Forest Types and Their Distribution

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AIR 22 CSE 2019


1. Tropical 1. Rainfall- over 200 cm 1. High heat and humidity 1. EPHIPHYTES 1. Western side of W.
Evergreen Forest 2. Temp- Above 220 C >>trees don’t shed leaves 2. Rosewood, Mahogony, ghats
(25-27) together Ebony, Mesua, Bamboo, 2. Andaman and
3. Short DRY season 2. mesophytic- adoption to Nicobar
neither too dry nor too wet 3. Aruna, assam,
3. lofty Manipur, Mizoram,
4. Thick canopy Nagaland
2. Tropical Semi- 1. Rainfall- 200-250 cm 1. less dense 1. White cedar, Hallock, 1. W ghat
evergreen Forest 2. Temp- 24-27 C 2. trees maily lives in flocks Kail, 2. Assam
3. dry season NOT short or colonies 2. W. ghats- mesua, 3. Lower slope of E.
as evergreen forest 3. Buttress trunks with rosewood, thorny bamboo Himalaya
abundant ephiphytes 3. Himalayan region- Indian 4. Odisha
chestnut, White cedar, 5. Andaman
Champa, Mango
3. Tropical Moist 1. Rainfall- 100-200 cm 1. shed leaves in early 1. Teak, sal, shisham, hurra, 1. W ghat (surround
Deciduous Forest 2. temp- 27 C summer mahua, amla, semul, kusum, evergreen forest)
aka Mansoon 3. Dry summer 2. irregular top storey sandalwood 2. strip along Shiwalik
Forest 3. heavily buttress trees with (UP, Bihar)
incomplete growth 3. Meghalaya,Manipur
and mizo, assam, tripu
4. Hills of MP and CH
5. Odisha, WB, A&N
6. Telangana, AP
. Tropical Dry 1. Rainfall- 70-100 cm 1. shed leaves in dry season 1. Tendu, palas, amaltas, bel, Irregular wide strips
Deciduous 2. Transitional type- Moist khair, axlewood, red sanders from foot of Himalaya
deci on wetter side, Thorn on to Kanyakumari
drier side (except W.ghat + NE)
3. closed but uneven canopy
5. Tropical thorn 1.rainfall- less than 50 cm 1. low and widely scattered 1. babool, ber, wild date 1. RJ, s-w PN, w HR,
forest tress palm, khair, neem, khejri, Kachchh and sauratra
2. leafless most of the year palas
AIR 22 CSE 2019

2. leeward of W.ghats
(MH, KR, TN, AP,
6. Montane forest 1. 1. Lower region- 1. Magnolia, laurel, cinchona, 1. W.ghtas
-Southern India SUBTROPICAL vegetation wattle 2. Nilgiris (SHOLA)
2. Higher- TEMPERATE 3. vindhya
3. temperate forest = SHOLA
in nilgiris, Anaimalai, Palani
7. Montane forest- From Tropical to Tundra 1. Foothills- Deciduous Aruna, Nagaland,
Himalayan range 2. 1,000-2,000- wet Manipur, J&K,
temperate, (in N.E., hilly WB, Himachal,
Uttaranchal- evergreen broad Uttarakhand, Some
leaf trees like oak and part of Meghalaya, PN
3. 1,500-1,750- pine forest
(chir pine)+ deodar in
W.hima, chiranand and
walnut in Kashmir
4. 2,225-3,000- temperate
grassland or blue pine
5. 3,000-4,000- silver fir,
junipers, pines, birch,
8. Littoral and Mangrove- A&N,
Swamp forest Sunderbans,
Mahanadi, Godavari,
9. Tropical Dry 1. Rainfall- 100 cm 1. Short statured trees upto 12 Jamun, Tamarind, Neem Coast of TN
Evergreen (mostly from NE m
AIR 22 CSE 2019
AIR 22 CSE 2019

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