DC To DC Converter

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Department: Power Engineering Specialization: Industrial Electricity

Academic Year: 20…. / 20…. Term: …

Course code: EELIE2211 Course: Power Electronics Level: Fifth

Week: …….. Date: …. / …. / 20….

Worksheet 5: DC to DC Converter

Student Name: ……………………………………………………………………………..

1- Experiment 1:

Objective: To understand the operation principles, calculations, and practical aspects of buck
converters (step-down chopper) through simulation software.
Circuit diagram:

Iin Iout

Vin Vout

- Circuit diagram 1 -

1. Run MultiSIM simulation software on your desktop.
2. Build the circuit diagram 1 shown previously.
3. Run the simulation.
4. Record and compute the values shown on the next table.

Duty Cycle D 10% 25% 50% 60% 75% 90%

Input DC voltage Vin (V)

Input DC current Iin (A)

Input DC power
Pin = Vin × Iin (W)

Output DC voltage Vout
Output DC current Iout
Output DC power
Pout = Vout × Iout (W)

η = (Pout / Pin)×100
Output DC voltage Vout
Vout (TH) = Vin × D (V)

5. Conclude.

2- Experiment 2:

Objective: To understand the operation principles, calculations, and practical aspects of boost
converters (step-up chopper) through simulation software.
Circuit diagram:

Iin Iout



- Circuit diagram 2 -

1. Run MultiSIM simulation software on your desktop.
2. Build the circuit diagram 2 shown previously.
3. Run the simulation.
4. Record and compute the values shown on the next table.

Duty Cycle D 10% 25% 50% 60% 75% 90%
Input DC voltage Vin (V)

Input DC current Iin (A)

Input DC power
Pin = Vin × Iin (W)

Output DC voltage Vout

Output DC current Iout
Output DC power
Pout = Vout × Iout (W)

η = (Pout / Pin)×100
Output DC voltage Vout
Vout (TH) = Vin ÷ (1- D)

5. Conclude.

3- Experiment 2:

Objective: To understand the operation principles, calculations, and practical aspects of buck-boost
converters through simulation software.
Circuit diagram:

Iin Iout


- Circuit diagram 3 -

1. Run MultiSIM simulation software on your desktop.
2. Build the circuit diagram 3 shown previously.
3. Run the simulation.

4. Record and compute the values shown on the next table.

Duty Cycle D 10% 25% 50% 60% 75% 90%

Input DC voltage Vin (V)

Input DC current Iin (A)

Input DC power
Pin = Vin × Iin (W)

Output DC voltage Vout

Output DC current Iout
Output DC power
Pout = Vout × Iout (W)

η = (Pout / Pin)×100

5. Conclude.

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