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Learning Radiology
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Learning Radiology

William Herring, MD, FACR

Vice Chairman and Residency Program Director
Albert Einstein Medical Center
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1600 John F. Kennedy Blvd.
Ste 1800
Philadelphia, PA 19103-2899


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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Herring, William, author.
Learning radiology : recognizing the basics / William Herring.—3rd edition.
   p. ; cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-0-323-32807-4 (paperback : alk. paper)
I. Title.
[DNLM: 1. Radiography—methods. 2. Diagnosis, Differential. WN 200]

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To my wife, Patricia,
And our family
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Daniel J. Kowal, MD
Computed Tomography Division Director
Radiology Elective Director
Department of Radiology
Saint Vincent Hospital
Worcester, Massachusetts
Chapter 22: Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Understanding the Principles
and Recognizing the Basics

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I’ve checked, and most prefaces to a third edition or later start When pattern recognition doesn’t work, this text will try
out with something like, “It’s hard to believe that this is the third wherever possible to give you a logical approach to reaching
edition of…” Not this text. I know how much work it’s taken, a diagnosis. By learning an approach, you’ll have a method
so I definitely can believe it. But thank you if you have contrib­ you can apply to similar problems again and again. An
uted in any way, including reading this preface, to the success analytic approach will enable you to apply a rational solution to
of this book. diagnostic imaging problems.
In the first edition, I asked you to suppose for a moment This text was written to make complimentary use of the
that your natural curiosity drove you to wonder what kind of platform on which radiologic images are now almost universally
bird with a red beak just landed on your window sill. You could viewed: the digital display. Although digital displays may be ideal
get a book on birds that listed all of them alphabetically from for looking at images, some people do not want to read large
albatross to woodpecker and spend time looking through hundreds volumes of text from their digital devices. So we’ve joined
of bird pictures. Or you could get a book that lists birds by the the text in the printed book with photos, videos, quizzes,
colors of their beaks and thumb through a much shorter list to and tutorials—many of them interactive—and made them
find that your feathered visitor is a cardinal. available online at StudentConsult/Inkling.com in a series of
This book is a red beak book. Where possible, groups of web enhancements that accompany the book. I think you’ll
diseases are first described by the way they look rather than by really enjoy them.
what they’re called. Imaging diagnoses frequently, but not This text is not intended to be encyclopedic. Many wonderful
always, rest on a recognition of a reproducible visual picture of radiology reference texts are available, some of which contain
that abnormality. That is called the pattern recognition approach thousands of pages and weigh slightly less than a Mini Cooper.
to identifying abnormalities, and the more experience you have This text is oriented more toward students, interns, residents,
looking at imaging studies, the more comfortable and confident residents-to-be, and other health care professionals who are just
you’ll be with that approach. starting out.
Before diagnostic images can help you decide what disease This book emphasizes conventional radiography because
the patient may have, you must first be able to differentiate that is the type of study most patients undergo first and because
between what is normal in appearance and what is not. That the same imaging principles that apply to reaching the diagnosis
isn’t as easy as it may sound. Recognizing the difference between on conventional radiographs can frequently be applied to
normal and abnormal probably takes as much practice, if not making the diagnosis on more complex modalities.
more, than deciding what disease a person has. Let’s get started. Or, if you’re the kind of person (like I am)
Radiologists spend their entire lives performing just such who reads the preface after you’ve read the book, I hope you
differentiations. You won’t be a radiologist after you’ve com­ enjoyed it.
pleted this book, but you should be able to recognize abnor­
malities and interpret images better and, by so doing, perhaps
participate in the care of patients with more assurance and William Herring, MD, FACR

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I am again grateful to the many thousands of you whom I have supplying additional images for this edition. And thanks to
never met but who found a website called Learning Radiology Mindy Horrow, MD; Eric Faerber, MD; and Brooke Devenney-
helpful, making it so popular that it played a role launching the Cakir, MD, for reviewing chapters from this text.
first edition of this book, which itself was so popular that it led I certainly want to recognize and again thank Jim Merritt and
to this third edition. Katy Meert from Elsevier for their support and assistance.
For their help and suggestions, I thank David Saul, MD, one I also acknowledge the hundreds of radiology residents and
of our radiology residents, who made invaluable suggestions medical students who, over the years, have provided me with an
about how this edition could be changed. Daniel Kowal, MD, a audience of motivated learners, without whom a teacher would
radiologist who graduated from our program, did an absolutely have no one to teach.
wonderful job in simplifying the complexities of MRI again in Finally, I want to thank my wonderful wife, Pat, who has
the chapter he wrote. Jeffrey Cruz, MD, one of our residents, encouraged me throughout the project, and my family.
helped out with the online Radiation Safety and Dose module,
and Sherif Saad, MD, contributed an illustration.
I thank Chris Kim, MD; Susan Summerton, MD; Mindy William Herring, MD, FACR
Horrow, MD; Peter Wang, MD; and Huyen Tran, MD, for

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Recognizing Anything Recognizing the Causes of an Opacified Hemithorax
An Introduction to Imaging Modalities 1 Atelectasis of the Entire Lung 45
From Darkness … Light 2 Massive Pleural Effusion 46
Conventional Radiography 2 Pneumonia of an Entire Lung 47
The Five Basic Densities 2 Postpneumonectomy 48
Computed Tomography 3
Ultrasonography 4
Magnetic Resonance Imaging 5 CHAPTER 7
Fluoroscopy 5 Recognizing Atelectasis
Nuclear Medicine 5 What is Atelectasis? 50
Conventions Used in This Book 6 Types of Atelectasis 52
Patterns of Collapse in Lobar Atelectasis 55
How Atelectasis Resolves 56
Recognizing a Technically Adequate Chest Radiograph CHAPTER 8
Evaluating the Chest Radiograph for Technical Adequacy 8
Recognizing a Pleural Effusion
Normal Anatomy and Physiology of the Pleural Space 58
Modalities for Detecting Pleural Effusions 58
CHAPTER 3 Causes of Pleural Effusions 58
Recognizing Normal Pulmonary Anatomy Types of Pleural Effusions 58
The Normal Frontal Chest Radiograph 14 Side-Specificity of Pleural Effusions 59
Normal Pulmonary Vasculature 15 Recognizing the Different Appearances of Pleural Effusions 59
The Normal Lateral Chest Radiograph 15
Normal CT Anatomy of the Chest 19
Normal CT Anatomy of the Lungs 19 CHAPTER 9
The Fissures 21 Recognizing Pneumonia
General Considerations 68
General Characteristics of Pneumonia 68
Patterns of Pneumonia 69
Lobar Pneumonia 69
Recognizing Normal Cardiac Anatomy
Segmental Pneumonia (Bronchopneumonia) 69
Evaluating the Heart on Chest Radiographs 24
Interstitial Pneumonia 70
General Principles 25
Round Pneumonia 70
Evaluating the Heart on Cardiac CT 25
Cavitary Pneumonia 71
Normal Cardiac CT Anatomy 25
Aspiration 71
Uses of Cardiac CT 29
Localizing Pneumonia 72
Cardiac MRI 31
How Pneumonia Resolves 74

Recognizing Airspace versus Interstitial Lung Disease Recognizing Pneumothorax, Pneumomediastinum,
Classifying Parenchymal Lung Disease 35 Pneumopericardium, and Subcutaneous Emphysema
Characteristics of Airspace Disease 35 Recognizing a Pneumothorax 76
Some Causes of Airspace Disease 37 Recognizing Pneumomediastinum 81
Characteristics of Interstitial Lung Disease 38 Recognizing Pneumopericardium 82
Some Causes of Interstitial Lung Disease 39 Recognizing Subcutaneous Emphysema 82
xiv   |   Contents

Recognizing the Correct Placement of Lines and Tubes and Recognizing the Normal Abdomen and Pelvis on
Their Potential Complications: Critical Care Radiology Computed Tomography
Endotracheal and Tracheostomy Tubes 85 Introduction to Abdominal and Pelvic Computed
Intravascular Catheters 87 Tomography 140
Cardiac Devices—Pacemaker, AICD, IABP 91 Abdominal CT: General Considerations 141
GI Tubes and Lines—Nasogastric Tubes, Feeding Tubes 94

CHAPTER 12 Recognizing Bowel Obstruction and Ileus
Recognizing Diseases of the Chest Abnormal Gas Patterns 147
Mediastinal Masses 97 Laws of the Gut 147
Anterior Mediastinum 98 Functional Ileus: Localized Sentinel Loops 148
Middle Mediastinal Masses 100 Functional Ileus: Generalized Adynamic Ileus 148
Posterior Mediastinal Masses 101 Mechanical Obstruction: Small Bowel Obstruction 149
Solitary Nodule/Mass in the Lung 101 Mechanical Obstruction: Large Bowel Obstruction (LBO) 154
Bronchogenic Carcinoma 105 Volvulus of the Colon 155
Metastatic Neoplasms in the Lung 107 Intestinal Pseudoobstruction (Ogilvie Syndrome) 155
Pulmonary Thromboembolic Disease 107
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 108
Blebs and Bullae, Cysts and Cavities 109
Bronchiectasis 110 CHAPTER 17
Recognizing Extraluminal Gas in the Abdomen
Signs of Free Intraperitoneal Air 158
Air Beneath the Diaphragm 158
CHAPTER 13 Visualization of Both Sides of the Bowel Wall 159
Recognizing Adult Heart Disease Visualization of the Falciform Ligament 161
Recognizing an Enlarged Cardiac Silhouette 114 Causes of Free Air 161
Pericardial Effusion 114 Signs of Extraperitoneal Air (Retroperitoneal Air) 162
Extracardiac Causes of Apparent Cardiac Enlargement 114 Causes of Extraperitoneal Air 162
Identifying Cardiac Enlargement on an AP Chest Radiograph 115 Signs of Air in the Bowel Wall 162
Recognizing Cardiomegaly on the Lateral Chest Radiograph 115 Causes and Significance of Air in the Bowel Wall 163
Recognizing Common Cardiac Diseases 115 Signs of Air in the Biliary System 164
Noncardiogenic Pulmonary Edema—General Considerations 119 Causes of Air in the Biliary System 165
Noncardiogenic Pulmonary Edema—Imaging Findings 120
Differentiating Cardiac from Noncardiac Pulmonary Edema 120
Hypertensive Cardiovascular Disease 121
Mitral Stenosis 121 CHAPTER 18
Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension 122 Recognizing Abnormal Calcifications and
Aortic Stenosis 123 Their Causes
Cardiomyopathy 123 Patterns of Calcification 167
Aortic Aneurysms—General Considerations 124 Rimlike Calcification 167
Recognizing a Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm 124 Linear or Tracklike Calcification 167
Thoracic Aortic Dissection 125 Lamellar or Laminar Calcification 169
Coronary Artery Disease 126 Cloudlike, Amorphous, or Popcorn Calcification 169
Location of Calcification 173

Recognizing the Normal Abdomen: Conventional Radiology CHAPTER 19
Conventional Radiography 129 Recognizing the Imaging Findings of Trauma
What to Look For 129 Chest Trauma 174
Normal Bowel Gas Pattern 129 Rib Fractures 174
Normal Fluid Levels 131 Pulmonary Contusions 175
Differentiating Large from Small Bowel 131 Pulmonary Lacerations (Hematoma or Traumatic Pneumatocele) 175
Acute Abdominal Series: the Views and What They Show 131 Aortic Trauma 176
Calcifications 135 Abdominal Trauma 177
Organomegaly 135 Pelvic Trauma 180
Contents    |   xv

CHAPTER 20 How Fractures are Described—by the Direction of the Fracture Line 244
Recognizing Gastrointestinal, Hepatic, and Urinary How Fractures are Described—by the Relationship of One Fracture
Tract Abnormalities Fragment to Another 244
Esophagus 183 How Fractures are Described—by the Relationship of the Fracture to
Stomach and Duodenum 186 the Atmosphere 245
Duodenal Ulcer 186 Avulsion Fractures 245
Small and Large Bowel 186 Stress Fractures 246
Large Bowel 188 Common Fracture Eponyms 247
Pancreas 193 Some Easily Missed Fractures or Dislocations 248
Hepatobiliary Abnormalities 194 Fracture Healing 251
Space-Occupying Lesions of the Liver 196
Biliary System 199
Urinary Tract 199 CHAPTER 25
Pelvis 200 Recognizing Joint Disease: An Approach to Arthritis
Urinary Bladder 201 Anatomy of a Joint 254
Adenopathy 201 Classification of Arthritis 255
Hypertrophic Arthritis 256
Erosive Arthritis 260
CHAPTER 21 Infectious Arthritis 263
Ultrasonography: Understanding the Principles and Recognizing
Normal and Abnormal Findings
How It Works 204 CHAPTER 26
Doppler Ultrasonography 205 Recognizing Some Common Causes of Neck and Back Pain
Adverse Effects or Safety Issues 205 Conventional Radiography, Magnetic Resonance Imaging,
Medical Uses of Ultrasonography 205 and Computed Tomography 266
The Normal Spine 266
Back Pain 268
CHAPTER 22 Malignancy Involving the Spine 272
Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Understanding the Principles and MRI in Metastatic Spine Disease 273
Recognizing the Basics Spinal Trauma 273
Daniel J. Kowal, MD
How Magnetic Resonance Imaging Works 220
Hardware That Makes Up an MRI Scanner 220 CHAPTER 27
What Happens Once Scanning Begins 220 Recognizing Some Common Causes of Intracranial Pathology
How Can You Identify a T1-Weighted or T2-Weighted Image? 221 Normal Anatomy 279
MRI Contrast Agents: General Considerations 223 MRI and the Brain 281
MRI Safety Issues 225 Head Trauma 282
Diagnostic Applications of MRI 226 Intracranial Hemorrhage 285
Diffuse Axonal Injury 286
Increased Intracranial Pressure 289
CHAPTER 23 Stroke 290
Recognizing Abnormalities of Bone Density Ruptured Aneurysms 292
Normal Bone Anatomy 228 Hydrocephalus 294
The Effect of Bone Physiology on Bone Anatomy 229 Cerebral Atrophy 296
Recognizing a Generalized Increase in Bone Density 229 Brain Tumors 296
Recognizing a Focal Increase in Bone Density 230 Other Diseases 299
Recognizing a Generalized Decrease in Bone Density 233 Neuroimaging Terminology 300
Recognizing a Focal Decrease in Bone Density 235
Pathologic Fractures 238
Recognizing Pediatric Diseases
CHAPTER 24 Conditions Discussed in This Chapter 303
Recognizing Fractures and Dislocations Newborn Respiratory Distress 303
Recognizing an Acute Fracture 240 Childhood Lung Disease 306
Recognizing Dislocations and Subluxations 242 Soft Tissues of the Neck 307
Describing Fractures 242 Ingested Foreign Bodies 309
How Fractures are Described—by the Number of Fracture Fragments 242 Other Diseases 310
xvi   |   Contents


What to Order When Nuclear Medicine: Understanding the Principles
and Recognizing the Basics
The ABCs of Heart Disease: Recognizing Adult Heart Disease
BIBLIOGRAPHY from the Frontal Chest Radiograph
Unknown Cases: Additional Information
Video Contents

VIDEO 1-1 VIDEO 19-1

Spinning Gantry of a Computed Tomography Scanner Fractures of Pelvis and Ribs

VIDEO 1-2 VIDEO 20-1

Virtual Bronchoscopy Video Swallow, Aspiration

VIDEO 1-3 VIDEO 20-2

Color Doppler Scan of Carotid Artery Tertiary Esophageal Waves

VIDEO 1-4 VIDEO 20-3

Normal Swallowing Function Captured by Fluoroscopy Lipoma Seen on Computed Tomography Colonography

VIDEO 1-5 VIDEO 20-4

Fluoroscopy Used for Angiography Hemangioma of the Liver

VIDEO 1-6 VIDEO 21-1

Spinning Positron Emission Tomography Scan (Audio Only) Doppler Effect

VIDEO 3-1 VIDEO 21-2

MIPs of Pulmonary Vasculature Cine of Normal, Viable Fetus

VIDEO 4-1 VIDEO 21-3

Catheter Angiogram of Right Coronary Artery Duplex Color Sonography of the Carotid Artery

VIDEO 4-2 VIDEO 21-4

MRI, Four-Chamber View of the Heart Pseudoaneurysm

VIDEO 13-1 VIDEO 26-1

3D CT Coronary Angiogram Chance Fracture, T10

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Recognizing Anything

AN INTRODUCTION TO IMAGING MODALITIES are here to learn. The answers are at the very end of this book
(Figs. 1-1 to 1-6).
It’s always exciting when a class starts out with a surprise quiz. ■ You are about to learn about each of the imaging modalities,
No pencils are necessary. Here are six images with brief histo- about how to approach imaging studies, about the six dis-
ries presented as unknowns. Each is diagnostic. If you don’t eases represented in the figures, and much more as you
know the answers, that is perfectly fine because that’s what you complete this text.

FIGURE 1-1 A 56-year-old patient with abdominal pain. FIGURE 1-2 A 49-year-old who fell off a ladder. FIGURE 1-3 A 22-year-old with sudden chest pain.

Sagittal right kidney

FIGURE 1-4 Incidental finding on abdominal ultrasound. FIGURE 1-5 Cystogram of a 56-year-old who was in an auto- FIGURE 1-6 A 4-month-old with irritability.
mobile accident.

2   |   Recognizing Anything

FROM DARKNESS … LIGHT ■ We will look briefly at each of these modalities in the sections
that follow.
■ In 1895, Wilhelm Röntgen (or Roentgen), working in a dark-
ened laboratory in Würzburg, Germany, noticed that a CONVENTIONAL RADIOGRAPHY
screen painted with a fluorescent material in the same room,
but a few feet from a cathode ray tube he had energized ■ Images produced through the use of ionizing radiation (i.e.,
and made lightproof, started to glow (fluoresce). Sensing the production of x-rays, but without added contrast material
something important had happened, he recognized that such as barium or iodine) are called conventional radio-
the screen was responding to the nearby production of graphs or, more often, plain films.
an unknown ray transmitted invisibly through the room. ■ The major advantage of conventional radiographs is that the
He named the new rays “x-rays,” using the mathematical images are relatively inexpensive to produce, can be obtained
symbol “x” for something unknown. It didn’t take long almost anywhere by using portable or mobile machines, and
before almost everyone was taking x-rays of almost every- are still the most widely obtained imaging studies.
thing imaginable. ■ They require a source to produce the x-rays (the “x-ray
■ For about 100 years after that, radiographic images survived machine”), a method to record the image (a film, cassette,
their brief birth as a burst of ionizing radiation nestled com- or photosensitive plate), and a way to process the recorded
fortably on a piece of film. In some places, film is the image (using either chemicals or a digital reader).
medium still used, but it’s much less common. ■ Common uses for conventional radiography include the
■ Today, like in 1895, conventional radiographic images (usually ubiquitous chest x-ray, plain films of the abdomen, and virtu-
shortened to x-rays) are produced by a combination of ion- ally every initial image of the skeletal system to evaluate for
izing radiation and light striking a photosensitive surface, fractures or arthritis.
which, in turn, produces a latent image that is subsequently ■ The major disadvantages of conventional radiography are
processed. At first, the processing of film was carried out the limited range of densities it can demonstrate and that
in a darkroom containing trays with various chemicals; the it uses ionizing radiation.
films were then, literally, hung out and then up to dry.
♦ When an immediate reading was requested, the films THE FIVE BASIC DENSITIES
were interpreted while still dripping with chemicals, and
thus the term wet reading for a “stat” interpretation ■ Conventional radiography is limited to demonstrating
was born. five basic densities, arranged here from least to most
♦ Films were then viewed on lighted view boxes (almost dense (Table 1-1):
always backward or upside-down if the film placement ♦ Air, which appears the blackest on a radiograph
was being done as part of a movie or television show). ♦ Fat, which is shown in a lighter shade of gray than air
■ This workflow continued for many decades, but it had two ♦ Soft tissue or fluid (because both soft tissue and fluid
major drawbacks: appear the same on conventional radiographs, it’s
♦ It required a great deal of physical storage space for impossible to differentiate the heart muscle from the
the ever-growing number of films. Even though each blood inside of the heart on a chest radiograph)
film is very thin, many films in thousands of patients’ ♦ Calcium (usually contained within bones)
folders take up a great deal of space (eFig. 1-1). ♦ Metal, which appears the whitest on a radiograph
♦ The other drawback was that the radiographic films • Objects of metal density are not normally present in
could physically be in only one place at a time, which the body. Radiologic contrast media and prosthetic
was not necessarily where they might be needed to help knees or hips are examples of metal densities
in the care of a patient. artificially placed in the body (Fig. 1-7).
■ So, eventually, digital radiography came into being, in ■ Although conventional radiographs are produced by ionizing
which the photographic film was replaced by a photosensi- radiation in relatively low doses, radiation has the potential
tive cassette or plate that could be processed by an elec-
tronic reader and the resulting image could be stored in a
digital format. This electronic processing no longer required
a darkroom to develop the film or a large room to store the
films. Countless images could be stored in the space of one
spinning hard disk on a computer server. Even more impor-
tant, the images could be viewed by anyone with the right to Density Appearance
do so, anywhere in the world, at any time. Air Absorbs the least x-ray and appears “blackest” on
■ The images were maintained on computer servers, where conventional radiographs
they could be stored and archived for posterity and from
Fat Gray, somewhat darker (blacker) than soft tissue
which they could be communicated to others. This system
is referred to as PACS, which stands for picture archiving, Fluid or soft Both fluid (e.g., blood) and soft tissue (e.g., muscle)
communications, and storage. tissue have the same densities on conventional radiographs
■ Using PACS systems, images created using all modalities can Calcium The most dense, naturally occurring material
be stored and retrieved. Conventional radiography, com- (e.g., bones); absorbs most x-rays
puted tomography (CT), ultrasonography, magnetic reso- Metal Usually absorbs all x-rays and appears the “whitest”
nance imaging (MRI), fluoroscopy, and nuclear medicine are (e.g., bullets, barium)
examples of images that can be stored in this way.
Recognizing Anything   |   2.e1

eFIGURE 1-1 Film file room. When medical images were stored on film, they occupied a tremendous
amount of space at each facility. This is one aisle containing several thousand patient films among
many dozens of similar aisles in a cavernous room that was needed to store all of the images. Today,
all of these images can be stored in the space of computer servers and are viewable, with permission,
from any location.
Recognizing Anything   |   3

FIGURE 1-7 Bullet in the chest. A, The dense (white) metallic foreign body overlying the right lower lung field (white arrow) is a bullet. It is much denser (whiter) than the bones (calcium density), represented
by the ribs, clavicles, and spine. Fluid (such as the blood in the heart) and soft-tissue density (such as the muscle of the heart) have the same density, which is why we cannot differentiate the two using con-
ventional radiography. The air in the lungs is the least dense (blackest). B, Two views at 90° angles to each other, such as these frontal and lateral chest radiographs, are called orthogonal views. With only
one view, it would be impossible to know the location of the bullet. On the lateral view, the bullet can be seen lying in the soft tissues of the back (black arrow). Orthogonal views are used throughout conven-
tional radiography to localize structures in all parts of the body.

to produce cell mutations, which could lead to many forms 400 HU to 600 HU. Fat is −40 to −100 HU, water is
of cancer or anomalies. Public health data on lower levels of 0, and soft tissue is 20 HU to 100 HU.
radiation vary with regard to assessment of risk, but it is ■ CT images are displayed or viewed using a range of Houns­
generally held that only medically necessary diagnostic exam- field numbers preselected to best demonstrate the tissues
inations should be performed and that imaging using x-rays being studied (e.g., from −100 to +300), and anything within
should be avoided during potentially teratogenic times, such that range of CT numbers is displayed over the levels of
as pregnancy. (More information about radiation dose and density in the available gray scale. This range is called the
safety is available at StudentConsult.com.) window.

Denser substances that absorb more x-rays have

high CT numbers, are said to demonstrate increased
■ CT (or “CAT”) scanners, first introduced in the 1970s, attenuation, and are displayed as whiter densities on
brought a quantum leap to medical imaging. CT scans.
■ Using a gantry with a rotating x-ray beam and multiple detec-
tors in various arrays (which themselves rotate continuously ♦ On conventional radiographs, these substances (e.g.,
around the patient), along with sophisticated computer algo- metal and calcium) would also appear whiter and
rithms to process the data, a large number of two-dimensional, would be said to have increased density or to be more
slicelike images (each of which is millimeters in size) can be opaque.
formatted in multiple imaging planes (Video 1-1). ■ Less dense substances that absorb fewer x-rays have low
■ A CT scanner is connected to a computer that processes CT numbers, are said to demonstrate decreased attenua-
the data though various algorithms to produce images of tion, and are displayed as blacker densities on CT scans.
diagnostic quality. ♦ On conventional radiographs, these substances (e.g., air
■ A CT image is composed of a matrix of thousands of tiny and fat) would also appear as blacker densities and
squares called pixels, each of which is computer-assigned a would be said to have decreased density (or increased
CT number from −1000 to +1000 measured in Hounsfield lucency).
units (HUs), named after Sir Godfrey Hounsfield, the man ■ CT scans can also be windowed in a way that optimizes the
credited with developing the first CT scanner (for which he visibility of different types of pathology after they are
won the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1979 with Allan obtained, a benefit called postprocessing, which digital
Cormack). imaging, in general, markedly advanced. Postprocessing
♦ The CT number will vary according to the density of allows for additional manipulation of the raw data to best
the tissue scanned and is a measure of how much demonstrate the abnormality without repeating a study
of the x-ray beam is absorbed by the tissues at each and without reexposing the patient to radiation (Fig. 1-8).
point in the scan. By convention, air is assigned a ■ Traditionally, CT images were viewed mostly in the axial
Hounsfield number of −1000 HU and bone about plane. Now, because of volumetric acquisition of data, CT
Recognizing Anything   |   3.e1

Measurements of Radiation
RADIATION DOSE AND SAFETY ■ The absorbed radiation is measured by the absorbed dose.
Ionizing Radiation in Radiology The unit for absorbed dose is the gray (Gy), which is the
■ In the modalities of conventional radiography, CT, and fluo- energy absorbed per unit of mass (kilogram). The older unit
roscopy, images are produced using ionizing radiation. for absorbed dose is the rad, where 1 Gy = 100 rads.
Besides producing the image, this radiation can also have Absorbed dose does not take into account the biological
harmful effects if used in excess. All health care providers effect of that radiation.
should understand the risks associated with radiation expo- ■ The equivalent and effective doses attempt to correlate the
sure and limit exposure when possible. absorbed dose with the potential biological effects on
different types of tissues. The unit for these doses is the
Three Fates of Radiation During Sievert (Sv) or rem, where 1 Sv = 100 rem.
an Imaging Procedure
■ Transmitted radiation is the radiation that passes through Biological Effects of Radiation
the patient and interacts with the detector to create the image ■ Radiation causes biological effects on a cellular level either
(wavy white line in eFig. 1-2). Unfortunately, only about 5% (1) by directly damaging molecules or (2) by indirectly
to 15% of the radiation produced by the source becomes creating free radicals to disrupt cellular metabolism.
transmitted radiation.
■ The majority of radiation produced by the source becomes Types of Biological Effects
either absorbed radiation or scatter radiation. ■ Deterministic effects (nonrandom): This is damage that
♦ Absorbed radiation is the radiation that interacts with occurs when a threshold level is met. Both the probability
the tissues of the patient, depositing its energy in those and the severity of the effect are proportional to increas-
tissue; it is the source of the patient radiation exposure ing dose, where the dose is usually given in one exposure
(wavy black line in eFig. 1-2). or several exposures over a very short period of time. These
♦ Scatter radiation is not transmitted or absorbed by the effects occur when the level of radiation-induced cell damage
patient. As radiation passes through the patient, some exceeds the cell’s ability to repair the damage. Some examples
of the radiation changes its original path, with the of deterministic effects and threshold doses are shown in
scatter leaving the patient along a different course. eTable 1-1.
Scatter radiation can degrade the quality of the ■ Stochastic effects (random): Damage that may occur at
image and can be an exposure source to personnel any level of exposure, without a threshold dose. These
(wavy yellow line in eFig. 1-2). effects occur by chance, and while their probability
increases with an increasing dose, their severity is inde-
pendent of the dose. These effects are due to damage of
cellular components, usually DNA, by free radicals, leading
to abnormal cell function if repair is incomplete or incorrect.
Stochastic effects are “invisible damage” and may not mani-
fest until many years after exposure.
■ The probability of cell damage is due in part to the radio-
sensitivity of the type of tissue irradiated. In general, slowly
dividing mature cells, such as bone cells, have a low sen-
sitivity to radiation damage, whereas undifferentiated,
rapidly dividing cells, such as intestinal epithelial cells, have
a higher sensitivity. The most radiosensitive organs are
bone marrow, colon, lung, female breast, stomach, and
childhood thyroid.
■ Radiation-induced DNA mutations that occur in somatic
cells can lead to the development of cancers. Mutations
that occur in the germ cells may be passed on to the off-
spring, causing heritable genetic or chromosomal abnor-
malities, although none has ever been documented in


Skin erythema 2 Gy
Hair loss 3 Gy
Sterility 2-3 Gy
Cataracts 5 Gy
Lethality (whole-body radiation) 3-5 Gy
eFIGURE 1-2 Diagram of the three fates of radiation.
3.e2   |   Recognizing Anything

hand, to produce an image. Also, a large dose of radiation

Cancer Development can occur with modalities such as CT and fluoroscopy,
■ Cancer development is a major concern associated with whereas no ionizing radiation is used with ultrasonography
radiation exposure. Most of the information that is known and MRI.
about radiation-induced cancer comes from the Japanese
atomic bomb survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Practices for Radiation Safety
■ There is evidence that demonstrates a relationship between ■ Radiation safety uses the “as low as reasonably achiev-
radiation-induced cancers at doses of 500 mSv. Although able” (or ALARA) principle: High-quality images should
doses of 100 mSv are very infrequently obtained in most be obtained by using the lowest possible dose to limit the
radiographic imaging procedures, it is believed that doses as exposure of patients and health care workers. The goal is to
low as 10 mSv may statistically increase the risk of develop- prevent deterministic effects and limit stochastic effects.
ing radiation-induced cancer. To put this in perspective, ■ There are three major radiation safety practices: time,
though, a single chest radiograph exposes a person to an distance, and shielding.
effective dose of about 0.04 mSv. ♦ Managing time of exposure: This means limiting
■ There can be a 10- to 20-year latent period, after which exposure duration to a level needed to achieve a useful
cancer develops due to radiation exposure, as shown in clinical examination.
studies from Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Because of this latent ♦ Increasing the distance from the source: The inverse
period, older adult patients are generally at lower risk than square law states that the intensity of radiation from a
other groups for developing cancer related to radiation- source is inversely proportional to the squared distance
induced cellular changes. from that source. One can reduce radiation exposure to
25% by standing twice as far from the source.
Sources of Radiation for Humans ♦ Using appropriate shielding materials: The use of
■ In 2006, it was estimated that medical imaging tests accounted lead (e.g., a lead apron) or other materials can limit the
for half of the total annual radiation dose to humans. amount of radiation exposure.
■ The average yearly background radiation dose for a ■ Dose reduction in CT: In 2000, it was estimated that CT
person living in the United States is about 3 mSv. This radia- accounts for 2% to 3% of all radiologic diagnostic examina-
tion dose comes from natural sources, including cosmic tions but contributes to 20% to 30% of patient radiation
radiation, naturally occurring radioactive materials in soil, and exposure from all radiologic procedures. CT may now be
radon gas. This background radiation dose does not include responsible for up to 50% of patient radiation exposure. This
additional radiation exposure from diagnostic imaging pro- has led to a dose reduction effort in CT examinations, which
cedures. Examples of radiation doses from natural back- includes monitoring the dose, increasing the speed of the
ground and common radiographic procedures can be seen tabletop movement to shorten the exposure, and adjusting
in eTable 1-2. parameters based on patient size and age.

Relative Radiation Doses of Different Modalities Special Circumstances

■ The American College of Radiology (ACR) has estab- ■ Children: Children have a three to five times higher risk
lished the Appropriateness Criteria to aid physicians in of mortality due to radiation-induced cancer than adults.
selecting the appropriate imaging procedure. The ACR also In addition to increased organ sensitivity, pediatric patients
provides information on the relative radiation levels associ- have a longer life expectancy and thus a longer latent period
ated with different modalities. Portions of the ACR Appro- to develop cancer. The use of ionizing radiation in pediatric
priateness Criteria can be found in the Appendix of this text. populations should be monitored carefully and utilized
■ Radiation doses can vary, depending on body habitus, age, only when necessary. Ultrasonography and MRI should be
and technical factors. Larger body parts, such as the pelvis, employed when possible.
require more radiation than smaller body parts, such as the ■ Pregnant women: From Hiroshima and Nagasaki, we know
that fetal radiation exposure can lead to mental retardation,
organ malformation, childhood cancer, and/or loss of preg-
eTABLE 1-2 RELATIVE RADIATION DOSES FROM nancy. None of these adverse effects has been observed due
VARIOUS SOURCES to medical exposure. Fetal risk varies, depending on dose and
gestational age, as demonstrated by the chart in eTable 1-3.
Source Dose (millirem) ■ Radiologic procedures outside the abdomen and pelvis can
Gastrointestinal series (single procedure) 1400 be done with minimal fetal exposure. Any examination of
the abdomen and pelvis has the potential to deliver a dose
Radon in average home (annual) 200
to the fetus, with the highest doses coming from CT and
Cosmic radiation living in Denver (annual) 50 fluoroscopy. It should be noted that a lone imaging proce-
Natural radioactivity in the body (annual) 40 dure cannot deliver a dose that equals 100 mGy. Preparation
Mammogram (single procedure) 30
for radiologic procedures in a woman of childbearing age
must include inquiry about pregnancy status, and pregnancy
Terrestrial radioactivity (annual) 28 testing should be performed if there is any doubt. If a
Cosmic radiation living at sea level 24 woman is pregnant, radiation exposure should be limited and
Chest x-ray (single procedure) 4 modalities that do not involve ionizing radiation should be
employed when possible.
Adapted from U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. http://www.epa.gov/radiation/understand/ ■ More information about radiation safety can be found on the
perspective.html#common ACR website (www.acr.org).
Recognizing Anything   |   3.e3


Menstrual or
Gestational Age <50 mGy 50-100 mGy >100 mGy

0-2 weeks None None None

3-4 weeks None Probably none Possible spontaneous abortion
5-10 weeks None Potential effects are scientifically uncertain and Possible malformations increasing in likelihood as dose
probably too subtle to be clinically detectable increases
11-17 weeks None Potential effects are scientifically uncertain and Risk of diminished IQ or of mental retardation increases
probably too subtle to be clinically detectable in frequency and severity with increasing dose
18-27 weeks None None IQ deficits not detectable at diagnostic doses
>27 weeks None None None applicable to diagnostic medicine

Adapted from International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP), Pregnancy and Medical Radiation (ICRP Publication 84), Ann. ICRP 30 (1), 2000; and ICRP, Biological Effects after Prenatal Irradiation
(Embryo and Fetus) (ICRP Publication 90), Ann. ICRP 33 (1-2), 2003.
*Stochastic risks are suspected, but data are not consistent.

VIDEO 1-1 Spinning gantry of a computed tomography scanner. This is a view few people see. This
is the gantry containing the computed tomography scanner x-ray sources and detectors that spin at
an incredibly rapid number of rotations (between 180 and 240 rotations/min) around the patient and
capture the volumetric data that allow today’s scanners to scan from head to toe in less than 10
seconds and display the images in three dimensions, in any plane. (Courtesy Philips Healthcare.)
4   |   Recognizing Anything

FIGURE 1-8 Windowing the thorax. Chest computed tomography scans are usually “windowed” and displayed in several formats to optimize anatomical definition. A, Lung windows are chosen to maximize
the ability to image abnormalities of the lung parenchyma and to identify normal and abnormal bronchial anatomy (black circle). B, Mediastinal windows are chosen to display the mediastinal, hilar, and pleural
structures to best advantage (white circle). C, Bone windows are utilized as a third way of displaying the data to visualize the bony structures to their best advantage (white oval and arrow). It is important to
recognize that the displays of these different windows are manipulations of the data obtained during the original scan and do not require rescanning the patient.

■ Because of increasingly sophisticated arrays of detectors and

H acquisition of hundreds of slices simultaneously, multislice
CT scanners permit very fast imaging (from head to toe
in less than 10 seconds), which has allowed the development
of new applications for CT, such as virtual colonoscopy
and virtual bronchoscopy, cardiac calcium scoring, and
CT coronary angiography (Video 1-2).
■ CT examinations can contain 1000 or more images; therefore
the older convention of filming each image for study on a
viewbox is impractical, and such scans are almost always
viewed on computer workstations.
R L ■ CT scans are the cornerstone of cross-sectional imaging
and are widely available, although not as yet truly portable.
Production of CT images requires an expensive scanner, a
space dedicated to its installation, and sophisticated com-
puter processing power. Like conventional x-ray machines,
CT scanners utilize ionizing radiation (x-rays) to produce
their images.

■ Ultrasound probes utilize acoustic energy above the audible
frequency of humans to produce images, instead of using
FIGURE 1-9 Three-dimensional computed tomography rendering of normal rib cage. This x-rays as both conventional radiography and CT scans do
grayscale version (color online) of a three-dimensional surface rendering of the rib cage is made (see Chapter 21).
possible by the acquisition of multiple, thin computed tomographic sections through the body. These ■ An ultrasound probe or transducer both produces the ultra-
sections can then be reconstructed to demonstrate surface anatomy, as in this illustration. The same sonic signal and records it. The signal is processed for its
data set could have been manipulated to show the heart or lungs (which are digitally removed here) characteristics by an onboard computer. Ultrasound images
and not the rib cage. Such renderings are especially helpful in demonstrating the exact anatomic are recorded digitally and are easily stored in a PACS system.
relationships of structures, especially for surgical planning. F, Foot; L, left; H, head; R, right. Images are displayed either as static images or in the form
of a movie (or “cine”) (Video 1-3).
■ Ultrasound scanners are relatively inexpensive com-
pared with CT and MRI scanners. They are widely avail-
scans can be shown in any plane: axial, sagittal, or coronal. able and can be made portable to the point of being
Volumetric data consist of a series of thin sections that can handheld.
be reassembled for a three-dimensional reconstruction. ■ Because ultrasonography utilizes no ionizing radiation, it is
Surface and volume rendering in three dimensions can particularly useful in obtaining images of children and
produce CT images of amazing, realistic quality (Fig. 1-9). women of childbearing age and during pregnancy.
■ One of the major benefits of CT scanning over conventional ■ Ultrasonography is widely used in medical imaging. It
radiography is its ability to expand the gray scale, which is usually the study of first choice in imaging the female
enables differentiation of many more than the five basic pelvis and in pediatric patients, in differentiating cystic versus
densities available on conventional radiographs. solid lesions in patients of all ages, in noninvasive vascular
Recognizing Anything   |   4.e1

VIDEO 1-2 Virtual bronchoscopy. This is a three-dimensional surface rendering series of images of VIDEO 1-3 Color Doppler scan of carotid artery. In this split-screen image, the ultrasonographer is
the interior of the trachea obtained from a computed tomography scan of the chest. Its line of flight sweeping the transducer (probe) back and forth along the side of the neck to acquire images of the
is down the trachea to the carina at the bifurcation into the right and left main bronchi. The video is carotid artery (flow shown in red on the accompanying scan). The blue represents flow in the jugular
looped to display twice. Such reconstructions can aid in the location of lesions and planning for vein. To produce the best contact between the probe and the skin, a coupling gel is applied to the
interventions. skin surface first.
Recognizing Anything   |   5

imaging, in imaging of the fetus and placenta during

pregnancy, and in real-time, image-guided fluid aspiration
and biopsy.
■ Other common uses are evaluation of cystic versus solid
breast masses, thyroid nodules, and tendons and in assess-
ment of the brain, hips, and spine in newborns. Ultrasonog-
raphy is used in settings ranging from intraoperative scanning
in the surgical suite to the medical tent in the battlefield and
in locations as remote as Antarctica.
■ Ultrasonography is generally considered to be a very safe
imaging modality that has no known major side effects
when used at medically diagnostic levels.


■ MRI utilizes the potential energy stored in the body’s hydro-
gen atoms. The atoms are manipulated by very strong mag-
netic fields and radiofrequency pulses to produce enough FIGURE 1-10 A standard radiology room equipped for both conventional radiography and
localizing and tissue-specific energy to allow highly sophis­ fluoroscopy. The patient lies on the table (black arrow), which has the capacity to tilt up or down.
ticated computer programs to generate two- and three- Images can be obtained using the tube on the fluoroscopic carriage (black oval), which can be moved
dimensional images (see Chapter 22). over the patient by the operator and then manipulated more or less freely to follow the barium
■ MRI scanners are not as widely available as CT scanners. column. Static images can be obtained using the overhead x-ray tube (white circle). The x-ray
They are expensive to acquire and require careful site con- tube can be moved into place over an x-ray cassette, which would be located under the patient
struction to operate properly. In general, they also have a (white arrow).
relatively high ongoing operating cost.
■ However, they utilize no ionizing radiation and produce
much higher contrast between different types of soft tissues
than is possible with CT.
■ MRI is widely used in neurologic imaging and is particularly
sensitive in imaging soft tissues such as the muscles, tendons, projections (usually by both the radiologist and the radiologic
and ligaments. technologist) during the performance of barium studies for
■ There are safety issues associated with the extremely strong whatever part of the gastrointestinal tract is being studied,
magnetic fields of an MRI scanner, both for objects within depending on the nature of the abnormality and the mobility
the body (e.g., cardiac pacemakers) and for ferromagnetic of the patient.
projectiles in the MRI scanner environment (e.g., metal ■ In interventional radiology, iodinated contrast is selec-
oxygen tanks in the room). There are also known side effects tively injected into blood vessels or other ducts that can
from the radiofrequency waves that such scanners produce be imaged fluoroscopically to demonstrate normal anatomy,
and possible adverse effects due to some MRI contrast pathology, or the position of catheters or other devices
agents. (Video 1-5).
■ Fluoroscopy units can be made mobile, although they are
still relatively large and heavy. They carry the same warnings
regarding exposure to radiation as any other modality using
■ Fluoroscopy (or “fluoro”) is a modality in which ionizing ionizing radiation.
radiation (x-rays) is used in performing real-time visualiza- ■ Radiation doses in fluoroscopy can be substantially higher
tion of the body in a way that allows for evaluation of the than those used in conventional radiography because so
motion of body parts, real-time positioning changes of many images are acquired for every minute of fluoros-
bones and joints, and the location and path of externally copy time. Therefore the dose is reduced by using the
administered barium or iodine contrast agents through the shortest possible fluoroscopy time to obtain diagnostic
gastrointestinal and genitourinary tracts and blood vessels. images.
Images can be viewed as they are acquired on video screens
and captured as either a series of static images or moving NUCLEAR MEDICINE
(video) images (Video 1-4).
■ Fluoroscopy requires an x-ray unit specially fitted to allow ■ A radioactive isotope (radioisotope) is an unstable form
for controlled motion of the x-ray tube, as well as the of an element that emits radiation from its nucleus as it
imaging sensor and the patient, to find the best projection decays. Eventually, the end product is a stable, nonradioactive
to demonstrate the body part being studied. To do this, isotope of another element.
fluoroscopic tables are made to tilt and the fluoroscopic ■ Radioisotopes can be produced artificially (most fre-
tube can be moved freely back and forth above the patient quently by neutron enrichment in a nuclear reactor or in
(Fig. 1-10). a cyclotron) or may occur naturally. Naturally occurring
■ Instantaneous “snapshots” obtained during the procedure radioisotopes include uranium and thorium. The vast
are called spot films. They are combined with other images majority of radioisotopes used in medicine are produced
obtained by using an overhead x-ray machine in multiple artificially.
Recognizing Anything   |   5.e1

VIDEO 1-4 Normal swallowing function captured by fluoroscopy. The barium appears black in this VIDEO 1-5 Fluoroscopy used for angiography. Fluoroscopic imaging is essential in the performance
video. The patient is facing your left and has a cup of barium, which he is instructed to swallow at of interventional radiologic procedures to allow the operator to observe the location of the catheter
varying intervals. Then the patient turns to face you on the next set of swallows. Swallowing is and the course and appearance of the vessels and to assess the efficacy of interventional treatments.
captured with rapid sequence images that are played here as a cine. The colors in the video could have This is a cerebral angiogram. Contrast is injected via a catheter inserted from the groin into the right
been digitally inverted, and the barium could have been displayed as white rather than black. internal carotid artery, in this case, and outlines the arterial, capillary, and finally, venous structures
on the right side of the carotid artery’s distribution. The vascular supply of aneurysms, vascular
malformations, and tumors can be visualized with this technique.
6   |   Recognizing Anything

camera is used to acquire several two-dimensional images

from multiple angles, which are then reconstructed by
computer into a three-dimensional data set that can be
manipulated to produce thin slices in any projection. To
acquire SPECT scans, the gamma camera rotates around
the patient.
■ Positron emission tomography (PET) is used to produce
three-dimensional images that depict the body’s biochemical
and metabolic processes at a molecular level. It is performed
using a positron (positive electron)-producing radioiso-
tope attached to a targeting pharmaceutical.
■ PET scanning is most often used in the diagnosis and
treatment follow-up of cancer. It is frequently used to
locate hidden metastases from a known tumor or to
detect recurrence. Oncologic PET scans make up about
90% of the clinical use of PET. Some tumors take up more
of the radiotracer than others and are referred to as FDG-
avid tumors, with FDG referring to the contrast agent fluo-
rodeoxyglucose (Video 1-6).
■ Unlike other modalities that use ionizing radiation, the
patient can briefly be the source of radiation exposure
to others (e.g., technologists) in nuclear medicine studies.
To limit exposure to others, the principles of decreas-
ing the time in close proximity to the patient, increasing
the distance from the source, and appropriate shield-
ing are used (see online section on Radiation Dose and
■ Compared with CT and fluoroscopy, nuclear medicine
studies, in general, produce less patient exposure. The types
Anterior Posterior of scans that deliver the highest dose relative to other nuclear
scans are cardiac studies and PET examinations. (An addi-
FIGURE 1-11 Bone scan. Anterior and posterior views are frequently obtained because each view tional online chapter on nuclear medicine is available to
brings different structures closer to the gamma camera for optimum imaging, such as the sternum registered users at StudentConsult.com.)
on the anterior view (solid white arrow) and the spine on the posterior view (dotted white arrow).
Notice that the kidneys are normally visible on the posterior view (white oval). Unlike the convention
used in viewing other studies in radiology, the patient’s right side is not always on your left in nuclear
medicine scans. On posterior views, the patient’s right side is on your right. This can be confusing, so
make sure you look for the labels on the scan. In many cases, a white marker dot will be located on ■ And now, a word from our sponsor. Bold type is used liber-
the patient’s right side (white circles). ally throughout this text to highlight important points, and
because this is a book filled with a large number of extraor-
dinarily important points, there is much bold type.
■ Diagnostic pitfalls, potential false-positive or false-negative
traps on the sometimes perilous journey to the correct
interpretation of an image, are signaled by this icon:
■ Radiopharmaceuticals are combinations of radioisotopes
attached to a pharmaceutical that has binding properties ■ Important points that are so important that not even
that allow it to concentrate in certain body tissues, such as boldface type does them justice are signaled by this
the lungs, thyroid, or bones. Radioisotopes used in clinical
nuclear medicine are also referred to as radionuclides, radio-
tracers, or, sometimes, simply tracers. ■ Online-only content is listed throughout the chapter (as
■ Various body organs have a specific affinity for, or absorp- eFigures, eTables, Videos, and so forth). Also, additional
tion of, different biologically active chemicals. For example, or complementary instructional material available on the
the thyroid takes up iodine; the brain utilizes glucose; bones StudentConsult/Inkling.com website for registered users is
utilize phosphates; and particles of a certain size can be listed at the end of each chapter. Web-only extras include
trapped in the lung capillaries (Fig. 1-11). quizzes, imaging anatomy modules, expanded text and an
■ After the radiopharmaceutical is carried to a tissue or organ additional chapter on nuclear medicine, color photos, and
in the body, usually via the bloodstream, its radioactive emis- videos.
sions allow it to be measured and imaged using a detection ■ “Take-home” points are listed at the end of each chapter
device called a gamma camera. in a Take-Home Points table.
■ Single-photon emission computed tomography ♦ You may use these points anywhere, not only in your
(SPECT) is a nuclear medicine modality in which a gamma home.
Recognizing Anything   |   6.e1

TERMINOLOGY sent through an automatic processor that contains a

series of chemicals that will develop the image, make
■ “Oh no,” you say, “must we do this? Let me skip to the good it visible to the human eye, and fix it permanently on
parts.” You can do that; just remember where this section is, the film. A new, unexposed piece of film will then be
because you may have to refer to it later. loaded into the cassette, and the cassette will be ready
■ Like politics, all terminology is local. Follow the terminology for the next exposure.
conventions used in your hospital or, alternatively, the person ♦ If it is a digital cassette and contains no film, it will
rendering your course grade, even if those conventions are be processed through an electronic reader that will
different from what is described here. decipher the electronic image stored on the phosphor
plate in the cassette and then will transmit that digital
Terminology Conventions Used in This Book image to another system to store it. The electronic
■ Image: This is a good, all-around term that can be used image in the cassette is then “erased,” and the cassette
to describe any type of rendering of a radiologic is used again and again.
examination. ♦ Another, similar method of recording the image is to
♦ It works for all modalities; you may use it freely. use a digital plate connected directly to the processing
♦ You can say you are looking at an “image of the computers without the need to ferry digital cassettes
abdomen on a conventional radiograph,” or a “CT back and forth to a film reader. This is sometimes called
image of the abdomen,” or an “ultrasound image of direct digital radiography.
the abdomen,” and so forth. (Do not use the term ■ Study or examination: These terms are used interchange-
picture to refer to a radiologic image; image will make ably. They refer to a collection of images used to examine
you sound much smarter.) a particular part of the body or system, as in “double-
contrast study of the colon” (a series of images of the colon
When you view your images, remember that you and using air and barium and produced through the use of x-rays)
the patient are always looking at each other, face to or an “MRI examination of the brain” (a collection of
face. This is the convention by which most images are images of the brain using MRI to produce the images).
viewed, no matter what the position of the patient ■ Contrast material (contrast agent): This is usually a sub-
was when the image was exposed. stance that is administered to a patient to make certain struc-
tures more easily visible (frequently referred to simply as
• The patient’s right side, whether it is on contrast).
conventional radiographs or a CT scan, is on your ♦ The most widely used examples of radiologic
left side, and the patient’s left side should be on contrast materials include liquid barium, which is
your right side (eFig. 1-3). administered orally for upper gastrointestinal
■ Cassette: A cassette is the flat device that looks like a huge examinations and rectally for barium enema
iPad that holds either a piece of film or a special digital examinations, and iodine, which is administered
plate on which the latent image resides until it is processed intravenously for contrast-enhanced CT scans of
in one of two ways, depending on whether the cassette con- the body.
tains film or a digital phosphor plate without film. ♦ There are also contrast agents used for MRI (most
♦ If the cassette contains film, the film will be removed often some solutions of gadolinium injected
from the cassette in a darkroom (or by something intravenously for its paramagnetic properties) and for
called a daylight loader that simulates a darkroom) and ultrasonography (gas-filled microbubbles).

Right Left Right Left

eFIGURE 1-3 Orientation of images. By convention, images are viewed as if the patient were facing you. A, When you view a chest radiograph, the patient’s right (labeled right) is on your left. B, Likewise,
when you view a computed tomographic scan (of any body part), the patient’s right is on your left. With today’s digital displays automatically orienting almost all images correctly, it is more difficult to view
an image backward.
6.e2   |   Recognizing Anything

■ Dye: This is the lay term for contrast. Although contrast is ♦ This is not an easy concept to grasp, because it involves
the better term, many patients, and some radiologists in making a mental reconstruction of a three-
explaining tests to patients, use the term dye. Do not use the dimensional object from the two-dimensional
word dye unless you are explaining a test to a patient; use projections conventional radiographs provide.
the term contrast or contrast agent. In fact, if you can use ♦ For example, a disk-shaped object (one that looks like a
the words contrast and image in the same sentence, people playing piece used in the game of checkers), such as an
will think you are a genius. ingested coin, will appear circular when viewed en face
■ Flat plate: This is an archaic but still used term meaning a but rectangular when viewed in perfect profile
conventional radiograph or plain film of the abdomen, (eFig. 1-5).
almost always obtained with the patient lying supine. It is left ■ Horizontal versus vertical x-ray beams: These terms are
over from the pioneer days of radiology when the image was used to describe the orientation of x-ray beams.
produced on a flat glass plate, before film was used as the ♦ Horizontal and vertical beam orientation is an
recording medium. important concept to understand because it will help
■ White and black: These are not radiologic terms, but almost
every modality displays its images in white, black, and various
shades of gray.
♦ Remember, the denser an object is, the more x-rays it
absorbs and the “whiter” it appears on radiographic
images. The less dense an object is, the fewer x-rays it
absorbs and the “blacker” it will appear on radiographs.
♦ Unfortunately, the specific terms used to describe what
appears as white or black on an image change from
one modality to another. eTable 1-4 is a handy chart
that lists the terms used to describe what shows as
black or white using various modalities.
■ “En face” and “in profile”: These terms are used primarily
in describing conventional radiography and barium studies.
♦ When you look at a lesion directly “head-on,” you are
seeing it en face. A lesion seen tangentially (sideways) is
seen in profile.
♦ Only a sphere, which, by definition, is perfectly round
in every dimension, will appear exactly the same shape
no matter in which plane it is viewed (e.g., a nodule in
the lung) (eFig. 1-4). A
♦ Naturally occurring structures, whether normal or
abnormal, of any shape other than a sphere will appear
slightly different in shape if viewed en face or in profile.


Terms Used for Terms Used for
Modality “White” “Black”

Conventional Increased density Decreased density

radiographs Opaque Lucent
CT Increased (high) Decreased (low)
attenuation attenuation
Hyperintense Hypodense
MRI Increased (high) signal Decreased (low) signal
intensity intensity
Bright Dark
US Increased echogenicity Decreased echogenicity
Sonodense Sonolucent
Nuclear Increased tracer Decreased tracer B
medicine uptake uptake
Barium studies Radiopaque Nonopaque eFIGURE 1-4 Right lower lobe bronchogenic carcinoma. There is a nearly spherical mass in the
Radiolucent right lower lobe of the lung seen on the frontal (A) (white arrow) and lateral (B) (black arrow)
radiographs of this patient. Because the mass is nearly spherical, it has relatively the same shape
CT, Computed tomography; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; US, ultrasonography. when viewed en face and in profile.
Recognizing Anything   |   6.e3

eFIGURE 1-5 Coin in the esophagus. Both the frontal (A) and lateral (B) images of this child’s upper thorax demonstrate a radiopaque metallic density in the region of the upper esophagus. The child
swallowed a quarter, which is temporarily lodged in the esophagus just above the aortic arch. Notice how different the coin looks when viewed en face in (A) (white arrow), where it is seen as a circle, and in
profile (B), when it is seen on end (black arrow).

eFIGURE 1-6 Vertical versus horizontal x-ray beams. The same patient with a hydropneumothorax is shown imaged a few hours apart, first with a vertical x-ray beam (supine chest) (black arrow) (A)
and then with a horizontal x-ray beam (upright chest) on the right (B). In both images, the patient has both air and fluid in the left hemithorax, but only in image (B), taken with a horizontal beam, can the
distinctive flat, air–fluid interface be seen (white arrow). An air–fluid interface will only be visible with an x-ray beam that is parallel to the floor (horizontal), no matter what position the patient is in.

you in interpreting all kinds of conventional horizontal, regardless of the position of the patient
radiographic studies and in understanding their (eFig. 1-6).
limitations. This may, in turn, prevent you from falling • An air-fluid or fat-fluid level is an interface between
for a diagnostic pitfall. two substances of different density in which the
♦ An x-ray beam is usually directed either horizontally lighter substance rises above, and forms a straight-
between the tube and the cassette (as in an upright edge interface with, the heavier substance below.
chest examination) or vertically between the tube
and the cassette (as in a supine radiograph of the You usually do not have to specify whether you want
abdomen with the patient lying on the examining the x-ray beam to be horizontal or vertical when
table). ordering a study; by convention, certain types of imaging
♦ Horizontal x-ray beams are usually parallel to the studies are always done using one method or the other
floor of the examining room (unless the room was built (eTable 1-5). In general, any study with the terms erect,
by do-it-yourselfers on weekends). upright, cross-table, or decubitus is always done with a
♦ In conventional radiography, an air-fluid or fat-fluid horizontal beam. You can see fluid levels (if present)
level will be visible only if the x-ray beam is with any of these types of studies.
6.e4   |   Recognizing Anything


Examples of Types of Studies Orientation of Beam Implications

Upright view of the abdomen Horizontal Air–fluid levels will be visible

Free air will rise to undersurface of diaphragm
Left lateral decubitus view of the abdomen Horizontal Air–fluid levels will be visible
Free air will rise over liver
Supine abdomen Vertical Air–fluid levels will not be visible
Free air will rise to undersurface of anterior abdominal wall and
may not be visible until large amounts are present
Upright chest Horizontal Pneumothorax, if present, will usually be visible at apex of lung
Air–fluid levels (e.g., in cavities) will be visible
Supine chest Vertical Pneumothorax may not be visible unless large
Air–fluid levels will not be visible
Cross-table lateral examination of the knee Horizontal Fat–fluid levels (lipohemarthrosis), if present, will be visible
Supine examination of the knee Vertical Fat–fluid levels will not be visible

VIDEO 1-6 Spinning positron emission tomography scan. The most commonly used target molecule
in PET scanning is an analogue of glucose called fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG); thus this type of imaging
is called FDG-PET. The concentration of this glucose analogue in bodily tissues gives a measure of
metabolic activity. Lung, breast, and colon cancers are among some tumor types that take up the
tracer and can be seen on the scans. The FDG will normally be seen in the organs shown here: the
heart (red arrow), the kidney (yellow arrow), and the urinary bladder (green arrow).
Recognizing Anything   |   7

Today, almost all images are stored electronically on a picture Ultrasonography units are less expensive, are in widespread use, and
archiving, communications, and storage system called PACS. have been produced as small as handheld devices.
Conventional radiographs (plain films) are produced using ionizing Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) produces images based on the
radiation generated by x-ray machines and viewed on a monitor or energy derived from hydrogen atoms placed in a very strong
light box. magnetic field and subjected to radiofrequency pulsing. The data
thus derived are analyzed by powerful computer algorithms to
Such x-ray machines are relatively inexpensive and widely available,
produce images in any plane.
and they can be made portable. The images are limited as to the
sensitivity of findings they are capable of displaying. MRI units are relatively expensive, require site construction for their
placement, and are usually relatively high in cost to operate. They
There are five basic radiographic densities, arranged in order from
have become the cornerstone of neuroimaging and are of particular
that which appears the whitest to that which appears the blackest:
use in studying muscles, ligaments, and tendons.
metal, calcium (bone), fluid (soft tissue), fat, and air.
Fluoroscopy utilizes ionizing radiation to produce real-time
Computed tomography (CT) utilizes rapidly spinning arrays of x-ray
visualization of the body that allows for evaluation of motion,
sources and detectors and sophisticated computer processing to
positioning, and the visualization of barium or iodine contrast agents
increase the sensitivity of findings visible and display them in any
moving through the gastrointestinal and genitourinary tracts and
geometric plane.
blood vessels.
CT scanners have become the foundation of cross-sectional imaging.
Nuclear medicine utilizes radioisotopes that have been given the
They are moderately expensive and also use ionizing radiation to
property to “target” different organs of the body to evaluate the
produce their images.
physiology and anatomy of those organs. Unlike other modalities
Ultrasonography produces images using the acoustic properties of that use ionizing radiation, the patient can briefly be the source of
tissue and does not employ ionizing radiation. It is thus safe for use radiation exposure in nuclear medicine studies.
in children and in women of childbearing age and during pregnancy.
It is particularly useful in analyzing soft tissues and blood flow.

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Recognizing a Technically
Adequate Chest Radiograph

■ You have to be able to quickly determine if a study is techni- ♦ You can tell if a frontal chest radiograph is
cally adequate so that you don’t mistake technical deficien- underpenetrated (too light) if you are not able to see
cies for abnormalities. We will focus on the chest radiograph the thoracic spine through the heart.
in this chapter. This chapter will enable you to evaluate the ♦ Underpenetration can introduce at least two errors into
technical adequacy of a chest x-ray by helping you become your interpretation:
more familiar with the diagnostic pitfalls certain technical • First, the left hemidiaphragm may not be visible on
artifacts can introduce. the frontal film because the left lung base may
appear opaque. This technical artifact could either
mimic or hide true disease in the left lower lung field
(e.g., left lower lobe pneumonia or left pleural
effusion) (Fig. 2-2).
■ Evaluating five technical factors will help you to determine ■ Solution: Look at the lateral chest radiograph to
if a chest radiograph is adequate for interpretation or confirm the presence of disease at the left base
whether certain artifacts may have been introduced that can (see “The Lateral Chest” in Chapter 3).
lead you astray (Table 2-1): • Second, the pulmonary markings, which are mostly
♦ Penetration the blood vessels in the lung, may appear more
♦ Inspiration prominent than they really are. You may mistakenly
♦ Rotation think the patient is in congestive heart failure or has
♦ Magnification pulmonary fibrosis.
♦ Angulation ■ Solutions: Look for other radiologic signs of
congestive heart failure (see Chapter 13). Look at
■ Unless x-rays adequately pass through the body part being
studied, you may not visualize everything necessary on the
image produced. 1 c
♦ To determine if a frontal chest radiograph is adequately
penetrated, you should be able to see the thoracic
spine through the heart shadow (Fig. 2-1).

Pitfalls of underpenetration (inadequate penetration)



Factor What You Should See

Penetration Should be able to see the spine through the heart

Inspiration Should see at least eight to nine posterior ribs
Rotation Spinous process should fall equidistant between FIGURE 2-1 Normal frontal chest. As explained in this chapter, the degree of penetration shown
the medial ends of the clavicles here is adequate because we can see the spine through the heart (solid white arrows). There is a good
Magnification Anteroposterior films (mostly portable chest x-rays) inspiration, with almost 10 posterior ribs visible. We can determine that the patient is not rotated,
magnify the heart slightly because the spinous process (solid black arrow) is midway between the heads of the clavicles (dotted
Angulation Clavicle normally has an S shape, and medial end white arrows). There is little magnification because this is a posteroanterior chest image. The medial
superimposes onto the 3rd or 4th rib end of the clavicle (C) superimposes onto the anterior 1st rib (1), so there is no angulation. Note that
the left hemidiaphragm is visible (dotted black arrow), as it should be.

Recognizing a Technically Adequate Chest Radiograph   |   9

FIGURE 2-2 Underpenetrated frontal chest radiograph. The spine (solid black arrow) is not
visible through the cardiac shadow. The left hemidiaphragm is also not visible (dotted black arrows), FIGURE 2-3 Overpenetrated frontal chest radiograph. The overpenetration makes lung mark-
and the degree of underpenetration makes it impossible to differentiate between actual disease at ings difficult to see, mimicking some of the findings in emphysema or possibly suggesting a pneu-
the left base versus nonvisualization of the left hemidiaphragm due to underpenetration. A lateral mothorax. How lucent (dark) the lungs appear on a radiograph is a poor way of evaluating for the
radiograph of the chest would help to differentiate between artifact of technique and true disease. presence of emphysema because of artifacts introduced by technique. In emphysema, the lungs are
frequently hyperinflated and the diaphragm flattened (see Chapter 12). To diagnose a pneumothorax,
you should see the pleural white line (see Chapter 10).
the lateral chest film to confirm the presence of
increased markings, airspace disease, or effusion at
the left base that you suspected on the basis of BOX 2-1 DIFFERENTIATING BETWEEN
the frontal radiograph. ANTERIOR AND POSTERIOR RIBS
Posterior ribs are immediately more apparent to the eye on
Pitfall of overpenetration frontal chest radiographs.
The posterior ribs are oriented more or less horizontally.
■ If the study is overpenetrated (too dark), the lung markings
Each pair of posterior ribs attaches to a thoracic vertebral body.
may seem decreased or absent (Fig. 2-3). You could mistak-
enly think the patient has emphysema or a pneumothorax, or Anterior ribs are visible, but more difficult to see, on the frontal
chest radiograph.
if the degree of overpenetration is marked, it could render
Anterior ribs are oriented downward toward the feet.
findings such as a pulmonary nodule almost invisible.
♦ Solutions: Look for other radiographic signs of Anterior ribs attach to the sternum or to each other with cartilage
that usually is not visible until later in life, when the cartilage
emphysema (see Chapter 12) or pneumothorax (see may calcify.
Chapter 10). Ask the radiologist if the film should be

Inspiration near the diaphragm (Fig. 2-5). This may lead you to
■ A full inspiration ensures a reproducible radiographic image mistakenly think the study shows lower lobe pneumonia.
for comparison from one time to the next and eliminates • Solution: Look at the lateral chest radiograph to
artifacts that may be confused for, or obscure, disease. confirm the presence of pneumonia (see “The
♦ The degree of inspiration can be assessed by Lateral Chest Radiograph” in Chapter 3).
counting the number of posterior ribs visible above
the diaphragm on the frontal chest radiograph. Rotation
• To help in differentiating the anterior from the ■ Significant rotation (the patient turns the body to one side
posterior ribs, see Box 2-1. or the other) may alter the expected contours of the
♦ If 10 posterior ribs are visible, it is an excellent heart and great vessels, the hila, and hemidiaphragms.
inspiration (Fig. 2-4). ■ The easiest way to assess whether the patient is rotated
♦ In many hospitalized patients, visualization of eight toward the left or right is by studying the position of the
to nine posterior ribs is a degree of inspiration usually medial ends of each clavicle relative to the spinous
adequate for accurate interpretation of the image. process of the thoracic vertebral body between the clavicles
(Fig. 2-6).
Pitfall: Poor inspiration ♦ The medial ends of the clavicles are anterior
♦ A poor inspiratory effort will compress and crowd ♦ The spinous process is a posterior structure
the lung markings, especially at the bases of the lungs (Fig. 2-7).
10   |   Recognizing a Technically Adequate Chest Radiograph

♦ If the spinous process appears to lie equidistant ♦ These relationships hold true regardless of whether the
from the medial end of each clavicle on the frontal patient was facing the x-ray tube or facing the cassette
chest radiograph, there is no rotation (see Fig. 2-7, A). at the time of exposure.
♦ If the spinous process appears closer to the medial
end of the left clavicle, the patient is rotated toward Pitfalls of excessive rotation
his or her own right side (see Fig. 2-7, B).
♦ If the spinous process appears closer to the medial ♦ Even minor degrees of rotation can distort the normal
end of the right clavicle, the patient is rotated anatomic appearance of the heart and great vessels, the
toward her or his own left side (see Fig. 2-7, C). hila, and hemidiaphragms.
♦ Marked rotation can introduce errors in
• The hilum may appear larger on the side rotated
1 farther away from the imaging cassette, because
objects farther from the imaging cassette tend to be
more magnified than objects closer to the cassette.
4 ■ Solutions: Look at the hilum on the lateral
5 chest view to see if that view confirms hilar
enlargement (see “The Hilar Region” in Chapter 3).


FIGURE 2-5 Suboptimal inspiration. Only eight posterior ribs are visible on this frontal chest
FIGURE 2-4 Counting ribs. The posterior ribs are numbered in this photograph. Ten posterior ribs radiograph. A poor inspiration may “crowd,” and therefore accentuate, the lung markings at the
are visible above the right hemidiaphragm, an excellent inspiration. In most hospitalized patients, bases (black arrows) and may make the heart seem larger than it actually is. The crowded lung mark-
the presence of eight or nine visible posterior ribs in the frontal projection indicates an inspiration ings may mimic the appearance of aspiration or pneumonia. A lateral chest radiograph should help
that is adequate for accurate interpretation of the image. When counting ribs, make sure you do not eliminate the possibility, or confirm the presence, of basilar airspace disease suspected on the basis
miss counting the 2nd posterior rib, which frequently overlaps the 1st rib. of the frontal radiograph.



FIGURE 2-6 How to determine if the patient is rotated. A, The patient is not rotated, and the medial ends of the right (orange dot) and left (black dot) clavicles are projected on the radiograph (black
line) equidistant from the spinous process (black triangle). B, The patient is rotated toward his own right side. Notice how the medial end of the left clavicle (black dot) is projected closer to the spinous process
than is the medial end of the right clavicle (orange dot). C, This patient is rotated toward his own left side. The medial end of the right clavicle (orange dot) is projected closer to the spinous process than is the
medial end of the left clavicle (black dot). The camera icon depicts this as an anteroposterior projection, but the same relationships would hold true for a posteroanterior projection as well. Figure 2-7 shows
how this applies to radiographs.
Recognizing a Technically Adequate Chest Radiograph   |   11

FIGURE 2-7 How to evaluate for rotation. A, Close-up view of the heads of the clavicles demonstrates that each (white arrows) is about equidistant from the spinous process of the vertebral body
between them (black arrow). This indicates the patient is not rotated. B, Close-up view of the heads of the clavicles in a patient rotated toward his own right side. (Remember that you are viewing the
study as if the patient were facing you.) The spinous process (black arrow) projects much closer to the left clavicular head (dotted white arrow) than to the right clavicular head (solid white arrow). C, Close-up
view of the heads of the clavicles in a patient rotated toward his own left side. The spinous process (black arrow) is much closer to the right clavicular head (solid white arrow) than it is to the left (dotted
white arrow).

resultant image will be. As a corollary, the farther any

object is from the surface on which it is being imaged,
the more magnified that object will appear.

■ In the standard PA chest radiograph (i.e., one obtained in the

posteroanterior projection) the heart, being an anterior
structure, is closer to the imaging surface and thus truer to
its actual size. In a PA study, the x-ray beam enters at “P”
(posterior) and exits at “A” (anterior). The standard frontal
chest radiograph is usually a PA exposure.
■ In an AP image (i.e., one obtained in the anteroposterior
projection) the heart is farther from the imaging cassette
and is therefore slightly magnified. In an AP study,
the x-ray beam enters at “A” (anterior) and exits at “P”
(posterior). Portable, bedside chest radiographs are almost
always AP.
■ Therefore the heart will appear slightly larger on an
AP image than will the same heart on a PA image
(Fig. 2-9).
■ There is another reason the heart looks larger on a portable
FIGURE 2-8 Distorted appearance due to severe rotation. Frontal chest radiograph of a patient
AP chest image than on a standard PA chest radiograph:
markedly rotated toward her own right side. Notice how the left hemidiaphragm, being farther from
♦ The distance between the x-ray tube and the patient
the cassette than the right hemidiaphragm because of the rotation, appears higher than it normally
is shorter when a portable AP image is obtained
would (white arrow). The heart and the trachea (black arrow) appear displaced into the right hemi-
(about 40 inches) than when a standard PA chest
thorax because of the rotation.
radiograph is exposed (taken by convention at 72
inches). The greater the distance the x-ray source is
Compare the current study with a previous study from the patient, the less the degree of magnification.
of the same patient to assess for change. ■ To learn how to determine if the heart is really enlarged
• Rotation may also distort the appearance of the on an AP chest radiograph, see Chapter 4.
normal contours of the heart and hila.
• The hemidiaphragm may appear higher on the Angulation
side rotated away from the imaging cassette (Fig. 2-8). ■ Normally, the x-ray beam passes horizontally (parallel
■ Solution: Compare the current study with a to the floor) for an upright chest study, and in that
previous study of the same patient. position, the plane of the thorax is perpendicular to the
x-ray beam.
Magnification ■ Hospitalized patients in particular may not be able to sit
■ Magnification usually is not an issue in assessing normal completely upright in bed in order that the x-ray beam may
pulmonary anatomy, but depending on the position of the enter the thorax with the patient’s head and thorax tilted
patient relative to the imaging cassette, magnification can backward. This has the same effect as angling the x-ray
play a role in assessment of the size of the heart. beam toward the patient’s head, and the image obtained thus
is called an apical lordotic view of the chest.
The closer any object is to the surface on which it is ♦ On apical lordotic views, anterior structures in the
being imaged, the more true to its actual size the chest (such as the clavicles) are projected higher on
12   |   Recognizing a Technically Adequate Chest Radiograph

FIGURE 2-9 Effect of positioning on magnification of the heart. A, Frontal chest radiograph done in the anteroposterior projection shows the heart to be slightly larger than in B, which shows the same
patient’s chest exposed minutes later in the posteroanterior projection. Because the heart lies anteriorly in the chest, it is farther from the imaging surface in (A) and is therefore magnified more than in (B), in
which the heart is closer to the imaging surface. In actual practice, there is very little difference in heart size between anteroposterior and posteroanterior exposures, as long as the patient’s inspiration was equal
in both.

A Erect chest B Apical lordotic view C Semirecumbent chest

FIGURE 2-10 Diagram of apical lordotic effect. A, The x-ray beam (black arrow) is correctly oriented perpendicularly to the plane of the cassette (black line). The orange square symbolizes an anterior
structure (such as the clavicles), and the black circle indicates a posterior structure (such as the spine). B, The x-ray beam is angled upward, which is the manner in which an apical lordotic view of the chest is
obtained. The x-ray beam is no longer perpendicular to the cassette, which has the effect of projecting anterior structures higher than posterior structures on the radiograph. C, The positions of the x-ray beam
and patient lead to exactly the same end result shown in (B), which is how semirecumbent bedside studies are frequently obtained in patients who are not able to sit or stand upright. The anterior structures
shown in (C) are projected higher than posterior structures.

the resultant radiographic image than posterior

structures in the chest, which are projected lower
(Fig. 2-10).

Pitfall of excessive angulation

♦ You can recognize an apical lordotic chest study when

you see the clavicles project at or above the 1st ribs on
the frontal image. An apical lordotic view distorts the
appearance of the clavicles, straightening their normal
S-shaped appearance (Fig. 2-11).
♦ Apical lordotic views may also distort the appearance
of other structures in the thorax. The heart may have
an unusual shape, which sometimes mimics
cardiomegaly and distorts the normal appearance of
the cardiac borders. The sharp border of the left
hemidiaphragm may be lost, which could be
mistaken as a sign of a left pleural effusion or left FIGURE 2-11 Apical lordotic chest radiograph. An apical lordotic view of the chest is now most
lower lobe pneumonia. frequently obtained inadvertently in patients who are semirecumbent at the time of the study. Notice
• Solutions: Know how to recognize technical how the clavicles are projected above the 1st ribs and that their usual S shape is now straight (white
artifacts and understand how they can distort normal arrows). The lordotic view also distorts the shape of the heart and produces spurious obscuration of
anatomy. Consult with a radiologist about confusing the left hemidiaphragm (black arrow). Unless the artifacts of technique are understood, these findings
images. could be mistaken for disease that does not exist.
Recognizing a Technically Adequate Chest Radiograph   |   13

There are five parameters that define an adequate chest examination, inspiratory efforts may mimic basilar lung disease and may make the
and recognition of them is important to accurately differentiate heart appear larger.
abnormalities from technically produced artifacts. The spinous process should fall equidistant between the medial ends
These parameters are penetration, inspiration, rotation, of the clavicles to indicate the patient is not rotated. Rotation can
magnification, and angulation. introduce numerous artifactual anomalies affecting the contour of
the heart and the appearance of the hila and diaphragm.
If the chest is adequately penetrated, you should be able to see the
spine through the heart. Underpenetrated (too light) studies obscure Anteroposterior (AP) films (mostly portable chest x-rays) will magnify
the left lung base and tend to spuriously accentuate the lung the heart slightly compared with the standard posteroanterior (PA)
markings; overpenetrated studies (too dark) may mimic emphysema chest radiograph (usually done in the radiology department).
or pneumothorax. Frontal views of the chest obtained with the patient semirecumbent
If the patient has taken an adequate inspiration, you should see at in bed (tilted backward) may produce apical lordotic images that
least eight or nine posterior ribs above the diaphragm. Poor distort normal anatomy.

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Recognizing Normal
Pulmonary Anatomy

In this chapter, you will learn the normal anatomy of the lungs
as depicted by conventional radiography and chest computed Trachea
tomography (CT). To become more comfortable with interpret-
ing images of the chest, you should first be able to recognize
fundamental, normal anatomy to enable you to differentiate it
from what is abnormal. Coracoid process- Head of clavicle
Aortic 3
WHICH “SYSTEM” WORKS BEST Ascending Medial border-
aorta- scapula
What is the best system to look at an imaging study such as a
chest x-ray? I am glad you asked. Pulmonary blood vena cava
Some folks systematically look at imaging studies, such as chest vessels Main
radiographs, from the outside of the image to the inside of the pulmonary Left hilum-
image; others look at them from the inside out or from top to artery Left pulmonary
bottom. Some systems for reminding you to examine every part artery
of an image have catchy acronyms and mnemonics. Right hilum-
Right pulmonary Right Descending
The fact is: It does not matter which system you use, as long as artery aorta
you look at everything on the image. So, use whichever system
works for you, but be sure to look at everything. “Looking at Left
everything,” by the way, includes looking at all of the views ventricle
available in a given study, not just everything on one view.
(Do not forget that lateral chest radiograph in a two-view study
of the chest.) Cardiophrenic
angle Cardiophrenic
Experienced radiologists usually have no system at all. Right breast angle
Right Left
Burned-in images are bad for computer monitors, but they are shadow
hemidiaphragm hemidiaphragm
great for radiologists. “Burned” into the neurons of a radiologist’s
Costophrenic Costophrenic
brain are mental images of what a normal frontal chest
angle angle
radiograph looks like, what thoracic sarcoidosis looks like, and so
on. They frequently use a “gestalt” impression of a study that FIGURE 3-1 Well-exposed frontal view of a normal chest. Notice how the spine is just visible
they see in their mind’s eye within seconds of looking at an
through the heart shadow. Both the right and left lateral costophrenic angles are sharply and acutely
image. If the image does or does not correspond to the mental
image that resides in their brains, then they systematically study angled. The white line demarcates the approximate level of the minor or horizontal fissure, which is
the images. This is not magic; this ability comes only with usually visible in the frontal view because it is seen on end. There is no minor fissure on the left side.
experience, so at least for now, you are probably not quite ready The white circle contains lung markings that are blood vessels. Note that the left hilum is normally
to use the gestalt approach. slightly higher than the right. The white “3” lies on the posterior 3rd rib, and the black “3” lies on the
The most valuable system to use in interpreting images is the anterior 3rd rib.
system in which you routinely increase your knowledge. If you
do not know what you are looking for, you can stare at an image
for hours or days, or in the case of the lateral chest radiograph,
you can ignore an image entirely, and the end result will be the
■ Vessels and bronchi—normal lung markings
same: You will not see the findings. There is an axiom in radiology: ♦ Virtually all of the “white lines” you see in the lungs
You only see what you look for, and you only look for what on a chest radiograph are blood vessels. Blood vessels
you know. So if you don’t know what to look for, you will never characteristically branch and taper gradually from the
recognize the finding, no matter what system you use or how hila centrally to the peripheral margins of the lungs.
long you stare at the image.
You cannot accurately differentiate between pulmonary
By reading this book, you will gain the knowledge that will
allow you to recognize what it is you are looking at—the best
arteries and pulmonary veins on a conventional
system of all. radiograph.
♦ Bronchi are mostly invisible on a normal chest
radiograph because they are normally very thin-walled,
they contain air, and they are surrounded by air.
♦ The pleura is composed of two layers, the outer
■ Figure 3-1 displays some of the normal anatomic features parietal and inner visceral layers, with the pleural
visible on the frontal chest radiograph. space between them. The visceral pleura is adherent
Recognizing Normal Pulmonary Anatomy   |   15

FIGURE 3-3 Normal left lateral chest radiograph. There is a clear space behind the sternum
(solid white arrow). The hila produce no discrete shadow (white circle). The vertebral bodies are
approximately of equal height, and their end plates are parallel to each other (double white arrows).
The posterior costophrenic angles (solid black arrow) are sharp. Notice how the thoracic spine appears
FIGURE 3-2 Normal pulmonary vasculature. The right lung is shown. In the upright position, to become blacker (darker) from the shoulder girdle (black star) to the diaphragm because there is
the lower-lobe vessels (black circle) are larger in size than the upper-lobe vessels (white circle), and less dense tissue for the x-ray beam to traverse at the level of the diaphragm. The heart normally
all vessels taper gradually from central to peripheral (white arrow). Alterations in pulmonary flow or touches the anterior aspect of the left hemidiaphragm and usually obscures (silhouettes) it. The
pressure may change these relationships. superior surface of the right hemidiaphragm is frequently seen continuously from back to front (dotted
black arrow) because it is not obscured by the heart. Notice the normal space posterior to the heart
to the lung and enfolds to form the major and minor and anterior to the spine; this will be important in assessing cardiomegaly (see Chapter 13). The black
fissures. line represents the approximate location of the major or oblique fissure; the white line is the approxi-
♦ Normally, there are several milliliters of fluid but no mate location of the minor or horizontal fissure. Both are frequently visible because they are seen on
air in the pleural space. end on a lateral view radiograph.
♦ Neither the parietal pleura nor the visceral pleura is
normally visible on a conventional chest radiograph, Recognizing Adult Heart Disease from the Frontal Chest
except where the two layers of visceral pleura enfold to Radiograph” online.
form the fissures. Even then, they are usually no
thicker than a line drawn with the point of a THE NORMAL LATERAL CHEST RADIOGRAPH
sharpened pencil.
■ As part of the standard two-view chest examination, an
upright, frontal chest radiograph and an upright, left
lateral view of the chest are obtained.
In the upright position, the blood flow to the bases is ■ A left lateral chest x-ray (with the patient’s left side against
normally greater than the flow to the apices because of the detector) is of great diagnostic value but is sometimes
the effect of gravity. Therefore the size of the vessels at ignored by beginners because of their lack of familiarity
the base is normally larger than the size of the vessels with the findings visible in that projection.
at the apex of the lung. ■ Figure 3-3 displays some of the normal anatomic features
visible on the lateral chest radiograph.
■ Normally, blood vessels branch and taper gradually from ■ Why look at the lateral chest?
central (the hila) to peripheral (near the chest wall) (Fig. 3-2). ♦ It can help you determine the location of disease you
■ Changes in pressure or flow can alter the normal dynamics already identified as being present on the frontal image.
of the pulmonary vasculature, some of which are described ♦ It can confirm the presence of disease you may be
in Chapter 13. unsure of on the basis of the frontal image alone, such
■ For more on recognizing normal pulmonary vasculature and as a mass or pneumonia.
an imaging approach to diagnosing heart disease in adults, ♦ It can demonstrate disease not visible on the frontal
registered users can view “The ABCs of Heart Disease: image (Fig. 3-4).
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Cet astre de la nuit noire,
Roi, ce n’est pas le bonheur,
Ni l’amour, ni la victoire,
Ni la force; c’est l’honneur.

Et moi qui sur mon armure

Ramasse mes blancs cheveux,
Moi sur qui le soir murmure,
Moi qui vais mourir, je veux

Que, le jour où sous son voile

Chimène prendra le deuil,
On allume à cette étoile
Le cierge de mon cercueil.

Ainsi le Cid, qui harangue

Sans peur ni rébellion,
Lèche son maître, et sa langue
Est rude, étant d’un lion.

Le roi de Perse habite, inquiet, redouté,

En hiver Ispahan et Tiflis en été;
Son jardin, paradis où la rose fourmille,
Est plein d’hommes armés, de peur de sa famille;
Ce qui fait que parfois il va dehors songer.
Un matin, dans la plaine il rencontre un berger
Vieux, ayant près de lui son fils, un beau jeune homme.
—Comment te nommes-tu? dit le roi.—Je me nomme
Karam, dit le vieillard, interrompant un chant
Qu’il chantait au milieu des chèvres, en marchant;
J’habite un toit de jonc sous la roche penchante,
Et j’ai mon fils que j’aime, et c’est pourquoi je chante,
Comme autrefois Hafiz, comme à présent Sadi,
Et comme la cigale à l’heure de midi.—
Et le jeune homme alors, figure humble et touchante,
Baise la main du pâtre harmonieux qui chante,
Comme à présent Sadi, comme autrefois Hafiz.
—Il t’aime, dit le roi, pourtant il est ton fils.


L’un s’appelle César, l’autre se nomme Pierre.

Celui-là fait le guet, celui-ci la prière;
Tous deux sont embusqués au détour du chemin,
Ont au poing l’escopette et la sébile en main,
Vident les sacs d’argent, partagent les maraudes,
Et l’on règne, et l’on fait payer les émeraudes
Des tiares à ceux qui n’ont pas de souliers.
Les dogmes et les lois sont de profonds halliers
Où des tas de vieux droits divins mêlent leurs branches;
Qui mendie en cette ombre a ses allures franches;
Nul n’échappe. Arrêtez! il faut payer, de gré
Ou de force, en passant dans le noir bois sacré.
Les peuples, que l’infâme ignorance ravage,
Ont au front la sueur de l’antique esclavage.
Christ, c’est pour eux qu’au pied de ta croix tu prias!
Ils sont les travailleurs; ils sont les parias;
Ils sont les patients qu’on traîne sur des claies.
Certes, rien ne leur manque; ils ont beaucoup de plaies,
Beaucoup d’infirmités qu’ils ne peuvent guérir,
Beaucoup de maux, beaucoup de petits à nourrir;
C’est à ces riches-là que demandent l’aumône
Ce meurt-de-faim, l’autel, et ce pauvre, le trône.


A l’heure où le soleil descend tiède et pâli,

Seul à seul, près du bois de Saint-Jean-d’Angely,
L’archevêque Bertrand parlait au roi Philippe:

—Roi, le trône et l’autel sont le même principe;

Défendons-nous ensemble; il faut de tous côtés
Du front du peuple obscur chasser les nouveautés.
Sauver l’église, ô roi, c’est vous sauver vous-même.
L’état devient plus fort par la terreur qu’il sème,
Et par le tremblement du peuple s’affermit;
Toujours, quand elle eut peur, la foule se soumit.
Il n’est qu’un droit: régner. Le nécessaire est juste.
Les quatre grands baillis du roi Philippe-Auguste,
Toutes les vieilles lois, c’est trop peu désormais;
Pour arrêter le mal, sur de hautains sommets,
Il faut la permanence étrange de l’exemple.
Sire, les schismes vont à l’attaque du temple;
Le peuple semble las d’être sur les genoux;
La révolte est sur vous, l’hérésie est sur nous;
D’où viennent ces essaims tumultueux d’idées?
Des profondeurs que nul prophète n’a sondées,
Peut-être de la nuit, ou peut-être du ciel.
Parlons bas. Écoutez, roi providentiel.
Rien n’est plus effrayant que ces sombres descentes,
D’instincts nouveaux parmi les foules frémissantes;
Ces chimères d’en haut s’abattant tout à coup
Volent, courent, s’en vont, reviennent, sont partout,
Ouvrent les yeux fermés, fouillent les têtes pleines,
Se mêlent aux esprits, se mêlent aux haleines,
Blessent les dogmes saints dans l’ombre, et, fatal jeu,
Frappent l’homme endormi de mille becs de feu;
Elles tentent, troublant le mystère où nous sommes,
Un travail inconnu sur le cerveau des hommes,
Leur ôtant quelque chose et leur donnant aussi;
Quoi? c’est là votre perte et c’est là mon souci.
Que font-elles? du jour, du mal? Qu’apportent-elles?
Un souffle, un bruit, le vent qui tombe de leurs ailes,
Je l’ignore; ici Dieu m’échappe; mais je sai
Qu’il ne nous reste rien quand elles ont passé.

Le roi Philippe écoute; et l’archevêque songe,

Et vers la papauté son bras pensif s’allonge.

—Chassez les nouveautés, roi Philippe.

En marchant,
Tous deux rêveurs, ils sont arrivés près d’un champ
Qu’emplit de son frisson toute une moisson mûre;
Au-dessus des épis jetant un long murmure,
Sous de hauts échalas plantés parmi les blés,
Flottent, mouillés de pluie et de soleil brûlés,
A des cordes que l’air pousse, éloigne et ramène,
De hideux sacs de paille ayant la forme humaine;
Nœuds de débris sans nom, lambeaux fous, balançant
On ne sait quel aspect farouche et menaçant;
Les oiseaux, les moineaux que le blé d’or invite,
L’alouette criant aux autres: vite! vite!
Accourent vers le champ plein d’épis; mais, au vent,
Chaque haillon devient lugubrement vivant,
Et tout l’essaim chantant s’effraie et se dissipe.

Quel est donc le moyen de régner? dit Philippe

—Quel est donc le moyen de régner? dit Philippe.

Comme le roi parlait, l’archevêque pieux

Vit ce champ, hérissé de poteaux et de pieux,
Où pendaient, à des fils tremblant quand l’air s’agite,
Des larves qui mettaient tous les oiseaux en fuite.

Et, le montrant au roi, Bertrand dit:—Le voici.


Et c’est pourquoi, dans l’air par la brume obscurci,

Depuis ces temps de deuil, d’angoisse et de souffrance,
Au-dessus de la foule, au-dessus de la France,
Comme sur Babylone on distingue Babel,
On voit, dans le Paris de Philippe le Bel,
On ne sait quel difforme et funèbre édifice;
Tas de poutres hideux où le jour rampe et glisse,
Lourd enchevêtrement de poteaux, de crampons,
Et d’arcs-boutants pareils aux piles des vieux ponts.
Terrible, il apparaît sur la colline infâme.
Les autres monuments, où Paris met son âme,
Colléges, hôpitaux, tours, palais radieux,
Sont les docteurs, les saints, les héros et les dieux;
Lui, misérable, il est le monstre. Fauve, il traîne,
Sur sa pente d’où sort une horreur souterraine,
Son funeste escalier qui dans la mort finit;
Tout ce que le ciment, la brique, le granit,
Le fer, peuvent avoir de la bête féroce,
Il l’a; ses piliers bruts, runes d’un dogme atroce,
Semblent des Irmensuls livides, et ses blocs
Dans l’obscurité vague ébauchent des Molochs;
Baal pour le construire a donné ses solives
Où flottaient des anneaux que secouaient les dives,
Saturne ses crochets, Teutatès ses menhirs;
Tous les cultes sanglants ont là leurs souvenirs;
Si le lierre ou le houx dans ses dalles végète,
Si quelque ronce y croît, la feuille horrible jette
Une ombre onglée et noire, affreux stigmate obscur,
Qui ressemble aux cinq doigts du bourreau sur le mur.
Vil bâtiment, des temps fatals fatal complice!
Il est la colonnade immonde du supplice,
L’échafaud que le Louvre a pour couronnement,
q p ,
La caresse au tombeau, l’insulte au firmament;
Et cette abominable et fétide bâtisse
Devant le ciel sacré se nomme la Justice,
Et ce n’est pas la moindre horreur du monument
De s’appeler l’autel en étant l’excrément.
Morne, il confine moins aux Paris qu’aux Sodomes.
Spectre de pierre ayant au front des spectres d’hommes,
Inexorable plus que l’airain et l’acier,
Il est, il vit, farouche, et sans se soucier
Que le monde à ses pieds souffre, existe ou périsse,
Et contre on ne sait quoi dans l’ombre il se hérisse;
A de certains moments ce charnier qui se tait
Frissonne, et comme si, triste, il se lamentait,
Mêle une clameur sourde aux vents, et continue
En râle obscur le bruit des souffles dans la nue;
Là grince le rouet sinistre du cordier.
Du cadavre au squelette on peut étudier
Le progrès que les morts font dans la pourriture;
Chaque poteau chargé d’un corps sans sépulture
Marque une date abjecte, et chaque madrier
Semble le signe affreux d’un noir calendrier.

La nuit il semble croître, et dans le crépuscule

Il a l’air d’avancer sur Paris qui recule.

Rien de plus ténébreux n’a jamais été mis

Sur ce tas imbécile et triste de fourmis
Que la hautaine histoire appelle populace.
O pâle humanité, quand donc seras-tu lasse?

Lugubre vision! au-dessus d’un mur blanc

Quelque chose d’informe et qui paraît tremblant
Se dresse; chaos morne et ténébreux; broussaille
De silence, d’horreur et de nuit qui tressaille;
On ne voit le nuage, et l’ombre aux vagues yeux,
Et le blêmissement formidable des cieux,
Et la brume qui flotte et l’astre qui flamboie
Et la brume qui flotte, et l astre qui flamboie,
Qu’à travers une vaste et large claire-voie
De poutres, dont chacune est un sanglant barreau;
On dirait que Satan, l’infâme ange-bourreau,
Dont la rage et la joie et la haine, acharnées,
Exécutent Adam depuis six mille années,
Sur ces fauves piliers a posé de sa main
La grande claie où fut traîné le genre humain.
C’est, dans l’obscurité lugubrement émue,
De la terreur, bâtie en pierre, et qui remue;
C’est délabré, croulant, lépreux, désespéré;
Les poteaux ont pour toit le vide; le degré
Aboutit à l’échelle et l’échelle aux ténèbres;
Le crépuscule passe à travers des vertèbres
Et montre dans la nuit des pieds aux doigts ouverts;
Entre les vieux piliers, de moisissure verts,
Blêmes quand les rayons de lune s’y répandent,
Là-haut des larves vont et viennent, des morts pendent.
Et la fouine a rongé leur crâne et leur fémur,
Et leur ventre effrayant se fend comme un fruit mûr,
Si la mort connaissait les trépassés, si l’homme
Valait que le tombeau sût comment il se nomme,
Si l’on comptait les grains du hideux chapelet,
On dirait:—Celui-ci, c’est Tryphon, qui voulait
Fêter le jour de Pâque autrement qu’Irénée;
Ceux-là sont des routiers, engeance forcenée,
Gueux qui contre le sceptre ont croisé le bâton;
Cet autre, c’est Glanus, traducteur de Platon;
Celui-ci, que des lois frappa la prévoyance,
Osa propager l’art du sorcier de Mayence,
Et jeter à la foule un Virgile imprimé;
C’est Pierre Albin; l’oubli sur lui s’est refermé;
Cet autre est un voleur, cet autre est un poëte.
Derrière leur tragique et noire silhouette,
L’azur luit, le soir vient, l’aube blanchit le ciel;
Le vent, s’il entre là, sort pestilentiel;
Chacun d’eux sous le croc du sépulcre tournoie;
Et tous, que juin les brûle ou que janvier les noie,
S’entre-heurtent, fameux, chétifs, obscurs, marquants,
Et sont la même nuit dans les mêmes carcans;
Le craquement farouche et massif des traverses
Accompagne leurs chocs sous les âpres averses,
Et, comble de terreur, on croirait par instant
Que le cadavre, au gré des brises s’agitant,
Avec son front sans yeux et ses dents sans gencives,
Rit dans la torsion des chaînes convulsives.
L’exécrable charnier, sous ses barres de fer,
Regardant du côté de Rome et de l’enfer,
Dans l’étrange épaisseur des brumes infinies
Semble chercher au loin ses sœurs les gémonies,
Et demander au gouffre où nul astre n’a lui
Si Josaphat sera plus sinistre que lui.
Et toujours, au-dessus des clochers et des dômes,
Le vent lugubre joue avec tous ces fantômes,
Hier, demain, le jour, la nuit, l’été, l’hiver;
Et ces morts sans repos, où fourmille le ver
Plus que l’abeille d’or dans le creux des yeuses,
Cette agitation d’ombres mystérieuses,
L’affreux balancement de ces spectres hagards,
Ces crânes sans cheveux, ces sourcils sans regards,
Ce grelottement sourd de ferrailles funèbres,
Chassent dans la nuée, à travers les ténèbres,
Les purs esprits de l’aube et de l’azur, venus
Pour s’abattre au milieu des vivants inconnus,
Pour faire leur moisson sublime dans la foule,
Dire aux peuples le mot du siècle qui s’écoule,
Et leur jeter une âme et leur apporter Dieu;
Et l’on voit, reprenant leur vol vers le ciel bleu,
La sainte vérité, la pensée immortelle,
L’amour, la liberté, le droit, heurtant de l’aile
Le Louvre et son beffroi, l’église et son portail,
Fuir, blancs oiseaux, devant le sombre épouvantail.


Sonnez, clairons,
Sonnez, cymbales!
On entendra siffler les balles;
L’ennemi vient, nous le battrons;
Les déroutes sont des cavales
Qui s’envolent quand nous soufflons;
Nous jouerons aux dés sur les dalles;
Sonnez, rixdales,
Sonnez, doublons!

Sonnez, cymbales,
Sonnez, clairons!
On entendra siffler les balles;
Nous sommes les durs forgerons
Des victoires impériales;
Personne n’a vu nos talons;
Nous jouerons aux dés sur les dalles;
Sonnez, doublons,
Sonnez, rixdales!

Sonnez, clairons,
Sonnez, cymbales!
On entendra siffler les balles;
Sitôt qu’en guerre nous entrons
Les rois ennemis font leurs malles,
Et commandent leurs postillons;
N j dé l d ll
Nous jouerons aux dés sur les dalles;
Sonnez, rixdales,
Sonnez, doublons!

Sonnez, cymbales,
Sonnez, clairons!
On entendra siffler les balles;
Sur les villes nous tomberons;
Toutes femmes nous sont égales,
Que leurs cheveux soient bruns ou blonds;
Nous jouerons aux dés sur les dalles;
Sonnez, doublons,
Sonnez, rixdales!

Sonnez, clairons,
Sonnez, cymbales!
On entendra siffler les balles;
Du vin! Du faro! Nous boirons!
Dieu, pour nos bandes triomphales
Fit les vignes et les houblons;
Nous jouerons aux dés sur les dalles;
Sonnez, rixdales,
Sonnez, doublons!

Sonnez, cymbales,
Sonnez, clairons!
On entendra siffler les balles;
Quelquefois, ivres, nous irons
A travers foudres et rafales,
En zigzag, point à reculons.
Nous jouerons aux dés sur les dalles;
Sonnez, doublons,
Sonnez, rixdales!

Sonnez, clairons,
Sonnez, cymbales!
On entendra siffler les balles;
On entendra siffler les balles;
Nous pillons, mais nous conquérons;
La guerre a parfois les mains sales,
Mais la victoire a les bras longs;
Nous jouerons aux dés sur les dalles;
Sonnez, rixdales,
Sonnez, doublons!

Sonnez, rixdales,
Sonnez, doublons!
Nous jouerons aux dés sur les dalles;
Rois, nous sommes les aquilons;
Vos couronnes sont nos vassales;
Et nous rirons quand nous mourrons.
On entendra siffler les balles;
Sonnez, clairons,
Sonnez, cymbales!

Dessiné par F. Flameng. - Gravé par H.


Attendu qu’il faut mettre à la raison la ville,

Qu’il faut tout écraser dans la guerre civile
Et vaincre les forfaits à force d’attentats,
Cosme vient d’égorger, pêle-mêle, des tas
De misérables, vieux, jeunes, toute une foule,
Dans Sienne où la fierté des grands siècles s’écroule.
Tous les murs sont criblés de biscayens de fer.
Le massacre est fini; mais un reste d’enfer
Est sur la ville, en proie aux cohortes lombardes.
La fumée encor flotte aux gueules des bombardes;
Et l’horreur du combat, des chocs et des assauts
Est visible partout, dans les rouges ruisseaux
Et dans l’effarement des morts, faces farouches;
On dirait que les cris sont encor dans les bouches,
On dirait que la foudre est encor dans les yeux,
Tant les cadavres sont vivants et furieux.
Cependant les marchands ont rouvert leurs boutiques.
Des gens quelconques vont et viennent; domestiques,
Patrons, clercs, artisans, chacun a son souci;
Chacun a ce regard qui dit:—C’est bien ainsi.
Finissons-en. Silence! un nouveau maître arrive.—
L’indifférence aux morts qu’on a, pourvu qu’on vive,
L’acceptation froide et calme des affronts,
Cette lâcheté-là se lit sur tous les fronts.
—Pourquoi ces vanupieds sortaient-ils de leurs sphères?
Ils sont morts. C’est bien fait. Nous avons nos affaires.
Les rois qui sont un peu tyrans sont presque dieux.
Nous serons muselés et rudoyés; tant mieux.
Enterrons. Oublions. Et parlons d’autre chose.—
Ainsi le vieux troupeau bourgeois raisonne et glose.
Et tous sont apaisés, et beaucoup sont contents.

Seul, un homme,—on dirait qu’il a près de cent ans

Et qu’il n’en a pas vingt, et qu’un astre est son âme,
A voir son front de neige, à voir ses yeux de flamme,—
Cet homme, moins semblable aux vivants qu’aux aïeux,
Rôde, et, quand il s’arrête, il n’a plus dans les yeux
Qu’un vague reste obscur de lueurs disparues,
Tant il songe et médite! et les passants des rues,
Voyant ce noir rêveur qui vient on ne sait d’où,
Disent: C’est un génie; et d’autres: C’est un fou.
L’un crie:—Alighieri! c’est lui! c’est l’homme-fée
Qui revient des enfers comme en revint Orphée:
Orphée a vu Pluton, et Dante a vu Satan.
Il arrive de chez les morts; Dante, va-t’en.—
L’autre dit:—Ce n’est pas Dante, c’est Jérémie.—
La plainte a presque peur d’avoir été gémie
Et se cache devant le vainqueur irrité,
Mais cet homme est un tel spectre dans la cité
Qu’il semble effrayant même à la horde ennemie.
Et pourtant ce n’est point Dante ni Jérémie,
C’est simplement le vieux comte Félibien
Qui ne croit que le vrai, qui ne veut que le bien,
Et par qui fut fondé le collége de Sienne;
Il porte haut la tête étant une âme ancienne,
Et fait trembler; cet homme affronte les vainqueurs;
Mais, dans l’écroulement des esprits et des cœurs,
On le hait; le meilleur semble aux lâches le pire,
Et celui qui n’a pas d’épouvante en inspire.

Qu’importe à ce passant? Dans ce vil guet-apens,

Les uns étant gisants et les autres rampants,
Les uns étant la tombe et les autres la foule,
Il est le seul debout; il songe; le sang coule,
Le sang fume, le sang est partout; sombre, il va.
Tout à coup au détour de la Via Corva,
Il aperçoit dans l’ombre une femme inconnue;
Une morte étendue à terre toute nue,
Corps terrible aux regards de tous prostitué
Et dont le ventre ouvert montre un enfant tué.

Alors il crie:—O ciel! un enfant! guerre affreuse!

Où donc s’arrêtera le gouffre qui se creuse?
Massacrer l’inconnu, l’enfant encor lointain!
Supprimer la promesse obscure du destin!
Mais on poussera donc l’horreur jusqu’au prodige!
Mais vous êtes hideux et stupides, vous dis-je!
Mais c’est abominable, ô ciel! ciel éclatant!
Et les bêtes des bois n’en feraient pas autant!
Qu’on ait tort et raison des deux côtés, qu’on fasse
Au fond le mal, croyant bien faire à la surface,
Vous êtes des niais broyant des ignorants,
Cette justice-là, c’est bien, je vous la rends;
Je vous hais et vous plains. Mais quoi! quand l’empyrée
Attend du nouveau-né l’éclosion sacrée,
Quoi! ces soldats, ces rois, sans savoir ce qu’ils font,
Touchent avec leur main sanglante au ciel profond!
Ils interrompent l’ombre ébauchant son ouvrage!
Ils veulent en finir d’un coup, et, dans leur rage,
D’avoir bien fait justice et d’avoir bien vaincu,
Ils vont jusqu’à tuer ce qui n’a pas vécu!
Mais, bandits, laissez donc au moins venir l’aurore!
Brutes, vous châtiez ce qui n’est pas encore!
La femme que voilà morte sur le pavé,
Qui cachait dans son sein l’enfant inachevé,
L’avenir, l’écheveau des jours impénétrables,
Était de droit divin parmi vous, misérables,
Car la maternité, c’est la grande action;
Sachez qu’on doit avoir la même émotion
Devant Ève portant les races inconnues
Que devant l’astre immense entrevu dans les nues;
Sachez-le, meurtriers! les respects sont pareils
, p p
Pour la femme et le ciel, l’abîme des soleils
Étant continué par le ventre des mères.
Rois, le vrai c’est l’enfant; vous êtes des chimères.
Ah! maudits! Mais voyons, réfléchissez un peu.
Crime inouï! l’enfant arrive en un milieu
Ignoré, parmi nous; il sort des sphères vierges;
Il quitte les soleils remplacés par vos cierges;
Sa mère, qui le sent remuer, s’attendrit;
Il n’est pas encor l’homme, il est déjà l’esprit,
Il cherche à deviner sa nouvelle patrie;
Et, dans le bercement de cette rêverie
Où tout l’azur divin est vaguement mêlé,
Voilà que, brusque, affreux, de mitraille étoilé,
L’assassinat, au fond de ce flanc qu’on vénère,
Entre avec le fracas infâme du tonnerre,
Et se rue et s’abat, monstrueux ennemi,
Sur le pauvre doux être, ange encor endormi!
Qu’est-ce que ce réveil sans nom, et cette tombe
Ouverte par l’orfraie horrible à la colombe!
Ah! prêtres, qu’a domptés César, vous qu’à leurs plis
Toutes les actions des grands ont assouplis,
Vous qui leur amenez chez eux cette servante,
La prière, et mettez le Te Deum en vente,
Vous qui montrez devant les rois le Tout-Puissant
Agenouillé, lavant les pavés teints de sang,
Vous qui pourtant parfois, fronts chauves, barbes grises,
Avez des tremblements dans vos mornes églises
Et sentez que la tombe est peut-être un cachot,
Prêtres, que pensez-vous qui se passe là-haut,
Dans l’abîme du vrai sans fond, dans le mystère,
Dans le sombre équilibre ignoré, quand la terre
Sinistre, renvoyant l’innocence au ciel bleu,
Jette une petite âme épouvantée à Dieu!


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