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conditionals = passive voice = 80% a paragraph ( by ….. )

0 PRST SPLE + PRSENT SPLE= facts, habits 1 rewrite exercise
1 if prst + will+ inft = real condition ( 100% achievable) - find the object = from the verb till the endeof stce it becomes
2 if past simple + would + inft= imaginary situation + wishful the subject of the sentence
thinking ( no negative vibes) - find out the tense of the main verb in the stce
3 if past perfect + would have + past part = pure regret(negative - add verb to be conjugated in the tense of the main verb in
vibes) ( past) the stce
M1 if past perfect + would + inft= i regret something + i wish for - conjugate the main verb in the past participle
different present/ past (past) - + by …….
M2 if +past simple, + would have + past part= wishful thinking + its 2 paragraph
result ( cause + effect) subject ( see if the subject is capable of doing the action (verb in
if yes = it is the active voice
if no = it is the passive voice
how to know the tense of to be in the passive = find 1 time
expression 2 a conjugated verb
modal verbs = 12 use reported speech =
ability can + inft past be able to be able to
possibility would could may might + inft would
certainty will / must could may
assumption should + inft might
deduction 100% yes must + inft 100% no cannot+ inft should
obligation must personal / have to authority must
advice should + inft not past have to
criticise should + have + past part need
necessity need + inft no past needn’t
lack of necessity needn’t + inft
offer + pro + can +would
request pro + would could may might
permission can +pro / +would you mind + ing

if past = modal verb + have + past part

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