Mid Exam 2018

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Mansoura University 4th Year Prod.

Faculty of Engineering Optimum Design
Mid-Term Exam, 18/May/2018
Prod. & Mech. Design Eng. Dept.
(Open Book Exam) Time allowed: 2 hour

Question 1 (12 mark)

The torque transmitted (T) by a cone clutch, shown in Fig. 1, under uniform pressure condition is given

𝑇= (𝑅 3 − 𝑅23 )
3 sin 𝛼 1

where 𝑝 is the pressure between the cone and the cup, 𝑓 the coefficient of friction, 𝛼 the cone angle, 𝑅1
the outer radius, and 𝑅2 the inner radius.

Formulate the problem of minimum volume of the cone clutch with 𝐹 = 30 𝑙𝑏, and 𝑓 = 0.5 in the
standard form under the constraints

𝑇 ≥ 100 𝑙𝑏 − 𝑖𝑛. , 𝑅1 ≥ 2𝑅2 ,

30° ≤ 𝛼 ≤ 45, 0 ≤ 𝑅1 ≤ 15 𝑖𝑛. , 𝑎𝑛𝑑 0 ≤ 𝑅2 ≤ 10 𝑖𝑛.

Note that, objective function and constraints should be a function of the design variables and known
constants (Define the value of all constants in your answer sheet).

Useful formulas

Contact pressure

𝜋(𝑅12− 𝑅22 )

volume of the cone

(𝑅12 + 𝑅1 𝑅2 + 𝑅22 )
𝑉 = 𝜋ℎ

Fig.1. Cone clutch.

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Question 2 (12 marks)
The minimum weight design problem of a rectangular beam is formulated as follows:


𝑓 = 𝑏𝑑
Subject to

𝑑 ≤ 2𝑏

≤ 𝜎𝑎𝑙𝑙
𝑏𝑑 2

≤ 𝜏𝑎𝑙𝑙

𝑏 ≥ 0, 𝑑 ≥ 0
where 𝑑 is the depth and 𝑏 is the width of the beam.
Write a MATLAB Program to solve the problem graphically for the following data:
𝑀 = 80 kN · m , 𝑉 = 150 kN, 𝜎𝑎𝑙𝑙 = 8 MPa, and 𝜏𝑎𝑙𝑙 = 3 MPa.

Question 3 (6 marks)
A beam of uniform rectangular cross section is to be cut from a log having a circular cross
section of diameter 2a as shown in Fig.2. The beam has to be used as a cantilever beam
(the length is fixed) to carry a concentrated load at the free end. Assume 𝑎 = 1, find the
dimensions of the beam that correspond to the maximum bending stress carrying
capacity. For any specified bending moment, the beam is said to have maximum tensile
stress carrying capacity if the maximum induced stress (𝜎𝑚𝑎𝑥 ) is a minimum. Hence we
need to minimize (3𝑀)⁄(4𝑥𝑦 2 ), subject to the constraint x2+ y2= a2.

Fig. 2
Best Wishes- Dr. Ahmed Asker

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