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For today’s topic I decided to talk about suitcase.

I choose to talk about it

because this is an essential item for a seafarer but not only, also in everyone’s
life, unless you are travelling with low cost companies and you have to pay
extra money to bring it onboard.
According to the dictionary a suitcase is a case with a handle and a hinged lid,
used for carrying clothes and other personal possession.
Everything started in 12th Century to late 19th century when the term suitcase
was not known to the public. First was luggage before suitcase.
Suitcase - single unit/ rectangular form
Luggage - everything that you carry with you which can come in various forms.
Late 19th century it’s the beginning of the suitcase. The first model of suitcase
was invented by a British business man who wish to carry suits and hats
without wrinkling them.
Since the beginning, the luggage industry has evolved into what we know
today, from simple suitcases up to smart suitcases with GPS, power banks,
touch switches and other features included.
On the market in can be found in various sizes, colors and materials, with or
without wheels satisfying anyone’s needs. We can find from budget friendly up
to high end brands.
For instance, the most expensive “suitcase” it’s a customized trunk designed by
Louis Vuitton together with ex-cricket player Michael Clarke which cost
170.000 US Dollars. The 140 cm trunk includes special drawers and
compartments for cricket tools such as bats, helmets, gloves and even an iPod
Moving forward
In a seafarer life, suitcases are very important because apart of carrying our
clothes and belongings, they witness our emotions, from the anxiety before
joining to the happiness at the end of the contract.
I would like to conclude my speech with a quote that I like a lot and I feel it’s a
part of me: “I would gladly leave out of a suitcase if it meant I could see the

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