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(eBook PDF) Stern's Introductory Plant Biology 15th


(eBook PDF) Stern's Introductory Plant Biology 14th

Edition by James Bidlack

Stern’s Introductory Plant Biology 14th Edition James

E. Bidlack - eBook PDF

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15th Edition
Stern’s Introductory

Plant Fifteenth Edition


James E. Bidlack | Shelley H. Jansky

University of Central Oklahoma University of Wisconsin – Madison

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viii Contents

26 Biomes 498
Key Theme: molecular The Difference between
“n” and “x” in Plant Life Cycles 435
23.3 Pollination Ecology 437
26.1 Introduction to Biomes 499
23.4 Herbaria and Plant
26.2 Major Biomes of the World 499
Preservation 442
Key Theme: ecology Alpine Flora as an Indication
REVIEW QUESTIONS 446 of Climate Change: The GLORIA Project 505

24 Flowering Plants and Appendix 1   Scientific Names of Organisms

Civilization 447 Mentioned in the Text   A1
24.1 Introduction to Flowering Plants and Appendix 2  Biological Controls  A20
Civilization 448 General Controls  A20
24.2 Origin of Cultivated Plants 448 Specific Controls  A22
24.3 Selected Families of Flowering Companion Planting  A22
Plants 449 Additional Reading  A22
24.4 Dicots 450 Appendix 3   Useful and Poisonous Plants,
24.5 Monocots 466 Fungi, and Algae   A26
Key Theme: ecology Wild Rice—More Than Just Wild Edible Plants, Fungi, and Algae  A26
Food 469 Poisonous Plants and Fungi  A26
Key Theme: ecology Coffee and Caffeine 470 Medicinal Plants, Fungi, and Algae  A26
Hallucinogenic Plants  A44
Spice Plants  A44
Dye Plants  A44
Additional Reading  A50
25 Ecology 473 Appendix 4  Houseplants and Home
Gardening  A51
25.1 Introduction to Ecology 474
Growing Houseplants  A51
25.2 Plants and the Environment 474
Common Houseplants  A52
25.3 Life Histories 479
Growing Vegetables  A61
25.4 Natural Cycles 479
Common Vegetables and their Nutritional
25.5 Succession 483
Values  A62
Key Theme: ecology Plant Population Ecology 483
Pruning  A67
25.6 Impact of Humans on Plant
Major Types of Grafting  A68
Communities 488
Additional Reading  A74
25.7 Loss of Biodiversity 491
Appendix 5   Metric Equivalents and Conversion
Key Theme: ecology John Muir, Father of
Tables  A75
America’s National Park System 494
Appendix 6  Periodic Table of the
25.8 Restoration of the Land 495
Elements  A77
Index  I1

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About the Authors

Introductory Plant Biology was originally written by Kingsley

R. Stern (1927–2006), who spent more than 40 years as a devoted
botanist and teacher. It is estimated that Dr. Stern educated 15,000
students through classroom/laboratory teaching and inspired thou-
sands of botanists as the author of this book, which has sold more
than 285,000 copies since the first edition was published in 1979.
Kingsley’s enthusiasm for the botanical world captivated those
around him for many decades. He will long be remembered for his
attention to detail and dedication to high standards, along with a
refreshing sense of humor. It was always Kingsley’s aspiration that
those who read Stern’s Introductory Plant Biology will share his life-
long love of botany.
Jim Bidlack, Kingsley Stern, and Shelley Jansky at Kingsley’s office
residence in Paradise, California. © Jan Monelo

In late 1999 and early 2000, Drs. Jim Bidlack and Shelley Jansky joined Kingsley Stern in editing and updating this textbook.
They worked with him on several editions and have since carried Dr. Stern’s legacy forward to educate and inspire young bota-
nists. This fifteenth edition reflects the same accuracy, content, and enthusiasm of the Stern writing style, along with revisions
and updates to make it an up-to-date and enjoyable resource and textbook for plant biology.

James E. Bidlack Shelley H. Jansky

Jim Bidlack received a bachelor of sci- Shelley Jansky received a bachelor’s
ence degree in agronomy, with a soil and degree in biology from the University of
crop option, from Purdue University in Wisconsin–Stevens Point in 1982, and
1984 and continued his education with a a master of science degree and Ph.D. in
master’s degree in crop physiology at the plant breeding and plant genetics from
University of Arkansas in 1986. Upon the University of Wisconsin–Madison
© James E. Bidlack completing a Ph.D. in plant physiology at © Shelley H. Jansky in 1984 and 1986, respectively. Her
Iowa State University in 1990, Jim joined graduate work focused on developing
the teaching faculty at the University of Central Oklahoma methods to incorporate genes from wild relatives of potato
(UCO) where he is a professor of biology. His first paper was into the cultivated potato. Then, she spent four years as an
published from undergraduate research at Purdue University assistant professor at North Dakota State University, teach-
on the use of synthetic growth regulators to stimulate seed ger- ing courses in plant breeding and plant propagation, and
mination. Subsequent work in Arkansas, Iowa, and Oklahoma performing research in the potato breeding program. She
focused on soybean physiology, cell wall chemistry, alterna- taught courses in botany, genetics, and horticulture, and con-
tive crops, and photovoltaic cells, as well as teaching respon- tinued to perform potato genetics research at the University
sibilities in botany. Equipment and student salaries for Jim’s of Wisconsin–Stevens Point from 1990 until 2004. She was
research projects have been funded by grants from the National the chair of the Department of Biology and was promoted
Science Foundation and the United States Department to associate professor in 1992 and professor in 1995. In
of Agriculture. About 25 refereed publications, as well as 2004, she moved to Madison, where she is a research geneti-
hundreds of abstracts and popular articles, have resulted from cist with the U.S. Department of Agriculture and a profes-
this work. Jim has been recognized with UCO’s Presidential sor in the Department of Horticulture at the University of
Partner’s Excellence in Teaching Award; University Merit Wisconsin–Madison. Her research program focuses on using
Awards in Service, Research, and Teaching; the Biology Club disease resistance and nutritional quality genes from wild
Teaching Award; and the Pre-Med Teaching Award. Some of relatives for the improvement of cultivated potato varieties.
Jim’s additional responsibilities have included participation on She received the University of Wisconsin–Stevens Point
NSF and USDA review panels, editor of the Biology Discipline Excellence in Teaching Award in 1992 and the University
for the Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Scholar Award in 2000. She has published 112 refereed
Online Teaching (MERLOT), vice president of The Genome research articles and 11 book chapters.
Registry, and president of Metabolism Foundation.

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Plants and algae are essential for life on earth as it exists today. regarded as plants; and Chapter 24 deals with ethnobotanical
They provide our world with oxygen and food, make an essen- aspects and other information of general interest pertaining to
tial contribution to water and nutrient cycling in ecosystems, 16 major plant families or groups of families. Chapters 25 and
provide clothing and shelter, and add beauty to our environ- 26 present an overview of the vast topic of ecology, although
ment. Some scientists believe that if photosynthetic organisms ecological topics and applied botany are included in the pre-
exist on planets beyond our solar system, it would be possible ceding chapters as well. Some of these topics are broached in
to sustain other forms of life that depend upon them to survive. anecdotes that introduce the chapters, while others are men-
Botany today plays a special role in many interests of tioned in text boxes as well as the appendices.
both major and nonmajor students. For example, in this
text, topics such as global warming, ozone layer depletion,
acid rain, genetic engineering, organic gardening, Native
Learning Aids
American and pioneer uses of plants, pollution and recy- A chapter outline is provided at the beginning of each chap-
cling, houseplants, backyard vegetable gardening, natural ter and learning outcomes are shown for major sections
dye plants, poisonous and hallucinogenic plants, nutritional within the text. The end of each chapter includes a summary,
values of edible plants, and many other topics are discussed. review questions, and discussion questions to help with the
To intelligently pursue such topics, one needs to understand learning experience. New terms are defined as they are intro-
how plants grow and function. To this end, the text assumes duced, and those that are boldfaced are included, with their
little prior knowledge of the sciences on the part of the stu- pronunciation, in a glossary. A list of the scientific names
dent, but covers basic botany, without excessively resorting of all organisms mentioned throughout the text is given in
to technical terms. The coverage, however, includes suf- Appendix 1. Appendix 2 deals with biological controls and
ficient depth to prepare students to go further in the field, companion planting. Appendix 3 includes wild edible plants,
should they choose to do so. poisonous plants, medicinal plants, hallucinogenic plants,
The text is arranged so that certain sections can be spices, tropical fruits, and natural dye plants. Appendix 4
omitted in shorter courses. Such sections may include top- gives horticultural information on houseplants, along with
ics such as soils, molecular genetics, and phylum Bryophyta. brief discussions on how to cultivate vegetables. Nutritional
Because botany instructors vary greatly in their opinions values of the vegetables are included. Appendix 5 covers
about the depth of coverage needed for photosynthesis and metric equivalents and conversion tables and Appendix 6
respiration in an introductory botany course open to both includes a periodic table of the elements.
majors and nonmajors, these topics are presented at three
different levels. Some instructors will find one or two levels
sufficient, whereas others will want to include all three.
New to This Edition
Both majors in botany and nonmajors who may initially A major new feature in the fifteenth edition is the presenta-
be disinterested in the subject matter of a required course fre- tion of learning outcomes at the beginning of every major
quently become engrossed if the material is related repeatedly heading. This will guide students regarding important con-
to their popular interests. This is reflected, as intimated above, cepts in each section. Most of the major changes in the book
in the considerable amount of ecology and ethnobotany have been made as a result of new discoveries and technolo-
included with traditional botany throughout the book. gies in plant biology. This edition still retains the hallmark
style and pedagogy that make it one of the most enduring
Organization of the Text and popular introductory plant biology books on the market,
and it now has a more contemporary look, writing style, and
A relatively conventional sequence of botanical subjects is appearance. For instructors using Internet resources such as
followed. Chapters 1 and 2 cover introductory and background Connect and the textbook website offered by McGraw-Hill,
information; Chapters 3 through 11 deal with structure and all learning outcomes are directly tied to assessment within
function; Chapters 12 and 13 introduce meiosis, genetics, and the question and test banks. With encouragement from
molecular biology. Chapter 14 discusses plant propagation reviewers, the new material has been eloquently incorporat-
and biotechnology; Chapter 15 introduces evolution; Chapter ed directly into the textbook narrative and as text boxes, to
16 deals with classification; Chapters 17 through 23 stress, in provide a blend of historically important principles as well
phylogenetic sequence, the diversity of organisms traditionally as modern developments in plant biology. Some of the more

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Preface xi

interesting components that make this fifteenth edition more cereal grains has been updated. The opening image has been
accurate and up-to-date with our current understanding of replaced with one that shows a production field for salad
plant biology include: greens.
Chapter 15 (Evolution): Seven new images have been
Chapter 1 (What Is Plant Biology?): The introduction has
been extensively rewritten to address contemporary topics, such
Chapter 16 (Plant Names and Classification): The open-
as climate change, the opioid crisis, and plant genetic resources.
ing image has been replaced, and three new images have
A section has been added on gene editing and bioinformatics.
been added.
The chapter has been updated with eight new images.
Chapter 17 (Domain (Kingdom) Bacteria, Domain
Chapter 2 (The Nature of Life): The section on features
(Kingdom) Archaea, and Viruses): A pie chart has
of living organisms has been combined and condensed from
been added to show the estimated distribution of major
eight to five topics. The opening image has been updated, as
groups of organisms on Earth. Ten new images have
have four additional images.
been added.
Chapter 3 (Cells): A new image of a compound micro-
Chapter 18 (Kingdom Protista): This chapter has a new
scope has been added. The discussion of the cell wall has
key theme box discussing kleptoplasty in dinoflagellates
been updated.
that cause red tides. Ten new images have been added.
Chapter 4 (Tissues): A text box has been added to dis-
Chapter 19 (Kingdom Fungi): A new key theme box has
cuss THC in marijuana. The distinction between vessels and
been added to introduce the reader to white nose syndrome,
vessel elements has been clarified.
which has killed millions of bats. Six new images have been
Chapter 5 (Roots and Soils): Two new images have
been added.
Chapter 20 (Introduction to the Plant Kingdom:
Chapter 7 (Leaves): The introduction, relating leaves to
Bryophytes): The introduction has been extensively re-
solar power plants, has been updated. A discussion of com-
written to introduce the bryophytes in the context of the
pounds produced by marijuana has been added.
establishment of land plants. Throughout the chapter, the
Chapter 8 (Flowers, Fruits, and Seeds): Pedicle and
concept of alternation of generations is highlighted. A sec-
peduncle have been defined, and their definitions have been
tion has been added on primitive humans preserved in bogs.
added to the glossary. A higher-quality image of carrot seeds
The image of moss sporophytes has been enlarged.
has been added.
Chapter 25 (Ecology): The introduction to the carbon
Chapter 9 (Water in Plants): A text box has been added
cycle has been revised and updated. New climate change
to compare and contrast xylem and phloem. The section on
data and examples have been added. Graphs showing atmo-
water flow into roots has been updated.
spheric carbon dioxide and temperature across time have
Chapter 11 (Growth and Development): Several sec-
been added.
tions have been updated, including senescence, plant move-
Appendix 2 (Biological Controls): The introduction has
ments, gravitropism, and photoperiodism. A discussion of
been rewritten to discuss the consequences of improper use
growing degree days was added.
of pesticides. The section on the use of resistant plant variet-
Chapter 12 (Meiosis and Alternation of Generations):
ies has been updated. The section on the control of weeds
The GISH/FISH text box has been replaced with a box that
has also been updated.
describes classification schemes based on life cycles. Six new
Appendix 4 (Houseplants and Home Gardening): This
images have been added.
appendix has been extensively updated. New information is
Chapter 13 (Genetics and Molecular Biology): A new
presented on LED lights, transplanting of seedlings, direct
figure has been added to illustrate chromosomal rearrange-
seeding, temperature and seed germination, the effect of
ments and aneuploidy/polyploidy.
overwatering on root growth, fertilizer application, pest con-
Chapter 14 (Plant Breeding, Propagation, and
trol, and inoculation of soil with Rhizobia.
Biotechnology): The model for the domestication of the first

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xiv Preface

Acknowledgements Silvia Maciá, Barry University

Rizana M. Mahroof, South Carolina State University
Over 285 reviewers for the past few editions, along with Karen McGinnis, Florida State University
reviewers for this fifteenth edition, have helped to revise and James Mickle, North Carolina State University
update Stern’s Introductory Plant Biology. Additional con- Carrie Monlux, California State University-Chico
tributions and encouragement were provided by colleagues Clark L. Ovrebo, University of Central Oklahoma
at the University of Central Oklahoma and University of Bob Peregoy, Spokane Community College
Wisconsin; and the design, editorial, and production staffs Dennis T. Ray, University of Arizona
of McGraw-Hill Education. The authors extend thanks to Flona Redway, Barry University
the following reviewers who provided recent feedback on Traesha R. Robertson, Texas Tech University
the text and the illustrations. Their help has been very useful Connie E. Rye, East Mississippi Community College
in shaping the fifteenth edition of Stern’s Introductory Plant Devinder Sandhu, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Biology. These reviewers include the following: Mikel Stevens, Brigham Young University
Qiang Sun, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Robin Buckallew, Central Community College,
Leslie Towill, Arizona State University
Hastings, NE
Carol Wake, South Dakota State University
David H. Demezas, University of Wisconsin-Fond du Lac
Ligia Arango, Stone Child College
Paul Hankamp, College of San Mateo
Joseph Arditti, University of California–Irvine
Hon H. Ho, State University of New York at New Paltz
Mark H. Armitage, Azusa Pacific University
Mort Javadi, Columbus State Community College
Janice Asel, Mitchell Community College
Manjushri Kishore, Heartland Community College
Tasneem K. Ashraf, Cochise College–Sierra Vista
Parul Khurana, Indiana University East
Ralph A. Backhaus, Arizona State University
Shawn Krosnick, Tennessee Tech University
Nina L. Baghai-Riding, Delta State University
Jeffrey K. Lake, Adrian College
Randy G. Balice, New Mexico Highlands University
Rizana M. Mahroof, South Carolina State University
Susan C. Barber, Oklahoma City University
Henri Roger Maurice, University of Southern Indiana
Paul W. Barnes, Southwest Texas State University
Teena S. Michael, University of Hawaii WCC
Sharon Bartholomew-Began, West Chester University
James E. Mickle, North Carolina State University
Robert W. Bauman, Jr., Amarillo College
Michael Plotkin, Mt. San Jacinto College
Dorothea Bedigian, Washington University
Flona Redway, Barry University
Patricia Bedinger, Colorado State University
Brian W. Teasdale, Kean University
Maria Begonia, Jackson State University
Upon reaching this fifteenth edition, we would also like Robert A. Bell, University of Wisconsin–Stevens Point
to once again extend gratitude to the reviewers of earlier Cynthia A. Bottrell, Scott Community College
editions, who have provided considerable comments and Richard R. Bounds, Mount Olive College
suggestions. Although too numerous to include here, their Richard G. Bowmer, Idaho State University
contributions have been much appreciated. The following is Rebecca D. Bray, Old Dominion University
a list of reviewers for recent editions: James A. Brenneman, University of Evansville
George M. Briggs, State University of New York
Donovan Bailey, New Mexico State University Michelle Briggs, Lycoming College
Terese Barta, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point George M. Brooks, Ohio University
Lisa Boucher, University of Nebraska-Omaha Suzanne Butler, Miami-Dade College
Charles Cannon, Texas Tech University William J. Campbell, Louisiana Technical University
William Cook, Midwestern State University Ajoy G. Chakrabarti, South Carolina State University
Roger del Moral, University of Washington Brad S. Chandler, Palo Alto College
Melinda Findlater, Texas Tech University Gregory Chandler, University of North Carolina–
Dr. Gabrielle Forbes, Southwest Texas Junior College Wilmington
Stephen W. Fuller, University of Mary Washington James A. Christian, Louisiana Technical University
Ed Gasque, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Richard Churchill, Southern Maine Technical College
Rick Hammer, Hardin-Simmons University Jerry A. Clonts, Anderson College
Paul Hankamp, College of San Mateo John Cruzan, Geneva College
Allan Scott Holaday, Texas Tech University Kenneth J. Curry, University of Southern Mississippi
Harry Janes, Rutgers University David B. Czarnecki, Loras College
Terry Jordan, College of Southern Maryland Stephen S. Daggett, Avila College
Ari Jumpponen, Kansas State University Raviprakash G. Dani, Texas Tech University
John Kiss, Miami University Roy Darville, East Texas Baptist University
Jeffrey K. Lake, Adrian College Cynthia Dassler, Ohio State University
Fengshan Ma, Wilfrid Laurier University Bill D. Davis, Rutgers University

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Preface xv

Jerry D. Davis, University of Wisconsin–LaCrosse Toney Keeney, Southwest Texas State

John W. Davis, Benedictine College Sekender A. Khan, Elizabeth City State University
Semma Dhir, Fort Valley State University Joanne M. Kilpatrick, Auburn University–Montgomery
Rebecca M. DiLiddo, Mount Ida College Helen G. Kiss, Miami University
Susan C. Dixon, Walla Walla College John Z. Kiss, Miami University of Ohio
Ben L. Dolbeare, Lincoln Land Community College Kaoru Kitajima, University of Florida
Patricia M. Dooris, Saint Leo College Sharon Klavins, University of Wisconsin–Platteville
Donald Drake, University of Hawaii Roger C. Klockziem, Martin Luther College
Tom Dudley, Angelina College Robert L. Koenig, Southwest Texas Junior College
Jan Federic Dudt, Bartlesville Wesleyan College David W. Kramer, Ohio State University–Mansfield
Diane Dudzinski, Washington State Community College Robert N. Kruger, Mayville State University
Kerry B. Dunbar, Dalton State College Martin LaBar, Southern Wesleyan University
Robert Ediger, California State University–Chico Vic Landrum, Washburn University
H. Herbert Edwards, Western Illinois University James M. Lang, Greenville College
William Eisinger, Santa Clara University Brenda Price Latham, Merced College
Inge Eley, Hudson Valley Community College Cheryl R. Laursen, Eastern Illinois University
Thomas E. Elthon, University of Nebraska–Lincoln Peter J. Lemay, College of the Holy Cross
Frederick B. Essig, University of South Florida Donald C. Leynaud, Wabash Valley College
G. F. Estabrook, The University of Michigan Barbara E. Liedl, Central College
James Ethridge, Joliet Junior College John F. Logue, University of South Carolina–Sumter
Paul G. Fader, Freed-Hardeman University Elizabeth L. Lucyszyn, Medaille College
Bruce Felgenhauer, University of Louisiana–Lafayette Karen Lustig, Harper College
Jorge F. S. Ferreira, Southern Illinois University– Erin D. MacKenzie, Weatherford College
Carbondale Paul Mangum, Midland College
David G. Fisher, Maharishi University of Management Steve Manning, Arkansas State University–Beebe
Rosemary H. Ford, Washington College Michael H. Marcovitz, Midland Lutheran College
James Garner, Horry-Georgetown Technical College Bernard A. Marcus, Genesee Community College
Sibdas Ghosh, University of Wisconsin–Whitewater David Martin, Centralia College
Mike Gipson, Oklahoma Christian University Margaret Massey, Mississippi University for Women
Katherine Glew, University of Washington William J. Mathena, Kaskaskia College
Richard Glick, Winston-Salem State University Alicia Mazari-Andersen, Kwantlen University College
Charles Good, Ohio State University Andrew McCubbin, Washington State University
David L. Gorchov, Miami University of Ohio Joseph H. McCulloch, Normandale Community College
Scott A. Gordon, University of Southern Illinois Julie A. Medlin, Northwestern Michigan College
Govindjee, University of Illinois Richard G. Merritt, Houston Community College
Steve Greenwald, Gordon College Andrew S. Methven, Eastern Illinois University
Timothy C. Hall, Texas A & M University Timothy Metz, Campbell University
Mark Hammer, Wayne State College David H. Miller, Oberlin College
Susan Han, University of Massachusetts David W. Miller, Clark State Community College
Laszlo Hanzely, Northern Illinois University Subhash C. Minocha, University of New Hampshire
Joyce Phillips Hardy, Chadron State College Beth Morgan, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Nancy E. Harris, Elon College Dale M. J. Mueller, Texas A & M University
David Hartsell, Phillips Community College Lytton John Musselman, Old Dominion University
Jill F. Haukos, South Plains College Nusrat H. Naqvi, Southern University
David L. Herrin, University of Texas–Austin Joanna H. Norris, University of Rhode Island
Peter Heywood, Brown University Chuks A. Ogbonnaya, Mountain Empire College
Jeffrey P. Hill, Idaho State University Jeanette C. Oliver, Flathead Valley Community College
L. Michael Hill, Bridgewater College Sebastine O. Onwuka, Lesley College
H. H. Ho, State University of New York–New Paltz A. D. Owings, Southeastern Louisiana University
Elisabeth A. Hooper, Truman State University Julie M. Palmer, University of Texas–Austin
Susan Houseman, Southeastern Community College Richard A. Palmer, Fresno City College
Lauren D. Howard, Norwich University Carolyn Peters, Spoon River College
Vernon R. Huebschwerlen, Reedley Community College Martha M. Phillips, The College of St. Catherine
Patricia L. Ireland, San Jacinto College, South Jerry L. Pickering, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
William A. Jensen, Ohio State University Wayne S. Pierce, California State University–Stanislaus
Cindy Johnson-Groh, Gustavus Adolphus College Indiren Pillay, Southwestern Tennessee Community
Chad Jordan, North Carolina State University College

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xvi Preface

Mary Ann Polasek, Cardinal Stritch University R. Dale Thomas, Northeast Louisiana University
Kumkum Prabhakar, Nassau Community College Stephen L. Timme, Pittsburgh State University
Tyre J. Proffer, Kent State University Richard E. Trout, Oklahoma City Community College
Francis Putz, University of Florida Jun Tsuji, Sienna Heights College
V. Raghaven, The Ohio State University Gordon E. Uno, University of Oklahoma
Mohammad A. Rana, St. Joseph College Rani Vajravelu, University of Central Florida
Margene M. Ranieri, Bob Jones University John Vanderploeg, Ferris State University
W. T. Rankin, University of Montevallo Staria Vanderpool, Arkansas State University
Linda Mary Reeves, San Juan College Delmar Vander Zee, Dordt College
Maralyn A. Renner, College of the Redwoods C. Gerald Van Dyke, North Carolina State University
Tom Reynolds, University of North Carolina–Charlotte Leon Walker, University of Findlay
Stanley A. Rice, Southeastern Oklahoma State University Ami Lea Wangeline, Colorado State University
Dennis F. Ringling, Pennsylvania College of Technology Betty J. Washington, Albany State University
Daryl Ritter, Okaloosa-Walton Community College Edgar E. Webber, Keuka College
Suzanne M. D. Rogers, Salem International University Christopher R. Wenzel, Eastern Wyoming College
Wayne C. Rosing, Middle Tennessee State University Cherie Wetzel, City College of San Francisco
Robert G. Ross, University of Puerto Rico Ingelia White, Windward Community College
Jimmy Rozell, Tyler Junior College Donald L. Williams, Sterling College
Manfred Ruddat, University of Chicago Justin K. Williams, Sam Houston State University
Patricia Rugaber, Coastal Georgia Community Marvin Williams, University of Nebraska–Kearney
College Dwina W. Willis, Freed-Hardeman University
Frances Rundlett, Georgia State University James A. Winsor, The Pennsylvania State University
Thomas H. Russ, Charles County Community College Chris Wolverton, Ohio Wesleyan University
Dennis J. Russell, University of Alaska Southeast Kathleen Wood, University of Mary Hardin-Baylor
C. L. Sagers, University of Arkansas Richard J. Wright, Valencia Community College
A. Edwards Salgado, Christian Brothers University Todd Christian Yetter, Cumberland College
Thomas Sasek, Northeast Louisiana University Brenda Young, Daemen College
Michael A. Savka, University of West Florida Rebecca Zamora, South Plains College
Neil W. Sawyer, University of Wisconsin–Whitewater
Neil Schanker, College of the Siskiyous
Renee M. Schloupt, Delaware Valley College Teaching and Learning
Bruce S. Serlin, DePauw University
Barbara Greene Shipes, Hampton University
Richard H. Shippee, Vincennes University
Brian R. Shmaefsky, Kingwood College Stern’s Introductory Plant Biology
Shaukat M. Siddiqi, Virginia State University Lab Manual, 15th Edition by James
Dilbagh Singh, Blackburn College
Del William Smith, Modesto Junior College Bidlack
James Smith, Boise State University (ISBN: 9781260488630/MHID: 1260488632)
Joanna M. K. Smith
Steven Smith, University of Arizona The laboratory manual that accompanies Stern’s Introductory
Nancy Smith-Huerta, Miami University Plant Biology has been revised and updated. It is written for
F. Lee St. John, Ohio State University–Newark the student who is entering the study of botany. The exer-
Spencer S. Stober, Alvernia College cises utilize plants to introduce biological principles and the
Marshall D. Sundberg, Emporia State University scientific method. They are written to allow for maximum
Eric Sundell, University of Arkansas–Monticello flexibility in the order in which the labs are implemented
Stan R. Szarek, Arizona State University during the semester.
Mesfin Tadesse, Ohio State University
Max R. Terman, Tabor College

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What Is Plant
1.1 Introduction to Plant Biology
1.2 The Relationship of Humans to Their Environment
Key Theme 1.1: Who Needs Plants?
Human and Animal Dependence on Plants
1.3 Botany as a Science
1.4 Diversification of Plant Study
Key Theme 1.2: Plant Biology on the Internet

This chapter introduces you to botany: what it is, how it developed,
how it relates to our everyday lives, and its potential for the future.
The discussion includes a brief introduction to some common ques-
tions about plants and their functions, an examination of the scientific
method, and a brief look at botany after the invention of the micro-
scope. It concludes with a brief survey of the major disciplines within
the field of botany.

A mountain iris (Iris missouriensis) growing along a slope near the roadside in the
Carson National Forest, New Mexico. Courtesy of Cliff Pelchat

bid40835_ch01_001-010.indd 1 11/19/19 7:55 PM

2 Chapter 1

1.1 Introduction to Plant

Learning Outcomes
a. List some questions addressed by studies of plants.
b. Describe potential effects of global climate change on
living organisms.

Plant life constitutes more than 98% of the total biomass of

the earth. Plants and other green organisms are exclusively
equipped to produce oxygen while packing the sun’s energy
into compounds needed for life. Conveniently, the backbone
of these compounds is carbon, captured by plants from car-
bon dioxide given off by all living organisms. All life on
the earth depends on green organisms. If some major dis-
ease killed all green organisms, then all animals would soon
starve. Even if some alternative source of energy were avail-
able, animal life would suffocate within 11 years—the time
estimated for all the earth’s oxygen to be completely used
up if it were not replaced. How can plants build leaves and
wood and roots from an invisible gas? Why do plants pro-
duce oxygen as a by-product?
Our tropical rain forests, which once covered 14% of the
earth’s land surface, now occupy only 6% of land area. They
are disappearing at the rate of several acres a minute as the
plant life is cleared for agriculture, wood supplies (primarily
for fuel), cattle ranching, and other human activities such as
mining for gold. Experts estimate that all rain forests may be
destroyed within 40 years. Rain forests are home to 50% of
all the species of living organisms; it is estimated that 137
species are destroyed every day due to rain-forest defores- Figure 1.1 Opium poppy capsules that were gashed with a razor
blade have released droplets of opium-containing latex. © mafoto/
tation. What will be the long-term impacts of these activi-
Getty Images
ties, and can they be reversed? There is no doubt that our
climate is changing. There is much debate, though, about the
effects that global warming will have on life as we know it.
Are those who proclaim that global warming will eventu- including insects, frogs, rodents, and birds (Fig. 1.2).
ally have disastrous effects on modern civilization and living These plants are typically found in bogs, where minerals
organisms simply exaggerating, or is there a scientific basis are difficult to obtain. The animals are important sources
for the claims? of nutrients but not calories. How have plants adapted to
In addition to providing 90% of the world’s food, plants grow in extreme environments? What are the limits and
provide important narcotic and medicinal drugs. Of course, costs of these adaptations? Will we be able to tap into plant
these drugs save lives and improve the quality of life for mil- genetic resources that will allow us to grow crops in mar-
lions of people. However, some are addictive and can lead to ginal environments?
serious challenges for societies and individuals. The opioid California redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) and giant
epidemic in the United States took over 42,000 lives and cost sequoia (Sequoiadendron giganteum) trees can grow to
$504 billion in 2016. In 2017, the Department of Health and heights of 90 meters (300 feet) or more (Fig. 1.3). Water
Human Services declared the epidemic to be a public health is heavy and must be carried from the ground to a height
emergency. Some opioids are derived from capsules of the equivalent to the length of a football field. This is a very
opium poppy (Fig. 1.1). Why do plants produce both benefi- expensive activity, yet these trees lift gallons of water high
cial and harmful compounds? What are scientists doing to into the canopy every day and still have enough energy for
discover and harness the incredible diversity of compounds growth and maintenance. The trees actually expend little
produced by plants? energy for water transport. Instead, they take advantage
We think of animals as consumers of plants, but not of energy from the sun to pull water from the roots to the
the other way around. Do plants ever eat animals? Yes, leaves. How do plants harness energy from the sun to both
carnivorous plants consume many types of small animals, build biomass and transport water?

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What Is Plant Biology? 3

Figure 1.2 These pitcher plants are examples of carnivorous Figure 1.3 Sequoia trees in California may grow for thousands
plants that grow in nutrient-poor environments. Small insects trapped of years, and some reach heights of nearly 100 meters (330 feet).
in their pitchers are digested and used as a source of minerals. © mark52/
© 2009 Pia Liikala/Getty Images

This book addresses these questions and many oth- algae. The journey is constantly changing as our under-
ers about living organisms. In addition to plants, we will standing of the natural world expands. Use this book as a
investigate the lives and impacts of a diverse array of life- solid resource, but continue to explore, observe, and learn
forms, including bacteria, fungi, and protists, including beyond its pages.

KEY THEME 1.1 ecology Who Needs Plants?

H uman existence depends on plants. In fact, we need

plants more than we need animals. In addition to pro-
viding oxygen essential to all aerobic organisms, plants
act as the foundations of our civilizations, providing food, ani-
mal feed, shelter, clothing, industrial products, and medicines.
past decades have instead focused on so-called charismatic
megafauna (large mammals such as tigers and whales). In
recent years, though, there has been a refocusing of conser-
vation strategies to be more inclusive of all members of the
biotic world, including plants, fungi, bacteria, and algae. This
Despite our dependence on plants, though, human activi- new direction reflects the growing recognition that preserva-
ties threaten their survival. Given the fundamental need for tion of all biological diversity is important for the survival of the
plants by humans, it is surprising that conservation efforts in human race.

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4 Chapter 1

1.2 The Relationship of Damage to forests and lakes caused by acid rain, contamina-
tion of ground water by nitrates and pesticides, reduction of
Humans to Their the ozone shield, major global climatic changes, depletion
Environment of aquifers, and loss of biodiversity have gained widespread

Learning Outcomes
a. Explain how plants and animals depend on each other.
Human and Animal Dependence
b. Describe the effects of human population growth on the on Plants
global environment.
Our dependence on green organisms to produce the oxy-
It has been estimated that the total human population of the gen in the air we breathe and to remove the carbon diox-
world was fewer than 20 million in 6000 B.C. During the next ide we give off doesn’t stop there. However, plants are also
7750 years, it rose to 500 million; by 1850, it had doubled to the sources of products that are so much a part of human
1 billion; and 70 years later, it had doubled again to 2 billion. society that we largely take them for granted. We know, of
In 2011, the human population size reached a milestone, course, fruits, vegetables, and grains are plants (Fig. 1.4);
exceeding 7 billion people. The earth remains constant in but all foods, including meat, fish, poultry, eggs, cheese, and
size, but the human population continues to grow. In May milk, to mention just a few, owe their existence to plants.
2018, 7.6 billion people inhabited the earth. Condiments, such as spices (Fig. 1.5), and luxuries, such as
In feeding, clothing, and housing ourselves, we have had perfumes, are produced by plants, as are some dyes, adhe-
a major impact on our environment. We have drained wet- sives, digestible surgical stitching fiber, food stabilizers,
lands and cleared natural vegetation from vast areas of land. beverages (Fig. 1.6), and emulsifiers.
California, for example, now has less than 5% of the wetland it Our houses are constructed with lumber from trees, which
had 100 years ago. We have dumped wastes and other pollut- also furnish the cellulose for paper, cardboard, and synthetic
ants into our waters and added pollutants to the atmosphere. fibers. Some of our clothing, camping equipment, bedding,
If we are to survive on this planet beyond the 21st curtains, and other textile goods are made from fibers of many
century, there is little question that humans have to stop different plant families (Fig. 1.7). Coal is fossilized plant mate-
increasing in numbers, and the many unwise agricultural and rial, and oil comes from microscopic green organisms or ani-
industrial practices that have accompanied the mushrooming mals that either directly or indirectly were plant consumers. All
of human populations must be replaced with practices more medicines and drugs at one time came from plants, fungi, or
in tune with restoring some ecological balance. Agricultural bacteria, and many important ones, including most antibiotics,
practices of the future will have to focus on maintaining soil still do (Fig. 1.8). Microscopic organisms play a vital role in
health. Harvesting of timber and other crops will have to be
done in a manner that prevents topsoil erosion. Industrial pol-
lutants will have to be rendered harmless and recycled when-
ever possible.
Many products that now are still largely discarded (e.g.,
garbage, paper products, glass, metal cans) will also have
to be recycled on a much larger scale. Biological pest con-
trols (discussed in Appendix 2) will have to be used when-
ever possible. Water and energy conservation will have to
be universally practiced, and rare plant species, with their
largely unknown gene potential for future crop plants, will
need to be saved from extinction by preservation of their
habitats and by other means. The general public will have to
be made even more aware of the urgency for wise land man-
agement and conservation—which will be especially needed
when pressures are exerted by influential forces promoting
unwise measures in the name of “progress”—before addi-
tional large segments of our natural resources are irreparably
damaged or lost forever. Alternatives appear to be nothing
less than death from starvation, respiratory diseases, poison-
ing of our food and drink, and other catastrophic events that
could ensure the premature demise of large segments of the
world’s population.
Scientists and, increasingly, the general public are alarmed Figure 1.4 Vegetables and herbs are major sources of nutrients in
about the effects of human carelessness on our environment. the human diet. © foodandmore/

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What Is Plant Biology? 5

Figure 1.7 The white fibers in cotton bolls are the source of
Figure 1.5 Some spices are derived from plants. © profotokris/123RF textiles and fabrics. The bolls also contain seeds, which produce oils
used for the production of margarine and shortening. After the oils
have been extracted, the remaining “cotton cake” is used for cattle
feed. Courtesy of Derrick Oosterhuis

Figure 1.8 The tiny beads of fluid on the surface of this

Penicillium colony contain penicillin, which is widely used as an
Figure 1.6 Coffee berries are picked by hand when they are red. antibiotic. © Kingsley Stern
The seeds are extracted for roasting after the berries are fermented.
© Alexander Mazurkevich/Shutterstock
ethanol, which is blended with gasoline. Most cars in the
United States can run on fuel containing up to 10% etha-
recycling both plant and animal wastes and aid in the building nol. Currently, ethanol fuel in the United States is mainly
of healthy soils. Others are responsible for human diseases and produced from corn, but there are concerns about losing
allergies. food cropland to produce fuel. In addition, the energy and
Although shortages of oil and other fossil fuels may pollution balance of ethanol production is under debate.
sometimes be politically or economically manipulated, Cellulosic ethanol, which is derived from inedible plant
there is no question that these fuels are finite and even- fiber such as wood chips or switchgrass, may overcome
tually will disappear. Accordingly, the development of some of these concerns.
alternative energy sources is receiving increased atten- What about plants and the future? As you read this,
tion. In 2015, 12.5% of world energy consumption was the population of the earth already has exceeded 7 billion
renewable, and it is predicted that this will increase to persons, every one of whom needs food, clothing, and shel-
13.7% by 2020. ter in order to survive. To ensure survival, we may need to
The United States is the largest producer of etha- learn not only how to cultivate food plants but also how to
nol in the world. Corn, switchgrass, and other sources of use plants to remove pollutants from the water, air, and soil
carbohydrates are currently used in the manufacture of (Fig. 1.9), to make land productive again, and to renew

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6 Chapter 1

tried to modify their surroundings and feed themselves. At

first, their interest in plants was mostly practical and cen-
tered around how plants might provide food, fibers, fuel, and
medicine. Eventually, however, an intellectual interest arose.
People became curious about how plants reproduced and
how they were put together. This inquisitiveness led to plant
study becoming a science, which, broadly defined, is simply
“a search for knowledge of the natural world.” Botanists are
scientists who study plants.
A science is distinguished from other fields of study by
its basis in measurable observations. The scientific method
is a series of steps that involves first asking a question, then
formulating a hypothesis, followed by conducting experi-
ments, and finally developing a theory.
Figure 1.9 Pollution of land, water, and soil threatens plant and
animal life. © papulov74/
urban areas. In addition, we need to minimize the destruc- A hypothesis is simply a tentative, unproven explanation for
tion of plant habitats caused primarily by the huge increase something that has been observed. It may not be the correct
in the number of the earth’s inhabitants. This subject and explanation—testing will determine whether it is correct
related matters are further discussed in Chapter 25. or incorrect. To be accepted by scientists, the results of any
At present the idea that humanity may not be able to experiments designed to test the hypothesis must be repeat-
save itself may seem radical, but there are a few who have able and capable of being duplicated by others.
suggested that it might become necessary in the future to A scientific experiment is typically carried out with
emigrate to other planets. Experiments with portable oxy- a test group of plants and a control group. The test group
gen generators have been in progress for many years. Tanks receives the experimental treatment, while the control group
of water teeming with tiny green algae are taken aboard a is treated the same in all ways except that it does not receive
spacecraft and installed so that they are exposed to light. the treatment. For example, if you would like to test the
The algae not only produce oxygen, which the spacecraft effect of light on seed germination, you would divide your
inhabitants can breathe, but also consume the waste carbon seed lot and place some in the light and some in the dark.
dioxide produced by respiration. As the algae multiply, they All other environmental conditions, such as temperature and
can be fed to a special kind of shrimp, which in turn multi- humidity, would be the same for both sets of seeds. If you
ply and become food for the space travelers. Other wastes observe a germination difference between the two sets of
are recycled by different microscopic organisms. When seeds, then it may be due to light.
this self-supporting arrangement, called a closed system, is When a hypothesis is tested, data (bits of information)
perfected, the range of spacecraft should greatly increase are accumulated and may lead to the formulation of a useful
because heavy oxygen tanks will not be necessary, and the generalization called a principle. Several related principles
amount of food reserves will be reduced. may lend themselves to grouping into a theory, which is not
Today, teams of botanists, anthropologists, and medi- simply a guess. A theory is a group of generalizations
cal doctors are interviewing medical practitioners and herbal (principles) that help us understand something. We reject
healers in remote tropical regions and taking notes on vari- or modify theories only when new principles increase our
ous uses of plants by the local inhabitants. These scientists understanding of a phenomenon. An example of a theory
are doing so in the hope of preserving at least some plants is the concept of natural selection and evolution. This the-
with potential for contributions to modern civilization ory describes how the diversity of life on earth came about
before disruption of their habitats results in their extinction. and provides the foundation for many principles you will
encounter in this textbook.
While the testing of hypotheses is a rigorous, well-
1.3 Botany as a Science defined process, the development of hypotheses is not. This
aspect of science is creative because it involves finding new
Learning Outcomes ways to look at our natural world. Often, the most success-
a. Explain how the study of plants became a science. ful scientists are those who can think outside the box, inte-
b. Describe the steps in a typical scientific experiment. grating observations across fields or organisms to create a
hypothesis that explains a complex phenomenon. While sci-
The study of plants, called botany—from three Greek words, entific advances are often attributed to luck, there is a grow-
botanikos (botanical), botane (plant or herb), and boskein ing body of evidence that the methods used by scientists
(to feed), and the French word botanique (botanical)— actually harness the unexpected to the benefit of science.
appears to have had its origins with Stone Age peoples who When the results of an experiment do not follow predictions,

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What Is Plant Biology? 7

that experiment will be repeated with extra care and from a Plant physiology, which is concerned with plant func-
new perspective. If the unexpected observation is observed tion, was established by J. B. van Helmont (1577–1644),
again, then the scientist must develop a new hypothesis. a Flemish physician and chemist, who was the first to
­demonstrate that plants do not have the same nutritional
needs as animals. In a classic experiment, van Helmont
1.4 Diversification of Plant planted a willow branch weighing 5 pounds in an earthen-

Study ware tub filled with 90.7 kilograms (200 pounds) of dry
soil. He covered the soil to prevent dust from settling on it
from the air. The willow produced roots and grew, and after
Learning Outcomes 5 years, he reweighed the willow and the soil. He found that
a. List the major disciplines of plant science. the soil weighed only 56.7 grams (2 ounces), less than it
b. Design a research question that would require studies in had at the beginning of the experiment, but that the willow
both plant physiology and plant genetics. had gained 76.7 kilograms (169 pounds). He concluded that
the tree had added to its bulk and size from the water it had
Plant anatomy, which is concerned chiefly with the inter- absorbed. We know now that most of the weight came as a
nal structure of plants, was established through the efforts result of photosynthetic activity (discussed in Chapter 10),
of several scientific pioneers. Early plant anatomists of note but van Helmont deserves credit for landmark experimenta-
included Marcello Malpighi (1628–1694) of Italy, who dis- tion in plant physiology.
covered various tissues in stems and roots, and Nehemiah Modern plant physiologists use cloned genes (units of
Grew (1628–1711) of England, who described the structure of heredity that are found mostly within the nuclei of cells) to
wood more precisely than any of his predecessors (Fig. 1.10). learn more about plant functions, including how plants con-
Today, knowledge of plant anatomy is used to help us duct materials internally; how temperature, light, and water are
find clues to the past, as well as for many practical purposes. involved in growth; why plants flower; and how plant growth
For example, the related discipline of dendrochronology deals regulatory substances are produced, to mention just a few.
with determining past climates by examining the width and During past centuries, Europeans who explored other
other features of tree rings. We can also learn much from continents took large numbers of plants back home with
archaeological sites by matching tree rings found in the wood them, and it soon became clear to those working with the
of ancient buildings to the rings of wood of known age. Plant plants that some sort of formalized system was necessary
anatomy is also used to solve crimes. Forensic laboratories just to keep the collections straight. Several plant taxono-
may use fragments of plant tissues found on clothing or under mists (botanists who specialize in the identifying, naming,
fingernails to determine where a crime took place or if certain and classifying of plants) proposed ways of accomplishing
people could have been present where the crime was com- this, but we owe much of our present system of naming and
mitted. The anatomy of leaves, stems, and other plant parts classifying plants to the Swedish botanist Carolus Linnaeus
is used to unravel and sort out relationships among plants. (1707–1778) (see Fig. 16.2).
A form of plant anatomy, known as paleobotany, focuses on Plant taxonomy involves describing, naming, and
plant fossils to help us understand how plants evolved. classifying organisms. Plant systematics is a related field
but is broader than taxonomy. It is the science of devel-
oping methods for grouping organisms. Plant taxonomy
is the oldest branch of plant study, but Linnaeus did more
for the field than any other person in history. Thousands
of plant names in use today are those originally recorded
in Linnaeus’s book Species Plantarum, published in 1753.
An expanded account of Linnaeus and his system of clas-
sification is given in Chapter 16.
There are still thousands of plants, fungi, and other
organisms that have not yet been described or even discov-
ered. Although it is already too late to identify species that
were not described before they became extinct, plant tax-
onomists around the world have united to try to identify
and describe as many new organisms as possible—many
with food, medicinal, and other useful potential—before
much more of their natural habitat disappears. Other plant
taxonomists, through the use of cladistics (analysis of
shared features) and molecular techniques, are refining our
knowledge of plant relationships. The molecular knowl-
Figure 1.10 This highly magnified view shows bark (top) and edge and techniques are also contributing to the improve-
wood (bottom) structure. © STEVE GSCHMEISSNER/SPL/Getty Images ment of many of our food crops.

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8 Chapter 1

Figure 1.11 Plant ecologists, plant geographers, and other biologists recognize large communities of plants and animals that occur in areas
with distinctive combinations of environmental features. These areas, called biomes, are represented here by the tropical rain forest, which,
although occupying about 6% of the earth’s surface, is home to more than half of the world’s species of organisms. © OMeidl/Getty Images

The discipline of plant geography, the study of how of genomics, which focuses on genes and their function,
and why plants are distributed where they are, did not has burst onto the genetics scene and now impacts nearly
develop until the 19th century (Fig. 1.11). The allied field of all genetics research. In parallel, bioinformatics combines
plant ecology, which is the study of the interaction of plants biology, statistics, and computer science to analyze the huge
with one another and with their environment, also developed data sets being generated by DNA and RNA sequencing
in the 19th century. efforts.
The study of the form and structure of plants, plant Cell biology, the science of cell structure and function,
morphology, was developed during the 19th century. During received a boost from the discovery of how cells multiply
the 20th century, much of our basic knowledge about the and how their components perform and integrate a variety
forms of plants and their life cycles was incorporated into of functions, including that of sexual reproduction. The
the plant sciences as we know them today. During this time, mid-20th-century development of electron microscopes (see
the number of scientists engaged in investigating plants also Chapter 3) further spurred cell research and led to vast new
greatly increased. insights into cells and new forms of cell research that contin-
Genetics, the science of heredity, was founded by the ues to the present.
Austrian monk Gregor Mendel (1822–1884), who per- Economic botany and ethnobotany, which focus on
formed classic experiments with pea plants. Today, bran­ practical uses of plants and plant products, had their origin
ches of genetics include plant breeding, which has greatly in antiquity as humans discovered, used, and eventually cul-
improved the yields and quality of crop plants, and genetic tivated plants for food, fiber, medicines, and other purposes.
engineering (Fig. 1.10). Genetic engineering may involve Today there is increased interest in herbal medicines (see
the transfer of genes from one organism to another. This Appendix 3) and many other uses of plants by the general
technique has improved disease resistance, quality, and her- public. Research is being conducted in collaboration with
bicide tolerance in some crop plants. Recently, gene edit- indigenous peoples with an eye to discovering new medi-
ing techniques have emerged, providing geneticists with cines and other useful plant products previously unknown in
the power to alter specific genes. In recent years, the field developed countries.

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KEY THEME 1.2 general Plant Biology on the Internet

P eople use the Internet for direct communication, edu-

cation, and recreation, among other things, and do so
through the use of various devices. Wireless connec-
tions allow access to information virtually anywhere and by
any device that can pick up a signal. Computers have revo-
lutionized the study of every field of plant biology. Laptop
computers, tablets, and cell phones with Internet access
(Box Figure 1.2A) can be taken to the field to help navigate
through the wilderness, locate and identify specimens, collect
data, and interact directly with scientists at other locations to
exchange information. Even more popular are the numerous
handheld devices with Internet access and applications that
provide excellent learning experiences.
What botanical information is available on the Internet?
Just about anything a user can imagine about plant biology
is available on the Internet and, if it isn’t, it can be added.
Sites that include materials on botany education, botanical Box Figure 1.2A A botany student uses the Internet to identify
and learn about a botanical specimen in the field. © James E. Bidlack
gardens, plant databases, and videos about plants are a few
of the many resources available on the Web. The following
are some interesting websites that can be explored. Try them
out sometime! Maybe you’ll find a good idea for a research
6. The United States Department of Agriculture contains
news and information about the nation’s agricultural
1. The Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning economy. There is an excellent section on the history of
and Online Teaching (MERLOT) includes many learning American agriculture from 1776 to 2000. http://www.usda
objects for plant biology and other disciplines. This .gov/
website includes a search engine as well as peer- 7. GardenWeb is an information center for gardening
reviewed learning materials for many topics in higher enthusiasts.
education. 8. California Flora Database contains geographic and
2. The Missouri Botanical Garden is one of the oldest ecological distribution information for 7,975 California
botanical institutions in the United States. It is a center vascular plant taxa, as well as additional habitat
for botanical research and science education. information for rare taxa and species of the Sierra Nevada.
3. The New York Botanical Garden is situated on 250 acres 9. Common Conifers of the Pacific Northwest provides
in the Bronx and includes 27 outdoor gardens and plant information about the conifers of Oregon, including a
collections, a beautiful Victorian conservatory, and a dichotomous key for their identification. http://www
40-acre presettlement forest.
4. The Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University is the 10. Carnivorous Plants Database includes over 3,000 entries,
nation’s oldest arboretum. The site includes a catalog giving an exhaustive nomenclatural synopsis of all
of over 5,000 kinds of woody plants cultivated in the carnivorous plants.
arboretum as well as educational and visitor information. /cp_home.cgi 11. Plants in Motion provides short video clips of different
5. Australian National Botanic Gardens provides a wealth types of plant movement, including germination,
of botanical and biological information about Australia. flowering, and tropic responses.

bid40835_ch01_001-010.indd 9 11/19/19 8:03 PM

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Essays on Modern Novelists
Essays on Russian Novelists
Essays on Books
Essays on Modern Dramatists
Essays on Things
Howells, James, Bryant and Other Essays
Reading the Bible
Teaching in School and College
Some Makers of American Literature
The Advance of the English Novel
The Advance of English Poetry
The Beginnings of the English Romantic Movement
Human Nature in the Bible
Human Nature and the Gospel
Adventures and Confessions
As I Like It, First, Second, Third Series
Archibald Marshall
A Dash at the Pole
Browning—How to Know Him
Copyright, 1930,
All rights reserved—no part of this
book may be reproduced in any form
without permission in writing from
the publisher.
Set up and printed. Published September, 1930.
Sunrise 3
Molasses 8
Resolutions When I Come to Be Old 14
English and American Humour 20
A Pair of Socks 26
An Inspiring Cemetery 31
Ancient Football 35
Rivers 39
One Day at a Time 45
City and Country 51
Age Before Beauty 57
Church Unity 63
Political History 68
A Room Without a View 74
Tea 80
The Weather 86
War 91
Man and Boy 96
Ambition 101
Birds and Statesmen 107
Russia Before the Revolution 113
The Devil 119
The Forsyte Saga 124
Profession and Practice 130
London as a Summer Resort 135
What the Man Will Wear 140
Dreams 146
Eating Breakfast 151
The Mother Tongue 157
Our South as Cure for Flu 163
Going to Church in Paris 169
Optimism and Pessimism 175
Translations 180
Music of the Spheres 185
Dog Books 190
Going to Honolulu 196
Hymns 201
Old-Fashioned Snobs 207
A Fair City 212
Traditions 218
Spooks 224
Trial by Jury 230
Athletics 235
A Private Library All Your Own 240
The Greatest Common Divisor 246
The Great American Game 252
Ten Sixty-Six 258
Going Abroad the First Time 264
Spiritual Healing 269
Superstition 274
The Importance of the Earth 279
What Shall I Think About? 285

At an uncertain hour before dawn in February 1912, as I lay

asleep in my room on the top floor of a hotel in the town of Mentone,
in Southern France, I was suddenly awakened by the morning star. It
was shining with inquisitive splendour directly into my left eye. At that
quiet moment, in the last stages of the dying night, this star seemed
enormous. It hung out of the velvet sky so far that I thought it was
going to fall, and I went out on the balcony of my room to see it drop.
The air was windless and mild, and, instead of going back to bed, I
decided to stay on the balcony and watch the unfolding drama of the
dawn. For every clear dawn in this spectacular universe is a
magnificent drama, rising to a superb climax.
The morning stars sang together and I heard the sons of God
shouting for joy. The chief morning star, the one that had roused me
from slumber, recited a splendid prologue. Then, as the night paled
and the lesser stars withdrew, some of the minor characters in the
play began to appear and take their respective parts. The grey
background turned red, then gold. Long shafts of preliminary light
shot up from the eastern horizon, and then, when the stage was all
set, and the minor characters had completed their assigned rôles,
the curtains suddenly parted and the sun—the Daystar—the star of
the play, entered with all the panoply of majesty. And as I stood there
and beheld this incomparable spectacle, and gazed over the
mountains, the meadows and the sea, the words of Shakespeare
came into my mind:

Full many a glorious morning have I seen,

Flatter the mountain tops with sovereign eye.
Kissing with golden face the meadows green.
Gilding pale streams with heavenly alchemy.

It is a pity that more people do not see the sunrise. Many do not
get up early enough, many do not stay up late enough. Out of the
millions and millions of men, women and children on this globe only
a comparatively few see the sunrise, and I dare say there are many
respectable persons who have never seen it at all. One really should
not go through life without seeing the sun rise at least once,
because, even if one is fortunate enough to be received at last into
heaven, there is one sight wherein this vale of tears surpasses the
eternal home of the saints. “There is no night there,” hence there can
be no dawn, no sunrise; it is therefore better to make the most of it
while we can.
As a man feels refreshed after a night’s sleep and his morning
bath, so the sun seems to rise out of the water like a giant renewed.
Milton gave us an excellent description:

So sinks the daystar in the ocean bed,

And yet anon repairs his drooping head,
And tricks his beams, and with new-spangled ore
Flames in the forehead of the morning sky.

Browning, in his poem, Pippa Passes, compares the sunrise to a

glass of champagne, a sparkling wine overflowing the world:

Faster and more fast,
O’er night’s brim, day boils at last:
Boils, pure gold, o’er the cloud-cup’s brim,
Where spurting and suppressed it lay,
For not a froth-flake touched the rim
Of yonder gap in the solid gray
Of the eastern cloud, an hour away;
But forth one wavelet, then another, curled.
Till the whole sunrise, not to be suppressed,
Rose, reddened, and its seething breast
Flickered in bounds, grew gold, then overflowed the world.

The sunset has a tranquil beauty but to me there is in it always a

tinge of sadness, of the sadness of farewell, of the approach of
darkness. This mood is expressed in the old hymn which in my
childhood I used to hear so often in church:

Fading, still fading, the last beam is shining,

Father in heaven! the day is declining.
Safety and innocence fly with the light,
Temptation and danger walk forth with the night.

Sorrow may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning,
saith the Holy Book. The sunrise has not only inexpressible majesty
and splendour, but it has the rapture of promise, the excitement of
beginning again. Yesterday has gone forever, the night is over and
we may start anew. To how many eyes, weary with wakefulness in
the long watches of the night, or flushed with fever, is the first
glimmer of the dawn welcome. The night makes every fear and
worry worse than the reality, it magnifies every trivial distress. Mark
Twain said the night brought madness—none of us is quite sane in
the darkness. That particular regret for yesterday or apprehension
for tomorrow that strikes you like a whiplash in the face at 2:45 a.m.
dwindles into an absurdity in the healthy dawn.
Mark Twain, who had expressed the difference between the
night and the morning tragically, also expressed it humorously. He
said that when he was lying awake in the middle of the night he felt
like an awful sinner, he hated himself with a horrible depression and
made innumerable good resolutions; but when at 7:30 he was
shaving himself he felt just as cheerful, healthy and unregenerate as
I am a child of the morning. I love the dawn and the sunrise.
When I was a child I saw the sunrise from the top of Whiteface and it
seemed to me that I not only saw beauty but heard celestial music.
Ever since reading in George Moore’s Evelyn Innes the nun’s
description of her feelings while listening to Wagner’s Prologue to
Lohengrin I myself never hear that lovely music rising to a
tremendous climax without seeing in imagination what was revealed
to the Sister of Mercy. I am on a mountain top before dawn; the
darkness gives way; the greyness strengthens, and finally my whole
mind and soul are filled with the increasing light.

Before both the word molasses and the thing it signifies disappear
forever from the earth, I wish to recall its flavour and its importance to
the men and women of my generation. By any other name it would
taste as sweet; it is by no means yet extinct; but for many years maple
syrup and other commodities have taken its place on the breakfast
table. Yet I was brought up on molasses. Do you remember, in that
marvellous book, Helen’s Babies, when Toddie was asked what he had
in his pantspocket, his devastating reply to that tragic question? He
calmly answered, “Bread and molasses.”
Well, I was brought up on bread and molasses. Very often that was
all we had for supper. I well remember, in the sticky days of childhood,
being invited out to supper by my neighbour Arthur Greene. My table
manners were primitive and my shyness in formal company
overwhelming. When I was ushered into the Greene dining room not
only as the guest of honour but as the only guest, I felt like Fra Lippo
Lippi in the most august presence in the universe, only I lacked his
impudence to help me out.
The conditions of life in those days may be estimated from the fact
that the entire formal supper, even with “company,” consisted wholly
and only of bread, butter and molasses. Around the festive board sat
Mr. Greene, a terrifying adult who looked as if he had never been
young; Mrs. Greene, tight-lipped and serious; Arthur Greene, his sister
Alice, and his younger brother, Freddy. As I was company I was helped
first and given a fairly liberal supply of bread, which I unthinkingly (as
though I were used to such luxuries) spread with butter and then
covered with a thick layer of molasses. Ah, I was about to learn
Mr. Greene turned to his eldest son, and enquired grimly, “Arthur,
which will you have, bread and butter or bread and molasses?”
The wretched Arthur, looking at my plate, and believing that his
father, in deference to the “company,” would not quite dare to enforce
what was evidently the regular evening choice, said, with what I
recognised as a pitiful attempt at careless assurance, “I’ll take both.”
“No, you don’t!” countered his father, with a tone as final as that of
a judge in court. His father was not to be bluffed by the presence of
company; he evidently regarded discipline as more important than
manners. The result was I felt like a voluptuary, being the only person
at the table who had the luxury of both butter and molasses. They
stuck in my throat; I feel them choking me still, after an interval of more
than fifty years.

* * * * *
The jug of molasses was on our table at home at every breakfast
and at every supper. The only variety lay in the fact (do you
remember?) that there were two distinct kinds of molasses—
sometimes we had one, sometimes the other. There was Porto Rico
molasses and there was New Orleans molasses—brunette and
blonde. The Porto Rico molasses was so dark it was almost black, and
New Orleans molasses was golden brown.
The worst meal of the three was invariably supper, and I imagine
this was fairly common among our neighbours. Breakfast was a hearty
repast, starting usually with oatmeal, immediately followed by
beefsteak and potatoes or mutton chops, sometimes ham and eggs;
but usually beef or chops. It had a glorious coda with griddle cakes or
waffles; and thus stuffed, we rose from the table like condors from their
prey, and began the day’s work. Dinner at one was a hearty meal, with
soup, roast, vegetables and pie.
Supper consisted of “remainders.” There was no relish in it, and I
remember that very often my mother, who never complained vocally,
looking at the unattractive spread with lack-lustre eye, would either
speak to our one servant or would disappear for a moment and return
with a cold potato, which it was clear she distinctly preferred to the
sickening sweetish “preserves” and cookies or to the bread and
molasses which I myself ate copiously.
However remiss and indifferent and selfish I may have been in my
conduct toward my mother—and what man does not suffer as he
thinks of this particular feature of the irrecoverable past?—it does me
good to remember that, after I came to man’s estate, I gave my mother
what it is clear she always and in vain longed for in earlier years, a
good substantial dinner at night.
At breakfast we never put cream and sugar on our porridge; we
always put molasses. Then, if griddle cakes followed the meat, we
once more had recourse to molasses. And as bread and molasses
was the backbone of the evening meal, you will see what I mean when
I say I swam to manhood through this viscous sea. In those days youth
was sweet.
The transfer of emphasis from breakfast to supper is the chief
distinguishing change in the procession of meals as it was and as it
became. It now seems incredible that I once ate large slabs of steak or
big chops at breakfast, but I certainly did. And supper, which
approached the vanishing point, turned into dinner in later years.
Many, many years ago we banished the molasses jug and even
the lighter and more patrician maple syrup ceased to flow at the
breakfast table. I am quite aware that innumerable persons still eat
griddle cakes or waffles and syrup at the first meal of the day. It is
supposed that the poet-artist Dante Gabriel Rossetti ruined his health
by eating huge portions of ham and eggs, followed by griddle cakes
and molasses, for breakfast. To me there has always been something
incongruous between syrup and coffee; they are mutually destructive;
one spoils the taste of the other.
Yet waffles and syrup are a delectable dish; and I am quite certain
that nectar and ambrosia made no better meal. What to do, then? The
answer is simple. Eat no griddle cakes, no waffles and no syrup at
breakfast; but use these commodities for dessert at lunch. Then comes
the full flavour.
Many taverns now have hit upon the excellent idea of serving only
two dishes for lunch or dinner—chicken and waffles. This obviates the
expense of waste, the worry of choice, the time lost in plans. And what
combination could possibly be better?
One of the happiest recollections of my childhood is the marvelous
hot, crisp waffle lying on my plate, and my increasing delight as I
watched the molasses filling each square cavity in turn. As the English
poet remarked, “I hate people who are not serious about their meals.”

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