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How my presentation going to be … first I ll make definitions then try to explain kinds of violence after that

how it is related to our course material..

There are many definitions of flirt or we may have also call it dating or relationship violence. They include
some small differences, but generally follow a similar theme.
Slideları oku.

And these are some important questions that can reveal the health of our relationships, focusing on how we feel
and behave when we're with our partners."

"These questions help us recognize signs of emotional and psychological abuse, which are often subtle and
easily overlooked."

"By asking ourselves these questions, we can become aware of any dynamics that may compromise our safety,
autonomy, and well-being in a relationship.

"Flirt violence encompasses various forms of abuse, including humiliation,intimidation, possesiveness, threats
and maybe domination.
"This can range from verbal insults to more covert tactics like gaslighting and isolation, which undermine the
victim's sense of reality and self-esteem." And I am sure that we all know these all ends in kara toprak..=)

"Understanding these types can help us identify early warning signs and take steps to protect ourselves and
others from potentially harmful relationships."

Though many types I categorized them in 3 headings..

Beginning with the more visiable one. When we talk about violence to most people, the first thing that comes to
their mind is physical violence.
1. And it can manifest in overt actions such as hitting, kicking, and slapping, which are immediate and
painful forms of abuse."
2. "It can also include more severe acts like strangulation, burning, or even harming pets, which not only
cause physical harm but are intended to intimidate and control the victim."
3. "Additionally, abusers may destroy property or leave victims in unsafe situations, further isolating them
and restricting their ability to seek help or escape.

The other group is emotional /verbal violance..

It often involves shifting blame to the victim, using tactics like name-calling and degradation to erode their self-
"Abusers may employ manipulation, threats, and coercion, coupled with excessive jealousy, to control and
dominate their partners, further contributing to a toxic dynamic."
"Other tactics such as isolation, minimization of the victim's feelings, gaslighting, and even blackmailing are
used to confuse and entrap the victim, making it difficult for them to recognize the abuse or seek help."

As we see here, many of the concepts we have previously learned actually intersect with dating violence in
some way.

Some of these concepts directly play a role in the formation of violence, while others indirectly contribute to the
situation in a negative way.
Why we are talking about dating violence is I believe a result and an oppurtunity created again by woman on
their way to regain their rights in society.

Throughout history, the women's movement has also made a difference in the position of women within
What is private is political…

Sexism …devaluation of woman……what woman can do or speak….

German class

"Anyone can experience dating violence, regardless of gender."

"For example, a man might stay in an abusive relationship due to societal expectations to appear strong."
"A woman might face criticism for not fulfilling traditional caretaker roles, which can escalate tensions at
"Non-binary individuals may be misunderstood or overlooked by support systems that are not inclusive."
"Class can affect access to resources for escaping abuse, such as finding safe housing."
"Racial stereotypes might influence how seriously someone’s reports of violence are taken by authorities."
"An immigrant might face additional barriers like language challenges when seeking help."
"Understanding these varied experiences helps us tailor support to be more effective and inclusive."

When considering even the smallest things in our daily life, sociological imagination is very important tool for
us to see and analyze. By this way we can easily put a name on non equal, discrimitive and violent situations.

"When we encounter these situations, it's crucial to review what we can do and, if possible, take action."

"To achieve transformation in our society, we must actively challenge and change the systemic inequalities that
perpetuate flirt violence. Embracing equality in all our interactions lays the foundation for healthier
relationships and a more just society."

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