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Assignment 5 – Implementation and Data Collection & Summary

Anna Kay Williams, Becky Osariemen Adesunloye, Derly Johanna Gomez Ortiz, Ihuoma Ajayi,

Shree Krishna Thapa, Xhovana Pacani

Fanshawe College

BSCI-6009: Treating Challenging Behaviours

Professor: Melisa Cognigni

February 25, 2024


Assignment 1 – Identification & Baseline

➢ Changes (from Assignment 1)

• Operational definition of inappropriate language.

Inappropriate language is defined as Siki making any kind of vocalizations in a low or loud
voice that includes offensive, vulgar words, expressions and/or comments such as “Butt-face”,
“poo-brain” etc. happening in any environment or social contexts such as home, school, or in
public space, said toward someone else.

• Data collection Method

Data collection type: Frequency

Locations: we will be collecting data at a home and classroom setting.
Time: we will be collecting data on the time frames provided in the video for the whole

Rationale: In this case, frequency would be the most appropriate type of data collection
because of the target behavior, inappropriate language, having a distinct beginning and
ending, as well as occurring rapidly. With this type of data collection, we avoid subjective
interpretations as it only relies on counting how often the target behaviour occurs.

• Baseline data collection:

Date Frequency
11 April, 2024 10
12 April,2024 3

• Graphing:

Frequency of inappropriate language

Baseline of Inappropriate Language Behaviour
11 April, 2024 12 April, 2024

Assignment 2 – Assessment
➢ Changes (from Assignment 2)

1. Completion of the Assessment

a. FAI
c. ABC data collection

Date Time A B C Function

20 0.03 Siki on single The butts Sisters laugh, Attention
April couch, turns TV are on the mom says
on TV "enough
leave them
20 0.12 Sisters playing Siki uses Mom takes Attention
April with makeup stuff inappropriate back remote
and laughing language controller
(entertaining) "Poo on your from her
face" Siki does not
say anything

20 0.15 Mom took back Siki uses Sisters laugh Attention

April remote controller inappropriate Siki does not
from her language say anything
"Butts" Mom is also
away from
21 7:08 Teacher is Siki uses All classmate Attention
April explaining the inappropriate laughing and
task and peers are language teacher said
paying attention "poo poo - "Sikki, That's
to the teacher face" not nice"
Siki sits silent
21 9:22 Peers sitting Siki uses Peers and Attention
April silently inappropriate teacher laugh
completing the language Teacher “Siki
activity ”Fart breath” listen, are you
independently gonna do the
activity or am
I gonna have
to take it
away? Do

your activity,
thank you”
Siki does the
21 13:10 Learners sitting Siki uses Peer laugh Attention
April quietly inappropriate Teacher
completing language "Sikki, what
activity “poopie did you talk
independently as pants” about you are
instructed from distracting
the teacher. everybody
pickup your
pencil and do
your work"
Siki follows
the instruction
22 15:18 Mom talking on Siki uses Sisters laugh Attention
April the phone inappropriate Mom ”if you
Sisters dancing language do that one
and listening to “poopie more time you
music pants” are not going

Date Frequency
April 11 10
April 12 3
April 20 3
April 21 3
April 22 1

Frequency of inappropriate language Baseline of Inappropriate Language Behaviour

April 11 April 12 April 20 April 21 April 22

2. Results Analysis

a. Analysis of questions and responses

It is concluded that Siki engages in the behavior of saying inappropriate words whenever
she does not get the attention in her environment. This analysis is supported by the indirect
assessment FAI specifically in questions number 12, 15, 18, 20. The mother reports that when
Siki says inappropriate words, the people around her notice it and react to it. In the store for
example, people look at her and comment on it, the sisters laugh and imitate her (they repeat
those inappropriate words). In the same way, the mother indicates that Siki has limited play skills
and is usually alone, so she does not integrate easily with others, and it seems that her use of
inappropriate language makes her visible to those around her and she does succeed.
Analyzing each question independently, our analysis is complemented in the following
manner: Question and answer 12: The question refers to which is presumed to trigger the
behavior and the mother indicates that perhaps periods when Siki is alone for a period of time,
question 15 indicates the reactions of others, and the mother answers that indeed Siki gets
reactions from everyone around her, she as a mother gets very angry, the people who listen to her
in the market comment among themselves and look at Siki, the sisters laugh and repeat the
behavior, so she is reinforced, question 18 invites to reflect on what Siki is looking for with this
form of behavior and the mother indicates that Siki has difficulties playing with others and in
integrating with others, so she would like to get attention. Finally, question 20 leads the mother
to think about why Siki engages in the problem behavior to which the mother analyzes and
concludes that it is to attract attention and hook others on her.
Secondly, according to the video it can be said that Siki seeks attention from others
(sisters, classmates and the teacher) by saying inappropriate words, which results most of the

time in laughter from those around her, this reinforces her behavior, so she attracts the attention
of others. In the same way she gets attention when her mother gets upset and worries about it. At
times when Siki is included in activities, such as at school with class assignments or at home
when her sisters invite her to do make-up on her face and fingernails, Siki does not engage in the
behavior of saying inappropriate words,
Finally, according to the Questions About Behavioral Function (QABF) it also indicates
that the main function of Siki’s behaviour is to gain attention. For instance, according to the
checklist analysis, some of the highlighted statements that received a high score
include; Siki engages in the behaviour to get attention. This received a score of 3 which means
very often. She engages in behavior to receive reprimand was also scored at 3, she engages in
behaviour to gain attention to herself was also scored at 3 and finally she engaged in behavior to
get a reaction or verbal response. These were calculated to a total mark of 13, which was the
highest score compared to the other functions of behavior. Hence, according to the QABF, Siki
engages in these behaviors to gain attention.

b. Function matrix
Function Obtain/Access Avoid/Escape
Attention xxxxxxxx

c. Assessments (attached at the end of the document)

3. Summary statement
When Siki is around other people and doesn’t get attention in her environment (peers are
working independently, mom is engaged in another task), she will engage in inappropriate
language to gain attention.

➢ Changes from Assignment 3

1. Competing Behaviour Pathway

Attention (people
Use of appropriate around her e.g.:
Language mother, sisters).

At home, when
Siki is around
other people. Does not get attention Use of inappropriate Gets attention from
language: “Buttface”, people in her
“Poo-face” environment.

Training: Ask mother
to have time with her/
ask sisters to engage in
game or conversation/
Initiate conversation or

Alternative Behaviour

Positive Behavior Support Plan Outline

Strategies that Make Problem Behaviors irrelevant, ineffective, and inefficient

Setting Event Preventive Teaching Consequence

Strategies Strategies Strategies Strategies
What are ways to change What are ways What can be done to What should What
the context to make the to prevent the increase expected happen when should

problem behavior problem behaviors or to teach a problem happen

unnecessary? behavior? a replacement behavior when
behavior? occurs? desired
t behavior

Written Contract: This Reminders NET: teach the Extinction: Reward:

contract is to find an about behavior appropriate/replacem Ignore the Get praise
agreement within family when problem ent behaviour at behaviour from
members. Written is likely: home in a natural when it mother,
contract includes the environment as part happens. access to
expected behavior and Remind her of daily activities/ preferred
reinforcement. about the routines. This will activity
appropriate & be done through with sisters
inappropriate demonstration and within a
behaviour and practice from/with longer time
Clarify rules and expectations at sisters, who will than usual.
expected behavior: Will home. also model the
explain the social norms desired behaviour
at home about the Create some when/if needed.
appropriate and not. special time or Visuals can also be
activity at helpful.
Access to social home to
attention: provide her Peer mediated
Designated/scheduled ti with attention strategies:
mes through the day to before she is
check on her deprived for Mother would
(mother/sisters) to ensure attention. encourage and
avoiding deprivation for reinforce sisters to
interact with Siki
and include her in
Sisters would serve
as peers to model
expected behaviour,
guide and praise
when needed.

Teaching self-
management (e.g.:
Daily self-check

➢ Assignment 4

Email to:

From: Fanshawe Student London (FSL) Organization
Subject: Pre-Meeting information – Findings report Client (S.A)

February 11, 2024

Good afternoon, Melissa

We are from Fanshawe Student London (FSL) Organization, and our behaviour team
currently includes Shree Krishna Thapa, Johanna Gomez Ortiz, Anna Kay Williams, Ihuoma
Ajayi, Becky Osariemen Adesunloye and Xhovana Pacani.

We are writing this letter to inform you that our team was contacted by the Parents of our
client S.A who is engaging in the use of inappropriate language in various social
settings/environments when she is around other people and doesn’t get attention in her
environment (e.g., peers are working independently, mom is engaged in another task).

S.A. is thirteen years old and lives with her parents and two younger sisters. She is part of
an inclusive grade 8 classroom and exceeds the academic expectations in class if she is interested
in the topic, as well as she uses full sentences to communicate. When she was little, she preferred
to play her own games and now she interacts better with adults because she was an only child for
four years and was not in any structured or social programs until she went to Junior
Kindergarten. Her sisters have encouraged her to expand her play skills and interactions with
others. According to her mom, at school, she struggled with play centers and was interested in
reading stories out loud to herself and them up in a particular order on the carpet. Lately, her
parents have closely monitored her internet use, her online interactions, and the games she plays
on. They also tried using punishment, such as grounding her by not allowing her to use the iPad
or watching TV shows (preferred items). This, however, did not result in a reduction in the use of
inappropriate behavior.

Based on Indirect assessments and observation, our operational definition is as follows:

“Inappropriate language is defined as S.A. making any kind of vocalizations in a low or loud
voice that includes offensive, vulgar words, expressions and/or comments such as “Butt-face”,
“poo-brain” etc. happening in any environment or social context such as home, school, or in
public space, said toward someone else.

Direct assessment: We collected data on frequency, in 2 different social settings: at home

and in the classroom during different times of the day. Our graph has a decelerating trend,
starting at a high level and ending at a low level across 5 days.

The tools that were used for indirect assessment are FAI & QABF. According to the FAI,
which is an interview done with the mother, who emphasized that S.A. has limited skills and is
usually alone, so she does not integrate easily with others, and it seems that her use of

inappropriate language makes her visible to those around her and she does succeed. In the same
way the mother indicates that when Siki says inappropriate words, the people around her notice it
and react to it and sometimes the sisters imitate her. The mother Indicates that the behavior
occurs when, perhaps, she is alone for a period of time. Additionally, based on the QABF
checklist analysis, attention received the highest score compared to the other functions of
behavior. Finally, the function matrix concluded that when S.A. is around other people and does
not get attention in her environment, she will engage in inappropriate language to gain attention.

Our strategy is focused on creating a preventive plan which converts the behavior into
ineffective behavior. As per preventative strategies we plan to include reminders about behavior
when a problem is likely. As part of the setting event strategies, we consider a written contract
useful, as well as clarifying rules and expected behavior in order to reach agreement between
family members and explain the social norms. Another strategy we came up with is to give
access to social attention, by creating some special time or activity at home to provide her with
attention before she is deprived of it. We also want to focus on teaching the replacement
behaviour in a natural environment. This will be done through demonstration and practice
from/with sisters, who will also model the desired behaviour when/if needed. Visuals can also be
helpful. Here we can also include peer mediated strategies where the mother can encourage
sisters to include S.A. in their activities. In addition, as consequence strategies we considered
reducing her privileges by reducing the amount of time she spends with her sisters, playing
games or engaging in different activities when she uses inappropriate language, on the contrary
increasing the time if she uses appropriate language, in order for her to be able to differentiate
between them.

Based on the ideas from the proposed plan we are hoping for your expertise to help us
create a formal plan and ensure we have considered the best way to implement strategies going

We look forward to meeting with you sometime next week according to your availability.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Best regards,

Shree Krishna Thapa, Johanna Gomez Ortiz, Anna Kay Williams, Ihuoma Ajayi, Becky
Osariemen Adesunloye and Xhovana Pacani.

Fanshawe Student London (FSL) Organization


➢ Assignment 5 - Implementation and Data Collection & Summary

Skill Building Plan

Behaviour Objective: S.A. will wait 5 mins after initiating social interaction with people around
her, without engaging in use of inappropriate language. S.A. will do this with 100% accuracy across
2 days in a row.
Instruction (Sd): say “Let´s talk”

Data Collection: Trial by Trial/ Percentage of opportunities

Prompting Hierarchy: Materials: Timer

Prompt Hierarchy Type:

Most-to-Least Prompt Possible Reinforcers:

Attention from multiple people

Differential reinforcement: attention from 1 person
Prompt Types for Teaching Step 1:
Reinforcement Schedule: FR1 or CRF
1. Full Verbal: Let´s talk

2. Partial Verbal: Let´s

3. Partial Verbal: 3 sec time delay

to the partial prompt

4. Independent

Prompt Hierarchy for Teaching Steps 2-


Most-to-Least Prompt

1. Full Verbal “Wait”

2. Gestural (e.g.: signing 5 second

with 5 fingers, pointing to a timer)

3. Independent

Teaching Steps: Error Correction:

1. S.A. will say “let´s talk” 4 step error correction

2. S.A. says let´s talk and waits 30 1. Let the error occur
seconds for social attention
2. Re administer the Sd

3. Provide increasing prompt (where Siki was last

3. S.A. says let´s talk and waits 1 successful)
minute for social attention
4. Reinforcement
4. S.A. says let´s talk and waits 1
minute & 30 seconds for social

5. S.A. says let´s talk and waits 2

minutes for social attention

6. S.A. says let´s talk and waits 2

minutes & 30 seconds for social

7. S.A. says let´s talk and waits 3

minutes for social attention

8. S.A. says let´s talk and waits 3

min & 30 seconds for social

9. S.A. says let´s talk and waits 4

minutes for social attention

10. S.A. says let´s talk and waits 4

minutes & 30 seconds for social

11. S.A. says let´s talk and waits 5

minutes for social attention

Data Collection
Time Trial 1 Trial 2 % Correct Notes
Scenario 1 + - 50% -
Scenario 2 + - 50% -
Scenario 3 + - 50% -
Open Ended Functional Assessment Interview (FAI)
Date of nterview: January 14, 2024
Client: Siki Adams
Interviewer: Student
Respondent: Ms. Adams
Relations to client: Mother
Relevant Background Information

1. Date of Birth: Feb 20, 2006 Age: 13 Gender: Female

2. Describe his/her language abilities:

Siki uses full sentences to communicate. Her reading abilities have always been more advanced than her
peers as she was able to read on her own by the age of 4. She also excels in academic tasks.

3. Describe his/her play skills and preferred toys or leisure activities

When Siki was little she preferred to play her own games that often didn't make sense to others. Since her
younger sisters have been around, they have pushed her to expand her play skills and interactions with others.
She did struggle with the play centres at school and she finds most comfort in reading stories out loud to
herself and lining them up in a particular order on the carpet.

4. What else does he/she prefer?

She also prefers her iPad and TV shows

Questions to Inform the Design for a Functional Analysis

Question Answer
5. What are the problem behaviours? Crying - which was most seen in the classroom when
What do they look like? she first entered school

Throwing items - when she was asked to do a tasks in

the classroom, she would often throw the materials

Cursing - shouting Butt-Face and Poo-Poo head at


6. What is the single-most concerning The cursing/ using inappropriate phrases is the most
problem behaviour? concerning problem behaviour
7. What are the top 3 most concerning Cursing/ using inappropriate phrases is really the only
problem behaviours? Are there other inappropriate behaviour she demonstrates at the
behaviours of concern? current moment.
8. Describe the range of intensities of Siki is not being hurt while engaging in the problem
the problem behaviors and the extent behaviour however, she may be hurting the feelings of
to which he/she or others may be hurt others when she shouts these inappropriate words.
or injured from the problem behavior. Her sisters find it funny so she isn't hurting their
feelings however I'm not sure how the kids at school
feel. I also worry about her sisters repeating these
phrases at school and also hurting others. So, her
behaviour can have an impact on many different
9. Do the different types of problem There doesn’t appear to be any type of behaviour that
behavior tend to occur in bursts or precedes one another.
clusters and/or does any type of
problem behavior typically precede
another type of problem behavior
(e.g., yells preceding hits)?
10. Under what conditions or situations Well, I can only speak for what I see at home. I often
are the problem behaviors most likely see that it happens when we are out in public, we might
to occur? be waiting in lines or grocery shopping or there might
Question Answer
be a period of time where she has been playing by

11. Do the problem behaviours reliably Not necessarily, they can occur pretty randomly
occur during any particular activities?
12. What seems to trigger the problem I'm not too sure, I do know that it is when she has been
behaviour? alone for a period of time.

13. Does problem behavior occur when No.

you break routines or interrupt
activities? If so, describe.
14. Does the problem behaviour occur No.
when it appears that he/ she won’t get
his/her way? If so, describe
15. How do you and others react or When I hear her saying inappropriate things I get so
respond to the problem behavior? angry inside, my blood boils! I will often let her know
that what she is saying is not appropriate, I may tell her
to stop or not to say those words. I've even heard
people in the stores tell her not to say those things!
Her sisters will laugh and repeat the phrases.
Sometimes I tell her that I am going to take away her
favourite activities when we get home, too.

16. What do you and others do to calm She seems to stop immediately for at least a few
him/her down once he/she engaged in minutes once I have reprimanded her but some times
the problem behavior? she could do it again a few minutes later.

17. What do you and others do to distract I don't really notice it when we are playing or talking
him/her from engaging in the problem together or even reading her books together.
18. What do you think he/she is trying to I'm honestly not too sure, I think her limited play skills
communicate with his/her problem and ability to initiate interaction with others might be a
behavior, if anything? reason. It really only happens if no one is paying
attention to her or she is playing on her own for a while.

19. Do you think this problem behaviour No.

is a form of self-stimulation? If so,
what gives you that impression?
20. Why do you think he/she is engaging Maybe to get people to engage with her or to pay
in the problem behaviour? attention to her?





3 2 0 0 1

3 2 0 0 2

3 1 0 0 1
2 0 0 0 0

2 0 0 0 1
13 5 0 0 5

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