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Due Date: June 10, 2024 @7PM

80 Points
- Demo your work, 6PM-7PM, in CEDAR, ROOM 2075 [0 will be given if no
- Upload a PDF file into Moodle
- You must run the commands in MS Windows Command Prompt or MacOS terminal
Don’t use the GUI
- You will learn:
 How to generate public/private keys
 How to encrypt/decrypt a document using public/private keys
 How to get a stored key in a server
 How to verify a signed message using asymmetric algorithm

Q: [100] in this exercise you will be using GnuPG encryption software to apply the concepts of
encryptions explained in the class.

In this assignment you will do the following:

1. Download GNU gpg software from: .
a. GnuPG Manual
2. Use the command line version located in GnuPG directory

c:\Program Files (x86)>cd GnuPG

c:\Program Files (x86)\GnuPG>cd bin
c:\Program Files (x86)\GnuPG\bin>gpg --help

3. List your encryption keys if any

a. Deliverable: command used and a shot of the output screen
4. Create asymmetric encryption keys
a. Deliverable: command used and a shot of the output screen
5. List your keys
a. Deliverable: command used and a shot of the output screen
6. Encrypt HW4 document using your key
a. Deliverable: command used and a screen shot of encrypted HW4 file
7. Decrypt the same document using your key
a. Deliverable: command used and a screen shot of decrypted HW4 file
8. Export your key to public keys server
a. Deliverable: command used and a shot of the output screen
9. Verify if your key has been exported correctly using
a. Deliverable: command used and a shot of the output screen
10. In this step, I signed readme.txt file with my private key and you will verify the document
authenticity with my public key.
a. Search my key in using my email
i. Deliverable: command used and a shot of the output screen
b. Import my public key from
i. Deliverable: command used and a shot of the output screen
c. Download my signed file readme.txt.sig form Moodle
d. Verify if the signature is correct
i. Deliverable: a screen shot of a readable readme.txt file

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