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Victory Training and Development Institute

Kingdom of Bahrain
Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development

(Word Count: 4091)

An assignment submitted in part of the requirement for the CIPD Diploma in People Management -
Intermediate Level
Prepared by Abdulla Ahmed Saleh Buaneq
CIPD Membership No. 41404182
Unit Title Talent Management and Workforce Planning
Unit Code 5HR02
Assignment Type Written Handout / Assignment One
Student’s Assessor Ms. Bushra Bureshaid
Submission Status 2nd Attempt
Submission Date 03rd June 2024

Student’s authentication:
I confirm that the work/evidence presented for assessment is my own unaided work, and has not
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I understand that until such time as the assessment grade has been ratified through internal
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Date: 03rd June 2024 Signature:

AC 1.1

Employees search for organizations offering employment benefits. Employer

branding is the process of which a company strategically advertise the rewards and
benefits that it offers to their employees, such as a strong organizational culture,
career progression opportunities, and monetary rewards. People specialists are crucial
in an organization as they assist in ensuring that the organization acquires the
necessary skills, and talent which is accomplished by evaluating the organization's
talent requirements and attracting the qualified candidates. (Qaisi, 2022).

People specialist have the authority to select the recruitment methods that can be used
in certain situations to in order for the company to able to secure the necessary skills.
An organization can introduce different training programs that is combined into the
onboarding procedure, training staff members on a variety of topics, including how to
use integrate technology to carry out their jobs. The financial success and ongoing
productivity of a company are influenced by the creation of a favorable corporate
reputation, which employer branding can contribute to. By highlighting the values of
the organization, employer branding draws in prospective employees who then strive
to excel in their roles to attain the objectives.

For instance, in Al-Baraka Bank where I work, we made sure that the bank image was
achieved to attract applicants with good advantages such as high salaries, Free credit
cards, special staff loans, investment scheme and health insurance. We also embraced
the use of contemporary technology as an organizational culture, which led to the
fulfillment of the needed competencies and the influence of technology on the bank
growth. For example, the bank has a well-designed website as well as an application
which help employees to do many of their jobs online many online services. These
tasks include the attendance and submitting sick leaves and many other options.
(Cardenas, 2023).
AC 1.2

The process of efficiently identifying and selecting employees for specific roles based
on their qualifications is referred to as talent acquisition. Changes in labor markets
have various impacts on resource decisions as they influence an organization's
reputation and ability to attract skilled workers. Two key trends that labor markets go
through in many countries are being characterized as either tight and loose labor
markets. A tight labor market occurs when there is are not many qualified employees
who meet the organization's hiring needs in the labor market. This limited number of
candidates affects resources as the organization may struggle to acquire all the
necessary skills to enhance task performance. On the other hand, loose labor markets
are characterized by a having high surplus of skilled workers. (Upwork Team, 2023).
Resources decisions are influenced as the employers cannot evaluate each candidate’s
personality traits and measure their fit to the organization culture.

Changes in the labor market, including technology improvements, affect decisions on

development objectives, recruiting methods, and retention strategies. P.E.S.T.E.L.
analysis, which includes analyzing different external factors influencing the decisions
being taken such as the political, economic, social, technological, environmental, and
legal elements. Additionally, another substantial factor that has influence on resource
allocation is Technological growth. For example, Al-Baraka Bank's people
professionals have used employee learning & development as a successful resourcing
method as many workers seek this benefit. This method entails educating people to
use current technologies to improve communication efficiency and task activity.

Using modern technology, enables Al-Baraka staff to do many tasks online in no time
such as printing salary slips and statements by themselves and then only verify by the
HR (CIPD, 2023).
AC 1.3

The government, employers, and trade unions all work together to help people
acquire the skills that will be needed in the future. Naturally, the government has the
most power to ensure that the necessary skills are provided. For example, a few
public sector organizations in the Kingdom of Bahrain collaborate to ensure that
workers have the necessary skills: Tamkeen, the Ministry of Education, the Education
& Training Quality Authority (QAA), the National Committee for Vocational
Counseling and Guidance, the Ministry of Labor & Social Development (Training &
Manpower Development Directorate), and the Labor Market Regulatory Authority
(LMRA). The government should constantly take a strategic lead in developing future
plans and suitable procedures for enhancing human resource capacities (Rohaidi ,

They do a lot of functions. One of the functions is to Keep track of and evaluate
reports, data, and information pertaining to the labor market. Additionally, carry out
relevant investigations and studies. Also, to establish, create, and assess plans and
policies pertaining to the control of career seekers' vocational training and monitor
their execution, together with the identification of the local labor market and
workforce requirements.

Another function is to take part in the creation of laws, rules, and ministerial
directives aimed at improving the Kingdom of Bahrain's policies governing
vocational education and workforce development. Moreover, they create national
occupational standards (NOS) in the private sector by classifying jobs and designing
jobs in accordance with best practices. In addition, they provide development
opportunities and training to registered job seekers through a range of programs, with
ongoing supervision of program participants.
The Labor Market Relations Act (LMRA) regulates the rights of employers and
employees in both the public and private sectors, thereby supporting market stability.
Al-Baraka Bank where I work provides LMRA with regular reports and surveys
concerning this issue.

Employers, the government, and trade unions should all share accountability for the
practice of learning and skill development. Employers should be keen to invest in the
development of their workforce since it is essential to the effectiveness and
productivity of the company. Since companies have direct access to their workforce,
they are the greatest at minimizing the skills gap. The employer should be
knowledgeable about the latest developments in the labor market and be able to
predict the abilities required for each position. Every employee's needs and the
necessary training skills for development should be known to the direct supervisor.
To help individuals reach their full potential, employer should always include their
personal growth when evaluating their work performance. For example, my bank
create the training programs to staff to make sure they are updated with all skills need
in their jobs in order to maintain the quality of the bank services (Pavón ,2019).

Depending on the legal content, trade unions can use permitted pressure tactics to
defend workers' rights (Nowak, 2022). Due to their the worker’s points of weakness,
trade unions have the authority to compel companies to provide training and
education for their staff. There is no potential to rely on the trade union movements in
Bahrain because they are relatively weak. As mentioned above, the LMRA plays a
significant role.

AC 2.1
One of the most important processes for ensuring that the HR strategy is in line with
the changing needs of the business is workforce planning, which is also known as
manpower planning. Good workforce planning has an impact on both internal and
external labor supply and demand predictions as well as efficient methods of
resolving problems (Tyler, 2024). To improve organizational development, for
instance, specialists assess the demand of the workforce in a company. Following
assessment, a comparison is made between the potential skills supply and present

When it comes to internal labor supply, people specialists utilize current employees
within the company to do different tasks. To improve employees' abilities to satisfy
organizational needs, training and development programs might be applied. On the
other hand, hiring new staff members to fill the various positions within the
organization is required for the external supply of labor.

In addition, organizations can benefit from efficient workforce planning as it helps in

lowering recruitment costs by rearrangement the employment process. People
specialists at an organization hire staff by implementing several protocols. The hiring
process can be enhanced by HR staff through the implementation of effective
workforce planning. This approach emphasizes the selection of specific skills, thereby
standardizing the selection process. By evaluating employees based on these criteria,
organizations can effectively attain and recruit talented individuals (Kazim, 2023).
Moreover, this method significantly reduces the cost of hiring as the organization
saves money on recruitment and can help in eliminating the need for specific
employee training programs post-recruitment, since the selected candidates already
possess the required qualifications and skills.

For example, Albaraka Bank where I work apply efficient workforce planning which
guarantees that the appropriate personnel are available to achieve strategic goals. It
offers better customer service, lowers hiring expenses, and manages efficiency of
operations. In addition, it leads to successful planning, reduces the risk of
unanticipated job openings, and promotes a continuous learning culture.

AC 2.2

Organizational strategy, which includes methods for assessing labor supply and
demand, is an approach that can help with workforce planning. Workforce planning is
supported by labor demand forecasting techniques that apply managerial judgment. It
is the people specialists’ task to evaluate current employees in light of the
organization's demands in order to make management decisions that are focused on
the labor demand.

Adding to that, organizations evaluate the labor need by working backwards from
cost. This leads not only to cover the expenses related to hiring new staff members
but also helping them gain the skills they need.

By analyzing the organization's promotion and demotion rates, labor supply

forecasting techniques can also be used to assist with workforce planning. People
specialist experts are important in determining which individuals inside an
organization receive promotions or demotions based on a variety of factors.
Furthermore, the rate of employee turnover is an important factor that is used to
assess the availability of labor in organizations is poor organizational culture and a
lack of employee well-being are two of the main reasons for employee turnover.
These elements aid in the workforce planning process by helping organizational
employers focus on the important element and carry out efficient corrective measures.
Managers, for instance, might use employee participation in decision-making to allow
for different opinions that reinforce efficient workforce planning. (Weeks, 2020).
AC 2.3

The process by which a company evaluate important jobs within the company and
finds exceptional current employees to fill these positions is known as succession
planning. with proper preparation for various expected or unexpected scenarios, an
organization can deal with any challenges that may occur by developing the essential
skills required is referred to as contingency planning. An approach for succession and
contingency planning that focuses on minimizing workforce risks involves creating
talent pools. These talent pools allow people professionals to evaluate various skills
that can be utilized internally to enhance employees' grasp on executing their duties
effectively. People specialists carry out learning and development programs and
initiatives aimed at improving employees' competencies and skills. For instance, the
necessity for organizations to digitize their operations has arisen due to recent
technological advancements. Thus, people specialists focus on training staff members
on how to use technology effectively in a variety of organizational functions, such
marketing and communication. This helps to reduce worker hazards related to digital
marketing and gathering customer feedback (Lattimer, 2023).

Performance Evaluation (Appraisal) is a method that aids in identifying specific

individuals who are interested in career progression. people professionals can conduct
evaluations by evaluating the impact of employees' performance on the achievement
of organizational objectives. This helps in the identification of employees who are
eager for progression and who excel in their positions. Additionally, they can gather
feedback from employees to understand their perspectives on career progression and
advancement. For example, at Al- Baraka bank, they use surveys to get feedback
from staff members about their opinions which assists the people management team
in choosing workers who are eager to and have the potential to develop their skills,
knowledge and capabilities, which minimizes the risks of turnover in an organization.
(Marie 2023).

AC 2.4

Some organizations may use social media sites like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram
to post job vacancies as part of a recruitment strategy, that's called social media
platform utilization.

This has some benefits such as reaching a big number of candidates. Furthermore, by
utilizing social media advertisements, the organization receives visibility, which
contributes to the expansion of its clientele and the creation of a favorable
organizational influence. However, this approach attracts a lot of people, which
makes it difficult and time-consuming for people HR to review every application.

An organization can use interviews as a selection method to find candidates the

vacant positions. Managers interview the candidate face to face or virtually.
Interviews have the ability to evaluate an individual's ethics, values and morals by
observing their physical behavior, body language, personality traits and facial
expressions, making it a valuable method for selection. This advantage allows
organizations to identify candidates who possess the necessary abilities to perform
their job effectively. Nonetheless, it is important to note that interviews can be costly,
which puts financial strain on the organization.` Additionally, the longtime interview
process take caused by the need that all candidates connect directly with the
recruitment team, may hinder the growth of the company.
Professional Networking Events: it has the potential to develop an employer brand,
interact directly with candidates, and facilitate the assessment of personal fit. on the
other hand, it includes the time investment, the possibility of a lack of diversity in the
candidates, and the limited reach due to the scale and emphasis of the event.

This method includes some strengths such as possibility of building employer brand,
direct engagement with potential candidates and personal fit assessment made
possible. However, it has some weaknesses such as time commitment; potential lack
of diversity in candidates; restricted reach based on event size and focus.

Additional Method of Selection:

Work Sample Tests:

Work samples are actual showing of your skills . by presenting your work by
presenting projects or assignments. A graphic designer, for instance, can share some
of their design works. It's a means of demonstrating your capacity with specific cases.
Just ensure you look polished and professional and that your samples relate to the job
you're applying for. Work samples let you stand out by letting your abilities speak for
themselves, so presenting employers with a clear picture of what you offer.(CIPD

AC 3.1

Turnover rate is effected by the management techniques that human resources

departments use in the organizations. An organization may, choose to implement a
hierarchical management structure in which senior managers make all of the
decisions. Because the staff do not feel included in the organization's progress, this
may increase in employees turnover rate. Because of this, workers may decide to quit
the company as a result of authorized management practices. (Middle Georgia Ceo,
2024). People professionals have the potential to utilize employee participation in
decision-making as a means to tackle this issue. By involving workers in a variety of
topics, people professionals can effectively identify problems and implement practical
solutions to address them, ultimately reducing employee turnover.

Recognition and reward

One main factor that influences employee' choice to remain in an organization is

recognition and reward. Managers can use rewards to motivate and to improve
employee performance and productivity. Rewards can be either tangible or non-
tangible. For example, In our workplace, we utilize acknowledgment as a form of
intangible recognition, which enhances staff motivation by commending them for
their performance, achievements, efforts, and hard work. Conversely, tangible
rewards are related to the financial recognition and benefits that employees receive in
recognition of their performance and accomplishments. In my job, we provide some
examples of these rewards such as bonuses or salary increases or financial incentives.
This gives employees a motivation to decide to stay in the bank.

AC 3.2

Managers prioritize the cultivation and retention of existing and potential talents to
promote growth at both the individual and group levels. Talents refer to unique skills
possessed by members of an organization. One of the primary strategies employed is
employee learning and development. The main objective is to foster talent
development at both the individual and group levels. people specialists evaluate the
skills of staff by using various assessment methods, like performance report
evaluation, observation, to carry out a training program successfully. (Pavón (2019).

Managers can design a training program to teach the staff problem solving. This may
help to improve professionalism and abilities, and that will lead to retain and develop

This strategy can be utilized by managers in an organization to cultivate and sustain

talent at either individual or group stage by providing staff with fair and equal
rewards. Reward plays a crucial role in enhancing staff motivation levels. (Maurer,
2017). Human resource experts might use financial incentives, such as bonuses or
increase share in investment scheme or pay raises, to inspire staff members some
strategies which my bank apply.

AC 3.3

Role performance reviews

An organization's talent pools are consist of workers who have improved their
abilities and are thus who are suitable to fill a variety of roles inside the company. To
assist various talent pools we may use role performance reviews (Marie, 2023).
Employee management responsibilities within an organization, for instance, can be
assigned role pay by specialists. This facilitates the identification of critical
competencies among staff members that may be enhanced to build talent pools. Role
play helps human resource professionals find areas for improvement and gaps in
knowledge, which helps the organization establish a variety of talent pools.
Learning and development initiatives like coaching and mentoring can be used by
organizations to foster diverse talent pools. (Airswift, 2023). Through coaching,
human resources specialists in an organization assess workers' abilities and compare
them to the knowledge and skills needed to satisfy organizational requirements. This
helps in implementing a coaching program to improve employees' skills in an
efficient manner. For instance, talent pools are developed within my bank and to
improve work quality and they become more efficient in their tasks.

AC 3.4

Increased creativity in the work place leads to lower employee turnover rate

Diversity in the pools of supporting talent fosters greater creativity, which lowers the
organization’s turnover rate. For example, staff members participate in decision-
making when developing talent pools, which encourages them to use creativity in
discovering potential organizational adoptable. (Simms et al, 2023). Additionally,
when the level of employees' creativity increases, they develop critical abilities that
assists them in solving and tackling many issues. A low turnover rate has a positive
impact on the ability to achieve the strategic and primary organizational objectives
and maintain success over time.

Positive impact on employer brand

Diversification of an organization's talent pool contributes to enhancing the employer

brand. This is a crucial aspect since it helps in fostering the growth of an attractive
organizational culture that attracts talent. Additionally, while employees aim to meet
their personal objectives, the organization remains able to achieve its strategic
objectives with the assist talented employees who were recruited due to their positive
employer brand.
AC 3.5

It became difficult to have full control of the employees movements because of the
aggressive competition at the dynamic labor market. Employees tend to continuously
seek for a better position even if he was satisfied with his current work. High
employee turnover can create significant challenges and costs for organizations.
There are both direct financial impacts as well as indirect productivity-related
consequences that organization face in these circumstances. (CIPD, 2024).

Financially, there are direct expenses linked with the process of recruiting, hiring, and
onboarding replacement staff. This includes things like job postings, candidate
screening, onboarding, and training. There are also administrative tasks involved in
processing departing employees. These costs may hinder the ability of an
organization in achieving their strategic objectives and strains their financial budget
and capabilities.

However, indirect costs can have an even more significant effect on an organization.
When an employee leaves, their responsibilities will be distributed between the
remaining team members. This can temporarily lead to lower overall productivity in
the performance of the team until a new employee is hired and is performing at the
same level. Additionally, the leaving employee takes with them valuable
organizational knowledge, skills, experience and relationships that are difficult to
obtain, at times leading to a lower-level productivity and efficiency from the new
hire. Additionally, the high turnover rate can sometimes force organization to
consume more time and resources to assimilate and intrigue the new hire in the
current organization culture and norms.
The effect of these direct financial costs and indirect productivity/knowledge losses
can significantly impact the organization's performance, the current employee’s
morale, motivation and productivity levels as well as customer satisfaction.
Therefore, it is important for organizations to identify the underlying drivers of
excessive and problematic turnover within their workforce and take action to ensure
the ability to achieve strategic organizational objectives and maintain stability.

AC 4.1

Contractual arrangements are agreements between two parties that are binding on the
law and place restrictions on the many courses of action that the parties concerned
may take.(Davidson Morris, 2023).Compensation per hour, temporary contracts, and
permanent contracts are some of the most common types of contractual agreements
found in organizations. One aspect that might influence an organization's decision of
using contractor contracts is the gig economy. The gig economy are the labor markets
that use employees whom are employed on a contract or part-time basis to perform
specific task with a specified time frame. The organization can save hiring costs by
using contracts instead of hiring full-time staff, particularly when the work is
temporary. For example, in Al Baraka Islamic Bank, people specialists often hire
some part time or outsourced contract employees to handle some short projects.

Permanent contracts are agreements by which an organization hires workers on a

permanent basis and establishes appropriate pay ranges. One of the main advantages
of this kind of contract is that it helps the company grow further because human
resource managers can put staff through skill-building programs. (Davidson Morris,
2023). Furthermore, the establishment of permanent contracts promotes a positive
organizational culture that can help in determining the organization's course.
Permanent contracts are useful in the workplace because people specialists can
prepare assessment standards that help identify different possibilities or obstacles
inside the company. Also, the employees feel secure in their work place and as a
result their performance will improve.

AC 4.2

Expressed terms

Contractual terms that are expressed in either written or verbal basis, are legally
binding agreements between employers and employees. These guidelines assist
organizations in fulfilling their duties by specifying the various rules and procedures
that must be followed by both the organization and its employees. Employers should
ensure that the language used within the organization complies with national
regulations and laws regarding employment. Employees should carefully consider all
explicit terms before agreeing to them, this enhances organizational growth and
success. For example, in my bank the contract the contract is including all the details
between the employee and the employer (Powell, 2023).

Implied terms

Implied terms in contracts are a crucial aspect of the written agreement between the
employer and the employees, as well as other involved parties. Implied terms play a
significant role in collective agreements, especially with the presence of trade unions
representing employee’s interests to employers. These terms are also present in
individual employee contracts, outlining the specifics of the agreement for a set
period. It is essential for employees to thoroughly review and ensure they are satisfied
with these conditions before signing. Once both parties have signed the contract, the
suggested terms appear legally active.

AC 4.3
The process of integrating recently hired staff members into the company by
implementing different policies, like training, is known as onboarding. Clarification
of expectations and organisational and departmental information are essential
elements of a successful onboarding process.

Components of effective onboarding

A key element of a successful onboarding process is expectation clarification, which

entails HR specialists providing direction on what is expected of workers (Matciac,
2023). Employees are able to effectively work when they understand their roles and
perform them in accordance with the expectations of the organization. Organizations
should also provide departmental and organizational information and knowledge to
new hires to help in improving effective onboarding processes. This provides
assistance to staff members in understanding what is required from them and in
understanding the framework of the company.

Benefits of effective onboarding

Good onboarding helps new hires grasp the organizational structure, which facilitates
their successful integration into the workforce (Claudia, 2023). Through the
integration process, new personnel can learn how to carry out their responsibilities
inside the company effectively. Because of the ongoing organizational development
that results, there is less chance of staff turnover. Furthermore, a positive
organizational culture is developed through successful onboarding, and this has a
positive effect on the organization.
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