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Postextubation Dysphagia in Children: The Role of

Speech-Language Pathologists*
Paulo Sergio Lucas da Silva, MD, MSc1; Nádia Lais Lobrigate, CCC-SLP2;
Marcelo Cunio Machado Fonseca, MD, PhD3

Objectives: Postextubation dysphagia is common and associated of hospital stay (25 vs 20 d) and a higher rate of reintubation when
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with worse outcomes in the PICU. Although there has been an compared with those patients of intervention group (10% vs 2%).
increased participation of speech-language pathologists in its Conclusions: Incorporating speech-language pathologists in the
treatment, there is limited evidence to support speech-language routine management of postextubation dysphagia can result in
pathologists as core PICU team member. We aimed to assess faster functional improvement and favorable patient outcomes.
the impact of speech-language pathologists interventions on the Yet, further and larger studies in pediatric dysphagia are required
treatment of postextubation dysphagia. to support the related interventions and strategies to guide clinical
Design: A quasi-experimental prospective study. In the histori- practice. (Pediatr Crit Care Med 2018; 19:e538–e546)
cal group (controls), patients received a standard care manage- Key Words: children; dysphagia; endotracheal intubation; pediatric
ment for dysphagia whereas the intervention group was routinely intensive care unit; speech-language pathology; swallowing
treated by speech-language pathologists.
Setting: PICU of a tertiary hospital.
Patients: Children who were endotracheally intubated for a period

greater than 24 hours with greater oral intake limitation as defined aryngeal injury and alterations in laryngeal sensation
by a Functional Oral Intake Scale less than or equal to 3. frequently occur following oral endotracheal intuba-
Intervention: Routine speech-language pathologist assessment. tion and may result in impaired swallowing (1). A
Measurements and Main Results: A total of 74 patients were recent study (2) reported that, even after fewer than 48 hours
enrolled to receive intervention (January 2015 to December 2016) of intubation, 84% of adult patients had at least mild dyspha-
and 41 patients to the historical group (January 2014 to December gia, which is defined as the inability to effectively transfer food
2014). There were no differences in the demographic and clinical from the mouth into the stomach. This occurrence rate may be
characteristics. The historical group had both longer time to initi- even higher in children due to anatomical differences in the size
ate oral intake (7 vs 4 d; p = 0.0002; hazard ratio, 2.33) and to and physical relation of the oral structures. These differences
reach full oral intake compared with intervention group (9 vs 13 d; may put children at higher risk for developing dysphagia (3).
p < 0.001; hazard ratio, 2.51). A total of 32 controls (78%) and 74 A swallowing disorder following prolonged intubation (>
intervention patients (100%) were on total oral intake at discharge 48 hr) delays oral myofunctional/swallowing assessments, nor-
(p ≤ 0.001). Three of nine control patients were feeding tube mal oral feeding, and ensuing hospital discharge (4). Hence,
dependent at hospital discharge. Also, controls had a longer length persistent dysphagia after extubation is associated with an
increased risk of hospital-associated pneumonia, weaning fail-
*See also p. 1011.
ure, a longer ICU stay, a higher rate of reintubation, higher
Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, Department of Pediatrics, Hospital Estad-
ual de Diadema, São Paulo, Brazil.
hospital costs, and higher rates of mortality (5–7). Despite the
Division of Speech and Language Pathology of Hospital Estadual de
association of dysphagia with poorer outcomes, there are no
Diadema, São Paulo, Brazil. guidelines about postextubation swallowing assessments (8).
Health Technology Assessment Unit, Federal University of São Paulo In the United States (9), United Kingdom (10), and Canada
(UNIFESP), São Paulo, Brazil. (11), dysphagia management is recognized to be a primary
This work was performed in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, Hospital responsibility of speech-language pathologists (SLPs) in con-
Estadual de Diadema, São Paulo, Brazil.
junction with other critical care practitioners. But the num-
The authors have disclosed that they do not have any potential conflicts
of interest. ber of SLPs adequately trained in dysphagia assessment and
For information regarding this article, E-mail: management is relatively limited in the United States as well as
Copyright © 2018 by the Society of Critical Care Medicine and the World in other countries (12). It is also remarkable that other stud-
Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies ies have shown that only 41% of hospitals routinely evaluate
DOI: 10.1097/PCC.0000000000001688 dysphagia in extubated patients (13) and that only 44% of

e538 October 2018 • Volume 19 • Number 10

Copyright © 2018 by the Society of Critical Care Medicine and the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies.
Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited
Online Clinical Investigations

patients receive a swallowing assessment (8). Likewise, prior duration of PICU stay, duration of hospital stay, the need for
to this study, patients in our PICU were not routinely assessed reintubation, postextubation pneumonia, and PICU mortal-
by SLPs for swallowing disorders. There is accordingly room ity. The presence of postextubation pneumonia was defined
to improve screening and management of postextubation according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
dysphagia. and the National Healthcare Safety Network (21).
Therefore, we performed this study to evaluate the impact For hospital length of stay, we recorded both the total num-
of SLP intervention on dysphagia in postextubation care out- ber of hospital days as well as the duration in the hospital after
comes. We focused specifically on the time to achieve full oral the initial bedside swallowing evaluation (BSE). Only the first
intake. We also aimed to determine the fraction of postextuba- extubation for each patient during the study period was ana-
tion patients who were dependent on tube feeding following a lyzed because reintubation was one of the analyzed outcomes.
period of mechanical ventilation. In the standard care group, the primary investigator
(P.S.L.S.) retrospectively assessed dysphagia using the FOIS
METHODS (17), based on medical records of food intake and the need
This quasi-experimental prospective study, which included a for nutritional supplementation. In the intervention group,
postintervention group and a historical comparison group, was the SLP (N.L.L.) applied the same scale during each patient’s
conducted in an 8-bed PICU of a tertiary hospital from Janu- assessment. The oral intake was registered on a daily basis, and
ary 2014 through December 2016. The Institutional Review the FOIS was applied at the initial assessment (within 24 hr of
Board approved the study, and written informed consent was extubation) and upon hospital discharge.
obtained from the parents or the legal guardian(s) of all of the
eligible patients. Standard Care—Historical Control Group
The patients were eligible to participate in the study if they Within this study period, pediatric intensivists and nurses with
satisfied all of the following criteria: a period of endotracheal at least 2 years of intensive care nursing experience screened
intubation lasting for greater than 24 hours, a diet received via and managed patients for dysphagia using a standard protocol
a feeding tube, an age between 1 month and 15 years, and a comprising clinical evaluation of prefeeding skills, assessment
Glasgow Coma Scale score greater than or equal to 14 points. and promotion of readiness for oral feeding, and appraisal of
We included patients who received shorter (< 48 hr) dura- breast/bottle and solid-feeding ability according to patient age.
tions of mechanical ventilation because previous authors have This approach also included swallowing-compensation strate-
suggested that even short-term endotracheal intubation may gies, mainly environmental modifications (e.g., maintenance
result in swallowing dysfunction (14, 15). The inclusion cri- of optimal position and posture during feeding sessions), cau-
teria also included those children with limited oral intake as tious oral intake trialed in a stepwise manner and advanced
defined by a Functional Oral Intake Scale (FOIS) score less based upon feeding performance and absence of symptoms,
than or equal to 3 (16–18). This cutoff level is deemed to reflect safe swallowing advice (e.g., reduced rate of eating), and dietary
a clinically significant reduction or alteration in oral intake and modification undertaken only if prescribed by the attending
includes those patients who are either fully or partly dependent physician. At the discretion of the treating physician, patients
on a feeding tube (18). Patients were excluded if 1) they had a were referred to the hospital SLP who was available one to two
tracheostomy tube in place, 2) they had an existing or comor- times per week for formal swallowing assessment and manage-
bid neurologic disease, 3) they had a history of oropharyngeal ment. In practice, this fact meant that these patients did not
dysphagia, or 4) they had undergone head or neck surgical have the opportunity to be routinely managed by a SLP during
procedures. their hospitalization. Due to our limited healthcare resources,
only one SLP was available to provide evaluation and interven-
Data Collection tion for the entire inpatient population during this period.
Two groups were compared in this study. The historical control
group comprised all consecutive children who were intubated Intervention Group—Swallowing Therapy
from January 1, 2014, through December 31, 2014, prior to During this period, a certified SLP was allocated to specifically
the implementation of the intervention (standard care group). attend the neonatal ICU and PICU. This SLP performed swal-
The second group included all patients who were intubated lowing assessments and treatment for all children after extuba-
from January 1, 2015, through December 31, 2016, after the tion in the PICU. In brief, the SLP conducted a full BSE within
implementation of the intervention (intervention group). The 24 hours of extubation. Typically, treatment focused on dietary
primary investigator and the SLP were kept blinded from one adjustment (solid food texture modifications/liquid thickness
another’s results during the study. modifications), postural changes and compensatory maneuvers
The demographic and clinical variables that we collected (chin-down posture, small sips/small amounts, multiple swal-
included age, gender, weight, PICU admission diagnosis, lows, clearing cough, effortful swallow, Mendhelson maneuver,
and the severity of illness at PICU admission as measured by head turn to one side, supraglottic swallow), and interventions
Pediatric Risk of Mortality II (19) and the Pediatric Logistic to improve swallowing function (Masako maneuver). Patients
Organ Dysfunction (20) scores. The secondary outcome mea- with abnormal BSE in this group received a daily session of 30–
sures were as follows: duration of mechanical ventilation, 45 minutes of individual swallowing treatment until dysphagia

Pediatric Critical Care Medicine e539

Copyright © 2018 by the Society of Critical Care Medicine and the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies.
Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited
da Silva et al

resolution or hospital discharge. For those children with nor- Statistical Analysis
mal BSE, their diet was advanced according to the physician’s We defined as being of 3 days the minimum clinically signifi-
orders, and they received fewer follow-up visits from the SLP. cant difference between the two groups in time to have a com-
For patients receiving noninvasive ventilation, the SLP per- plete oral intake. Assuming a one-tailed alpha of 0.05, beta of
formed a thorough clinical assessment. If appropriate, oral 0.20 (statistical power = 80%), and based on a mean of 4.6
rehabilitation was started. Oral feeding was only initiated if days to wean-off feeding tubes in our PICU (preintervention
patients were not receiving ventilatory support and after evalu- period), with a sd of 3.9 days, 28 patients per group would be
ations by the SLP and clinicians. needed detect to this difference.
Descriptive statistics were performed for all variables.
Swallowing Measurement Tool Continuous variables were reported as medians with inter-
Feeding functionality level was assessed using the pediatric FOIS, quartile ranges (IQRs). Comparisons between control and
which was adapted by Dodrill (17) from the tool for adults (Fig. 1). intervention groups were based on the Mann-Whitney U test
The adult FOIS (16) is a seven-point ordinal scale in which lower for continuous variables and the chi-square test for categorical
scores indicate greater food and liquid intake limitations. In the variables or Fisher exact test if one expected that the cell value
pediatric FOIS, patients are scored between 1 (minimum) and 6 would be less than five (categorical variables). Kaplan-Meier
(maximum). FOIS scores of 1 through 3 indicate varying degrees curve analysis was used to assess the time to initiate oral intake
of nonoral feeding; scores of 4 through 6 indicate varying degrees and the time to reach full oral intake; log-rank tests were used
of oral feeding according to patient compensations and dietary to determine if there were differences between the groups. All
modifications. The FOIS levels were rated, in both groups, at base- of the statistical tests were two tailed, and a p value less than
line (within 24 hr of extubation) and at discharge. In historical 0.05 was considered to be statistically significant. The data
group, the primary investigator (P.S.L.S.) retrospectively assessed were analyzed using the Statistical Program for Social Sciences
dysphagia also using the FOIS (17) based on medical records of (Chicago, IL), Version 14.0 software.
food intake and the need for nutritional supplementation. In the
intervention group, the SLP applied the same scale. For analysis RESULTS
purposes, as noted above, patients presenting a FOIS score of 3 or During the 3-year study period, 449 patients required endotra-
less were included in the analysis. cheal intubation (Fig. 2).
Of these individuals, 115 had a FOIS score less than or equal
Endpoints to 3 following invasive mechanical ventilation for more than
The primary efficacy endpoint was the time to be completely 24 hours (41 in the historical control group and 74 in the inter-
weaned off tube feeding (i.e., receiving oral feeding only). The vention group). The baseline characteristics of the cohorts are
secondary efficacy endpoint was the proportion of patients summarized in Table 1. There were no significant differences in
receiving oral feeding at hospital discharge. Additional second- the demographic characteristics, admission diagnosis, Severity
ary endpoints included the length of the PICU stay and the of Illness Scores, or time of intubation between the two groups.
overall length of the hospital stay. No patient received an instrumental swallowing assessment
(i.e., modified barium swallow
or fiber-optic evaluation of
Although all of the patients
in the intervention group
received SLP treatment, 14 out
of 41 (34%) were assessed by
a SLP (p < 0.001) in the his-
torical group. The number of
swallowing therapy sessions
for patients in the intervention
group was significantly higher
than in the historical group
(10 [IQR, 8–11] vs 4.5 [IQR,
4–6] sessions; p < 0.001).
The clinical signs of dys-
phagia in patients from both
groups with a BSE performed
by the SLP (n = 88) included
the following: difficulty man-
aging secretions/drooling (n =
Figure 1. Functional Oral Intake Scale (suckle feeds and transitional feeds).
43), a respiratory rate increase

e540 October 2018 • Volume 19 • Number 10

Copyright © 2018 by the Society of Critical Care Medicine and the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies.
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Online Clinical Investigations

Figure 2. Study flow chart. FOIS = Functional Oral Intake Scale.

of 20% above baseline (n = 13), oxygen desaturations less than attain full oral intake was 13 days (IQR, 8–11 d) in the control
90% (n = 12), uncoordinated suck-swallow-breath (n = 9), loss group versus 9 days (IQR, 8–11 d) in the intervention group
of food/liquid from the mouth when eating (n = 5), disengage- (p < 0.001).
ment cues, which included facial grimacing and head turning The Kaplan-Meier curves demonstrate that both time to
away from food source (n = 4), and long feeding times (n = 2). initiate oral intake (hazard ratio, 2.33; 95% CI, 1.59–3.41)
All of the desaturation events resulted in self-recovery upon (Fig. 3) and the time to reach total oral intake (hazard ratio,
discontinuation of the feeding attempt. There were no adverse 2.51; 95% CI, 1.72–3.68) (Fig. 4) were significantly shorter in
events associated with SLP therapy such as choking, cardiovas- the intervention group compared with the historical controls.
cular compromise, escalation of respiratory support, or weight At discharge, 32 control (78%) and 74 intervention patients
loss that required medical intervention. In addition, there were (100%) were receiving total oral intake (p < 0.001).
no clinical or radiographic signs of aspiration in either group. Nine children in the historical group were dependent on a
Of the 88 SLP assessments, treatments for postextubation dys- feeding tube upon hospital discharge, three of them with a gas-
phagia comprised one or more therapies including dietary texture trostomy in place (Table 2). These children had a median age
modification (n = 36), postural change maneuvers (n = 41), and of 11 months (IQR, 2–96 mo) and a median intubation time of
therapeutic exercises (n = 32). There was no statistically signifi- 10 days (IQR, 5–11.5 d). Among these nine patients, the admis-
cant difference among the therapies performed in the two groups. sion diagnoses included respiratory diseases (n = 6), sepsis (n
The groups exhibited similar initial FOIS scores, which = 2), and congenital cardiac disease (n = 1). We identified that
significantly improved from baseline (post extubation) to dis- three of these patients had underlying comorbidities: broncho-
charge in both the control and intervention groups (median pulmonary dysplasia (n = 2) and Down syndrome (n = 1).
3 [IQR, 2–3] vs 6 [IQR, 4.5–6]; p < 0.001 and 2 [IQR, 1.75–3] The secondary efficacy endpoints revealed that the patients
vs 6 [IQR, 5–6]; p < 0.001, respectively), but the median score in the historical control group had a longer length of hospital
change was higher in the intervention group (3.5 [IQR, 3–4] vs stay (p = 0.03) and a higher rate of reintubation (p = 0.001)
2.5 [IQR, 2–3]; p < 0.001). Furthermore, the median time to compared with patients in the intervention group.

Pediatric Critical Care Medicine e541

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da Silva et al

TABLE 1. Demographics and Clinical Characteristics

All Patients, Standard Care Intervention Group,
Variables n = 115 Group, n = 41 n = 74 p

Age, mo, median (25–75th percentile) 3 (2–9) 3 (2–11) 3 (2–7) 0.675a

Sex, male, n (%) 76 (66) 27 (65.8) 49 (66.2) 0.969b
Weight, kg, median (25–75th percentile) 5.1 (3.8–8.0) 5 (2.9–10) 6 (4.1–8.0) 0.181a
Pediatric Risk of Mortality, median (25–75th percentile) 12 (9–17) 12 (11–17) 12 (8.75–16.25) 0.086a
Pediatric Logistic Organ Dysfunction, median (25–75th 1 (1–2) 1 (1–7) 1 (1–2) 0.091a
Admission diagnosis, n (%) 0.235b
Respiratory 84 (73) 32 (78) 52 (70.2)
Sepsis 17 (14.7) 6 (14.6) 11 (14.8)
Post surgery 7 (6.1) 3 (7.3) 4 (5.4)
Others 7 (6.1) 0 (0) 7 (9.4)
Prior intubation duration, d, median (25–75th percentile) 7 (5–10) 8 (5–11) 6.5 (4.75–9.25) 0.404a
Prior use of vasopressors, n (%) 20 (17.4) 8 (19.5) 12 (16.2) 0.661b
Prior use of neuromuscular blockade, n (%) 30 (26) 12 (29.2) 18 (24.3) 0.569b
Prior use of benzodiazepine/opioids, n (%) 113 (98.2) 41 (100) 72 (97.2) 0.152b
Initial FOIS score, median (25–75th percentile) 3 (2–3) 3 (2–3) 2 (1.75–3) 0.172a
FOIS score at hospital discharge, median (25–75th percentile) 6 (5–6) 6 (4.5–6) 6 (5–6) 0.999a
FOIS score at hospital discharge, categories, n (%) < 0.0001b
1–3 9 (7.8) 9 (21.9) 0 (0)
4–5 29 (25.2) 2 (4.8) 27 (36.4)
6 77 (66.9) 30 (73.1) 47 (63.5)
Feeding status at hospital discharge (FOIS score), n (%) 0.0001b
Total by mouth (4–6) 106 (92.1) 32 (78) 74 (100)
Limited/nothing by mouth (1–3) 9 (7.8) 9 (21.9) 0 (0)
FOIS = Functional Oral Intake Scale.

Chi-square test.

DISCUSSION (extubation in the operating room) to 17 days (mean, 2.5 d),

This study was designed to analyze the impact of a SLP service dysphagia was diagnosed in nine patients (18%) (23). In our
dedicated to the prevention, early detection, and management study, we found that 115 out of 305 patients (37.7%) receiving
of patients with postextubation dysphagia. Our primary find- mechanical ventilation for a period of at least 24 hours were
ings were that children with impaired functional oral intake dependent on a feeding tube (FOIS ≤ 3) at the first assessment.
(FOIS ≤ 3) had a shorter time to initiate and to reach total The resumption of oral feeding is an important milestone
oral intake when they received routine swallowing therapy in a patient’s recovery after a critical illness. The presence of
compared with standard care. Furthermore, patients in the dysphagia is the most important determinant of delayed return
intervention group demonstrated significant improvements in to oral intake and more than doubles the hazard for deferred
functional oral intake, a shorter length of hospital stay, and a resumption of normal oral feeding (6).
lower rate of reintubation. The significance and duration of dysphagia in survivors of
A systematic review of dysphagia following endotracheal critical illness are relatively unknown. In ICU patients with
intubation in adults revealed a rate of dysphagia ranging from dysphagia, the overall mean interval from extubation to total
44% to 62% (22). In PICU patients, this frequency is still oral intake ranges from 3 to 4.5 days (2, 6, 24, 25). However, for
unclear. In 50 pediatric patients who underwent open-heart those patients diagnosed with moderate/severe dysphagia and
operations with a length of intubation time ranging from 0 treated by a SLP, the mean recovery time to resume oral feeding

e542 October 2018 • Volume 19 • Number 10

Copyright © 2018 by the Society of Critical Care Medicine and the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies.
Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited
Online Clinical Investigations

extubation exhibited persistent

swallowing abnormalities at
the time of hospital discharge
(2). It appears that the under-
lying mechanism of dysphagia
is the strongest determinant of
the duration of the dysfunc-
tion. Therefore, mild laryngeal
sensory abnormalities second-
ary to local edema may have a
rapid resolution, and laryngeal
neuromuscular dysfunction
or more significant damage
to laryngeal tissues may per-
sist over the longer term and
adversely influence quality of
life (13). In the present study,
although all of the patients
receiving swallowing therapy
recovered to unrestricted
dieting upon discharge, nine
patients (22%) in the standard
care group remained at a lower
Figure 3. Kaplan-Meier curve showing the time to initiate oral intake for both historical control and intervention level of oral intake. We hypoth-
groups. Data has been censored for patients who were tube feeding dependent at discharge.
esize that this situation likely
occurred because, in reality, the
children in the standard care
group were not continuously
and appropriately managed by
a SLP. It is most likely that there
was no improvement over time
in the patients’ oral functioning
(postural tone or tone in the
face, mouth, or throat), imply-
ing that swallowing and intake
therapeutics are clinical priori-
ties. However, we should high-
light that three of these nine
patients had comorbidities
that could potentially be asso-
ciated with delayed swallow-
ing recovery. Thus, although
bronchopulmonary dysplasia
has been reported to be factor
associated with the delay of
attainment of full oral feeding
in two patients (26), neuromo-
tor coordination impairments
such as those associated with
Figure 4. Kaplan-Meier curve showing the time to reach total oral intake for both historical control and Down syndrome can interfere
intervention groups. Data has been censored for patients who were tube feeding dependent at discharge.
with the acquisition of effec-
tive oral-motor skills and lead
ranges between 7 days (2) and greater than 10 days (6); mild to feeding difficulties (27). Again, the intervention of a SLP may
dysphagia resolves faster (mean, 3 d) (2). be critical for oral rehabilitation in these patients.
In a retrospective cohort study, the authors found that An important finding of our study was the shorter time to
35% of patients with swallowing dysfunction at the time of initiate oral intake and to recover total oral intake when patients

Pediatric Critical Care Medicine e543

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da Silva et al

TABLE 2. Outcomes of Standard Care Compared to Routine Speech-Language Pathologist

All Patients, Standard Care Intervention
Variables n = 115 Group, n = 41 Group, n = 74 p

Time elapsed from extubation to initiate oral intake, d, median 5 (3–7) 7 (4–10) 4 (3–5) 0.002a
(25–75th percentile)
Time to reach total oral intake, d, median (25–75th percentile) 10 (8–13) 13 (10–16) 9 (8–11) < 0.0001a
Enteral feeding at hospital discharge, n (%) 9 (7.8) 9 (21.9) 0 (0) 0.000b
Pneumonia postextubation, n (%) 5 (4.3) 2 (4.9) 3 (4.1) 1.00b
Length of PICU stay, d, median (25–75th percentile) 12 (8–18) 12 (8–22) 11.5 (8–16) 0.296a
Length of hospital stay, d, median (25–75th percentile) 20 (18–27) 25 (19.25–30.5) 20 (16.25–25) 0.036a
Reintubation, n (%) 12 (10.4) 10 (24.3) 2 (2.7) 0.001b

Fisher exact test.


were routinely managed by SLPs. Although it appears intuitive patients with moderate to severe neurologic impairments
that there should be an improvement in functional oral intake because these patients, in critical care settings, have higher risk
with SLP intervention, there is paucity of high-quality evi- for swallowing disorders and aspiration than nonneurologic
dence to support the involvement of SLPs in the management populations (30–32). Even so, our study did not include any
of swallowing disorders in pediatric settings (28). It is plausible confirmatory fluoroscopic imaging or fiber-optic endoscopic
to suggest that nonoral feeding may delay hospital discharge evaluation to document silent or subclinical aspiration. The
because more time is required for the transition to oral feeding very small number of patients with nosocomial pneumonia in
or to train caregivers to administer nutrition nonorally. this study made it difficult to discern a statistically significant
Furthermore, severe postextubation dysphagia has been difference between the periods of study. In addition, this study
significantly associated not only with prolonged hospital stays was not powered to detect the impact of SLP intervention on
but also with other poor patient outcomes such as pneumonia, the occurrence rate of nosocomial pneumonia.
reintubation, inhospital mortality, discharge status, and surgi- Importantly, the FOIS used in the current study measures
cal placement of feeding tubes (2, 6). Remarkably, a previous changes in functional oral intake over time and evaluates the oral
study showed that trauma patients with postextubation dys- rehabilitation efficacy of the SLP intervention (33). In fact, the
phagia who were managed routinely by SLPs were discharged FOIS is not designed to determine swallowing impairment but
on a regular diet and exhibited a decreased rate of aspiration to complement the bedside evaluation of the deglutition disor-
pneumonia during their hospital stay (29). der, suggesting the feeding via as well as the need of deglutition
Similarly, a previous study showed that patients receiving compensating measure. Therefore, we should note that being
both low-intensity and high-intensity SLP treatment had a dependent on a feeding tube after extubation does not neces-
significant reduction in swallowing-related medical compli- sarily indicate a swallowing disorder. In fact, oral intake patterns
cations, chest infection, death, and nursing home admissions may be affected by other causes (e.g., an underlying condition,
compared with patients only receiving usual care (28). respiratory failure, a low consciousness level, a low cognitive level,
Interestingly, we did not identify patients with clinical signs or an increased need for fluidic and caloric support). Clinicians
of aspiration. There are several possible explanations for this may determine specific dietary levels based on perceptions of eat-
finding. On the one hand, the majority of the patients in the ing effectiveness and/or safety that cause patients to be classified
historical group did not receive a BSE or routine follow-up as feeding-tube dependent. Still, dysphagic patients may refuse
by speech therapists. Therefore, we can speculate that those liquids and foods because of taste, flavor, aesthetics, personal likes
patients considered to be tube feeding dependent (FOIS ≤ 3) and dislikes, or ease of swallowing (16).
might actually not have presented dysphagia and might have One could argue that if SLP intervention improves the time
consequently had less potential for aspiration. On the other to initiate the oral feeding, these professionals should be con-
hand, although all of the patients in the intervention group sulted for initial assessments but that continued sessions may
had dysphagia, routine evaluation from a SLP enabled the not be necessary. Small variations in food texture may have a
identification of patients at higher risk of aspiration (laryn- large impact on patient health. Therefore, each food’s texture
geal penetration). These patients could then receive careful should be rigorously identified and reproduced. For that rea-
management of dietary introduction and progression that son, although patients can initiate oral feeding with a single
made it possible to reduce the aspiration rate in this group. food consistency, they should be able to swallow multiple con-
Furthermore, we used stringent selection criteria to exclude sistencies. There is accordingly a difference between the time

e544 October 2018 • Volume 19 • Number 10

Copyright © 2018 by the Society of Critical Care Medicine and the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies.
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Online Clinical Investigations

to initiate oral feeding and the time required to attain full oral related to PICU care between retrospective and prospective
feeding. In this way, early SLP assessment and follow-up dur- arms of a study. Hence, changes in staff, protocols, equipment,
ing rehabilitation are crucial for the management of dysphagic and resources between the two periods may have impacted
patients. In our study, we found that the median time to attain the study outcomes. In our study, we found that both groups
oral full intake from the first oral feeding was 4 days longer for were similar. Therefore, the control group provides some con-
patients in the historical group compared with patients in the fidence that the changes occurring over time were not the
intervention group. result of natural temporal trends or unmeasured events that
We also found that patients receiving swallowing interven- occurred contemporaneously during the study. Finally, we did
tions had better outcomes such as decreased hospital stays, less not randomize the dysphagia rehabilitation to create a control
need for a feeding tube upon discharge and less need for rein- group. Quality improvement studies are typically conducted in
tubation than patients receiving standard care. From a clini- settings where random allocation to groups is not feasible for
cal perspective, our study demonstrated that receiving optimal ethical reasons or where the environmental conditions prevent
interdisciplinary care is an important component in quality experimental manipulation.
improvement programs. In conclusion, swallowing interventions for postextuba-
Currently, there is no consensus about the minimum staff- tion dysphagia performed by a SLP resulted in a shorter time
ing levels for SLPs in ICUs. It is acknowledged that this issue to achieve total oral intake compared with standard care.
needs to be addressed and requires both a benchmarking exer- Furthermore, our results showed that management routinely
cise to establish current speech and language therapy ICU ser- provided by a SLP service had a favorable impact on several
vices and the development of subsequent guidelines on best patient-centered outcomes such as the proportion of patients
practice staffing levels. Although the gap between the current with total oral intake at discharge, the time spent in hospital,
and desired service levels remains unclear, it is recognized and rate of reintubation. In order to guide clinical practice in
that local variations exist and are dependent upon available areas like feeding/swallowing assessments and related inter-
resources and skills, recognition of the role of speech and lan- ventions in critically ill children larger high-quality studies are
guage therapy, and the type of ICU (34). In settings where the still needed.
availability of SLPs is limited, the quality of care for patients
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Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited
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e546 October 2018 • Volume 19 • Number 10

Copyright © 2018 by the Society of Critical Care Medicine and the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies.
Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited

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