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A Universal Deep Neural Network for Signal

Detection in Wireless Communication Systems

Khalid Albagami1 , Nguyen Van Huynh2 , and Geoffrey Ye Li1
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Imperial College London, UK
2 School of Computing, Engineering and the Built Environment, Edinburgh Napier University, UK


Abstract—Recently, deep learning (DL) has been emerging as head, and enhance the resilience of wireless communication
a promising approach for channel estimation and signal detection systems in dynamic and challenging environments without the
in wireless communications. The majority of the existing studies requirement of prior channel knowledge. In [4], a 3-hidden-
arXiv:2404.02648v1 [cs.NI] 3 Apr 2024

investigating the use of DL techniques in this domain focus on

analysing channel impulse responses that are generated from layer fully connected neural network jointly estimates the
only one channel distribution such as additive white Gaussian channel and detects the signal, achieving performance com-
channel noise and Rayleigh channels. In practice, to cope with parable to the MMSE estimator and demonstrating robustness
the dynamic nature of the wireless channel, DL methods must across various test conditions. However, most of the previous
be re-trained on newly non-aged collected data which is costly, research in this field that explores the application of DL
inefficient, and impractical. To tackle this challenge, this paper
proposes a novel universal deep neural network (Uni-DNN) methods primarily concentrates on the analysis of channel
that can achieve high detection performance in various wireless impulse responses produced by single channel distributions
environments without retraining the model. In particular, our like additive white Gaussian channel noise (AWGN) and
proposed Uni-DNN model consists of a wireless channel classifier Rayleigh channels. In real-world scenarios, adapting DL mod-
and a signal detector which are constructed by using DNNs. els to the ever-changing wireless channel conditions requires
The wireless channel classifier enables the signal detector to
generalise and perform optimally for multiple wireless channel periodic retraining on freshly collected data, which is not only
distributions. In addition, to further improve the signal detec- expensive but also inefficient and impractical. In addition to
tion performance of the proposed model, convolutional neural other challenges such as the difficulty of data collection, lack
network is employed. Extensive simulations using the orthogonal of generalisation in real noise and interference, interpretability
frequency division multiplexing scheme demonstrate that the bit and theoretical guarantees and energy inefficiency [4], [5], [6].
error rate performance of our proposed solution can outperform
conventional DL-based approaches as well as least square and To address the non-generalization shortcoming, our arti-
minimum mean square error channel estimators in practical low cle aims to develop a novel universal deep neural network
pilot density scenarios. (Uni-DNN) model consisting of a wireless channel classifier
Index Terms—channel estimation and signal detection, deep and a signal detector which are constructed by using DNNs.
learning, universal deep neural networks, and convolutional The wireless channel classifier is used to detect the wireless
neural networks.
channel type and then its output is fed to the signal detector
along with the received signal. This allows the proposed model
to achieve high detection performance in various wireless
Channel estimation and signal detection’s role in wireless environments without the need to retrain the model. Further-
communication is to accurately estimate the characteristics more, this can reduce the dependency on pilots and reduce the
of the wireless channel and enable data recovery with low computation power required to deploy DL models in practice.
error rates while maintaining acceptable spectral efficiency and Also, this would enable existing wireless networks to function
overall network performance. The role is essential, especially at a lower bit error rate (BER) for a specific SNR, thereby
in scenarios where the wireless channel is highly dynamic and improving the overall network coverage.
subject to variations due to factors like mobility and interfer-
ence [1]. The deployed data pilot-aided methods in practice are II. S YSTEM M ODEL
sub-optimal for highly frequency-selective wireless channels. In this work, we consider a typical single-input-single-
In addition, conventional data pilot-aided methods like least output (SISO) orthogonal frequency division multiplexing
square (LS), suffer from interference and noise amplification (OFDM) system as illustrated as part of Fig. 1, where three
at low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) scenarios while approaches blocks are discussed namely OFDM signal generation, con-
like minimum mean square error (MMSE), which leverage ventional and joint channel estimation and signal detection.
second-order channel statistics to improve the LS solution, In the OFDM signal generation block, bs is the transmitted
demand significant computational resources [2], [3]. bit stream, b̂s is the received equalised bit stream, sOFDM
To address these drawbacks, data-driven approaches such as is a NIFFT -long vector of one OFDM time domain sampled
deep learning (DL) that utilises deep neural network (DNN) symbol, sOFDM−CP is a (NIFFT + NCP )-long vector of an
can improve channel estimation accuracy, reduce pilot over- OFDM symbol after adding the cyclic prefix (CP), ynSym is a
(NIFFT + Ntaps − 1)-long vector of the nth Sym -received OFDM ĤM M SEnonperf ectCSI =
symbol after removing the CP and X̂0 , ..., X̂Nsub −1 are the  −1
received OFDM sub-carriers after equalisation where Nsub is RĤLS ĤLS RĤLS ĤLS + I ĤLS . (7)
the number of OFDM sub-carriers. Without loss of generality
in this article we assume the use of gray-coded quadrature In (6) and (7), RHH and RĤLS ĤLS are the auto-correlation
phase shift keying (QPSK) for X0 , ..., XNsub −1 . Also, for pilot of the true and LS estimated channel, respectively and σσXn is
insertion within the OFDM resource grid we assume comb- the reciprocal of the SNR. Now to estimate channels at non-
type pilot architecture. The transmitted OFDM sub-carriers can pilot OFDM sub-carriers, we use linear interpolation and for
be expressed as follows, data sub-carriers that are outside of the interpolation range,
  various techniques exist, like virtual sub-carrier insertion. For
X0 0 . . . 0 simplicity, we assign the nearest pilot sub-carrier’s estimate
 .. 
to the out-of-boundary data sub-carriers. After channel esti-
 0 X1 . 
X= .  , (1) mation, we apply maximum likelihood signal detection for
 .. . ..

0  OFDM SISO, to recover X as follows,
0 . . . 0 XNsub −1
D(H, X) = ∥YnSym − XH∥2 ,
where X is a Nsub × Nsub diagonal matrix storing the trans-
diag(X̂) = argmin D(H, X) = Ynsym /Ĥ, (8)
mitted digitally modulated Nsub OFDM sub-carriers. Then,
the transmitted signal is passed through the channel impulse
response (CIR) which can be expressed as, where D(H, X) is the distance function and diag(.) is
the matrix diagonal symbol [7]. Finally, the result from (8)
 
 H1  undergoes a hard decision process and symbol demapping to
H= , (2) obtain b̂s .
 
 . 
where H is a Nsub -column vector storing the frequency AND S IGNAL D ETECTION
response of CIR at each OFDM sub-carrier. After that, we
A. Conventional DL-based approach
incorporate the AWGN effect that can be expressed as,

 In non-complex DL joint channel estimation and signal
 ñ1  detection, Nsub received complex symbols YnSym are split to
ñ = 

.. ,

(3) 2Nsub concatenated real and imaginary values before being fed
 .  as input to the DL model. The output of the model ŷi is the
ñNsub −1 recovered bits. The sigmoid activation function is employed
where ñ is a Nsub -column vector containing the AWGN expe- at the output layer, yielding an output in the range of 0 to 1
rienced by the transmitted OFDM sub-carriers. The received suitable for the application. It can be expressed as follows,
OFDM sub-carriers then can be expressed as follows, 
ϕ zi = (l)
, (9)
Ynsym = XH + ñ, (4) 1 + e−zi
where the Nsub -column vector storing the received OFDM (l)
where zi is the output vector of the ith sample in neural
sub-carriers YnSym is the result of the matrix multiplication of
network (NN) layer l, and ϕ(.) denotes a non-linear activation
X and H added to ñ.
function. For hidden layers, the ReLU activation function is
In this study, we employ true channel performance along
chosen for its constant gradient properties, which mitigate the
with the widely adopted LS and MMSE OFDM channel
risk of encountering vanishing gradient problem. It can be
estimators as benchmarks to assess the performance of DL-
expressed as follows,
based joint channel estimation and signal detection. The LS
estimator expressed in (5) minimizes the mean square error ϕ zi
= max
0Nhidden +1 , zi , (10)
(MSE) of ∥YnSym − X Ĥ∥2 [1]. row-by-row

ĤLS = X −1 YnSym . (5) where 0Nhidden +1 represents a Nhidden -column vector of zero
elements and maxrow-by-row represents a row-by-row nonlinear
Whereas, the nMMSE channel estimator minimizes the error
o maximizing function. Furthermore, the ReLU sparsity fea-
expression E ∥H − W ĤLS ∥2 where W is a weight ma- ture, which avoids activating neurons with negative input,
trix [1]. The final perfect-channel state information (CSI) and accelerates convergence and lowers computational complexity.
non-perfect-CSI MMSE expressions are shown in (6) and (7), MSE loss function J (w) is used to guide the DL model
respectively. toward optimal performance, which is optimal in the presence
of complex Gaussian distributed channels and noise. It also

ĤMMSEperfectCSI = RHH RHH + I ĤLS , (6) serves as a suitable metric for assessing the proximity of the
Fig. 1: System model consisting of OFDM signal generation, conventional and joint channel estimation and signal detection.

estimated bit stream to the transmitted bit stream. The MSE that offer valuable insights for improving the signal detector
loss function can be expressed as follows, NN’s performance. Examples of such channel-related infor-
1X mation include the number of taps, delay spread, and Doppler
JM SE (w) = (yi − ŷi ) , (11) spread estimations of the channel model. In this way, the
proposed Uni-DNN can be generalized for different channels
where JM SE (w), yi and ŷi represent the MSE loss function, and settings without relying on specific channel parameters for
the transmitted bits, and the DL model predicted bits, respec- good detection performance. To construct the channel classifier
tively. DNN dataset, practical steps involve gathering data from the
A drawback of using DL model in the application of joint wireless environment, followed by using unsupervised learning
channel estimation and signal detection is that pre-training a to cluster it into various channel models. Subsequently, offline
DL model on a dataset generated from one particular channel training is conducted to optimize the Uni-DNN architecture.
model may yield sub-optimal performance when tested on Once the model meets performance requirements, such as a
a different channel model. In addition to other challenges specific BER or quality of service, it can be deployed online
such as the difficulty of data collection, lack of generalisation for real-time data inferences. Collecting a diverse dataset from
in real noise and interference, interpretability and theoretical various wireless channels across the globe is important to
guarantees and energy inefficiency. To enhance the conven- achieve consistent results.
tional DL model performance, one solution is to train it on a
dataset containing multiple channel models. However, training With the clustered dataset, the proposed universal DL ar-
the DL model on a dataset comprising various correlated chitecture A employs 2-cascaded DNN as depicted in Fig. 1.
non-independent identically distributed (i.i.d) channel models where the channel classifier DNN is trained on a dataset
constrains the achievable overall MSE floor. where the input is the concatenated real and imaginary parts
of YnSym , and the output is the one-hot encoded class of the
B. Universal Deep Neural Network (Uni-DNN) for Channel wireless channel model. Once the channel classifier DNN is
Estimation and Signal Detection trained, the optimal DNN layers’ weights are saved. Then,
the second DNN is trained on the same input concatenated
To tackle the sub-optimality of the conventional DL ap-
with the first DNN predicted channel one-hot encoded class.
proach, we propose a novel DL architecture comprising two
Training the signal detector DNN on the classifier’s predictions
cascaded NNs. The first NN serves as a wireless channel
rather than the ground-truth channel classes provides better
classifier taking the concatenated real and imaginary parts
overall generalisation. Once the second training cycle is done
of YnSym as input and inferring the correct channel class
for the signal detector DNN, Uni-DNN architecture A is ready
using one-hot encoding. The second NN model works as a
to make inferences.
signal detector to recover bs , sharing the same input as the
first NN but incorporating additional information about the While the Uni-DNN architecture A has the potential to en-
channel class inferred by the first NN. This extra information hance multi-channel DNNs, it has drawbacks. In particular, the
has the potential to enhance the multi-channel DL model and system’s computational complexity can be increased compared
narrow the performance gap with the single-channel trained to multi-channel DNNs, as it employs two cascaded DNNs.
DL model. Moreover, the classifier is not limited to channel Another issue is that the overall model’s performance is af-
type classification; it can be extended to various classifications fected not only by signal detector errors but also by misclassifi-
cations made by the channel classifier DNN. Furthermore, the II and AWGN-only impaired channels. Rayleigh channel is
enhancement obtained by the proposed Uni-DNN architecture generated by utilizing the Monte-Carlo approach to simulate
relies on how effectively we incorporate additional channel the magnitude of a complex number consisting of i.i.d nor-
information into the signal detector DNN. Two other Uni-DNN mally distributed random variable with zero mean and unit
architectures, labelled B and C as in Fig. 1 , are also analyzed. variance real and imaginary parts. Rician channel is simulated
In architecture B, a 2D-grid representation is utilised where by combining a Rayleigh distributed non line of sight (NLOS)
the rows represent the real and imaginary parts of YnSym while component with line of sight (LOS) component of fixed mag-
columns represent different channel model types, with only nitude and uniformly distributed phase between − π2 , π2 . The
one activated channel model at a time based on the channel contribution of each component is determined by the kappa
classifier DNN output. Then, the 2D-grid tensor is flattened factor κ where in the simulation κ = 2, i.e, LOS component
and fed to the fully-connected (FC) layer. In architecture is twice as strong as the NLOS component [8]. 3GPP TDL-A
C, instead of flattening, convolutional neural network (CNN) is a NLOS channel model based on practical measurements for
is employed to extract the important information from the frequencies from 0.5 GHz to 100 GHz done by 3GPP Radio
2D-grid. As illustrated in Fig. 1, the 2D-grid is processed Access Network Technical Specification Group [9]. The steps
differently, resembling a 1D-vector with Nchan channels, akin adopted to generate 3GPP TDL-A channel are depicted in [9]
to an image with RGB channels. The latter two architectures where the model is flexible to simulate a flat-fading to a highly
enable the FC layer to assign distinct weights to each wireless selective scenario. Finally, WINNER II channel model is based
channel model, rather than using an overall weight aimed on the WINNER II initiative led by Community Research and
at minimizing the overall MSE error floor. This, combined Development Information Service to develop a radio access
with the use of a CNN model adept at analyzing image- network system that can simulate many radio environment
like datasets, has the potential to improve MSE performance scenarios for short and long range [4], [10]. The simulation
and speed up model convergence. However, a drawback of parameters for OFDM, DL models and the channel models
architectures B and C is the increased complexity, as the input are outlined in Table II, IV and III respectively, where L and
size is expanded by a factor of Nchan . Lf rac are the number of channel and fractional taps [9], [10]
respectively, σDS is the delay spread, and mH is the number
C. Analytical Computational Complexity Comparison of channel samples to generate RHH and RĤLS ĤLS in Monte-
In this section, we will delve into the computational com- Carlo simulations.
plexity of both conventional and DL models for channel
TABLE II: OFDM simulation parameters.
estimation and signal detection at the receiver, focusing on
the number of multiplications and relative operation time. Parameter Value
Table I shows the analytical inference time complexities. Number of bits (Nbits ) 107
Number of pilots (Np ) 8, 16, 32
Since Nout ≈ Nin in low pilot frequency settings, we can Pilot frequency (pf ) 8, 4, 2
assume O(Nin ) = O(2Nsub ) ≈ O(Nsub ) in case of all fast Fourier transform (FFT) window length (NF F T ) 64
DL models except for Uni-DNN architecture B and C where Inverse FFT window length (NIF F T ) 64
Number of sub-carriers (Nsub ) 64
O(Nin ) = O(Nchan × Nsub ) to simplify the comparison. Sub-carrier spacing (∆f ) 15kHz
Table I demonstrates that analytical results place DL models OFDM symbol period (TSym ) 66.67 µs
between MMSE and LS methods in terms of complexity, OFDM sampling frequency (fs ) 0.96 MHz
OFDM sampling period (Ts ) 1.04 µs
offering substantial inference time reductions compared to Cyclic prefix (CP) length (NCP ) 16 samples
MMSE. Cyclic prefix (CP) period (TCP ) 16.67 µs
Noise source (ñ) AWGN
TABLE I: Model inference analytical complexity analysis.
Model/Parameter Inference complexity
LS O(Nsub ) B. Bit Error Rate Simulation Results
O(Nsub × m)
Single-channel O(Nhid × Nsub )
In this section, we analyze and compare the performance
Multi-channel O(Nhid × Nsub ) of the various DL models proposed in this article, evaluating
Uni-Arc-A 2 × O(Nhid × Nsub ) their BER across SNR values from 0 dB to 20 dB and
Uni-Arc-B O(Nhid × Nsub ) + O(Nhid × Nsub × Nchan )
2 their image detection performance at 20 dB. We benchmark
Uni-Arc-C O(Nhid × Nsub + Nchan × k × l × Nsub )
the DL models against ideal true channel performance and
conventional methods, specifically LS and MMSE. Due to
IV. S IMULATION S ETUP AND R ESULTS space constraints, we present results for only the 3GPP TDL-
A and Rician channel models at Np = 8 and Np = 32. The
A. Wireless Channel Models Generation other channel models in Table IV are showing similar results.
In this study, the OFDM generated transmitted symbols Fig. 2 shows that employing Uni-DNN architectures A, B
are passed through various simulated frequency selective and and C outperforms both conventional and multi-channel DL
frequency flat fast fading wireless channel models namely, model and closes the gap in BER performance to the single-
Rayleigh, Rician, 3GPP tapped delay line (TDL)-A, WINNER channel trained DL model for 3GPP TDL-A channel at high
TABLE III: Deep learning models’ simulation parameters.
Parameter Value
Number of input features (Nin ) 128 20 20
Number of hidden layers 1 40 40

Number of neurons (Nhid ) 256 − 1024 60 60

CNN 1D kernel dim. (Nchan × k) 5×1 80 80

CNN number of filters (n) 5 100 100

CNN type of padding Same 120 120

20 40 60 80 100 120 20 40 60 80 100 120
Number of output features (Nout ) 64, 96, 112
Number of samples (m) 100, 000
Training/Validation split 70% / 30%
Number of epochs (Nepochs ) 700 20 20 20
Batch size (Nbatch ) 3, 000 samples 40 40 40
Activation function ReLU (hidden) - Sigmoid (output) 60 60 60
Optimizer ADAM 80 80 80
Learning rate (α) 0.001 100 100 100

L2-Regularization 2 × 10−6 120 120 120

Dropout Rate 0.01 20 40 60 80 100 120 20 40 60 80 100 120 20 40 60 80 100 120

Performance Metrics Binary accuracy, MSE, BER

TABLE IV: Channel models simulation parameters. Fig. 3: 3GPP TDL-A channel (a) Transmitted, (b) LS, (c) non-
perfect, (d) perfect MMSE and (e) DNN equalised image at
Param./Chan. Rayleigh Rician TDL-A WINNERII 20 dB.
L 4 6 1 5
Lf rac - - 23 24
σDS 4.160µs 6.240µs 0.965µs 5.200µs 100
Freq. Selectivity selective selective flat selective 0.22
Fading rate fast fast fast fast 0.2
mH 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 10-1
0.5 1 1.5 2
SNR. For instance, Fig. 3 shows 3GPP TDL-A channel image 10

detection example at 20dB SNR where Uni-DNN arch. C

achieves a BER of 7 × 10−4 while LS and perfect-CSI MMSE -3
achieve 7 × 10−3 and 3 × 10−3 respectively. Also, we can see
that feeding the classification as flattened 2D-grid input in
arch. B and employing CNN in arch. C have further enhanced 10-4
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
the BER performance compared to arch. A. This improvement
can be linked to Uni-DNN arch. B and C’s per-channel weights Fig. 4: 32-pilots 3GPP TDL-A channel BER performance vs.
assignment discussed earlier in section III-B. Although the SNR for conventional and DL methods comparison.
channel classifier facilitated performance enhancement for all
Uni-DNN architectures at high SNR in the case of 3GPP TDL-
A channel, such enhancement is less apparent at low SNR due For the simulated Rician channel model, we can see from
to misclassification of the channel as WINNER II since the Fig. 5 and Fig. 6 that due to an insufficient number of pilots to
two channels are correlated. estimate and interpolate a highly selective channel with 6 taps
the performance of LS, perfect and non-perfect-CSI MMSE
are poor and much inferior compared to DL models. Similar
0.25 observations to the previous channel model can be seen but
unlike the 3GPP TDL-A channel, the Rician channel has been
correctly classified in high and low SNR which maintained
0 1 2
the Uni-DNN architectures’ BER advantage across the whole
SNR range. This accuracy can be attributed to the presence
of a LOS component in the Rician channel, which exhibits a
non-random pattern that is distinguishable compared to other
channels. Overall, increasing the number of pilots reduces
the performance gap between conventional methods and DL
-4 models, as well as closing the gap between all DL models and
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
true channel BER performance curve as in Fig. 4 and Fig. 7.
Fig. 2: 8-pilots 3GPP TDL-A channel BER performance vs. C. Experimental Computational Complexity Comparison
SNR for conventional and DL methods comparison. In addition to the analytical computational complexity anal-
ysis discussed in subsection III-C, in this section, the inference


-1 0.26
-1 10

Bit error rate (BER)

0 0.5 1 1.5
0 0.5 1

10 -2
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Signal to Noise ratio (SNR) Es/No

Fig. 5: 8-pilots Rician channel BER performance vs. SNR for

Fig. 7: 32-pilots Rician channel BER performance vs. SNR
conventional and DL methods comparison.
for conventional and DL methods comparison.

channel models compared to DL models employing one DNN

20 20
trained on multi-channels. Also, Uni-DNN architecture C has
40 40
60 60
managed to minimize the gap in BER performance with
80 80 single-channel trained DL models outperforming conventional
100 100
120 120
estimation methods for various channel models without the
20 40 60 80 100 120 20 40 60 80 100 120 requirement of re-training. Uni-DNN models have faster in-
ference capability compared to MMSE estimators making it
attractive for practical real-time applications as a universal
20 20 20

40 40 40
basestation receiver. Simulating the proposed Uni-DNN on
60 60 60 more complex scenarios such as pilotless or multiple-input-
100 100
80 80

multiple-output OFDM or implementing it on hardware to
120 120 120 verify the simulation results can be done as future work.
20 40 60 80 100 120 20 40 60 80 100 120 20 40 60 80 100 120

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