Chemistry Form 2 CAT

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1.a) Distinguish between hygroscopy and efflorescence and precipitation.





b.) Using Lead (II) nitrate and Magnesium sulphate, demonstrate how you can produce Lead (II)
sulphate . ( Use balanced equations and indicate the states of the products and reactants)


c. From the above reaction in (b) write the ionic equation stating the spectator ions. (3 marks)


b.) write the word equations for the reaction between dilute hydrochloric acid and the

(i) magnesium oxide

(ii) calcium hydrogen carbonate

(ii) zinc metal

(iv) potassium hydroxide


11. The diagram on the next page shows a set up which was used by a student to investigate the
effect of electricity on molten Lead (II) Bromide.

a.) Explain the observation at the cathode

b.) Why does solid lead (II) Bromide not allow the passage of electricity

c.)Write equations to show the reactions taking place

i. At the cathode (1mrk)


ii. At the anode (1mrk)


15. Write a balanced equation for the decomposition of the following solids

a. PbCO3(s) HEAT

b. Na2CO3. 10H2O(s)HEAT
c. KNO3(s) HEAT


17.(a) List any three uses of salts`



4. Given lead (II) oxide, nitric acid, sodium carbonate and water. Explain briefly how you can
prepare lead (II) carbonate. Use chemical balanced equations. (4 marks)



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