Signal Q 19-20

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Shahjalal University of Science & ‘Technology Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering 2" Year 1 Semester Final Examination, 2021 Conse Code 231. Session, 2019-2020 Course Title: Siguals ancl Linenr Systeans Full Marks: 100, 3 Hours Exam Duration: Part- A (Answer tao sets of questions) 1. a. Define signal. Whats the difference betwen energy signal end pater signal For the continnons tine domain signal (0) " 1) =2 + Geo tOet +2 Fad Tie pre, Emon, ( Phas on in dg), xf Miu val OF Minimum lao cea gc Por the phasor = 25 0C149.19° and Vy = 11.2626.5%, ed « oe wher 2 Find the expresion, 2) fr the siglo shown in Fig 1d) ‘ x) 2 1 gon tame Fiesta) 2, AS With neceoary latch mention two diferent ways to construct Dirac dla function. 6 (7 ‘Biv ideal inductor can be thought asa linear system". Establish your argument in favour 5 to this statement, Expres nctangular ps in ems of uit step fanetion ‘ 44/ Mate a fre band plot ofthe sgt i (ato = 0 Expo impulse faction in erm ofthe Gansian dition form 2 AC in example defce el and even signals i 3. a. Determine whether the systems deseribed bythe following input/output relationships are Iinear or nonlinear, caal oF noncassl. ine ivaiant or tine variant and memoryless ot swith anemory a) rit) <0 a wt 0 a0 [sow 1b. Graphically determine the convolution, 2(f) + /(¢) of the pairs of signals showw in Fig.3(b). 9 xe hee xe) wo) w @ Fig 0) For peiic signals with the sane perio, pernti reecular evolution dined by 8 Fey. #t0)Mt ~ eld ) pie. Pl ts peo ‘Show that pete convolution is conuntative S Part ~ B (Answer tano sets of questions) uate the flowing ntegeas wk Dat Fyau— ayah Ain n+ = 1) ied sansa ~ w/a Exploit the prnpertes of Dirac delta function Pe ect hog a indo wth inden = Ils en iy i) = 1Oespl-2t)) ined the expression for voltage, r(F) and ste it [tse ut): Unit step fuetion Is the system desesibe hy the following differential equation linear? Justify i XX Write the pytiou seipt to visualize the belavior of Gaussian lstibution curve fr difer- ent als of standand deviation, 56 Rcontinmontine sigual (0) is show i 5a}. Skee au label eae of the following Sigua. (eu 2) 6) een) iy 2072) Gv a(-0 x0) Tita igsio 6‘ tisectesime sgl sf eso in Fg). Sketch a label ach of he allowing aout chee wy sa) at-n) Gn) tem 2] ; Fig) 1/ etait the eatin bewwen (@) a ft) theses LC cis sown in Fig. 5c) an determine whether this is «linear oF nowdiner syed w®& Pia AC Write the expression for discret tn Unity amp signal anil make a free and sketch, 6. b, c. A sinusoidal voltage E sin(wof) is passed through a half-wave rectifier that clips the neg- xponential and trigonomet- ative portion of the waveform as shown in Fig.6(a). Find the 's representations of the signal and plot the corresponding magnitude and phase spectrum. x(t) = E sin(wot) 0 M09 2nlwWo Fig.6(a) Show that x(t) = ¢?, -7

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