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Annex 37

Republic of the Philippines

Province of Davao del Sur
Municipality of Sta. Cruz
Barangay Jose Rizal

Annual Statement of Receipts and Payments

For the year ended 2024


Subsidy from Barangay xxx

Subsidy from Other Local Government Units xxx

Subsidy from National Government Agencies xxx

Subsidy from Government-Owned and/or Controlled xxx


Grants and Donations in Cash

with Specific Purpose xxx

without Specific Purpose xxx

Miscellaneous Income xxx

Other Receipts xxx

Total Receipts for the year xxx

Less: Payments

Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses

Travelling Expenses xxx

Training Expenses xxx

Office Supplies Expenses xxx

Semi-Expendable Property Expenses xxx

Fuel, Oil and Lubricants Expenses xxx

Accountable Forms Expenses xxx

Other Supplies and Materials Expenses xxx

Water Expenses xxx

Electricity Expenses xxx

Postage and Courier Services xxx

Telephone Expenses xxx

Internet Subscription Expenses xxx

Prizes xxx

Repairs and Maintenance-Land Improvements xxx

Repairs and Maintenance-Buildings and Other xxx

Repairs and Maintenance-Machinery xxx

Repairs and Maintenance-Office Equipment xxx

Repairs and Maintenance-Information and xxx

Communications Technology Equipment

Repairs and Maintenance-Sports Equipment xxx

Repairs and Maintenance-Transportation Equipment xxx

Repairs and Maintenance-Furniture, Fixtures and Books xxx

Repairs and Maintenance-Other Property and Equipment xxx

Fidelity Bond Premiums xxx

Advertising Expenses xxx

Rent/Lease Expenses xxx

Membership Dues and Contributions to Organizations xxx

Donation xxx

Honoraria xxx

Bank Charges xxx

Performance Bond xxx

Bidders Bond xxx

Other Maintenance and Operating Expenses xxx

Total Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses xxx

Capital Outlay

Land xxx

Land Improvements xxx

Buildings xxx

Other Structures xxx

Machinery xxx

Office Equipment xxx

Information and Communications Technology Equipment xxx

Sports Equipment xxx

Transportation Equipment xxx

Furniture, Fixtures and Books xxx

Other Property and Equipment xxx

Construction in Progress-Land Improvements xxx

Construction in Progress-Buildings xxx

Construction in Progress-Other Structures xxx

Total Capital Outlay xxx

Cash Advances, Net xxx

Total Payments for the year xxx

Increase/(Decrease) in Cash for the year xxx

Add/Less: Others xxx

Total Increase/(Decrease) in Cash for the year xxx

Cash at beginning of year

Cash on Hand xxx

Cash in Bank xxx

Cash at end of year Xxx

Breakdown of Cash at end of year

Cash on Hand xxx

Cash in Bank xxx

Prepared and certified correct by:

______JOIDY P. ATAWAN______
SK Treasurer Date

Approved by:

_______DELMAR A. WALAN____
SK Chairperson Date

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