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Blood Bank Management System


(BATCH 2020-2023)


Ayusman Mohanty, 2041041033

Umashree Sahoo, 2041041006


Ms Sneha Rani Muni

Department of Computer Application

Institute of Technical Education and Research


I hereby declare that the Project entitled “Blood Bank Management System” submitted to
the Department of Computer Application, Institute of Technical Education & Research,
Siksha O Anusandhan Deemed to be University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha in partial
fulfillment for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Computer Application in the year
2023 is an authentic record of my own work carried out under the guidance of Ms Sneha
Rani Muni and that the project has not previously formed the basis for the award of any
other degree. The report has been prepared in compliance to the guidelines specified by the

Place: Bhubaneswar

Ayusman Mohanty Umashree Sahoo

Regd. No. - 2041041033 Regd. No.–2041041006

This is to certify that the above statement made by the candidate is correct to the best of my

Ms Sneha Rani Muni

Assistant Professor


I am very grateful to my project guide Ms Sneha Rani Muni for giving her valuable
time and constructive guidance in preparing the Project. It would not have been
possible to complete this project in such a short period of time without his kind
encouragement and valuable guidance.

Signature of the Students and Date

Ayusman Mohanty Umashree Sahoo


This is to certify that this project entitled “Blood Bank Management System” submitted in

partial fulfilment of the degree of BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATION to the

Department of Computer Application, Institute of Technical Education and Research, Under

Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan Deemed to be University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, done by Mr.

Yogesh Bindhani and Ms. Anindita Das, Registration No. 2041041053, 2041041038 is an

authentic work carried out by him/her/them is worthy of acceptance for award of the degree.

The work fulfils the entire requirement as per the regulation of the University and it has

reached the standard needed for submission.

Guide Head of Department

Ms Sneha Rani Muni Prof. Kaberi Das

Department of Computer Application

Institute of Technical Education and Research

Ayusman Mohanty 1 , Umashree Sahoo 2 , Sneha Rani Muni 3

Department of Computer Application, ITER, Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan, Bhubaneswar,,

Blood Bank Management System (BBMS) is a browser-based system designed to store, process, retrieve and
analyse information concerning administrative and inventory management within a blood bank. This project
aims to maintain all the information pertaining to blood donors and different blood groups available in each
blood bank and help them manage better. The aim is to provide transparency in this field, make the process of
obtaining blood from a blood bank hassle-free and corruption free and make the system of blood bank
management effective. Our client is not interested in blood stocking, instead we are stocking blood donors’
information. The donors who are interested in donating blood have to register in the database. There is no
storage of blood so no complications in the project. The software is fully integrated with CRM (customer
relationship management) as well as CMS (content management system) solution. It is developed in a manner
that is easily manageable, time-saving and relieves one from manual work. The blood requirement has to be
requested and we supply the donor’s information. The donors can update their status on whether they are
available or not.

Keywords: Cloud Computing, Information about the basic blood bank services, Online blood bank services,
Concept of DBMS.

Contribution of Individual Team Members

❖ Ayusman Mohanty [Regd. No.:2041041033] has prepared the user interface

using the programming language html, css, Javascript and also prepared the
database of the project and used PHP language in phpMyAdmin server.

❖ Umashree Sahoo [Regd. No.:2041041006] has prepared the presentation for

the project. And also has prepared the documentation of the project report
and provided ER diagrams, DFSs and Use Case diagrams.
List of Figures

❖ Entity Relationship Diagram

❖ Data Flow Diagram

❖ Use Case diagram

Table of Contents
Cover page i

Declaration ii

Acknowledgement iii

Certificate iv

Abstract v

Contribution of Individual Team Members vi

List of Figures vii


1.1 Preface 1
1.2 Problem Definition and Objective(s)
1.3 Motivations(s)
1.4 Project Overview / Specifications 3


2.1 Preface

2.2 Existing System

2.3 Proposed System

2.4 Feasibility Study


3.1 Preface

3.2 Requirement Specification

3.2.1 Functional Requirements

3.2.2 Non-functional Requirements

3.3 Flowcharts / UML Diagrams / ER Diagrams

3.4 Design Steps / Criteria


4.1 Preface

4.2 User Interface

4.3 Databases

4.4 Results and Outputs


5.1 Conclusion

5.2 Future Scope

References / Bibliography


Similarity Report
1.1 Preface
This project is mainly towards persons who are willing to donate blood to the patients.
Through this system it will be easier to find a donor for exact blood type and easy to build
the connection between donor & the blood bank authorities. The main intent of building this
software is to formalize the procedure of blood donation & motivate donors in order to
donate blood.

Through the use of an online blood bank management system, blood transfusion safety is
expected to be enhanced or improved. Risks on improper blood donors’ documentation, and
misplaced records can be minimized or totally avoided. Also, processes involving blood bag
collection, storage, and inventory will be systematized and organized, hence, improving the
healthcare management

1.2 Objective & Scope of the project

The system is used for maintaining all the processes and activities of the blood bank
management system. The system can be extended to be used for maintaining records of
hospital, organ donation and other similar sectors.

While developing the system, there shall be space for further modification. There shall be
proper documentation so that further enhancement becomes easy. As a whole the system is
focused to work with blood bank management systems and on additional modification it can
be also used as management systems of similar organizations.
To provide a means for the blood bank to publicize and advertise blood donation programs,
It allows the probable recipients to search and match the volunteer donors, and make
requests for the blood. To provide an efficient donor and blood stock management functions
to the blood bank by recording the donor and blood details. To provide synchronized and
centralized donor and blood stock databases. To provide immediate storage and retrieval of
data and information.

1.3 Theoretical Background

To give you an overview of the project, here are some key features that you might consider
including in your blood bank management system:

1. Login Page – The page where the system users will submit their system credentials to access
the system data
2. Home Page: The page where the system users will be redirected after logging into the
blood bank management system .This page displays the available volume of each blood
group and also displays the system data summary.

3. Donors Page: The page where all donors are listed and managed.

4. Blood Donations Page: The page where the donated blood is listed and managed.The
system features updating the available volume of the blood stocks.

5. Requests Page: The page where all blood requests are listed and managed.

6. Handed Over Page: The page where all given blood or handed over blood requests are
listed and managed.

7. Users Page: The page here can system admin users manage the list of system users.

While this overview provides a general idea of the features to consider, the actual
implementation details will depend on your specific requirements and the resources
available for development.

1.4 Definition of Problem

At present, the public can only know about the blood donation events through conventional
media means such as radio, newspaper or television advertisements. There is no information
regarding the blood donation programs available on any of the portals.

The current system that is being used by the blood bank is a manual system. With the
manual system, there are problems in managing the donor's records.The records of the donor
might not be kept safely and there might be missing of donor's records due to human error
or disasters


System Analysis & Design vis-a-vis User Requirements

System requirements define the necessary functionality for a system to fulfill donor’s
requirements. It specifies the features and capabilities needed to meet their needs
effectively. Donors and Patients can create accounts on the system through
registration.System Administrator can manage the users by creating for them the account.

To bridge the gap between blood banks, hospitals, volunteer donors and needy people,
through this system clients can view the parking available and reserve parking and a lot
online.To facilitate the search process for needy people and make it easier than before. To
reduce the data entry process.

Feasibility Study
Feasibility study is an important phase in the software development process. It enables the
developer to have an assessment of the product being developed.It refers to the feasibility
study of the product in terms of outcomes of the product, operational use and technical
support required for implementing it. It aims to objectively and rationally uncover the
strengths and weaknesses of an existing business or proposed venture, opportunities and
threats as presented by the environment, the resources required to carry through and
ultimately the prospects for success.

Technical Feasibility
Our site is developing using HTML, CSS & JavaScript and for backend PHP & MySQL and
for hosting XAMPP is used which is supported by all of the systems and all the latest
browsers so as all required software and hardware are available in the market so it is
technically feasible.

Economic Feasibility
Hardware and software are available in the market at an affordable cost so it is economically

Operational Feasibility
It is easy to use and also in the time of emergency our website will save a lot of time to fetch
a donor for the patience.

Methodology adopted, System Implementation & Details of Hardware &

Software used

➢ Project Identification and Selection

In this project, we aimed to develop an online blood bank system which will focus
mainly on managing the donor’s blood information. Anyone who is interested in
blood donation can donate the blood at the hospital or blood donation centers.

➢ Analyzing System needs

We have studied and identified problems of existing system, then we develop data
flow diagram for the existing system. We also develop data flow diagram (DFD)
and entity relation diagram (E-R diagram) for the proposed system.

➢ Designing the Proposed System

Based on the analysis phase, we converted E-R diagram into relational database
model and created data dictionary and DFD and user interface are designed in this
➢ Development of the Proposed System

In this phase, we are going to convert the design of proposed system to computer
software, which includes computer programming using phpMyAdmin as a
software tool written in PHP, which is intended to handle the administration of
MySQL, and translating the design specifications into the computer code.

➢ Testing the Proposed System

This step is the process of testing whether the programming code will work
correctly with the conditions in our system or not. In this phase, we will fix bugs in
order to produce a system with maximum performance

➢ Implementing the Proposed System

We wish to launch this system on the internet, so that donors are able to view their
blood donation records online and administrators can create, update, delete, and
query records conveniently.

➢ Analysis of the Existing System

There are two types of process in the existing system: the blood donation process
by donors, and the blood request process by hospitals. In both processes, an
administrator is in charge of managing the blood inventory in the blood bank.

➢ Hardware Requirement
Processor speed :- 1.6GHZ

Memory of user PC :- 7.8 GB

Disk Space of user PC :- 128 GB SSD

Bandwidth(network connection) :- 100 Kbps

➢ Software Requirement
Operating System for computer :- Windows 10

Database Management System :- MySQL

Browser :- Google Chrome


3.1 Preface
It covers the comprehensive systems analysis and design process,spamming from the initial
understanding of the system objectives to the actual implementation. It explores the System
Development Life Cycle(SDLC) and delves into the responsibilities of Systems Analysts
and Designers. The curriculum includes an introduction to requirements gathering,
emphasizing techniques such as identifying user stories and use cases, as well as the
utilization of modeling tools.

3.2 Requirement Specification

3.2.1 Functional Requirements

1. Access Website: Users should be able to access web-application through either an
application browser or similar service on the mobile phone or computer. There should not
be any limitation to access web- application.

2. User Registration: Given that the user has accessed web-application, then the user should be
able to register through the web- application. The donor user must provide first name, gender,
blood group, location, contact , username and password.

3. New Releases:When a new/update version of the web-application is released, the

appearance will automatically appear when the user accesses the web-application.

4. User log-in: Given that the user has registered, then the user should be able to login to the
web-application. The login information will be stored on the database for future use.

5. Search result in a list view: Search result can be viewed in a list. Each element in the list
represents a specific donor. Each element should include first name, gender, blood group,
location, contact according to the user position.There should be maximum of ten result

6. Request Blood: User(Hospital) should be able to request blood at an emergency situation,

user needs to define blood group, location, required date, contact. The order requested will
be sent to the blood bank and then to the Inventory to check the availability. If available, the
requested blood will be sent to the requested donor(Hospital).

7. View Request: The Blood Bank should be able to view received request and then respond
to them and can search requests by selecting two options select blood group and provision.

8. Search Blood Bank Stock: Receiving the order from Hospital , the blood stock in the
Blood Bank Inventory will be searched to match the requested order. Thus matched blood
units will be sent to the Hospital
9. View Order Details: The Hospital Blood Bank should be able to view the OrderId, time of
the order placed, name of the hospital, location and the address of the hospital. In
addition to this an additional feature of tracking the delivery person which includes his
location and the checkpoints passed.

3.2.2 Non-functional Requirements

1. Availability : The system including the offline and online components should be available

2. Reliability: If there is extensive damage to a wide portion of the database due to

catastrophic failure, such as a disk crash, the recovery method restores a past copy of the
database that was backed up to archival storage (typically tape) and reconstructs a more
current state by reapplying or redoing the operations of committed transactions from the
backed up log, up to the time of failure.

3. Security: Security systems need database storage just like many other applications.
However, the special requirements of the security market mean that vendors must choose
their database partner carefully.

4. Correctness: The Blood Unit sent by the Blood Bank should be matched with the
requested Blood Unit by the Hospital, which should reach the correct destination(Requested

5. Maintainability: The Blood Inventory Manager should maintain correct records of the
Blood Inventory Stock.

6. Usability: The cost of the Blood Units are standardized.

7. Extensibility: Requirements for website extensibility in case there

is a need to add new functional requirements.

Detailed Life Cycle of the Project:

In this data flow diagram, you will see the general process done in Blood Bank Management
System monitoring. This will also serve as a guide as you go through the deeper processes
of the Blood Bank Management System data flow diagrams.
As you see, when you build the levels of data flow diagrams, the connections of the
transactions and data also broadens and gets more specific.

The Blood Bank Management System DFD level 0 is also known as context diagram. It's
supposed to be an abstract view, with the mechanism represented as a single process with
external parties. This DFD for the Blood Bank Management System depicts the overall
structure as a single bubble. It comes with incoming/outgoing indicators showing input and
output data.

Fig 3.1: Level 0 DFD diagram

DFD level 1 it goes one step deeper into parts of level 0 of Blood Bank. It . It
shows the system is divided into subsystems(processes) like
information,transaction,recipients information
Fig 3.1: Level 1 DFD diagram

DFD level 2 then goes one step deeper into parts of level 1 of Blood Bank. It
may require more functionalities of Blood Bank. It shows the system is divided into
Fig 3.3: Level 2 DFD Diagram
⮚ ER Diagram

This ER Diagram represents the blood Bank Management Sytems Entity. The
system shows the relationship between the person ,admin,donation,receive and
⮚ Class Diagram
⮚ Use Case Diagram
⮚ Sequence Diagram

4.1 Unit Testing

Unit testing is an essential practice in software development that verifies the behaviour and
performance of individual components or units of an application. By testing units in
isolation, developers can detect defects early, reducing the cost and effort required for
debugging later on. It ensures the units work as intended, producing expected outputs and
handling various scenarios correctly. Unit testing also promotes modularity and code
reusability, allowing easy replacement or modification of units without affecting others. This
improves software maintenance and enhancements. Automated frameworks and tools are
commonly used to facilitate unit testing, enabling developers to run test cases, generate
reports, and track code coverage. Overall, unit testing plays a crucial role in ensuring the
quality, reliability, and maintainability of software systems.

4.2 Integration Testing

Integration testing is a vital stage in software testing, occurring after unit testing, specifically
in the context of a university management system. It focuses on evaluating the functionality
of integrated components as a cohesive unit. The main objective is to uncover any defects or
issues that may arise during the interaction between these integrated components, such as
data inconsistencies, interface mismatches, or communication errors. By conducting
integration testing, software testers ensure that the components work together seamlessly and
produce the desired outcomes.This testing level is crucial in the blood bank management
system to validate the smooth flow of information and operations across various modules,
enhancing reliability and functionality for admin, user, and recipients.
⮚ Screenshot of the portal
5.1 Preface
The final stage of a project is the result part, which is used as a confirmation of the
system's efficiency. The results and discussions section provides a deeper
understanding of the project, assessing whether it produces the desired output. This
stage is crucial as it provides developers with conclusive evidence that the project is
running successfully and generating the expected outputs.

Our platform includes a convenient way so that a user can create an account, to
store data, we have utilized PHP , ensuring efficient and secure data management.
As a final touch, we provide screenshots of our website, showcasing its user-friendly
interface and readiness for immediate use.
These results and discussions not only serve as a confirmation of the project's
success but also provide valuable insights for future improvements. With a fully
functional and reliable system in place, our blood bank management system website
offers a comprehensive solution for the users.


Today's world is becoming a global village where everything is online. Also there are so
many web based solutions provided in the market for the comfort of the people but without
blood humans are non - living.

Just by providing the web solution of blood bank management system and by adding some
feature to it is just one step in order to serve the mankind and also our website presents an
alert system to the donor about requirement of their blood to a person in need and also
provides online status of blood group wise availability of blood units in all the blood banks.

Future scope

The proposed system is the Blood Bank System. We can enhance this system by including
more facilities like emergency SMS for donors which are ready for donating blood as well
as embedding with hospitals, for Hospital patients facility those who need blood they can
find easily.

In view of the findings, the researchers recommend the implementation of an online blood
bank management system. Further, the researchers recommend that further studies on how
online blood bank management systems enhance blood transfusion safety can be
undertaken to strengthen this study’s findings. This requires actual implementation of the
online system and evaluates how the users respond after implementation. This study
recommends that it should be rolled out across the Sultanate of Oman. Likewise, to ensure
that there will be better user engagement, user manuals and proper user training should be
given. Lastly, this study recommends that the system can be expanded by allowing donors
to register online and be a system user, and these donors will be informed about the
planned blood donation activities through the online system.


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● Summing A, Konerding U, Hron G, Lubenow N, Alpen U, Hoffmann W, Greinacher A.
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sectional study in West Pomerania. Transfus Med. 2017;27(6):413–20.
● Greinacher A, Weitmann K, Lebsa A, Alpen U, Gloger D, Stangenberg W, Kiefel V,
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