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good afternoon teacher and classmates

My topic is related to terrorist acts.
We all know or at least have a little notion of the
most famous terrorist act in the world which is
9/11 or September 11.
So, I'm going to start with a little introduction of
where and when it was.
As it says in its name, this couple of attacks were
carried out on September 11, 2001 in Manhanttan,
New York at 8:46 a.m.
But in reality, the attack on the twin towers was
only one of several objectives in the United States
as they also occurred in Ohaio, Arlington and
Shanksville but in this case I'm only going to
focus on the twin towers attack.
Now, the important question is: what happened?
the attack consisted of the collision of two aircraft
at key points of the twin towers
The first aircraft to reach its goal was American
Airlines Flight 11. It was crashed into the North
Tower of the World Trade Center complex in
Lower Manhattan in New York City at 8:46 a.m.
m. Seventeen minutes later, at 9:03 a.m. m., the
South Tower of the World Trade Center was hit
by United Airlines Flight 175. Both towers
collapsed in one hour and forty-two minutes,
leading to the collapse of the other World Trade
Center structures, including the 7 World Trade
Center, and significantly damaging the
surrounding buildings.
resulting in hundreds of injured and deceased
And the president?
In the next photo we can see who was the
president of the USA, George Bush
Bush at that time was at Sarasota Elementary
School in Florida. Here the president was alerted
to the attacks and, in fact, we can see Bush's
reaction and the shock can be appreciated.

Now, everyone knows who Oshama Bin Laden

and his terrorist group Al Caeda are. He was the
leader of this group and from 2001 to 2011 he was
persecuted by the American army because of the
war against terrorism declared by President
George Bush.

It was reported that Osama bin Laden was killed

during a US military action on May 1, 2011. Bin
Laden's identity was confirmed by comparing
preserved DNA samples from his dead sister with
DNA from the lifeless body. The body was taken
by elements of the US armed forces after the
attack, and remained in their possession

The destruction of the World Trade Center and

nearby infrastructure seriously damaged New
York City's economy and created a global
economic recession. Many countries strengthened
their anti-terrorism legislation and expanded the
powers of law enforcement and intelligence
agencies to prevent terrorist attacks. Civil
airspaces in the United States and Canada were
closed until September 13, while Wall Street
operations were closed until September 17. Many
closures, evacuations and cancellations followed,
out of respect or fear of further attacks. The
cleanup of the World Trade Center site was
completed in May 2002, and the Pentagon was
repaired within a year. Construction of the
replacement World Trade Center complex began
in November 2006, and the building opened in
November 2014
Today September 11 is a commemorative date
because thousands of deceased people are
remembered. Until now, 9/11 is the greatest
terrorist act in history, a sad memory for

and that has been my presentation, thank you for

your attention

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