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Name: Nduduzo Moyo

Student number: N02422825X

Course: Radiation and pollution
Course code: ESH 1104
Lecturer: Mr P Moyo

Discuss different uses of radiation, its benefits and
consequences in human life.
Radiation is the emission and transfer of energy through electromagnetic waves or high speed
particles such as alpha, beta and gamma rays. a form of energy that surrounds us in our daily
lives, has been a topic of both, fascination and fear for centuries. From the discovery of X-
rays by Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen in 1895 to the modern applications in medicine, industry,
and energy production, radiation has revolutionized various aspects of human life. However,
its benefits are accompanied by consequences that pose significant risks to human health and
the environment. This essay aims to delve into the multifaceted world of radiation, exploring
its uses, benefits, and consequences, and ultimately highlighting the importance of harnessing
its power while mitigating its harmful effects.”

There are different forms of radiation, including ionising radiation, non-ionising radiation,
electromagnetic rays, gamma rays and neutrinos, all with different properties, hence different
uses. In the healthcare sector, radiation-based diagnostic imaging techniques have
revolutionized the way medical professionals in Zimbabwe approach disease detection and
monitoring. Computed tomography (CT) scans, for instance, have become a very important
tool for diagnosing a wide range of conditions, from cancer to traumatic injuries (Muleya et
al., 2020). These scans utilize X-ray radiation to generate detailed, three-dimensional images
of the body, enabling healthcare providers to make more accurate diagnoses and develop
targeted treatment plans.

Additionally, radiation therapy has played a vital role in the treatment of cancer in Zimbabwe.
Gamma radiation and high-energy X-rays are used to selectively target and destroy cancerous
cells while minimizing damage to surrounding healthy tissue (Tsiko, 2018). The cancer is
usually treated either by external beam radiation therapy, which uses a machine outside the
body to aim high energy rays at the cancer or Internal radiation therapy which uses a small
amount of radioactive material placed inside the body, near the cancer. however it important
to note that the patients are only exposed to small doses of radiation to reduce the risk of
developing adverse health effects. This approach has significantly improved the survival rates
and quality of life for many patients suffering from various forms of cancer.

In other fields beyond medicine, radiation technology has also found applications for
example in Zimbabwe’s industrial sector. Non-destructive testing techniques, such as
radiography, are used to inspect the integrity of infrastructure, buildings, and machinery
without causing any physical damage (Chirenje et al., 2019). Radiography is the process of
creating internal images by allowing radiation to pass through materials and this creates a
detailed 3-D images of internal structures. This is particularly important for the country’s
mining industry, where the use of radiation-based techniques helps ensure the safety and
reliability of mining equipment and structures.

Food security is a significant concern in Zimbabwe, where agriculture is a vital sector of the
economy. Radiation technology has been increasingly used in food preparation to enhance
food safety, extend shelf life, and improve nutritional value. The sterilization of medical
supplies, food, and other products is another area where radiation is employed in Zimbabwe.
The use of gamma radiation, for instance, has been found to be an effective method for
eliminating harmful microorganisms, ensuring the safety and longevity of these important
materials (Murinda et al., 2016).

Radiation technology has become an integral part of modern society, offering a multitude of
advantages across various fields. From revolutionizing medical treatments to enhancing
agricultural practices and driving economic development, the strategic and responsible
application of radiation has the potential to significantly improve the quality of life for
individuals and communities worldwide.

One of the most noticeable advantages of radiation technology is its transformative impact on
the medical field. Radiation therapy has emerged as a highly effective treatment for certain
types of cancer, allowing healthcare professionals to precisely target and destroy malignant
cells while minimizing damage to surrounding healthy tissues (Amos et al., 2021). This
targeted approach has been instrumental in improving survival rates and quality of life for
cancer patients. Furthermore, diagnostic imaging techniques, such as x-rays, CT scans, and
PET scans, utilize radiation to provide detailed and accurate visualizations of the human
body, facilitating early disease detection and monitoring (IAEA, 2014). These advancements
in medical imaging have significantly enhanced the ability of healthcare providers to make
informed decisions and deliver personalized treatments.

In the agricultural sector, the advantages of radiation technology are equally remarkable.
Food irradiation is a process that exposes food products to controlled amounts of radiation. It
involves exposing food to a controlled amount of radiation to kill bacteria, viruses and other
microorganisms that can cause spoilage or food-borne diseases. Food irradiation is used to
sterilize and extend the shelf life of agricultural commodities and other food products,
helping to reduce post-harvest losses and ensure food security (IAEA, 2019). This technique
has the potential to increase and improve the availability and accessibility of nutritious foods,
especially in regions prone to food shortages. Additionally, radiation-induced mutation
breeding techniques have been used to develop new, more resilient and productive crop
varieties, contributing to the advancement of sustainable agriculture and enhancing global
food production (Mabasa et al., 2020).

Beyond the medical and agricultural realms, the advantages of radiation technology extend to
economic development. The establishment of radiation facilities, such as nuclear medicine
enters or food irradiation plants, can create new job opportunities and attract investment,
contributing to the overall economic growth of a region (Chitiga et al., 2018). Moreover, the
export of irradiated agricultural products can open up new markets, potentially increasing a
country’s foreign exchange earnings and strengthening its economy.

While radiation technology has brought about numerous benefits in various fields, such as
medicine and agriculture, the consequences of radiation exposure on human life cannot be
overlooked. Radiation can have significant and far-reaching impacts on individuals and
communities, posing both immediate and long-term threats to human health and well-being.

One of the most well-known consequences of radiation exposure is the increased risk of
developing cancer. High doses of ionizing radiation, such as that encountered in nuclear
accidents or during medical treatments, can damage the DNA of cells, leading to uncontrolled
cell growth and the formation of tumours (Brenner et al., 2003). Studies have shown that
exposure to radiation can significantly increase the likelihood of developing various types of
cancer, including leukemia, thyroid cancer, and solid tumours (Cardis et al., 2007).

In addition to the increased cancer risk, radiation exposure can also lead to a wide range of
other health problems. Acute radiation sickness, which can occur after a high-dose exposure,
can cause symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, fatigue, and skin burns (IAEA, 2020).
Prolonged exposure to lower levels of radiation can result in chronic health issues, such as
cardiovascular disease, cataracts, and reproductive problems (Little et al., 2018).

The effects of radiation exposure can also have intergenerational consequences. Studies have
shown that radiation can cause genetic mutations that can be passed down to future
generations, leading to an increased risk of birth defects, developmental delays, and other
hereditary diseases (Schull, 2003). This can have devastating impacts on families and
communities, affecting not only the individuals directly exposed but also their descendants.
Furthermore, the psychological and social consequences of radiation exposure can be
profound. The fear and uncertainty surrounding radiation events, such as nuclear accidents or
the use of nuclear weapons, can lead to widespread anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic
stress disorder (Bromet, 2014). These psychological impacts can have long-lasting effects on
individuals and communities, hindering their ability to recover and rebuild their lives.

In conclusion, the benefits of radiation are are undeniable, but it is important to maintain
safety protocols and regulations to reduce the potential risk associated with its use. Training
programmes for healthcare professionals and industrial workers as well as strong monitoring
and control measures are essential to ensure the responsible and safety use of radiation based
technologies (Gundani and Chinyuka, 2019). The utilisation of radiation has brought about
many advancements and improvements, from healthcare to industry sector. As people
continue to embrace and harness the power of this technology, it is essential to maintain a
balance between its substantial benefits and the need for strict safety measures, ultimately
ensuring the well being of people and sustainable development.
Chirenje, E., Chirenje. B and Mangena, S.j(2019). Radiological non-destructive testing iQ1n in the
Zimbabwean mining industry. Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 119(6),

Muleya, C.M., Ndlovu, N., Nondo R. (2020) Computed tomography utilisation and radiation dose
optimization in Zimbabwe. Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences,51(2), 226-233.

Murinda,S.E., Rshid,H., and Kaaya G.P. (2016). The uses of gamma radiation for food safety and quality
enhancements in Zimbabwe. African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development, 16(1)

Tsiko,S. (2018). Radiation therapy for cancer treatment in zimbabwe. The lancet oncology 19(5), p230.

Mabasa, C., Mubvekeri, T., & Mapfumo, L. (2020). Mutation breeding of staple crops in Zimbabwe:
Progress and prospects. Frontiers in Plant Science, 11, 1-10.

Amos, T., Ndlovu, N., Nyakabau, A. M., Kangaba, D., & Ngwenya, B. (2021). Radiation therapy in
Zimbabwe: Current status and future directions. Journal of Global Oncology, 7, 1-8.

Brenner, D. J., Doll, R., Goodhead, D. T., Hall, E. J., Land, C. E., Little, J. B. & Zaider, M. (2003). Cancer
risks attributable to low doses of ionizing radiation: Assessing what we really know. Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences, 100(24), 13761-13766.

Khorshidi, A.,Khosrowpour, B. and hosseini. S. H, 2020. Determination of defect depth in industrial

radiography iaging using MCNP code and SuperMC software. Nuclear Engineering and Technology.52(7),

Chitiga, M., Mabugu, R., Managi, S., & Pereira, F. (2018). The economy-wide impact of investment in
nuclear power in Zimbabwe. Energy Policy, 121, 92-101.

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). (2014). Radiation in everyday life. IAEA, Vienna.

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). (2019). Food irradiation: A global update. IAEA, Vienna.

Mabasa, C., Mubvekeri, T., & Mapfumo, L. (2020). Mutation breeding of staple crops in Zimbabwe:

Progress and prospects. Frontiers in Plant Science, 11, 1-10.

Gundani.D, and Chakanyuka.C. 2019 radiation protection and safety in healthcare facilities of Zimbabwe.
Annals of global health, 85(1), 1-7

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