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Welcome to Class!

Before we get started, there are a few things I wanted to address. Technically, it is only one thing
but it is really important.

Hopefully, you remember that there are normal salts, acid salts and anhydrous salts. There is one
more type of salt and it is the opposite of anhydrous salt.
Water of Crystallization and Hydrated Salts

Many salts have a crystal

structure, meaning their cations
and anions bond in a lattice form.
Water of crystallization is a
process by which water molecules
are trapped within the lattice
structure of a salt.
When this process occurs, it
creates what is called a hydrated
A hydrated salt is a salt that has
water trapped within its structure.

Examples of hydrated salts:

Name of salt Formula

Copper (II) sulfate-5-water CuSO4.5H2O

Zinc sulfate-7-water ZnSO4.7H2O

Sodium carbonate-10-water Na2CO3.10H2O

Salts and Neutralization Reactions

Answer the following questions on a binder leaf. The submission of this work will be on
Wednesday 15th May 2024.

1) Complete the table to give information about the solubility of EACH compound.

Compound Solubility

Sodium carbonate

Copper(II) nitrate

Lead(II) sulfate

Zinc hydroxide

Calcium chloride

Magnesium carbonate

Aluminium oxide

Potassium hydroxide

Ammonium chloride

Iron(II) sulfate

2) If it takes 54 mL of 0.1 mol/dm3 NaOH to neutralize 125 mL of an HCl solution, what is

the concentration of the HCl?

3) If it takes 25 mL of 0.05 mol/dm3 HCl to neutralize 345 mL of NaOH solution, what is

the concentration of the NaOH solution?

4) If it takes 50 mL of 0.5 mol/dm3 KOH solution to completely neutralize 125 mL of

sulfuric acid solution (H2SO4), what is the concentration of the H2SO4 solution?

5) In a titration of H2SO4 with NaOH, 60.0 mL of 0.020 mol/dm3 NaOH was needed to
neutralize 15.0 mL of H2SO4. What is the concentration of the acid? (Be sure to write the
neutralization reaction.)

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