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Origin of Green Marketing * Green marketing and sales is a concept that has gained significant momentum in recent decades, revolving around the promotion and selling of products or services based on their environmental benefits + This marketing approach can encompass a wide range of activities, including modifying products, changing the production process, packaging changes, as well as modifying advertising + However, the core of green marketing is much more than just these surface-level changes; it's an ethos that influences all aspects of business, from the production line to the final product or service delivered to consumers Origin of Green Marketing + The term “green marketing" first came into prominence in the late 1980s and early 1990s + Ttemerged against a backdrop of growing public concern over environmental issues and the impact of human activities on the planet + This era saw an increase in environmental activism and a greater awareness of issues like pollution, waste management, and the depletion of natural resources BE} ere Principles of ; Green Marketing ‘Sustainability: This at the heart of green marketing. It involves developing products and processes that are not only environmentally frienaly but also sustainable in the long term. This means using resources in a way that does not deplete them and ensures thelr availabilty for future generations. Eco-friendly Production: Green marketing emphasizes the praduction process ‘a5 much as the product Itself, This Involves reducing carbon footprints, minimizing waste, using renewable energy, and adapting practices that reduce the overall environmental impact of production, Product Modifications: Products may be reformulated to reduce thelr environmental impact. This cauld include using biodegradable or recycled materials, reducing the use of harmful chemicals, and designing products for reuse or recycling. Packaging Innovations: Packaging in green marketing is often designed to be ‘minimal, recyclable, or biodegradable. The aim is to reduce waste and the use of non-renewable resources. ‘Transparent and Honest Marketing: Green marketing requires transparency. Claims made about a product or service's environmental benefits must be verifiable and honest to avoid accusations of "greenwashing” — a term used to describe misleading consumers about the environmental practices of a company or the enviconmental benefits of a pracuct or service Principles of Green Marketing Legal and Ethical Compliance: Green enterprises must adhere to all relevant environmental laws and regulations. Ethical considerations are also paramount, ensuring that marketing claims are not just legally compliant but also morally sound. Customer Education and Engagement: Green marketing often involves educating consumers about the environmental impacts of products and the benefits of choosing more sustainable options. It's also about engaging with customers on environmental issues, creating a sense of shared responsibility and community. Holistic Approach: True green marketing is not just about individual products but about shaping a company's entire approach and culture around sustainability. This means integrating green principles into all business operations, from supply chain management to employee practices. Een How to market and sell green products/services + Your marketing plan needs to be based on a solid understanding of the market. Once you know your market, you then need to develop a marketing plan based ‘on the 7 “P’s: Product, Price, Place, Promotion, People, Process, and Physical Evidence. + Consider the environmental dimension of these 7 "Ps when developing your marketing plan (for example, for “Price”, Whether you can charge a premium price based on your location and what is obtainable in the market). Marketing and Sales for Green Busin Een How to market and sell green products/services By doing your market research you will be able to identify the needs of potential customers and find out how your future competitors have been satisfying those needs. While carrying out the research, be sure to assess: + Whether your future customers want to buy a product/Service with green added value; and + Whether they are willing to pay a premium price for this product/service. You will then need to develop your marketing plan based on the 7 “P’s of marketing Marketing and Sales for Green Busin &Feer ok The 7 Ps of marketing AZ Product - the goods or services you are going to offer to. satisfy the customers’ needs. Price - how much you are going to charge your customers for your goods or services. Place - how and where you are going to reach your customers. Promotion - how you will inform customers about your goods or services and attract them to make a purchase. People - who will develop the unique characteristics of your business that differentiates. Process - the various mechanisms and procedures to get the product to your customers. Physical evidence - the overall appearance of your good, service or enterprise. Presi ce Exercise 1: Regarding your product/service, Place think of @s many as possible green elements for each of the 7 "P's and outline them in this table>>> Proton Paonia Proves Marketing and Sales for Green Businesses 10 The role of digital marketing in green business Digital marketing plays a transformative role in promoting green businesses, leveraging the power of online platforms to reach and engage audiences who are passionate about sustainability. Sifen The role of digital marketing in green business To effectively utilize digital marketing strategies, green businesses must consider some key aspects as below. Defining Your Target Audience Understanding your target audience is the foundation of any successful digital marketing campaign. + This involves identifying their interests, ‘demographics, and concerns related to environmental sustainability. + For a green business, this means creating content that appeals to eco-conscious consumers and highlighting how your products or services align with their values. Marketing and Sales for Green Businesses 2 Een The role of digital marketing in green business To effectively utilize digital marketing strategies, reen businesses must consider some Key a as below. oe” PehGesing the Right Social Media Platforms + Each social media platform caters to different audiences and serves different purposes + Select platforms that align with your target audience and business objectives + For instance, visually driven platforms like Instagram and TikTok are ideal for engaging a younger, eco-conscious audience, while Linkedin is better suited for connecting with professionals and decision-makers in the green industry Marketing and Sales for Green Businesses 3 The role of digital marketing in green business To effectively utilize digital marketing strategies, ‘green businesses must consider some key aspects as below. Creating Engaging and Shareable Content + Develop content that captures attention and prompts sharing srfa interaction. * Visual elements like images, infographics, a cma te ae taon social media. * Showcasing your green products ot initiatives through engaging formats like videos can increase engagement and spread your message to a Broader audience. “4 Marketing and Sales for Green Businesses efeen The role of digital marketing in green business ‘To effectively utilize digital marketing strategies, green businesses must consider some key aspects as on Utilizing Hashtags and Keywords + Hashtags and keywords increase the visibility of your content on social media platforms, connecting you with users interested in sustainability and green living + Use relevant hashtags such as #sustainability, #ecofriendly, and #greenliving to enhance discoverability and reach a more targeted audience 9 Marketing and Sales for Green Businesses efeen The role of digital marketing in green business ‘To effectively utilize digital marketing strategies, green businesses must consider some key aspects as on Utilizing Hashtags and Keywords + Hashtags and keywords increase the visibility of your content on social media platforms, connecting you with users interested in sustainability and green living + Use relevant hashtags such as #sustainability, #ecofriendly, and #greenliving to enhance discoverability and reach a more targeted audience 9 Marketing and Sales for Green Businesses The role of digital marketing in green business To effectively utilize digital marketing strategies, green businesses must consider some key aspects as below. Engaging and Interacting with Your Audience * Social media is a two.way communication channel that allows you to build felationships with your audience * “Actively responding to comments, mes BAe ee ed eae * Engaging in meaningful conversations about your product oF saices dermonstrmes Jour commitment to transparency and customer Secistacton Marketing and Sales for Green Businesses 16 efeen The role of digital marketing in green business To effectively utilize digital marketing strategies, green businesses must consider some key aspects “shiittaging Analytics & Feedback Utilize social media analytics to understand the performance of your content anc adjust your strategies accordingly + This data-driven approach helps refine your messaging and, targeting, + Gathering feedback from your audience can provide insights into their preferences and perceptions, allowing ‘you to tailor your offerings and communications more effectively Marketing and Sales for Green Businesses W The role of digital marketing in green business To effectively utilize digital marketing strategies, reen businesses must consider some key aspects, as below. Sustainable SEO Practices 4+ Implement sustainable SEO practices by optimizing ‘your website andl content with eco-friendly keywords ‘and topics “+ This enhances your online visibility to those searching for ‘green solutions: + Regularly update your content with relevant and valuable information about sustainability tends, ‘green technologies, and eco-friendly practices Marketing and Sales for Green Businesses 8 efen The role of digital marketing in green business To effectively utilize digital marketing strategies, green businesses must consider some key aspects as below. Collaborating with Influencers and Green Advocates Collaborate with influencers and advocates who share your commitment to sustainability + This can amplily your reach and lendl credibility to your brand Partnering for cause-driven campaigns or eco-friendly Initiatives can further strengthen your brand's presence in the green community, Marketing and Sales for Green Businesses Marketing Tactics for Green Businesses Focus On Key Environmental Issues + When marketing your sustainable business, the most impactful metrics to bring up are those explaining how your company is addressing the problems that are most pressing In your industry. + Take a renewable energy company for example. What vould be more relevant for them to advertise: The amount of internal food waste thay compast? Or how many tons of carhon emissions they avold thraugh thelr services? + The’avolded carbon emissions’ stance Is mare impactful and persuasive because it’s the very reason why one picks a renewable energy provider over 3 traditional utilities ‘company: Customers want to lower their fossil fuel ‘dependency and carbon footprint. Marketing and Sales for Green Businesses Een Marketing Tactics for Green Businesses Focus On Key Environmental Issues “+ Now ifthe hypothetical company was instead an eco-conscious restaurent, the composting” sell would probably work better in their advertising, Tis is because in the restaurant industry, food waste is a far more pressing environmental issue than carbon ‘emissions from operations alone, + Guiding the customer on whet spe af packaging wos used and wet they should do with he packaging at consumption tag's important: eg label he packaging is recycabe ois made from recyclable material £9 plastic bores canbe labeled reusable * Whie comparies should ini all facets of thei enironmenta Iinpace wien comes to aderusing, showcasing your eters t address sues spectic to Jour WndGuy wil hep You stand out gon your competitors Marketing and Sales for Green Businesses Marketing Tactics for Green Businesses Create A Page Dedicated To Sustainability On Your Website Impress online visitors by having an attractive, meaningful page dedicated to your sustainability mission and goals. Ifyou already have a ‘Corporate Social Responsibility’ page, then be sure to create a section exclusively for your sustainability efforts so visitors understand how you're limiting your environmental impact. Some main points on your sustainability page could be: ‘© Your company's green mission statement. © Your company's short- and long-term sustainability goals. ‘© Your company's sustainability accomplishments. Adding supporting Images enhances your achievements and gives users a better Understanding of your good work. © Partnerships and projects with other purpose-driven organizations. Marketing and Sales for Green Businesses Ze Marketing Tactics for Green Businesses Become Green Business Certified and Display It + The most credible way to show your commitment is by earning a sustainability or green business certification and showcasing it in your marketing + Most third-party sustainability certifications come with a verified “seal of approval” which can be incorporated into your website, ads, building, vehicles, and other marketing materials * Green Business Bureau's online, guided certification program, for instance, is perfect for businesses of all sizes and industries who want to target a variety of green initiatives, work at their own pace and avoid expensive consultant fees Marketing and Sales for Green Businesses 2 &Feer Marketing Tactics for Green Businesses Share your Sustainability Journey + It's easy for discussions around sustainability to be “doom- and-gloom” given the truth about climate change and how little companies are working to fix it + Sharing your unique sustainability journey reflects honesty and allows your stakeholders to get to know the real you + For tips on how to best tell your company’s sustainable story, check out Green Business Bureau's, "How To Tell Your Sustainability Story to the World and Earn the Benefits of Being a Green Business” BE sisen Marketing Tactics for Green Businesses Make Sustainability A Theme On Company Social Media Channels Sac media has become an integral part of business marketing over the last decade Globally, 53.6% ofthe worlds population uses social media andi that Inelude® people in developing nations where the Impacts of climate change hit the hardest. © Routinely post about your green achievernents, projects and goals. (© Share interesting articles and resources about topics relevant to your business and industry. © Adding your green mission statement and core values to your profile bo and link to your website's sustainability page. © Feature your green team or sustainability leader. © Update the progress your company is making toward its short- and long-term environmental goals © Use easy-to-read typography, images and other aesthetic features that relate to your Sustainability mission Marketing and Sales for Green Businesses Een Marketing Tactics for Green Businesses Show Customers The Impact They Make By Choosing Your Company + More consumers want to do business with sustainable, ethical companies which serves as a great leverage point for your business + An effective way to market your product or service to these customers is by showing them how much of a difference their purchase is making in concrete terms, + For Example: TenTree, whose products are made from sustainable fabrics, also includes metrics on how much waste, CO2 and water is saved through customers’ purchases. Marketing and Sales for Green Businesses 28 Bfden Marketing Tactics for Green Businesses Avoid Greenwashing in Your Marketing + While marketing your company’s sustainability is important for stating your purpose, growing sales and attracting the right customers and employees, be careful not to overstate the positive impact your company is having on the environment. + Greenwashing is when companies make misleading or unsupported claims about their eco-friendliness. It can also refer to companies that are being environmentally responsible in some aspects of their business but irresponsible in others, + For example, if company markets that they are working to reduce their carbon emissions while simultaneously polluting waterways in their production, this is greenwashing. Greenwashing can sometimes be easy to detect and those who are aware arentt afraid to call companies out for their false claims, often having a detrimental impact on a company’s reputation. ere green . F Marketing Tactics for Green Businesses Avoid Greenwashing in Your Marketing You can avoid greenwashing your marketing efforts by: © Working to make sustainability central to every aspect of your business operations, © Earning a third-party verified green business certification and displaying your certification seal on all marketing material. ©. Ensuring you have hard evidence to support all claims of your sustainability performance and making such data available to stakeholders. ©. Not offering products and services with “hidden tradeoffs" (Example: A product that is compostable but produces 4x more CO? in production than the alternative). ©. Ensuring your suppliers are also operating sustainably and ethically. © Working with other sustainable, reputable organizations. Practice Session: Developing Your Green Marketing Plan Een Welcome to the practice session on developing a green marketing plan! This is an integral aspect of your journey through the worid of green entrepreneurship. Objective: ‘This session fs designed ta enable you to create a sustainable marketing and communication plan that emphasizes the environmental ‘and social benefits of their products and intiatives Tools: ‘Your preferred spreadsheet program: MS Excel or Google Dac «Input Data: Row 1: Enter the titles for each column, ws 2 and Onwards; Filin each row according tothe specific details of your sustainable marketing strategy. Marketing and Sales for Green Businesses 20 Eféen "Step 1— Defining Your Focus Areas * The first step involves defining clear examples of your business focus areas + These could range from increasing customer awareness of sustainability initiatives to reducing carbon footprints or plastic waste. + It's important to be specific and detailed in this step to set measurable objectives for each area. green Step 2— Setting Objectives * The next step is to consider the objectives that could fall under each focus area. * Objectives should be specific goals to be achieved within each focus area. * For instance, under the focus area of communicating sustainability initiatives, objectives could include increasing customer awareness of sustainability and increasing brand trust. Marketing and Sales for Green Businesses 32 Eféen Step 3— Establish your KPIs + Key Performance Indices (KPIs) are used to measure the progress of your objectives. For example, for the objective of increasing customer awareness of sustainability initiatives, a KPI could be measuring the increase in customer engagement on Instagram. It's important to include an initial value, target value, and unit of measurement for each KPI. gteen a ~~ Step 4— Implement your Projects + The final step involves implementing projects to achieve the set KPIs. * Projects are specific actions taken to meet your objectives. + An example could be launching a social media campers on Instagram, for the ‘objective of communicating sustainability initiatives. Marketing and Sales for Green Businesses Additional Reading * “Everything You Need to Know About Green Marketing ” by Rebecca Riserbato * “Fostering green economies in Africa through green marketing strategies for environmental sustainability: An overview” by Brighton Nyagadza * “Sustainable Marketing Strategies as an Essential Tool of Business” by Sriram \V.P. Shouvik Sanyal, B. An Nguyen * The role of digital marketing, CSR policy and green marketing in brand development THE GREEN BUSINESS TRAINING Module 8 Marketing and Sales for Green Businesses The role of digital marketing in green business Digital marketing plays a transformative role in promoting green businesses, leveraging the power of online platforms to reach and engage audiences who are passionate about sustainability. Eféen What is Green Marketing? Green marketing (AKA Environmental Marketing or Ecological Marketing) refers to the practice of developing and advertising products based on their real or perceived environmental sustainability Itis one component of a broader movement toward socially and environmentally conscious business practices Examples of green marketing include advertising the reduced emissions associated with a product's manufacturing process, or the use of post-consumer recycled materials for a product's packaging Marketing and Sales for Green Business

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