Sec Presentation Sujas Behl 11108 2

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• The 7c's of Communication is a checklist to ensure that your
communication is effective. We communicate with people everyday,
both at work and in our personal life. We communicate using a
number of different methods- face to face , telephone, email, instant
messenger, letters, reports, meetings, presentations and more...

• In order to ensure you get the right result when you communicate
you need to ensure that your communication is effective and clear
and this is where the 7c's of communication are helpful.

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The 7c's of communication are:

The 7c's of Clear


it is a checklist for
ensuring your
emails, calls, Concrete
reports, meetings,
presentations and
other methods
you use to
communicate are Coherent
clear and that the
recipient gets the
• The 7c's of communication is a list of
strategies and principles that help you develop
good communication skills. It helps to ensure
that the person with whom you're
communicating clearly understand that what
you are trying to say.
• Effective communication is an organization is
Relevance of essential for the following reasons:

7c's of Problem-solving
• Breaking down barriers
communication • Increasing productivity
• Resolving differences
• Building relationships
• Motivating colleagues and employees
• Bringing about positive changes

• There are several stages of clarity:

• Firstly; it is important to be clear about the purpose of the message
you're delivering. The recipient should be made aware of why they
are receiving the message and what you're trying to achieve by
delivering it . If there are multiple goals' each should be laid out
• Secondly; it's essential that the content of the
communication is itself clear. You should avoid jargon, use simple
language, use simple structures and focus on the core points of
your message.

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• It's essential that both the factual information and the language and
grammar you use are correct. If you audience spots errors in either,
they will be distracted and your credibility will be greatly reduced.
This will reduce the effectiveness of your communication.
• Some communication simply must be correct, clear and
• Correctness in communication helps to builds up trust between
the sender and the receiver and makes communication more

• Completeness is one of the most important of the 7c's of

• When creating a message, it's important to give
the recipient all of the information they need to follow your
line of reasoning and to reach the same conclusions you have.
This level of detail will be different in different situations, and
you should adjust your communications accordingly.
• In addition, you should make things as easy as possible for
the recipient.

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• When shaping your communication , you must ensure that

you're specific and that the logic and messages that you're
using fit together, build on each other and support each other.
Your arguments should be based on solid facts and opinions
from credible sources and you should share irrefutable data to
support your argument.
• It is important to help bring the solid nature of what
you've created to life for your audience through examples that
show the relevance of your messages for them as individuals.

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• When communicating messages of this nature, it's

important to stick to the point and keep your messages
short and simple.
• Don't use 10 words when you can describe in five. Don't
repeat your messages.
• The more you say, the more risk is there of confusion.
Avoid that risk by focusing solely on the key points you
need to deliver.
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• One can increase the effectiveness of communication by

being polite and showing your audience that you respect
them. Your messages should be friendly, professional,
considerate, respectful, open and honest.
• It creates a positive environment and one should
always use empathy and consider your messages from
the point of view of audience.

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• The last of the 7c's of communication is considered or coherent. If

your communications are not coherent they will not be effective. To
help make sure your communications are considered and coherent
you should have a logical flow and your style, tone and language
should be consistent throughout.
• Consideration in communication implies that the sender of message
steps into the shoes of the audience/readers in terms of their
viewpoints, background, mind-set, education level, etc.. To ensure
that the message sent is comprehended properly by the reciever.

This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC.

• Communication is the process of
sharing information, thoughts or
ideas between one individual or
group to another. The 7c's of
communication helps us to
communicate effectively and
efficiently without causing any
hindrance in the communication
Conclusion process. Communication clearly
and effectively undoubtedly
boost productivity and build
strong relationships. The 7c's of
communication are a checklist
that can be used to ensure your
message's proper and effective

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