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ELSEVIER Industrial Crops and Products 2 (1994) 273-280

Herbicide-like effect of Lupinus alkaloids

Mercedes Muzquiz av*,Celia de la Cuadra a, Carmen Cuadrado a, Carmen Burbano a,
Rosa Calvo b
aArea de Tecnologiade Alimentos, CIT-INL4,Aptdo. 8111, Madrid 28080, Spain
b Centro de C&lculo,INIA, Aptdo. 8111, Madrid 28080, Spain
Received 22 October 1993; accepted 29 March 1994


To ascertain the antigermination effect of lupine alkaloids, sparteine, gramine, lupanine and lupinine, germination
tests were performed with seeds of the following species: pea (Pisum sutivum L.), tomato (Lycopersicon sculentum
Mill.), wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), lamb’s_quarters (Chenopodium album L.), vetch (vi& viflosu Kunth), and
winter wild oat (Avena steri1i.s L.). Crude alkaloid extract from Lupinus ulbus (L.) and L. hispunicus (Boiss et
Reut) containing mainly lupanine and lupinine, respectively, were tested. The individual alkaloid effects of lupanine,
lupinine, sparteine and gramine at different concentrations were also analyzed. The results indicated a particularly
high antigermination effect for lupanine. A. sterilisshowed the greatest sensitivity to alkaloids. Lupanine, sparteine
and gramine also affect postgermination stages. The possible herbicide effect of Lupines alkaloids is discussed.

Keywords: Lupinus ulbus; Lupinus hispanicus; Ttiticum uestivum; Pisum sutivum; Lycopersicon sculentum; Viciu villosu;
Avenu sterilis; Chenopodium album; Germination; Alkaloids, lupanine, lupinine, sparteine and gramine

1. Introduction the seed are also in progress (Schafer-Menuhr,

Lupines, like other grain legumes, are attract- However, there is evidence that alkaloids con-
ing attention throughout the world as a potential stitute an element of the lupine plant’s resistance
source of high quality protein and fat (Gpez- against herbivores and pathogens (Wink, 1990).
Bellido and Fuentes, 1986). One factor which Lupin alkaloids inhibit the germination of lettuce
could limit the acceptance of lupine seeds is the and grass seeds (Wink and Twardowski, 1991) and
presence of toxic alkaloids. These compounds pos- preliminary experiments showed that lupin plants
sess antinutritional properties, give lupines a bit- can reduce competing weeds under experimental
ter taste, and influence the use of lupine plants in conditions (Wink, 1985). On the other hand, it
the nutritional economy (Ciesiolka et al., 1988). has been observed that sweet lupines have lower
Processes for removal of alkaloids from lupines fitness and natural resistance than the wild types.
are being investigated (Wink, 1984; Hill, 1985). These sweet varieties are useful for consumption
Breeding programs to reduce alkaloid levels in but have the ecological disadvantage that they
need more fences and pesticides (Wink, 1990).
* Corresponding author. Fax: (1) 3572 293. In such cases, the continued cultivation of

0926-6690/94/$07.00 0 1994 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

SSDZ 0926-6690(94)00010-V
274 M. Muzquiz et al. lha’ustrial Crops and Products 2 (1994) 273-280

alkaloid-rich bitter varieties with subsequent post- al. (1982, 1989). The acidic extracts were collected
harvest debittering processes remain attractive. and neutralized with 4 N sodium hydroxide, ex-
For such processes to be economic, and to en- tracted with chloroform and evaporated to dryness
able lupine protein to compete with alternative in vacua at 40°C. The residue was dissolved in 1
products, it is necessary that the alkaloid-rich by- ml of methanol. An aliquot of 0.5 ml of this solu-
products be used, for example as a raw material tion was used and 0.5 ml of a solution of caffeine
for herbicides and natural agrochemicals and this (Sigma, St Louis, MO., USA) in methanol (5 mg
should avoid or greatly reduce the problems of ml-‘) was added as an internal standard.
alkaloid wastes as an industrial pollutant. Gas chromatography. A gas chromatograph with
This paper reports the quantitative analysis of an integrator was used (Perkin Elmer Sigma 1B).
lupanine and lupinine alkaloids in different Lupi- A 25 m by 0.5 mm inner diameter BP-l(530) col-
nus species and the study of the antigermination umn with nitrogen as carrier gas was used (flow-
properties of alkaloid extracts from lupins and rate 6 ml min-‘).
pure alkaloids on some plant seeds under labora- The operating conditions for L. albus, L. an-
tory conditions. We have used different crops and gustifolius and L. mutabilis were: injection tem-
weeds to test the species-specific effect of these perature 260°C; detector temperature 300°C; oven
alkaloids. temperature program 17O”C, increase 5°C min-’
to 235°C final hold 5 min. For L. luteus and L.
2. Materials and methods hispanicus the chromatographic conditions were:
injection temperature 240°C; detector tempera-
2.1. Plant material ture 260°C; oven temperature 160°C for 15 min.
The alkaloid standards were: lupinine from
The following lupine species were used. L. al- Serva (Heidelberg, FRG), and lupinine isolated
bus: var. multolupa (Chile); var. llaima (Chile); cv. in this laboratory from bitter L. hispanicus (Eco-
1444 (Spain) and cv. AL (Spain). L. angustifolius: type). Lupanine was isolated from the seeds of
var. ritter (Brazil) and var. chittick (Australia). L. bitter L. albus (AL). Sparteine and gramine were
mutabilis: Ecotype (Peru). L. luteus: var. amarello purchased from Sigma. Calibration curves were
(Brazil); var. aurea (Chile) and Ecotype (Spain). prepared for lupanine and lupinine. The response
L. hispanicus: Ecotype (Spain). was linear with a determination coefficient of 0.99.
The weeds Vicia villosa, Avena sterilis and
Chenopodium album were selected. They affect Purification of alkaloids
the cultivation of different crops. Seeds of Kvillosa Lupanine. Lupanine perchlorate was isolated from
were provided by Instituto National de Semillas L. albus (AL) seeds. 800 g of flour were ex-
y Plantas de Vivero, A. sterilis from the experi- tracted according to the method of Muzquiz et
mental farm La Canaleja of Instituto National de al. (1982) with some modifications. The aqueous
Investigation y Tecnologia Agraria y Alimentaria phase was evaporated to 200 ml and neutralized
(INIA) in Madrid, and C. album from Laboratory with 4 N sodium hydroxide. The alkaloids were
of Virology of the INIA. extracted with chloroform (4 x 30 ml) and the
The crops selected were Ttiticum aestivum (var. combined extracts were collected and evaporated
anza) from INIA (El En&r), Lycopersicum scu- to dryness. The product was dissolved in 20 ml
lentum (var. marmande) from Mazarron (Murcia), of methanol and adjusted with a perchloric acid
and Pisum sativum from Valladolid. solution in methanol (1: 1) to pH 6 to 7, accord-
ing to Perkowska et al. (1979). The white crystals
2.2. Analytical methods obtained were recrystallized from methanol.
Lupinine. Lupinine was isolated from L. hispani-
Quantification of alkaloids cus (Ecotype) seeds. The extraction was as above
Extraction procedure. The
alkaloid extraction for lupanine perchlorate. The aqueous phase was
method was the same as used by Muzquiz et evaporated to 200 ml and then made alkaline
M. Muzquizet al. /Industrial Crops and Products2 (1994) 273-280 215

with 4 N sodium hydroxide. The alkaloids were tions of sparteine and gramine (0, 5, 10 and 15
extracted with diethyl ether (4x30 ml), the ex- mM) were tested.
tracts were combined and evaporated to dryness. Twenty-five seeds were placed in each Petri
The crystals obtained were recrystallized from dish and eight dishes were used for each species
petroleum ether, which separates lupinine from and alkaloid. In accordance with the results of
sparteine (Cromwell, 1955). preliminary tests where the seeds were incubated
Lupanine and lupinine crystals were dissolved in distilled water, the percentage of germinated
in methanol and the purity determined by gas seeds was measured daily during 1 week for wheat,
chromatography, as described above. Mass spectra pea, lamb’s_quarters and vetch because of their
were recorded using a combined MS/GLC system rapid germination. Observations were made 3 days
(Hewlett Packard Mod. 5992), equipped with a a week for 3 weeks for winter wild oat and tomato.
quadrupole mass analyzer. Seeds were scored as they germinated.
When the seeds incubated with alkaloid solu-
2.3. Germination experiments tions began to germinate they were transferred
to another Petri dish containing distilled water to
The antigermination properties of whole alka- observe if the development of the seedling was
loid extracts from L. albus, containing mainly lupa- normal or not. When the seedling showed abnor-
nine, and whole alkaloid extracts from L. hispani- mal growth (i.e.: cessation of growth, dark spots
cus, containing mainly lupinine, were tested. Pure on root, no development of the root, etc.), obser-
alkaloids, lupanine and lupinine, purified from vations and measurements were made.
the above alkaloids extracts as well as sparteine
and gramine from a commercial source were also 2.4. Statistical analyses
Firstly, different solutions of L. albus alkaloid A three-way analysis of variance was conducted,
extract were made in distilled water containing 0, with alkaloid type, alkaloid concentration and
5, 10, and 15 mM of lupanine. Different solutions species as factors, using the BMDP-7D (ANOVA)
of L. hispanicus extract were also prepared con- programm (W.J. Dixon, BMDP Statistical Soft-
taining 0, 5, and 10 mM of lupinine because the ware, Software Release, 1990). Mean values were
levels in the seeds are lower than those of the lupa- compared using Duncan’s multiple range test.
nine alkaloids. The concentrations of lupanine and
lupinine in the extracts were calculated according 3. Results and discussion
to the previously analyzed alkaloid content of the
seeds used. The lupanine and lupinine content of the dif-
Filter paper discs (9 cm diam.) were placed in ferent Lupines species analyzed by GLC is shown
Petri dishes and soaked with 5 ml of solution. All in Table 1. It is apparent that lupanine occurs
the seeds, with exception of those of winter wild only in L. albus, L. angustifolius and L. mutabilis
oat, were incubated at 20°C in the dark and moist- samples, whereas lupinine appears in L. luteus and
ened as needed. Winter wild oat was incubated L. hispanicus. These results are in agreement with
at 10°C according to the method of de la Cuadra those of Muzquiz et al. (1982). Lupanine and lupi-
(1990). nine are the major alkaloids in all of these species
To ascertain the antigermination effect of the although other, minor, compounds also occur. For
individual alkaloids, further studies were carried example L. angustifolius contains angustifoline, L.
out in the same way with the purified lupanine mutabilis contains sparteine, L. luteus contains
and lupinine as in the previous test with alka- sparteine and gramine, and L. hispanicus contains
loid extracts of L. albus and L. hispanicus. In this gramine. Table 1 also shows that L. albus cv. AL,
case only those species and alkaloid concentra- has the highest lupanine content (2.7%), repre-
tions were included for which the extract results senting 75% of the total alkaloid content, whereas
were positive. Furthermore, different concentra- L. hispanicus is richest in lupinine content (l.O%),
276 M. Muquiz et aL I Industrial Crops and Products 2 (1994) 273-280

L. hispanicus




Time (min) Time (min)

Fig. 1. Gas chromatogram of crude alkaloid extracts of L. albus (AL)-and L. hispanicus (Ecotype). Peaks: A = Iupanine; B =
lupinine; C = caffeine (internal standard).

representing 70% of the total alkaloid content incubated in water. The data indicate that lamb’s-
(Fig. 1). These species were therefore selected as quarter, vetch, pea and wheat have a rapid pat-
sources to obtain pure lupanine and lupinine. tern of germination whereas winter wild-oat and
After purification, the gas chromatogram of lu- tomato have a slow pattern. A lower viability of
panine and lupinine crystals dissolved in methanol the tomato seeds can also be observed. The per-
revealed purities of over 97%. Mass spectral data centage of germination obtained with winter wild
for lupanine and lupinine were identical to those oat seeds indicated that the population used had
reported for the same compounds by Wink et al. overcome its dormancy, so interference between
(1980). the action of the alkaloids and the dormancy of
The total percentage of germination and the the seed was not expected.
necessary time scale for each species involved The analysis of variance applied to the data of
in this experiment are listed in Table 2, which germination revealed that of the three factors an-
shows the results obtained when the seeds were alyzed (alkaloid type, alkaloid concentration and
M. Muzquiz et at! /Industrial Crops and Products 2 (1994) 273-280 277

Table 1 Winter wild oat (A. stetilis) is one of the most

Lupanine and Iupinine content (% dry matter) determined by pervasive weeds in Spain and is closely related
to the well-known North European and North
Samples Alkaloids American wild oat (A. fatua L.) (Peters and Wil-
lupanine lupinine
son, 1980). It is important to find control methods
that kill the seeds rather than merely extend their
L. albus multolupa 0.06 zt 0.010 -
dormancy (de la Cuadra, 1990). However, the
L. albus llaima 0.01 rt 0.002 -
L. albus 1444 2.40 f 0.010 - decrease in germination of the wheat seeds incu-
L. albus AL 2.70 f 0.029 - bated together with lupanine extract represents an
L. angustifolius ritter 1.52 f 0.080 - obvious problem as winter wild oat grows in cereal
L. angust~olius chittick 0.01 f 0.003 - crops.
L. mutabilis Ecotype 2.27 f 0.150 -
- When considering the data on the effects of
L. luteus amarelio 0.02 f 0.005
L. 1uteu.saurea - 0.01 rt 0.009 pure lupanine (Fig. 3a) it is evident that the
L. luteus Ecotype - 0.80 f 0.010 above antigermination effect in wheat is absent
L. hispanicus Ecotype - 1.00 f 0.080 (93% of germination at 15 mM). The observed in-
Mean X!Zstandard deviation of eight determinations for each hibitory effect on the germination of wheat seeds
sample. could be due to the presence of other compo-
nents in the crude extract of L. albus or perhaps,
Table 2 to the occurrence of a synergistic effect among
Maximum percentage of germination and the number of days the alkaloids present in the extract. The greater
to attain it, of the species studied when they were incubated effect of the lupanine extract as compared with
with distilled water
that of pure lupanine on winter wild oat (3% vs.
Species Germination Time 23% of germination at 15 mM) and vetch (68%
(%) (days) vs. 94% of germination at 15 mM) supports this
Lamb’s_quarters 100 2 idea, in agreement with the results of Korcz et al.
Vetch 93 4-8 (1987).
Winter wild oat 91 19-21 The lupinine results are rather less notable, as
Pea 91 3
the only species responding to the whole alkaloid
Tomato 71 17-21
Wheat 97 3-5 extract of L. hispanicus containing mainly lupi-
nine, is tomato (Fig. 2b). Here the effect of pure
lupinine (Fig. 3b) is greater (62% of germination
species) the alkaloid type (F = 82.67) and the at 10 mM) than that of the lupinine extract (75%
species assayed (F = 242.73) showed values sig- of germination at 10 mM). Although there are
nificant at the 0.1% level. The combined effect of significant differences between the control seeds
both factors (F = 34.49) as well as the triple inter- and those incubated with alkaloids, the reduced
action alkaloid-concentration-species (F = 2.33) vitality of the tomato control seeds (Table 2) leads
was also significant at the same level. to questioning the true biological significance of
The results of the germination experiments with the data.
crude alkaloid extracts from L. albus and L. hirpan- Finally sparteine (Fig. 4a) and gramine
ices are presented in Figs. 2a and 2b, respectively. (Fig. 4b) had no effect on the germination of
The extract of L. albus, containing mainly lupa- seeds according to the analysis of variance. The
nine, has an antigermination effect on winter wild effect of these alkaloids on tomato and winter
oat, wheat and vetch. However, though the effect wild oat seeds should be carefully considered be-
on winter wild oat (3% of germination at 15 mM cause of the reduced viability of the control seeds.
concentration) suggests the possibility of using this Therefore, mean comparisons were not made.
alkaloid extract as a herbicide, the antigerminative Previous data reported by Wink (1983) in-
effect on wheat (45% of germination at 15 mM dicated that germination of Lactuca sativa was
concentration) diminishes this hope. inhibited by mixtures of lupin alkaloids. 13-
278 M. Muzquiz et al. /Industrial Crops and Products 2 (1994) 273-280

Lupanine extract Lupinine extract

Vetch W. oat tambaq. Wheal TOmal Vetch W. oat Lambaq. Wheat Tomato Pea

Control ? ?
5 mM 010 mM al5 mM ??
Control Ei5 mM 010 mM

a b
Fig. 2. Antigermination effect of crude alkaloid extract of L. albus (a) and L. hispanicus (b) extracts. Each bar represents mean of

eight replications. Means with different letters are significantly different at P > 0.01.

Pure lupanine


1: .:
: :
Pure lupinine




Wild oat Wheat Tomato Vetch Tomato

El Control El 15 mM l3Control Cal0 mM

Fig. 3. Antigermination effect of pure lupanine (a) and pure lupinine (b). Each bar represents mean of eight repetitions. Means
with different letters are significantly different at P > 0.01.

tigloyloxylupanine and lupanine exhibited the The observations during post-germination

strongest inhibition, whereas sparteine showed a growth indicated that some alkaloids also affect
weaker inhibition effect, in agreement with the to post-germination stages. For example, the seeds
present results. The author also found that the of lamb’s_quarter incubated with lupanine extract
length of the radicle was affected in a similar man- germinated and grew until 1 or 2 mm, whereas
ner as germination. No evidence of a lupinine or in the control sample they continued their normal
gramine effect on germination has been repor- development. Four days after the total germina-
ted. tion, the fresh weight of the controls was 2.21 g/
M. Muzquiz et al. JIndusrrial Crops and Produch 2 (1994) 273-280 279

Sparteine Gramine

” Vetch W.oat Lambaq. Wheat Tomato Pea Votch W. oat kmbsq. Wheat Tomato Pea

? C?ontrol Cl5 mM IZllO mM t3Il5 mM ? l?

Control lZl5 mM 010 mM EIlS mM

Fig. 4. Antigexmination effect of sparteine (a) and gramine (b). Each bar represents mean of eight repetitions.

100 seeds, but only 0.696 g/100 seeds for the batch (1) The alkaloid with the highest antigermina-
incubated with 10 mM crude alkaloid extract of L. tion effect was lupanine.
‘albus. A similar effect was observed with tomato (2) Lupanine was most inhibitory to winter wild
when the lupanine concentration reached 15 mM. oat, one of the most invasive weeds in Spain.
Gramine and sparteine had similar effects on Lupanine also affects the later development of
lamb’s_quarters and tomato. In a latter study on the seedlings. The potential use of lupanine as a
lamb’s_quarters both alkaloids produced a phyto- herbicide should be investigated in the future.
toxic effect characterized by the appearance of (3) Sparteine and gramine do not affect germi-
brown stains on the roots, showing sometimes a nation of the seed involved at concentrations of
poor development. It has also been observed that up to 15 mM, but they produce a clear inhibition
the seeds ceased to grow when they were incu- effect on the post-germination stages.
bated in gramine or sparteine. For example the So, it seems to be important to continue the
length of the lamb’s_quarter seedlings 6 days af- research in this way to evaluate the possible role
ter the germination in different concentrations of of both alkaloids as natural agrochemicals.
sparteine were 30 to 40 mm (5 mM), 25 to 35 mm
(10 mM), and 15 to 20 mm (15 mM); the control Acknowledgements
seedlings were 60 to 70 mm long. Therefore, there
is a clear effect of sparteine on post-germination The authors are grateful to Dr. G.R. Fenwick,
stages inhibiting the growth of seedlings. AFRC Institute of Food Research, Norwich for
From these results is important to emphasize assistance and encouragement. The aid of Dr. J.C.
that the effect of these alkaloids may be minimized Tello, Mrs. T. Tirado and Dr. A. Ramos is also
if only the percentage of germination is evaluated. greatly appreciated.
This work is partly funded by INIA SC93-162
4. Conclusion Project and is part of the PEA Project, supported
by the Commission of the European Communities
In summary we should emphasize the following ECLAIR Programme, and coordinated by UNIF’,
points. JII and IFR
280 M. h&quiz et al. llndustrial Crops and Products 2 (1994) 273-280

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