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Skill 32 Hypothermia and Hyperthermia Blankets, 233

Skill 33 Using Incentive Spirometry, 238
Skill 34 Intradermal Injections, 241
Skill 35 Intramuscular Injections, 248
Skill 36 Intravenous Medications: Intermittent Infusion Sets and
Mini-Infusion Pumps, 259
Skill 37 Intravenous Medications: Intravenous Bolus, 270
Skill 38 Isolation Precautions, 280

Skill 39 Mechanical Lifts, 293
Skill 40 Metered-Dose Inhalers, 300
Skill 41 Moist Heat (Compress and Sitz Bath), 309
Skill 42 Mouth Care: Unconscious or Debilitated Patients, 316

Skill 43 Nail and Foot Care, 321
Skill 44 Nasoenteral Tube: Placement and Irrigation, 326
Skill 45 Nasogastric Tube for Gastric Decompression: Insertion and
Removal, 338
Skill 46 Negative-Pressure Wound Therapy, 345

Skill 47 Oral Medications, 354
Skill 48 Oral Medications: Medication Administration Through an
Enteral Feeding Tube, 364
Skill 49 Ostomy Care (Pouching), 372
Skill 50 Oxygen Therapy: Nasal Cannula, Oxygen Mask, T Tube, or
Tracheostomy Collar, 379

Skill 51 Parenteral Medication Preparation: Ampules and Vials, 386
Skill 52 Parenteral Medications: Mixing Medications in One
Syringe, 399
Skill 53 Patient-Controlled Analgesia, 408
Skill 54 Peripheral Intravenous Care: Dressing Care,
Discontinuation, 414
Skill 55 Peripheral Intravenous Care: Regulating Intravenous Flow
Rate, Changing Tubing and Solution, 421
Skill 56 Peripheral Intravenous Insertion, 432

Skill 57 Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter Care, 455

Skill 58 Preoperative Teaching, 465
Skill 59 Pressure Bandages (Applying), 479
Skill 60 Pressure Injury Risk Assessment, 484
Skill 61 Pressure Injury Treatment, 496
Skill 62 Pulse Oximetry, 506

Skill 63 Rectal Suppository Insertion, 512
Skill 64 Respiration Assessment, 518
Skill 65 Restraint Application, 524
Skill 66 Restraint-Free Environment, 532

Skill 67 Seizure Precautions, 538
Skill 68 Sequential Compression Device and Elastic Stockings, 546
Skill 69 Specialty Beds: Air-Fluidized, Air-Suspension, and
Rotokinetic, 555
Skill 70 Sterile Gloving, 562
Skill 71 Sterile Technique: Donning and Removing Cap, Mask, and
Protective Eyewear, 571
Skill 72 Subcutaneous Injections, 578
Skill 73 Suctioning: Closed (in-Line), 587
Skill 74 Suctioning: Nasopharyngeal, Nasotracheal, and Artificial
Airway, 592
Skill 75 Suprapubic Catheter Care, 608
Skill 76 Suture and Staple Removal, 613

Skill 77 Topical Skin Applications, 620
Skill 78 Tracheostomy Care, 630

Skill 79 Urinary Catheter Insertion, 642
Skill 80 Urinary Catheter Care and Removal, 658
Skill 81 Urinary Catheter Irrigation, 667
Skill 82 Urinary Diversion: Pouching an Incontinent Urinary
Diversion, 674

Skill 83 Vaginal Instillations, 680
Skill 84 Venipuncture: Collecting Blood Specimens and Cultures by
Syringe and Vacutainer Method, 687

Skill 85 Managing Wound Drainage Evacuation, 699
Skill 86 Wound Irrigation, 705

Appendix: Overview of CDC Hand Hygiene Guidelines, 711

Bibliography, 714

Index, 740

Acapella Device
The Acapella device is a handheld airway clearance device that uses
positive expiratory pressure (PEP) to stabilize airways and improve
aeration of the distal lung areas. There are two types: the blue device
for patients who cannot maintain their expiratory flow above 15 L/
min for greater than 3 seconds, and a green device for patients
who can maintain expiratory flow above or equal to 15 L/min for
at least 3 seconds. PEP stabilizes airways and improves aeration of
the distal lung areas. During exhalation, pressure from the airways is
transmitted to the Acapella device, which helps mucus dislodge from
the airway walls and as a result prevents airway collapse, accelerates
expiratory flow, and moves mucus toward the trachea (Strickland
et al., 2013). Some patients with cystic fibrosis may benefit more from
this device than from standard chest physiotherapy. However, cystic
fibrosis patients must receive some type of routine airway clearance
therapy daily.

Delegation Considerations
The skill of using an Acapella device can be delegated to nursing assistive
personnel (NAP). The nurse is responsible for performing respiratory
assessment, determining that the procedure is appropriate and that a
patient can tolerate it, and evaluating a patient’s response to the procedure.
The nurse directs the NAP to do the following:
■ Be alert for the patient’s tolerance of the procedure, such as
comfort level and changes in breathing pattern, and to
immediately report changes to the nurse.
■ Use specific patient precautions, such as positioning restrictions
related to disease or treatment.

■ Stethoscope
■ Pulse oximeter
■ Water and glass
■ Chair
■ Tissues and paper bag
■ Clear, graduated, screw-top container
■ Suction equipment (if patient cannot cough and clear own
■ Acapella device
■ Clean gloves
■ Patient education materials

2  SKILL 1 Acapella Device

1 Complete preprocedure
2 Prepare Acapella device (Fig.
1.1). Verify that the correct
device is used to match the
patient’s expiratory flow rate.
a Turn Acapella frequency This initial setting helps patient
adjustment dial adjust to device and benefit
counterclockwise to lowest from treatment.
resistance setting. As
patient improves or is more
proficient, adjust proper
resistance level upward by
turning dial clockwise.
b If aerosol drug therapy is
ordered, attach a nebulizer
to the end of the Acapella
3 Instruct patient to:
a Sit comfortably.
b Take in breath that is larger
than normal but not to fill
lungs completely.
c Place mouthpiece into the
mouth, maintaining tight
d Hold breath for 2 to 3
e Try not to cough and to
exhale slowly for 3 to 4
seconds through the device
while it vibrates.
f Repeat cycle for 5 to 10
breaths as tolerated.
g Remove mouthpiece and
perform one or two “huff ”
h Repeat Steps a through g as
SKILL 1 Acapella Device  3

Fig. 1.1 Acapella device.

(Used with permission,

4 Auscultate lung fields; obtain
vital signs and pulse oximetry.
Inspect color, character, and
amount of sputum. Help
patient with oral hygiene.
5 Complete postprocedure

Recording and Reporting

■ Record level of resistance and patient’s tolerance.


1 Patient cannot maintain • Adjust dial clockwise to
exhalation for 3 to 4 allow patient to exhale at a
seconds. lower flow rate.

Aquathermia and
Heating Pads
A water-flow pad such as an aquathermia pad, electric heating pads,
and commercial heat packs are common forms of dry heat therapy. The
aquathermia pad (water-flow pad) used in health care settings comprises
a waterproof rubber or plastic pad connected by two hoses to an electrical
control unit that has a heating element and motor. Distilled water
circulates through hollowed channels in the pad to the control unit
where water is heated (or cooled).
Dry heat devices are applied directly to the surface of the skin. For
this reason, extra precautions need to be taken to prevent burns and
skin and tissue injury (Igaki et al., 2014). A conventional heating pad
uses dry heat and is often used in the home care setting, but not in
health care settings. A cotton or flannel cloth must cover the heating
pad. The pad has a temperature-regulating unit for high, medium, or
low settings. Because it is easy to readjust temperature settings on heating
pads, instruct patients not to turn the setting higher once they have
adapted to the temperature.

Delegation Considerations
The skill of applying aquathermia and dry heat can be delegated to
nursing assistive personnel (NAP; see agency policy). The nurse must
assess and evaluate the condition of the skin and tissues in the area that
is treated and explain the purpose of the treatment. If there are risks or
expected complications, this skill cannot be delegated. The nurse directs
the NAP about the following:
■ Specific positioning and time requirements to keep the application
in place based on health care provider order or agency policy.
■ What to observe and report immediately, such as excessive redness
and pain during application.
■ Reporting when treatment is complete so the patient’s response
can be evaluated.

■ Aquathermia or commercial heat pack
■ Distilled water (for aquathermia pad)
■ Bath towel or pillowcase
■ Tape ties or gauze roll

SKILL 2 Aquathermia and Heating Pads  5

1 Complete preprocedure
2 Check electric plugs and Prevents injury from accidental
cords for obvious fraying or electric shock.
3 Determine patient’s or family Determines extent of health
members’ knowledge of teaching required.
procedure, including steps
for application and safety
4 Apply dry heat device:
a For aquathermia Prevents heated surface from
(1) Cover or wrap area to touching patient’s skin directly
be treated with bath and increasing risk for injury
towel or enclose the to patient’s skin.
pad with pillowcase. Pad delivers dry, warm heat to
(2) Place pad over affected injured tissues. Pad should not
area (Fig. 2.1), and slip onto different body part.
secure with tape, tie, or Prevents exposure of patient to
gauze as needed. temperature extremes.
(3) Turn on aquathermia
unit and check
temperature setting.

SAFETY ALERT Do not pin the wrap to the pad, because this may cause a
leak in the device.

Fig. 2.1 Aquathermia pad applied.

6  SKILL 2 Aquathermia and Heating Pads

b For commercially prepared Activates chemicals within pack
heat pack, break pouch to warm outer surface. Pad
inside larger pack (follow delivers dry, warm heat to
manufacturer’s guidelines). injured tissues. Pad should not
slip onto different body part.
5 Monitor condition of skin Determines if heat exposure is
every 5 minutes during causing burn, blistering, or
application, and question injury to underlying skin.
patient regarding sensation of
6 After no more than 20 Heat therapy may reduce pain
minutes (or time ordered by and spasm and increase
health care provider), remove blood flow and compliance of
pad and store. soft-tissue structures (Brooks
et al., 2015).
7 Complete postprocedure
8 Teach Back: To determine Determines patient and family
the patient and family’s caregiver level of understanding
understanding about safely of instructional topic.
using a heating pad. State: “I
want to be sure I explained
how to safely use a heating
pad at home. Can you explain
to me why you want a layer of
cloth between the heating pad
and your skin?” Revise your
instruction now or develop
a plan for revised patient
teaching if patient is not able
to teach back correctly.

Recording and Reporting

■ Record type of application, temperature and duration of therapy,
and patient’s response on flow sheet in nurses’ notes in electronic
health record (EHR) or chart.
■ Describe any instruction given and patient’s/family caregiver’s
success in demonstrating procedure.
■ Report pain level, range of motion (ROM) of body part, skin
integrity, color, temperature, sensitivity to touch, blistering and
SKILL 2 Aquathermia and Heating Pads  7


1 Skin is reddened and • Discontinue application
sensitive to touch. Extreme immediately.
warmth caused burning of • Verify proper temperature,
skin layer. or check device for proper
• Notify health care provider
and, if there is a burn,
complete an incident report.
2 Patient complains of • Reduce temperature.
burning and discomfort. • Assess for skin breakdown.
• Notify health care provider.
3 Body part is painful to • Discontinue aquathermia
move. Movement stretches pad or heat pack use.
burn-sensitive nerve fibers • Observe for localized
in skin. swelling.
• Notify health care provider.
4 Patient or family caregiver • Reinstruct patient or family
applies heat incorrectly or caregiver as necessary.
cannot explain precautions. Consider possible home
health referral.

Aspiration Precautions
Aspiration is the misdirection of oropharyngeal secretions or gastric
contents into the larynx and lower respiratory tract (Metheny, 2012).
You should suspect dysphagia if a patient has frequent drooling, loss of
food from the mouth during eating, pocketing food (holding food in
the cheek), and spitting pieces of food out. In addition, a patient might
experience choking or coughing when swallowing, a gurgling or wet-
sounding voice quality (e.g., hoarseness), and having the sensation of
food getting stuck in the throat after multiple attempts to swallow (Kyle,
2011; Mayo Clinic, 2014).
Silent or asymptomatic aspiration refers to passage of foods or liquids
into the trachea and lungs without producing a productive cough or
other signs consistent with aspiration (Garon et al., 2009). The more
subtle signs associated with silent aspiration include lack of speech,
depressed alertness, wet quality to voice, drooling, difficulty controlling
secretions, and absence of gag reflex.
The single most important measure to prevent aspiration is to place
the patient on nothing by mouth (NPO) until a dysphagia evaluation
by a certified speech language therapist (SLP) can be performed, then
a safe diet can resume. Early screening and intervention are crucial in
the prevention of aspiration and pneumonia.
Dysphagia management includes dietary modification by altering
the consistency of foods and liquids and is most effective when imple-
mented using an interprofessional approach. The SLP and registered
dietitian (RD) are central to dysphagia management.
The National Dysphagia Diet comprises four levels: dysphagia puree,
dysphagia mechanically altered, dysphagia advanced, and regular (Table
3.1). Thickened liquids are commonly prescribed to prevent aspiration
pneumonia (Frey and Ramsberger, 2011). Always read the label directions
when modifying liquids to prepare the desired thickness correctly. Appropri-
ate food choices and consistency of liquids are individualized and based
on which phase of swallowing is dysfunctional (Sura, 2012).
Delegation Considerations
The skill of following aspiration precautions while feeding a patient can
be delegated to nursing assistive personnel (NAP). However, the nurse
is responsible for the ongoing assessment of a patient’s risk for aspiration
and determination of positioning and any special feeding techniques.
The nurse directs the NAP to do the following:
■ Position patient upright (45 to 90 degrees preferred) or according
to medical restrictions during and after feeding.

SKILL 3 Aspiration Precautions  9

TABLE 3.1 Stages of National Dysphagia Diet

Stage Description Examples
NDD 1: Uniform, pureed, Smooth, hot cereals
Dysphagia cohesive, pudding-like cooked to a “pudding”
pureed texture consistency; mashed
potatoes; pureed meat and
vegetables; pureed pasta
or rice; yogurt
NDD 2: Moist, soft-textured; Cooked cereals; dry
Dysphagia easily forms a bolus cereals moistened with
mechanically milk; canned fruit (except
altered pineapple); moist ground
meat; well-cooked noodles
in sauce/gravy; well-
cooked, diced vegetables
NDD 3: Regular foods (except Moist breads (e.g., butter,
Dysphagia very hard, sticky, or jelly); well-moistened
advanced crunchy foods) cereals, peeled soft fruits
(peach, plum, kiwi);
tender, thin-sliced meats;
baked potato (without
skin); tender, cooked
Regular All foods No restrictions

NDD, National Dysphagia Diet.

Data from National Dysphagia Diet Task Force: National dysphagia diet: standardization for
optimal care, Chicago, 2002, American Dietetic Association.

■ Use aspiration precautions while feeding patients who need

assistance, and explain feeding techniques that are successful for
specific patients.
■ Immediately report any onset coughing, gagging, or a wet voice or
pocketing of food to the nurse.

■ Upright chair or bed in high-Fowler position
■ Thickening agents as designated by SLP (rice, cereal, yogurt,
gelatin, commercial thickener)
■ Tongue blade
■ Penlight
■ Oral hygiene supplies
■ Suction equipment
10  SKILL 3 Aspiration Precautions

■ Clean gloves
■ Pulse oximeter (optional)

1 Complete preprocedure
2 Perform a nutritional Patients with dysphagia alter
assessment. their eating patterns or choose
foods that do not provide
adequate nutrition (see Table
3 Assess mental status, If orientation and
including alertness, command-following are
orientation, and ability to impaired, risk for aspiration is
follow simple commands. higher.
4 Determine if patient has an Performing an assessment
increased risk for aspiration, before feeding determines
and assess for signs and when referral to SLP is
symptoms of dysphagia necessary. Interventions to
(Box 3.1). Use a dysphagia minimize aspiration and
screening tool if available. possible pneumonia can be
5 Apply clean gloves. Provide Risk for aspiration pneumonia
thorough oral hygiene, has been associated with poor
including brushing of oral hygiene (Eisenstadt, 2010).
tongue, before meal.
6 Observe patient during Indicates swallowing impairment
mealtime for signs of and possible aspiration.
dysphagia such as coughing, Chewing and sitting up for
dyspnea, or drooling. Note feeding accelerate onset of
during and at end of meal if fatigue. Fatigue increases risk
patient tires. for aspiration.
7 Indicate on patient’s chart Identifying patient as dysphagic
and Kardex that dysphagia/ reduces risk for his or her
aspiration risk is present. receiving oral nutrients without
SKILL 3 Aspiration Precautions  11

BOX 3.1 Criteria for Dysphagia Referral (Box 31.7

from main text)
Before Referral:
If the answer is “yes” to either of the following two questions, referral
at this time is not appropriate:
■ Is patient unconscious or drowsy?
■ Is patient unable to sit in an upright position for a reasonable
length of time?

Consider the Next Two Questions Before Making the Referral:

■ Is patient near the end of life?
■ Does patient have an esophageal problem that will require surgical

When Observing the Patient or Giving Mouth Care, Look for the
■ Open mouth (weak lip closure)
■ Drooling liquids or solids
■ Poor oral hygiene/thrush
■ Facial weakness
■ Tongue weakness
■ Difficulty with secretions
■ Slurred, indistinct speech
■ Change in voice quality
■ Poor posture or head control
■ Weak involuntary cough
■ Delayed cough (up to 2 minutes after swallow)
■ General frailty
■ Confusion/dementia
■ No spontaneous swallowing movements
If any of the above is present, the patient may have swallowing
problems and need referral to an SLP.

8 Position patient upright (90 Position facilitates safe
degrees) in a chair or elevate swallowing and enhances
head of patient’s bed to a esophageal motility (Grodner
45- to 90-degree angle or to et al., 2012; Ney et al., 2009).
the highest position allowed Side-lying position is an option
by medical condition during if patient cannot have head
meal, or position in chair. elevated.
12  SKILL 3 Aspiration Precautions

9 Using penlight and tongue Pockets of food in the mouth
blade, gently inspect mouth indicate difficulty swallowing.
for pockets of food.
10 Optional: Apply pulse Pulse oximetry may be a reliable
oximeter to patient’s finger; method of diagnosis of
monitor during feeding. aspiration in most dysphagic
stroke patients (Lancaster,
11 Add thickener to thin liquids Thin liquids are difficult to
to create desired consistency control in the mouth and
per SLP evaluation. pharynx and are more easily
aspirated (Garcia et al., 2010).
12 Have patient assume a Chin-tuck or chin-down
chin-tuck position. Have position has traditionally been
patient swallow twice or used to help reduce aspiration
repeatedly, and monitor for (Eisenstadt, 2010). However,
swallowing and respiratory a study of 47 patients with a
difficulty. video fluoroscopic diagnosis
of aspiration found only 55%
avoided aspiration during the
chin-down posture (Terre &
Mearin, 2012). More research
is needed. Hyperextension of
neck makes it easier for food to
enter airway.
13 If patient cannot feed self, Small bites help patient’s ability
place 1 2 to 1 teaspoon of to swallow (Grodner et al.,
food on unaffected side of 2012).
mouth, allowing utensils to Provides a tactile cue to begin
touch the mouth or tongue. eating, avoids pocketing of
food on weaker side.
14 Provide verbal cueing while Verbal cueing keeps patient
feeding. Remind patient focused on normal swallowing
to chew and think about (Metheny, 2012). Positive
swallowing. Avoid mixing reinforcement enhances
food of different textures in patient’s confidence in ability
same mouthful. Alternate to swallow (Garcia and
liquids and bites of food. Chambers, 2010).
SKILL 3 Aspiration Precautions  13

Minimize distractions, and Single textures are easier to
do not rush patient. Use swallow than multiple textures.
sauces, condiments, and Alternating solids with liquids
gravies to facilitate cohesive removes food residue in mouth
food bolus formation. (Ney et al., 2009).
Environmental distractions and
conversations during mealtime
increase risk for aspiration
(Chang and Roberts, 2011).
Cohesive food bolus helps to
prevent pocketing or small
food particles from entering
the airway (Ney et al., 2009).
15 Ask patient to remain sitting Remaining upright after meals
upright for at least 30 to 60 or snack reduces chance of
minutes after the meal. aspiration by allowing food
particles remaining in pharynx
to clear (Frey and Ramsberger,
16 Complete postprocedure

Recording and Reporting

■ Document in patient’s electronic health record (EHR) or chart:
assessment findings, patient’s tolerance of liquids and food
textures, amount of assistance required, position during meal,
absence or presence of any symptoms of dysphagia during feeding,
fluid intake, and amount eaten.
■ Report any coughing, gagging, choking, or other swallowing
difficulties to health care provider.
■ Communicate with other health care staff that patient has
dysphagia during hand-off communication.
■ Document evaluation of family caregiver learning.
14  SKILL 3 Aspiration Precautions


1 Patient coughs, gags, • Stop feeding immediately
complains of food “stuck in and place patient on NPO
throat,” or has a wet quality (nothing by mouth). Notify
to voice when eating. health care provider, and
suction as needed.
• Anticipate consultation with
SLP for swallowing exercises
and techniques to improve
2 Patient experiences weight • Discuss findings with health
loss over next several days/ care provider and RD.
weeks. Determine if increasing
frequency or quality of
foods is needed.
• Nutritional supplements
may be needed.

Assistive Device
Ambulation (Use of
Crutches, Cane,
and Walker)
An assistive device increases stability during ambulation; supports weak
extremities; or reduces the load on weight-bearing structures such as
hips, knees, or ankles. These devices range from standard canes, which
provide balance and minimal physical support, to crutches and walkers,
which are used by patients with weight-bearing limitations on one or
more of their legs.
A licensed physical therapist (PT) should be consulted to help
choose the proper assistive device, fit the device, and instruct the
patient on the correct technique for use. When helping a patient with
an assistive device ambulate, always have a gait belt on the patient
and stand slightly behind and to the side of the patient (on his or her
weak side).

Delegation Considerations
The skill of assisting patients with ambulation can be delegated to
nursing assistive personnel (NAP). The nurse directs the NAP to do the
■ Have a patient dangle following lying in bed before ambulation.
■ Immediately return a patient to the bed or chair if he or she is
nauseated, dizzy, pale, or diaphoretic, and report these signs and
symptoms to the nurse immediately.
■ Apply safe, nonskid shoes on patient, and ensure that the
environment is free of clutter and there is no moisture on the
floor before ambulating patient.

■ Ambulation device (crutch, walker, cane)
■ Safety device (gait belt)
■ Well-fitting, flat, nonskid shoes for patient
■ Goniometer (optional)

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Les endroits sablonneux présentent les :
Matthiola livida.
Malcolmia Ægyptiaca.
— Africana.
Savignya Ægyptiaca.
Hussonia Ægiceras.
Retama Duriæi.
Ononis Sicula.
Lotus pusillus.
*Torilis leucotricha.
*Centaurea furfuracea.
*Megastoma pusillum.
*Nonnea phaneranthera.
Stipa tortilis.
Festuca divaricata var. Memphitica.

Dans les lieux rocailleux s’observent les :

Notoceras Canariense.
Argyrolobium uniflorum.
Astragalus cruciatus.
*Marrubium deserti.
Arthratherum plumosum.

Au voisinage du caravansérail ont été recueillis les :

Rapistrum Linnæanum.
Medicago apiculata.
Avena barbata.
— fatua var. glabrescens.

A l’ouest s’étend une plaine argilo-calcaire et sablonneuse sur

quelques points ; on n’y voit d’autres arbustes que le Zizyphus Lotus
qui croît dans le sable, et le Rhus dioica dans les terrains pierreux, la
végétation y est très analogue à celle des environs de Biskra.
Pour compléter le tableau de la flore des environs de Biskra,
nous croyons devoir faire précéder la liste des plantes observées
dans la région saharienne de quelques détails sur la végétation
arborescente : les environs immédiats de Biskra ne présentent pas
de véritables arbres ; les arbrisseaux les plus élevés qu’on y
rencontre appartiennent au genre Tamarix, et sont généralement loin
d’offrir les proportions qu’ils atteignent dans la forêt de Saada ; ce
sont les :
Tamarix Gallica L.
— Africana Poir.
*— Africana var. Saharæ J. Gay.
— Africana var. laxiflora J. Gay.
*— brachystylis J. Gay.
*— brachystylis var. sanguinea J. Gay.
*— bounopœa J. Gay.
*— Balansæa J. Gay.
*— pauciovulata J. Gay.

qui, avec le Laurier-Rose, ornent souvent les bords des sources et

des ruisseaux ; dans les plaines, le Nitraria tridentata et le Zizyphus
Lotus forment des touffes généralement orbiculaires et espacées ;
dans les rochers ou sur les pentes rocailleuses croît le Rhus dioica,
qui peut être employé pour la préparation du cuir et des outres, de la
même manière que l’espèce voisine (Rhus pentaphylla), si
généralement répandue dans la région littorale de la province
d’Oran ; le Periploca angustifolia se rencontre aussi dans les mêmes
lieux ; enfin le Limoniastrum Guyonianum forme des buissons peu
élevés dans les plaines, et est surtout abondant sur les berges des
ravins. — Nous avons cru devoir reporter à la suite de la même liste
la relation de nos herborisations sur les bords et dans le lit de l’Oued
Biskra, car les alluvions de ce cours d’eau présentent, groupées
dans un espace restreint, des plantes de stations trop dissemblables
pour pouvoir donner une idée exacte de la distribution des végétaux
dans cette partie du Sahara.

Liste des plantes observées dans la région saharienne aux environs et au sud de
Adonis dentata Delile. — Terrains remués. (Tun. Trip. Æg. Or.).
Ranunculus Baudotii Godr. — Saguia de l’oasis de Beni-Mora (Eur. marit.).
Delphinium pubescens DC. — Pl. (Tun. Gall. austr.).

*Fumaria longipes Coss. et DR. — Col-de-Sfa (Hénon).

Matthiola tristis R. Br. — Pl. (Hisp. Gall. austr. It. Græc.).
livida DC. — Sabl. Saada (Balansa). Megarin (Reboud). (Tun, Æg. Arab.
parviflora R. Br. — All. (Mar. Hisp. Can.).
*Lonchophora Capiomontiana DR. — Rav. Dépr. Cot. All.
*Nasturtium coronopifolium DC. — Hum. All. Cot. Rav. (Tun.).
Notoceras Canariense R. Br. — Cot. Pl. Biskra. Saada (Balansa). (Mar. Tun.
Hisp. Æg. Can.).
Savignya Ægyptiaca DC. — Sabl. Saada (Balansa). (Æg. Afr. centr.).
Farsetia Ægyptiaca Turr. — Cot. Pl. (Æg.).
linearis Decaisne. — Cot. Rav. Roch. (Arab. fel.).
Alyssum campestre L. — Pl. Terrains remués. (Eur. austr.).
Libycum (Koniga Lybica R. Br.). — Pl. Sabl. Biskra. Saada (Balansa). (Tun.
Trip. Hisp. austr. Arab. Or. Can.).
maritimum Lmk. — Cot. (Med.).
Clypeola Jonthlaspi L. — Pl. Roch. (Eur. austr. Or.).
Capsella procumbens Fries (Hutchinsia procumbens DC.). — Hum. Sal. (Eur.
austr. Med.).
Hutchinsia petræa R. Br. — Hum. (Eur. centr. austr.).
Iberis pectinata Boiss. — Terrains meubles. (Hisp. Or.).
Anastatica Hierochuntica L. — Pl. (Æg. Palæst.).
*Cordylocarpus muricatus Desf. — All.
Malcolmia Africana R. Br. — All. (Hisp. Gall. austr. Cauc.).
Ægyptiaca Spreng. — Sabl. Montagne-de-sable. Megarin (Reboud). (Æg.).
parviflora DC. — All. (Med. occ.).
Sisymbrium runcinatum Lagasc. — Dépr. All. (Hisp.).
*cinereum Desf. — Cot. Dépr. Biskra. Megarin (Reboud). (Tun.).
*torulosum Desf. — Dépr. Biskra. Saada (Balansa). (Tun.).
Erysimum strictum Fl. Wett. var. micranthum J. Gay. — Alluvions de l’Oued
Biskra. (Hisp.).
Senebiera Coronopus Poir. — Hum. Forêt de Saada (tr. ab.). (Eur. As).
Hussonia Ægiceras (H. uncata Boiss.). — Sabl. All. Biskra ; Saada (Balansa).
Sables entre l’Oued R’ir et l’Oued Souf (Reboud). (Tun. Syr. Arab.).
Sinapis geniculata Desf. — All. (Tun. Syr.).
Moricandia arvensis DC. — Cot. Pl. All. (Tun. Med. austr.).
*suffruticosa Coss. et DR. (Brassica suffruticosa Desf.). — All. Dépr. Rav. Cot.
teretifolia DC. — Dépr. Rav. Cot. (Tun. Æg. Arab.).
*Henophyton deserti Coss. et DR. (Henonia deserti Coss. et DR. olim). — Env.
de Tuggurt près Zïoua (Hénon). Entre Guerrara et Tuggurt (Reboud).
Diplotaxis pendula DC. — Rav. All. Cot. (Tun. Hisp. Æg.).
virgata DC. — All. Pl. (Tun. Hisp.).
muralis DC. — Ouled Djellal (Hénon). (Tun. Eur.).
*Erucastrum obtusangulum Rchb. var. exauriculatum. — All.
Eruca sativa Lmk. (E. stenocarpa Boiss. et Reut.). — Pl. Cot. All. (Eur. centr. et
austr. Or.).
Carrichtera Vellæ DC. — Pl. Cot. (Tun. Med. austr. Or.).
*Muricaria prostrata Desv. — Ouled Djellal (Hénon). (Tun.).
*Enarthrocarpus clavatus Delil. in Godr. Fl. Juv. — Ouled Djellal (Hénon).

Cleome Arabica L. — Rav. All. (Tun. Æg. Arab.).
Capparis spinosa L. var. canescens. — Roch. (Med. austr.).

Helianthemum papillare Boiss. — Pl. (Tun. Hisp.).
Ægyptiacum Mill. — Pl. (Med. austr. Or.).
sessiliflorum Pers. — Pl. Cot. Entre Megarin et l’Oued Souf (Reboud). (Tun.
Sic. Æg. Arab.).
ellipticum Pers. — Cot. (Tun. Æg. Pers.).
Cahiricum Delile. — Cot. (Tun. Æg.).
lævipes Pers. — All. (Med.).
pilosum Pers. — All. Rav. (Tun. Med.).

Reseda eremophila Boiss. — Dépr. All. (Tun. Æg. Arab.).
Phyteuma L. — All. (Eur. centr. austr. Azor.).
Arabica Boiss. — Sabl. (Tun. Æg. Arab.).
lutea L. — Roch. Cot. All. (Eur. centr. austr.).
Aucheri Boiss. (R. atriplicifolia J. Gay olim). — Cot. All. (Mesop. Pers.).
Oligomeris glaucescens Camb. (Reseda subulata Delile). — Cot. Fontaine-
chaude (Balansa). (Hisp. austr. Arab. petr. Æg. Can.)

Frankenia pulverulenta L. — Pl. (Tun. Eur. austr. Or. Can.).
lævis L. — Pl. Dépr. Sal. (Tun. Eur. occ. austr. Cauc. Can.).
thymifolia Desf. — Sal. Fontaine-chaude. (Tun. Hisp.).
corymbosa Desf. — Pl. Dépr. Sal. (Tun. Hisp. Æg.).

*Gypsophila compressa Desf. — Pl. (Tun.).
Dianthus serrulatus Desf. — Pl. (Tun. Lus. Hisp.).
Silene tridentata Desf. — Pl. All. (Tun. Hisp. Can.).
villosa Forsk. ? — Ouled Djellal (Hénon). (Mar. Hisp. austr. ? Lus. ? Æg.).
Nicæensis All. — Sabl. (Tun. Med.).
Spergularia media Pers. — Hum. (Tun. Eur. occ. austr.).
diandra Heldr. (Alsine diandra Guss.). — Hum. (Tun. Hisp. It.).

Linum strictum L. — All. (Tun. Eur. austr. Or.).

Malva Ægyptiaca L. — Pl. (Tun. Hisp. Æg. Cauc.).
sylvestris L. var. dasycarpa. — Oasis. (Eur. austr.).
Althæa Ludwigii L. — Pl. All. (Sic. Æg.).

Hypericum tomentosum L. — Hum. (Tun. Med. Or.).

Erodium laciniatum Cav. — All. (Tun. Med. Æg. Can.).
hirtum Willd. — Cot. Sabl. (Tun. Æg.).
Ciconium Willd. — Pl. All. (Tun. Eur. austr.).
Cicutarium L’Hérit. — Pl. (Eur. Or.).
malachoides Willd. — All. Pl. (Tun. Med. Can.).
glaucophyllum Ait. — Pl. Cot. Biskra. El-Ouar (Hénon). (Tun. Æg.).
guttatum Willd. — All. Sabl. (Hisp. Cauc.).

Tribulus terrestris L. — Pl. (Gall. occ. Eur. austr. Or. Seneg.).
Fagonia Sinaica Boiss. ? — Cot. (Tun. Arab. ?).
glutinosa Delil. — Cot. Rav. Sabl. (Æg. Arab.).
latifolia Delil. — Cot. (Æg.).
*Zygophyllum cornutum Coss. — Rav. All. Sabl. Sal.

Haplophyllum tuberculatum Adr. Juss. — Pl. All. (Tun. Æg. Nub.).
Peganum Harmala L. — Pl. (Tun. Med. austr. Or.).

Zizyphus Lotus L. — Pl. Cot. (Tun. Hisp. Sic.).

Rhus dioica Willd. (R. oxyacanthoides Dum. Cours.). — Cot. Roch. (Tun. Mar.
Sic. Syr. Can. ?).
Pistacia Atlantica Desf. — Oued Retem (Hénon). (Can. Or.).

Retama Duriæi Spach var. phæocalyx Webb. — Sabl. All. (Tun. Syr.).
Argyrolobium uniflorum Jaub. et Spach. — Montagne-de-Sable. (Tun. Syr.
Ononis angustissima Lmk. — Roch. Rav. Cot. (Tun. Can.).
Natrix L. — Cot. (Eur.).
Sicula Guss. — Pl. Saada (Balansa). El-Ouar (Hénon). (Tun. Hisp. Sic.
serrata Forsk. — Sabl. All. (Tun. Æg. Or. Can.).
*Anthyllis tragacanthoides Desf. — Pl. Cot. (Tun.).
sericea Lagasc. — Coteaux calcaires près de l’Oued Retem, env. de Tuggurt
(Hénon). Blidet-Hameur (Reboud). (Hisp. austr.).
*Medicago secundiflora DR. — All. (Tun.).
littoralis Rohde. — Pl. Sabl. (Tun. Med.).
tribuloides Lmk. — All. (Tun. Med.).
laciniata All. — Cot. All. (Tun. Eur. austr.).
Trigonella anguina Delile. — All. Dépr. Cot. (Tun. Æg.).
Ægyptiaca Poir. (T. microcarpa Fresen.). — All. Dépr. Cot. (Tun. Æg. Can.).
Monspeliaca L. — All. Pl. (Gall. Eur. austr. Or.).
polycerata L. — All. (Gall. austr. Hisp. Tauri.).
Lotus pusillus Viv. — Sabl. (Tun. Trip. Sic. It. Or.).
major Scop. — All. Dépr. (Eur. bor. centr. Med. occ.).
Leobordea lotoides Delile. — Cot. Dépr. Col-de-Sfa (Balansa). (Æg. Arab.).
*Astragalus tenuifolius Desf. — Pl. All. (Tun.).
cruciatus Link. — All. Sabl. (Tun. Hisp. Æg. Cauc.).
Stella Gouan. — All. Sabl. (Gall. austr. Med. occ.).
canaliculatus Willd. (A. scorpioides Pourr.). — Pl. All. (Hisp.).
annularis Forsk. — Pl. Dépr. Saada (Balansa). (Æg.).
*biflorus Viv. — Pl. Sabl. Dépr. Saada (Balansa). (Tun. Cyr.).
*trimorphus Viv. ? — Sabl. Dépr. Saada (Balansa). (Cyr.).
corrugatus Bert. var. — Pl. (Balansa). (Tun. Mesop. ? Æg.).
hamosus L. — Pl. All. (Tun. Med. Or.).
*geniculatus Desf. — All.
*Gombo Coss. et DR. — Sabl. (Tun.).
Scorpiurus sulcata L. — Pl. All. (Tun. Med. Can.).
Hippocrepis bicontorta Lois. — Cot. All. (Tun. Æg. Arab.).
ciliata Willd. — (Tun. Med.).
Hedysarum spinosissimum L. — All. (Tun. Med.).
capitatum Desf. — All. (Tun. Med. occ.).
*carnosum Desf. — All. Dépr. Hum. Cot.
*Ebenus pinnata Desf. — All. (Tun.).

Neurada procumbens L. — Sabl. Cot. (Tun. Æg. Arab. Seneg.).
Lythrum hyssopifolia L. — Hum. All. (Eur. Am. Nov. Holl.).

Tamarix Gallica L. — Hum. Bords des eaux. (Eur. occ. austr. Or.).
Africana Poir. — Id. (Tun. Med. Or.).
— *var. Saharæ J. Gay. — Id.
— var. laxiflora J. Gay. — Id.
*brachystylis J. Gay. — Id.
— *var. sanguinea J. Gay. — Id.
*bounopœa J. Gay. — Id.
*Balansæa J. Gay — Id. Biskra ; Saada (Balansa).
*pauciovulata J. Gay. — Id.

Cucumis Colocynthis L. — Pl. Rav. (Tun. Hisp. austr. Æg. Syr.).

Sclerocephalus Arabicus Boiss. — Cot. All. (Arab.).
Telephium Imperati L. — Alluvions de l’Oued Biskra. (Eur. austr. Or.).
Herniaria fruticosa L. — Pl. Cot. (Tun. Hisp. Can.).
Gymnocarpus decandrus Forsk. — Cot. All. (Tun. Æg. Can.).
*Paronychia Cossoniana J. Gay. — Rav. All. (Tun.).
nivea DC. — Cot. Pl. (Tun. Med. Or.).
Polycarpæa fragilis Delile. — Sabl. Montagne-de-sable (Balansa). (Æg.).
Lœflingia Hispanica L. — All. (Med. occ. austr. Tun.).
Pteranthus echinatus Desf. — All. (Tun. Æg. Arab. Cypr. Cauc.).

Mesembryanthemum nodiflorum L. — Sal. (Tun. Med. austr.).
Aizoon Canariense L. — Oued Djedi (Hénon). (Tun. Æg. Can.).
Hispanicum L. — Sal. (Tun. Hisp. Can.).
*Reaumuria stenophylla Jaub. et Spach. — Cot. Roch. (Tun.).
Nitraria tridentata Desf. — Pl. Rav. Cot. (Tun. Æg.).

Eryngium ilicifolium Lmk. — Pl. Cot. (Tun. Mar. Hisp.)
Helosciadium nodiflorum Koch. — Eaux (Eur. centr. austr.).
Ammi Visnaga Lmk. — Pl. (Tun. Med. Or.).
Buplevrum semicompositum L. — Pl. (Tun. Med.).
*Deverra chlorantha Coss. et DR. — Cot. Roch. (Tun.).
*scoparia Coss. et DR. — Cot. Roch. (Tun.).
*Ferula Vesceritensis Coss. et DR. (F. Tingitana var. ?). — Pl.
Orlaya maritima Koch. — Sabl. All. (Tun. Med.).
Daucus pubescens Koch. — Sabl. All. (Tun. Æg.).
*glaberrimus Desf. — Oasis (Tun.).
*Torilis leucotricha Coss. et DR. — Sabl. Saada (Balansa).
Scandix australis L. — Pl. (Med. Or.).

Galium setaceum Lmk. — All. Rav. (Tun. Med. Or.).
Callipeltis Cucullaria Stev. — All. Rav. (Tun. Hisp. Or.).

Scabiosa Monspeliensis L. — Pl. Cot. (Tun. Med. occ.).

Composées (Cynarocéphales).
Calendula Crista-Galli Viv. — All. (Tun. Trip. Hisp.).
*Echinops spinosus L. — Pl. All. (Tun.).
*Carlina involucrata Desf. — Cot. (Tun.).
Atractylis cancellata L. — Pl. All. Cot. (Tun. Med.).
prolifera Boiss. — R. Pl. Cot. (Tun. Arab.).
*microcephala Coss. et DR. — Pl. Cot. (Tun.).
flava Desf. — Pl. (Tun. Æg.).
*Amberboa crupinoides DC. — Cot. All. (Tun. Cyr.).
Lippii DC. — All. (Tun. Hisp. austr. Æg. Arab. Can.).
*Microlonchus Duriæi Spach. — Pl. Biskra. Saada (Balansa). (Tun.).
Centaurea Parlatoris Heldr. — Cot. Rav. (Sic. Græc.).
sulphurea Willd. — Rav. (Hisp. austr. Sic. ?).
Calcitrapa L. — Pl. (Eur. Or.).
polyacantha Willd. — Sabl. (Tun. Mar. Lus. Hisp.).
*microcarpa Coss. et DR. — All. Dépr.
*furfuracea Coss. et DR. — Sabl. Saada (Balansa). (Tun.).
*omphalotricha Coss. et DR. — Cot. Rav. All.
*omphalodes Coss. et DR. — R. Cot. (Balansa).
Kentrophyllum lanatum DC. — All. (Eur.).
*Silybum eburneum Coss. et DR. — Pl. (Tun.).
Onopordon ambiguum Fresen. — Pl. All. (Tun. Arab.).
Carduus confertus Moris var. — Pl. All. (Tun. Med. austr.).
pycnocephalus L. — Pl. (Eur. occ. austr. Or.).

Composées (Corymbifères).
Gymnarrhena micrantha Desf. — Cot. (Balansa). (Tun. Pers.).
— var. Balansæ (G. Balansæ Coss. et DR. olim). — Cot.
*Nolletia chrysocomoides Cass. (Conyza pulicarioides Coss. et DR. olim.). —
Rav. All. Biskra. Megarin (Reboud). (Tun.).
Phagnalon saxatile Cass. — Cot. (Tun. Med. austr. Can.).
purpurascens Sch. Bip. — Zaatcha (Felix Puel). (Can).
Evax pygmæa Pers. — Pl. All. (Med. Or.).
Micropus supinus L. — Pl. All. (Tun. Med. Or.).
bombycinus Lagasc. — Id. (Med. Or.).
*Rhanterium adpressum Coss. et DR. — Cot. Roch. All. Biskra. Oued Souf. Oued
R’ir (Reboud).
Inula crithmoides DC. — Hum. Biskra. Megarin (Reboud). (Eur. occ. austr. Or.).
viscosa Ait. — All. (Med. Or. Can.).
*Francœuria laciniata Coss. et DR. — All. (Tun.).
Pulicaria Arabica Cass. — Hum. Saguia. All. (Tun. Hisp. Græc. Or.).
Asteriscus aquaticus DC. — Hum. (Tun. Med. Can.).
pygmæus Coss. et DR. (A. aquaticus DC. var. pygmæus). — Hum. Cot.
(Tun. Or.).
Pallenis spinosa Cass. var. — Pl. (Tun. Eur. austr. Or. Can.).
*Anvillea radiata Coss. et DR. — All. Biskra. Plaine de Saada (Balansa).
Cyrtolepis Alexandrina DC. — Alluvions de l’Oued Biskra (Balansa). (Tun.
Cladanthus Arabicus Cass. — All. Dépr. Cot. (Tun. Hisp. austr. Æg.).
*Pyrethrum fuscatum Willd. — Cot. All. (Tun.).
*trifurcatum Willd. — Cot. All. (Tun.).
Chamomilla aurea J. Gay (Cotula aurea L.). — All. Dépr. (Tun. Hisp. Æg. Or.).
— *var. papposa. — Id.
Artemisia campestris L. var. — Pl. All. (Eur. Or.).
Herba-alba Asso. — Pl. All. (Tun. Hisp. Æg. Can.).
Tanacetum cinereum DC. (Cotula cinerea Delile). — Alluvions de l’Oued Biskra
(Hénon). Mégarin (Reboud). (Æg. Arab.).
*Chlamydophora pubescens Coss. et DR. (Cotula pubescens Desf.). — All.
Dépr. (Tun.).
Lasiopogon muscoides DC. — R. Cot. Biskra (Balansa). Col-de-Sfa (Hénon).
(Tun. Hisp. Or.).
Filago Jussiæi Coss. et Germ. — Pl. Moissons. (Eur. centr. austr.).
— var. prostrata. — Id. (Med.).
Ifloga Fontanesii Cass. — Sabl. All. (Tun. Hisp. Æg. Syr. Arab. Ind. Can.).
Senecio Decaisnei DC. — Coteaux à l’est du Col-de-Sfa (Balansa). (Syr. Arab.
coronopifolius Desf. — All. Dépr. Biskra Mégarin (Reboud). (Tun. Æg. Can.).

Composées (Chicoracées).
Scolymus maculatus L. — All. (Tun. Med. Or.).
Hispanicus L. — All. (Tun. Eur. occ. austr. Can.).
grandiflorus Desf. — All. (Tun. Med. austr.).
Kœlpinia linearis Pall. — Cot. Pl. All. (Tun. Ross. austr. Or.).
*Catananche arenaria Coss. et DR. — Cot. Sabl. Biskra (Jamin). (Tun.).
Cichorium divaricatum Schousb. — Pl. All. (Tun. Med.).
Hypochæris arachnoidea Poir. — Sabl. (Eur. austr.).
Neapolitana Ten. — All. (Tun. Eur. austr.).
*Kalbfussia Salzmanni Schultz Bip. — Pl. All. (Tun.).
Podospermum laciniatum DC. var. intermedium. — Pl. (Med.).
Scorzonera undulata Vahl. — Pl. Cot. (Tun. It. Sic. Græc. Arab.).
Spitzelia lyrata Schultz Bip. — All. (Tun. Æg.).
Helminthia echioides L. — All. (Eur. centr. austr.).
Lomatolepis glomerata Cass. — All. Dépr. (Balansa). (Æg. Arab.).
Picridium Tingitanum Desf. — All. (Tun. Med. austr. Or.).
Zollikoferia resedifolia Coss. (Sonchus chondrilloides Desf.). — All. Dépr.
Biskra. Oued Souf. O. R’ir (Reboud). (Tun. Hisp. Sic.).
Candolleana (Sonchus Candolleanus Jaub. et Spach). — All. (Æg. Arab.
*angustifolia Coss. et DR. (Sonchus angustifolius Desf. ! — S. Lybicus Spach
ap. Balansa exsicc.). — Cot. All. (Tun.).
Sonchus tenerrimus L. — Pl. Cot. (Tun. Med.).
divaricatus Desf. — All. Pl. (Tun. Æg. Arab. Can.).
maritimus L. — All. (Tun. Eur. occ. austr.).
*quercifolius Desf. — All. Rav. Cot. Oued Biskra. El-Outaïa. (Tun.).
spinosus DC. — Roch. (Hisp. Arab. Pers. Can.).
Andryala tenuifolia DC. — All. (Tun. Med.).
Ragusina L. — Cot. Rav. Col-de-Sfa. (Med.).

Coris Monspeliensis L. — All. (Tun. Med. Æg.).

Nerium Oleander L. — All. (Tun. Med. Or.).

Periploca angustifolia Labill. — Roch. Cot. (Tun. Hisp. Sic. Syr.).
Dœmia cordata R. Br. — Pl. Cot. All. (Æg. Arab.).

Convolvulus lineatus L. — All. (Tun. Eur. austr. Or.).
Cressa Cretica L. — Dépr. All. Biskra. Blidet-Hameur (Reboud). (Tun. Med. Or.

Heliotropium Europæum L. — Pl. (Tun. Eur. As.).
supinum L. — Pl. All. (Tun. Med. Or.).
undulatum Vahl. — Pl. Rav. All. (Tun. Æg. Seneg.).
*Echium humile Desf. — Pl. Cot. (Tun.).
maritimum Willd. — Oued Retem (Hénon). (Tun. Med. austr.).
Echiochilon fruticosum Desf. — Roch. Cot. Pl. (Tun. Syr. Æg. Arab.).
Nonnea micrantha Boiss. et Reut. — Pl. (Hisp.).
*phaneranthera Viv. — Cot. (Tun. Trip. Mar. ?).
Anchusa hispida Forsk. — Cot. All. (Tun. Syr. Æg. Arab.).
Lithospermum Apulum L. — Pl. (Tun. Eur. austr. Or.).
callosum Vahl. — Pl. Oued R’ir (Hénon). Oued Souf (Reboud). (Æg. Arab.).
*Arnebia Vivianii Coss. et DR. — Pl. Dépr. (Tun. Trip.).
Echinospermum Vahlianum Lehm. — Pl. Cot. (Tun. Ross. austr. Cauc. Æg.
*Megastoma pusillum Coss. et DR. — Sabl. Biskra. Saada (Balansa).

Lycium mediterraneum Dun. — Rav. Cot. (Tun. Hisp. ? Græc. Syr.).

Verbascum sinuatum L. — All. (Tun. Med. Or.).
Celsia laciniata Poir. — Cot. All. (Tun. Hisp.).
*Linaria scariosa Desf. — All. de l’Oued Biskra (Hénon). (Tun.).
*fruticosa Desf. — Pl. Cot. Roch. (Tun.).
laxiflora Desf. — Pl. Cot. (Tun. Hisp. austr.).
*Antirrhinum ramosissimum Coss. et DR. — R. Cot. Rav. All. Montagne-de-sable
(Jamin). Oued Biskra.
Scrophularia deserti Delil. — Cot. Sabl. Montagne-de-sable (Jamin). (Syr.

Phelipæa lavandulacea Schultz. — All. (Trip. Hisp. Sic. Gall. austr. ? Græc. ?).
Schultzii Walp. (P. trichocalyx Webb. ; Orobanche Schultzii Mut.). — All.
(Tun. Hisp. Sic. Can.).
Muteli Schultz (Orobanche Muteli Schultz). — Id. (Tun. Med. Æg. Arab.).
Ægyptiaca Walp. (O. Delilei Decaisne). — Pl. (Tun. Græc. Syr. Æg.).
lutea Desf. — All. Sal. (Hisp. austr. Arab.).
*violacea Desf. — All. Sal. (Tun. Trip.).

Verbena supina L. — Dépr. All. (Tun. Med. austr. Æg. Can.).

Lavandula multifida L. — Cot. (Tun. Hisp. Lus. It.).
Thymus hirtus Willd. — Pl. (Tun. Hisp.).
Salvia lanigera Desf. — All. Roch. Pl. (Tun. Med. austr. Or.).
*Jaminiana de Noé. — All. Rav. (Jamin).
Ægyptiaca L. — Cot. Pl. (Tun. Æg. Or. Pers. Can.).
Marrubium Alysson L. — Pl. (Tun. Hisp. Sard. It. Or.).
*deserti de Noé — All. Dépr. Rav. Cot. Biskra (Jamin). Saada (Balansa). Oued
Ittel (Hénon). (Tun.).
Teucrium Polium — Pl. (Tun. Med. Or.).

Globularia Alypum L. — Cot. (Tun. Eur. austr. Mad. Or.).

Statice Thouini Viv. — Dépr. All. (Tun. Hisp. Æg. Arab. Can.).
*Bonduellii Lestib. — All. Cot. (Tun.).
globulariæfolia Desf. — Sal. Hum. (Gall. austr. Sard. Illyr.).
*cyrtostachya de Girard. — Id. (Tun.).
pruinosa L. — Hum. Sal. Fontaine-chaude (Jamin). (Tun. Syr. Æg. Arab.).
echioides L. — Dépr. All. (Tun. Med.).
*Limoniastrum Guyonianum DR. — Rav. Sal. Cot. Biskra. Tuggurt (Reboud).
*Bubania Feei de Girard. — Pl. Sabl. All. Biskra. Zaatcha (Felix Puel).

Plantago albicans L. — Pl. Rav. (Tun. Med.).
*Syrtica Viv. — Pl. All. (Tun. Trip.).
ovata Forsk. — Pl. All. Sabl. (Tun. Hisp. Æg. Arab. Pers. Ind.).
ciliata Desf. — Pl. All. (Tun. Æg. Arab.).
Lagopus L. — Pl. All. (Tun. Med. Or.).
amplexicaulis Cav. — All. (Tun. Hisp. Græc. Or. Can.).
Coronopus L. — Pl. Sabl. All. (Tun. Eur. Can.).
Psyllium L. — Pl. Cot. (Tun. Med. Or. Can.).

Beta vulgaris L. var. macrocarpa. — Sal. (Tun. Eur. austr.).
Blitum virgatum L. var. minus. — Pl. (Tun. Eur. austr. Or.).
Atriplex parvifolia Lowe (A. Mauritanica Boiss. et Reut.). — Pl. All. (Tun. Æg.
Halimus L. — Pl. Sal. (Eur. occ. austr. Or.).
Obione coriacea Moq.-Tand. (Atriplex coriacea Forsk.) — R. Pl. (Æg.).
Echinopsilon muricatus Moq.-Tand. (Cornulaca muricata Delile). — Pl. Sabl.
Biskra. Oued Souf ; Megarin ; Tuggurt (Reboud). (Tun. Æg. Arab.).
Halocnemum strobilaceum M. Bieb. — Sal. (Tun. Sard. Æg.).
Arthrocnemum fruticosum Moq.-Tand. — Sal. (Tun. Eur. austr. Or. Seneg.).
Suæda vermiculata Forsk. — Sal. (Med. austr. Ind. Can.).
fruticosa Forsk. — Sal. (Tun. Eur. occ. austr. Or. Can. Seneg.).
— var. brevifolia. — Sal. (Hisp. Æg.).
Traganum nudatum Delile. — Cot. All. Rav. (Æg. Arab.).
Caroxylon articulatum Moq.-Tand. — Pl. Cot (Tun. Hisp. Æg.).
tetragonum Moq.-Tand. — Sal. Biskra. Saada Tuggurt (Prax). (Tun. Æg.).
Salsola tetrandra Forsk. — Sal. (Æg.). vermiculata L. — Pl. Cot. (Tun. Hisp.
Sard. Sic. Græc. Cauc. Or.).
Sevada Schimperi Moq.-Tand. — R. R. Cot. Fontaine-chaude (Balansa). (Arab.).
Anabasis articulata Moq.-Tand. — Pl. Sal. Biskra. Saada. Tuggurt (Prax). (Hisp.
Æg. Arab.).
Halogeton sativus Moq.-Tand. — R. Sal. (Hisp. austr. Sib.).
Cornulaca monacantha Delil. — Tuggurt (Prax.). (Æg.).

Ærva Javanica Juss. — Cot. Chetma (Balansa). (Æg. Nub. Abyss. Seneg. Jav.

Polygonum equisetiforme Sibth. et Sm. — Pl. (Tun. Med. austr. Syr. Æg.).
Calligonum comosum L’Hérit. — Sabl. Montagne-de-sable (Balansa). (Æg.
Emex spinosa Campd. — All. Hum. (Tun. Med. austr.).
Rumex roseus Campd. — Hum. All. Dépr. (Tun. Or. Æg.).
vesicarius L. — Id. (Tun. Or. Æg. Arab.).

Passerina hirsuta L. — Pl. (Tun. Med. Or.).
*microphylla Coss. et DR. — Pl. All. (Tun.).

Euphorbia Chamæsyce L. — Dépr. (Tun. Eur. austr. Or.).
cornuta Pers. — Pl. All. (Tun. Æg.).
*calyptrata Coss. et DR. (sp. nov. ? E. cornutæ affinis). — All.
*Guyoniana Boiss. et Reut. — Sabl.
falcata L. — All. (Eur. centr. austr.).
*glebulosa Coss. et DR. — Pl. Rav. All. (Tun.).
Andrachne telephioides L. — Cot. (Med. austr. Or.).
Crozophora verbascifolia Adr. Juss. — Pl. All. (Tun. Hisp. austr. Or.).

Forskalea tenacissima L. — Pl. All. (Hisp. Æg. Ind.).

Cynomorium coccineum L. — Sal. (Hisp. austr. Sic. Melit. Cret. Æg. Can.).

Ephedra fragilis Desf. — Cot. Roch. (Med. austr. Æg. Arab.).

Ruppia rostellata Koch. — Eaux salées (Eur.).
Zannichellia macrostemon J. Gay. — Ruisseaux, fontaines. (Eur.).

Gagea reticulata Rœm et Sch. — Cot. (Tun. Cauc. Tauri. Syr.).
Uropetalum serotinum Ker. — Cot. (Tun. Med. occ. Can.).
Allium pallens L. — Pl. (Tun. Eur. austr.).
roseum L. — Pl. (Tun. Eur. austr. Or.).
Asphodelus fistulosus L. — Pl. (Tun. Med. Or.).
pendulinus Coss. et DR. — Sabl. (Arab.).

Asparagus albus L. — Cot. Roch. (Tun. Med. austr. Can.).
horridus L. — Pl. Cot. Biskra. El-Ouar (Hénon) (Tun. Med. austr.).

Juncus maritimus Lmk. — Hum. (Tun. Med.).
multiflorus Desf. — All. (Tun. Med. Æg.).
bufonius L. — Hum. (Tun. Eur. Sib. Æg. Arab. Am. bor.).

Cyperus conglomeratus Rottb. — Sabl. (Or. Æg. Arab.).
lævigatus L. var. distachyus (C. junciformis Desf.) — Hum. (Tun. Med. austr.
Or. Can. Nov. Holl.).
fuscus L. — Hum. (Eur. Or.).
longus L. var. badius (C. badius Desf.) — Id. (Med. austr. Æg.).
Schœnus nigricans L. — All. (Tun. Eur. Or.).
Heleocharis palustris R. Br. — Hum. (Tun. Eur. Or. Sib. Ind. B. sp.).
Scirpus Holoschœnus L. — Hum. (Tun. Eur. occ. austr. Or. Sib. Can.).
maritimus L. (S. tuberosus Desf.). — Hum. (Tun. Eur. Or. Seneg. B. sp.).
Carex divisa Huds. — Id. (Eur. Cauc.).

Lygeum Spartum Lœfl. — Pl. Cot. (Hisp. Sard. Cret. Æg.).
Alopecurus pratensis L. var. ventricosus. — All. (Eur. bor. Ross. Cauc. Sib.
Phalaris minor Retz. — Pl. All. (Tun. Eur. occ. austr. Arab. Can.).
Digitaria commutata Schult. — Sabl. Montagne-de-sable (Balansa). (Can. Gorg.
B. sp.).
Panicum Teneriffæ R. Br. — Cot. Roch. (Tun. It. austr. Sic. Arab. Can.).
Oplismenus Crus-Galli Kunth var. colonus. — All. (Tun. Med. Tropic.).
Pennisetum dichotomum Delile. — Pl. All. Dépr. (Æg. Arab.).
ciliare Link (Cenchrus ciliaris L.). — Pl. Cot. Roch. All. (Tun. Sic. Æg. Arab.
Can. B. sp.).
Imperata cylindrica P. B. — Bords des eaux. (Tun. Med. Æg. Arab. B. sp. Ind.
Erianthus Ravennæ P. B. — Id. (Med. Cauc.).
Andropogon hirtus L. — Cot. (Tun. Med. Æg. Nub. Can. B. sp.).
laniger Desf. — Pl. Cot. (Arab.).
annulatus Forsk. — Pl. All. (Tun. Æg. Nub. Pers. Arab. Can. B. sp. Ind.).
Piptatherum miliaceum Coss. (Agrostis miliacea L.). — Pl. (Tun. Med. Arab.).
Stipa parviflora Desf. — Pl. Cot. (Tun. Hisp. Cret. Arab.).
tortilis Desf. — Pl. (Tun. Med. Or. Can. B. sp.).
Aristida Adscensionis L. (A. cærulescens Desf.). — Pl. Cot. (Tun. Hisp. Sic. Syr.
Arab. Abyss. Seneg. Can. Brasil.).
— var. pumila (A. pumila Decaisne). — Pl.
Arthratherum pungens P. B. (A. pungens Desf.). — Pl. Sabl. (Tun. Syr. Æg.
Arab. Ross. austr.).
ciliatum Nees (Aristida ciliata Desf.). — Pl. Cot. Entre l’Oued Souf et Tuggurt
(Reboud). (Tun. Æg. Arab. B. sp.).
plumosum Nees (Aristida plumosa L.). — Pl. Cot. Biskra. Entre l’Oued Souf
et Tuggurt (Reboud). (Ross. austr. Syr. Pers. Æg. Nub. Arab.).
obtusum Nees (Aristida obtusa Delile). — Pl. Cot. (Æg. Arab. B. sp.).
Agrostis verticillata Vill. — All. Hum. (Med. Or. Can.).
Polypogon Monspeliensis Desf. — All. Hum. (Eur. occ. austr. Tun. Can. Am.
Phragmites communis Trin. var. Isiacus. — All. Hum. (Eur. austr. Or.).
Pappophorum scabrum Kunth. — Roch. Cot. (Balansa). (B. sp.).
brachystachyum Jaub. et Spach (P. Jaminianum Coss. et DR. olim). —
Roch. Cot. Montagne-de-sable (Jamin). (Arab.).
Cynodon Dactylon L. — Pl. (orbe fere toto).
Chloris villosa Pers. (Tetrapogon villosus Desf.). — Pl. Cot. Roch. (Tun. Arab.
Pers. Can.).
Trisetum pumilum Kunth (Avena pumila Desf.) — Pl. (Tun. Hisp. Æg. Arab.
Pers. Can. B. sp.).
Danthonia Forskalii Trin. — Pl. Sabl. Biskra. Abondant entre Megarin et l’Oued
Souf (Reboud). (Æg. Arab.).
Ammochloa subacaulis Balansa. (A. Palæstina Boiss.). — Sabl. (Balansa). (Tun.
Hisp. Palæst. Cilic.).
Eragrostis vulgaris Coss. et Germ. var. megastachya (Briza Eragrostis L.). —
Pl. All. (Eur. Or. As. B. sp. Am. bor. et austr.).
— var. microstachya (Poa Eragrostis L.). — Pl. Cot. All. (Eur. centr. austr. As.
Can. Am. bor.).
Kœleria pubescens P. B. — Pl. All. (Tun. Med. occ.).
phleoides Pers. — Pl. All. (Tun. Med.).
Schismus calycinus Coss. et DR. (Festuca calycina L.). — Dépr. Hum. (Tun.
Med. Or. B. sp.).
Æluropus littoralis Parlat. (Poa littoralis Gouan) var. intermedius. — Pl. Dépr.
Sal. Biskra. Megarin ; Tuggurt (Reboud). (Tun. Æg.).
Festuca divaricata Desf. var. Memphitica (F. Memphitica Coss. ; Dactylis
Memphitica Spreng.). — Sabl. (Tun. Hisp. austr. Casp. Æg. Arab.).
Sphenopus divaricatus Trin. (Poa divaricata Gouan). — Dépr. Hum. (Tun. Med.).
Bromus maximus Desf. var. Gussonii Parlat. — Pl. (Eur. austr.).
rubens L. — Pl. (Med.).
Brachypodium distachyum Rœm. et Schult. — Pl. (Tun. Med. Or.).
Triticum Orientale M. Bieb. — Dépr. All. (Tauri. Ross. austr. Cauc. Arm. Pers.).
Hordeum murinum L. — Pl. (Eur. Or. B. sp.).
maritimum With. — All. Bords des eaux. (Eur. occ. austr.).
Ægilops ovata L. var. triaristata. — Pl. (Tun. Med. Or.).
Lepturus incurvatus Trin. — Sal. (Tun. Eur. austr. Or.).

Cheilanthes odora Sw. — Roch. (Tun. Med.).

L’une des herborisations les plus intéressantes des environs de

Biskra est, sans contredit, celle du lit de la rivière où se trouvent
réunies presque toutes les plantes de la région, plus quelques-unes
appartenant à d’autres régions, et que les eaux y ont apportées ; les
berges offrent les plantes des lieux secs ou des rochers, les
alluvions une partie de celles des sables et celles des lieux humides.
— En remontant le cours de l’Oued Biskra, on voit, à peu de
distance du fort Saint-Germain, vers les sources abondantes et
chargées de matières salines qui mêlent leurs eaux à celles de la
rivière, l’Arundo Donax, le Phragmites communis var. Isiacus,
l’Erianthus Ravennæ, et des Tamarix former d’épais fourrés et
constituer le fond de la végétation. Sur les berges se trouvent de
nombreux buissons du Nitraria tridentata et du Limoniastrum
Guyonianum. Près de l’ancien fort turc, construit au sommet d’un
coteau aride qui domine le cours de l’Oued Biskra, les alluvions
étendues de la rivière présentent un grand nombre d’espèces
intéressantes, entre autres les :
Hussonia Ægiceras.
Moricandia teretifolia.
Reseda eremophila.
— Aucheri.
Cleome Arabica.
Trigonella Ægyptiaca.
— anguina.
*Medicago secundiflora.
*Astragalus geniculatus.
Sclerocephalus Arabicus.
*Nolletia chrysocomoides.
*Rhanterium adpressum.
*Francœuria laciniata.
Cladanthus Arabicus.
*Chlamydophora pubescens.
*Centaurea microcarpa.
Lomatolepis glomerata.
*Sonchus quercifolius.
Anchusa hispida.
*Antirrhinum ramosissimum.
*Linaria scariosa.
Phelipæa lutea.
— violacea.
*Salvia Jaminiana.
*Marrubium deserti.
*Plantago Syrtica.
Traganum nudatum.
Rumex roseus.
— vesicarius.
*Passerina microphylla.
*Euphorbia calyptrata sp. nov. ?
Forskalea tenacissima.
Aristida Adscensionis.
Andropogon annulatus.

Le Pennisetum dichotomum y forme de larges touffes, et nous y

rencontrons les Anvillea radiata, Bubania Feei, Statice Bonduellii. —
Sur les coteaux argileux qui avoisinent le fort croissent la plupart des
plantes des stations analogues ; nous y remarquons le
Gymnarrhena micrantha, le Fagonia latifolia et l’Erodium hirtum, dont
les fibres radicales sont terminées par d’épais renflements charnus
d’une saveur sucrée. — Les coteaux pierreux qui s’élèvent en face

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