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Name: Graphing Ratios HW

Directions: Graph the ordered pairs from the ratio tables on the coordinate plane. Draw a line
through your points and be sure to LABEL the x and y axis with the appropriate title/units!


Your graph shows the relationship

between pounds of apples and their

a) According to your graph, what

is the cost of 5 lbs of apples?

b) What would be the cost for 10

lbs of apples?

Your graph shows the relationship
between number of fish and gallons
of water needed.

a) How many gallons of water are

needed for 6 fish?

b) How many gallons of water

would be needed for 12 fish?

Your graph shows the relationship

between the number of sheep and the
number of cows.

a) According to your graph, how many

cows would there be if you had 6

b) How many cows would there be if

you had 10 sheep?

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