The 4IR TT Market Watchlist Between 25th and 31st May, 2024

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Index Market condition Timeframe Market law of clarity A comment from

name 4IR-TT analysts
V10(1s) A down-Trend 24 hours Market correction Safe for Trading
V10 A down-Trend 24 hours A market correction for Not safe for Trading
almost 30 days
V25(1s) An Up-Trend 24 hours A pullback (selling Safe for Trading
V25 A down-Trend 24 hours Not clear bearish Safe for Trading
V50(1S) An up-Trend 24 hours A pullback (b selling Safe for Trading
V50 An Up-Trend 24 hours A strong bullish Safe for trading
momentum may be
V75(1S) Ranging 24 hours Clear bullish Safe for Trading
V75 A down Trend 8 hours The price reaction at Safe for Trading
opportunity level
V100(1S) Strong down Trend 8 hours Clear bearish Safe for Trading
V100 Ranging 24 hours The price reaction at Not safe for Trading
opportunity level
V150((1S) A down Trend 24 hours Clear bearish Safe for Trading
V250(1S) A strong pullback 8 hours A Clear bullish Safe for Trading
(Buying pressure)
Boom300 An Up-Trend 24 hours Clear bullish Safe for Trading

Boom500 An Up-Trend 24 hours A strong selling Safe for Trading
Boom1000 An Up-Trend 24 hours Market correction Safe for Trading
Crash300 A down-trend 24 hours The price rejection at Safe for Trading
opportunity level
Crash500 A down -trend 24 hours Clear bearish Safe for Trading
Crash1000 A down Trend 8 hours The price rejection at Safe for Trading
opportunity level
Step Index A down Trend 8 hours Descending channel Safe for Trading
Jump10 An Up-Trend 24 hours The market correction Not safe for trading
Jump25 A down Trend 24 hours The market correction Not safe for Trading
Jump50 An Up-Trend 8 hours Clear bullish Safe for Trading
Jump75 An up-trend 4 hours The price reaction at Safe for Trading
opportunity level
Jump100 A down-trend 24 hours The market correction Not safe for trading

V10(1s)- 24hrs:
A down-trend: Any buying pressure may be termed as a short time pullback

V10-24rs: A down trend
The market correction for more almost 30days. For swing, this market is not safe
for trading

V10vV25(1s)-24hrs: An up-trend: A selling pressure respecting a confluence level

(ascending trendline) as seen in this chart.

V25-24hrs: A down trend:
The price may keep declining (Continuation of a down trend) respecting any of
these two confluence levels shown in this chart

V50(1s)-24hrs: An Up-trend:
Any selling pressure may be termed as a short time pullback.

V50-24hrs: An Up-trend:

V75(1s)-24hrs: Ranging: Support and resistance may be considered as

opportunity levels

V75-8hrs: A down-trend: The price reaction at opportunity level.

V100(1s)-8hrs: A down trend: The price may keep falling respecting a confluence
(all time lower) level as seen in this chart.

V100-24hrs: Ranging: Support and resistance may be considered as opportunity

V150(1s)-24hrs: The breakout

The price moves below a support level

V250(1s)-8hrs: A pullback
A buying pressure respecting a confluence (descending trendline) level as seen in
this chart.

Boom300-24hrs: An Up-trend: Any selling pressure may be termed as a short
time pullback

Boom500-24hrs: An uptrend, a strong selling pressure.

Boom1000-24hrs: An up-trend: Any selling pressure may be termed as a short
time pullback

Crash300-24hrs: A down trend; The price rejection at confluence level.

Crash500-24hrs: A Down-Trend; The market is clear bearish

Crash1000-8hrs: A down-trend; The price reaction at confluence level.

Step Index-8hrs: A down-trend; The price reaction at confluence level.

Jump10-24hrs: The breakout: The price rises above a resistance level,

Jump25-24hrs: A down-trend: The market correction for more than 117 days

Jump50-8hrs: An up-trend

Jump75-4hrs: An up-trend: The price reaction at confluence level

Jump100-24hrs: A down-trend


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