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I am so glad to have you as a customer! I'm already super excited to start

creating this visual identity that will look beautiful!
But for that I need your help: I kindly ask you to answer the briefing, a
questionnaire that will help me get to know you even more, with as much
information as possible. If you have any questions, just call me!

Let's do it step by step. First I want to meet you:

PART 1: About you

01. Full name of the person answering the briefing?

02. Currently, what is your role within the company?

03. What reasons led you to open the company?

04. What made you get in contact with me to create the visual identity project?
Why is this important to you and your company?

PART 2: About your company

01. Company name:

02. Any special reason for this name?

03. Does the name have branding registration? If not, do you intend to?

04. Do you have any slogans?

05. Briefly define what your company is about.

06. How long has it been around? Do you remember the opening date?

07. What products or services does your company offer and the average price?
Are the prices fixed or customized?

08. What are the most striking features of your products/services?

09. Does your company have a product/service that you sell that is the main
product or any specific product that has a history?

10. Can the company be something else in the future or operate in another
segment? If yes, what would it be?

11. How do you see your company in 5/10 years?

12. What makes your company special? What sets you apart from other
companies in the same industry?

13. Why do you believe that people need your company?

14. Who are your competitors? Tell me about them if necessary and insert names
and links (instagram and website) if you can.

15. What do your competitors offer that your company does not, or vice versa?

16. What is your brand's mission, vision and values?

Mission is the purpose of your company to exist | Vision is where your company
wants to go | Values are the ideals and attitudes present in the company's
employees and relationships.

17. Company contact information:

• Telephone (landline, mobile, whatsapp...):
• Social networks (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter...):
• Email:
• Website:
• Full address:

PART 3: About your target audience

01. What is the social class?

02. What is the age group?

03. Gender (choose only 1 answer)

*All male ( )
*All female ( )
*Predominantly male, few female ( )
*Predominantly female, few male ( )
*Both genders ( )

04. Who are they? Describe using your own words.

05. How would you like people to describe your company?

06. On which platforms will you communicate with them? Describe in order
of priority (Example: instagram, physical store, website, resale somewhere...)

PART 4: Brand Personality

01. If your company was a person, what would it be like? Choose as many
options as needed (remember we are talking about your brand now, not you):

Serious ( )
Extroverted ( )
Happy ( )
Playful ( )
Conservative ( )
Modern ( )
Nerd ( )
Elegant ( )
Discreet ( )
Delicate ( )
Sensitive ( )
Mature ( )
Adventurer ( )
Rebel ( )
Traditional ( )
Classic ( )
Calm ( )
Leader ( )
Energetic ( )
Wise ( )
Accessible ( )
Exclusive ( )
Creative ( )
Scientific ( )Romantic ( )
Technique ( )
Bold ( )
Big ( )
Complex ( )
Moerate ( )
Rustic ( )
Formal ( )
Futuristic ( )
Vintage ( )
Rational ( )
Determined ( )
Open minded ( )
Relaxed ( )
Fun ( )
Quiet ( )
Different ( )
Artistic ( )
Gorgeous ( )
Innocent ( )
Free ( )
Subtle ( )
Basic ( )
Casual ( )
Dreamer ( )
Idealistic ( )
Little ( )
Radical ( )
Simple ( )
Cheeky ( )
Daily life ( )
Refined ( )
Industrial ( )

02. From these words you chose, mention 3 that you consider the most important.

03. There is something in the characteristics we mentioned that has absolutely

NOTHING to do with your brand?

PART 5: About your preferences

01. Tell me if you have any color preferences:

02. Are there any colors that you absolutely do not want in your brand?

03. Are there any elements you want?

04. Are there any elements that you DO NOT want at all?

05. Do you have a physical store or any project that will be done for it? If yes,
please send me pictures.

Please send me:

• References of things you like or don't like

• Images that can help with development such as product photos, physical space

Thank you!

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