an exact equivalent commonly used in agile.
quality control. It is carried out independently with other requirements in the form of a list. understand Scrum theory and practice, both
of the project team. within the Scrum team and the organization. stage plan
retrospective A detailed plan used as the basis for
quality criteria A regular event that looks at how the process Scrumban project management control throughout a
A description of the quality specification of doing work can be improved. In keeping with The application of Kanban or the Kanban management stage..
that the product must meet, and the quality the agile concept of ‘inspect and adapt’, these method in the context of an existing
measurements that will be applied by those events help teams to continually improve their implementation of Scrum. stand-up meeting
inspecting the finished product. working practices, little by little, over time. A short meeting to assess progress. Typically
senior user lasting 15 minutes or less, they involve
quality review technique risk The project board role accountable for describing work that has been done, work
A technique with defined roles and a specific An uncertain event or set of events that, should ensuring that user needs are specified correctly still to be done and any problems being
structure, designed to assess whether a it occur, will have an effect on the achievement and that the solution encountered.
product in the form of a document (or similar, of objectives. A risk is measured by a meets those needs.
such as a presentation) is complete, adheres to combination of the probability of a perceived supplier subject matter expert
standards and meets the quality criteria agreed threat or opportunity occurring, and the sensitivity analysis The role assigned to the delivery team to
for it in the relevant product description. The magnitude of its impact on objectives. A technique for testing the robustness of a provide the appropriate technical skills to build
participants are drawn from those with the calculation or model by assessing the impact and initially qualitycheck the project product
necessary competence to evaluate its fitness risk management approach of varying the input, to reflect the risk that the (and its components). Also referred to as the
for purpose. An approach describing the goals of applying calculation or model might not be accurate. supplier SME.
risk management, as well as the procedure
quality tolerance that will be adopted, roles and responsibilities, spike (or spiking) SWOT analysis


The tolerance identified for a product for a risk tolerances, the timing of risk management A temporary piece of work used to understand Acronym for ‘strengths, weaknesses,
quality criterion defining an acceptable range interventions, the tools and techniques that will more about a given situation. It may take the opportunities and threats’. A technique to
of values. Quality tolerance is documented in be used, and the reporting requirements. form of a prototype or some research and determine favourable and unfavourable factors
the project product description (for the project- is often used to reduce uncertainty from a in relation to business change or current state.
level quality tolerance) and in the product risk register technical or customer viewpoint. Experiments
description for each product to be delivered. A record of identified risks relating to an are similar. team dynamics
initiative, including their status and history. The interpersonal interactions between the
RACI sprint individuals on a team. This relates to the
A model used to help define roles and SAFe (Scaled Agile Framework) A fixed timeframe (typically of 2–4 weeks) for culture and attitudes of the people in the team
responsibilities. RACI stands for ‘responsible, Large-scale application of agile across an creating selected features from the backlog. and needs to be managed carefully as it can be
accountable, consulted and informed’. organization. a very positive and powerful force when it is
sprint zero working well, but it can be destructive when it
release safe-to-fail A specific sprint at the beginning of a piece breaks down.
The set of products in a handover. The A safe-to-fail experiment is one that is designed of work in order to address many upfront
contents of a release are managed, tested to have only limited impact on the system or activities (e.g. forming a team, visioning, team manager
and deployed as a single entity. In PRINCE2 the plan in the event of failure. defining the architecture). Also referred to as The person responsible for the production of
Agile, a release is typically a container for more iteration zero or (the) discovery (phase). products allocated by the project manager (as
than one low-level timebox (e.g. a sprint). This Scrum defined in a work package) to an appropriate
is not always the case as the act of releasing An iterative, timeboxed approach to product stage (management stage) quality, timescale and at a cost acceptable to
features into operational use may happen delivery that is described as ‘a lightweight A section of the project that a project manager the project board. This role reports to, and
more regularly (e.g. after each sprint or several framework that helps people, teams and is managing on behalf of the project board at takes direction from, the project manager. If
times during a sprint). The term ‘deployment’ organizations generate value through adaptive any one time, at the end of which the project a team manager is not assigned, the project
is sometimes used in agile and has a similar solutions for complex problems’ (The Scrum board will wish to review progress to date, the manager undertakes the responsibilities of the
meaning, although it is not used in PRINCE2 Guide by Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland, state of the project plan, the business case and team manager role.
Agile. updated November 2020). risks and the next stage plan, in order to decide
whether to continue with the project (PRINCE2).
In agile terms, it is in effect a high-level timebox

312 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 313
test-driven velocity workshop
The concept of writing tests or quality checks A description of the rate of progress a team is An event where people come
before building the product or sub-product as making. For example, if a team is completing 20 together in a room to achieve
opposed to after. user stories per week then this is their velocity an objective (e.g. to create
and it can be used to empirically forecast their a list of requirements or
timebox future rate of progress (assuming that the solve a problem) by using
A finite period of time when work is carried conditions remain the same).. interaction and creativity
out to achieve a goal or meet an objective. The in order to work quickly
deadline should not be moved, as the method vision and accurately.
of managing a timebox is to prioritize the work The statement of a desired future state.
inside it. At a low level a timebox will last a
matter of days or weeks (e.g. a sprint). Higher- visioning
level timeboxes act as aggregated timeboxes An exercise or phase that aims to understand
and contain lower-level timeboxes (e.g. stages). the overarching goal of something (e.g. a
project). It would try to answer questions such
tolerance as: Why is this work taking place? Who is it for?
The permissible deviation above and below What might it look like? See also project kick-off.
a plan’s target for time and cost without
escalating the deviation to the next level of waterfall method
management. There may also be tolerance A development approach that is linear and
levels for quality, scope, benefits and risk. sequential, with distinct goals for each phase
Tolerance is applied at project, management of development. After a phase of development
stage and team levels. has been completed, the development
proceeds to the next phase and earlier phases
trading (or swapping) are not revisited (hence the analogy that water


The act of handling change by replacing one or flowing down a mountain cannot go back).
more requirements (or features or user stories)
with others of a similar size in terms of effort. work in progress (WIP)
Work that has been started but not yet
transparency delivered from the system or timebox. It can
A fundamental agile behaviour which involves also indicate the status for incidents, problems,
making as many things visible as possible in changes, etc.
order to help the way people work. This can
involve displaying progress on a wall or the work-in-progress (WIP) limit
frequent delivery of products. Importantly, A constraint on the amount of WIP allowed in
transparency also covers areas such as a given part (or column) of the system at any
openness and honesty. one time. Typically expressed as a number (i.e.
the maximum number of work items allowed), it
user story creates the concept of a pull system.
A tool used to write a requirement in the form
of who, what and why. work package
The set of information relevant to the creation
validated learning of one or more products. It will contain
The idea of learning through the use of a description of the work, the product
experiments carried out in a scientific way (i.e. description(s), details of any constraints
using a series of carefully designed steps and on production, and confirmation of the
measures to prove whether the experiment agreement between the project manager
has been successful). and the person or team manager who
is to implement the work package that
value the work can be done within the
The benefits delivered in proportion to the constraints.
resources put into acquiring them.

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A I 240, 263, 286, 310

acceptance criteria, 131, 133, 155, 207, configuration item record, 217, 242, 307 information radiator, 125–127, 163–164, 207, product roadmap, 236, 310
217–218, 251, 256, 268, 290, 306, 310–311 configuration management, 25, 44, 207, 242, 228, 264, 273, 281, 287–288, 295, 309 product-based planning, 121, 310
agile behaviours, 126–127, 207, 237, 246, 273, 283, 307 issue, 57, 59, 139, 144, 163–164, 214, 230–231, programme, 17, 50, 173, 308, 310–311
282, 295, 306 constraints, 307, 311, 314 234, 238–239, 252, 255, 263–264, 267, 278,
project, 8, 14–15, 17–18, 21–22, 24–26, 29–30,
281, 285, 287, 289, 299, 301, 303, 309
agile plans, 252, 306 contingency, 254, 289, 307 35–37, 39–41, 43–44, 50–52, 57–60, 62–69, 73,
Agilometer, 77–78, 104–105, 206, 216, 228–
K 77–78, 83–85, 87–88, 93, 96–97, 102, 104–105,
customer subject matter expert, 87–88,
232, 242, 253, 261, 276–277, 279, 284, 298, 306 163–164, 214, 268, 272, 278, 291, 307 Kaizen, 282, 309 110, 114, 116–117, 121–123, 126–127, 131–
133, 139–141, 144, 146, 148–152, 154–156,
B D Kanban, 15, 25, 37, 43–44, 125, 166, 168–174,
161, 172, 179, 185, 187, 197, 205–208, 210–
206, 208, 223–224, 227–228, 236, 247–248,
backlog, 24, 56, 58, 87–88, 112, 114, 214–216, definition of ‘done’, 295, 307 233, 236–249, 251–256, 258–268, 270, 272–
252, 259, 270, 282–283, 285, 294, 309, 311, 313
223, 226, 229, 239–241, 253, 263, 266, 271, 276, 278–279, 281–292, 294–295, 297–299,
definition of ‘ready’, 135, 272, 295, 307
280, 286, 294, 306, 310, 313 Kanban board, 125, 171, 224, 227–228, 248, 301, 303–304, 306–314
demo, 296, 307 309
backlog item, 112, 114, 306 project assurance, 311
DevOps, 236, 307 Kanban method, 15, 25, 166, 168–174, 206,
baseline, 84, 87–88, 155, 242, 254, 272, 280, project brief, 68–69, 226, 263, 286, 311
discovery (phase), 307, 313 309
294, 303
project initiation documentation (PID),
disruptive, 308 Kanban system, 171–173, 309, 311
benefit, 41, 43–44, 50, 53, 57, 59, 69, 73, 126–127, 254, 273, 295, 311
77–79, 110, 132, 155, 187, 206, 208, 212, 219, Dynamic Systems Development Method Kano, 309
project kick-off, 68–69, 274, 311, 314
221, 226, 233, 237, 242, 244, 246, 253–254, (DSDM), 25 L
256–257, 260, 267, 275, 277, 279–281, 284, project management, 14, 17–18, 25, 35, 37,
E lead time/cycle time, 309 40, 43–44, 68–69, 102, 110, 126–127, 133, 150,
286, 289–290, 298–299, 302, 304, 306, 308,
310–311, 314 early adopter, 308 Lean, 15, 24, 30, 85, 111, 176, 178–181, 206, 187, 197, 211–212, 226, 237, 241, 247, 259–
211, 236, 245, 252, 282, 296, 309–310 260, 273–274, 282–283, 287, 295, 311, 313
benefits management approach, 77–78, 275, emergent, 66, 241, 308
298, 306 Lean Startup, 15, 176, 178–181, 211, 236, 245, project manager, 17–18, 36, 59, 68–69, 77–78,
empirical/empiricism, 308
252, 296, 310 87–88, 102, 104–105, 116–117, 126–127,
brainstorming, 306 epic, 230, 254, 308 141, 187, 208, 212–216, 221, 223–229, 231,
burn chart, 30, 117, 163–164, 207, 215, 241, lessons report, 155, 251, 310 238–241, 248, 252, 262–265, 267–268, 270,
exception, 41, 51, 59, 150, 171, 208, 213–216,
249, 278, 282, 287, 300, 306 223, 238–239, 241–242, 247, 264, 287, 289, level of quality, 51, 56, 58, 77–78, 97, 133, 272–276, 279, 281–283, 285–287, 289, 297,
burn-down chart, 124, 126–127, 225–226, 292, 308, 310 217–218, 220, 222, 229, 244–246, 252, 260– 307–309, 311, 313–314
239, 249, 261, 265, 285, 287–288, 306 261, 266, 268–269, 284, 289–290, 308, 310 project plan, 77–78, 141, 261, 311, 313
executive, 126–127, 215, 226, 241, 263–264,
burn-up chart, 116–117, 124, 126–127, 214, 273, 295, 308, 311 Little’s Law, 310 project product description, 68–69, 87–88,
239, 261, 264, 275, 285, 287, 297, 306 experiment, 214, 240, 262, 284–285, 308, 310, M 217, 220, 230, 254, 263, 272, 290, 294, 303,
business ambassador, 306 312–314 310–312
manage by exception, 208, 213, 223, 238,
business case, 51, 59, 70, 72–79, 219–220, F 247, 292, 310 project support, 43–44, 260, 283, 311
225, 244, 248, 250, 261, 284, 289, 306, 308, feature, 7, 9, 25, 58, 172, 221, 243, 247–248, minimum viable product (MVP), 179, 245, prototype, 117, 223, 253, 257, 296, 299, 307,
311, 313 253, 256, 289–290, 292, 306, 308, 312–314 284, 292, 310 310–311, 313
C flow-based, 247, 252, 308 MoSCoW, 25, 36, 68–69, 206, 212, 263, 270, pull system, 309, 311, 314
change authority, 254, 307 293, 310 push system, 311
change control approach, 44, 217, 242, 283, P Q
Gantt chart, 241, 308
307 Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA), 310
gap analysis, 309 quality assurance, 312

checkpoint report, 117, 126–127, 163–164, planning horizon, 241, 310
Glad! Sad! Mad!, 309 quality criteria, 36, 56, 58, 97, 131, 133, 208,
208, 216, 242, 261, 265, 278, 285, 287–288, 307
product description, 68–69, 87–88, 97, 116– 232, 238, 247, 256, 260, 266, 269, 284, 289–
class of service, 307 H 117, 208, 215, 217, 220, 230, 238, 240–241, 291, 310, 312
communication management approach, 307 highlight report, 208, 309 247, 254, 263, 272–273, 275, 284, 286, 290, quality review technique, 312
294, 296–297, 303, 310–312
configuration item, 217, 242, 307 quality tolerance, 56, 58, 97, 238, 247, 266,
product owner, 93–94, 112, 149, 207, 239–

318 PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner | Copyright© PeopleCert International Ltd. 319
284, 288, 312 stand-up meeting, 213–214, 238, 265, 285, 267, 270–273, 275, 280, 285–287, 296, 307,
313 313–314
supplier subject matter expert, 271, 293, 313 work-in-progress (WIP) limit, 314
RACI, 312
SWOT analysis, 282, 313 workshop, 126–127, 155, 162–164, 206, 227,
release, 56, 58, 78, 87–88, 116–117, 140, 144,
T 231, 251, 255, 257, 273, 278, 282, 295–296,
155, 206, 208, 213, 216, 226, 231, 234, 238–
300, 311, 315
239, 241–242, 245, 251, 255, 257, 265–266, team dynamics, 246, 269, 313
270, 274, 278, 280–281, 287, 293, 296, 298, U
301, 303–304, 306–307, 312–313 team manager, 56, 58, 110, 219–220, 224–
225, 227–228, 240, 248, 252, 262, 266, 285, user story, 30, 73–74, 77, 79, 87–88, 187, 208
requirement, 8, 18, 21–22, 36, 39, 73, 75, 77, 313–314 V
79, 83, 87–88, 104–105, 116–117, 126–127,
144, 206, 208, 212–213, 217–218, 220, 222– test-driven, 135, 233, 257, 272, 314 validated learning, 179
225, 227–228, 230–234, 242–246, 248, 252, timebox, 17, 54, 87–88, 104–105, 112, 116– value, 7, 14, 19, 24, 29–30, 52, 78, 83, 104–105,
254–257, 261, 267, 270, 272–273, 277–278, 117, 126–127, 135, 172, 179, 208, 212, 216, 110, 112, 126–127, 155, 171–172, 179–180,
280, 290–291, 293–294, 296, 300–301, 303, 218–228, 234, 236, 241, 243, 247, 249, 252, 195, 208
306, 308–312, 314–315 261–262, 265, 269–274, 277, 280, 287, 292–
retrospective, 30, 143, 155, 162, 208, 212, 223, 294, 296–297, 300, 306, 308–309, 312–314
waterfall method, 18
226–227, 238, 247, 251, 270, 274, 282, 293, tolerance, 41–42, 52, 56, 58–59, 97, 104–105,
296, 309, 312 139, 207–208, 213, 218, 223, 231, 238, 242– work package, 87–88, 110, 116–117, 126–127,
244, 247, 254, 266, 268, 270, 284, 286, 288– 135, 208
risk, 26, 40–41, 57, 59, 68–69, 77–78, 111,
141, 144, 207–208, 214–215, 219–220, 226, 289, 292, 307–308, 312, 314 workshop, 126–127, 155, 163–164, 206
228–229, 240, 244–245, 247, 253, 255, 257, trading (or swapping), 51, 290, 314
261–262, 267, 274, 277, 284–285, 289, 292,
transparency, 97, 111, 113, 172–173, 207,
297, 299, 301, 306–309, 311–314
256, 260, 284, 314
risk management approach, 68–69, 274, 297,
user story, 30, 73–74, 77, 79, 87–88, 187, 208,
risk register, 68–69, 215, 228–229, 253, 262,
230, 232–233, 254, 256–257, 263, 268, 272,
274, 284–285, 297, 312
277, 280, 282, 290, 294, 299, 302, 306, 308,
S 312, 314
SAFe (Scaled Agile Framework), 236, 312 V
safe-to-fail, 172, 214, 240, 262, 285, 312 validated learning, 179, 245, 284, 293, 310,
Scrum, 18–19, 21, 24, 37, 43–44, 93–94, 314
109–114, 173, 206–208, 224, 247–248, 259, value, 7, 14, 19, 24, 29–30, 52, 78, 83, 104–105,
282–283, 288, 312–313 110, 112, 126–127, 155, 171–172, 179–180,
Scrum master, 93–94, 112, 224, 248, 313 195, 208, 212–214, 226, 238–240, 247, 259,
273–274, 276, 282, 284, 309–310, 312, 314
Scrumban, 173, 313
velocity, 225, 249, 314
senior user, 213, 313
vision, 254, 314
sensitivity analysis, 313
visioning, 311, 313–314
spike (or spiking), 313
sprint, 111–114, 124, 143, 173, 206, 216, 239,

241, 246, 287, 303, 306–307, 312–314 waterfall method, 18, 237, 314

sprint zero, 307, 313 work in progress (WIP), 227, 252, 282, 285,
stage (management stage), 313
work package, 87–88, 110, 116–117, 126–
stage plan, 68–69, 141, 216, 263, 281, 286,
127, 135, 208, 212–213, 215–216, 224–225,
304, 313
227–228, 233, 239–242, 252, 261–263, 265,

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