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We are planning to go to CMMI 3 level certification.

recently joined in my company. Please tell me the necessary
processes and steps.
Tagged Under : cmmi, cmmi appraisal, cmmi assessment, cmmi certification
First oI all, just to be clear, there is no such thing as 'CMMI 3 level certiIication. An
organization is appraised to the CMMI using the SCAMPI A appraisal method to determine
either the organization`s Maturity Level or the Capability Level oI the organization`s processes.
The result oI the SCAMPI A is not a certiIication, but simply a rating oI the current Maturity
Level or Capability Level.
Has your company already achieved Maturity Level 2? Has your company hired a CMMI
consultant? Has your company hired an SEI-authorized SCAMPI Lead Appraiser? Has an SEI-
authorized instructor provided the SEI Introduction to CMMI class to your company?
II the answer to all oI these questions is NO, then hire a CMMI consultant and a Lead Appraiser.
The Lead Appraiser cannot provide the CMMI consulting. Most Lead Appraisers are also
authorized CMMI instructors, so the next step is to train your process group and any people who
might be an appraisal team member on the CMMI.
PerIorm a Class C appraisal (gap analysis) to identiIy where you need to Iocus your CMMI
implementation eIIorts. Use the Iindings Irom the Class C to write a process improvement plan,
and use the plan to monitor and control your CMMI implementation eIIorts.
Implement CMMI Maturity Level 2 FIRST. Once you have established the Iirm project
management Ioundation oI Maturity Level 2, and then consider implementing Maturity Level 3.
II you try to implement both Maturity Level 2 and Maturity Level 3 at the same time, you will
encounter diIIiculties. There is a huge diIIerence between managing projects at Maturity Level 2
and managing projects at Maturity Level 3.
Once you Ieel comIortable that you have addressed all oI the Iindings Irom the Class C and you
have had several project cycles to institutionalize the documented processes, then consult with
your Lead Appraiser to determine iI your organization is ready to conduct benchmarking
SCAMPI A appraisal.
There will be more training (appraisal team and PIIDs) and activities leading up to the SCAMPI
A, but your Lead Appraiser will tell you exactly what you will need to do to prepare Ior the

CMMI Frequently Asked Questions {FAQ]
What is the cost of a CMMI v1.2 ML3 certification?
Tagged Under : cmmi, cmmi appraisal, cmmi certification
Q:- Our company is interested to go for CMMI v1.2 ML3 certification. Can you
answer the following questions?
What are the costs involved (Internal & External)?
Are there any SEI cerfication bodies in India?
First oI all let me make one clariIication to your query. There is no such thing as a CMMI
certiIication. What an organization receives are the results oI a SCAMPI A appraisal that
indicate the Maturity Level oI the organization on the day the appraisal concludes. The
organization is not certiIied. And there is no such thing as an SEI certiIication body anywhere in
the world. What do exist are authorized SEI partners that are allowed to provide CMMI
consulting, training, and appraisal services. Visit this web site http://partner- and you will be able to Iind the SEI-authorized partners in India.
The answers to your questions are highly variable depending on the size and scope oI your
organization and your geographical location. The best place to obtain realistic estimates is to ask
several local SEI-authorized CMMI consulting and appraisal providers Ior their cost proposals,
then you will have to handle the external costs. Internal costs really cannot be determined until
you Iigure out how much work you have to do in order to implement the CMMI and prepare Ior
an appraisal. SuIIice it to say, your internal costs will most likely be greater than your external


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