Mark 25 Condition Manual

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[Instruction Manual ] Fine Godiicic WIRE CUT-EDM A SERIES with MARK25 Power Supply (water submerge) Machining Condition Table (inch) ‘Before operating the machine, read this manual carefull ned make sure that you fuly understand the Information I corals ‘Appoint someone to be responsible for this manual and kop tina designated place so thet Ris eocessioe atl times, S Sodick Co., Ver. 2.4/1 Part #6100317 NoTes (1) Allrights reserved. No part of his documant may be repraducad or transmitted in any form or by ‘eny means, elecrone or mechanical, intucing photocopying, recording, or any information stag ‘an retieval syste, without permission in wring from Sod. (2) The information hie document ie subject to change without nates. (@) This document has beon prepared with all due care. However, should you find any unclear Information, eras, or omissions, please contact your Sodick agent or cisttbutor or the technical ‘service dielon of Sook. FINE Sociek {tis forbidden to reproduce thie book in any form without the permission of SODICK Co,, Li. CAUTION ON EXPORT any of our products tallinio category such as sratogic matrals as specifadby the foreign exchange and foreign rede contol laws they shallnt be expertedo taken out Uv county without the approval of" Japanese Government. ARLE OF CONTENTS, [NOTES ON USE OF THE MACHINING CONDITION TABLE ...seesesrssve® LUST OF AVAILABLE MACHINING CONDITIONS BY AUTOMATIC SETTING... INTRODUCTION ...... [MACHINING CONDITION PARAMETERS FOR EOW WITH MARK2S POWER SUPPLY cs cvve vos ovsou cecttetteevetseeee 31. TM Pulse Mactiring and Normal Machining ()) 92 ON,OFF(N), scssenseneensnet 9:9. st of mactiningcondion Premetes... LIST OF MACHINING CCNOTTON (Wire ameter: ¢0.008") 41. Werkplece mate: STEEL 42. Wertpioce mater: WE 43. Workplace materia: AL 44, Werkpiece mater: CU LST OF MACHINING CONDON (Wire ameter: 42.010" ) 5:1. Workplece mates: STEEL 52 Wertpiace mates: WE 53. Wotkpce materia AL 5:4. Workplace mater: CU LIST OF MACHINING COWOTION (Wire camer: 0.012" ) G1. Workpiece materia: STEEL 62. Werkplece materia AL 63. Worrplece materia: CU LST OF MACHINING CONDMTION (tr camer: 40.004" ) 7+. Workplooe mater STEEL 7.2. Worksiece mate: WE 73. Werkpiece mater: CU LIST OF MACHINING CONDITION (Wire damete: 40.006" ) 841. Workpiece matric: STEEL 82. Worigiece mates WC 83 Werkpioce mater: CU 10. 1. ‘APPENDIX LUST OF MACHINING CONDITION (Vive cameter: 40.008" ) 9-1, Workpioce materia: STEEL 9:2, Workpiece materi: WC 93. Workpioce materi: AL 9-4, Wotkpece material: CU UST OF MACHINING CONDTION (ie ameter 40.010" ) 10-1. Wopioca material: STEEL 102, Workpiece materia: WC 10:8. Werkpioce material AL 10-4, Werkplece materia: CO LST OF MACHINING CONDITION (ee dlamater: 40.011" ) 1-1. Woploce material: STEEL LUST OF MACHINING CONDITION (re ameter: 40.008" ) 12:1. Workplece matorial; STEEL 122, Workplece materia: WE 128. Workplece materi: AL 424, Worplece materi: OU LIST OF MACHINING CONDITION (re éamete¢0.010") 49-1. Wotepioce materi: STEEL 432, Worepioce maturi: WC 183, Worhpiece mate: AL 19-4. Workpioce mstral: CU st oF MACHINING CONDON (Wire meter: 40.012" ) 44, Workpioce mate: STEEL UST OF MACHINING CONDTION (High-speed dose-contact machining) 15-1, Wire diameter $0,008" Workpioce material: STEEL) 152. Wire diameter $0,010" Worksoce material: STEEL) 18:8. Wire diameter: $0,012" Workpoce mele: STEEL) lot + Otese-contact machining Leper ras “The upper nozzle postion shoul vary in the following case: ‘Wires of 40.008" @2.010 or 60.012" in carat, ote sworpieces in thiskrmss of 0.2 inch = Wes of $0,004" 0 40.006 In dlamster,workiaces ir any nein thickness oar tothe respective maciring condtion tables. (One-sde open clearance machining Open cesrence mectning Leow — z= NOTES ON USE OF THE MACHINING CONDITION TABLE (1), Meoniningcondion numbers (2%) ae ncadedin conton fs. (@}_ When using a program (machining condon) created on the MARKCP power sup, the ‘hid dnt fom tne rot for parameter P must not be 1. (Refer to page 6 fr irferraion onlP in, MACHINING CONDITION PARAMETERS FOR EDW WITH MARKS POWER SUPPLY) Machining patterns (ito sth) ofthe mechlsng conton table can be calle Ur by te ‘vom machining selection function, @ (3). Ths machining condtion table is based on we bite oy KHS] Weripioce : Stool —SKD-11 (hardened) Wo — G3orequi AL AS05@ or equivalent cu C1100 or equivalent ‘Dezensing onthe weorksiace or matel consttuets, the obtained pedormance may vay, Advanced comer cont! (ACO) fused forthe set. Forthe machine wth 23.6-ich or above) table stroke or raised tune, the discharge cate wil get anger: the machining speedfor the Tet eut may not be the coma a tein ‘is oondton tae, DDenencing onthe werkpiece fixture or clamping method, the obtained performance may vay because of concusttyeicieny. (7) The acpropriata inverter frequency fe the fushing pump (high pressure fr rough rasining) depends onthe wire claret, workpiece thks, ete. Chock the setng for coreciess, and H necessary change the value on te [SET] scree: of the MARK2S ower supply Wt he fallowing machine models, the verter frequency or fushing pum (ow prensa fr fh machining) must bo ciferont tom the valve ste inthe mactiing (onan tebe @ [ase ihe vate (2 Ra aod reba AE PArSGWeH righ epeed ATSOW | Tha value 72 Fe ttee) mustbe 8 He ier? anaiecen CT not the case wih Standard A7S0W™) ‘Now: The inverter frequency for fushing pump (ow pressure) i set as above before shipment (8) Notes on Use of 777/088, erm “This she machining coton to be used for vertical alignment ofthe we, “Tis isthe machining canton tobe used or resetng wire breskage wie machining (GWT REFERENCE = 1) ‘Notes on use Machining condone "C777 and "0386" are nuded inthe condition la, “WT” and SWS" (vr tension and ire spaed) dat is defatted to those for wires .008"n Garnet When the wire damatese not 0.008", change the values as shown below. Wie cana [wt emer | ear o eo | o ene | a = ane | 0 a LIST OF AVAILABLE MACHINING CONDITIONS BY AUTOMATIC SETTING Tes AT ato] gee, [enna |02] 04] 08 [12] 16 ]20]2¢ | 28] 92] 86] +0] 60 [wore lelelele I eurfetetelelele Goce, [ocr le tele lelelelelelejejee ecrfelelelelejelejelelelele co elelelelelelelelele ste= | Groans [oer fe lefelelelelele on [goo fee lelelelelele aaa elelelelele ry ole feterelelete ee elelelelelelete eelelelele ose elelelelele emt elelelelelelelelejeele eleleleleleleleletelele Wo Grose elelelelelelele cteranca e[e[elelelelele open elelelelelejete ctoearce e[stelelelerere 3 e[olelelelejete ood e[elelelelelete cleletelete a. [Onesie e[elelelelelele sare ele [elelelelele Open slelelelejelete suance eleletelelelele elelelere elelelejele i Se, elelelelelelejeleleieje elelelelelererelelejele ov eleleleleleleletele ‘Onesie elelelelelelele cistranca elelelelelelele ‘pen e[elelelelelete = sswace eleleteteletete = Note: The above ists apaeabl to user es (2.15) 27 or (0.4 277 (©) Feetures an Note for Machining wth EF Cirout “Features> @ Isto 1) Mactining wth the EF crcut can init galvanic eoresion, or ust fomaton on the workpiece. (Honeve, the werkplace ie placed in water for long hours rust mey be formed beoaue a extn, tats ctferent fom galvanic eorosion ) 2) tte possible to make EF machining at almost the same speed as normal acting. ©) acest 1) High accuracy canbe ebsind a he 2nd cut becauso the wiring postion cont Ie adopted for shape corecon and bael-shape adjustment 2) thas an excelent galvanic corosion intting tft. (@ sideut 1) Surtace roughness of approx. 3 ynFimax can be achioved for weripiees of 40 rch ores thik, 2). High aocrecy is obtained thane tote wing poston conto 8), that an exoolnt gaivaniocerosion bing fact (sino 1) Surtece roughness of apprex. 2 umFmax can be achived for workoioas o 0 Inch ore tie 2) High machining acuracy is obtained thanks to the wing postion contol 3) thas an excelent gavaniocarosion ining elect “ring position controls ‘win the EF creut high-accuracy machining can be obtained st the Sedo th cut By corrling wireruning tote moet aproprate postion, mensional errors of weckseces of undesred barrel shaping canbe eirinated Fer this corto tha folowing codes must be acded inthe program. (peat thickness folowing “TP. Ald his code athe pnt In program where the wes in abeouta contact with he ‘workpoce othe opi opan) Woo (Atways spell". Addthis code atthe polntin ronram where the workpiece is sacure atthe work stand vel) A002 es seeee+++ Bpecly taper angl folowing "A. Refer othe cuting ‘canton tbe) = G51 052 ......++ (Insert ether code ate Gat or GA? (tet code) * Use G51 for G41, and G52 for Gat. = 80 (tsar tis code ter G40 otset cancel code).) (10) Troubleshooting for Mechiring win EF Crust “roubleshooting> ie breakage atthe tstet 1) Check sont leze. | ¢tnrsase te 4" vate er he machina © Son prarer WAC by var | ¢ increase te va forte macining conaton © fearneter OFF by or Loreto the wae for tne machining conn parameter Sv by 1105. ‘Wire broskage athe ett 11) Select igh gresure ashing and tani dove to tthe an vt pet ‘Gucpenurs dang sopanc \— programa snot ate ed of epprosencutt he Reig aha Foe 1 Ingen a ee main odion |e eerste the adelonal machining srsuttor For punch por. 0.0008 60.0001 och) Fore" psc ota to 0082 (ns) 3 Dont change he last fet value Difererefahed ze |___1) rit tne wire by changing oft amaunt to footage oe eal » Goeubyhal he rat for one sda) HE Theshit econ depends onthe punch ode pe bare-enaped in 10) Pune rarower inte me, pe acount vale fr oor te 2 Sip be orate). © (eas evan ar tore nd at yas ear fe [© Be.rarovarin te nie: Sopa be erate). —e) a, wider nna mi: byte eror ten. 1x The above amounts are ony or felrene, ens cols adie ze Syesee ‘The er (re) «254% 100 = SV The eror ‘c0008 = sve Bebore = Sve ee INTRODUCTION “The ec lacherge machine performs eutng operation by means of eect discharge that cout between the workpiece andthe electrode (vr). The principle of late charge ‘machining is brieyexpaines below: ON Tine and OFF Tine Electocherge must osur (ON time) and stop (OFF ne) atrnatey during machining. ven During te ON tine, a vetaga is apled to the gap between the werkpeoe andthe ‘lecrode (Wie), while no volage i pices during the OFF time. Consequently, eectic {Gscharge ocous ony forthe duration af the ON be. To have along uration of electric ‘Sacharge,t may be posse to sloxt a reat value forthe ON time; However, may cause ¢ shor-ercuit to ocour, resulting in wre breakage, To eold such toute, te OFF time must be nserod. MON tne and Elect Discharge ‘Wen the wire comes close tothe workplace win the discharging gp during the ON tine, ‘oct parking cocur, and electie dscherge machining stars, ‘Gap and Sane Conte Ifthe we comes to a8 tothe workioce, @ short-cut may happen, causing the wire to break. To keep th distance batwean the wire anc the workseoe (Hiss cad “lechsrging 1320) appropriate, «serv corral ie used. Electiccscharge mechinng corn repeating ONOFF of lecnarge pulses while Keeping a constant gap wit servo contol mOielocie Fis ecto charge can oocurin the a; however, tis nt stable and camet be used for ‘machining. To cbt sabe eleeie dscharge, dlelecic fuidis rogue. Within the (etecric fie, electric Gscharge machining canbe etabized wih eticent cooling and hip renova. “The above exolanation i the very basic Information on elects charge machining. pracoe, various condtons must be considered fr contraling electic discharge in order ‘bin eatitactorty fried workpieces. a4. MACHINING CONDITION PARAMETERS FOR EDW WITH MARK25 POWER SUPPLY [lecti isshange machining is controle by the folowing 19 parameters o ® ® ©» © © 7 © @ Cee mo 0H Oe ‘TM Pulse Machining and Normal Machining ((2)) Eloctc discharge machinirg is clasied into two large categories: normal mechiing and TM pulse machining, Ths ie determined by the numerical value a the @areme let gt at "1P™ @). T* grea lat cigt ———— Noxmat machining ore {frishing) wat normal pulses Example: IP 0012 rere ot cig of IP" TM pulee machining coughing) or above. wat normal pulses ne TH pals Example 1012 Th ‘TM pulse machining a camtination of narmal machining wath high-energy 7M pulses for {echieving highspeed operation. In this manual, the words "TM pulse maehining” end “norma! machining" are used with the folowing massing: [Normal machining .......+ “O° must be inp forthe extreme et gto “1 “TM pulse machining ....... A whole number fom “t"to "3" must be inp for the extreme fet dgt of 1 ON, OFF ((1), @)) “The numerical valuo fo “OW” spots the duration of electric ckacharge pulse ON tine. \Whan a grastor vaio is input for ON", the eeerio acharge energy Becomes large, nd ‘machining may be made quckty; hvever, the dlsharging gop ke widened, end may result in poor surtace roughness or wire breakage, ‘The numerical value for "OFF" deine the itera rom the and of en electric discharge othe nent vokage application tote gap. When smal: vale is put for “OFF he numberof ‘octic spars is increased, anc operation canbe faster; however, ths to smal. a short-oeltof wre breskage may accu. Sess (0) ON (00 12 091, 10010 131) “The elects cscharge pulse duration (his equal the ON tne) ean ba spect in three-digit fgures. Te right we dts spec the ciation ofthe ON ine, and the ‘2creme lel cat defines th conral of machining as shown below: (ON-—-Nomal machining —— The creme, — The orinary contol is exerted. T | mtaigne'o. L_ The extreme, ___ corrol i exerted for reducing lot dts taratorsin ONG ‘The eareme | rutputse machining —iet gts —— Whan the sate of machining ‘Soni '3 good, a wotage I placed {othe ime spestied or ON" LL wen tne state of machining ‘Shot good, a voage is piaoed forthe te spotied ofthe eating fer“ON Note 1: The pulse gt is specied by the right wo gts, and ste same for both ‘normal machining and TM pulse mactining Note 2: With TM pulsa machining, the value for "0" of MAO" wil ever be greater than that fro (@ OFF (00010 063, 100» 200 0 258, 000 363) “The sop ine of electric cacharge (he OFF tna) can be specifedin tree-dait figures. ‘The night no dots spect te curation of tho OFF time, and te extreme let digit cefines ‘the cartel of machining 8 shown below: (OF Normal machining ra pulse mactiing—— The exrene —— lighis“0- ‘Theeaeme —— ete" Tre ewone lehdgtis 2 The extreme Ietigt oo ‘Tre exreme —— lekigt er “The extreme lehtagtis Tre exteme lehtdgtis's* When the state of machining Ie good, ecto asenarge ‘Sopped forte tne epectied Orr. Wen he sat of mci Ishet good. the speatied OF {ine s atoraialy extend (Getesed by vorene) Wen the state of machining is good, else discharge ‘stopped forthe time ‘Specied in OFF nan the state of machining Ig not goo, te epoctied OFF ne automaticaly Seended (stacod 9 Ie). Iraspacve tne ete ot rach ese Catrge ape! he ne Sects ore en est tractnng Shane in ree Seelaeptadts Sr Uien test ot rctnng renga Seco s eope tre ieetacced Aiao® respective of he ego The OFF tne craton Teco ‘The OFF tine durations ‘tended by thre tines ‘The OFF time durations extended by four times. (©) #P (200010 0015, 100010 1015, 1200 to 1215, 2000 to 2018, 2200 2218) “Pfs spectiagin four figures. The ght wo digs speci the "iy valve (ak curent the third cig om the right determines whether te Super EF creutis usec and ‘he extreme let gt ces the coro of mactining as shown below P-7 Tre oars Normal mechinng —— Speaty the supply left eo (inshieg) volage as" The extreme “pulse machining — The supsly votage of wet (rouge) noma pulses s eneys BO. Specty the vorage ‘ede ofTM pulses as"V" IP The hie gt trom the eat eo The thir ig from te ght ee ‘Note: "cannot be used forthe thd gt tom the ight @) HRP Gk 0196,R: 0107,P: 0107) “HRP” consists of thee parameters: H, Rand P. (Each parameter mustbe& single doit umber) Hi Highvotiage power suply circu Determinas whether or nat to use the tigger crout or the high-voltage ‘synchronous cout, and epeees the vetage Re Tigger orca se Determines whether or not to use the ‘ggerorout, and epecties ho vave col resietane, Pi High-votage synchronous cout Determinas whether or nat to use the high-voltage aynehvonous ceut. and ‘species the value of resistance. = Tigger creat By sing his conrl crcut (or the appication of a ‘ollage dring the OFF time) tote ordinary convo out the pulse staity forthe tre before electric Sparking ocous afr a votage apzcation Is improved. “This eeut is patio effective in mashing wth EF mactiring OFF ‘Super EF machining ON colsbased delete id + Highvotage By sing wis contrl ceca (othe appcation of ahigh gmretrenes wotage during the ON te) tothe ordinary conta rot, oro the stabity of elec dacharge pulses during tre ON ‘ime is improved. This cout is partouay efecbve in ‘machining wh of-based deco ul wv (©) MAO (Wr 0108, &: 0109,0: 0108) “MAO™ is the parameter for establishing the cra for machining tabi. The detection ‘methed varies copending on whether Eis cormal or TM pulse machining. Each parameter (¥, And 0} must be a whole rumber fom “0"10°S" MAO Normal mschring ——-— yy... —— Defines the votage or time vel for sping woeter the six of machina is cabo rot A. ——— Species how many number of times the OFF ta ahous fuiomatialy be extended wine the ee of macrnng it |hgod unstasl from te level Sethed by Not uses Me. ——— Definas net vel for [edging whether to ate ot ashing taba & ret. ‘Ta pulse machining —— Spectes a duraon fo the OFF fie wich shoul be used vine te te of machenng ic [dgeg unetabie om he ove! Setnoaby ue A +0 Spates a duration tor tho ON ie winch show's be ood wnen the stats of facing jogged unstabic ‘om tne evel dated oy T (© sv@toass) Parameter “Sis use for cotoling advances and retracts of he wie During mactining, the mean machining votage varies depencing onthe sate of ‘machining benosn the weloiooa andthe elecrode. SV" establishes the relrence votage for cortoling advances and resracts cf the wee. Ite man machining votage it higher than te st voltage eel, te wre aavances, andi is lowe, he wre reacts (0 be precise, te work able advances or reac stead of te wee), "SV" can be a valve ranging om 010 255. The higher he values, the we the gap between the worksice and te eectrose becomes. Aigher value fr "SV" alan decreases tho number of elecbc perk, stabliing electro diecharge, although te ‘machining rte is slowed Gown. When a smaller valves eet for°SV", the mean gap comes narrower, whic leads to an increase in numberof lace parks, Ihcan speed upthe machining rte; however, the site of machining atthe gap may become unstabe, resuling in wee breakage, Normal, the numerical valu for*SV" must not exceed the voltage lvel spies for‘V* or HRP © Vows “VF epectis the eust wotage to be placed onthe gap. The grester tis vas the (pester te cece Gechare energy becomes. Nara acting” Spey te py tae be a ne m9 004 fier Cotas mieces tor be wectning eon te esp woking can Dene ange fmowe, $favoteierindcaes he st votage a one. ety te suppl vltage for TM pulses (02). ‘Rechmeter route 00 ata los +The appropriate ve for" depends, nthe ype olmashning: normal or 1M pulse rachning (© SF (00000 7998) “SF” spect the fae rata of the able ding machining Data must be fou cigt fours: three digi tom be ight species he toed fate andthe exreme le ight defines the owe con! as shown bal. ‘There ae tree serve contol: += Normal san conto. Selects an optimum rato, comparing the currant {8p votage wth ne bens reference votage SV Const speed sero contol... Moves the tbl atthe constant speed spect for - ‘egeenearogasto he sata clmachhing ae seo. = SMT eer cont ves Gontoathe patos ropcesont he diference in ‘he rae oftie novoed teoarate {ieconoe batwoen sve volage and gap votape Sinater numbar conetutes to Servo system Wi {ater foodrate. (107) {hi the sera torr! developed forthe optonal Perak Feed rte (SFO) canbe cleulatad along the folowing wo suaces: ) + Off surace: Controle the feedsate slong the progrermed path wh fet Program sure: +. sess Contols the feedrate long the programmed path “The nuraria! gues ofthe righ tree digs are recogrized asthe massmum feed rate (ato load for he servo contol. The one place ofthe twee-cgt fore i pointed of with ‘8 doc forthe food ral, Brame SF 100 ..---+ 1.0inetin. no fad Feed ate (SD) Table food ‘Tho extreme lft cigt of “SF i607. — Offset sxtace Normal serv conto! ‘The exrome loft cig of°SF is 1" — Offset srtaco | —— Constant speed sano contol “The exreme lf gt of “SF ig 2", — Program eurlace — Normal eer conto ‘The exreme lt cigt of “SF is “". — Program surface — Constant speed servo contol ‘The exreme left it of “SF ie 6", — Program euctace — SMT servo conta! (tor 1) “The exreme le gt of “SF i¢5", —— Program surlace — SMT sarvo contal (torn 2) ‘The exreme lef igi of “SF is “6". — Program surlace — SMT servo contal (pater 3) ‘The exreme lek gt of°SF* is "7, — Program surface — SMT servo canal (ater 4) 12 @ Cows “€ dances the eapacor wits the fve-loelseting ranging fom 0" to” “ detrmines whether oF not to use a capactor circu forthe gap, and specifes the capacty. The restr ts vale l, the more impact is von to the elects dscharce ‘nergy slbilaing elec clsonarge. Ifthe valuois too great, the dscnarping gap wl be dened, resutig n por surace roughness. Note: Tis condition shouts oly be use for normal machining for fishing, Far TM pulse machining, spesty 0" (09) Wr 10255) "WT conte wie tension Example: When WT = 120th wre tension fe 12009. When 7 = 200, the wie tension s 2000 Note: “WT = 0" sinvai. An error comment Processing condtions are out of insttutesrange"is payed. When WT = to 40, the wie tension i eto 40 g, te minima lve nen WT=41 to 255, te whe tension proportional increased When WT = 255, the wire tension eset to 2550 ¢, the maximum lve. (31) WS (1255) "WS" contos wire speed ‘Beample: When WS = 100, the wite speed is 10 m/min. When WS = 160, the wire speed i 15 minin. Note: WS =0" ls invalid. An enor comment ‘Prosessing cantons are out of lnstted range."is displayed. hon WS = 1010, the wire speed eset to 1 m/min the minimum level When WS = 1110150, the whe spoed is propertonaly creased. When WS = 181 255, he wie speed is set to 15 mtn, the maximum level, (12) we ot uoad a3) we ‘The two dts trom the let specly ACW data (optona), andthe extreme sight ct sslecs the PIKA creut pat. (Wt he Aeaies power supply, the PIKAZ out snot avaiable) Canaan | See ag Re 2 Drdaany acing ae er IRAE cor 2 PIERS ep ome 78 EF PI oe 7 EF FRA 13 8-8, List of machining condition Parameters Param Finton Ea ‘ON [Pao oTme water ow aT ‘OFF | Puse OFF tre wee wee P Gaioe rors 2qote2ns @ — |rampmersipyrecren | fants Tais amowoznis Ty power a ea ows Row? PowT MAO [Pulsar dws AVS OOS ‘SV Servaretrees vane or Vip sore tage Teo SF [sero CoCo STS 7 [oaector Toe Wat [eae eat Ti 255 Wa | Wee eed Ti a55 zl We [Sow nated Wo [PRA ecto Boe 44 Two digs om the lo of WNC" erator ACW data optional, Fer more infermaton aero the AOW instruction manual. 4 Workpiece material : STEEL Wire diameter : $0. 008” Nozzle Position : upper 0.004 inch lower 0.004 inch Wire diameter :$0. 008" Material : STEEL, Thickness 0. 2 inch Model A series with MARES power supsiy Fate coe No [cess | ox GFF ip ik? MNO SV V SF ¢ WT ws we inch/min | 00) (aude pon. vse 002Bnch one OOMinch 1} 100} ons 018 ws 001 250 90. est 120 100 oat] o.s82~c.s13| 400, Ko 2 | s00| o1o eas exis ooo a0 a8 © soto 0 120 1€0 000| osr2~e0i| aa! 1 3| ato] ono ois au con 3a 8 Tari 0 120 eo O08] Gars~e.a62) =| 43 +] mst ah aan 3 at & kw ezmean) <3 Tree Taide ane GaP Rae Rowse Fomie Nene ee “oper 062 C8) fegvea) Ln towr ome | Regi] Se oa 8 ist [tnd] ard | ih | ae foo 5 oom esos] tarmesinty= 10 Gen Wire diameter :$0.008" Material: STEEL Thickness : 0. 4 inch TWadel “A series with MARKDE power supply Tone Gren Solos | OF IF Pwo SY SEC HS A] ymin |) a EF Ppa t i ( Nozzle pos. : upper 8004inch lower 0004inch ) 1 1s] esis te ant 20 8 tas 0 nm aa] oma] ao | 40 2| sat| oot cz 2218 00 730 38 & cre 0 Ia0 100 ono| oatowa.t2i soo) xa FE 3.| 800] 00 o@1 1013 co0 6 Toot 0 120 100 abe | 0.3i9~o. as aE 4} a0] 000 oo: i018 oco 000 18 2 8 9 120 ie wos]] — 2a E Tewered Tame oe OF Taxts Faw eit pee cave nn | Thane ecnearch) | eneree U" ve | 20 | tt] th | cum se Set cots ores one] ona ce ers acic| 015 omni] ee mai nie 8 Jocme Wire diameter : 60. 008" Material STEEL, Thickness : 0. 8 inch oder A series with MARRZS power supply r 7] OF IPP WO St SiC HAC | thin i ( Nozte fos. spe 00th on OODKnch ce 011 2215-060 212 10 8 wE28 0 120-120 om | e.18sm0.28] 24.0] HIF ta 023 2213 000 720 38 8 eal 0120 190) Oasemo.mi| ano | Ls {co 01 1018 000 9 7 THRO 0 120 190 O08] O2Gimo.2»] — | yf co 01 1018 000 0a 18 2 GeE4 0 120 190 008] o.ztemo-ze| — | 28 § 3 Teanarad Toa apa Ot Sones For 2 Notas on taper setting Nal son Super 0004 te) tavern) rat Otnch mec cents | Ouse se, vow oones | Fa io 1910 eoxte| css] oor22| ooo. tone 3 Terese tote etsowate | [0x3 ome ounce] wre maul = tre 7 HS wi ten ttn Pe ome | cos] We vse” Sy 0 Bem Wire diameter : $0. 008" Material: STEEL Thickness : 1. 2 inch Model A series with WARKSS power Supp tae caret foowe [oh on IP a wo st CS | inch | | w EF «Nox ps: upper Ostineh one 0004nch > | 1 | 109] aoe ois 2215 000 2x2 10 8 oma4 0 120 190 om] 1260.14] m0 | 0 E 2 | 40a | ove 028 221s om 730 48 8 so16 0 120 130 O00] Oise~oltei| S00] 3. 8 se] sn ot aes 8 co 20 Fre 0 20 1 om]| — as 4 | 3] 000 a 1015 000 om 18 2 Tues 0 120 190 08] a.zzo~o.2s5) — | 21 § il Temes) Teas om ape Oe Fae Saree owns 18 Notes on taper setting Noceegox upper 0004 2) teen’) nid ‘ower oo = [Roum] ss sao 8 hoes tinh as wercine thickness to | ude si viper 00088 | Frah| 12101010 “Table To Pran” i etig me tower 00007 | Sven Pee Ine inch v0 Pare Teoerenge = 0002" +2 Wire diameter : 60.008" Material: STEEL Thickness : 1. 6 inch “Uda -A series with MARKEE power supply Fae ore Op FS | (Nora pes upper 000ineh loner 0008inen oT 1 | 01) eos out 21s om 24210. 8 cm20 @- 120 100 f0| a.08-~8110) 20.0] 1.0 2 | 40s] om acs 228 0 sok # e011 6 120 at 000| Otzome is] soe | La 3 | be| one co tals coo ooo 20.7 ted 0 120 30 ow | o2ue—] | LE | S| eo oot seis to bon is 2 ro 0 190 130 oos| azavenane] — | keg i Taeaiad Tana ae Fiaing tara Fa Note on eperseting | nmserr emer oom |_|" Syren unm tah See] Tere one ove ones czar ‘oor ar Tete se Peer] monitooues Sciwace Wire diameter : 0.008" Material: STEEL Thickness : 2.0 inch ne ont (sé oo 80inch oer 00tnch 9 1 | 10s) om ots ans eo 212 108 0018 0.120 130 000| Oori~uost| wo.0. ms f 2| ss| oma out ans tc iso 8 or2 0 120190 omo| otorsurat| ake Ls 3 | | tn tt fos ono fn 30 + tezo 9 tan 10 om] @.22¢-0.260| i 4} Ss] eo oo 1018 co oon ie 2 ext 9 0 199 ons ezeranase| — i Teaiey ne ae oe ang ear Fo Notes on taper seting | nino ser st 0) gre na Tebow me mee a = vet bnonte Teen | wens oo Tote hasan, | ast | ef res te | oa oo cot) son soc cu a Tormot inst tue ontte | lamnalenton oss] wremates = race ms ae Wice diameter :$0.008” Material: STEEL _ Thickness : 2. 4 inch Modal: A series with MARK2S power supply OF 1p mp Wo Si YF CW A] tneh/nin || Corte pox--upeerO0dtineh lover 8008inch 1 | s06| og 014 2815 02> 2 19 8 W012 0 120 190 | 0.05 2.0 | 10.0 2 | 06 om 023 2215 ooo 730 38 8 ool0 9 s20 120 o@| o.os7~o100) 30.0 | Ls 2 | so Oc oot 161s 90 oo 30 7 ZtHo 9 tap 10 om] azz0~o.2s2} — | as 4 | sn} oc oot 01s om om 18 2 Hees 9 aD 10 om] aistmo.ass| — | 20 i Teonera} Tana aero ror 2 Notes on taper seting Neale sot wer 0004 (it) Oget) (inn tna 2tnchaewicceitwte | Outre caper oom | fim | 2101910 wnt dine Diteectentrety | Tameaee 00 “Tile Te Ne” etn ote ec [tnd | ard | ee |e soon St aon ocx] ore] ona tower 03 Wire diameter :$0.008” Material: STEEL Thickness : 2. 8 inch Model: A series with MARKZS power susp) TF ota toe] Rolcow [OOF IP Pw SIV SF CMS HL nonin | ww EF 1 : ( Nese pos: vee 000tnch ner 04inch ) 1 | sor] oo 01s 2215 000 2s 15 # c010 © 120 130 wo] C.ox~a.082] 22.0| a0 E 2 | 107| oo 023 2213 om 730 48 8 009 0 120 130 om| a.ars~a.o58] 50.0] 13. 3 | 602| cco oo: 10:5 oan o@0 20 7 O20 0 120 190 ou) 0 205~2. 29 ue 4 | so | eco oo: 1015 000 000 18 2 702s 0 120 10 |] — | 20 Trenaral Taam ca ape OF Fare Sansa Foxe 3 Notes on taper seting ox ank sep 00 oi gvent)_ tna | tome acct | Roan 85180 ed hot nero Tien Tome Ome ota | oats] oxoe|oozn tone stra itr nto curs omoss| Waerestty:> 10 em roe Wice diameter : 0.008" Material: STEEL Thickness : 3. Zineh Woda -A sores wih WARKZS power supply [Fy Sop Oe wPRO Ste | eve aE 1} 1as| ow ois sis too 20 19 tow 0 120 10 | rmo.047| >) as E 3] a) bn to sos uo om 39 + Sea0 0 i20 t9 om] craze] | as. & 1] we S86 | oa i Wotes on oer sting | triers sour 0m Oo) gent entnone es Teton navamsa | and | aee [ia | um ‘oer 00 : | coma son os rn eaten feel srocs eens] Wcweaty = Pole en | sie Wire diameter : 0,008" Material : STEEL Thickness : 2. 8 inch Togs! 7 Series with MARKS power suppl 7 (Ce oe ee owe TS ATT ine T (Mossi pos. upper 000Ainch lover BCOKinch ) 109 | 006 O14 2215 O00 252 15 120 190 000 | o.0x2~0.0H9 0 2B 2 | 409) 002 025 2215 000 15148 8 120 130 000 | 0. 071~0. 0871 we 2 | 802] 000 001 2015 000 ooo 30 7 120 130 008 | a. 1890. 223) ua E 4 805} 000 00: 1015 00 coo 13 3 os) air~aa) — i I Trenaval Teed a Fone Soase Faw K Notes on taper setting aoe tegen) _ ni ht 26inch at weioteetiimes to | ade da eos | fish) 12 ty 1010 “Tale Te Progr” in etng mae, toner _00087__ [Sh ah eed Oiaetfoeachaanchy —] Teoerande = C02" “Tae To Neti sting nee ast | 2d | are | am | oun = “oer mtb a 0 he top wl be Joos coosig|oceseo] ire mateol ~~ ene 7 KS I 082 Wire diameter 160.008" Material: STEEL Thickness : 4. 0 inch Hiogol-A soos wi MARKS power supsiy JF es Orem Soloree | OFF IP mp ww) S\_Y SF Cm WS aC Inetvmin | | wy EF (Heels 98. per 000Kinch ower 2doKineh > r 1] 110] 008 ors 2215 000 242 15 0008 0 120 130 eo} 0.028~0.095) 28.0 i 2 | s10| ove 023 2215 090 751 48 & 6007 0 120 190 0c0| a.059~0.078) 45. & | e02| 000 001 1015 om» ogo 30 7 7020 9 120 190 8] a.142~0.217] — i 4] 805 | ooo 001 10:5 ovo quo 28 2 7028 9 120 130 0c8| a.tz7~0.205] = { Tener] Tiss de Tapper O78 Fate Sewer Piste 2 Notes on taper setting Noses poe Super 0008 J _grent) ann) bet tinh ae arses thicker | Guide, vnper oom | fun! 121101 “Ta Ta Progam’ meting re mar 00287 | ~ Shape Pe x inch Oieat te ason nina | Taperange 000 “Table To Nan” nwt ode | tn sre atm | sae vane sat “ope nt 62 that he op i 00485 |onsz0|oonss] Wie muteat om Ki ne 7 WHS i han he bottom 900s] ogou7] wnerseastnty> S310" Gem Wire diameter 0.008" Material: STEEL Thickness : 6. 0 inch Model A series wit MARKEE power supp Tae ome F| Ro vee | ON OFF IP HRP WHO Sv VSP CW WS WC | ineh/min | an) | wn EE (Morale gos. : ver 000Hinch lower 0008inch ) am 1 | an1] one 01s 2015 009 252 15 8 c006 0 120 130 oto] o.or6~<.022) 220 | Ko 2| an] 002 az2 2215 ooo 751 45 8 008 o 120 150 ato] c.aso~a.oss| sao) 22 f 3 | s06| 000 a01 1015 aoa 000 39 $ 020 0 120 130 ats] o.rs2~a.1s7| — | a3 & 4 | aor} 000 aot 1015 009 009 18 5 T0200 120 150 008] arsz—o.20s] — | a2 f | TRenaral Tae be oer JPinine Sores Fowste 2 Notes on taper setting oz you super 0006 0) _tegfen!) Un) tower ooo | Feugh| eo tno 060 test Sinch a wont ic cute du. copr ooss | pwan| 12 so 1910 “Table Te Pra” insti nose tomar 00087 Bach out inch eat aren inch) ooo “Tale Te Noi sting mee tee [20 | re | ith per Sit der eto ones | ono] waterestity-” sx 10° om ore Workpiece material : WC Wire diameter : $0. 008” Nozzle Position : upper 0.004 inch lower 0.004 inch Wire diameter | 0. 008" _Material : WC Thickness : 0. 2 inch Model: A series with MARKIE power sup) F yrotsee Covent Toloee lo oF I iar wo SN Tet CS A neve |) || «neste os.:uepe 0020inch ower B00Kinch ) ‘00 250 40 & C035 0 120 109 O00] o,217m0.248) 0, we 2 | a12| 000 022 2213 00 750 18 & 6028 0 120 100 000) o.ais~oa7i] 35.0 | 10 2 | 08 000 out 10:3 000 aoo S07 702 0 120 100 aps) o.si9~0.30] — | 5.0 | 809 000 ont 1015 090 a0 254 0 100 08 | 0.219~0.366] — 3.0 Teneval aa Fate Sauce Fowate 020 igen) _ oni tower 00087 Paar ‘toca a neh oa ist | 2nd | are | teh tree see Wire diameter :$0. 008" Material : WC Thickness : 0. 4 inch Medel A series with MARK2S power supp. F jeter Owen Toler | OOF IP HP MO SET SPC SAE] inehiin | 00tinch tomer O004inch (ernie po up 113] 008 O15 2215 000 251 20 8 O28 0 120 100 00d] 0. 169~0. 197] 0.«1 o i 3] ans| cco oor a0is 000 of0 30 7 set 0 120 10 os| oamsouser| se E 4 b08| co ont 3018 000 ono 25.3 Tut 0 120 10 On| 0.200—4 30 ted Treated Tie ae iam Soe Toe Nocele pos supper 0004 ee ‘Dit To veoh ak Gen) | Teer ane ase | ana | ars fat | cue aspe Som o2re| ono] oone| 0877 lower 803 Tet 0. 8 inch Wire diameter 140.000" _ Materia: WE Gisga “i sees Wit MARKS pow SIDS von oer ee ae ee see ml wet ( nalon apr O00 ner 008g 1 | us| exe ove ns om 210 Foo 0120190 O00) O1DSO.18| 20.0 1.0 241s] eon oua Seg wo soe te 8 cane © 120 10 oo Giaeme ion] sao Le 3&3] tuo amt as wo ooo So 6 sean © 12010 oo Gaxioaas| | Ao § 4| 811] 000 001 1015 00 000 25 3 7024 © 120 130 OOS) O.210~G.276) — | LO | 1 | Teal aa ae oe ae te [eeret ours te nots on uper ating | Sunes “oer 00m oo) tga me) ote eae ee ‘Se beou a wwe saer_ | Se oaths Tac] mew ss ae ose enn =o anenneten [PP stn ees] areanor: ton Wire diameter :40.008" Material: WC___Thicknese 4. 2 inch Tis nares WIC MARES pow opr a et ee ee | enn | oY | (Menon: 0c over One) axe ut us m0 242 108 16 02 130 ono] o.os~o.r8| 2n.0 | m0 tm ox) aus om tao 0 @ nit © tao se | einer! ao | ‘Lo oon init oui a fae 0 wo se we] eameasae| | ku go ool nis om ono aS mae 0 wo 30 we actions] = | a0 Tread Ta Jane tore oan verotes on per seing | nase. nour oat cab_ gra a ee Tac temnce oem osu [Sea tention Taran | cme = mr Taman an fa | ad pan | ca oe au 7 2 Wire diameter :$0. 008" Material : WC Thickness : 1 6 inch Model A series with MARKZS power supply rad inob/ain | 0) » Xo fone sen (Nest pot Super 0006 one BOK? | 1] 116) oot g21s ono 2x2 10 #012 0 120 190 00| o.0sino.039| 20.0.0 f 2| aie | oot 0292218 ooo s50 as 8 eat1 © 120 1 eco) Govimocine) sao) uf 3} a1o| 000 eat s0i8 oo coo 50 Taet © 20 130 ow, aisteezmy) | aE 4/8) ee eS mek 6 mm Soman — |e | Tremere] Tee ap Ot Fine Eaves Fone Notes on taper settng | sezsaen wor 0008 hoger) tne tomer sabe | igh) 69180 o 8 roa tainchoewatgce weman'e | iets. apm te [fnan| 121010 10. “Table To Next” in setting mode. ast | 2nd | ard | ath Gide poor Sot Tommie tsetse | | 5000 o0| as] Weel ~ ews |cons| omnes] Yawrrsty> Seto sem Wire diameter :40. 008" Material : WC Thickness : 2. 0 inch adel A series witt MARRS power supply 7 Patan Gren Tolceee [oN OFF IPP wo sh VS CS IE motvein_| i ( Noes a eper O€0inch ower 04inch ) 1| 137} oop ois 215 000 2x2 19 #0010 0 120 190 o00| c.oss~o.eir| 20.0 10 2) dtr] oor een a3 oo a0 48 8 eni0 9 ta” 130 om | oorswa ta) sor iu 3 a10| o00 eat 1018 900 of 50. 7020 0 ta0 130 cos) oies—oist| aE 4 211} oon oat 1015 00 oro 25.3 ioai 0 igo 120 ow | ior=o. 224 i Trowel Tea ape Oa Faia toute ome Wate on taper aettng | out es tomo Ho) glen) nn) tor 0000 | Rea] ss tsb a0 eo “Tae Tero’ hengmoce tor_000s7 [Soe mac “Tae Te en fet nde ue [and | art | th | oom cov 50 ocesn| acess | cone | ogo omer Tuarmtoeantsotatveno nate |” |oovat|ooatn| ones] ie meral = more ws TEs ‘Thickness : 2. 4 inch Model “A series with MARKGS power Supply TF sia core Gee [Re Ree TR indy | a | a (Nox p28: yar 0004ineh ote Kinch) 1 | 118 oop ove 2215 e00 282 10 8 e008 0120 130 009| o.0%8~c.039] 22.0 | 10.5 2 | ate] ot oc3 2018 e00 730 48 & ous 0 120 190 000] o-05r—o.eR7| 50.0) 1.0 45 | aio| oo cot 4013 eo 670 39 6 3030 0 Y20 ‘20 oos| 0. 161~0. 185 Bo S| ait| 000 oo: 1018 eo ooo 25 3 Jas1 o 120 v20 008 | 0.198~0.217 ne Temata] Ties aoa Oe Finny Sass Fete 2 Notes on taper setting Nona son cope 0004 fearon!) Uni) "Te Te Pron’ ating ae tone_00087 [Sage Poe os neh wa Tock] Tepe arde = 0807 se Te Ne” ht ese sat | oo wrcer Set cen | on| aac ooze tee Termeni mcmencontt [Goes] amen ae Wire diameter : ¢0. 008" _Material : WC Thickness : 2.8 inch Model A series with WARKIS power supply — 7 Vora ore oF iP MP wo sv 1 st CS Ke inchimin | ay | wn ( Nozale pos: wpe 00Dtineh lower 0608inch 1 | 119) one ois 2215 90 242 10 COT O 120 130 O90) 0.026~0.035] 20.0 | 0! F 2.| 419) @or 023 221g 000 150 48 8 6007 0 120 190 OF0| OLo5B~0.0%5] 50.0) 1.0 § 3 | 810] 00 001 1018 00 a00 50 § 7020 0 120 130 o0e| o.nie~o.16a] — | AoE 4| a11| aan oo 1015 00 000 25. 3 7021 0 120 190 o08| o.nes~a.213) — | a0) & i | Sew) ee ome 03 Iter penne UP" 2 Notes on taper setting Noxtasa cetper 8006 i) event) Wine toner 0000 | Reape] SS 180 €0 60 “Te To Popa them toner_o007 [Stare me br tineh te Ofaaternchom nen) | Taras = O00 “Ye Toe” eting ns ast [2nd | ard | ath | ouse sever 50 os ose) oxces| 030709 toner 872 wrt bton [Joon fosots] wnteressivay-> 8x10 Gem Tea Wire diameter :$0. 008" Material | WC Thickness | 3.2 inch Model A series wit WARRIS power supply Fae Goer welew [oe Ip mss eC | nove a) BE | « sete os: pperQ00tnch wer O€0Kneh ) | 4 1] 2) 9m cs Bo 2 16 #468 6 Le am) owe~o.00| 0) 1.0 2 | ao) cor aes 22 oom ts 3 & one 0 0 190 o9| oonmaoss| enol Lo | e10] ooo oot s045 ono on 0 x Tox0 © ian ase one ouemo-isi | sa E 4] sir) 00 oor sais coo cco 25 3 Farr © 20 tan cos euesmo2m| ~ | 23 § Terao Tae ae OE t= = is Notes on tape” sating | sexe on umrer 0004 Pe) avent) tn ya atinon ernie tientste | cuitede. sumer onot [Fl 12 131010 Te To Pg” nti mote tone _00tt? [Bae Po vos acho Diane eson ren) | Torrenle coor “Fie Tot” eg mete. 1 ealalcttal Srv 3 eran beet so tite tpbe | ogo] 0018] 0008] renal = lane HS wor Bone ttn ooo bent] Wr mesity= suit" tem Wire diameter : 80.008” Material : WC. Thickness : 3. 6 inch Mogel A series wht WARKIS power supply TF Teltees | oo IP uw uo St SFC | eh in 1 «nora po.:uer080inc ower 084i) 1 | 121] os o1s 2215 coo 242 10 8 0005 0 120 199 0) Core~o.02y| a0 wt F 2| sai] oo 2s 2215 ono 1 8 & gone 0 120 120 | ase; 20 ft | 810] 00 1 16:5 900 000 so s020 0 120 139 008) oiai—o.iss) aa «| sit} o00 eo: 1015 00m eco 25 3 Toad 0 120 130 aos) o.168~2.185] — 25 | 1 Teena Taso aa Finine Sars —Fewre 2 Notes on taper seting Net on wpe 0208 eo _tguen) tn crore heating oan cree oom? | Spe Ram len neh Date easchtnen | Teerede Oar Ta Than bee mode ta [ana] are | h | Guee were Slt ozs] ooses oars] oars tome or Towne oat esas wate | [oantss| sone |eonee| re mneral ~ Raee mS a as $0. 008" Mat Tachnens 4.0 ach 3 Notes on taper setting Ino Kinch a writs hens site tan atom [ Hicae: series with MARKEE power supe i oF Ne lowm | OX OF pug wo SU YF CS inonan_|“or | tf ( Nozae ge. upper 200th lover O408inch 1} azz | 908 01s 2215 000 212 10 & e008 @ 120 190 om 0.016~0.022) 25.0 i 2 | azz) oor 023 2215 909 751 48 8 ceoG 0 120 130 0O0) 0.038~0.081| 42.0 & 3.| 810] 000 001 1015 990 000 508 7020 0 120 130 = E 1 s11| 000 001 1015 000 ou» 25 3 To2t 0 120-120 i is TRenare] Tote ter 7 Sore Powis Nez sox par 008 (He) _igven') nnd tower ome [Fea e 180060 Diese eschcainen) | Toserange 0005" ree | tad | sea | ach | uae veer Sat 000571 | e008 000738 0076 tower 8-3 000es7|20t0/ acco] Wirerwtert Kir 7 HHS Wire diameter : 60. 008” Material | WC Thickness : 6. 0 inch 129) oe ors 2215 000 252 2) a2a| om 023 2215. ooo #12 090 001 1015 000 000 | €13| 000 001 1015 000 000 25 Model A series with MARK2S power supply Fouse Goret a lovee | OX OgF_1P 1? 990 inchvmin | wy i oo 3 co we ( Wezalepos.: per Q00tnch tower @GOKinch > 15 § 0001 0 120 130 009 8 § 006 0 120 150 00 50 8 7020 0 120 130 06 3 7020 0120-130 08 | acorns} 200] a0 Ceew=nas| wo] af Sitesnia| — jt Trend 2% Notes on taper setting lap 6oinah as wrenches lower 0004 we) _ igen’) wer ‘iif each ca inc tet | 2nd | aed | th 2008r|oo072|ocoa6| ocr Rou] 180 -€D6O wowed 0000 Tee Workpiece material : AL Wire diameter : 0. 008” Nozzle Position : upper 0.004 inch lower 0.004 inch cc Ec Wire diameter :¢0. 008" Material : AL Thickness : 0. 2 inch Model: A series with WARK®S power supgi Tee Soren —F] a Er 1 | 126) oo: 016 2215 oc0 260 30 cry 0 120 10 oo| B.7I~O.78H) 0} Zw E 2 | a24| 000 a3 2015 oc 750 18 coIr 9 120 100 000/ e.oosmo.7e0] soo] on 3) 814) ooo aot 1013 C09 oo 305 FOs1 9 120 100 08] Bim) — | aN & 4 | 815} eco 01 115 010 ooo 1% 2 seas @ 10 too om] aemnaiy) — | aa 3 | I to Teena Taser Oe aes Sarco Novae por cups como || 08) taven') nn | Die arechcntmen) —] Toe a vse | ta | ava | am | oorsea| carey onsen cen econ os, oe ae 7 m8 J locos ozoen fn Gem | | aco Wire diameter : $0008" Material : AL Thickness : 0. 4 inch Modal A series with MARKIE power supply eae oer So lovee [ov OFF IF wp wa) SUES CATS HC] inch/nn tt) ( Nor 08 tper 08ineh ewer aodtinch | am 1 | 125] os zac 260 20-8 0050 0 120 10 coo] os20~0.567) we a3 2 | 425| oo: o23 2015 cop 250 48 eosr 9 120 100 000 o.omsmo-vai| eno ws 8 | sia] 000 001 1015 000 090 30 5 7031 0 120 100 008 | o.4o8~0.472) — ono E 4 | 5) 01 oor tos oo ooo 8 2 7e85 0 120 100 cos) aasemo.dis| — ont f | | Teenaral Toate eee OE Fane Sara Foose Noctepon upper 000 ||) tet) Cnn) tomer 0x8 | Roan as 100" 00 tover_ooce7_[ Stee Pach Wit foreack cainen) —] Taperane = ont" tax [ad [ara | am | ouce ze sot cots ors omnza| oto ponerse) | so FT Wire diameter : 0.008 Materia | AL Thickness : 0. 8 inch Model A series willy MARKS power supsl JF ota Coren Toler | OOF iP mp Wo St tse cA] even | wy on EE | | «nosso spe Ogi on 000Kinch 1 | 126) oot o18 215 bun 251 25-8 007 @ 120 180 000) aLimo.s10) 1.0] 80! 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Lm) Fok] sso” «08D Lo toxoeet Wire diameter :@0. 008" Material : AL Thickness : 2. 8 inch Model A series with MARKZS power supply TF vonaee Curent a [cove | oN OFF IP RP WD SEY SF CRS ACL inctvin | wy | (Nezale pos. vaser0dOtinch lower 0.008inch 1 | 191] 009 014 2213 000 242 20 0028 0 120 130 000 2 | a1| ace 022 2218 ono 780 18 & 6020.0 120 130 000 3 | €20) 600 002 10:5 010 000 20 § 7024 0 120 130 08 4} 621 000 001 1015 090 000 18 2 028 © 120 130 008 0.288) Teena} 2 Notes on taper setting ro 28inch a wore etn to ter 0004 ‘ete eh i nah ast | aad | ard | ah ano] oon57| cose I 10 _ ayer’) nid Roan] 15060 Taper ade == 0007" Waterasettys” $210" Bem Wire diameter : 0. 008" Material : AL Thickness : 3. 2 inch Modal A series wilt WARRIS power suppl 7 pe oon Toker aarp mp wos sec ST tnchven | oc) RE (Morse pos. vnpe 0¢DKineh ier 0004inch | 1 ase} go bn a too 2 A 8 Be Ot OW | O1ze~e.H8| a0] LSE 2] ie) asa Sie sso st 6 cus 6 120190 en] orca) aio) af 3 | se] Gn oor sn to cor 30 1 nes 0 120 tat om | ouowe.nn) | ke {| zs] too cor 18 oo too 8 3 rs 0 20190 ee] ooo) — | aa Soleo [ax oF ip mp ug gy tC HE] tneninn |) 0 20kinch wer OdoKinch ) & ) sma] bones ze no ge 20 8 ons 0-120 19 co] 0,106 129} 0.0) 3 2 | to | on ent sois ooo ono 30 7 oxi © 120 10 aos i 4] es | on eo i018 000 ono 18 3 roe © 120 10 a f Tana aaa ae Rag tora Fete notes on taper senng | nae sen ter 904 Oo) wma “ne tober nna mn ‘o_oner_[“Sabe Ba weutinene Taereshcatren | Terwde owe Tetenewnmieon — | ase fant] ow | th | coor we ae cts ere aso oe someone aros|amus| vewredaney- ax hen ae Wire diameter : $0. 008" Material : AL Thickness : 4. 0 inch [Moder "A series with MARK2S power supply TF Vote Coren Soleo [oof ip imp wo st Ve | namin | od | (Nene on tne 000neh owe OODKneh i] 1 | ase| eos it zens o00 2 208 m2 0 120 190 00 a.ov2~o.110) a0.0] %3 2| soi) on oa 2218 ow G50 48 8 6016 9 120 10 wo) o-1esme.162| 50.0] 12 f 5 | sea| xo oa: fois ooo coo 3 7 vcs © 120 0 ts | @rme2m] — | ae {| s29| c00 001 1018 e00 om If 3 Fem 0 10 190 06) 2vemozii] — | 20 f i i Teese ea 0a a Notes on taper seting | Nsnaee opr 008 Ca)_Sgven) Lin) towr ocor [Rah] ee 800 eo rest stich oswotctonticento | Guede omer cnn | fam) 12 1019 10 vtineh Tires caren | Tome On “Tao Tone hentrerete [ast tnd | rd | ath | Guae eer sot Torte tot arate || 9808] 005 0mm] re natal a= wee 7 HS " locos] _ Wire diameter :#0. 008" Material : AL Thickness : 6. 0 inch Model A series with MARKOS power supply TF _ Note Gore No lowe | chose up ump 0 VV SFC MT WS 9 | inoh/min |) ef | cas ep 00ch nnd 3 1| 195] oof ois 2215 000 2c2 25 t0l4 0 120 150 10} c.012~a.053) aL0 | m5 2 | 495] 002 022 an15 000 750 48 & €014 0 120 150 019) O-122—~0.136] 38.0) 1.0 4 | as| ao aot 1018 of 000 40 & Fo20 0 120 150 0 | o-oB6~0.122) — | as 4 | s27| ago ant 1015 079 060 18 9 Fox 0 120 150 0@| o-142—0-169) — | 20 smesepon cope ome |_| on tgven)_ (ined en “Tn Ta Popa” nm ro tene_oorer_| Save ry wea oh Teate eet entnen) | Tpernge = oon Toten hontai se [and] ara] aa | one sxe Sat 2s srr] ocr coat tor 0-9 Twente tse at tetopitte | [00d Om] oss] Wie mata = Rie 7 RIS Te Workpiece material : CU Wire diameter : $0. 008” Nozzle Position : upper 0.004 inch lower 0.004 inch Wire diameter :$0. 008" Material : CU Thickness : 0. 2 inch | | Guide| oper 0.0083 Fish | 12 1910 10 ist | 2nd) are | ath | ade oe 3 000 001 101 000 000 30 § 7024 0 120 100 On| 0,3u7~0. 346] — aa | | Te Wire diameter Moder 0.008" Material : CU 7A series with MARKS par OF IP WP wo SY oa ( Nozale po. upper 0d0tinch ewer Cnc WE | inehvnin 1 | 12e) om 011 2n15 o@o 212 23 8 018 0 120 190 ono | 0. s89~0.219 2 | 08] 00s 028 e213 020 730 48 & tas 0 120 120 on0| 0 267~4. 327 3 | a02| 000 oo: 10:8 62D 020 207 720 0 120 130 008 0 261~c.295) 4 900] 00 00: 10:5 oan oun 18 2 72s 0 120 190 one) 0 226~.264 Tense] Tae eer Tae Powe X Notes on taper setting este ot ier 004 Scere) (ne) torr eat | Roa 30 60 60 Wo.Btnch ss watsaceticiento | Guida wer ocotn | finer! 12 101019 “Tae Toga” hte tener caer [7 Sie Pak weattnento Crea treecrcntncn) | Toorop 000 “Tab Toa” ta mde se [and [et 7 ta | oe ove Salt ocaso| arse ocr | oc toner 83 Theatr este etna | loans ors) ose ire 7 8 eo : vita te btn fn aoxtr| caus] wines” $310 Gen cu Wire diameter : ¢0..008” Material : CU Thickness : 1. 2 inch Model: A series with MARRIS power suppl 7 Noe fore F Refoow | ON OFF IP ue wo Sv YF CWS HC] chinin | 0) | a (ent po spe 00ch ner 888nch ) as | 120] 0 1s 2219 000 az 29 8 024 0 120 130 600) c.126~0.148) 15.0 10.0 2 | 129| 08 028 2013 000 70 48 8 016 6 120 130 000] o.180~0.217| 81.0) 13) 8 | sz] 00 cor 1013 060 000 30 7 1020 0 120 x30 406) o-26e~0.299| — | 2) 4 602| 000 00: :015 000 000 18 2 ozs oa 130 o08| 0.213~0-244) noid Loi Temas] Toe de use Fiat Sores Twat 2 Notes on taper setting Norte we. cic 0004 eigen) Uni tower com | Rows] 55 150" 0 40 “To Pre” hima tows _eame7 [Siar Poe vax neh Dhatoesscairen | Tawaae = ome "Tot Than an mae. vst [ae | are | ich | ue swore Towra west to witee |” [ante] 00% /om0s2t| remaest Kiwis 7 KAS TEE Wire diameter : 60. 008" _Material : CU Thickness : 1. 6 inch Model A series with MARKZS power supply Feta arent wie [Oo ities Tse cE | tenn |e) ay SE | | ( Nozzle pos. : usper 0004inch lower 0.004inch ) | 1 | sa] oo ots 2s con 22 28 ono @ 120 180 | oneal a5.0| 1.0 2 | 440 | oo ova 22is ao 780 48 6 colt 0 120 120 Ow | O.1sr=8 19 nse 3 sx} oie tori tm ow oT Toxo 0 tah ww] owreae| = | ef 4] bo} oo oor 1015 coo ooo 18 2 21 0 130 130 om] oisrme.aey] — | oe Teel oH Fog Sane Foe Notes on oper sting aoe Coo tne “Tose oon hearse rt) | Soe oa vmean Teateaaiach | Tene ome “Table To Next” in setting mode. ast | and | rd | 4th Gul ‘ume Spit Li exes Wire diameter :60. 008" Material : CU Thickness : 2.0 inch Model A serce wiht WARK power Suppl Foe one Toles [OOF MP WO SY Sc | eva | ww EF y 4] (Nz pos pe in ne Ooch 9 1 | 1a] oon ere 215 t00 212 20 8 co1€ 0 120100 om | o.oTs~c.081 380, 48 E 2 | si oes eon 221s oo 130 a2 © e012 0 120 130 om] Oizecens| ane: 13 3| &ta| coo on: 118 ooo oo 30.7 ocd 0 tz0 130 ope! oczeroza) Lo 4 | tos| on oor 1015 coo eco 18 > rezi 6 120 150 om tessa] — | 20 f i} I Teta Tea ee a AE Notes on taper seting | sete a) ern tind vs techie wate Tooele Ome Tatetohontouenes, | ase [aw | io | ah | cose wo fon coz one oso oe ers a Wire diameter :$0. 008" Materiel : CU Thickness : 2. 4 inch ‘Model :A series with MARK2S power suppl F Noe Gore Recor] Oe iP wie wo gt YF Cm HC] non | wy | w BF || (Nose soe supser 0¢0Hinch lower 0008inch I 1 | 122] oop 01s 2215 000 232 22 8 a012 n 120 130 ooo] o.059~o.071) 95.0) 9.5; F 2 | 412} oop 022 2215 00 730 48 8 G10 0 120 130 000] 0.110~0.190| 50.0) 1.5) & 3,| 02] oop oat 1018 00 ooo 20 7 7020 0 120 190 00s] a.z2e~o.26i] — | 40) & 4] a05| ooo oot 1015 c00 ono 18 3 7021 0 120 130 008 jsf i Li Teena] Takes omer 0 Foie Sous Fowate 3H Notes on taper setting Now s08 supper 0008 tigen?) Ci) ost Aine me waiice cise to | Gude a. wpe 00088 190 10 Tove ToProtan” stig ese toner_ocne7 _ | Soe oy bens inch ‘Gieatareechaineny | Teperale + 0m02" “To To Ne” a aetng made tse [2nd] ra | an | Gute ow Sole 00018] oon] aor | ocoor tower 83 worth te bts [rr pcos] ocoss] water resoy> 5x10" mem | ooo Wire diameter : 60. 008" _ Material : CU Thickness : 2. 8 inch Medel :A series with MARK2S power supply F verse Ouran Bolom [ OX oF PHP wo SVU sec | inahinin | | rE 1 | up| cop eu 2 om at 29 -€ o010 0-729 10 oo] oo%emaesr| asa | 9.8 f 2 | s| to ead 22s mm a0 a8 # ewe @ a0 tn 6oo| @osrmatio| wal 13 | E 3 | ata| or ea sols om ono a0 7 S20 0 20 130 ts] oarimozw] | oF 4 | 805! 000 001 1015 000 900 18 3 7021 0 120 130 008) 0.201~9. =| ~joarig Tease] Toke a senats on taper seting | rates cor ore stich roan einart | Ged tr ts Torn nner e008 wench Diets echo tna Siaetonewneavenete | ase [ane | oe] a | cu vw war ne tan coor] one] Maw mony” =x fen owes Tee Wire diameter :¢0.008" Material : CU Thickness : 8. 2 inch ModelA seree wilt MARKO power SupDIy 7 No loess [ox ofr IP imp wan sv _V SFC WSC | inchimin ( Nozzle pos. - upper 0.00inch lower 0.004inch } | 1} 144} om ars 218 00 249 23 8 09m 0 120 199 GO| G.OKI~B051) 0) aa F 2 | sii] 00s ozs 213 oo seo iss eaos © isn 190 omD| o.ora~a.os| ake | TE 4) at2| 000 oo: 1015 oon coo 30+ 20 ae | 021s~0.218] | 0B ‘ “| 0 021 iis ton oo Ie 3 20m | an5~0. 282 ad Tew] Tea are foxes Foor nots ontapar setting | sone oe e)_teven’) na “Tn TePrerwr hee mee Sie ror "Ta To Nast” cating ma, |lt) saoer Sot acxs| oars acc oa ‘oer ares Terma et settee | aust] ots aan] real = rasa HS wider than the bottom. 000633) 0.00437] Water reistnity:- S10" Gem Wire diameter: 40.008" Material: CU Thickrese : 3. 6 inch Model A series with MARKS power supply Fain ren No (Cove [OX OFF IP MP io SY VSP CM WS WC] inchnin | wy wy EF ( Nozzle pos. : upper 0.004inch lower @.004inch ) | 1 | 145] oes ons 2zis oun 2i2 23 8 coo 0 120 1m om0| ako: wo E 2| 483] 0 ora ans om f30 18 8 efos 0 ian 130 ow, o.ass—ner| awe! 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Zinch {Hoel 8. p99" 0020 ower 00Kinch Model "A series with MARK2S power supply TF yetier Core Molec ON OF PUR ao SS CS | inctmin | wy can BE 1 | 1a] oo9 01s 2215 000 20 30 8 eos) 0 160 100 000 | wammo.sss] ae) 7 2.| sie] o¢o cea 2215 000 750 38 § n39 0 160 am0 060} c.az2~0.881] 32.0 a} 90 e00 001 1015 090 60 a» 7 Twat o 60 150 os | Lazs~o.ate} = | 47 4] 891 eco 091 1615 9G0 60 18 2 FON o 61 100 OBR O.2KI~O.995] — | 22 Tena] Tomsaa oer OF jFhatne Sore, Faw Nowe soe veer 0020 6) _tKgvenli_ dnd ae Pach Oe reseh ca ineh | Teperargle > 010" Joost actsa] Warranty» 5310" em Wire diameter: 60.010" Material: STEEL___Thickness : 0. 4 inch Model "A series with MARK2S power supply. F vate ovens 9] To lovee | ox OFF IP WRF wo Sv SF CWS A) inchmin | ans FE | Norte pos, wer 0D4inch loner B60Kinch am 1} ssp] 01g oxi zits 00 ase 20 8 e009 0 160 100 400) O.aH6~U.3%9) KO 10 —F 2 | 449] 001 023 2215 000 7160 38 8 6039 0 160 100 o00| Oass~o-si2| 5.0) Lo & 3} 630 | 000 001 1015 900 000 30. 7 O22 a 160 100 oes] o.s19~0. 358) — E 1 | 851 | 090 cor 1015 000 G09 18 2 028 G 160 100 008} 6. 280~UL"I5) — i Tena Tends ore OR tare Nowe soe supper 0006 seyren ‘etree cen) owe" ast | 20a | ord fat oer 200516) omose|oorsan| vce materiel =

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