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Nama : Desyuswar Gea

NIM : 043898677
UPBJJ : Medan

Mind Map of The Materials

Peta Konsep
Bahasa Inggris / MKWI4201/3 sks

Tujuan dan Tinjauan Mata Kuliah:

Setelah mengikuti matakuliah ini mahasiswa mampu berkomunikasi dalam
bahasa inggris bentuk lisan dan tulisan secara berterima dalam konteks bisnis
dan perkantoran.

1. Dua Cara Berkomunikasi dalam 2. Hal-Hal yang Anda Pelajari 3. Menulis Email Informal dan Memo
Bahasa Inggris Dalam Bisnis Bisnis
 Bahasa Tidak Formal/Kasual  Di Kantor  Menulis Email Informal
 Bahasa Formal Dalam Bisnis  Part Of Speech dan Basic  Memo Bisnis
Punctuation And

4. Seni Surat – Menyurat Dalam Bisnis 5. Letter Of Request 6. Letters Of Appreciation 7. Surat Lamaran Kerja Dan CV
 Memahami Berbagai Macam  Surat Permintaan  Thanking Dalam  Surat Lamaran Kerja (An
Format Surat Bisnis  Complaint Later Komunikasi Formal/Bisnis Application Letter)
 Unsur-unsur Surat Bisnis Formal  Informal Thanking Letter  Curriculum Vitae

8. Membuat Janji dan Memberi 9. Ragam Cara Komunikasi Bisnis

Penjelasan Detail  Bertukar Ide Dengan Orang Lain di
 Membuat Janji Dalam Kantor
Bisnis  Membuat Kesimpulan dalam
 Memberi Penjelasan Pertemuan
detail  Membaca Artikel Dengan Metode

1. Between session 1-8, which one do you enjoy the most? Why?

I really liked session 1 which taught about the difference between formal, informal, and

slang English and how to use it properly.

2. Between session 1-8, which one do you enjoy the least? Why?

I have a little difficulty in sessions 7 and 8 regarding application letters and CVs, I don't

really understand with these two letter

3. Between module 1-9, which topic(s) is/are new to

Session 7 and8 about CV and application letter

4. Between module 1-9, which topic(s) are you most confident with?

Session 1 and 2 about the difference between formal, informal, and grammar

5. Between module 1-9, which topic(s) are you least confident with?

Session 7 and 8

Looking back to your learning progress this semester, what English skill have improved? What

would you hope to learn more? How are you going to prepare for the upcoming


I feel that my ability to process words in English has improved, the number of vocabs has

increased and I can understand English from the basics, namely formal informal language and

grammar. I want to learn more about grammar, because good grammar is the beginning of


The preparation that I did to face the UAS was to deepen the material that I had not mastered,

especially application letters and CV.

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