List of Food

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List of food

Melania likes to go _______ shopping. Before going, she

always writes down a ________ of the things she needs.
Today, she needs to buy things for breakfast. She starts in the
_______ aisle where she gets fruit. She gets some
strawberries, apples and oranges. Then, she _______ to the
meat _______ to get bacon. Her family loves to eat bacon for
breakfast. After that, she needs milk and eggs as well as butter.
Once she got everything, Melania thinks it is time to pay, but
_________, she thinks she is forgetting _______. She takes a
look at her list. She was right; she needs more than that. She
needs to get _______, bread and peanut butter. She goes back
down the aisles and looks for them. She is _______ to go pay
for real this time. Since she has three children, she always buys
a _______ quantity of everything. Quite often, grocery shopping
is expensive, but today, surprisingly, it turned out to be

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