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Department of Information and Communication Technology

FISAC: Take Home Assignment IV semester CCE Operating Systems ICT 2227

Instructions: 1. Write your name, rollno, section on top of the first page and put your
Signature. Write the Title “FISAC – Operating Systems ICT 2227” and
date in the middle of the page. Write answers to all the questions neatly
on A4 sheets.Include diagrams, tables (comparison), bulleted list
wherever required.
2. Each question carry 5marks. Total out of 50M will be scaled down to
3. Submit your own hand-written answers towards FISAC on or before
22.04.2024 to your respective teacher who is taking this subject.
4. No xerox or printed copy is allowed. No deadline extension. For late
submissions, direct copy of the content as it is from the resource,
marks will be deducted as per the number of days delayed and higher
% of similarity.
5. Write neatly with a readable font and style, correct and complete
answers, present well and grab all 10 marks !!!!!!


1. Compare and contrast the "Paging" and "Segmentation" memory management schemes
in operating systems. Discuss where each might be more suitable for different types of
applications or system architectures. Discuss use of two-level paging and inverted page

2. Consider a system with a physical memory capacity of 4 frames and a page reference
string: 5, 6, 7,8, 5, 6, 10, 5, 6, 8, 9, 22, 9, 9, 18, 6, 32, 7, 4, 5. Discuss the advantages
and disadvantages of each page replacement algorithm based on the results of your
examples. Which algorithm would you recommend for this page reference string, and
why? Justify your answer.

3. Describe the role of a Directory Structure in file management. Compare and contrast
different directory organization methods such as Single-Level Directory, Two-Level
Directory, Tree structured Directory, and Acyclic-Graph Directory. Provide examples
of scenarios where each method would be most beneficial.

4. Compare and contrast different disk scheduling algorithms such as FCFS, SSTF,
SCAN, C-SCAN, and LOOK. Consider disk requests: 108, 193, 47, 132, 24, 134, 75,
77. Starting from the current head position 86, What is the total distance that the disk
arm moves to satisfy all the pending requests for each of the disk algorithms mentioned
above? Which algorithm is preferred? Justify your answer.

5. Assume that queues 1 and 2 use round robin with time quantum of 4 and 6 ms,
respectively and queue 3 uses FCFS. To schedule processes P1, P2, and P3 with burst
times of 20ms, 12ms, and 15ms, Clearly show Gantt chart. Compare and contrast the
multi-level queue (MLQ) and multi-level feedback queue (MLFQ) scheduling
algorithms used in operating systems. Analyse how these scheduling algorithms address
issues such as priority inversion, starvation, and fairness in process execution.
6. Consider three processes namely PA, PB and PC. Process PA, PB and PC print letters
A,B,C respectively. Write all three processes using three binary semaphores namely
S1,S2 and S3 such that when all three processes are executed in parallel, output should
be BCABCABCABCA... Also, mention initial values of all semaphores used during
implementation. Illustrate how semaphores be utilized as a solution in a banking
application running on a modern operating system, where multiple users concurrently
access their accounts to perform transactions like deposits, withdrawals, and fund

7. Consider the resource allocation graph in the figure:- Find if the system is in a deadlock
state otherwise find a safe sequence.

What are wait-for graphs? Illustrate the usage with a suitable example.

8. How does the design of the kernel, process management, file management and security
mechanisms differ between UNIX-based operating systems such as Linux, traditional
Windows operating systems and macOS? Discuss the implications of these differences
on system administration practices, user experience, and overall system reliability. Why
Windows operating system is popular among all the three?

9. Explain various types of tasks and task scheduling in real time operating systems. How
does scheduling in real-time operating systems (RTOS) differ from scheduling in
general-purpose operating systems? Discuss the unique challenges and requirements of
real-time systems that influence scheduling decisions and analyse the impact of these
differences on system performance, predictability, and responsiveness."

10. Compare Rate monotonic Scheduling (RMS) and Earliest Deadline First (EDF)
scheduling used in real time operating systems. A cyclic real time scheduler is to be
used to schedule three periodic tasks T1, T2 and T3 with following characteristics.
Determine whether the task set is schedulable. If yes, illustrate the scheduling of these
tasks using EDF schedule.
Task Phase(msec) Execution Relative Period(mSec)
time(mSec) Deadline(mSec)
T1 0 20 100 100
T2 0 20 80 80
T3 0 30 150 150

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