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Radha Nayla azka

Tt3/ Bahasa inggris niaga

1. The Double-Edged Sword: Online Marketplaces and the Struggles of Indonesian SMEs

The rise of online marketplaces like Tokopedia and Shopee has undoubtedly revolutionized e-commerce in
Indonesia. However, the dominance of these platforms has created a situation akin to a monopsony, where a
single buyer holds immense power over a multitude of sellers. This concentration of buyer power can have a
detrimental impact on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), affecting their pricing, competitiveness,
and ultimately, their growth prospects.

One of the most significant challenges faced by SMEs is the pressure on pricing. To gain visibility on these
platforms, SMEs often have to engage in fierce price wars, sacrificing profit margins to compete with larger
companies or those with deeper discounts offered by the marketplaces themselves. For instance, Tokopedia
and Shopee frequently run flash sales and promotional campaigns that feature heavily discounted products,
squeezing smaller players who may not have the resources to match such aggressive pricing strategies.

Furthermore, the dominance of these online giants stifles competition and innovation among SMEs. The
sheer volume of products offered on these platforms makes it difficult for smaller businesses to stand out.
Algorithmic ranking systems often prioritize established brands or those willing to pay for premium
placement, pushing niche or innovative products by SMEs further down the search results. This lack of
visibility hinders brand recognition and customer acquisition, hindering the growth potential of these

In conclusion, while online marketplaces offer a valuable platform for SMEs to reach a wider audience, the
monopsony-like conditions created by their dominance pose significant challenges. The pressure on pricing,
coupled with difficulties in gaining visibility, can stifle competition and hamper the growth prospects of
these vital economic engines. To ensure a more balanced ecosystem, regulations promoting fair competition
and transparency in pricing algorithms are crucial. Additionally, initiatives that empower SMEs with digital
marketing skills and platform-specific optimization strategies can help them navigate the complexities of
online marketplaces and carve their own niche in the ever-evolving e-commerce landscape.

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