Adverbs and Word Order

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feeling this morning

Unit 24 6 nurse How are you this morning feeling?
1 1 I’ve never seen a dolphin.  susie Not fantastic. You know I feel hardly ever
2 We rarely go to the theatre. hardly ever feel great at this time of day.
3 Christine didn’t go to work this week. / This week  nurse How about a cup of tea? Always that always
Christine didn’t go to work. makes you feel more good better.
4 I’d like to speak French fluently.
 susie OK. That would be nice.
5 When did you live there?
6 The bus is frequently late.  nurse The doctor says that if you go slowly fairly
7 The traffic is always bad in London. / In London fairly slowly, you today can have a walk
the traffic is always bad. around the gardens today.
8 Answer the questions carefully.  susie I ’m not sure. My leg still a lot hurts hurts
2 1 A 2 I 3 D 4 F 5 L 6 G 7 B 8 J a lot. Actually, I think it feels more bad
worse than it did yesterday. Which doctor is
3 1 She occasionally is on the same train as me . coming today?
 2 I don’t like in the evenings eating a heavy meal .  nurse Well, it usually is is usually Doctor Marshall
on Wednesdays.
 3 Always We buy organic food.
 susie I don’t like her. She a bit annoys me annoys
 4 I this morning received an interesting email . me a bit.
 5 Danny has often fruit for breakfast.  nurse Why’s that?
 susie She speaks so quickly. I don’t understand
 6 My sister and I during the daytime watch TV . really really don’t understand what she says
 7 It’s snowing so everyone is slowly driving . at all.
7 1 faster than ever before 2 regularly you lose
 8 You should wash your hands always before a meal.
weight 3 quite boring 4 the trees become red
 9 We here hardly ever have lunch . and gold 5 less often than nowadays
8 1 was frightening 2 much more frequently
 10 Samantha well sang at the concert on Friday.
3 are not 4 bored and exhausted 5 beautiful
Unit 25 old French 6 as expensive 7 less often 8 long
and relaxing
1 1 the highest 2 more frequently 3 the best
4 the fastest 5 more slowly 6 the longest  9 1 C 2 B 3 C 4 A 5 C 6 B 7 A 8 C
7 more carefully 8 later
2 1 work as fast as 2 sang the best 3 more fluently 1 B 2 A 3 C 4 B 5 C 6 A 7 C 8 A 
than 4 was the worst player 5 as frequently as 9 A 10 B 11 A 12 C 13 C 14 B 15 A 
3 1 as well as 2 further than 3 as easily as 4 as 16 C 17 A 18 C 19 C 20 A
quickly as 5 far less frequently 6 much more
quickly 7 more often than 8 more slowly than

Review Module 5
1 1 I bought a beautiful blue bath towel at the market. Unit 26
2 We weren’t interested in Cathy’s boring story. 1 1 have 2 have/have got 3 doesn’t have
3 Their new Italian sofa is rather uncomfortable. 4 ’s 5 Have ... got/Do ... have 6 have 7 has 
4 Alastair often watches depressing black and white 8 have 9 Is 10 Has ... got/Does ... have
films on TV.
5 Does your grandmother still use that enormous 2 1 I’m 2 I’ve got/I have 3 is 4 doesn’t have/
hasn’t got 5 are 6 aren’t 7 She’s got/She
1960s washing machine?
has 8 have 9 I’ve got/I have 10 Have you got/
6 Fred’s behaviour was quite shocking.
Do you have
2 1 quiet place 2 everyone was awake 3 quite
high 4 nice young 5 uncomfortable old 
3 He’s 29. He’s Irish. He’s married and he’s got two
children. He’s 1.82m tall and he’s got/he has blond
6 black and white 7 rather 8 interesting
hair and a beard. He’s an accountant in a small
3 1 more dangerous 2 The lightest 3 The laziest finance company.
4 the best 5 more powerful 6 the largest/
widest 7 wider/larger 8 the longest  Unit 27
9 shorter 10 the greediest 1 1 connect 2 lives 3 doesn’t know 4 agrees
4 1 is an older invention than the iPod. 2 is faster 5 arrive 6 aren’t 7 uncovers 8 Does ...
than a car 3 are (a little) more expensive than four- bring 9 does 10 Does ... provide 11 don’t
star hotels 4 is larger than the Atlantic Ocean. 5 is think 12 don’t link
much more popular than cricket 6 is much smaller 2 1 Does water boil at 100ºC? Yes, it does.
than a rugby ball 7 aren’t as low as they used to 2 Does the sun always rise in the west? No, it
be 8 is (much) more expensive than a motorbike doesn’t.
5 1 less 2 much more 3 more 4 slightly 3 Does Switzerland have a coastline? No, it doesn’t.
worse 5 got better 6 frequently 7 not very  4 Do shops near you usually open on Sundays? Yes,
8 very well they do. / No, they don’t.


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