There Once Was a Nasty Little Trollop Who Very Much Had No Original Material So She Very Much Stole Nathan’s Ideas, For Example Nathan Loved Werecreatures So Her Version of Werecreatures Was to Steal a Photo of an o

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There once was a nasty little trollop who very much had no original material so

she very much stole Nathan’s ideas, for example Nathan loved werecreatures so
her version of werecreatures was to steal a photo of an overweight model,
remove the head of said model and replace them with that of an actor Nathan
liked and she forced an actress named Mariana to be said creation, by performing
grotesque experiments on her.

These experiments were ones to make her into a grotesque monster, contorting
her body into that of an overweight trollish beast covered in hair. No matter how
many times Mariana tried to get away from her, this woman was always mocking
her. ‘You monster, look what you’ve done to me.’ ‘You did this to yourself, fairy.’
‘Oh no, I didn’t ask to be your monster, you injected me with serums that made
me look like what you think Nathan’s characters look like, you tortured me, I
wanted to leave but you said no, also don’t use my sexuality against me, I told i’m
not gay, I am bi.’ ‘Well you should have left when I told you to leave.’ ‘You act like
you owe me, you don’t. Neither did any of your pitiful friends, face it, you’re not a
good villain, stealing Nathan’s ideas, ruining my reputation like that, treating me
like i’m a freak to be laughed at.’

“Well if you didn’t act like an immature brat…you’re an adult, act like it.”

‘So are you…yet all you do is bitch whenever I report your awful rip-offs of
Nathan’s work to him. I know I know I may have lied about not having autism, but
really…you seem to think autistic people don’t have feelings.’ ‘Because they
don’t. Tell me, did you cry when Nico died, yes or no.’ ‘I did, and what person
doesn’t cry when someone passess? A heartless person, that’s who. And by the
way, looks like you should have taken your own advice when you told me to
leave, now you reaped what you have sown and you are no more.’

“I will get you for this..”

“In what way? You have lost…and now you will pay for it.”

Mariana shifted from her ‘ugly’ form into her attractive actual form. ‘That’s much
better, I don’t need that form for anything other than fooling people like you. And
since I don’t need that form for anything else, i’m going to give it to you.’

Her eyes gave off a supernatural glow as the spirit of her ugly form left her body
and entered her attacker’s body, Jayna Zen as she was called, felt extremely
mortified by this. Jayna shuddered as her stomach made a series of gurling
noises before bloating up and developing hairs on it, she then recoiled in horror
as the same hairs crept up her arms which broadened, her fingernails lengthened,
looking like crooked half claw-like ones. ‘What are you doing to me?’ ‘Doing to
you what you have been doing to me, you have dehumanized me for being
autistic for long enough, and now you are the one who shall get ridiculed.’ ‘But
this sucks.’ ‘Tough luck, you really can’t do anything about it, you can’t get your
boytoy to rescue you, he is gone, forever, you cannot get your own lackeys to
help you…you are mine now.’

‘I will never be yours, i’m not a freak.’ ‘Oh yes, you are my freak now. And I will
parade you around in every universe I know until I find one you are perfect in…
now don’t be a pussy and let your transformation happen.’ ‘I am just going to
ignore it.’ ‘Ignore it? Ignore is something you cannot do, you never could, you
never could let go of things, you never could listen, you never could be original
or clever so you just steal from Nathan, you act like I should act like an adult but
I can and I have, you dehumanize everyone who is different than you, furries,
autistic people, bronies/pegasisters, you name it, you are corrupt and immoral,
you have no personality traits other than petty annoying witch who just wants
Nathan to pay attention to you, you want him, so you used me to get to him, you
used me, you used me.’

“But….this isn’t how it went at all.”

‘Oh how I love when your common sense and English break, it means you’re
really mad and yes I love seeing scum like you get taught a lesson and luckily it is
a fun and juicy lesson too.’ Jayna squirmed as the hairs coated her legs and
arms, her shoes becoming tighter and tighter as her feet enlarged, with a rip her
shoes burst open, exposing her much larger feet.

Her skin developed some bumps on it as well as a couple of pockmarks and

scars and her top with the Willem Dafoe-esque mad scientist on it strained
against her broadening chest and torso, and her breasts enlarged, growing to a
triple D size as her shirt ripped open at the back while her back broadened
followed by her shoulders. ‘My friends will stop you.’ ‘Oh no they won’t, your
friends have abandoned you and rightly so, if I had a friend like you i’d consider
leaving too. You truly are a mess, you don’t even have a real identity…i’ll give you
one, mine.’

Jayna begged for forgiveness and cried as her hair slowly darkened and became
messier, hairs grew on her face as her eyebrows thickened and her eyes widened,
her nose broadened and developed some pimples on it as her features shifted to
look more humanoid ape-like, she knew at this point that she should have just
listened and not done this, but it was too late to go back.

Her voice altered, becoming an exact copy of Mariana’s voice, right down to
developing an English accent. A minute later her transformation was complete
and she was now a doppelganger of Mariana in her ugly form. ‘That’s what you
get for fat-shaming.’ ‘This hardly seems fair.’ ‘Never was the way you treated me,
think about that, for a long time.’

Mariana instructed Jayna to be good and to be respectful to those who were

different, and Jayna agreed to do so, as all of her photomanips prior to this had
been deleted completely and nobody in the online universe even cared about her
anymore, and that was as it was meant to be. And so with that Mariana
shapeshifted into a bird-like form and flew off, leaving Jayna all by herself.

Jayna was paraded around multiple worlds as a freak of nature but eventually she
found that some people like that and she found someone to actually love her for
her and she didn’t need to steal other’s gimmicks and identities and realized that
she should just be herself. And thus comes to the moral of the story, fat-
shaming is wrong and you shouldn’t fat-shame others because you think little of
them, you shouldn’t belittle people who are different than you, whether they be a
furry, autistic, a brony/pegasister, or even a different ethnicity or gender.

Or you might find yourself paying a little visit to a place called ‘The After Dark

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