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Technical Note 36; Salt Lake Grotto Cave Locations

December 30, 1956

Wahwah Cave
An ext~nsive cave is said to exist near the point at
which state highway 21 crosses the Wahwah range 30 miles
west of 'Milford. On the east slope of the pass and to the
south of the road there is visible a mile from the highway
a round hcle eight feet in diameter in hard, sharp limestone.
Thi.9 is not it •

Moronic Caves
In I~ple Canyon west of Moroni there is a thick bed of
very coarse conglomerate which forma many cliffs with shelter
caves. No limestone is in sight from the road.
Duck Crp.ek Ice Cave ....
See NSS Bulletin 16, 1954. It was visited on December
23, 1956 when there was about six inches of snow on the
ground. it contained some anow Which had fallen in the
entrance but no ice or water. A signpost pointed the way to
the cave from n.tckCreek ranger 8tation, which is about 20
mile. eaat ot Cedar Break. lational JIonuaent. A road leads
to the cave mouth.
HaDIaoth Cave
Thie 18 located abou' tIu'ee 1111.. BOUtb ot IIaDmoth Creek south
or Paap1tcb. On the sravel I'Nll Wi. proo•••• south tram Mammothcreek
to .tate M~ 14.& si&nPoet points •• t 011 & branch road. It saya
~ Cave, 11/2 mil•• Another a1p ••• ca", • Id.le, aIJd f1na1l:f
one .,. Caw. '!be l"Oad l"Wl8 to t.lae caw -.utb, vb1ch 1s & vertical sink
twntl' teet in eau-ter &nilt,era teet. 4Mp. ftere are .several
teet ot .nraltl. 1&- tuNa ••••• ...-,1. --' ., ~ in the cave •
•• n.a1\8ll Dec. 0 it ~ ~ lee atAJ •• U••• 1lIa.1ob .••• re otten

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reaciWtl • AccoNlrlc •• & polO&1c ap, 1t 1s Pft'bab1.7 111
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KacDona1ds Ice ca,~:

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BGqjt1h 16, ~'S4, pap 13•
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