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Hoang Viet English Department Base Lesson Plan_Grade 9


Teacher: Hoang Hong Phuong Grade: 9
Book & Pages: English 9, p.58 Period: 91
Target Language: Vocabulary, Reading & Speaking Preparation date: Apr 20th, 2022
Teaching date: Apr 25-30th, 2022
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, the student can:
- learn more vocabulary about roles in society
- practice reading and speaking skills
II. Teaching methods and aids:
1. Teaching methods: Communicative approach/ GTM/ALM/ Deductive/Inductive
2. Teaching aids: television, blackboard, chalk, laptop
III. Teaching materials:
1. For teachers: workbook, laptop, pencil, ruler, highlighter
2. For students: notebook, textbook, pencil, eraser, ruler, etc.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization
2. Procedure


I. Warm – up/ Review (10 min)
Check ss’ previous works

II. Presentation and practice (30 min)

1. Picture description
- have ss describe the pic
- answer questions:
- Yes/No questions
- Wh-questions: What/ Where/ How witness (v): chứng kiến
enormous (adj): khổng lồ, to lớn
2. Vocabulary: no doubt: không còn nghi ngờ
- introduction new words involvement (n): bao gồm, tham gia
- have ss practice their pronunciation higher education degree: bằng đại học
Hoang Viet English Department Base Lesson Plan_Grade 9
sole role: vai trò đơn độc
socio-economic picture: bức tranh kinh tế xã hội
financial burden: gắng nặng tài chín
advantageous (adj): có lợi
living standards: tiêu chuẩn sống
3. Exercises: consequently (adv): do đó, vì vậy
- go over the instructions in the book Key:
- model the activities 1. Maybe the quality of education will be
improved more and more.
2. The roles of men and women in society will be
equal; women can do jobs that are once
considered as only for men.
3. It will increase the gender equality in the
1.d, 2.e, 3.b, 4.f, 5.a, 6.c
1. The ever-increasing involvement of women in
education and employment.
2. The socio-economic picture of these
3. Their financial burden will be reduced.
However, they will no longer be the dominant
figures and will learn to share decision-making
and housework.
4. They will learn to be more independent.
III. Consolidation/ Homework (5 min) 5. The service sector.
- Activity: mini-speaking/writing 6. It will develop.
- Give homework and model how to do each task

IV. Evaluation
Evaluation of each student on attainment of lesson
objectives. Evaluation can be oral, written or
demonstrated performance.
Hoang Viet English Department Base Lesson Plan_Grade 9
Teacher: Hoang Hong Phuong Grade: 9
Book & Pages: English 9, p.67 Period: 92
Target Language: Vocabulary, Listening & Writing Preparation date: Apr 20th, 2022
Teaching date: Apr 25-30th, 2022
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, the student can:
- learn more vocabulary about roles in society
- practice listening and writing skills
II. Teaching methods and aids:
1. Teaching methods: Communicative approach/ GTM/ALM/ Deductive/Inductive
2. Teaching aids: television, blackboard, chalk, laptop
III. Teaching materials:
1. For teachers: workbook, laptop, pencil, ruler, highlighter
2. For students: notebook, textbook, pencil, eraser, ruler, etc.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization
2. Procedure


I. Warm – up/ Review (10 min)
Check ss’ previous works

II. Presentation and practice (30 min)

1. Picture description
- have ss describe the pic
- answer questions:
- Yes/No questions Key:
- Wh-questions: What/ Where/ How 1.T
2. Vocabulary: 3.T
- introduction new words if any 4.F
- have ss practice their pronunciation 5.F

3. Exercises:
Hoang Viet English Department Base Lesson Plan_Grade 9
- go over the instructions in the book Key:
- model the activities 1. 65%
- play the recording once 2.47%
- have ss listen carefully and complete the table 3. 30%
- have ss give the answer 4. 22%
- play the recording again to check 5. 36%
- go over the ss’ answer 6. 48%
- show the audio script
- have ss listen again

Introduction: In the future, students will become USEFUL LANGUAGE
more independent. dependent
Body: independent
They will be more independent in their studies. in the first place
+ with the help of the internet, they will be active in to widen knowledge
getting and widening their knowledge social network
+ the internet can also help them in developing a peer
large social network with their peers, so they can
to voice
self-search, exchange, and discuss information in
order to study more effectively
They will be more independent at home.
+ they will do housework with help of modern
+ they will take part in making decisions at home
Conclusion: In short, students will become less
dependent in the future.

III. Consolidation/ Homework (5 min)

- Activity: mini-speaking/writing
- Give homework and model how to do each task

IV. Evaluation
Evaluation of each student on attainment of lesson
objectives. Evaluation can be oral, written or
demonstrated performance.


Hoang Viet English Department Base Lesson Plan_Grade 9
Teacher: Hoang Hong Phuong Grade: 9
Book & Pages: English 9, p.68 Period: 93
Target Language: Review unit 11 Preparation date: Apr 20th, 2022
Teaching date: Apr 25-30th, 2022
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, the student can:
review unit 11
II. Teaching methods and aids:
1. Teaching methods: Communicative approach/ GTM/ALM/ Deductive/Inductive
2. Teaching aids: television, blackboard, chalk, laptop
III. Teaching materials:
1. For teachers: workbook, laptop, pencil, ruler, highlighter
2. For students: notebook, textbook, pencil, eraser, ruler, etc.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization
2. Procedure


I. Warm – up/ Review (10 min)
Check ss’ previous works

II. Presentation and practice (30 min) Key:

1. Review vocabulary 1. male-dominated
- vocabulary related to roles in society 2. individually-oriented
- word formation 3. hands-on
4. responsive to
5. financially
6. facilitators

2. Review grammar
- future passive
1. supports
- non-defining clauses
2. provider
3. predicting
4. tailored
5. evaluate
6. witnesses
3. Exercise
- Go over the instructions in the book Key:
- Model the tasks 1.C
- Have ss do the exercises in the book as instructions 2.A
- Call on some ss to give the answers and check their 3.B
answers 4.B
Hoang Viet English Department Base Lesson Plan_Grade 9

1. Many tourists visit Liverpool, which is ire
home of The Beatles.
2. The town hasn't got any parks where people
can go and relax.
3. My son took part in the Beyond 2030 forum,
which invited people to share their vision of the
4. Baron Pierre de Coubertin, who was the
founder of re modern Olympic Games, was not
in favor of women participating in the Games.
5. There will be an open discussion which will
look at the main challenges and opportunities in
the coming decades.
6. The changing economic role of women, which
started in 1948, has greatly affected the role of

1. C,H
2. D,F
3. B,G
4. A,E

III. Consolidation/ Homework (5 min)

- Activity: mini-speaking/writing
- Give homework and model how to do each task

IV. Evaluation
Evaluation of each student on attainment of lesson
objectives. Evaluation can be oral, written or
demonstrated performance.

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