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Activity 1: International organisations vocabulary

1-Match the acronyms with their representations :

United Nations
United Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural Organization
United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
World Health Organisation
UNESCO ------------ Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Frontiers)
Food and Agriculture Organization
International Committee of the Red Cross
Transparency International
Amnesty International

2-Match the words with their definitions:

charter management of relations between countries.

court measures taken by the United Nations to force a state to respect

an international resolution.
sanctions a body of people who look into conflicts between people, organizations or countries
diplomacy written statements about the main functions and principles of an organization.
bilateral disrespect, disobedient or refusal to comply with the law.
involving two countries.

3- Fill in the gaps with the appropriate word from the list :

charter - court - sanctions - diplomacy - bilateral - violation

The United Nations was established in the 1940s to maintain international peace and
According to its _____________ , member states are supposed to refrain from the use of
force against other member states. This document also calls on countries to settle
_____________ disputes by peaceful means. That is to say ,international discords should
be solved by _____________ and negotiations. Any _____________ of this principal
can result in severe economic and political _____________ . The UN has
_____________ in Netherlands whose function is to look into conflicts between

Activity 2: Responding to good/bad news

Complete the following exchanges

1- Teacher : We're planning to set up a citizenship club in our school. Would you like to
be a member ?

You : ____________________________________ . I wouldn’t miss such an important


2- Your friend : Have you seen the news on TV recently? There was a violent attack in

You : ____________________________________ . I hope there weren't many


Your friend : Actually, about nine people were killed and many others injured.

2-Respond to the following pieces of news :

Your friend has just passed his driving test.


Your neighbour has had a terrible accident. He's now in hospital.


Your father has become the manager of the company.


Your friend’s grandmother passed away.


Fill in the blanks with the appropriate linking word from the list:

Whereas - because - furthermore - as a result - although - therefore - in short

A- ………………… this player is old, he still plays for Real Madrid.(Concession)

B- Hasnae is usually very tired ……………… she works all day.(Cause)

C- John had a car accident last year; ……………….. , his arms were

D- Karim has a very expensive car, ……………………… Jamal has a very cheap

E- Sarah likes swimming, ............................................., she likes playing tennis in her

free time. (Addition)

F- Ahmed couldn’t come to the meeting; ........................, he sent his colleague to explain
his absence. (Explaining)

G- Maria completed her project successfully; .........................., her hard work paid off.

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