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Data -> https://techcrunch.


(1) your comparison of the tools in terms of capability

TagCrowd – The capability was good and very specialized.

WordItOut – The capability compared to the TagCrowd app was very specialized.

(2) your comparison of the tools’ ease of use, and

TagCrowd – This application was very easy to use. The really interesting option was entering all the
text into a field or adding a URL. This site was the easiest of all the examples because of that option. The
site also had a very easy follow and find settings section right below the insert options. This is an
excellent workflow placement idea.

WordItOut – This application was very easy to use. All the user has to do is insert copied text. This
option is missing the URL insert option that was in TagCrowd. The site was also missing some of the easy
to use settings to customize the word cloud.

(3) the “word clouds” you created.


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