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PA 20a – Public Personnel Administration

Bachelor of Public Administration – 2

INSTRUCTION: Use the answer booklet for your answers. Use blue or black pen only. Using liquid eraser is
not allowed. Erasures and wrong spelling are not considered.


1. Refers to part of administration which concerned with people at work and with their relationships within
an organization.
a. Public c. Public Personnel Administration
b. Personnel d. Administration
2. Includes preparing starting plans and budget, deciding how employees will be used, and setting pay rates.
a. Planning c. development
b. Acquisition d. sanction
3. Relating to a situation in which people or groups are trying to win a contest or be more successful than
a. violence in the workplace c. technology
b. resource limitations d. competitiveness
4. An unhealthy competitive work environment is characterized by a reluctance to share information.
a. Secretiveness c. Defensiveness
b. stress d. productivity
5. Work can be stressful. For an employee who doesn’t stand out from the pack, a competitive workplace can
increase the anxiety felt in the workplace.
a. anxiety c. competition
b. poor team morale d. stress
6. It is a branch of human resource management that is concerned with acquisition, development, utilization,
and compensation of a public organization’s workforce.
a. Public c. Public Personnel Administration
b. Personnel d. Administration
7. It is the process of systematically reviewing human resource requirements to ensure that the number of
employees match the required skills.
a. strategic planning c. curriculum planning
b. human resource planning d. short-term planning
8. The determination of the overall organization purpose and goals and how they are to be achieved.
a. strategic planning c. curriculum planning
b. human resource planning d. successor planning
9. A plan is likely to fail through an inherent weakness of having covered too many aspects of personnel
management at the very early stage of Human Resource Planning in the firm or government office.
a. technique over-load c. bias for quantitative
b. over-planning d. isolation of planners
10. An aspect of Human Resource Planning of analyzing, improving and monitoring the performance of each
employee and of the organization as a whole.
a. Management Development c. Career Management
b. Performance Management d. Systematic Forecasting of Manpower Needs
11. Is the process of attracting the best individuals to join the company on a timely basis in sufficient numbers
and meeting the qualification requirements, thereby encouraging them to apply for the jobs in the
a. selection c. placement
b. training d. recruitment
12. These are the qualified candidates from the company and within the ranks of its present employees.
a. External Source c. applicants
b. selection d. internal source
13. The use of so many techniques sometimes leads to the gathering of so much information. Then the
techniques do not get to be applied effectively. This makes the techniques serve as the trap rather than the
means for action.
a. over-planning c. bias for quantitative
b. technique over-load d. isolation of planner
14. An aspect of Human Resource Planning of assessing and determining the development needs of managers
for future succession requirements.
a. Performance Management c. Career Management
b. Management Development d. Systematic Forecasting of Manpower needs
15. This is the process by which internal recruitment is accomplished. Every time a position becomes available
it is posted in the company bulletin board for the information of all interested parties.
a. Advertising media c. Job Fair and Open House
b. Job Posting d. Internet

II. Identification. Identify the following. 2 pts./each

1. is that part of administration which concerned with people at work and with their relationships within an
2. it is a branch of human resource management that is concerned with acquisition, development, utilization,
and compensation of a public organization’s workforce.
3. includes preparing staffing plans, budget, deciding how employees will be used, and setting pay rates.
4. The act or process of competing.
5. Second function of public personnel administration that refers to selecting and recruiting employees.
6. the news about the hiring of new personnel for a vacant position is spread from one person to another
through oral communication.
7. Advertising of job openings to current employees via bulletin boards, newsletters, personal letters or
computerized posting programs.
8. The company’s recruiters visit prestigious college/university campuses to attract the best talent for positions
requiring a college degree.
9. The applicant approach the HR department seeking a job without an appointment or they submit a written
application letter or resume, or inquiring about the job without reference to an advertisement. Applicants
are often called the “write ins” and “walks ins”.
10. A method of external recruitment in which a company places an advertisement of the vacant position in the
appropriate media (e.g. newspaper, magazine, television or radio).
11. Placement offices of some local government units providing possible employment for their constituents.
12. The company organizational representatives gather to meet the potential employees and vice versa over a
period of one or two days over some specified field.
13. These are ads that do not reveal the identity of the company, instead they give a box number where the
resume or pertinent papers will be forwarded.
14. The fourth function, deal with employer-employee relationships, and may include workplace safety and
15. Is the lack of availability of necessary supplies required to maintain life, or a specific quality of life.

III. Answer the following questions briefly and clearly. 10 pts/each

1. Why Human Resource Planning is very important in Public Administration?

2. How HRP sees to it that the company can achieve its mission and vision.

Good Luck

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