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(eBook PDF) Management Information

Systems, 4th Edition by R. Kelly Rainer

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Edition By Marjorie Kelly
Chapter Organization • Examples: Interspersed throughout the text, these high­
light the use (and misuse) of information systems by re­
Each chapter contains the following elements: al-world organizations, thereby illustrating the concepts dis­
cussed in the chapter.
• Chapter Outline: Lists the major concepts covered in each
• What’s in IT for Me?: A unique end-of-chapter summary
that demonstrates the relevance of each key chapter topic
• Learning Objectives: Provide an overview of the key to different functional areas, including accounting, finance,
learning goals that students should achieve after reading the marketing, production/operations management, human
chapter. resources management, and management information sys­
• Chapter-Opening Case: A short case that focuses on a tems. This cross-functional focus makes the book accessible
small or start-up company that is using information systems for students from any major.
to solve a business problem. Cases in introductory informa­ • Summary: Keyed to the Learning Objectives listed at the
tion systems textbooks typically involve very large organiza­ beginning of the chapter, the summary enables students to
tions. In contrast, our chapter-opening cases demonstrate review major concepts covered.
that small and start-up companies also have business prob­
• Discussion Questions and Problem-Solving Activities:
lems that they address using information systems. Students
Provide practice through active learning. These exercises are
will see that small firms usually have to be quite creative in
hands-on opportunities to apply the concepts discussed in
building and implementing IS solutions, because they do not
the chapter.
have MIS departments or large budgets. These small-busi­
ness cases also add an entrepreneurial flavor to each chapter • Collaboration Exercises: Team exercises that require stu­
for students who are planning to start their own businesses. dents to take on different functional roles and collaborate to
solve business problems using Google Drive. These exercises
• Apply the Concept Activities: This book’s unique peda­
allow students to get first-hand experience solving business
gogical structure is designed to keep students actively en­
problems using Cloud-based tools while also experiencing
gaged with the course material. Reading material in each
an authentic business team dynamic.
chapter subsection is immediately followed by an “Apply the
Concept” activity that is directly related to a chapter objec­ • Closing Cases: Each chapter concludes with two cases
tive. These activities include links to online videos and arti­ about business problems faced by actual companies and
cles and other hands-on activities that require students to how they used IS to solve those issues. The cases are broken
immediately apply what they have learned. Via WileyPLUS, down into three parts: a description of the problem, an over­
instructors can assign a section of text along with an Apply view of the IS solution implemented, and a presentation of
the Concept activity. Each Apply the Concept has the follow­ the results of the implementation. Each case is followed by
ing elements: discussion questions, so that students can further explore
the concepts presented in the case.
• Background (places the activity in the context of relevant
reading material) • Spreadsheet Activity: Every chapter includes a hands-on
spreadsheet project that requires students to practice their
• Activity (a hands-on activity that students carry out)
Excel skills within the context of the chapter material. Wiley-
• Deliverable (various tasks for students to complete as they PLUS Learning Space includes an Excel Lab Manual for stu­
perform the activity) dents who need introductory coverage or review.
• IT’s About Business: Short cases that demonstrate real- • Database Activity: Every chapter includes a hands-on da­
world applications of IT to business. Each case is accompa­ tabase project that requires students to practice their Access
nied by questions relating the case to concepts covered in skills while using concepts learned in the chapter. WileyPLUS
the chapter. Icons relate these boxes to the specific function­ Learning Space includes an Access Lab Manual for students
al areas. who need introductory coverage or review.
• IT’s Personal: Sprinkled throughout the chapters, these • Internship Activity: Every chapter includes an Internship
short vignettes explain the relevance of MIS concepts to stu­ Activity which presents a business problem found in one of
dents’ daily lives. four recurring industries (healthcare, banking, manufactur­
• Before You Go On: End-of-section reviews prompt stu­ ing, and retail.) STUDENTS are directed to various software
dents to pause and test their understanding of concepts be­ demos that provide useful tools for addressing the business
fore moving on to the next section. problem. Then the students must act as interns and apply

the concepts they learned in the chapter to provide a solu­ of lessons that can be learned from such failures. Misuse of in­
tion to the business problem. formation systems can be very expensive.
• Glossary: A study tool that highlights vocabulary within
the chapters and facilitates studying. Global Focus An understanding of global competition,
partnerships, and trading is essential to success in a modern
business environment. Therefore, we provide a broad selec­
tion of international cases and examples. We discuss the role
Key Features
of information systems in facilitating export and import, the
Student Engagement As discussed in the note addressed management of international companies, and electronic trad­
to instructors at the beginning of this preface, one of the chief ing around the globe.
goals of this text is to engage students at a level beyond recog­
nition of key terms. We believe the best way to achieve this goal Innovation and Creativity In today’s rapidly changing
is through hands-on, active learning that will lead to increased business environment, creativity and innovation are necessary
student engagement with the course and its content. for a business to operate effectively and profitably. Throughout
Accordingly, every section of every chapter provides re­ our book, we demonstrate how information systems facilitate
sources that actively involve students in problem solving, crea­ these processes.
tive thinking, and capitalizing on opportunities. Every chapter
includes extensive hands-on exercises, activities, and mini- Focus on Ethics With corporate scandals appearing in the
cases, including exercises that require students to solve busi­ headlines almost daily, ethics and ethical questions have come
ness problems using Excel and Access. to the forefront of business people’s minds. In addition to de­
voting an entire chapter to ethics and privacy (Chapter 6), we
Cross-Functional Approach We emphasize the importance have included examples and cases throughout the text that fo­
of information systems by calling attention in every chapter to cus on business ethics.
how that chapter’s topic relates to each business major. Icons
guide students to relevant issues for their specific functional
area—accounting (ACC), fi nance (FIN), marketing (MKT), pro­ A Guide to Icons in This Book
duction operations management (POM), human resources man­
As you read this book, you will notice a variety of icons inter­
agement (HRM), and management information systems (MIS).
spersed throughout the chapters.
Chapters conclude with a detailed summary (entitled “What’s in
These icons highlight material relating to different
IT for Me?”) of how key concepts in the chapter relate to each
functional areas. MIS concepts are relevant to all business ca­
functional area.
reers, not just careers in IT. The functional area icons help stu­
ACCT FIN MKT POM HRM MIS dents of different majors quickly pick out concepts and exam­
ples of particular relevance to them. Below is a quick reference
Diversified and Unique Examples from Different In­ of these icons.
dustries Extensive use of vivid examples from large corpo­
rations, small businesses, and government and not-for-profit ACCT For the Accounting Major highlights content rele­
organizations enlivens the concepts from the chapter. Th e ex­ vant to the functional area of accounting.
amples illustrate everything from the capabilities of informa­
tion systems, to their cost and justification and the innovative FIN For the Finance Major highlights content relevant
ways that corporations are using IS in their operations. Small to the functional area of finance.
businesses have been included in recognition of the fact that
many students will work for small-to mid-sized companies, and
MKT For the Marketing Major highlights content rele­
some will even start their own small business. In fact, some
vant to the functional area of marketing.
students may already be working at local businesses, and the
concepts they are learning in class can be readily observed or
POM For the Production/Operations Management
put into practice in their part-time jobs. Each chapter constant­
ly highlights the integral connection between business and IS. Major highlights content relevant to the functional area of
This connection is especially evident in the chapter-opening production/operations management.
and closing cases, the “IT’s About Business” boxes, and the
highlighted examples. HRM For the Human Resources Major highlights con­
tent relevant to the functional area of human resources.
Successes and Failures Many textbooks present examples
of the successful implementation of information systems, and MIS For the MIS Major highlights content relevant to the
our book is no exception. However, we go one step beyond by functional area of MIS.
also providing numerous examples of IS failures, in the context

What’s New in the Fourth Edition? short answer, and essay questions. In addition, each chapter
includes “Apply Your Knowledge” questions that require more
Content changes include: creative thought to answer. Each multiple choice and true/false
• Chapter 5: Completely rewritten chapter on Business Analyt­ question is labeled to indicate its level of difficulty: easy, medi­
ics. Chapter provides a visual overview of the Analytics pro­ um, or hard.
cess (Figure 5.3), and extensive coverage of descriptive ana­ The test bank is available for use in Respondus’ easy-to­
lytics, predictive analytics, and prescriptive analytics. use software. Respondus® is a powerful tool for creating and
managing exams that can be printed or published directly to
• Plug IT In 5: Completely rewritten Plug IT In on Artificial In­
Blackboard, WebCT, Desire2Learn, eCollege, ANGEL, and other
telligence. This Plug In differentiates between weak AI and
learning systems. For more information on Respondus® and the
strong AI and then addresses AI technologies such as expert
Respondus Test Bank Network, please visit www.respondus
systems, machine learning, deep learning, and neural net­
works. The Plug In continues with a discussion of AI applica­
tions, including machine vision, natural language process­
Reading Quizzes These multiple choice conceptual ques­
ing, robotics, speech recognition, and intelligent agents.
tions can be used by instructors to evaluate a student’s under­
• Chapter 3 contains expanded coverage of Big Data. standing of the reading. They are available in Respondus, the
• Plug IT In 1 provides expanded coverage of business processes. WileyPLUS course, and the Book Companion Site.
• All new or updated IT’s About Business, chapter-opening and
closing cases, and examples. PowerPoint Presentations The PowerPoint Presentations
consist of a series of slides for each chapter. The slides are de­
• Pedagogical changes include:
signed around each chapter’s content, incorporating key points
• Revised and streamlined “Apply the Concept” activities from the chapter and chapter illustrations as appropriate, as
now relate directly to chapter objectives. well as real-life examples from the Web.
• New “Internship Activities” replace the Ruby’s Club ac­
tivities from previous editions. Each Internship Activity Image Library All textbook figures are available for down­
includes a software demo that requires students to apply load from the Web site. These figures can easily be added to
new tools to business problems. PowerPoint presentations.
• Revised “Collaboration Exercises” now each require use of
Google Drive. Weekly Updates (http://wileyinformationsystemsupdates
• Revised and streamlined database and spreadsheet ex­ .com)
ercises for every chapter. These include references to les­ Weekly updates, harvested from around the Internet by David
sons in the WileyPLUS lab manual for students who need Firth of the University of Montana, provide you with the latest
instruction or review. IT news and issues. These are posted every Monday morning
throughout the year at http://wileyinformationsystemsupdates
.com/. They include links to current articles and videos as well as
Online Resources discussion questions to assign or use in class.
OfficeGrader Office GraderTM is an Access-Based VBA Macro
Our book also facilitates the teaching of an Introduction
that enables automatic grading of Office assignments. The
to Information Systems course by providing extensive support
macros compare Office files and grade them against a master
materials for instructors and students. Visit
file. OfficeGraderTM is available for Word, Access, Excel, and Pow­
college/rainer to access the Student and Instructor Companion
erPoint for Office 2010 and 2013. For more information, contact
your Wiley sales representative or visit
Instructor’s Manual The Instructor’s Manual includes a
chapter overview, teaching tips and strategies, answers to all
end-of-chapter questions, supplemental mini-cases with essay WileyPLUS Learning Space
questions and answers, and experiential exercises that relate
to particular topics. It also includes answers and solutions to WileyPLUS Learning Space is an easy way for students to learn,
all spreadsheet and database activities, along with a guide to collaborate, and grow. With WileyPLUS Learning Space, stu­
teaching these exercises, and links to the separate Excel and Ac­ dents create a personalized study plan, assess progress along
cess starter and solutions files. the way, and make deeper connections as they interact with
the course material and each other. Through a combination of
Test Bank The test bank is a comprehensive resource for test dynamic course materials and visual reports, this collaborative
questions. Each chapter contains multiple choice, true/false, learning environment gives you and your students immediate

insight into strengths and problem areas in order to act on ORION Included in WileyPLUS Learning Space, ORION helps
what’s most important. gauge students’ strengths and weaknesses so that instructors
can tailor instruction accordingly. Instructor reports track ag­
• This online teaching and learning environment integrates the gregate and individual student proficiency at the objective or
entire digital textbook with the most effective instructor and chapter level, to show exactly where students excel as well as
student resources to accommodate every learning style. the areas that need reinforcement.
• Students achieve concept mastery in a rich, structured envi­ Based on cognitive science, WileyPLUS with ORION is a
ronment that is available 24/7. personalized, adaptive learning experience that helps students
• Instructors personalize and manage their course more ef­ build proficiency on topics while using their study time most
fectively with assessment, assignments, grade tracking, and effectively.
more. You can even add your own materials to your Wiley- For more information and a demo, visit here: http://www
PLUS course oriondemo/.
• With WileyPLUS Learning Space you can identify students
who are falling behind and intervene accordingly, without
having to wait for them to come to office hours.
In addition to WileyPLUS Learning Space, Wiley provides a wide
• WileyPLUS Learning Space can complement the textbook or variety of printed and electronic formats that provide many
replace the printed textbook altogether. choices to your students at a wide range of price points. Con­
WileyPLUS Learning Space for Rainer MIS 3e includes the fol­ tact your Wiley sales representative for more details on any of
lowing resources to support teaching and learning: the below.

• New author lecture videos for every section of every chapter Wiley E-Text Powered by VitalSource Wiley E-Texts are
will facilitate switch to “flipped classrooms” and/or will pro­ complete digital versions of the text that help students study
vide additional learning support for students. more efficiently. Students can access content online and offline
• Orion, an adaptive, personal learning experience that helps on their desktops, laptops, and mobile devices; search across
students highlight their strengths and problems areas and the entire book content, take notes and highlight, and copy and
navigate through their studies to get optimal results in the paste or print key sections.
most efficient amount of time. (See more information below.).
Wiley Binder Version A three-hole-punched, loose-leaf ver­
• Group chat function facilitates student discussion about ac­
sion allows students to carry only the content they need, insert
tivities and cases.
class notes and hand-outs, and keep all materials in one place.
• Complete eText allows searching across all chapters,
note-taking, highlighting, and the ability to copy and paste or Wiley Custom This group’s services allows you to adapt ex­
print key sections. isting Wiley content and combine text materials, incorporate
• Lab Manual for Microsoft Office 2010 and Office 2013. and publish your own materials, and collaborate with Wiley’s
• Automatically graded practice questions team to ensure your satisfaction.
• Vocabulary flash cards and quizzes
Wiley Custom Select Wiley Custom Select allows you to
• Library of additional “IT’s About Business” cases.
build your own course materials using selected chapters of any
For more information and a demo, visit here: http://www Wiley text and your own material if desired. For more informa­ tion, visit http://

Creating, developing, and producing a text for the introduction to in­ Bob Gehling for working on the Instructor’s Manual, and Carole
formation systems course is a formidable undertaking. Along the way, Hollingsworth for designing Wiley PLUS activities.
we were fortunate to receive continuous evaluation, criticism, and di­
Special thanks to contributors Dawna Dewire, Joan Lumpkin, Kevin
rection from many colleagues who regularly teach this course.
Lertwachara, Roy DeJoie, and Kala Seal for working on the original
Special thanks to the following contributors: Ken Corley for designing Apply the Concept activities that appeared in prior editions. Thanks
the PowerPoint slides, Jennifer Gerow for writing test bank questions, also to Efrem Mallach for creating the original database activities in

the prior editions. Many thanks also to Alina M. Chircu and Marco Mar­ Roger Finnegan, Metropolitan State University
abelli of Bentley University for developing new material that enhances Thomas Fischer, Metropolitan State University
our coverage of business processes and ERP. We are grateful for the Jerry Flatto, University of Indianapolis
dedication and creativity of all these contributors in helping us craft Jonathan Frankel, University of Massachusetts, Boston
this new text. Judith Gebauer, University of North Carolina, Wilmington
Jennifer Gerow, Virginia Military Institute
We would like to thank the Wiley team: Darren Lalonde, Executive
Matt Graham, University of Maine
Editor; Emma Townsend-Merino, Assistant Development Editor;
Katie Gray, University of Texas, Austin
Wendy Ashenberg, Associate Product Designer; and Chris DeJohn,
Penelope (Sue) Greenberg, Widener University
Senior Marketing Manager. We also thank the Content Management
Naveen Gudigantala, University of Portland
team, including Dorothy Sinclair, Content Manager; Jane Lee Kaddu,
Saurabh Gupta, University of North Florida
Senior Production Editor; and Abhishek Sarkari of Thomson Digital.
Bernard Han, Western Michigan University
And thanks to Maureen Eide, Senior Designer; and Billy Ray, Senior
Hyo-Joo Han, Georgia Southern College
Photo Editor. We would also like to thank Robert Weiss for his skillful
John Hagle, Texas State Technical College
and thorough editing of the manuscript.
Peter Haried, University of Wisconsin, LaCrosse
Finally, we would like to acknowledge the contributions made by the Ranida Harris, Indiana University Southeast
individuals listed below who participated in focus groups, teleses­ Roslin Hauck, Illinois State University
sions, surveys, chapter walkthroughs, class tests, user feedback sur­ Bernd Haupt, Penn State University
veys, and reviews. Jun He, University of Michigan, Dearborn
Richard Herschel, St. Joseph’s University
Bogdan Hoanca, University of Alaska
Mary Carole Hollingsworth, Georgia Perimeter College, Clarkston Campus
Terri Holly, Indian River State College
Monica Adya, Marquette University Derrick Huang, Florida Atlantic University
Lawrence Andrew, Western Illinois University, Macomb Maggie Hutchison, Flagler College
Orakwue (Bay) Arinze, Drexel University Mark Hwang, Central Michigan University
Laura Atkins, James Madison University Lynn Isvik, Upper Iowa University, Fayette
Nick Ball, Brigham Young University Curtis Izen, Baruch College, City University of New York
Nicholas Barnes, Nicholls College Radhika Jain, Baruch College, City University of New York
Susan Barzottini, Manchester Community College Arpan Jani, University of Wisconsin, River Falls
Kristi Berg, Minot State University Jonathan Jelen, St. John’s University
Andy Borchers, Lipscomb University Hong Jiang, Benedict College
David Bouchard, Metropolitan State University Nenad Jukic, Loyola University
Dave Bourgeois, Biola University Elene Kent, Capital University
Mari Buche, Michigan Tech University Stephen Klein, Ramapo College
Richard Burkhard, San Jose State University Brian Kovar, Kansas State University
Ashley Bush, Florida State University Subodha Kumar, Texas A&M
Frank Canovatchel, Champlain College Diane Lending, James Madison University
Donald Carpenter, Mesa State College Kevin Lertwachara, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
Teuta Cata, Northern Kentucky University Terry Letsche, Wartburg College
Wendy Ceccucci, Quinnipiac University Victor Lipe, Trident Tech
Amita Chin, Virginia Commonwealth University Chuck Litecky, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
Susan Chinn, University of Southern ME, Portland Joan Lumpkin, Wright State University
Richard Christensen, Metropolitan State University Nicole Lytle, Cal State, San Bernardino
Dmitriy Chulkov, Indiana University Kokomo George Mangalaraj, Western Illinois University
Phillip Coleman, Western Kentucky University Parand Mansouri-Rad, University of Texas, El Paso
Emilio Collar, Western CT State University Michael Martel, Ohio University
Daniel Connolly, University of Denver Nancy Martin, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
Lee Cornell, Minnesota State University, Mankato Richard McMahon, University of Houston, Downtown
David Croasdell, University of Nevada, Reno Tony McRae, Collin College
Jakov Crnkovic, University at Albany, SUNY Vishal Midha, University of Texas, Pan American
Reet Cronk, Harding University Esmail Mohebbi, University West Florida
Marcia Daley, Clark, Atlanta Luvai Motiwalla, University Mass Online
Donald Danner, San Francisco State University Mahdi Nasereddin, Penn State, Berks
Roy DeJoie, Purdue University Sandra K. Newton, Sonoma State University
Dawna Dewire, Babson College Ann O’Brien, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Kevin Duffy, Wright State University Sungjune Park, University of North Carolina, Charlotte
Lauren Eder, Rider University Yang Park, Georgia Southwestern State University
Sean Eom, Southeast Missouri State University Alan Peace, West Virginia University
Ahmed Eshra, St. John’s University Jacqueline Pike, Duquesne University

Tony Pittarese, East Tennessee State University Jo Lynne Stalnaker, University of Wyoming
Jennifer Pitts, Columbus State University Cynthia Stone, Indiana University
Richard Platt, University of West Florida Nathan Stout, University of Oklahoma
Larisa Preiser, Cal Poly Pomona Yi Sun, Cal State, San Marcos
Michelle Ramim, Nova Southeastern University Winston Tellis, Fairfield University
Alison Rampersad, Lynn University Doug Francis Tuggle, Chapman University
Ralph Reilly, University of Hartford Wendy Urban, Temple University
Wes Rhea, Kennesaw State University Darlene de Vida, Lower Columbia College
Julio Rivera, University of Alabama, Birmingham James Villars, Metropolitan State University
Thomas Roberts, William Patterson University Padmal Vitharana, Syracuse University
Cynthia Ruppel, Nova Southeastern University Haibo Wang, Texas A&M International University
James Ryan, Troy University Hong Wang, North Carolina A&T State University
Russell Sabadosa, Manchester Community College June Wei, University of West Florida
Jim Samuel, Baruch College, City University of New York Melody White, University of North Texas
Tom Sandman, Cal State, Sacramento Rosemary Wild, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
Kala Seal, Loyola Marymount Tom Wilder, Cal State, Chico
Tod Sedbrook, University of Northern Colorado Karen Williams, University of Texas, San Antonio
Elaine Seeman, East Carolina University Marie Wright, Western Connecticut State University
Richard Segall, Arkansas State University Yaquan Xu, Virginia State University
Lee Sellers, Eastern Oregon University—Mt. Hood Metro Center Benjamin Yeo, Loyola Marymount University
Judy Ann Serwatka, Purdue University, North Central Bee Yew, Fayetteville State University
John Seydel, Arkansas State University Jigish Zaveri, Morgan State University
Jollean Sinclaire, Arkansas State University Grace Zhang, Augusta State University
Vivek Shah, Texas State University, San Marcos Wei Zhang, University of Massachusetts, Boston
Mehrdad Sharbaf, Loyola Marymount University Zuopeng Zhang, SUNY, Plattsburgh
Suengjae Shin, Mississippi State University, Meridian Fan Zhao, Florida Gulf Coast University
Todd Stabenow, Hawkeye Community College Robert Zwick, Yeshiva University
Brief Contents
PREFACE vii 13 Supply Chain Management 352

1 Introduction to Information Systems 1 14 Acquiring Information Systems and

Applications 370
2 Organizational Strategy, Competitive
Advantage, and Information Systems 33 P LUG IT IN 1 Business Processes
and Business Process
3 Data and Knowledge Management 56 Management 398
4 Telecommunications and Networking 91 P LUG IT IN 2 Hardware and Software 411
5 Business Analytics 127 P LUG IT IN 3 Fundamentals of Relational
6 Ethics and Privacy 155 Database Operations 431

7 Information Security 176 P LUG IT IN 4 Cloud Computing 441

8 Social Computing 209 P LUG IT IN 5 Artificial Intelligence 464

9 E-Business and E-Commerce 244 P LUG IT IN 6 Project Management 477

10 Wireless, Mobile Computing, and Mobile P LUG IT IN 7 Protecting Your Information

Commerce 274 Assets 488

11 Information Systems within the INDE X 507

Organization 306

12 Customer Relationship Management 331

PREFACE vii Discussion Questions 87
Problem-Solving Activities 87
1 Introduction to Information Closing Case 1 88
Closing Case 2 89
Systems 1

Opening Case 1 4 Telecommunications

Introduction 2 and Networking 91
1.1 Why Should I Study Information Systems? 3
1.2 Overview of Computer-Based Information Opening Case 91
Systems 9 Introduction 93
1.3 How Does IT Impact Organizations? 17 4.1 What Is a Computer Network? 94
1.4 Importance of Information Systems to Society 23 4.2 Network Fundamentals 97
Summary 27 4.3 The Internet and the World Wide Web 102
Chapter Glossary 28 4.4 Network Applications: Discovery 107
Discussion Questions 29 4.5 Network Applications: Communication 110
Problem-Solving Activities 29 4.6 Network Applications: Collaboration 113
Closing Case 1 30 4.7 Network Applications: Educational 117
Closing Case 2 31 Summary 120
Chapter Glossary 121
2 Organizational Strategy, Discussion Questions 123
Problem-Solving Activities 123
Competitive Advantage, and Closing Case 1 124
Information Systems 33 Closing Case 2 125

Opening Case 33
Introduction 34
5 Business Analytics 127

2.1 Business Pressures, Organizational Responses, and Opening Case 127

Information Technology Support 35 Introduction 128
2.2 Competitive Advantage and Strategic Information
5.1 Managers and Decision Making 129
Systems 44
5.2 The Business Analytics Process 133
Summary 51
5.3 Business Analytics Tools 137
Chapter Glossary 52
5.4 Business Analytics Models: Descriptive
Discussion Questions 52 Analytics, Predictive Analytics, and Prescriptive
Problem-Solving Activities 53 Analytics 141
Closing Case 1 53 Summary 150
Closing Case 2 54 Chapter Glossary 150
Discussion Questions 151
3 Data and Knowledge Closing Case 1 151
Management 56 Closing Case 2 153

Opening Case 56 6 Ethics and Privacy 155

Introduction 57
3.1 Managing Data 60 Opening Case 155
3.2 The Database Approach 62 Introduction 156
3.3 Big Data 66 6.1 Ethical Issues 157
3.4 Data Warehouses and Data Marts 75 6.2 Privacy 163
3.5 Knowledge Management 81 Summary 171
Summary 86 Chapter Glossary 171
Chapter Glossary 86 Discussion Questions 172
Contents xv

Problem-Solving Activities 172 Summary 268

Closing Case 1 173 Chapter Glossary 268
Closing Case 2 174 Discussion Questions 269
Problem-Solving Activities 270
7 Information Security 176 Closing Case 1 271
Closing Case 2 272
Opening Case 176
Introduction 177 10 Wireless, Mobile Computing, and
7.1 Introduction to Information Security 178 Mobile Commerce 274
7.2 Unintentional Threats to Information
Systems 180 Opening Case 274
7.3 Deliberate Threats to Information Systems 183 Introduction 275
7.4 What Organizations Are Doing to Protect 10.1 Wireless Technologies 276
Information Resources 189
10.2 Wireless Computer Networks and Internet
7.5 Information Security Controls 191 Access 284
Summary 201
10.3 Mobile Computing and Mobile Commerce 291
Chapter Glossary 202
10.4 The Internet of Things 296
Discussion Questions 204 Summary 301
Problem-Solving Activities 204 Chapter Glossary 302
Closing Case 1 205 Discussion Questions 302
Closing Case 2 207 Problem-Solving Activities 303
Closing Case 1 303
8 Social Computing 209 Closing Case 2 304

Opening Case 209

Introduction 211
11 Information Systems within the
8.1 Web 2.0 212
Organization 306
8.2 Fundamentals of Social Computing
Opening Case 306
in Business 219
Introduction 307
8.3 Social Computing in Business: Shopping 225
11.1 Transaction Processing Systems 308
8.4 Social Computing in Business: Marketing 229
11.2 Functional Area Information Systems 309
8.5 Social Computing in Business: Customer
Relationship Management 232 11.3 Enterprise Resource Planning Systems 316
11.4 ERP Support for Business Processes 322
8.6 Social Computing in Business: Human Resource
Summary 327
Management 235
Chapter Glossary 327
Summary 238
Discussion Questions 328
Chapter Glossary 239
Problem-Solving Activities 328
Discussion Questions 240
Closing Case 1 329
Problem-Solving Activities 240
Closing Case 2 329
Closing Case 1 240
Closing Case 2 242
12 Customer Relationship
9 E-Business and E-Commerce 244 Management 331

Opening Case 244 Opening Case 331

Introduction 245 Introduction 332
9.1 Overview of E-Business and E-Commerce 247 12.1 Defining Customer Relationship Management 333
9.2 Business-to-Consumer (B2C) Electronic 12.2 Operational Customer Relationship Management
Commerce 254 Systems 338
9.3 Business-to-Business (B2B) Electronic 12.3 Other Types of Customer Relationship Management
Commerce 261 Systems 343
9.4 Ethical and Legal Issues in E-Business 264 Summary 347
Chapter Glossary 347

Discussion Questions 348

Problem-Solving Activities 348
Plug IT In 2 Hardware and
Closing Case 1 349 Software 411
Closing Case 2 350
Introduction 411
PI2.1 Introduction to Hardware 411
13 Supply Chain Management 352
PI2.2 Introduction to Software 422
Summary 428
Chapter Opening Case 352
Glossary 428
Introduction 353
Discussion Questions 430
13.1 Supply Chains 354 Problem-Solving Activities 430
13.2 Supply Chain Management 356
13.3 Information Technology Support for Supply Chain
Management 361 Plug IT In 3 Fundamentals
Summary 365 of Relational Database
Chapter Glossary 366 Operations 431
Discussion Questions 366
Problem-Solving Activities 366 Introduction 431
Closing Case 1 367
PI3.1 Query Languages 431
Closing Case 2 368
PI3.2 Entity–Relationship Modeling 432
PI3.3 Normalization and Joins 435
14 Acquiring Information Systems and Summary 440
Applications 370 Glossary 440
Discussion Questions 440
Opening Case 370
Introduction 371 Plug IT In 4 Cloud
14.1 Planning for and Justifying IT Applications 372 Computing 441
14.2 Strategies for Acquiring IT Applications 376
14.3 Traditional Systems Development Life Cycle 381 PI4.1 Introduction 441
14.4 Alternative Methods and Tools for Systems PI4.2 What Is Cloud Computing? 443
Development 387 Different Types of Clouds 447
Summary 392 Cloud Computing Services 449
Chapter Glossary 393 The Benefits of Cloud Computing 453
Discussion Questions 394 Concerns and Risks with Cloud Computing 455
Problem-Solving Activities 394 Web Services and Service-Oriented
Closing Case 1 395 Architecture 459
Closing Case 2 396 Summary 462
Glossary 463
Plug IT In 1 Business Discussion Questions 463
Processes and Business Process Problem-Solving Activities 463
Management 398
Plug IT In 5 Artificial
PI1.1 Business Processes 398 Intelligence 464
PI1.2 Business Process Improvement, Business
Process Reengineering, and Business Process PI5.1 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 464
Management 404 PI5.2 Artificial Intelligence Technologies 466
Summary 409 PI5.3 Artificial Intelligence Applications 470
Chapter Glossary 410 Summary 475
Discussion Questions 410 Chapter Glossary 476
Discussion Questions 476
Problem-Solving Activities 476

Plug IT In 6 Project Plug IT In 7 Protecting Your

Management 477 Information Assets 488
PI6.1 Project Management for Information Systems PI7.1 How to Protect Your Assets: The Basics 488
Projects 477 PI7.2 Behavioral Actions to Protect Your Information
PI6.2 The Project Management Process 479 Assets 489
PI6.3 The Project Management Body PI7.3 Computer-Based Actions to Protect Your
of Knowledge 482 Information Assets 492
Summary 485 Summary 504
Glossary 485 Discussion Questions 505
Discussion Questions 485 Problem-Solving Activities 506
Collaboration Exercise PI6.1 486
Problem-Solving Activities 486 INDE X 507
Information Systems
Fourth Edition

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Introduction to Information

1.1 Why Should I Study Information

1.1 Identify the reasons why being an informed user of information systems is important
in today’s world.
1.2 Overview of Computer-Based Infor­
1.2 Describe the various types of computer-based information systems in an organization.
mation Systems
1.3 Discuss ways in which information technology can affect managers and nonmanage­
1.3 How Does IT Impact Organizations?
rial workers.
1.4 Importance of Information Systems
1.4 Identify positive and negative societal effects of the increased use of information
to Society

Opening Case The law, however, exempts fantasy sports because they are con­
sidered a game of skill, not luck. To maintain legal status, the
operator of a fantasy sports business must follow four rules: (1)
MKT FanDuel publish prize amounts before the games begin, (2) make prize
amounts independent of the number of players in the game,
POM Founded in 2009, FanDuel ( operates a
Web-based fantasy sports game. It is the largest company in (3) level the playing field by allowing anyone in a league to draft
the daily fantasy sports business. In May 2016, FanDuel was legal in 39 any player they want, and (4) disregard point spreads and game
states, taking advantage of an exclusion in the 2006 Unlawful Internet scores.
Gambling Enforcement Act. This statute bans credit card issuers and FanDuel delivers simple and fast fantasy betting. After pay­
banks from working with poker and sports-betting Web sites, effec­ ing an entry fee, players become eligible to win daily cash payouts
tively preventing U.S. customers from participating in those industries. based on the statistical performance of athletes in games played

2 CH A PTER 1 Introduction to Information Systems

that day. Traditional fantasy sports often frustrate players because the where it is permitted to do so. Users who attempt to circumvent this
experience lasts for an entire season. If a player drafts a bad team, then decision could see their accounts terminated and FanDuel refuse to
he or she is stuck with that team for several months. In addition, seri­ pay out any winnings.
ous fantasy league players analyze large amounts of statistics, roster On the other hand, DraftKings, which is based in Massachusetts,
changes, and injury reports. Many casual players do not have time for sent an e-mail to its New York customers assuring them that they could
such analyses. In contrast to these leagues, FanDuel allows customers continue submitting entries. DraftKings told its New York customer
to play for just a day, a weekend, or a week. that their right to play in New York will remain unchanged unless a New
FanDuel lets players participate for free or bet up to $5000 to draft York court decides otherwise.
a team of players in the National Football League (NFL), the National Interestingly, in the spring of 2016, FanDuel suspended contests
Basketball Association (NBA), Major League Baseball (MLB), and the on college sports in all states as part of a negotiation with the National
National Hockey League (NHL), plus college football and basketball. Collegiate Athletic Association.
Players can compete head-to-head against another individual or in a And the bottom line? The legal battle continues.
league with up to 125,000 teams. The winner is the one with the best
player statistics, which translate into fantasy points. FanDuel takes an Sources: Compiled from D. Purdum, “DraftKings, FanDuel to Stop Offering
average of 9 percent of each prize. College Fantasy Games,”, March 31, 2016; M. Brown, “FanDuel
Lays Off Workers as Legal Pressure Mounts,” Forbes, January 20, 2016;
MIS By May 2016, FanDuel claimed more than 1 million customers R. Axon, “Facing Threat from N.Y. Attorney General, FanDuel Suspends
and operated in 39 states. However, the company was not yet
Entries in State,” USA Today, November 17, 2015; L. Baker, “FanDuel,
profitable. It has to spend millions of dollars on computing power from
DraftKings Vow to Fight New York’s Halt on Bets,” Reuters, November
Amazon Web Services to manage, as only one example, the increase in
12, 2015; D. Alba, “DraftKings and FanDuel Scandal Is a Cautionary
Web traffic just before Sunday’s NFL kickoff. At that time, FanDuel must Startup Tale,” Wired, October 9, 2015; D. Roberts, “Are DraftKings and
manage 150,000 simultaneous users, who make 250,000 roster changes FanDuel Legal?” Fortune, September 24, 2015; K. Wagner, “DraftKings
per hour. The company also provides 15 million live scoring updates per and FanDuel Are Battling over Your Favorite Teams,”,
minute during games, meaning that it must manage 6 terabytes of net­ July 17, 2015; R. Sandomir, “FanDuel and DraftKings, Leaders in Daily
work traffic during game day. (A terabyte equals 1 trillion bytes.) Fantasy Sports, Are Quickly Gaining Clout,” The New York Times, July 13,
2015; S. Rodriguez, “Yahoo Enters World of Daily Fantasy Sports, Takes
Professional sports have noted that FanDuel, with its easy-to-use
on DraftKings and FanDuel,” International Business Times, July 8, 2015; B.
app, appeals to young and mobile sports fans. Further, these fans have Schrotenboer, “FanDuel Signs Deals with 15 NFL Teams, Escalating Daily
money at stake, so they are more inclined to watch games on televi­ Fantasy Integration,” USA Today, April 21, 2015; D. Primack, “DraftKings
sion than they otherwise would be. An increase in viewers leads to an and FanDuel Close in on Massive New Investments,” Fortune, April 6,
increase in advertising rates for the teams. In fact, in 2015 FanDuel 2015; S. Ramachandran and Am Sharma, “Disney to Invest $250 Million in
signed multiyear sponsorship agreements with 15 NFL teams. These Fantasy Site DraftKings,” The Wall Street Journal, April 3, 2015; M. Kosoff,
deals generally include stadium signage, radio and digital advertising, “Fantasy Sports Startup FanDuel May Soon Be Worth $1 Billion,” Business
Insider, February 18, 2015; D. Heitner, “DraftKings Reports $304 Million on
and other promotions. Interestingly, the NBA owns an equity stake in
Entry Fees in 2014,” Forbes, January 22, 2015; S. Bertoni, “Fantasy Sports,
FanDuel. Real Money,” Forbes, January 19, 2015; B. Schrotenboer, “Fantasy Sports
Despite continued success, daily fantasy sports companies face a Debate: Gambling or Not Gambling?” USA Today, January 12, 2015; “The
substantive problem. They can operate only as long as the federal gov­ FanDuel Scam,” The Daily Roto, December 19, 2014; D. Heitner, “Fantasy
ernment allows them to do so. The government could close the fantasy Sports Service, FanDuel, Secures $11 Million Investment; Includes Money
loophole in the 2006 statute at any time. from Comcast Ventures,” Forbes, January 30, 2013;,, accessed July 17, 2015.
Significantly, the federal law does not give daily fantasy sports
businesses immunity from state laws. In October 2015, New York Attor­ Questions
ney General Eric Schneiderman launched an inquiry into FanDuel and
1. Describe how information technology is essential to FanDuel’s op­
its chief rival DraftKings. Shortly thereafter, he ruled that the two com­
panies were operating illegally and issued a cease and desist order,
ordering the two companies to stop taking bets in New York State. 2. Discuss the nontechnological problems that FanDuel faces.
FanDuel, which is based in New York, said that it would check the 3. Describe FanDuel’s information technology infrastructure. Now
locations of its users to ensure that they submitted entries from states discuss possible technological problems that FanDuel might face.

Before we proceed, we need to define information technology and information systems. Infor­
mation technology (IT) refers to any computer-based tool that people use to work with infor­
mation and to support the information and information-processing needs of an organization.
An information system (IS) collects, processes, stores, analyzes, and disseminates informa­
tion for a specific purpose.
IT has far-reaching effects on individuals, organizations, and our planet. Although this text
is largely devoted to the many ways in which IT has transformed modern organizations, you
will also learn about the significant impacts of IT on individuals and societies, the global econ­
omy, and our physical environment. In addition, IT is making our world smaller, enabling more
W h y Sh o u l d I Stu d y I nfo r m at io n S yste m s? 3

and more people to communicate, collaborate, and compete, thereby leveling the competitive
playing field.
When you graduate, you either will start your own business or you will work for an organi­
zation, whether it is public sector, private sector, for-profit, or not-for-profit. Your organization
will have to survive and compete in an environment that has been radically transformed by
information technology. This environment is global, massively interconnected, intensely com­
petitive, 24/7/365, real-time, rapidly changing, and information-intensive. To compete success­
fully, your organization must use IT effectively.
As you read this chapter and this text, keep in mind that the information technologies you
will learn about are important to businesses of all sizes. No matter what area of business you
major in, what industry you work for, or the size of your company, you will benefit from learning
about IT. Who knows? Maybe you will use the tools you learn about in this class to make your
great idea a reality by becoming an entrepreneur and starting your own business! In fact, as
you see in the chapter opening case and in chapter closing case 2, you can use information
technology to help you start your own business.
The modern environment is intensely competitive not only for your organization, but for
you as well. You must compete with human talent from around the world. Therefore, you will
also have to make effective use of IT.
Accordingly, this chapter begins with a discussion of why you should become knowledge­
able about IT. It also distinguishes among data, information, and knowledge, and it differenti­
ates computer-based information systems from application programs. Finally, it considers the
impacts of information systems on organizations and on society in general.

1.1 Why Should I Study Information Systems?

You are part of the most connected generation in history: You have grown up online; you are,
quite literally, never out of touch; you use more information technologies (in the form of digital
devices), for more tasks, and are bombarded with more information, than any generation in
history. The MIT Technology Review refers to you as Homo conexus. Information technologies
are so deeply embedded in your lives that your daily routines would be almost unrecognizable
to a college student just 20 years ago.
Essentially, you practice continuous computing, surrounded by a movable information
network. This network is created by constant cooperation between the digital devices you
carry (for example, laptops, tablets, and smartphones); the wired and wireless networks that
you access as you move about; and Web-based tools for finding information and communicat­
ing and collaborating with other people. Your network enables you to pull information about
virtually anything from anywhere, at any time, and to push your own ideas back to the Web,
from wherever you are, via a mobile device. Think of everything you do online, often with your
smart phone: register for classes; take classes (and not just at your university); access class syl­
labi, information, PowerPoints, and lectures; research class papers and presentations; conduct
banking; pay your bills; research, shop, and buy products from companies or other people; sell
your “stuff”; search for, and apply for, jobs; make your travel reservations (hotel, airline, rental
car); create your own blog and post your own podcasts and videocasts to it; design your own
page on Facebook; make and upload videos to YouTube; take, edit, and print your own digital
photographs; “burn” your own custom-music CDs and DVDs; use RSS feeds to create your per­
sonal electronic newspaper; text and tweet your friends and family throughout your day; send
Snaps; and many other activities. (Note: If any of these terms are unfamiliar to you, don’t worry.
You will learn about everything mentioned here in detail later in this text.)

The Informed User—You!

So, the question is: Why you should learn about information systems and information technol­
ogies? After all, you can comfortably use a computer (or other electronic devices) to perform
4 CH A PTER 1 Introduction to Information Systems

many activities, you have been surfing the Web for years, and you feel confident that you can
manage any IT application that your organization’s MIS department installs.
The answer lies in you becoming an informed user; that is, a person knowledgeable about
information systems and information technology. There are several reasons why you should be
an informed user.
MIS In general, informed users tend to get more value from whatever technologies they use.
You will enjoy many benefits from being an informed user of IT, including:

• You will benefit more from your organization’s IT applications because you will understand
what is “behind” those applications (see Figure 1.1). That is, what you see on your computer
screen is brought to you by your MIS department, who are operating “behind” your screen.
• You will be in a position to enhance the quality of your organization’s IT applications with
your input.
• Even as a new graduate, you will quickly be in a position to recommend—and perhaps help
select—the IT applications that your organization will use.
• Being an informed user will keep you abreast of both new information technologies and
rapid developments in existing technologies. Remaining “on top of things” will help you to
anticipate the impacts that “new and improved” technologies will have on your organiza­
tion and to make recommendations on the adoption and use of these technologies.
• You will understand how using IT can improve your organization’s performance and team­
work as well as your own productivity.
• If you have ideas of becoming an entrepreneur, then being an informed user will help you
use IT when you start your own business.

Going further, managing the IS function within an organization is no longer the exclusive
responsibility of the IS department. Rather, users now play key roles in every step of this pro­
cess. The overall objective in this text is to provide you with the necessary information to con­
tribute immediately to managing the IS function in your organization. In short, the goal is to
help you become a very informed user!

IT Offers Career Opportunities

MIS Because IT is vital to the operation of modern businesses, it offers many employment oppor­
tunities. The demand for traditional IT staff—programmers, business analysts, systems ana­
lysts, and designers—is substantial. In addition, many well-paid jobs exist in areas such as the
Internet and electronic commerce (e-commerce), mobile commerce (m-commerce), network
security, telecommunications, and multimedia design.

FIGURE 1.1 IT skills open many

doors because IT is so widely used.
W h y Sh o u l d I Stu d y I nfo r m at io n S yste m s? 5

The IS field includes the people in various organizations who design and build information
systems, the people who use those systems, and the people responsible for managing those
systems. At the top of the list is the chief information officer (CIO).
The CIO is the executive who is in charge of the IS function. In most modern organizations,
the CIO works with the chief executive officer (CEO), the chief financial officer (CFO), and other
senior executives. Therefore, he or she actively participates in the organization’s strategic plan­
ning process. In today’s digital environment, the IS function has become increasingly strategic
within organizations. As a result, although most CIOs still rise from the IS department, a grow­
ing number are coming up through the ranks in the business units (e.g., marketing, finance).
Regardless of your major, you could become the CIO of your organization one day. This is
another reason to be an informed user of information systems!
Table 1.1 provides a list of IT jobs, along with a description of each one. For further details
about careers in IT, see and
Career opportunities in IS are strong and are projected to remain strong over the next ten
years. In fact, the U.S. News & World Report listed its “25 best jobs of 2015,” Money listed its “best
jobs in America for 2015,” and Forbes listed its “10 best jobs” for 2015. Let’s take a look at these
rankings. (Note that the rankings differ because the magazines used different criteria in their

TA B LE 1 .1 Information Technology Jobs

Position Job Description

Chief Information Officer Highest-ranking IS manager; responsible for all strategic

planning in the organization
IS Director Manages all systems throughout the organization and the
day-to-day operations of the entire IS organization
Information Center Manager Manages IS services such as help desks, hot lines, train­
ing, and consulting
Applications Development Manager Coordinates and manages new systems development
Project Manager Manages a particular new systems development project
Systems Manager Manages a particular existing system
Operations Manager Supervises the day-to-day operations of the data and/or
computer center
Programming Manager Coordinates all applications programming efforts
Systems Analyst Interfaces between users and programmers; determines
information requirements and technical specifications
for new applications
Business Analyst Focuses on designing solutions for business problems;
interfaces closely with users to demonstrate how IT can
be used innovatively
Systems Programmer Creates the computer code for developing new systems
software or maintaining existing systems software
Applications Programmer Creates the computer code for developing new applica­
tions or maintaining existing applications
Emerging Technologies Manager Forecasts technology trends; evaluates and experiments
with new technologies
Network Manager Coordinates and manages the organization’s voice and
data networks
Database Administrator Manages the organization’s databases and oversees the
use of database-management software
Auditing or Computer Security Manager Oversees the ethical and legal use of information systems
Webmaster Manages the organization’sWeb site
Web Designer Creates Web sites and pages
6 CH A PTER 1 Introduction to Information Systems

research.) As you can see, jobs suited for MIS majors rank extremely high in all three lists. The
magazines with their job rankings are as follows:

U.S. News & World Report (out of 25)

#3 Software Developer
#7 Computer System Analyst
#8 Information Security Analyst
#11 Web Developer
#21 IT Manager

#1 Software Architect
#2 Video Game Designer
#8 Database Developer
#9 Information Assurance (Security) Analyst
#11 Clinical Applications Specialist (IT in healthcare)
#14 User Experience Designer
#17 IT Program Manager

Forbes (out of 10)

#8 Software Engineer
#10 Computer Systems Analyst

Not only do IS careers offer strong job growth, but the pay is excellent as well. The Bureau of
Labor Statistics, an agency within the Department of Labor that is responsible for tracking and
analyzing trends relating to the labor market, notes that the median salary in 2015 for “com­
puter and information systems managers” was approximately $130,000, and predicted that the
profession would grow by an average of 15 percent per year through 2022.

Managing Information Resources

Managing information systems in modern organizations is a difficult, complex task. Several fac­
tors contribute to this complexity. First, information systems have enormous strategic value
to organizations. Firms rely on them so heavily that, in some cases, when these systems are
not working (even for a short time), the firm cannot function. (This situation is called “being
hostage to information systems.”) Second, information systems are very expensive to acquire,
operate, and maintain.
A third factor contributing to the difficulty in managing information systems is the evo­
lution of the management information systems (MIS) function within the organization. When
businesses first began to use computers in the early 1950s, the MIS department “owned” the
only computing resource in the organization, the mainframe. At that time, end users did not
interact directly with the mainframe.
In contrast, in the modern organization, computers are located in all departments, and
almost all employees use computers in their work. This situation, known as end user com­
puting, has led to a partnership between the MIS department and the end users. The MIS
department now acts as more of a consultant to end users, viewing them as customers.
In fact, the main function of the MIS department is to use IT to solve end users’ business
Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
Pinching is the operation of moving a gun, or mortar, by small
heaves of the handspike, without allowing it to turn on its axis. It is
moved little by little, and never raised in its progress, but rubs
against the skid on which it rests.

To cross-lift a gun, or carriage, is to move it in a direction nearly
perpendicular to its axis. Heavy guns, mounted, or dismounted,
require a long lever, and a fulcrum, for cross-lifting. Guns of medium
weight may be cross-lifted by means of handspikes.

Article 2.


Any piece of strong timber of suitable dimensions may serve for a
fulcrum, or a prop. It is called a fulcrum when used to support a
lever, and a prop when used as a temporary support for anything

The distance of the fulcrum from the weight which is to be raised
should be such that, when the lever rests upon the top of it, the point
may be put under the weight, and the lever form such an angle with
the horizon that, when it is heaved down, and the small end nearly
touches the ground, the weight may be raised to the required height.
Except with very heavy bodies, care must be taken, in placing a
fulcrum, that it is inclined in a small degree towards the body, so that
when the lever acts it may bring the fulcrum into a vertical position.

There cannot be a better prop than a quoin, when it is long
enough, or a piece of wood of that shape, of proportionate size.
If the wheels of a carriage are to be taken off, and the carriage
propped, the trail should be first secured from slipping.
The props are placed under each cheek, or under the shoulder of
the axletree, with a slight inclination towards the carriage.
When one wheel only is to be taken off, and the other scotched,
the props may be placed vertically; but practice alone will point out
the proper position of props in all situations.
The point of the lever must not be withdrawn, until it is evident that
the prop is well placed.

Article 3.

The lifting jack forms part of the equipment of every battery, and
battering train. It may be applied to many of the purposes for which a
long lever is used; but it is commonly employed to raise the wheels
of carriages from the ground when they are to be greased, or
exchanged, and to extricate them from ruts and holes.
The wheel opposite to that which is to be raised must be scotched.
On soft ground a piece of board must be placed under the foot of
the jack, to prevent its sinking.
There are three kinds of lifting jacks in the service—
1st. The common lifting jack is used for field carriages only. The
arm, which may be adjusted, within certain limits, to any required
height, is a lever of the first kind, and is applied accordingly. The
body of the jack is the support on which it works.
2nd. The tooth and pinion jack is of greater power than the
common jack, and is used for heavy carriages. It is applied vertically
under the carriage, which is raised by turning the winch of the jack.
3rd. The screw jack is an elevating screw of large dimensions, and
is of greater power than either of the other two. Like the tooth and
pinion jack, it is applied vertically under the body, which is raised, like
the breech of a gun, by turning up the screw. The foot of it is
furnished with three spikes, to prevent its slipping when the screw is
If a wheel is to be extricated from a rut, into which it has sunk so
far that the lifting jack cannot be applied in the ordinary manner, the
jack is placed as close to the wheel as possible, on the outside of it.
A piece of rope, passed under the nave, is made fast to the extremity
of the arm, if the common jack is used, or to the fork, if either of the
other kinds be employed. The jack is then worked as usual, and
stones or other hard substances are thrown under the wheel, to
prevent its sinking, as often as it may be necessary to take fresh
The tooth and pinion and screw jacks may be employed to move
bodies horizontally a few inches, provided a good abutment or
support can be found for the foot of the stock. By the application of
two jacks, in opposite directions, bodies may be brought together to
be spliced, riveted, &c.

Article 4.

Rollers are solid cylinders of wood, used in mounting guns upon
their carriages, in shifting them from carriage to carriage, and in
moving them through passages too narrow to admit of the use of the
ordinary means of transport. Their dimensions vary, according to the
nature of the service for which they are intended.
They can be used with advantage, only on a perfectly level plane
When a cylindrical body is moved on rollers, they must be
perfectly horizontal, or it will roll off them; and even when the rollers
are horizontal, steadying handspikes should, if possible, be applied,
to guard still further against such an accident.
The rollers must be placed at right angles to the direction in which
they are intended to move, projecting equally on each side of the
axis of the gun, or other body, which they support.
A gun laid upon rollers may be moved, either by hauling upon it
with ropes, or by means of levers. In the last case, two holes
crossing each other at right angles, are pierced near each end of the
several rollers, and in them are inserted the points of iron levers, by
means of which the rollers are turned in the required direction.
In order that rollers may be used with the greatest effect, and that
there may be as little necessity as possible for shifting them during
the course of an operation, it must be borne in mind,—
1st. That a roller moves in a direction perpendicular to its own
2nd. That it moves over half the space only which is traversed by
the body it supports.

Article 5.

A crab capstan consists of a barrel, (in shape, a frustum of a
cone,) and of a framework of wood and iron by which the barrel is
supported in a vertical position with its largest diameter next the
ground. It is furnished with two levers, called capstan bars, which are
passed through mortices in the upper part of the barrel, and by
means of which the barrel may be turned about on its axis. By
means of the crab capstan, a few men, acting at the levers, can
move weights which would be far beyond their strength, if applied in
the ordinary manner; and it may, therefore, be used with advantage
in many situations, in which it may be either difficult to command
labour, or desirable to economise it.
One end of a rope is made fast to the weight which is to be
moved, and is called the standing end. The other, called the running
end, is passed two or three times round the lower part of the barrel,
the loose or running end being kept above the turns, and stretched
taught by the man who passed it round. As the barrel is turned, the
standing end of the rope winds round it, forces the turns up the
barrel, and clears itself. As fast as the running end comes off the
barrel, it is coiled by a man appointed to that duty.
The capstan, when used, is secured by ropes to pickets, driven on
the opposite side of it to that on which the strain acts upon it. Three
men at each end of both bars—i. e., twelve men in all—is the
greatest number that can be employed at the capstan with
advantage; and two men are required for the running end of the fall,
as previously described. The levers are twelve feet in length, and the
power of twelve men, acting upon them, is about equivalent to that of
132 men acting at the end of a taught rope.
If a crab capstan cannot be procured, the windlass of a gyn may
be used as a substitute, the cheeks being laid on the ground and
secured with pickets; or a temporary capstan may be rigged, by
lashing four handspikes to the spokes and felloe of a limber wheel,
which is turned upon the pintail of the dismounted limber.

Article 12.

The sling cart weighs about 15 cwt., and is employed for moving
heavy ordnance. It is capable of carrying 65 cwt.
One non-commissioned officer and six men are required,
numbered as usual; but it can be worked by one non-commissioned
officer and four men.
Articles required:—
One sling of six-inch white rope, two fathoms long, with an eye-
splice at each end.
One sling tye, of one-inch tarred rope, two feet long.
One prypole.
One prypole rope, 2½-inch, three fathoms long.
Two levers, six feet nine inches long.
Two lever ropes, of two-inch tarred rope, each two fathoms.
Two pawls.
Two common handspikes.
Two pieces of short skidding, about 4½ feet long, and five or six
inches square.
The detachment is drawn up in rear of and facing the cart, the
command is given, “Form the order of exercise—to the right face—
quick march.” The detachment wheels to the left, and the ranks open
out. Nos. 2 and 3 halt one pace in rear of and covering the wheels.
The whole one pace from each other, and covering.

Disposition, and duties of the Men.

No. 1 attends to the pawl, and commands.

Left side. Right side.
3 has charge of the left lever, 2 has charge of the right lever,
and skids the gun when and skids the gun when
necessary. necessary.
5 has charge of a handspike, 4 has charge of a handspike,
assists 3 at the lever, and assists 2 at the lever, and
skidding, and raises the skidding, and raises the
weight when it is to be weight when it is to be
lashed. lashed.
7 assists 3 at the lever, slings, 6 assists 2 at the lever, slings,
and unslings the gun, and and unslings the gun, and
lashes it to the prypole. lashes it to the prypole.

Form the order of march. Quick march. If the gun be not on

skids, a piece of skidding is placed under it, a little in front of the
trunnions, to make room for the sling to be passed under the piece.
Before the piece is slung, the trunnions are brought vertical, or
nearly so, either by the ordinary method of slewing, or by means of
the sling cart, as follows:—
Back the cart over the gun. Scotch the wheels. Form the
order of exercise. Quick march. Unlash the prypole, levers,
and handspikes. Fix the sling to the right of the windlass.
Overhaul the sling. Prepare to raise the right trunnion.
Heave in the slack. Take up levers. Right lever take
purchase. Heave. Left lever take purchase. Right lever
fetch. Left lever heave. Right lever take purchase. Left
lever fetch. Halt. Out levers. Sling the gun. Heave in the
slack. Man the levers. Heave. Left lever hold on. Right lever
fetch. Alternately to the lever numbers—Hold on, and fetch, until
the gun is close to the axletree, Halt. Prepare to raise the
breech. Raise the breech. (If necessary, Take a fresh purchase.
Heave.) Halt, lash the breech. Lash levers, and handspikes.

Unslinging the Gun.

Unlash levers, and handspikes. Unlash the prypole. Man
the levers. Ease off. Left lever hold on. Right lever fetch.
Right lever hold on. Left lever fetch. Out levers.

Slinging a Howitzer.
A howitzer is slung, and unslung according to the foregoing

Slinging a Mortar.
A mortar is slung with the muzzle towards the rear. For a 13-inch
mortar, the wheels of the sling waggon ought to be used for the sling
cart, and a double-barrelled windlass, if procurable.

Unslinging a Mortar.
See “Unslinging a Gun.”

Slinging a Mortar bed.

The windlass for raising Mortar beds is of a different construction
from that of guns, being square in the middle, and cylindrical at each
end. The bed is slung with the front part towards the rear of the cart.
Sling the bed. Lash the bed.

Unslinging a Mortar bed.

Unslinging a mortar bed is just the reverse of slinging, each
number undoing what he had previously done.

Article 13.

The sling waggon weighs about 29 cwt., and is employed for
moving heavy ordnance, and their standing carriages. It requires a
detachment of 1 non-commissioned officer and 8 men; but 1 non-
commissioned officer and 6 men can sling any weight below a 24-
The following articles are required:—
One sling of five-inch white rope, 2½ fathoms long, and having an
eye-splice at each end.
One sling tye of one-inch tarred rope, two feet long.
One breech rope, or carriage sling, of 2½-inch tarred rope, 6
fathoms long.
Two levers, six feet nine inches long.
Two lever ropes, of two-inch tarred rope, 2½ fathoms each.
Two pawls.
Four common handspikes.
Two pieces of skidding, about four feet long, and six or seven
inches square.
One pair of strong dragropes.
The detachment is numbered in the usual manner, and takes post
for exercise, as at the sling cart.

Disposition, and duties of the men.

No. 1 attends to the pawls, and commands.

Left side. Right side.
3 has charge of the left lever, 2 has charge of the right lever,
and skidding, scotches the and skidding, scotches the
wheels in rear, assists in wheels in rear, assists in
unlimbering, and limbering unlimbering, and limbering
up. up.
5 has charge of a handspike, 4 has charge of a handspike,
assists 3 at the lever, assists 2 at the lever,
scotches the wheels in front, scotches the wheels in front,
fixes the carriage sling, and fixes the carriage sling, and
assists in unlimbering, and assists in unlimbering, and
limbering up. limbering up.
7 assists 3 at the lever, slings, 6 assists 2 at the lever, slings,
and unslings the gun, lashes and unslings the gun, lashes
the breech, handspikes, and the breech, handspikes, and
levers, and assists in levers, and assists in
unlimbering, and limbering unlimbering, and limbering
up. up.
9 assists in unlimbering, and 8 assists in unlimbering, and
limbering up, keys, and limbering up, keys, and
unkeys the limber chain, and unkeys the draught chain,
fixes the breech rope. and fixes the breech rope.

Bringing the stores.—If the stores are not with the waggon, Nos. 2
and 3 bring a lever each, and 4 and 5 two handspikes each; 6 the
gun sling, and 7 the carriage sling or breech rope; 8 and 9 the skids
and drag ropes.
The gun is supposed to be lying on skids, and its carriage on one
side, with its breast nearly in line with the breech.
Form the order of march. Quick march. Back the waggon
over the gun. Prepare to unlimber. Unlimber. Out levers.
Prepare to turn the gun carriage over. Turn the gun
carriage over—Heave. Take off the trucks. Prepare to lift
the carriage to the cross-bar. Lift the carriage to the
cross-bar. Fix the carriage sling. Take up levers. Right lever
take a purchase—Heave. Out levers—off sling. Prepare to
limber up. Limber up. Prepare to back the waggon. Back the
waggon. Scotch the hind wheels. Put on the trucks. Form
the order of exercise. Quick march. Prepare to raise the
trunnion on the right. Heave in the slack. Take up levers.
Right lever take a purchase—Heave. Left lever take a
purchase. Right lever fetch. Left lever heave. Out levers.
Sling the gun. Man the levers. Left lever hold on—Right
lever fetch. Prepare to raise the breech. Raise the breech.
Frap and make fast. Place stool bed, and quoin. Lash up
levers, and handspikes.

Dismounting the Gun, and Carriage.

Place skids, unlash, and scotch the wheels. Unlash the
breech. Form the order of exercise. Quick march. Levers
take a purchase to lower the gun. Bear down. Ease off.
Right lever hold on. Left lever fetch. Left lever hold on.
Right lever fetch. Ease off.

Slinging Howitzers.
A howitzer is slung in the same manner as a gun.

Slinging Mortars.
A 13-inch mortar and its bed require each a waggon for itself; but
a 10 or 8-inch mortar can be conveyed on its bed, by one waggon.
Limber up. Unscotch the wheels. Run the waggon back.
Prepare to lash up the muzzle. Heave. Run the waggon
Article 15.

There are two patterns of triangle gyn, the small and the large.
The small gyn has legs sixteen feet long, weighs about 8½ cwt.,
including the tackle, and is capable of raising with safety 65 cwt. It is
principally used for mounting guns and howitzers on their carriages,
and for dismounting them; and for placing ordnance of every
description on platform waggons.
The large gyn has legs twenty feet long, weighs about 11½ cwt.,
including the tackle, and is also capable of raising with safety 65 cwt.
It is principally used for mounting guns upon traversing platforms,
and for dismounting them.
The rear of the gyn is the part where the windlass is fixed. The
front of the gyn is the prypole.

Strength of Gyn Detachments.

One non-commissioned officer and ten men are allowed to raise
and work the gyn, numbered as for gun drill.
The same number is sufficient to carry the small gyn. The large
one should be drawn to the place where it is to be used in a hand
At exercise the even numbers are on the right, and the odd
numbers on the left.
The following is the list of stores required for the service of gyns:—

One fall, of 3½-inch white rope, seventy-two feet long, for the
small gyn.
One fall, of 3½ inch white rope, ninety-six feet
One staple, fixed in the top of the prypole. } For
One four-inch block for whip. } the large
One whip fall, of 1½-inch rope, thirty feet long. } gyn.
Four lashing ropes, each nine feet long. }

Two levers and lever ropes. }

One triple block. }
One double block. }
One sling, of six-inch white rope, of a length to suit
dimension of the gun or other object which is to be
One single lashing rope, 2½-inch, for slinging
One piece of spun yarn, three-stranded, 1½
fathom long,
for seizing the clinch of the fall. }
One ditto, one fathom long, for stoppering the fall. } With
One fid, (for which a couple of handspikes may be } both
substituted,) for slinging the gun; or,— } patterns.
One short piece of skidding, for the same
for slinging mortars and howitzers. }
One hammer. }
Three trucks, or small pieces of board, four inches
with a hole in the centre of each, to receive the
spikes of
the feet of the gyn on soft ground. Handspikes laid
upon the
ground, and on each side of the several spikes, will
this purpose. }
One pair of dragropes. }

Disposition, and duties of the Men.

No. 1 commands.
Left side. Right side.
3 carries the foot of the left 2 carries the foot of the right
cheek, has charge of the left cheek, has charge of the
lever, keys and unkeys the right lever, keys and unkeys
left capsquare, runs the the right capsquare, runs the
carriage up, or back. carriage up or back.
5 carries the top of the left
4 carries the top of the right
cheek, assists 3 at the lever,
cheek, assists 2 at the lever,
runs the carriage up, or
runs the carriage up or back.
7 carries the levers and 6 carries the windlass, passes
handspikes, assists 6 to the fall round it, holds on the
pass the fall round the fall and makes it fast, eases
windlass, holds on next to off the fall, and lowers the
him. gun.
9 carries the top of the prypole
8 carries the foot of the prypole
with sling, fid, trucks, &c.,
with sling, fid, trucks, &c.,
holds on the fall behind 7,
holds on the fall behind 6. xx
and coils it up.
11 assists in carrying the blocks, 10 assists in carrying the blocks
and fall, reeves, and and fall, reeves, and
unreeves the triple block, unreeves the double block,
assists in slinging the gun, assists in slinging the gun,
and steadies it on his own and steadies it on his own
side. side.

Put the gyn together, and reeve the tackle. Place the

To raise, and place a Gyn.

Prepare to raise the gyn. At a small gyn the tackle is hooked
before the gyn is raised; at a large gyn it is not hooked until after the
operation has been performed. At the Small gyn, Hook the tackle.
Raise the gyn. Halt. Prepare to place the gyn, either pattern.
Lift the cheeks in, out, to the right, or to the left. At the
Large gyn, Prepare to hook the tackle. Hoist the tackle.
To raise a Gun, or other object, and to mount and dismount a Gun or
Howitzer on, and from a standing carriage; or to shift it from one
carriage to another.
Post yourselves. Pass the fall round the windlass. Put on
the sling, and hook the block. Fix the sling, to a gun, or
howitzer without dolphins. Or, Fix the lashing, to a mortar, or other
piece of ordnance with dolphins. Fix the sling, to a mortar bed.
Shift the fall to the right of the windlass. Haul taught.
Everything being prepared for raising the piece, &c., which has been
slung, Work the levers. Heave. Fetch. Heave, Fetch, alternately
until the piece, &c., is high enough. High enough. Make fast the
fall. If a gun, or howitzer is to be dismounted, the carriage is run
from under by Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, and the piece is lowered to the ground
—Prepare to lower the piece. Lower. The piece is unslung, and
the sling removed by the same numbers that slung it. Before striking
the large gyn, the tackle must be unhooked; an operation exactly the
reverse of hooking. Prepare to strike the gyn. Strike the gyn.
Take the gyn to pieces.

To mount a Gun, and Carriage, upon a platform waggon, by means

of a triangle gyn.
The gyn is placed over the gun in the usual manner, and the
platform waggon is brought to the side of the gyn, with its rear
towards the muzzle of the gun. The gun is then raised, by means of
the gyn; and, when high enough, and the fall made fast, the carriage
is run back by Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5. Prepare to back the waggon. Back
the waggon. Lower the gun. The sling is then removed, and the
waggon is run forward. The gun carriage is next brought under the
gyn, and turned bottom upwards—Lift. Fix the carriage sling.
The carriage is now raised by means of the gyn, and is lowered upon
the piece. Lash the carriage.

Article 16.

The Gibraltar gyn is principally used for mounting, and
dismounting guns, and howitzers on, and from standing carriages. It
weighs 10¾ cwt., and can support three tons with safety.
The following stores are required for the service of the gyn:—
One fall, of 3½-inch white rope, eight fathoms long.
Two lashings for slinging the gun, of 2½-inch tarred rope, each
twenty feet long.
One stopper, about 5½ feet long, of 2½-inch tarred rope, more
than one half plaited as a gasket.
One iron triple block, with brass sheaves, to which is attached a
bar of iron 2½ feet long, for suspending the gun, its ends turned up
to prevent the slings slipping off.
Four common handspikes. Two dragropes.
One non-commissioned officer and six men are allowed for
working the gyn, numbered as usual.
The gyn is moved by means of dragropes hooked to the staples of
the front, or rear axletrees by Nos. 6 and 7. It can be drawn over
hard level ground by the working detachment of six men. On ground
of an unfavourable nature, a greater number than this is necessary.
The rear of the gyn is the part where the windlass is fixed.
The detachment being formed a few paces in rear of the gyn, No.
1 gives the word, “Take post for exercise—To the right face—
Quick march.” The detachment wheels to the left, and the ranks
open out. Nos. 2 and 3 halt one pace in rear of their respective
axletree arms. The whole one pace from each other, and covering.
Disposition, and Duties of the Detachment.

No. 1 commands.
Left side. Right side.
3 runs the carriage up, or back, 2 runs the carriage up, or back,
heaves round the windlass, heaves round the windlass,
assists 7 to sling the gun. assists 6 to sling the gun.
5 runs the carriage up, or back, 4 runs the carriage up, or back,
assists to hold on the fall, holds on the fall, makes it
stoppers, and unstoppers it. fast, and lowers the gun.
7 reeves the tackle, slings, and 6 reeves the tackle, slings, and
unslings the gun at the unslings the gun near the
chase, and steadies it. xx first reinforce, steadies the
gun, and overhauls the

Prepare to place the gyn. Place the gyn by hand, (or by

crosslifting). Reeve the tackle. Prepare to sling the piece.
Sling the piece. Haul in the slack. Heave round the windlass.
Halt. Stopper the fall. Shift the fall. Halt. The carriage having
been run under the piece, or away from it, as may be required, the
piece is lowered, and cast loose, each number reversing the
operations which he performed in lashing; and raising it.
PA R T V I I I .

By the Parabolic Theory, the greatest range is when the angle of

elevation is 45°, or half a right angle; and the ranges are equal at
angles, equally above, and below 45°. In projectiles, moving with
velocities not exceeding 300 or 400 feet per second of time, the
Parabolic theory will resolve cases tolerably near the truth; but in
cases of great projectile velocities, that theory is quite inadequate,
without the aid of data, drawn from good experiments; for so great is
the effect of the resistance of the air to projectiles of considerable
velocity, that some of those, which in the air range only two or three
miles, would, in vacuo, range between twenty and thirty miles. The
effects of this resistance are also various, according to the velocity,
the diameter, and the weight of the shot.
By experiments it will be found that the greatest range (instead of
being constantly that at an elevation of 45°, as in the Parabolic
theory), will be at all intermediate degrees between 45° and 30° (with
ordinary charges about 42°), being more, or less, both according to
the velocity, and the weight of the projectile; the smaller velocities,
and larger shells ranging farthest when projected almost at an
elevation of 45°; while the greatest velocities, especially with the
smaller shells, range farthest with an elevation of about 30°.
However, as sufficient experiments have not yet been made to
establish true rules for practical gunnery, independent of the
Parabolic theory, we must at present content ourselves with the data
of some one certain experimental range, and time of flight at a given
angle of elevation, and then, by help of these, and the Parabolic
theory, we can determine the like circumstances for other elevations
that are not greatly different from the former, assisted by the
following rules:—

1.—To find the Velocity of any shot, or shell.

It has been found by experiments, that with shot of mean windage,
and powder of mean strength, a charge of one-third of the weight of
the ball gives an initial velocity of about 1600 feet per second:
therefore, to find the velocity given by any other charge, divide three
times the weight of the charge by the weight of the ball, and multiply
the square root of the quotient by 1600, the product will be the
velocity in feet, or the space the shot passes over in the first second.

2. The first graze, with given elevation, and charge, being known,
to determine the charge for any other first graze, and elevation.
Multiply the known charge, and elevation into the proposed first
graze, also the proposed elevation into the known first graze, and
divide the first product by the last, for the charge required in ounces.
3. Given the range for one charge, to find the range for another
charge, or the charge for another range.
The ranges have the same proportion as the charges; that is, as
one range is to its charge, so is any other range to its charge, the
elevation of the piece being the same in both cases.

Table of Velocities, &c., of shells.

Nature of shells, in inches 13 10 8 5½ 4⅖

Their weight (loaded) in pounds 200 92 46 16 8
Charge of powder (land service) do. 5 3 2 1 ½
The velocities 436 500 629 693 693

From Experiments on the velocities of shot, the following results

have been obtained:—
1. The time of a ball’s flight is nearly as the range, the gun, and
elevation being the same.
2. The velocities decrease as the distances increase (arising from
the resistance of the air, which opposes the progress of the shot,) in
a proportion somewhat higher than the squares of the velocities
throughout, and subject only to a small variation.
3. Very little advantage is gained, in point of range, by increasing
the charge more than is necessary to attain the object, the velocities
given by large charges being very soon reduced to those by
moderate charges; those, for instance, given by half the shot’s
weight are reduced to an equality with those by one-third, after
passing through a space of only 200 feet. (Vide 8.)
4. Very little benefit is derived from increasing the length of guns,
the velocity given by long guns of 22 calibres being reduced to an
equality with that of short guns of 15½ calibres with similar charges,
after passing through the following spaces—viz.:—

With ½ the shot’s weight, about 285

” ⅓ do. do. 200
” ¼ do. do. 150
” ⅙ do. do. 115
5. The resistance of the air against balls of different diameters with
equal velocities, is very nearly in the proportion of the squares of
their diameters, or as their surfaces.
6. A very great increase of velocity may be acquired by a decrease
of windage, from ⅓ to ¼ being lost by the windage of ½0 the
diameter of the bore.
7. By firing the charge in different parts (separately, or
simultaneously), by compressing the charge, by the use of wads, by
varying the weight of the gun to lessen the recoil, or even by
stopping the recoil entirely, no sensible change is produced in the
velocity of the ball.
8. The velocity increases with the charge, to a certain point,
peculiar to each gun; but, by further increasing the charge, the
velocity gradually diminishes; yet the recoil is always increased by
an increase of charge. (Vide 3.)
9. The velocities of balls fired with equal charges increase to a
certain point, when the gun is longer, in a proportion which is nearly
the middle ratio between the square and cube roots of the length of
the bore.
10. When shot of different weights are fired with the same charges
of powder, the velocities communicated to them are nearly in the
inverse ratio of the square roots of their weights. Therefore, shot
which are of different weights, and impelled by the firing of different
charges of powder, acquire velocities which are directly as the
square roots of the charges of powder, and inversely as the square
roots of the weights of the shot. By making use of shot of a heavier
metal than iron (lead for instance) the momentum of the shot
discharged with the same charge of powder would be increased in
the ratio of the square root of the shot’s weight, which would both
augment the force of the blow with which it would strike, and also the
extent of the range.
Compound-shot, or shells filled with lead, fired with charges
increased ⅛th, will increase the power of range considerably.
11. With common shells at 45° elevation, the time of flight is nearly
equal to the square root of the range in feet, divided by 4; or, more
nearly, equal to the square root of the quotient of the range in feet,
divided by 16-1/12.
12. The range at 45° elevation is nearly equal to the square of the
time of flight in seconds, multiplied by 16-1/12 feet. The range at 15°
will be about half that at 45°.
13. Upon inclined planes, at any elevation, there are always two
elevations with which any range may be obtained.
The elevation which gives the greatest range, on a given ascent, is
equal to half the sum of 90° added to the ascent.
The elevations which give equal ranges on a given ascent, are the
complements of each other added to the ascent.

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