Tips For More Adv. Debug

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This mod adds new features and commands to the debug console, which can be accessed

through the F5 key. The new features are:

� "debug" no longer required in launch options (or in target)

� Ctrl + C copys the text you have in the command line
� Ctrl + V pastes what you have in your clipboard into the command line
� Ctrl + R clears the command line
� Ctrl + Z puts the last command you used into the command line
� Ctrl + L clears command history
� Tab chooses the first search suggestion, and pressing it multiple times loops
through all the suggestions
Some changes have been made to already existing commands:

� panic has a second argument, setting it to 1 will make the first argument be in
seconds, and 0 makes it like the original.
� player_room now only accepts rooms and not other assets.

There are also new commands now:

� set_score: Sets the score to the value you put in. There's also an
optional second value which sets "collectN", which I think the N means
noise or something, I don't know.
� unlosep: If you lose your combo, this command makes the game forget you lost it,
and the level's p rankable again.
� alwaysp: Toggles whether or not not losing your combo is a p rank requirement.
� treasure: Toggles whether or not you have the treasure.

� secret: Sets the amount of secrets found to the value you put in. (minium is 1,
and max is 3.)
� endlevel: Ends the level. There's also an optional rank argument, which
allows you to set what rank you end the level with. The rank must be
lowercase. (ex. d, c, b, a, s, p)

� create: This creates the object you put in, along with an
x,y parameter which sets the location the object is created at relative
to peppino's location (x and y must be seperated with a comma and no
space). If x and y aren't provided, the location defaults to peppino's

� destroy: This destroys the object you put in. Example:"destroy obj_ratblock"
destroys all the ?Bricks in your way.

� laplimit:
This sets the amount of laps you can do. Zero means infinite, and one
means no lap portal. Laps after lap 2 just act the same as lap 2,
sending peppino back to the start and not changing the timer.

� onlap:
This command is complicated. The first value you put in is the lap you
want the commands to be run on, and the rest are the commands to be run.
To demonstrate, example: "onlap 3 create obj_pizzaface" makes pizzaface
spawn on lap 3. Multiple commands are seperated with a comma and then a
space, and will be ran in order. When nested, single comma refers to the outer
command, double comma refers to the command inside, and so on. Lap 1 means when you

hit pillar john.

� pizzaspeed: If pizzaface is active, this changes

both the speed at which he becomes opaque and the speed he chases you at
to the value you put in.

� pizzareset: If pizzaface is active, this resets him back to transparent, and has
to become opaque again.

� pizzainv: Makes you immune to pizzaface timing you up.

� hurtinv:
Makes you immune to getting hurt by enemies and bosses. Note: if Fake
Peppino grabs you, and hurtinv is on, it will softlock you and make you
stuck in a "hurt" state. You can get out by running noclip, or get hit by fake
peppino's frog attack/jump.

� timerinv:
When you run out of time, this prevents pizzaface from spawning. On the
crumbling tower of pizza, this also prevents you from getting times up
when running out of time.

� warinv: When the war timer runs out, this prevents you from getting times up.

� waradd: This add the number of seconds you put in to the war timer.

� warset: This sets the time remaining on the war timer.

� character:
This changes your character. "P" for peppino, "N" for pogo noise, "NN"
for skateboard noise, "V" for vigilante, and "M" for pepperman. Any
other value does weird stuff.

� hurt: This hurts peppino, ignoring hurtinv. Don't why you'd want to hurt him, but
the command's there.

� set_damage:
This sets the amount of damage you have taken. The first value sets the
damage of peppino or gustavo depending on who you're playing currently,
and the second value sets the damage of the other of the two.

� playerhp: Sets the player hp in boss fights.

� bosshp:
Sets the boss's hp in boss fights. Note: For vigilante phase 2, and
fake peppino phase 1 & 2, setting it to 0 crashes the game for some
� panicadd: Adds a percent of the timer to the time remaining. To be specific, 100
would mean all of the timer, 0 would mean none of the timer, and so on.
� panicset: Sets the time remaining to a percent of the timer. Percents work the
same as panicadd.
� roomreset: This resets the room, which is something you can't do with
player_room. There's an optional door argument if you want to come out of a
different spot.
� onroomstart: This runs commands on the start of the room, and it works the same
way as onlap. The first argument is the room to run on the start of, which you can
set to 0 to apply to every room. The second argument is the lap to run it on, set
to 0 to do it regardless of lapping. The rest are the commands.
� onroomend: Same as onroomstart, but it does it on the end, rather than the start.
� sprite: Sets the object to the specified sprite. The first argument is the
object, and the second is the sprite. You can set sprite to 0 to make the object
invisible, and if you don't set it, then it just resets the object's sprite.
There's a third optional argument which sets a constant speed of the sprite to
whatever you want.

� charge: This sets the charge variable for supertaunting. 10 means you can
supertaunt, and the values below determine how many more enemies you need to kill
to get supertaunt.
� roomtaunt: This toggles whether or not supertaunting affects the entire room
rather than just what's on screen. Very overpowered!
� snick: Toggles snick chasing you throughout the level. (for some reason, this
command is broken.)
� morecreate: This is the create command but more advanced. There are now 3
coordinates a,b c,d e,f. The resulting create position x is a% of room width + c%
of peppino x + d, and the y is b% of room height + d% of peppino y + f. (Hopefully
understandable) All 3 coordinates are required.
� teleport: Teleports the object to the desired location. First argument is the
object, and the second is the coordinate. It uses the same coordinates as create.
� moreteleport: teleport, but with the morecreate coordinates.
� alarm: Sets an alarm. The first argument is the alarm number to set, which goes
from 0 to 11. The second is how many frames until the alarm should go off. Only
useful with onalarm.
� onalarm: Runs commands when the alarm goes off, same style as onlap. First
argument is the alarm number to run for, and the rest are the commands. Worth
mentioning that you can put the alarm command inside of onalarm to make the
commands run every x frames.
� multi: Runs multiple commands at once, which is especially useful for timed
events. The arguments are the commands to put in.
� persist: This toggles the persistance value of objects, which is whether or not
it stays when you change rooms. The first argument is the object. The second
argument is whether or not to set it to true or false. If you don't set it, it just
toggles the value.
� pillarinv: This prevents John Pillar from starting pizza time.
� ghostinv: This prevents John Ghost from catching you.
� scoreadd: This adds to the score. The first argument adds to the score, and the
second adds to "collectN".
onpress: This runs the commands when the player presses a key. The first argument
is the key to press, and the rest are the commands. Only number and letter keys
work, and letters must be capitalized.

Unadded/Halloween Update Commands:

editor: crashes the game, don't know why.

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