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Receipt of House Rent

Received a sum of Rs._ 2_, ·_o_o_co-''/_--________ (Rupees T """"j

_ IL,,!,,,,;_~6:::_...L_S.,,,:_a.j
~ _on __~-'J---- - -- - - -- - - -- - towards the

rent for the month of

A p-r
ft '2. 2-- in respect of House No. 45
situated at _ Kl_e::,__::,_
tQ --=-
' -'--J,,_-C~ _c,.ru..
'_ f'\_(A_J~Or-JL_k
r~u ·


(Affix Revenue Stamp of Re.1/-)

r-"~-.. . 0 ,·.

. ,

: 1~ . , INDIA ;

I~ Q'VU- l~~ ;;J;__~'f,_ bn,~

, Signature of the House Owner

Date: 03/04/~0 Q2-.

Name, Address & PAN of the House Owner

4 S Ne !---aJL. G? ').:Scv'"lA 'a.A

~~ -76(50~ l,·rs 1- (-l©(

Receipt of House Rent

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (RupeesTw e~
_ o_/_-
Received a sum of Rs._Z_O_~_Oo

In..,._,.~ On~ towardsthe

rent forthe month of fv'\ Aj I '2. 'l.. in respect of House No. _ _ __

situated at Ne+~~ c.., IO(l) ~ 0'\6.1\0.UC,-.J h,1 Jc.fJ, -}:J


G~o\Jf\o' f t«n ·
(Affix Reven~~ ~tamp _of Re.1/-)

:l~tii~ i
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: i
~°'~ ,tt:''Ch~~l..r-}-
signature of the House Owner

Date: 0 S/D5 / 'J.o~'l.

Name, Address & PAN of the House Owner

'M....:ic.. C,,. 1w. b•)

'B-11,sfc }"6~-lo«>9G
13u L c:13S3 ~
Receipt of House Rent

Received a sum of Rs.~ ~- o..,,._O

__ __ ___ __ _ (Rupees L ~
Tro.., ._,,_,1- o~'t= towards the
rent for the month of ~L,,," 11... 2 in respect of House No. _ _ _ __
situated at Ne¼ i : G,( 6Y1 c1 .'I3 <;,.t ""'i) ~ /\ ,~ - 7'Zfil90
a/(~ <R~ j / > - 7 .

(Affix Revenue Stamp of Re.I/-)

t-·. .

IA :

~c ,r,\ :,_ ~~ bd")-H_

Signature of the Hous e Ownf r

Date: 0 fl / 0 6 / '2 0 I}. Q_

Name, Address & PAN of the House Owner

,<j 5 ['J e.;1'o Q,,,_, YL ~ . , . , I

f ·yst ~lvr ,, k61 -J70 009 0
'Bl) L'\)C 73c ;3 ~
Receipt of House Rent

Received a sum of Rs._1-

__ 0_1_o_o_6_/_,_ __ __ _ _ _ (Rupees _ __
i-;;;e/\j T1-ioWa.nJ. i'.211 ~ towards the

rent for the month of ~ j' "2 '2 in respect of House No. 45
situated at Ne t"' J, (6 (1 1~~ ~ kJ.-. _'fo
C Cn-r~"4_ F{d>l')

(Affix Revenue Stamp ofRe.1/-)

1-·. - •
-. ',

., MO\~~~,~~~~ ~b~y'}-
. Signature of the House Owner

Date: 05 /01/ 20 IJ.1-

N_ame, Address & PAN of the House Owner

'JV/a/>i~ . Chc.btab~tJ
45 Net-OJi Co l<lYl~
<13 OJ\l>.i\C1'g0\l1 £61 kc.f:: cx:,o~

~UL-PC 7353~

Receipt of House Rent

Received a sum of Rs._2~ 0_ ,_o_ U

_ c)_ __ _ _ _ __ _ (Rupees _ _ _

,. 1-u.l ertj Th d..Ah ~,ul <2n ~ towards the

rent for the month of Au. ft ~\- in respect of House No. _ _ _ __

situated at ¢'.( e. t,,.~ i Uk-,0--' {3Q..f-1:a._ ""-fJ <1.rC

J<:o1 ~~ - 7 CJDOjO .

(Affix Revenr,.e Stanm of_Re.l/-)

. I
: l!Rll t

Me>._'l'\.l1~~;.r~~~ bt,1,-
Signature of the House Owner

D_a te: 07 /l)?S / t'),. B 2. '2..

Name, Address & PAN of the House Owner

4S NeWi {o bjJ13~0Ji-
ko1Kah;._-7000Jo {ut- (~ J
'BUL~C 73S3t;;b
Receipt of House Rent

o_0_c_ __ _ _ _ _ ___ (Rupees _ _ _

Received a sum of Rs.--=-1_ 0=-

1__\{--=--Q-..f\ 1--1----t---=_lc..!hotu --=--____..d"-'"'---~-t--- - -- - - - --

. . ~_au( towards the

rent for the month of ~e~g;;;: 4':;;i

in respect of House No.

N'e. ~ ~ (p ~;;, :J &n_"'f}°1~ J ktU-o-t-o~


situated at \

J 01)~_5()
(Affix Revenue Stamp of Re.1/-)
f" .. . •
, ~ I
~ .
. . .
M°''V\J \~~~;~ b ' - ~
Signature of the House Owner

Name, Address & PAN of the Ho.use Owner

12~ 4Jl) k6'1.ka.b- 01X> J0

13UL'PC7 353~
Receipt of House Rent

Received a sum of Rs._ 2_ 0

o_o_o_/_.-- -- - -- - - - (Rupee;/ WQ it}
1 \.-w-UScYl ~ cJ r) I y towards the

rent for the month of t)C.. fi;be,n in respect of House No.__ 4_3___
situated atNe<¼ ~· \ ~ho(\) / basu-.(y.(/a.A -= ke)b,.,k ~" 6 ':J 0
a;ouJ r-r~

(Affix Revenu,._St~mo of~e.1/-)

' : i

MO(YV-\~ ·~ ;-;:er~
. Signature of the House Owner

Name, Address & PAN of the House Owner

45 "1e+aj; Col.ant(I.,..""().,,
J<e11<ai-o. -7662)90 c~~ r1.oa~)
'J3ULPC73.53 CJ>
Receipt of House Rent

Received a sum of Rs._2_ D ,1 _ 0_6_/ _ __ _ ___ __ (Rupees _ _ _

_ ._c)

Tw en~ _
- - --~,._,__ 1h"
___\.t-<l ~,J
___ lt/ ___ ___ ____
Or1 _, towards the
rent for the month of N° her,..,-
\j{2f'I\ in respect of House No. 45
- - -- -
situated at N e +c. lJi· (¢, IdYJJ L'PCJ-,-"-"'" 3~
f(c, J,Lc).~~,~ 16(5c),o ( ~ Hro0

(Affix Revenfl!_e .Stamp of:Re.1/-)

. ~

'i •
IA :

f\A ' ;t//l##f.....,.N "fN k

I ·1 Q')LJ..\~ (:y\~-< -"itxb6 r_y--
signatur e of the House Owner

Date: 0 l /1 I / 1.0 ~ 'L

Name, Address & PAN of the House Owner

M °'""' ~ k e-- C"-a. b~'7

15 Ne ta <l ·; Gt 6YIJ,r3o..na17(1.r'
/QJ<o.rr,._ -7 0 ()6 ,10
~Ut f'c,3 53~
Receipt of House Rent

Received a sum of Rs._2.

_ 0-=-J_O
_O_ O.. :/.
. ._ _ _ __ _ __ _ (Rupees Tviefi~
T v, r11J s~ncL Q 11 ~ towards the
rent for the month of~e.. cer<1 bert- in respect of House No. 45
situated at Ne-1--o. ;i, C:::, ~ , _ 'Gw-ta"-ILJ"J' /<;61_k.tiJ1.. -76lb9o

(Affix Revenue Stamp of Re.I/-)

r •·

M(A1'V, ,~ ~~°'\,«!}-
IA ;

Signature of the House Owner

Name, Address & PAN of the House Owner

13 \.\L~ C73 S3&

Receipt of House Rent

_ O_O_/_-_ _ _ _ _ _ __
Received a sum of Rs._2_ ._0_,.J_ O (Rupees Tw ~ n -l--J
- 1 no~s~~J a~tc\
' ~+ - - - - - -- - -- - - towards the
- - - -- -----.._-
rent for the month of \ )an' 13 in respect of House No.- -- 45 --
situated at

(Affix Revenue Stamp of Re.1/-)

t+· .

f'1 (,\'Yt}. \ . a_ ••/
Signature of the House Owner
C\ 'o 6ka---

Date: oslo 1 /1-02::;

Name, Address & PAN of the House Owner

f\11o..n : I<°' C f,.. c.: kn. o. bm +-y

k6l ty k -7oao, 0
4 5 t< e1:-i, ; : l i,,, &.,,,.;);'.'./"", .
~}- {1=1' ) ·
"BUL'PC 135-Z~

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