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The Saturn hex

Conference Paper · June 2014

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Graham Peter Michael Burnett



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The Saturn hex by graham p.m. burnett all rights reserved
January 1, 2010

On The Saturn Hexagram Cloud Formation

By Graham p m Burnett

Independent researcher


(Work in progress)

The Saturn hex by graham p.m. burnett all rights reserved
January 1, 2010

Abstract page 3

Glossary of terms page 6

Section One page 7

Section Two page 10

Section Three page 12

Photos and drawings

Saturn photo by NASA (P.1)

page four

Full animation by CASSINI

Saturn Photo by NASA (P.2)

page five

Hubble capture of Saturn Aurora (P.3)

page nine

Drawings by GPMB

(D.1.a.) page 7

(D.2.a,b,c,) page 10

(D.3) page 12

The Saturn hex by graham p.m. burnett all rights reserved
January 1, 2010

Abstract - Introduction
This is a presentation of a theoretical solution to the puzzling formation observed of a Hexagram
structure in the polar region of high altitude atmospheric clouds on the planet Saturn. The formation in
a hexagram structure was discovered a feature holding over many years by multiple exploratory craft
sent from Earth to examine this gaseous beautiful planet in our solar system and her varied features and

The solution to what is at play in the structural mechanics is to be explained using a rudimentary and
simple geometric reality valid. In the historic a presentation this was done to a partial explanation many
years ago to the United Nations by NASA to explain the hexagram formation when first discovered but
that presentation speech was lost to me in my own research findings as it had been presented.

I had found this lost report only to lose it halfway through my own investigative postulate being written
to a learned good fellow of Australia on a whim we had and I realized I could only add to the first
postulate as the report had indicated two equilateral triangles overlapping to form the six cusps of a
hexagram and was my own independent reasoning being developed at the time toward explanation of a
more motion orientated solution including spinier operators. This presentation is giving credit to that
first presentation remembered and here only a solution built beyond what I am remembering previously
postulated by NASA reached independent or not.

My full solution is on a motion platform view compared to the snapshot view that was read during my
research as such the motion of energy in a professional interest has been of interest to me for some
years. The Canadian Space Agency (CSA) replied to me an interest to an off handed postulate I made on
twitter they would like to have a submittal to a solution.

This solution in the geometric reality is being presented to the CSA for a review when completed and for
allocation request for a position of research in continuance of the observation by funding and or
arrangement for a formal forum presentation to interested parties on future arrangement.

Comments and review suggestions to this presentation are welcome and encouraged by the author for
consideration of citation and collaboration to change or alter mistakes found or submittal of evidently of
support inclusions.

The Saturn hex by graham p.m. burnett all rights reserved
January 1, 2010

Photo Evidentiary

There are three published pictorials by NASA that will be referred to in this presentation. The first is by



The Saturn hex by graham p.m. burnett all rights reserved
January 1, 2010


They both have some observable structural features inclusive to positioning of those features in the
photographs that will show clarity support in the presentation of a solution being made.

We know the scope of this formation is large enough that four Earth size planets could fit into the
structure. The structure is on a flattened polar observation plane to which we can say the planet has an
over all oblique spherical shape as a gaseous giant. I believe the reason the polar regions are exhibiting
this flatness is by the ratio of gas in the atmosphere in motion from a more dense central region being
compared to the more central of the planet condensed matter no longer gaseous.

The Saturn hex by graham p.m. burnett all rights reserved
January 1, 2010

Further to be said is this collected gas being held in place is drawn to the equatorial regions by
centrifugal spin features of the planet and where we can observe the composite rings of Saturn further
out from the gaseous states that can only be explained as indicative of these centrifugal forces at play in
the planet value describe and uncondensed to it full potential with massive amounts of gaseous matter
still in place in high accelerated motion and heavy enough in molecular element value not to be given to
outer space by the speedy orbital spin features of the more condensed matter.

Light in mass enough to allow the most speedy orbital spin features of the condensed matter of the
planet function against it state as suspended mater in space, gives the observer a flattened pole feature
or top slice view of the expected sphere observation platform to view what otherwise would be inside
the clouds cover of a polar view in a more spherical less gaseous planet. The clouds are literately pulled
back like a curtain by the forces in play.

This reality should take that into consideration and reference will be made further to the ESA/NASA four
probe findings on our own Earth polar space region explore that exhibited the same structural features
as will be presented in an extended vector value potential beyond our atmosphere.

A further observation will be referred to about Saturn and that is the planetary spinier axial observation
ratio to the planetary spinier polar axial that is given as less than 1% variation which in such the mass of
material gaseous observed in the distance from core can equivalent to a near non existing
declination/inclination variant.


Plasma: will be used in describe of energised content in space not to confuse the terminology applied to
the common use of the word “space” as an area of space which will contain such content.

Torroid; will be used to describe the torque induced motion features of a structure of matter and field
containment of matter as a circular cyclic path of matter and plasma field observed not to be confused
with vortex structures that advance the view of torroid structure’s motion features value of state
described condensed or enriched.

Linear frame drag; will be applied to matter in motion observed by resistance features of both the
gaseous matter in motion and the aligned polar state of other matter not in motion at the same value
and respective interactions by locality positioning that takes place.

Gaseous content; will be applied based on the standard of spectrum analytical findings compared to
projection of mass value to predicable content in a given local based on molecular weight described in
the standard view.

The Saturn hex by graham p.m. burnett all rights reserved
January 1, 2010

Section one

Geometric define of the hexagram

A geometric structure in a flat plane view can have six cusps equally spaced apart on a circle with a
vector line between each adjoining cusp position of equal length below the segmented arc. This
equivocates to two equilateral triangles of the same dimension sharing the same axial point zero
position having each share positional reference points on the circle with each cusp of each triangle
spaced equally apart.

The observation depiction in (D.1.a.) below is the fundamental placement of six cusps in motion about
the same axial or axial as termed with little variant.

1 2

c b


The fundamental hex structure with little or no variant of two complex features of a planet in objective
view would only give three cusps based on mass ratio to the forces at play that are moving the content
of cloud content.

Each stage representation in D.1.a by the sets (1, 2, 3) and (a, b, c) as a cusp point are to be a point of
the maximum potential of each of the two functions of the defined two energy effect possible on the
content of the gaseous molecular and atomic value in the atmosphere by the planet rotation. The sets
are not independent by define of two equal function features other than by the application of rotational
time of the planet non atmospheric which is 10 Hours


The Saturn hex by graham p.m. burnett all rights reserved
January 1, 2010

Set1 (1. 2, 3) / 10 h = Set2 (a, b, c) / 10 h

Where the individual Set (1, 2) describes the maximum volume content of the atmosphere moveable of
different content value of mass molecular and atomic, charge, and polar state, by the non atmospheric
structure over a given time period, and,

Where each set cusp point (1, 2, 3) and (a, b, c) in the two sets describes the collected atmospheric
content over a period of time accelerated from a stationary positioning foundation and maintained in
motion to a varied degree based on drag operators of content against the non atmospheric structure,

Where the drag operators not equally considered in the structural mechanics for reasons of a retrograde
motion drag alternatively postulate able of a decelerated particle mass considered, the atmospheric
mass motion value will be varied throughout the operator function upon the mass thus a causal of more
or less energy expend by the force moving the atmosphere. Some of the atmospheric mass will be in
angular motion at one rate of acceleration and another will be in the same composite positioning at
another rate of deceleration at any given time of drag forces by the non atmospheric content of the
planet in a constant value of force.

As below the pictorial describe each cusp of collected matter in motion at the highest rate is entering
into an area of the atmosphere at the lowest rate of angular motion and thus as the mass has been
collected and being moved to the highest rate the function has a maximum ability to where the
atmospheric content of mass curcumas loses it accelerated state to the frame drag functions of angular
motion. This is companionable to observations of radiant of heat of the electron changing orbits on an
atom where the arc change decreases and increases the radiant value. In fluid dynamics it is the lowest
denomination of content moving upon another denomination of content and the measure is considered
in mass an atomic weight and molecular weight.

The first feature of drag function is in the spinier of what can be the core defined motion of magma
against the crust between the core magma and atmospheric content. It is long believed in the standard
view of magma motion to be the causal theoretic of an electrical current feature of the core in defined
area in motion against a linier angular frame drag feature of the crust an central core non magma as
with just pressure alone and no motion there would be no magnetic field of the planet which Saturn has
been observed with.

The pressure of mass upon the core magma fluidity clarity of molecular content potentially squeezing
out the electron proton combination’s atomic to the shell value dimension able and through the crust a
feature of the different levels on a radius vector from center of the planet but Saturn has a very low
declination/inclination of the two axial measures. This dimension can be calculated in radiant degrees of
a temperature value in the function of the excited electrons in the frictional frame drag feature of

The Saturn hex by graham p.m. burnett all rights reserved
January 1, 2010

motion mentioned of matter moving under pressure to create a current and thus with a low axial variant
can be considered a low friction spherical function of depth extensive. The discharge of electrical is
noted to extend in the equatorial through the rings of Saturn. The medium of transfer is hydrogen and
oxygen atoms and molecular content with a predominate mass value of H2O in the rings and across the
rings to the rise of H1 to the standard view potential predicable values as high as the maximum
considered potential of H6 imagined.

Energised by Sol stripping the electrons of the hydrogen atoms composite and in the molecular
composite or singular of atomic, allows for the replacement of stripped charge supplied by the magma
motion massive current radiant potential.

Further predicable will be less radiant by the planetary tail as sol energises the system and the rings
discharge free electron build up on the equatorial belts.

As a gas giant designation Saturn can be predicable to have a central non fluid small core ratio to magma
thus a ratio to condensed gaseous crust mantle values thus a ratio to atmosphere gaseous composites.

This function all said forms a magnetic field feature of the planet is shared as a feature throughout the
observations of the solar system we enjoy being a part of (excluding Venus with a retrograde motion
and Mars which has indication by a theorised impact historic indications to have had the core drag
current functions turned off as full planetary function and only regional core magnetic field operators
taking place by in varied surface positions locations reveal and in a compare non localised as a full
planetary magnetic field.)

With Saturn there is a feature of overall rotational spin having a great value in a dimensioned value of
speed in the relativity ratio to a non gaseous planet or smaller mass such as we know of Earth and
against the other giant gaseous planets in our solar system. The whole planet has a ten hour day.
Compared to the structured hex where four Earth sized planets can fit inside of the Hex the relativity to
a smaller planet is stupendous. In such accelerated motion any composite of gaseous material would be
acting predicable as fine grained sandpaper at such speeds smoothing the transition zones immensely.

The content of the atmosphere is high in sulphur molecules attached in composite to hydrogen atoms
and hydrogen oxygen atoms at different levels on the core radius vector determinate. As one would
observe the different levels value ratio of these composites they form hydrogen sulphide gas and
hydrogen oxygen sulphide gas molecules to give varied mass values. The magnetic field function of the
planet will give varied spinning in rotation alignment features to the composites.

All the composites mass can be said to be in motion as pictured above in the same drag motion direction
but the magnetic field functions in a reversed motion drag feature within the rotation. The fielded of
space content is dragging the all content backwards and doing so in an equal force to the operations of
drag caused by the rotational drag upon the content. This is indicative of the planet having little or no

The Saturn hex by graham p.m. burnett all rights reserved
January 1, 2010

crust value other than an easily kept near gaseous state low volume mass above a high temperature
magma flow of a current operator function.

This magnetic fielded space in the opposite direction a force is a separate operating feature of the
planet but restricted to function in the same manner of the rotational drag by the amount of spatial
content mass value present at the level of observation taken. In the case of objectivity we see three
cusp formation based on the limited energy value to operate on the mass that translate to a ratio of 3:1
and as below we see the mass value degreased the longer along the radius vector to just hydrogen
atoms as the plasma content we have only one vortex cusp point observed.


The Saturn hex by graham p.m. burnett all rights reserved
January 1, 2010

Above in the recorded HUBBLE photographs of the enrichment of Saturn from Sol, the Aurora on the
north polar regions of Saturn. This event as recorded by NASA/ESA endeavours argument to the
postulated view by HUBBLE to the record now of the same operators in play with Earth enrichment, but,
this Earthly event is observed as having a vortex ionic enrichment from Sol and thus giving credence that
Saturn enrichment is also done with a vortex from Sol giving the advanced clarity other than just a facing
side to Sol the causal of the vortex view of the light-up on the pole upper plasma as is being postulated
in the photo link by NASA.
Further we can postulate the upper areas lit up are less dense Hydrogen only atoms with the capacity of
multi electron additions from it ground state of one electron to one proton of some distance from the
upper atmosphere and of plasma define valid with the magnetic field of the planet still an operator on
the plasma local.

The direction of the light up and degrade in value observable in the vortex arm visual supports the
direction of a dragged alignment feature in opposite to the rotation of substance in the atmosphere
(being all in motion in the same direction) and validity to use the term linier angular motion drag as a
descriptive adjective to the describe.

With the two noted foundation of forces at play postulated in this theorem against the mass of content
value sharing the same axial positioning the presented theory given to theorem by a solution in a
geometric reality here raises the question of why we observe the two forces of three cusp each with a
geometric reality valid compared to six cusp formations consideration from one feature of the planet
alone and the needed clarity. The profound indications of only a two cusp observation in the aurora
vortex view supports the need to note the location of both and the ratio of content volume of the
atmosphere at these two locations of observation. The clarity by a solution is profound and novel by the
observation of such content radius vector positioning reported by the photo record of the hexagram
structure formation.

Two three cusp structures are at play and shown in the following progression of geometric define why it
cannot be anything else. We observe all six cusps as collection points of matter where the forces of one
density of matter frame dragging the other less dense caused by the fast moving central condensed
matter of the planet is dragging the gaseous mass about the core.

At the same circumstance function of drag casual against the lighter density of matter the gaseous
matter has an influence by the core high density causal to align the gaseous material content in a polar
state in by a denser thermal dynamic central core electrical current formation of structure to the
observed in a standard view the equated causal of observed magnetic field phenomena in other
planetary features in our solar system.

The noted three cusps are collection points of substance in motion reaching the maximum volume
content that can be influenced by the force applied overall to the substance to move the volume mass
value. The observation is only possible due to flattening of the polar atmosphere where the mass that
should be above the platform has been radiated to the equatorial belt.

The Saturn hex by graham p.m. burnett all rights reserved
January 1, 2010

Each cusp point has a mathematical formula potential and thus noted in set values equal per force.


With a consideration of current flow features asymmetrical Toronic the spinier enrichment to a polar
state of alignment of some of the matter in the atmosphere content perpendicular is a spinier
observation that has to be in reverse to the drag of the planet upon on the mass of gaseous content.

This solution clarity being presented is supported by understanding the nature of electron flow in
reverse of a current flow and too well documented in the science of electrical dynamics to add further a
describe and known by the reader the expectation. The north pole of Saturn is where we observe a
positive enrichment potential by Sol taking place. The negative electron on the hydrogen atom is excited
and thus changes orbit to allow of more electrons to attach to the hydrogen atom expanding the
distances between atoms in the overall process. This forms a less dense volume of spatial plasma being
moved by the revolution of the planet. The electrons that are in play are from the planetary process of
condensing matter in the scope of the magma flow that is creative of the current. As the transfer of
electrons takes place the alignment of the hydrogen atoms are altered in the duality vortex enrichment
to it feature of spin. The direction of the spin is against the direction of the planetary movement of mass
of the atmosphere.

Alternatively we can state that some of the matter in the atmosphere, all of which is moved by the
denser of matter volume value in drag features of it spin, is being polarised in a direct counter direction
to the drag by the core current. This feature of spin against two separate states of matter will give
separate motion values of one cusp a geometric point each in a relative equal spacing from each other
over time as one feature is responsible for the other and co-dependent on each other. If the planet did
not have a flattened polar region we would also co-dependently only observe a singular structure of a
vortex polar region. Consideration to the later axiom is in relativity to knowing the density features

The Saturn hex by graham p.m. burnett all rights reserved
January 1, 2010

observed based on the present density state value in the objective view but observable due to the shift
of atmosphere to the equatorial belts.

The matter of gaseous nature can alternatively be stated as to a mass value calculated three times
greater than the ability of drag forces at play, at the radius from core. Alternatively we can state the
condensed non gaseous mass is one third the mass value of the atmosphere where as we view three
cusps instead of one per linear drag feature solving the problem of how large the non gaseous mass of
the planet is by this the given foundation base to calculate valid.

The planet affecting the mass of the gas in frame drag does so until the mass builds up in value and the
cusp is formed where mass is left behind unable to be moved in total a mass value and loses momentum
in a progressive decline of that momentum. At the same rate of effect of an equal force applied in the
mechanics the planet is dragging material that is polarised in it magnetic field wanting to perpendicular
transfer of information in the opposite direction. This polarised material is twice as hard to move by
drag functions of the planet but of the same mass density of non polarised mass and forms three cusps
of note equally separate from the other three on the same relativity proximity of dual axial
consideration being <1% variation.

The lack of a axial variation alternatively can give to a prediction the molten motion of which current is
derived to exist from in an area of the core of condensed mass with no similarity to Earth having a crust
but going from frozen gaseous mass or condensed gaseous mass to the molten value and thus the gas
itself is the crust by virtue of gravitational observations massive.

This s further supported by consideration of the Toronic structure asymmetric need in the current flow
describe where a value of one is given to the asymmetrical structure with no crust value to increase the
axial value. The co-dependency of mechanical features of the planet is further supported by this
observation of a < 1% axial variation and thus the atmospheric mass is any consideration of a crust the
feature different then non gaseous planets and a less drag ratio to those non gaseous lesser planets.

This Toronic enrichment of stacked electron state is described below in the diagram D.3.a pictorial

The Saturn hex by graham p.m. burnett all rights reserved
January 1, 2010

Section Two

The following diagram is the conjoined using near equal proximity axial note.

Where two three cusp positioning forms two geometrically valid equilateral triangles based on the
angular linier drag force ability of the planet upon the gaseous mass only to be able to move at that
value local of the gas a certain volume value D.2.a and;

Where the two equilateral relative three cusp structures are sharing a relative axial of little vary
observed, D.2.b. and;

The operator function is in a period of time of ten hours. In those ten hours the operator has a constant
energy value with the capability of exciting the atmosphere mass value to a motion in an angular
direction about the planet axis. At the level of the hexagram formation the composite of the
atmosphere is in a transitional zone of mass density. Above the observation of the hexagram there are
no clouds of heavy atomic mass that would be the composite of the cloud composite. Inside the
formation the atmosphere by the vortex function indicates a less dense composite of mass. In the ten
hours of motion the mass density emerges as the drag feature suffered by the planet limited energy

The Saturn hex by graham p.m. burnett all rights reserved
January 1, 2010

value to move the atmosphere. The atmospheric heavy content in vortex angular motion is being
dragged by the planet to the observation it can be postulated it is dragged toward the equatorial belt
opening up the polar region along the planetary axis to a less dense harder to drag fluid dynamic
atmosphere content as the heavy atomic having less ability to end it motion tends under the
conservation of energy law to stay in motion.

This observation the vortex mechanics accounts for the cloud roping or twisting motion potential of that
moved heavy atomic mass value and the rate the turning of particles will be observed based on the
density in that position of observed value considered. The validity of calculation can thus be considered
with a position platform of area that the positional mass amount to any cylindrical cubed observation is
a volume value of mass content in the motion of matter to be considered.

Thus the six cusps are represented by a framed moment pictorial.


If A is the constant energy mass value [A (e)] a volume of atmospheric mass in motion of the accelerated
by planetary rotation spinier of atmosphere a constant and B represents the same energy mass volume
value at rest, A (e) = B (e) is a true statement if both A mass and B mass are accelerated by the constant
value of rotational (e) through the mass value of B to position [-2] having a negative operator ( C ).

The rotational mass in motion will continue to push the formulated fluid atmospheric volume of B based
on the value of A(e) x (the planetary rotational accelerant constant force) in a direction Radius vector

The Saturn hex by graham p.m. burnett all rights reserved
January 1, 2010

value from axial center forming in motion the Arc of the Covenant. Further can be said the angular
motion linear arc motion is angular has a torque force perpendicular to the motion with a spinier
operator constant (F) as the reacting reactionary to rotation is observed vortex valid from core. This is a
linear drag event by the planetary rotation that drags the mass to the observation of a flattened pole in
theorem moving the atmospheric mass to it maximum capability. The maximum operator thus said is
observed to be deficient to be able to move the mass value of the atmosphere in total and a calculation
can be made valid the observed rate of rotation (approximately ten Earth hours compared to 24 hours
on Earth) projects valid the mass drag ratio is with less resistance with a higher rate of rotation
combined with the volume of higher atomic weight (e.g. Sulphur compounds) having to be moved.
Further can be supportive is the magnetic field axial having near symmetry to the spin indicative of little
or no resistance to magma current flow based on the speed of rotation less drag potential.

If we have a rotational body massive that rotates at an accelerated rate of ten hours per rotation and
acts upon an atmosphere we can imagine to which the operator having less resistance to a linier drag
value moving as a fluid dynamic mass and as an operator in the magma currents below what would be a
gaseous molecular condensed crust.

The extended logic motion of the core is that the core will be the most accelerated concentrated mass
value and the fundamental operator of the planetary mechanics with all other levels a mass drag to the
lower more central and concentrated mass in motion.

Adding a resistance value by the atmospheric molecular and atomic weights being excessive mass to
move by the planetary lower more concentrated mass and not dragged in the same accelerated value as

The Saturn hex by graham p.m. burnett all rights reserved
January 1, 2010

the one below with resistance lesser above to a drag ratio, the full potential of an orbital rotational force
applied is curtailed compared to a less gaseous atmosphere ration. In such the less atmosphere content
ratio the lower core crust was higher in favour of the lower mass the planet could set in motion the
atmosphere in a total value perhaps with consideration to the velocity ratio known.

Instead the planet Saturn leaves suspended the heavy molecular and atomic values in the atmosphere at
higher levels yet still moves them in total over a different ration of time in it ability based on that
accelerated motion value to a more oblique positioning of the atmosphere on the equatorial flattening
the polar regions of a gas giant planet and profoundly observable to the greater extent being a gas giant
of heavy, less easy to move, atmospheric content a constant observable phenomenon.

The planets operator ratio to the atmosphere is expressed to the observation of cusps in the Polar
Regions to what exactly is the extent of the rotation force being able to constantly move the
atmosphere in a spinier motion. Time of rotation and the mass values excessive considered makes this
mechanical system operations profound. The define of a framed period of time must be done to any
explanation valid that is foundational to the planet define and thus the framed period of time passing
will be one rotational period or approximately ten hours considered.

In ten hours of the planets rotation motion value against the atmosphere Saturn a succession of cusps in
the clouds as the molecular content is trying to stay at rest resisting the force as a mass value and
positioning being moved toward the equatorial positioning. Thus the atmosphere collects to a maximum
value of atmospheric density content the planet can accumulate based on it spin velocity of core value
forming one cusp at a time over a period of time.

At the same time in consideration of a constant force applied in a cycled event imagined, the constant
force has been constantly reapplying it force to the formed positioning of atmosphere to a maintain of it
accumulation value (each framed box D.3.c) then going on to forming two more accumulated cusps in
the same time period.

In the same ten hours it was forming the next three cusps in direct ratio of in a supportive constant
manner of two operations but on two values of in motion masses one slower then the other in the
deceleration of half as they were a mass value decelerating yet still in motion ratio compared to the
once accelerated mass slowing down.

The operator function is in a period of time of ten hours. In those ten hours the operator has a constant
energy value with the capability of exciting the atmosphere mass value to a motion in an angular
direction about the planet axis. This process is to the collecting and moving of atmospheric content to a
certain direction of angular vector and to a certain density level.

After this combined function the mass collected and in motion can be said to be passing through the
atmospheric mass and gaining and losing equal amounts of mass in the collective cusp based on the
resistance features of the mass the collective mass at a cusp enters into. The puzzling question is to why
does the planet’s function form six cusps and not just one. The answer is that over a period of time of

The Saturn hex by graham p.m. burnett all rights reserved
January 1, 2010

one day on Saturn, the planet is forming one cusp, three times through three other cusp degrading
structures from the day before deteriorated at a rate of ½ the rate of formation.

At the level of the hexagram formation the composite of the atmosphere is in a transitional zone of
mass density and motion value with a constant force applied. On top of the observation of the hexagram
there are no clouds of heavy atomic mass density that would be the observed less contrasted composite
of the cloud composite transitions. The explanation for this phenomenon is the atomic and molecular
atmospheric atomic weight value given to the sulphur compounds in the atmosphere that gives in the
ratio comparable to smog on Earth, a more distinct contrast if on earth we observe for the example just
H20 > H1(2, 3,…) transitions.

Inside the formation to the consideration of angular motion vectors, the atmosphere by the vortex
function vector defined indicates a less dense composite of mass. In the ten hours of motion the mass
density emerges as the drag feature suffered by the planet limited energy value to move the full mass of
the atmosphere. The atmospheric heavy content in vortex angular motion is being dragged by the
planet to the observation it can be postulated it is dragged toward the equatorial belt opening up on the
polar region along the planetary axis to a less dense harder to drag fluid dynamic atmosphere content as
the heavy atomic having less ability to end it motion and tends under the conservation of energy law to
try and stay in motion.

This observation of the vortex mechanics account for the cloud roping or twisting motion potential of
that moved heavy atomic mass value that forms the hexagram as the secondary positional vortices are
created by the frame drag de-escalation going on in the mass based on positional features and the other
with tails showing the spin of the secondary minor vortex has a spin the other direction.

The rate these vortex redirections of the angular turning of particles are observed based on the density
value, in the zone position of observed value, and is considered in the measure postulated. The validity
of the calculation can thus be considered with a position platform of area view taken to that the
positional mass volume amount further to any cylindrical cubed volume observation is a volume value of
mass content in the motion of matter to be considered. Thus the six cusps as represented in the
pictorials are representative of a framed moment in time.

The Saturn hex by graham p.m. burnett all rights reserved
January 1, 2010

The roping between each three sets cusp location per cusp in the individual sets is observed as two
periods of time the formation for any given two in succession cusp in the atmosphere and is by
perpendicular vector angular motion values. Considering only the lesser in motion mass would move at
a slower rate the constant would separate the set of three cusps equally in the constant force from the
other three cusps with the time value of a constant force applied. The operating positioning in the
hexagram geometric reality for the rotational force is at any moment on the plane across the arc not the

The Saturn hex by graham p.m. burnett all rights reserved
January 1, 2010

With the primary operator a mass slower or faster mass the change is predicted to direction of
secondary vortex observations based on positioning fields in the geometric reality operators as a push or
pull value determined. These vortexes varied in positioning of tails are observed in the varied returned
space exploratory photos above.

Where conjoined the expanded vector to an angular motion vector by perpendicular direction allow
having masses with three collection cusp each, indicate the collection will result in a left residue tail
behind until moved further by the drag forces ability to be dragged again in it mass value density
degrade of motion and density, the visual pictorial of the exploratory return of information by the
exploratory vehicles sent to space corresponds to the cross hatching or roping of gaseous cloud material
in a giving visual a profound manner of support an clarity. (D.2.c and P.1)

In a fielded area of space defined with directional values opposite as postulated in the geometric
drawings the pictorials of record of both P.1 and P.2 indicate vortex eddies formed of immense
magnitude where expanding the vectors of the hex to define the areas they exist in indicate they are
directly corresponding to the postulated valid of two drag functions at play of opposite nature by virtue
of the direction of observed arm of the vortex structures with in the given local.

The Saturn hex by graham p.m. burnett all rights reserved
January 1, 2010

Section Three


The Saturn hex by graham p.m. burnett all rights reserved
January 1, 2010


The Saturn hex by graham p.m. burnett all rights reserved
January 1, 2010

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