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Question One:

• The doctors tell stories about their patients

• Seamus leaves in a hurry
• Some patients have reported some ridiculous
• Seamus tells a joke

Question two:

The first source depicts how the doctors are always in a

hurry and barely have any free time to spend together.
But they make it look pleasurable because when they
spend time together, they tell jokes and laugh a lot. It
emphasises the need of assisting healthcare staff as
well. Source B describes the hospital as a centre of
healing and caring, where trained doctors strive
relentlessly to recover their patients through

Question three:

The writer uses descriptive language to describe the

operating theatre in source B. “Quietly the operating
theatre is overflowed from the top benches and the
spectator looks down upon a hollow cone of human
heads.” This shows how hectic and busy the theatre is.
The verb ‘overflowed’ suggests how overcrowding it
may be with an abundance of surgeons. The metaphor
‘the spectator looks down upon a hollow cone of
human heads’ depicts how concentrated on their
duties. This makes the reader understand how hard-
working doctors are to keep us well.

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