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Permutation and

ববন্যাস এবং সমাববল

Permutation (বিন্যাস) – ক াবন্া বন্বদি ষ্ট বস্তু সমষ্টষ্ট হবে প্রবেবাবর এবদর সবগুব঱া
অথবা ব ছু সংখ্য বস্তুব সম্ভাবয যেবাবর বববভন্ন ক্রম অন্ুসাবর সাজাবন্া যায়
এবদর প্রবেয ষ্টি বববভন্ন র মব এ এ ষ্টি ববন্যাস বব঱।

N(n) সংখ্য বববভন্ন বস্তু কথব r সংখ্য বস্তু এ বে বন্বয় কয সংখ্য ববন্যাস

পা঑য়া যায় ো nPr আ াবর প্র াল রা হয়, কযখ্াবন্, n  r

# বিন্যাস চেন্ার উপায়ঃ Arrangement (সাজাবন্া), সংখ্যা গঠন্, লব্দ গঠন্

ইেযাবদ থাব ।

n = কমাি সংখ্যা

r = যা বন্বে ব঱বব

# Factorial (!) – ক াবন্া স্বাভাবব সংখ্যা (n) দ্বারা এর Factorial ব঱বে 1

কথব n পযন্ত
ি স ঱ স্বাভাবব সংখ্যার গুণফ঱।

Factorial ক (!) এই বিহ্ন দ্বারা প্র াল রা হয়।


nPr 
(n  r )!
2. nPn  n!/ 7 P7  7!
3. nP1  1
4. 0! = 1
5. n! = n(n-1) (n-2) (n-3)(n-4) !

nP0  1 Accounting

Combination (সমাবিশ) – েগুব঱া বস্তুর বয় ষ্টি বা সবগুব঱াব এ সাবথ

বন্বয় উহাবদর ক ান্ষ্টির পর ক ান্ষ্টিব করবখ্ সাজাবন্া হব঱ ো ববববিন্া ন্া বর
যে প্র াবর সাজাবন্া সম্ভব হয় োবদর প্রবেয ষ্টি

ঐ বস্তুগুব঱ার এ এ ষ্টি সমাববল বব঱।

# n সংখ্য বববভন্ন বস্তু কথব r সংখ্য বস্তু এ বে বন্বয় যেবার সমাববল পা঑য়া

যায় ো nCr আ াবর প্র াল রা হয়, কযখ্াবন্, n  r

সমাবিশ চেন্ার উপায়ঃ Selection (বন্বািন্),

ি দ঱ গঠন্, বমষ্টি গঠন্, বাছাই,
শুবভচ্ছা, জযাবমবে (িেু ভূ জ, ত্রেভূ জ, ক াণ) ইেযাবদ থাব ।


nCr 
r!(n  r )!
2. nC p  nCq , n  q
3. nCr  nCnr
4. nCr  1
5. nC1  n
6. nC0  1
Problem - 06 [NU-1997]

How many ways the letters of the word „DHAKA‟ be arranged.

The word “DHAKA” barakobama

Total letters =5

In which 2A‟s

Total arrangement =
=60 ways

Problem - 07: [ NU – 2011 ]

Prove that, the letter of the word „CALCUTTA‟ can be
arranged in two times as many as the letter of the word

The word “CALCUTTA”
Total letters 8
In which 2C‟s, 2A‟S, 2T‟S

Total arrangement P1  =

2 2 2
=5040 ways
The word “AMERICA”
Total letters (n) = 7
In which 2A‟S

Total Permutation p2 =
=2520 ways

P1 5040

P2 2520
 2
 p1  2 P2

1. How many ways the letters of the word „BBAVISION‟ be
2. How many ways the letters of the word „EDENCOLLEGE‟ be
3. the letter of the word „BURIGONGA‟ be arranged.
4. In how many ways that letters of the word„MATHEMATICS‟
be arranged So that the vowels will be in the odd places?

Problem - 08: [ NU – 1997 ]

If = 12. , then find the value of n.


Given that,

nP4  12 nP3
n! n!
  12
(n  4)! (n  3)!
n(n  1)( n  2)( n  3)( n  4)! n(n  1)( n  2)( n  3)!
  12
(n  4)! (n  3)!
n(n  1)( n  2)( n  3)
  12 n(n  1)( n  2)
12 n(n  1)( n  2)
 n3
n(n  1)( n  2)
 n  3  12
 n  12  3
 n  15
Problem - 09: [RU – 1991, NU – 1997]
In how many ways that letters of the word „ACCOUNTANTS‟
be arranged So that the vowels will be in the odd places?

Total letters 11
In which A‟S, 2C‟s, 2N‟S, 2T‟S
Total arrangement =
2!2!2  2!

=2494800 ways
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
A c c o u n t i n g s

The word Accountants

In which vowels (A,OU,A) and remain are consonant And, there are 6 odd Place
and remaining other

6 odd Place can be formed by 4 vowel = 6P4

=360 ÷2

= 180

2 Odd place and 5 even place then total place (n) = 7

7 Place can be formed by 7 letters =
= 630 ways
Total arrangement = 180  630
= 1,13,400 ways

Problem - 10:

Out of 10 consonants and 4 vowels, how many words can be formed each containing 6 consonants
and 3 vowels?

Problem 10:
Consonants 10
Vowel 4

The words can be formed = 10 P6  4 P3

= 151200+24
= 151224

1. If = 24. , then find the value of n.

2. How many ways the letters of the word „MARRIAGE‟ be arranged.

3. In how many ways that letters of the word„RELATIONSHIP‟
be arranged So that the vowels will be in the odd places?
Problem - 11:
A cricket team of 11 players is to be formed from 16
players including 4 bowlers and 2 wicket-keepers. In
how many different ways can a team be formed so that
the team contains (a) exactly 3 bowlers and 1 wicket-
keeper, (b) at least 3 bowlers and at least one wicket-

The question may be answered by following way,
Bowler (4) wicket keepers (2) Other (10) =16
3 1 7 = 11
The team can be formed = 4C3  2C1 10C7

= 4  2  120
= 960
Problem - 12: [RU – 1991, and NU – 1997]

In a how ways can a Examine choose five out of eight

question? An examination paper which is divided into two
group consisting 4 questions, respectively. Three questions
must be answered from any group. In how many ways can
an examine select the questions?

The question may be answered by following way,
Group (A)-4 Group (B)-4 =8
3 2 =5
2 3 =5
The question may be selected = 4
C3  
 4C2  4C2  4C3 
= (4  6)+( 6  4)
= 24+24
= 48 ways

Problem - 13: [NU – 2011, DU – 2000]

Prove that, (i) = (ii) + = n+

Problem 13:
i) Prove that,
nCr  nCnr

R.H.S = nCnr

The question may be selected =

4 C2    
 5C3  6C2  4C3  5C2  6C2  4C2  5C2  6C3 
= (6  10  15)+(4  10  15)+( 6  10  20)
= 900+600+1200
=2700 ways
Problem 16:
Prove that,

nPr  n  1Pr  r.n  1Pr1

R.H.S = n  1Pr  r.n  1Pr 1

(n  1)! (n  1)!
=  r.
(n  1  r )! (n  1  r  1)!

(n  1)! (n  1)!
=  r.
(n  r  1)! (n  r )!

(n  1)! (n  1)!
=  r.
(n  r  1)! (n  r )(n  r  1)!

(n  1)!  r 
= 1  
(n  r  1)!  n  r 

(n  1)!  n  r  r 
=  
(n  r  1)!  n  r 

(n  1)! n
(n  r  1)! n  r

n(n  1)!
= n! = n(n-1)(n-2)(n-3)(n-4) !
(n  r )(n  r  1)!

r! = (n-r) (n-r-1)(n-r-2)(n-r-3)(n-r-4) !


= L.H.S
 L.H .S  R.H .S (proved)
Problem - 18:
From 6 boys and 4 girls, 5 are to be selected for admission for a
particular course. In how many ways can this be done if there must
be exactly 2 girl?

The question may be answered by following way:
Boys - 6 Girls - 4
3 2 =5
Total way of selection = 6C3  4C2

= 20  6
= 120 ways
Problem - 19: [RU – 1980,81,82,83 and NU – 1998]
Taking 3 boys and 2 girls, a team can be formed out of 5
boys and three girls (i) If there is no restrictions, (ii) There
must be two particular boys included. How many team can
be formed in this way?
Boy-5 -3
Girls-3 -2

1) The question may be answered by following way:
Boys - 5 Girls - 3
3 2 =5
The team can be formed = 5C  3C 3 2

= 10  3
= 30 ways
2)The question may be answered by following way:
n1  5  2  3
r1  3  2  1
n2  3
r2  2

The team can be formed = 3C1  3C2

= 9 ways

Problem - 20: [NU – 1998]

From the 5 Chartered Accountant and 3 Economist a
committee is to be formed by taking 3 Accountant and 2
Economist: (i) If there is no restriction and (ii) 2 particular
Chartered Accountant must be included. How many
Committee is to be formed?
Acc- 5 - 3
Eco -3- 2
1) The question may be answered by following way:
Boys - 5 Girls - 3
3 2 =5
The committee can be formed = 5C3  3C2

= 10 × 3
= 30 ways

2) The question may be answered by following way:

n1  5  2  3
n2  3
r1  3  2  1
r2  2

The committee can be formed = 3C1  3C2

= ways

Problem - 21: [NU -1996, 1999]

In how many the letters of the word COMMERC can be
arrange. How many of them the vowels are together?
The word COMMERC
Total letters (n) = 7
In which 2C‟s, 2M‟s

Total arrangement = 7!

= 1260 ways
When vowels are occurs together CMMRC (OE)
Total vowels (O, E) -2 and remaining 5 letters are consonant 2 vowels as 1 letters
then total letter (n) = 6
In which 2M‟s, 2C‟s

It can be formed = 6!

2! 2!

= 180 ways
2 vowels can be arrange = 2! =2
Total arrangement = 180  2

= 360 ways

Problem - 22: [RU – 1995, and NU 2000]

How many different ways from a group of 7 male and 6 female a

committee of 5 members is to be formed which including at least 3
The question may be answered by following way:
Male - 7 Female - 6
3 2 =5
4 1 =5
5 0 =5
The committee can be formed
    
 7C3  6C2  7C4  6C1  7C5  6C0 
= ( 35 × 15) + ( 35 × 6) + ( 21 × 1)
= 525 + 210 + 21
= 756 ways

Problem - 26: [NU – 1992, 1997]

From a group of 10 officer and 8 worker, taking 7 members, how

many different committee can be selected if (i) Only 4 workers; (ii)
At least 4 workers; (iii) At most 4 workers.

1) The question may be answered by following way:

Officer - 10 Worker - 8
3 4 =7

The committee can be selected = 10 C3  8C4

= 120 × 70
= 8400 ways
2) The question may be answered by following way:

Officer - 10 Worker - 8
3 4 =7
2 5 =7
1 6 =7
0 7 =7

The committee can be selected

      
 10C3  8C4  10C2  8C5  10C1  8C6  10C0  8C7 
= ( 120 × 70) + ( 45 × 56) + ( 10 × 28) + ( 1 × 8)
= 8400 + 2520 + 280+8
= 11208 ways

3) The question may be answered by following way:

Officer - 10 Worker - 8
3 4 =7
4 3 =7
5 2 =7
6 1 =7
7 0 =7
The committee can be selected
        
 10C3  8C4  10C4  8C3  10C5  8C2  10C6  8C2  10C7  8C0 
= 29016 ways

Problem - 27: [RU – 1986]

If = Then what is the value of n and

Problem 27:

Given that,

nC6  nC4


nC3  ?
n! n!
 
6!(n  6)! 4!(n  4)!
n! n!
 
6  5  4! 4!(n  4)( n  5)( n  6)!
 30  (n  4)( n  5)
 30  n 2  5n  4n  20
 30  20  n 2  9n
 10  n 2  9n
 0  n 2  9n  10
 n 2  9n  10  0
 n 2  10 n  n  10  0
 n(n  10)  1(n  10)  0
 (n  10)( n  1)  0

Either , Or,
n-10=0 n+1=0
 n=10  n=-1
Since, n is a positive intezer
So, n=10

nC3  10 C3

3!(10  3)!
10  9  8  7!

3  2  1  7!

 120

Problem - 28: [RU – 1986]

How many different words can be formed with the letters of the word
„HARYANA‟? In how many of them H and N will remain together?
how many of them will begin H and end with N.

Total letters = 7
In which 3A‟s

Total arrangement = 7!

= 840 way

i) When H and N will remain together

N and H as a 1 letter then total letter (n) =6
In which 3A‟s

It can be arrange = 6!


= 120 ways
H and N can be formed = 2!
Total arrangement = 120  2

= 240 ways

ii) When,
Begin H and end with N
Total letter 5
In which 3A‟s

It can be arrange = 5!


= 20 ways
Problem - 29: [RU – 1983,84]

How many committee of six members can be formed out of 10 students

including 6 from commerce and 4 from arts, if maximum are them from

The question may be answered by following way:
Commerce - 6 Arts- 4
6 0 =6
5 1 =6
4 2 =6
The committee can be selected
    
 6C5  4C1  6C4  4C2  6C6  4C0 
= ( 6 × 4) + ( 15 × 6) + ( 1 × 1)
= 24 + 90 + 1
= 115 ways
Problem - 31: [NU – 2010]

a. Prove that, =n– + r. n –1pr – 1.

b. There are two vehicles for a team of 9 persons. The capacity of
the vehicles are 7 and 4 persons respectively. In how many ways
the team can travel?


i) Prove that n  1Pr  n  1Pr + r n  1Pr 1

R.H.S = n  1Pr + r n  1Pr 1

(n  1)! (n  1)!
 r
(n  1  r )! (n  1  r  1)!
(n  1)! (n  1)!
 r
(n  r  1)! (n  r )!
(n  1)! (n  1)!
 r
(n  r  1)! (n  r )!(n  r  1)!
(n  1)!  r 
 1  
(n  r  1)!  (n  r ) 
(n  1)! n  r  r

(n  r  1)! n  r
(n  1)! n

(n  r  1)! n  r
n(n  1)!

(n  r )( n  r  1)!

 n Pr

= L.H.S
ii) The question may be answered by following way:

1st vehicles(7) 2nd vehicles(4)

7 2 =9
6 3 =9
5 4 =9

Total way of travel =

= 246 ways
Problem - 32: [NU – 2011]

(a) If 4 × = 5 × n-1p3 then find n.

(b) Prove that the letter of the word „CULCTTA‟ can be arranged
in two times as many ways as the letters of the word
(c) Prove that, + =n+

i) Given that,
4  nP3  5  n  1P3
n! (n  1)!
4 5
(n  3)! (n  1  3)!
n! (n  1)!
4 5
(n  3)! (n  4)!
n(n  1)( n  2)( n  3) (n  1)( n  1  1)( n  1  2)( n  1  3)
4 5
(n  3)! (n  4)!
(n  1)( n  2)( n  3)( n  4)
 4n(n  1)( n  2)  5
(n  4)!
 4n(n  1)( n  2)  5(n  1)( n  2)( n  3)
5(n  1)( n  2)( n  3)
n(n  1)( n  2)
5(n  3)
 4n  5(n  3)
 4n  5n  15
 15  5n  4n
 15  n
 n  15

ii) Here ,
The word “CULCTTA”
Total letters (n) = 7
In which 2C‟s, 2T‟s

Total arrangement = 7!
2! 2!

= 1260 ways
The word “AMERICA”
Total letters = 7
In which 2A‟s

Total arrangement = 7!

= 2520 ways
p 2 2520

p1 1260
 2
 p1  2 p 2

iii) Prove that nCr  nCr 1  n  1Cr

L.H.S = nCr  nCr1

n! n!
 
r!(n  r )! (r  1)!(n  r  1)!
n! n!
 
r (r  1)!(n  r )! (r  1)!(n  r  1)!(n  r  1  1)!
n! n!
 
r (r  1)!(n  r )! (r  1)!(n  r  1)!(n  r )!
n! 1 1 
   
(r  1)!(n  r )!  r n  r  1
n! n  r 1 r

(r  1)!(n  r )! r (n  r  1)
n! n 1

(r  1)!(n  r )! r (n  r  1)
(n  1)n!

r (r  1)  (n  r )( n  r  1)!
(n  1)n!

r!(n  r  1)!
 n  1Cr

= R.H.S
Problem - 33: [NU – 2012]

In Business Mathematics of B. Com. (Hons.) examination ten

questions are divided into two equal parts. You are to answer five
questions. You can not answer more than three questions form
each group. In how many ways you can answer five questions?

The question may be answered by following way:

Part-1(5) Part-2(5)
3 2 =5
2 3 =5

The question can be answer = 5C  5C  5C  5C

3 2 2 3

= (10×10) + (10×10)
= 100+100
= 200 ways
Problem - 35: [RU – 1990]

How many arrangements can be made with the letters of the words
„MATHEMATICS‟ and in how many of them vowels occurs

Total letters (n) = 11
In which 2M‟s, 2A‟S, 2T‟S

Total arrangement = 11!


= 4989600 ways
When vowels are occurs together:
Here, Total vowels (A,A,I,E) 4 and remaining letters are consonant.
4 vowels as a 1 letter then total letter = 8 MATHEMATI CS
In which 2M‟s, 2T‟S

It can be arrange = 8!

2! 2!

= 10080 ways
4 vowels can be arrange =
2! (Here 2A‟s)
=12 ways
Total arrangement = 10080  12

= 1,20,960 ways

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