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Writing sample on the topic of southwestern Ethiopia gold

Prepared by Siraj Beyan Mohamed applicant at Clemton University

Southwestern Ethiopia is a region known for its rich gold deposits and geological
diversity. The gold deposits in the region are primarily hosted in the Neoproterozoic
rocks of the Arabian-Nubian Shield, which extend from the Red Sea to the Nile River.
The geology of the region is complex and has been shaped by a series of tectonic
events over millions of years.

The gold deposits in southwestern Ethiopia are associated with a variety of geological
settings, including volcanic rocks, sedimentary rocks, and granitic intrusions. The
deposits are often found in quartz veins and breccias, which are formed when
hydrothermal fluids circulate through the rocks and deposit gold and other metals.

One of the significant gold deposits in southwestern Ethiopia is the Tulu Kapi deposit,
which is hosted in a sequence of volcanic rocks. The deposit is located in the Oromia
region and is estimated to contain over 1 million ounces of gold. The Tulu Kapi deposit
is associated with a series of quartz veins that are hosted in the volcanic rocks. The
veins are often narrow and discontinuous, making them difficult to mine.

Another significant gold deposit in the region is the Shakiso deposit, which is located in
the Guji Zone of the Oromia region. The deposit is hosted in a sequence of sedimentary
rocks and is estimated to contain over 1 million ounces of gold. The gold is associated
with quartz veins and breccias that are hosted in the sedimentary rocks. The deposit is
currently being developed by a Canadian mining company, and production is expected
to begin in the coming years.

The geology of southwestern Ethiopia is complex and has been shaped by a series of
tectonic events over millions of years. The region's rich gold deposits are associated
with a variety of geological settings, including volcanic rocks, sedimentary rocks, and
granitic intrusions. The deposits are often found in quartz veins and breccias, which are
formed when hydrothermal fluids circulate through the rocks and deposit gold and other
metals. The Tulu Kapi and Shakiso deposits are two significant examples of gold
mineralization in the region, and they highlight the potential for further exploration and
development of gold deposits in southwestern Ethiopia.

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