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Ancient Civilizations

1. Mesopotamia: The Cradle of Civilization

 Geography: Between Tigris and Euphrates Rivers.

 Society: City-states like Sumer, Akkad.
 Achievements: Cuneiform writing, ziggurats, Code of Hammurabi.

2. Ancient Egypt

 Geography: Nile River Valley.

 Pharaohs: Divine rulers, dynasties.
 Culture: Hieroglyphics, pyramids, mummification.
 Religion: Polytheistic, gods like Ra, Osiris.

3. Indus Valley Civilization

 Location: Modern-day Pakistan and India.

 Cities: Harappa, Mohenjo-Daro.
 Achievements: Urban planning, drainage systems, undeciphered script.

4. Ancient China

 Dynasties: Shang, Zhou, Qin, Han.

 Philosophies: Confucianism, Daoism, Legalism.
 Achievements: Great Wall, Silk Road, papermaking.

5. Ancient Greece

 City-States: Athens, Sparta.

 Culture: Philosophy (Socrates, Plato, Aristotle), democracy, Olympic Games.
 Wars: Persian Wars, Peloponnesian Wa

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