Safaa Aly Salama

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Title: an exploration of the variables influencing Egyptians' online

apparel purchases with an emphasis on local brands

Student Name: Safaa Aly Salama
Supervisor Name: Dr. Haidy Ashour
Program: Master of Business Administration
Department: Faculty of commerce
Institution: Cairo University

pg. 1
Abstract:........................................................................................................................................................ 3
1. Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 3
1.1 Context and Rational .......................................................................................................................... 3
Figure 1: Insights for Ecommerce in Egypt ............................................................................................... 4
1.2 Problem statement:............................................................................................................................ 5
1.3 Research Questions ............................................................................................................................. 5
1.4 Research Objectives ........................................................................................................................... 5
2. Literature Review: .................................................................................................................................... 6
2.1 Literature grid ..................................................................................................................................... 8
2.2 Hypotheses development: ............................................................................................................... 11
2.2.1 Price: .......................................................................................................................................... 11
2.2.2 Product design: .......................................................................................................................... 11
2.2.3 Ease of Use: ............................................................................................................................... 12
2.2.4 Electronic word of mouth (EWOM): ......................................................................................... 12
3. Methodology .......................................................................................................................................... 13
3.1 Data collection and analysis method ............................................................................................... 13
3.2 Sampling & population: ................................................................................................................... 14
3.3 Research design ................................................................................................................................ 14
3.3.1 Research Onion ............................................................................................................................. 14
4. finding: .................................................................................................................................................... 15
Table 1: Demographic analysis ............................................................................................................... 15
Table 2: Descriptive data analysis .......................................................................................................... 16
5. Implications and contributions to knowledge....................................................................................... 16
5 .1 Practical Implications ...................................................................................................................... 16
5.2 Limitations and further considerations ........................................................................................... 17
6. Reference List ......................................................................................................................................... 18

pg. 2
Purpose: Online shopping is becoming more and more popular among consumers
every year. Online shops face intense competition at the same time, and only a small
number turn a profit. This research aims to discover the characteristics that influence
people's online fashion purchases.
Approach: A mixed-methods strategy will be used, using tools for gathering both
quantitative and qualitative data. Primary data was collected through a survey of a
sample size of 34 participants, while secondary data was acquired from various papers,
research journals, and literature reviews. The result shows that Price, product design,
website ease of use, and positive EWOM influence the customer purchase decision.
Keywords: Ecommerce, Fashion, Online shopping, Apparel, Ecommerce, Electronic
Word of Mouth (EWOM).

1. Introduction
1.1 Context and Rational
Egypt's e-commerce fashion business has grown dramatically in recent years due to
increase the internet penetration (Kemp, 2023). There were 80.75 million internet users
in Egypt, and 105.1 million active mobile phone connections in Egypt which represent
93.9 percent of the total population (Egypt E-Commerce Market Insights 2023).
According to (2022) insights about apparel ecommerce market in Egypt, it
shows that by end of 2024, it is expected that the Egyptian fashion eCommerce market
would have grown to US$439.2 million, that represents 17.3% of Egypt's overall
eCommerce market. It is anticipated that the market would reach a projected volume of
US$569.1 million by 2028, with a compound yearly growth rate (CAGR) of 6.7% over
the next four years, from 2024 to 2028.
The pandemic of 2020 caused global concerns to the fashion industry. Supply chains
experienced disturbances, and consumer behaviours shifted significantly based on
Bilinska Reformat & Dewalska Opitek (2021) study, the changes in customer behaviours
have a significant impact on how firms change their models, emphasizing the growing
importance of online buying.
E-commerce has certainly transformed the fashion business, making purchasing easier
and more cost-effective for brands while also altering channel for fashion companies. It
gives opportunity to highlight the benefits of their items and establish a loyal client base
by understanding what motivates customers to make a purchase. Also creating several
chances for marketers to interact with various generations such as Gen X, Y by
understand the shared behaviours, beliefs, values, and buying habits of these

pg. 3
In 2018, the United Nations and the Egyptian government revised their e-commerce
strategy, concentrating on Egypt's capabilities and intending to solve the obstacles in
trade, logistics, online payments, procurement, e-commerce platforms, taxation, talent
development, and awareness campaigns. In line with Egypt's Vision 2030 Sustainable
development Strategy, the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology
launched an ICT strategy to promote digital manufacturing, e-commerce, e-government
services, electronic design, and talent development.The government's efforts to
establish a Knowledge City in the New Administrative Capital reflect a strong
commitment to digital transformation.
Furthermore, based on Elnashar (2020) insights, Supporting the local small businesses
can positively impact the economy, creating a lot of job opportunities, which makes this
emphasis especially important. Furthermore, understanding the difficulties these brands
face in the online fashion market may benefit the brand owners, and other industry
players who wish to assist local businesses in growing and remaining competitive.
Furthermore, the local brands are becoming increasingly affordable to the average
Egyptian consumer given the country's high rates of inflation based on CBE (2024), as
well as the ongoing devaluation of the currency. This is because local brands have
grown due to Egypt's economic challenges.
After reviewing the literature and conducting a survey we discovered that price, product
design/style, website usability, and electronic word-of-mouth (EWOM) are important
aspects that influence buyers while shopping for apparel online. This research
investigates what customers value most while shopping online, with a focus on the
adoption of e-commerce and e-business activities. It emphasizes the need of analysing
elements that may influence potential consumers and leveraging insights from business
owners and agencies to achieve success.

Figure 1: Insights for Ecommerce in Egypt

pg. 4
1.2 Problem statement:
Despite the growing fashion e-commerce sector, (2022) report shows that
online sales only have market share 7.5% of Egyptian apparel retail. In addition, only 2
precent from website visitors make a purchase, indicating a concerning about the
conversion rate.
The main challenges that need to be addressed are high cart abandonment rates and
low conversion rates. Customers have found it more difficult to get the "fit" and "size"
perfect while shopping for items online. Also, one of the e-commerce challenges is low
credit/debit card user base and an increasing rate of credit card issuance.

According to (2023) report about fashion ecommerce, in 2023, the add-to-
cart rate was 12.7%, the cart abandonment rate was 84.0%, and the conversion rate
was 2.0%, reflecting the instability of the Egyptian apparel e-commerce sector. The
average order value is $37, the discount rate of 14.4%, and the return rate of 14.1%.
One of the reasons for the low conversion rate is the lack of trust in online shopping.
Consumer concerns about product quality, sizing accuracy, return policies, and online
transactions are major contributors to the low conversion rate in Egyptian fashion e-

1.3 Research Questions

1. To what extend the variables that influencing Egyptians' online fashion purchases
2. How does the product design affect consumers' intents to purchase clothes
3. What does price impact on consumers' tendency to purchase clothes online?
4. What impact does the EWOM on online clothing purchase?
5. What does the impact of website usability on the online shopping experience?

1.4 Research Objectives

1. To explore the ways that Egyptians' preferences affect the local brands of
clothing they buy online.
2. To learn how the price can influence the choice of clothing brands online.
3. To determine the impact of product design on decisions made online.
4. To Explores how website ease of use influences online buying intention.
5. To learn how online buying experiences online word-of-mouth and service quality.

pg. 5
2. Literature Review:
Apparel brands usually use multiple channels of distribution these days, with a particular
emphasis on online purchasing through websites, mobile application and on social
media like Facebook and Instagram. due to consumers' growing rate of internet usage
Shinnaranantana (2019). Comparing online the store shopping to online shopping for
the consumers, the most advantageous features are typically thought to be one-stop
shopping, competitive pricing, convenience, and time savings (Kumar, 2018).
According to Baeshen (2021) consumer purchase intention is the behavioral intent to
shop online, driven by factors such as price, information, security, and convenience. The
internet has made it easier for consumers to compare prices and order products at any
time, leading to lower pricing and product innovation. Fashion apparel is a popular
online product. Security is another concern, but experienced consumers are
comfortable with providing information. Online sellers offer returns or exchanges to ease
consumer concerns. Factors like product information and convenience also play a
significant role in online shopping.
Adeola and his colleagues found that consumer values are divided into two categories:
instrumental values (timesaving, price-saving discount, service convenience, and item
assortment) and terminal values (happiness, love, and contentment). The results
indicate that the purchase behavior of online consumers is significantly influenced by
both values, with fashion (Adeola et al., 2021).
Kumar and his colleagues stated that consumer happiness is influenced by in-store
logistics, the store environment, communication, goods assortment, and perceived price
(Kumar Singh et al., 2022).
According to Sari & Suyanto (2020) that mentioned that consumer preferences when it
comes to selecting e-commerce. The stimuli have the greatest score, and the most 5
crucial factor to consider is the delivery speed feature, privacy protection using a data
security system, the delivery charges, the warranty product exchangeability, and the
website appearance with an eye-catching design are all included.
Bucko and his colleagues stated the following structural model: 1- Price including Price
of the product, Shipping and discounts and special offers if available. 2-Availability
refers to Payment method and delivery time. 3- Social proof including reviews about the
product & reviews about the seller. 4- Scarcity is about limited quantity of the product
and Time limited offer. 5- Product details including Product photo and sufficient
information. Conditions about accessible terms and conditions and accessible shipping
conditions. 6-Social media activity (Bucko et al., 2018).
According to Pardeshi & Khanna (2021) study was carried out for apparel website only
in Mumbai, women prefer websites with quick shopping processes, reasonable apparel

pg. 6
pricing, and a wide variety of options. Women shop for the right clothes, not just for fun
or enjoyment, and are more interested in style rather than brands. providing a wide
range of options and enhancing features can retain confidence in online shopping.
According to Purwaningtyas & Rahadi (2021) research, price, product style and design,
and other variables are ranked as the top four. Discounts and other special offers are
examples of promotions that draw attention and raise the perceived worth of the
transaction. product's perceived quality by reading reviews and past information about it
from other consumers. Information accessibility has an impact on product quality as well
because buyers can evaluate products based on reviews and descriptions that are
supplied. Service quality, user-friendliness, and company image are further
According to the analysis of factors influencing online shopping behavior among
students in Diponegoro University in Indonesia. They find that the key variables are
social influences & the qualities of a website. Significance level, risk perception, online
advertising, trust and security, and pleasure variables are rejected (Rosyada et al.,2020)
According to Azami & Burçin (2019) study conducted in Istanbul reveals that five
factors. A highly web environment supports customer purchasing, while product
characteristics enhance online purchasing in Istanbul. Security and confidence to the
internet have no significant effect. Promotional offers significantly contribute to customer
purchasing, while online product prices do not affect purchasing behavior.
According to Pandey and his colleagues study, the online purchase behavior is
influenced by seven elements. These elements include perceived risk, perceived
usefulness, perceived simplicity of use, the impact of website design, the economy,
product availability, and customer satisfaction (Pandey et al., 2019).
According to study for Wang and his collogues key influencing factors include service
information quality, user interface quality, security perception, information satisfaction,
and relational benefit. Price, social group, product features, brand name, durability, and
after-sales services are important (Wang et al., 2023).
Venkatesh and his colleagues stated in their research that customers' expectations of
appropriateness are indicated by congruence, which is the strongest driver of online
shopping intentions and behavior. This element can be divided into products with low
and high congruence; for well-known products like books and plane tickets, the internet
offers more congruence. This emphasizes how crucial consistency is when purchasing
online Venkatesh et al., 2022).

pg. 7
2.1 Literature grid
Author Objective Methodology finding
Yasser Ali identify the factors that A survey was given to the factors such as pricing,
Baeshen, influence consumer people in the sample. For ease of use, security, and
(2021) choices and which this study, convenience product or service
factors have significant sampling has been information. Reduced
effect on employed to select a costs or special offers are
consumer purchase sample of respondents. key motivators for
intention while online The secondary data, customers to shop online.
shopping fashion which is based on Additionally, the security
apparel. reviews, interviews, and aspect makes consumers
conclusions from the feel more comfortable
literature, was taken from shopping online and
a variety of articles and protecting their identities.
research journals. Online stores also offer a
wider range of product
information compared to
physical stores.

Ogechi Adeola, The study aims to cross-sectional There are two types of
Adenike explore the factors methodology and consumer values:
Aderonke influencing consumers' quantitative techniques. instrumental values (such
Moradeyo, online purchases in the Surveyed 241 as time saving, price-
Obinna fashion industry in respondents who were saving discounts, service
Muogboh, Nigeria, exposing that contacted via on-site convenience, and item
Isaiah Adisa, online content, gender, visits made up the total assortment) and terminal
(2021) and Gen Y preferences viable sample size for this values (like happiness,
significantly impact cross-sectional study. love, and contentment).
buying behavior. Descriptive and The results demonstrate
inferential statistics were that both values
employed to investigate significantly affect how
the impact of customer consumers behave while
value on online making purchases online,
purchasing behavior in with fashion
the fashion business. consciousness acting as
a moderator in this
Abhishek Kumar The study seeks for Surveyed 648 of a in-store logistics ranks
Singh Bharat the elements that sample customer was second in importance,
Singh Patel consumers think about collected. Data were with factors including
Cherian when they purchase at analysed using product information,
Samuel, (2022) a well-organized multivariate analysis of accessibility, simplicity of
clothing store. The covariance. return, and on-shelf

pg. 8
indirect effects of availability. The findings
identified determinants indicate that consumer
on behavioral happiness is influenced
outcomes, including by in-store logistics, the
loyalty, are also store environment,
examined in this study. communication, goods
assortment, perceived
price, and employee
attributes. These
elements unsurprisingly
have an indirect impact
on loyalty.

Lili Winda Sari, This study aims to quantitative approach The study reveals that
Achmad determine Indonesian and questionnaire-based the transfer rate has the
Manshur Ali consumers' data collection. 451 highest utility value, 3with
Suyanto, (2020) preferences when it subjects were included in delivery speed being the
comes to E- the study as samples by most important attribute.
Commerce. the non-probability E-commerce consumers
sampling technique. use transfer payment,
Conjoint analysis is the shipping costs, 2-4 days
analysis method used in delivery speed, product
this investigation. warranties, website
privacy, and attractive
website design.

Jozef Bucko This paper's primary The survey questionnaire price, availability, social
Lukáš goal is to identify the was administered. The proof, scarcity, product
Kakalejčík variables that influence data obtained from the details, conditions, and
Martina consumers' propensity survey will be examined social media activity,
Ferencová to buy products from using the exploratory explained 80% of the
Len Tiu Wright. an online retailer given factor analysis and variance. The analysis
(2018) the state of the Slovak applied principal confirmed the accuracy of
market. Also, to reduce components analysis. the latent variables, with
the number of Using orthogonal price being the most
elements influencing transformation, this significant factor,
the online transaction statistical technique turns particularly for university
and develop new latent a set of correlated students.
variables, or factors, observations into a set of
that might collect observations with no
condensed data. correlations between

pg. 9
Sriram K V The objective to a questionnaire, and captivating details,
Namitha KP understand the structural equation endorsements from
Giridhar B characteristics that modelling to identify celebrities, emotional
Kamath, (2021) contribute to an constructs in social media appeal, and innovative
advertisement’s users, with SPSS and characteristics all
effectiveness and its SMART PLS used for contribute to influencing
ability to convert the analysis and evaluation. purchase intent.
user into a customer.

Annisa This study aims to This study analyzes 36 Price, promotions,

Purwaningtyas explore the variables related literature and product design/style,
Raden Aswin influencing people's interviews 11 customers product quality, brand
Rahadi, (2021) online clothes to create a conceptual image, information
purchases. framework for online availability, seller
clothing purchase reliability, product
decisions. diversity, ease of use,
and service quality are
the variables influencing
people's decisions to buy
apparel online.
Zainal Fanani This study aims to gain The survey is a We conclude that risk
Rosyada insight into Indonesian quantitative using survey, perception, online
Naniek Utami online retail market using multiple linear advertising, trust and
Handayani segmentation. regression, to estimate security, and enjoyment
Manik Understanding the the average value of a are the factors that
Mahacandra variables that affect variable based on the greatly impact behavior.
Ega Rizkiyah, consumers' online value of other variables,
(2020) shopping behavior is besides, to determine the
crucial for companies effect of several
offering goods or independent variables on
services related to the dependent variables.
online shopping.
Sadraddin The study aims to The researcher utilized The study found a
Azami, (2019) determine the self-administered significant relationship
influence questionnaires (close- between web
of the factors of online ended questions) for environment, product
purchasing on primary and quantitative characteristics, and
purchasing intentions data collections. The promotional offers.
analysis was done based However, security,
on descriptive statistics internet confidence, and
and SEM analysis product price did not
significantly impact online
shopping behavior.

pg. 10
Viswanath The objective to A mixed methods Culture, demography,
Venkatesh discover the main approach was used to economics, technology,
Cheri Speier- factors that lead to the develop a comprehensive and human psychology
Pero adoption and success model of online shopping all have an impact on
Sebastian of online shopping. behavior, involving online purchasing.
Walter Schuetz, literature review, Congruence, impulse
(2022) qualitative data collection, buying, risk-taking, value
and a longitudinal survey consciousness, local
among 9,992 consumers. shopping, and the delight
of browsing are the main
factors that drive online

2.2 Hypotheses development:

2.2.1 Price:
According to Zhao and his colleagues (2021) study's findings, there is a statistically
significant correlation between product pricing and packaging and the decision-making
process of buyers. In addition, there is research for Evangelidis (2023) suggests that
sellers should use a single large price decrease or a series of smaller price increases to
encourage consumers to buy now.
Sriram and his collogues stated attention-grabbing details, such as discounts, limited
stock announcements, and price drops, can weaken the barrier between consumers
and the product, causing them to skip many decision-making steps (K V et al., 2021)
According to Devendra (2023) Pricing strategies impact purchase behavior, perceived
value, brand loyalty, sales volume. They also have a significant impact on drive buying,
cross-selling, and competitor positioning in e-commerce.
On other hand, according to a survey conducted in research Deore & Borade (2020), a price
reduction made customers think they could save more money, and they were making
less sacrifices, customers saw the cheaper products as value for their money.
H1: How does the price affect online apparel purchase.
2.2.2 Product design:
The result for Uwera (2022) study demonstrates how consumers' decisions to purchase
a company's product are influenced by its design. consumers became more aware of
and invested in the product design than they are in the basic idea. This is a significant
draw for clients, and many businesses compete with one another on it.

pg. 11
According to Chrimes and his colleagues investigated how consumers' assessments of
online fit are influenced by UG reviews and body shape stimuli. It was discovered that
product fit diagnostics were improved, and online fit worries were decreased by visual fit
information of various body forms (Chrimes et al., 2022).
H2: How does the product design influence consumers’ likelihood to make an online

2.2.3 Ease of Use:

Effective communication between sellers and customers without any difficulties or
delays is critical to the success of e-commerce, and this can only be achieved with an
appropriate IT infrastructure for e-retailing platforms. Customer experience is partly
influenced by the technology that a company uses(Wang et al., 2023).
According to a case study for Agrawal & Dhar (2021) about website usability, Snapdeal
streamlines online buying by providing push alerts for important events, allowing
customers to cancel or continue with their order, and collaborating with local tailors for
accurate body measurements, enhancing sizing accuracy.
research show that 93% of consumers rely on online reviews for their purchasing
decisions. The eye-tracking method has been popular for interpreting consumer
decisions, but there is limited attention to the emotional valence and content of
comments, gender comparisons, and consumer suspicion of false comments (Chen et
al., 2022).
Additionally, based on Ghansawan and his colleagues focused about how
personalization is a crucial factor in e-commerce on their research, transforming user
experiences and setting businesses apart from competitors. It goes beyond product
recommendations, embracing individual preferences and enhancing the shopping
journey, making it a compelling conclusion (Ghansawant et al., 2023)

H4: Does website usability influence online apparel purchases.

2.2.4 Electronic word of mouth (EWOM):
A multinominal logit model is used to analyse the survey for Sung and his colleagues .
Even though similar products are less priced, customers still prefer products with high
star ratings, lots of reviews, and a reliable shopping platform. Additionally, research
shows that consumers are willing to pay more for these six traits when they buy
products from unknown brands (Sung et al., 2023).
Consumers' purchase intentions were found to be influenced by both positive and
negative electronic word-of-mouth, with negative word-of-mouth having a greater
degree of influence. Furthermore, it was discovered that two-way electronic word-of-
mouth was more effective in terms of believability and buy intention (Aquilina,2022).

pg. 12
H4: Does the EWOM influence online apparel purchase.

3. Methodology
3.1 Data collection and analysis method
This Research collects data using a mixed-methods technique. Qualitative approaches
are used to analyse secondary data gathered during the literature study. In addition,
primary data will be collected using a survey that includes both quantitative and
qualitative components.
There are important reasons for this methodological approach. First and foremost, this
study is guided by the positivist ideology, which emphasizes objective assessment of
occurrences through the collection of empirical facts. Second, the study's descriptive
character seeks to offer a full picture of the target population, making surveys an
excellent data gathering method.
Furthermore, Survey design is such that one may text in their replies to the survey when
they sign into Facebook, allowing researchers to receive more detailed and reliable
responses. Google Forms to disseminate and track data collection in an online format,
the responses are automatically collated into a downloadable Excel form for ease of
The survey was split into 2 sections as follows:
1. Demographic
• Age: 18 – 40
• Gender: female
• Usage Rate for online apparel purchase behaviour: Never, Occasionally,
Once a week, once a month.
2. Factors influencing online fashion purchases.
This section explored various variables that impact online buying decisions through
ranking questions. Participants will assign a score from 1 to 5 based on the level of
influence each variable has on their purchasing decisions. Score 5 means this variable
is extremely affected, and score1 means this variable is not affecting at all. The
following aspects were examined:
• Influence of convenience and pricing on purchase decisions
• Influence of product design on purchasing intentions
• Influence of visual appeal on buying decisions
• Impact of platform usability on purchase intentions
• Impact of electronic word-of-mouth (EWOM) on purchase intentions

pg. 13
3.2 Sampling & population:
A diverse sample of Egyptian consumers, including those who frequently purchase
apparel online and support local brands, will be selected to provide a comprehensive
understanding of the factors influencing online apparel purchases.
Participants in the survey must meet two requirements to be eligible: they had to have
made at least one online purchase from the fashion retail business and be between the
ages of 18 and 50, which means they were above the legal age of consent in Egypt.
The study employed a snowball sampling technique, whereby the participants were
contacted based on referrals. The respondents were first chosen at random, and then
they were requested to submit references from people in the population who were
regular customers. These references were then invited to submit further references so
that the poll could include them.
This non-probability strategy was chosen mostly due to the lack of an appropriate,
readily available sample frame.

3.3 Research design

3.3.1 Research Onion
The research onion showed the following details: research strategy as a survey; time
horizon as a cross-sectional; philosophy as positivism; approach to framework
development as inductive; methodological choice as a mono method quantitative study;
techniques and procedures as secondary data from the previous research in the same

Figure 2: Research Onion

pg. 14
4. finding:
The survey included a total of 34 respondents. The average age of the participants was
31.5 years, with ages ranging from 18 to 45 years. Of the total respondents, 94.1%
identified as female, while 5.6% identified as male. In terms of online apparel
purchases, 41.2% of the respondents made online purchases once a month, 32.4%
made purchases on occasionally, 17.6% made purchases once a week, and 5.9% never
made online apparel purchases.

Age N. %
18-24 11 32.4%
25-34 11 32.4%
35-44 11 32.4%
45-55 1 2.9%

Gender N. %
Female 32 94.1%
Male 2 5.6%

How often do you make online apparel purchase? N. %

Never 2 5.9%
occasionally 11 32.4%
once a week 6 17.6%
Once a month 14 41.2%
Table 1: Demographic analysis

Table 2 presents the descriptive statistics measuring the Mean and standard deviation
for the research result sheet that was impotent from Google's response to the criteria
measured in the survey. The data shows that price significantly influences online
apparel purchases positively. Additionally, discounts, product design, and product
reviews are also considered important factors in making such purchases. The ease of
use of the website and mobile optimization contribute positively to the overall online
shopping experience. On the other hand, the participants are less likely to invest more
in clothing that reflects current fashion trends, indicating that it is less important to them
based on our survey results.

pg. 15
Frequency Mean SD

1 2 3 4 5
How important is pricing when 1 8 12 13 4.08 0.86
deciding to purchase clothing
Do you consider discounts or 2 4 18 10 4.05 0.81
special offers when buying
apparel online?
How much does the design or 1 5 9 19 4.3 0.84
style of a clothing item influence
your online purchase decisions?
Are you more likely to buy 1 2 15 9 6 3.4 1.04
clothing that aligns with current
fashion trends?
Do you read product reviews or 1 2 4 12 15 4.11 1.03
seek recommendations from
friends before making an online
apparel purchase?
How influential are positive 6 9 19 4.38 0.77
reviews in your decision-making
Does a user-friendly interface 7 8 19 4.35 0.81
impact your likelihood of
completing a purchase?
Table 2: Descriptive data analysis

5. Implications and contributions to knowledge

5 .1 Practical Implications
The findings of this study will help the local apparel brands and e-commerce managers
in understanding the online purchasing patterns of their target audience. To streamline
the checkout process and improve it, it is essential to optimize the e-commerce layout
for easy navigation and free it from clutter. Ensure that your platform loads quickly to
prevent user frustration. It is important to have clear product sizes and provide a size
chart. Additionally, high-resolution images are recommended to attract customer
attention. Investing in professional photography and considering the use of 360-degree
views or virtual try-ons can be beneficial. Displaying online reviews on the website and
social media can help build trust, and showcasing user-generated content can highlight
the items. Collaborating with style influencers in your target segment can help
showcase the product's style. Lastly, using loyalty discounts, hot deals, or time-limited
promotions can encourage quick purchases.

pg. 16
5.2 Limitations and further considerations
The survey focuses specifically on Egyptian online shoppers. It's challenging to
generalize the results to other regions in the nation due to their different cultural,
demographic, and other characteristics. Due to time constraints, the survey couldn't
thoroughly examine the Z generation, who are a highly potential segment for e-
commerce. The study also highlights opportunities for future research, which could
explore additional relevant factors of payment mechanisms and consumer trust in online
payments. Additionally, this research is limited to the business-to-customer (B-to-C)
sector. It's recommended that further studies be conducted to assess the impact of
these characteristics across various types of e-commerce, such as business-to-
business, business-to-government, and business-to-employee.

pg. 17
6. Reference List
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